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Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, contains two superoxide dismutases (SODs), a cytoplasmic iron enzyme (FeSOD) and a periplasmic copper-zinc SOD. To study the role of the FeSOD in L. pneumophila, the cloned FeSOD gene (sodB) was inactivated with Tn903dIIlacZ, forming a sodB::lacZ gene fusion. By using this fusion, expression of sodB was shown to be unaffected by a variety of conditions, including several that influence sod expression in Escherichia coli: aeration, oxidants, the redox cycling compound paraquat, manipulation of iron levels in the medium, and the stage of growth. A reproducible twofold decrease in sodB expression was found during growth on agar medium containing charcoal, a potential scavenger of oxyradicals, in comparison with growth on the same medium without charcoal. No induction was seen during growth in human macrophages. Additional copies of sodB+ in trans increased resistance to paraquat. Construction of a sodB mutant was attempted by allelic exchange of the sodB::lacZ fusion with the chromosomal copy of sodB. The mutant could not be isolated, and the allelic exchange was possible only if wild-type sodB was present in trans. These results indicate that the periplasmic copper-zinc SOD cannot replace the FeSOD. The data strongly suggest that sodB is an essential gene and that FeSOD is required for the viability of L. pneumophila. In contrast, Sod- mutants of E. coli and Streptococcus mutans grow aerobically and SOD is not required for viability in these species.  相似文献   

Although cytosolic superoxide dismutases (SODs) are widely distributed among bacteria, only a small number of species contain a periplasmic SOD. One of these is Caulobacter crescentus, which has a copper-zinc SOD (CuZnSOD) in the periplasm and an iron SOD (FeSOD) in the cytosol. The function of periplasmic CuZnSOD was studied by characterizing a mutant of C. crescentus with an insertionally inactivated CuZnSOD gene. Wild-type and mutant strains showed identical tolerance to intracellular superoxide. However, in response to extracellular superoxide, the presence of periplasmic CuZnSOD increased survival by as much as 20-fold. This is the first demonstration that periplasmic SOD defends against external superoxide of environmental origin. This result has implications for those bacterial pathogens that contain a CuZnSOD. C. crescentus was shown to contain a single catalase/peroxidase which, like Escherichia coli KatG catalase/peroxidase, is present in both the periplasmic and cytoplasmic fractions. The growth stage dependence of C. crescentus catalase/peroxidase and SOD activity was studied. Although FeSOD activity was identical in exponential- and stationary-phase cultures, CuZnSOD was induced nearly 4-fold in stationary phase and the catalase/peroxidase was induced nearly 100-fold. Induction of antioxidant enzymes in the periplasm of C. crescentus appears to be an important attribute of the stationary-phase response and may be a useful tool for studying its regulation.  相似文献   

Silver-copper and silver-cobalt proteins have been prepared in which Ag+ resides in the native copper site of superoxide dismutase and either Cu2+ of Co2+ reside in the zinc site. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the copper and the visible absorption spectrum of the cobalt greatly resemble those of either Cu4 of Cu2,Cu2,Co2 proteins, respectively, in which the copper of the native copper sites has been reduced. It was found that, unlike cyanide, azide anion would not perturb the EPR spectrum of Ag2,Cu2 protein. Since azide produces the same perturbation upon the EPR spectrum of native and Cu2 proteins, it must bind to the copper and not the zinc of superoxide dismutase. A model of the metal sites of the enzyme has been fitted to a 3-A electron-density map using an interactive molecular graphics display. The model shows that histidine-61, which appears to bind both copper and zinc, does not lie in the plane of the copper and its three other histidine ligands, but occupies a position intermediate between planar and axial. This feature probably accounts for the rhombicity of the EPR spectrum and the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) specifically catalyzes the removal of superoxide radicals to protect cellular function against the generation of superoxide-dependent hydroxyl radicals ((.)OH). However, an unexpected observation reveals that denatured CuZnSOD (dCuZnSOD) itself induces (.)OH formation. This dCuZnSOD-dependent (.)OH generation was not inhibited by active CuZnSOD, suggesting that it is a superoxide-independent process. Sodium cyanide, histidine, and N,N'-diethyldithiocarbamate abolished (.)OH generation, implying that Cu may be responsible for dCuZnSOD-induced (.)OH formation. Catalase eliminated ()OH generation, suggesting that hydrogen peroxide may be involved in the mechanism of dCuZnSOD-mediated (.)OH production. Furthermore, nitric oxide ((.)NO) completely inhibited dCuZnSOD-induced (.)OH radical generation, indicating that (.)NO is an important (.)OH radical scavenger. Our results shed new light on the effect of dysfunctional CuZnSOD and suggest that structural disorder of the enzyme may be one of the endogenous pathways of toxic (.)OH formation in biological systems.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase. II. Rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD) has been localized in formalin-fixed rat tissues. Staining with a modified immunoenzyme bridge technique using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex revealed abundant endogenous CuZn SOD in cells that function in transporting ions, either cellularly, as in the case of tracheal, bronchiolar, and colonic epithelial cells, gastric oxyntic cells, and cells lining the salivary ducts and proximal convoluted tubules in the nephron, or intracellularly, as exemplified by skeletal muscle and neurons. Additionally, the enzyme was consistently demonstrable in hepatocytes, endocrine cells of the islets of Langerhans, and the highly membranous oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system. Cellular processes that maintain high ionic gradients appear especially vulnerable to the superoxide anion, thus necessitating the presence of CuZn SOD to scavenge toxic free radicals of oxygen. Comparison of these observations with other immunocytochemical reports indicates that the cellular distribution of CuZn SOD varies between different species.  相似文献   

