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The 70-kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70) constitutes the most conserved protein present in all organisms that is known to date. Based on global alignment of HSP70 sequences from organisms representing all three domains, numerous sequence signatures that are specific for prokaryotic and eukaryotic homologs have been identified. HSP70s from the two archaebacterial species examined (viz., Halobacterium marismortui and Methanosarcina mazei) have been found to contain all eubacterial but no eukaryotic signature sequences. Based on several novel features of the HSP70 family of proteins (viz., presence of tandem repeats of a 9-amino-acid [a.a.] polypeptide sequence and structural similarity between the first and second quadrants of HSP70, homology of the N-terminal half of HSP70 to the bacterial MreB protein, presence of a conserved insert of 23–27 a.a. in all HSP70s except those from archaebacteria and gram-positive eubacteria) a model for the evolution of HSP70 gene from an early stage is proposed. The HSP70 homologs from archaebacteria and gram-positive bacteria lacking the insert in the N-terminal quadrants are indicated to be the ancestral form of the protein. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of HSP70 sequence data (viz., by bootstrap analyses, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods) provide evidence that archaebacteria are not monophyletic and show a close evolutionary linkage with the gram-positive eubacteria. These results do not support the traditional archaebacterial tree, where a close relationship between archaebacterial and eukaryotic homologs is observed. To explain the phylogenies based on HSP70 and other gene sequences, a model for the origin of eukaryotic cells involving fusion between archaebacteria and gram-negative eubacteria is proposed. Correspondence to: R. S. Gupta  相似文献   

Abstract The HSP70 genes of eukaryotes show up to 50% nucleotide sequence homology to the dna K gene of Escherichia coli . This extreme structure conservation implies conservation of a function that may be needed by all cells, suggesting that other bacteria may have sequences related to HSP70 and dna K. Amongst other functions, HSP70-like proteins may act to limit thermal protein denaturation. In this study DNA isolated from thermophilic archaebacteria (from the family Desulfurococcus ) and thermophilic eubacteria (from the families Bacillus and Thermus ) was probed with sequences from a heat shock inducible HSP70 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Hybridization was detected under conditions of low stringency, indicating the existence of HSP70-related sequences in the thermophilic bacteria studied.  相似文献   

Unrooted phylogenetic dendrograms were calculated by two independent methods, parsimony and distance matrix analysis, from an alignment of the derived amino acid sequences of the A and C subunits of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerases of the archaebacteria Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and Halobacterium halobium with 12 corresponding sequences including a further set of archaebacterial A+C subunits, eukaryotic nuclear RNA polymerases, pol I, pol II, and pol III, eubacterial beta' and chloroplast beta' and beta" subunits. They show the archaebacteria as a coherent group in close neighborhood of and sharing a bifurcation with eukaryotic pol II and (or) pol IIIA components. The most probable trees show pol IA branching off from the tree separately at a bifurcation with the eubacterial beta' lineage. The implications of these results, especially for understanding the possibly chimeric origin of the eukaryotic nuclear genome, are discussed.  相似文献   

