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Abstract A key is provided to twenty-four western Palaearctic species of Urophora Robineau-Desvoidy. The hosts of twenty-three species which attack Asteraceae are listed, including those being used or investigated as possible weed biocontrol agents. The species are divided into four species groups and the differing host relationships and types of galls induced by these groups are discussed. U.lopholomae sp.n. and U.affinis ssp. calcitrapae ssp.n., associated with Centaurea (Lopholoma) spp. and C. (Calcitrapa) spp. respectively, are described. U. algerica (Hering) and U.sjumorum (Rohdendorf) are both treated as subspecies of U. quadrifasciata (Meigen). U.pontica is given full specific status and U.hispanica is removed from synonymy. The following new synonymies are made (junior synonyms in parentheses): U. angustifascia (Hering) (= Euribia phaeocera Hering); U. cardui (Linnaeus) (= U. reaumurii Robineau-Desvoidy, lectotype designated); U. jaceana (Hering) (= E.conyzae Hering); U.maura (Frauenfeld) (= E. tecta Hering); U. mauritanica Macquart (= U. lejura Rondani, Trypeta macrura Loew); U.solstitialis (Linnaeus) (= E.sonderupi Hering, U. veruata Rondani ); U.stylata (Fabricius) (= E.pia Hering, U. vulcaanica Rondani); U. terebrans (Loew) (= E. approximata Hering, T. eriolepidis Loew, E. manni Hendel). The possibility that U. quadrifasciata is a species complex is discussed; it is also suggested that U.affinis and U.jaceana represent the morphological extremes of a complex. The misuse of the name Musca stylata Fabricius in the genus Myopites Blot is noted.  相似文献   

记述了海南突眼蝇科Diopsidae泰突眼蝇属Teleopsis2新种,即海南泰突眼蝇Teleopsis hainanensis sp.nov.及拟截泰突眼蝇Teleopsis pseudotruncata sp.nov.,并讨论了它们与近缘种的区别.新种模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

Based on a revision of large recent collections housed by Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Masaryk University, Brno, and in the private collection of Yu. Verves (Kyiv, Ukraine), new distributional data and an updated and commented list of Czech and Slovak Sarcophagidae are presented. The following six species are firstly recorded from the Czech Republic: Macronychia (s. str.) substriginervis Verves & Khrokalo, 2006, Paragusia multipunctata (Rondani, 1859), Oebalia praeclusa (Pandellé, 1895), Nyctia lugubris (Macquart, 1843), Blaesoxipha dupuisi Léonide & Léonide, 1973, and B. grylloctona Loew, 1861. As a result, 143 species of the family Sarcophagidae are currently known from the Czech Republic (109 from Bohemia and 129 from Moravia), and 131 species are known from Slovakia.  相似文献   

Salivary gland extract (SGE) of four horsefly species (Hybomitra bimaculata Macquart, Hybomitra ciureai Séguy, Tabanus bromius L., Tabanus glaucopis Meigen) and one deerfly species (Chrysops relictus Meigen) (Diptera: Tabanidae) were shown to contain vasodilatory activity. Aliquots equivalent to 1, 5 and 10 pairs of salivary glands (SG) relaxed rat femoral artery (with intact endothelium) pre-constricted with phenylephrine. Vasodilatory activity was dose-dependent. SGE of one horsefly species (Haematopota pluvialis L.) did not induce relaxation. The kinetics of vasodilation induced by SGE of four horsefly species differed from the deerfly. These results indicate that tabanid species may produce more than one type of vasodilator to aid blood feeding.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Pollenia viatica species-group ( =pallida species-group) is defined and described. It consists of P.bicolor Robineau-Desvoidy, P.bulgarica Jacentkovsk, P.fulvipalpis Macquart, P.mediterranea Grunin, P.ruficrura Rondani, stat.rev., P.viatica Robineau-Desvoidy, stat.rev. (= P.pallida Rodendorf, syn.n.) and P.ponti sp.n. It is mono-phyletic, mainly on the basis of a synapomorphic ovipositor tip, and the vagabunda species-group is its sister group. A key to all species is provided, the terminalia of both sexes illustrated and all taxa redescribed. Lectotypes are designated for Pollenia bisulca Pandellé, P.ruficrura Rondani and P.viatica Robineau-Desvoidy. Pollenia ruficrura is removed from its current status as a nomen dubium. Pollenia bicolor and P.ponti are western Mediterranean species, the latter also occurs in Czechoslovakia. P.fulvipalpis is endemic to France and Channel Islands. P.ruficrura is known only from Corsica and Italy. P.mediterranea is an eastern Mediterranean species reaching east to Armenia. P.bulgarica is distributed from Hungary to Caucasus. P.viatica is widespread from France, Great Britain and Southern Scandinavia to Central Asia. All species are summer or autumn species, and seem to have only one generation each year. The immature stages and life-cycle of a species from Paris, France, named 'Pollenia rudis' by Keilin (1909, 1915) are tentatively assigned to P. viatica . It survives the winter as a first instar larva within the earthworm Allolobophora chlorotica Savigny.  相似文献   