A ribosomal protein which exhibits cross-reaction between organisms belonging to the eubacterial, archaebacterial and eukaryotic groups was studied by immunoblotting analysis. It was identified as the equivalent of the E. coli ribosomal protein L2.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1985,188(2):233-238
Specific cleavage with aniline provides a rapid and convenient method for establishing the presence and approximate location of 7-methyl-guanine (m7G) residues in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules. Using this approach, we have shown that a single m7G occurs roughly 465 bases from the 5'-end of 16 S rRNA from the archaebacterium. Thermoplasma acidophilum, but that this modified base is absent from several other archaebacterial 16 S rRNAs. We have also demonstrated that a unique m7G is found some 220–230 bases from the 3'-terminus of a number of eukaryotic 18 S rRNAs. In both cases, m7G is present within evolutionarily conserved structural features, suggesting that this base may optimize the activity of functionally important regions of rRNAs in a kingdom-specific fashion.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative determinations of polyamines have been done in 4 photosynthetic eubacteria and 6 extreme-halophilic archaebacteria. For comparison, 5 moderate-halophilic eubacteria were also analyzed to determine their polyamine contents. Not only putrescine and spermidine but also homospermidine were found in the photosynthetic eubacteria, especially in the N2-fixing species, Rhodospirillum and Chromatium. Norspermidine, norspermine, and spermine were not detected in the phototrophic eubacteria. No appreciable amount of any polyamine was found in extreme-halophilic archaebacteria, Halobacterium and Halococcus, while moderate-halophilic eubacteria contained quite high concentrations of putrescine and spermidine and cadaverine. When arginine was incubated with cell lysates of these two archaebacteria, appreciable amounts of agmatine were produced; neither putrescine nor cadaverine was formed in the presence of ornithine or lysine. No detectable amount of spermidine was produced by the lysates on incubation with putrescine.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the isolation of a second gene in the newly identified pyridoxine biosynthesis pathway of archaebacteria, some eubacteria, fungi, and plants. Although pyridoxine biosynthesis has been thoroughly examined in Escherichia coli, recent characterization of the Cercospora nicotianae biosynthesis gene PDX1 led to the discovery that most organisms contain a pyridoxine synthesis gene not found in E. coli. PDX2 was isolated by a degenerate primer strategy based on conserved sequences of a gene specific to PDX1-containing organisms. The role of PDX2 in pyridoxine biosynthesis was confirmed by complementation of two C. nicotianae pyridoxine auxotrophs not mutant in PDX1. Also, targeted gene replacement of PDX2 in C. nicotianae results in pyridoxine auxotrophy. Comparable to PDX1, PDX2 homologues are not found in any of the organisms with homologues to the E. coli pyridoxine genes, but are found in the same archaebacteria, eubacteria, fungi, and plants that contain PDX1 homologues. PDX2 proteins are less well conserved than their PDX1 counterparts but contain several protein motifs that are conserved throughout all PDX2 proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-six thermophilic archaebacteria and nine extremely thermophilic eubacteria have been screened on solid media for extracellular amylase, protease, hemicellulase (xylanase), cellulase, pectinase and lipase activities. Extracellular enzymes were detected in 14 archaebacteria belonging to three different orders. Twelve of these were able to degrade starch and casein and the two Thermofilum strains were able to degrade starch, xylan and carboxymethylcellulose. Three of the eubacteria could degrade only starch. The other six (including four Thermotoga strains) all had activity against starch, xylan and carboxymethylcellulose, and one also had activity against casein. Some of the amylolytic archaebacteria released -glucosidase, -glucosidase, amylase and transglucosylase activities into liquid media containing starch or maltose. Thermotoga strain FjSS3B.1 released amylase, xylanase, cellulase and -glucosidase activities into the medium when grown in the presence of substrates. When the partially purified enzymes from Thermotoga and some of the archaebacteria were compared with known thermostable enzymes the majority were found to be the most thermostable of their type. The -glucosidase, xylanase and cellulase from Thermotoga and two -glucosidases, a -glucosidase, an amylase and a pullulanase from archaebacteria all have half-lives of at least 15 min at 105°C.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase purified from vegetative cells of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 contains a dissociable sigma factor and a core of five subunits: the beta', beta, and two alpha subunits characteristic of all eubacteria and an additional 66,000-molecular-weight polypeptide called gamma. Fifteen of fifteen strains of unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria tested contained a serologically related gamma protein. Antiserum to gamma reacted with Escherichia coli beta' and the A subunit of RNA polymerase of the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Thus the evolution of the RNA polymerase beta' subunit has followed different paths in three groups of procaryotes: cyanobacteria, other eubacteria, and archaebacteria.  相似文献   