记述边蚜蝇属1新种:中条山边蚜蝇Didea zhongtiaoshanensis sp.nov.,提供了边蚜蝇属中国已知种类检索表。模式标本保存于陕西理工学院标本馆。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The phylogenetic relationships of two sphaerocerid genera, Alloborborus Duda (1923) and Crumomyia Macquart (1835), are analysed, and their taxonomic status within the tribe Copromyzini (= Copromyza Fallén s.lat.) is clarified. Accepted here are a monotypic Alloborborus , which includes A.pallifrons (FalléAn) from northern and central Europe, and twenty-six species of the Holarctic Crumomyia. Within Crumomyia , five species-groups are recognized: pedestris group: pedestris (Meigen); annulus group: immensa (Spuler), maculipennis (Spuler), annulus (Walker), nipponica (Richards), pruinosa (Richards); notabilis group: glabifrons (Meigen), glacialis (Meigen), absoloni (Bezzi), notabilis (Collin), rohaceki sp.n., zuskai (Roháček); nitida group: nitida (Meigen); setitibialis group: setitibialis (Spuler), pilosa sp.n., nigra (Meigen), parentela (Séguy), deemingi (Hackman), pollinodorsata (Papp), subaptera (Malloch), gelida (Hackman), fimetaria (Meigen), roserii (Rondani); unplaced species: hentscheli (Duda), hungarica (Duda), promethei (Nartshuk). Apterina Macquart, Fungobia Lioy and Speomyia Bezzi are synonymized with Crumomyia , and the following nominal species are synonymized: tuxeni Collin with nigra, freyi Hackman with setitibialis , and annulipes Duda with annulus. C. pruinosa is considered distinct from annulus, and Copromyza subaptera is placed in Crumomyia. The identity of C.glacialis , the type species of Crumomyia , is clarified, and lectotypes are designated for five nominal species: rufoannulata Duda, annulipes, annulus, flavipennis Haliday and pallifrons. The cladistic relationships of the species of Crumomyia and Alloborborus are established and their phylogeny and biogeography are discussed. Keys to the species of Crumomyia and to the Holarctic genera of the Copromyzinae are provided.  相似文献   

Abstract The Neotropical species of Drapetis Meigen are reviewed, and eight new species are described: alimacula , from Trinidad; atrinervalis , from Bahamas; naevia , from El Salvador; onconeura , from Costa Rica; steyskali , from Mexico; stictica , from Jamaica; tibialis , from Panama; and tuberculata , from Costa Rica. A lectotype is designated for Drapetis divergens Loew; Drapetis intermedia Smith is newly synonymized with divergens Loew. Two new species groups are described, the divergens group and the naica group. Two keys are provided: one distinguishing the Neotropical species of Drapetis ; the other distinguishing Drapetis Meigen, Crossopalpus Bigot and Elaphropeza Macquart. Drapetis flavicornis Melander, inermis Melander and zonalis Curran are assigned to Elaphropeza Macquart, new combinations, and redescribed. The heretofore unknown male of Elaphropeza flavicornis is described.  相似文献   

记述采自中国云南的果实蝇属(双翅目,实蝇科)1新种,陈氏果实蝇Bactrocera (Bactrocera) cheni sp.nov.,模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究所。  相似文献   

The genus Brachygasterina Macquart (Muscidae), comprising seven species, is endemic in South America. Three new species are herein described from the highlands of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. A key to the species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   

四川省菌蚊一新种记述:双翅目:菌蚊科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述采自四川省真菌蚊属Mycomyal新种,青城真菌蚊,Mycomyaqingchenganasp.nov.。  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):507-515
对中国实蝇科的羽角实蝇属Gastrozona Bezzi 进行了全面概述和厘订,本属在我国现知共有8种, 其中包括一个新种:汉氏羽角实蝇G. hancochi sp. Nov.;一个中国新记录种:微连羽角实蝇G. soror (Schiner)。附脉羽角实蝇G. appendiculata Zia 以前曾被误作是笋黄羽角实蝇G. fasciventris(Macquart)的同物异名,现提出恢复其种的地位。 除描述新种外,还提供中国羽角实蝇属已知种类的鉴别特征、分种检索表及其特征图。  相似文献   