A number of eubacterial species contain methyl-accepting taxis proteins that are antigenically and thus structurally related to the well-characterized methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins of Escherichia coli. Recent studies of the archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium have characterized methyl-accepting taxis proteins that in some ways resemble and in other ways differ from the analogous eubacterial proteins. We used immunoblotting with antisera raised to E. coli transducers to probe shared structural features of methyl-accepting proteins from archaebacteria and eubacteria and found substantial antigenic relationships. This implies that the genes for the contemporary methyl-accepting proteins are related through an ancestral gene that existed before the divergence of arachaebacteria and eubacteria. Analysis by immunoblot of mutants of H. halobium defective in taxis revealed that some strains were deficient in covalent modification of methyl-accepting proteins although the proteins themselves were present, while other strains appeared to be missing specific methyl-accepting proteins.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is a topoisomerase which positively supercoils closed circular plasmid DNA. Reverse gyrase activity is restricted to the thermoacidophilic group of archaebacteria. Thermophilic methanogens and eubacteria and all mesophilic organisms screened had no reverse gyrase activity. The result supports the deep phylogenetic divergence in archaebacterial evolution.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA from a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms has been assayed for the simple repeat sequence poly(dT-dG).poly(dC-dA) by Southern blotting and DNA slot blot hybridizations. Consistent with findings of others, we have found the simple alternating sequence to be present in multiple copies in all organisms in the animal kingdom (e.g., mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, insects, jellyfish, nematodes). The TG element was also found in lower eukaryotes (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Neurospora crassa, and Dictyostelium discoideum) and at a much lower frequency in protozoans (Oxytricha fallux and Tetrahymena thermophila). The sequence was also repeated in high copy number in a higher plant (Zea mays) as well as at very high levels in a unicellular green alga (Chlamydomonas reinhardi). Although the copy number of the repeat per haploid genome was generally proportional to genome size, there was a greater-than-1,000-fold variation in the number of (TG)25/100-kb genomic DNA. By contrast, no eu-or archaebacterium--including Myxococcus xanthus, whose life cycle is very similar to that of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, and Halobacter volcanii, whose genome contains other repeated sequences-- was found whose genomic DNA contained this sequence in detectable amounts. A computer search also failed to find the TG element in human mitochondrial DNA.   相似文献   

Cavalier-Smith  Thomas  Chao  Ema E-Yung 《Protoplasma》2020,257(3):621-753
Protoplasma - Palaeontologically, eubacteria are > 3× older than neomura (eukaryotes, archaebacteria). Cell biology contrasts ancestral eubacterial murein peptidoglycan walls and...  相似文献   

Several plasmid DNAs have been isolated from mesophilic and thermophilic archaebacteria. Their superhelical densities were estimated at their host strain's optimal growth temperature, and in some representative strains, the presence of reverse gyrase activity (positive DNA supercoiling) was investigated. We show here that these plasmids can be grouped in two clusters with respect to their topological state. The group I plasmids have a highly negatively supercoiled DNA and belong to the mesophilic archaebacteria and all types of eubacteria. The group II plasmids have DNA which is close to the relaxed state and belong exclusively to the thermophilic archaebacteria. All archaebacteria containing a relaxed plasmid, with the exception of the moderately thermophilic methanogen Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Marburg, also exhibit reverse gyrase activity. These findings show that extrachromosomal DNAs with very different topological states coexist in the archaebacterial domain.  相似文献   

In the past few years, molecular phylogenetic and cladistic analyses of the interrelationships of the living phyla have resulted in a radical reorganization of eukaryote groups. This reorganization has significance for parasitologists, in that it places as sister taxa some of the more speciose and highly parasitic phyla (nematodes and insects), reorganizes what is now recognized as paraphyletic sets of 'wormy taxa' as the Aschelmintha, and draws numerous bridges between different realms (plants, fungi and animals). This review attempts to explore the role of parasites within the phylogeny of eukaryotes. Extant described parasitic organisms are less common among the eukaryotes than is commonly admitted in the literature.  相似文献   

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