本文记述我国发现的裸背寄蝇属Istochaeta Rondani2新种,长尾裸背寄蝇Istochaeta longicauda Liang et Chao和聂拉木裸背寄蝇Istochaeta nyalamensis Chao et Liang并附特征图。  相似文献   

首次报道绒瘦足蝇属Rainieria在我国大陆有2种分布,描述新种三鬃绒瘦足蝇Rainieria triseta sp.nov.,重新描述亮翅绒瘦足蝇Rainieria leucochira Czerny,并编制我国绒瘦足蝇属分种检索表。三鬃绒瘦足蝇,新种Rainieria triseta sp.nov.(图5~8,11~12)新种独特,头部具3根眶鬃,容易与本属其他种区分。正模♂,辽宁宽甸大华山,2009-07-13,王俊潮采。副模1♂,黑龙江帽儿山,1984-06-23。词源:新种种名意指头部眶鬃数目。  相似文献   

噪寄蝇属Campylocheta隶属于双翅目寄蝇科长足寄蝇亚科Dexiinae噪寄蝇族Campylochetini,其幼虫一般寄生于鳞翅目夜蛾科和尺蛾科的幼虫;世界性分布。本属区别于其它近缘属的特征为:复眼具黄色密长毛;颜堤在下2/3或更多部分具鬃;单眼鬃发达,通常后倾;触角第3节长于第2节3倍以上,触角芒裸,在基部1/5~1/2变粗;前胸前侧片具密的淡色毛;背中鬃3+3;小盾端鬃强,交叉后伸;翅肩鳞黑色;前缘基鳞红黄色;腹部第1+2合背板无中缘鬃。本研究的腹噪寄蝇C.abdominalis、双鬃噪寄蝇C.bisetosa和毛颜噪寄蝇C.hirticeps为中国新纪录分布;褐脉噪寄蝇C.fuscinervis、马来噪寄蝇C.malaisei和巨尾噪寄蝇C.magnicauda为中国分布已知种;编制了中国本属8个种的检索表。首次描述了产自我国的2新种;新种模式标本及其它研究标本均保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SNU)。  相似文献   

平须舞虻属Platypalpus Macquart是舞虻科中最大的属之一,已知550余种分布世界各地.四川以前已知8种.本文记述四川平须舞虻属3新种:短芒平须舞虻Platypalpus breviarista sp.nov.,微距平须舞虻Platypalpus minor sp.nov.和亚丁平须舞虻Platypalpus yadinganus sp.nov,均属于长角平须舞虻种团Platypalpus longicornis species group,并编制了四川平须舞虻属分种检索表.  相似文献   

记述自中国云南的果实蝇属Bactrocera Macquart 1新种,即保山果实蝇Bactrocera (Zeugodacus)baoshanensis,sp.nov..模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究所.  相似文献   

The genus Brachygasterina Macquart is Neotropical, with six species recorded from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. A new species was found among an extensive unidentified muscid material from South America in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences collection (San Francisco, California, U.S.A.). Brachygasterina maculata, new species, from Santiago, Chile, is here described and illustrated, and its position in the genus Brachygasterina is discussed.  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群:双色妙蝇群Myospila bina species group并描述新种群1新种:长妙蝇Myospi lalonga sp.nov.。文中给出了双色妙蝇群的定义,编制了新种群所有已知种的检索表,描述了其详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

Abstract. Courtoisia , a new genus of rarely encountered taeniapterine Micropezidae (Diptera), is described from the Mascarene Islands of Réunion and Mauritius. The affinities of Courtoisia with other Old World genera of Taeniap-terinae, most notably those from the Afrotropical Region, are discussed. A possible derivation of Courtoisia from ancestral stock of the African genus Cephalosphen Hennig, 1934 is suggested. A tentative theory to explain the dispersal of a founder population from Africa to the Mascarene Islands is discussed. Courtoisia was erected to accommodate Calobata apicalis and C.trinotata , both described from Réunion by Macquart in 1851. Both species are redescribed on the basis of all available material and a lectotype is designated for Calobata trinotata. A key to the species of Courtoisia is presented.  相似文献   

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