Diethyldithiocarbamate reacted with superoxide dismutase from bovine erythrocytes. Changes in both optical and esr spectra, which accompanied this reaction, indicated involvement of the Cu(II). The reaction was accelerated by raising the concentrations of the reactants, elevating the temperature, and lowering the pH, in the range 10.2 to 5.5, and it was independent of the presence of oxygen. During the first phase of this reaction the Cu(II).diethyldithiocarbamate complex remained bound to the enzyme and the catalytic activity did not diminish. There followed a second and slower process which was accompanied by the appearance of colloidal Cu(II).chelate complex and by a loss of activity which could be restored by the addition of CuSO4. All of the observations are accomodated by a model in which 1 diethyldithiocarbamate molecule reacts/copper center, with retention of activity, in Phase I, while a second diethyldithiocarbamate displaces the copper, with a loss of activity, in Phase II.  相似文献   

The LYS7 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a protein (yCCS) that delivers copper to the active site of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD, a product of the SOD1 gene). In yeast lacking Lys7 (lys7Delta), the SOD1 polypeptide is present but inactive. Mutants lacking the SOD1 polypeptide (sod1Delta) and lys7Delta yeast show very similar phenotypes, namely poor growth in air and aerobic auxotrophies for lysine and methionine. Here, we demonstrate certain phenotypic differences between these strains: 1) lys7Delta cells are slightly less sensitive to paraquat than sod1Delta cells, 2) EPR-detectable or "free" iron is dramatically elevated in sod1Delta mutants but not in lys7Delta yeast, and 3) although sod1Delta mutants show increased sensitivity to extracellular zinc, the lys7Delta strain is as resistant as wild type. To restore the SOD catalytic activity but not the zinc-binding capability of the SOD1 polypeptide, we overexpressed Mn-SOD from Bacillus stearothermophilus in the cytoplasm of sod1Delta yeast. Paraquat resistance was restored to wild-type levels, but zinc was not. Conversely, expression of a mutant CuZn-SOD that binds zinc but has no SOD activity (H46C) restored zinc resistance but not paraquat resistance. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that CuZn-SOD, in addition to its antioxidant properties, plays a role in zinc homeostasis.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus is one of a small number of bacterial species that contain a periplasmic copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD). A C. crescentus mutant, with the CuZnSOD gene interrupted by a promoterless cat gene, was constructed and characterized to analyze CuZnSOD function. Periplasmic SOD does not protect against oxyradical damage in the cytosol or play a major role in maintaining the integrity of the cell envelope. Studies of the effect of sodium citrate on plating efficiency suggest that CuZnSOD protects a periplasmic or membrane function(s) requiring magnesium or calcium.  相似文献   

A reaction cycle is proposed for the mechanism of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) that involves inner sphere electron transfer from superoxide to Cu(II) in one portion of the cycle and outer sphere electron transfer from Cu(I) to superoxide in the other portion of the cycle. This mechanism is based on three yeast CuZnSOD structures determined by X-ray crystallography together with many other observations. The new structures reported here are (1) wild type under 15 atm of oxygen pressure, (2) wild type in the presence of azide, and (3) the His48Cys mutant. Final R-values for the three structures are respectively 20.0%, 17.3%, and 20.9%. Comparison of these three new structures to the wild-type yeast Cu(I)ZnSOD model, which has a broken imidazolate bridge, reveals the following: (i) The protein backbones (the "SOD rack") remain essentially unchanged. (ii) A pressure of 15 atm of oxygen causes a displacement of the copper ion 0.37 A from its Cu(I) position in the trigonal plane formed by His46, His48, and His120. The displacement is perpendicular to this plane and toward the NE2 atom of His63 and is accompanied by elongated copper electron density in the direction of the displacement suggestive of two copper positions in the crystal. The copper geometry remains three coordinate, but the His48-Cu bond distance increases by 0.18 A. (iii) Azide binding also causes a displacement of the copper toward His63 such that it moves 1.28 A from the wild-type Cu(I) position, but unlike the effect of 15 atm of oxygen, there is no two-state character. The geometry becomes five-coordinate square pyramidal, and the His63 imidazolate bridge re-forms. The His48-Cu distance increases by 0.70 A, suggesting that His48 becomes an axial ligand. (iv) The His63 imidazole ring tilts upon 15 atm of oxygen treatment and azide binding. Its NE2 atom moves toward the trigonal plane by 0.28 and 0.66 A, respectively, in these structures. (v) The replacement of His48 by Cys, which does not bind copper, results in a five-coordinate square pyramidal, bridge-intact copper geometry with a novel chloride ligand. Combining results from these and other CuZnSOD crystal structures, we offer the outlines of a structure-based cyclic mechanism.  相似文献   

Yeast lacking copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (sod1?) have a number of oxygen-dependent defects, including auxotrophies for lysine and methionine and sensitivity to oxygen. Here we report additional defects in metabolic regulation. Under standard growth conditions with glucose as the carbon source, yeast undergo glucose repression in which mitochondrial respiration is deemphasized, energy is mainly derived from glycolysis, and ethanol is produced. When glucose is depleted, the diauxic shift is activated, in which mitochondrial respiration is reemphasized and stress resistance increases. We find that both of these programs are adversely affected by the lack of Sod1p. Key events in the diauxic shift do not occur and sod1? cells do not utilize ethanol and stop growing. The ability to shift to growth on ethanol is gradually lost as time in culture increases. In early stages of culture, sod1? cells consume more oxygen and have more mitochondrial mass than wild-type cells, indicating that glucose repression is not fully activated. These changes are at least partially dependent on the activity of the Hap2,3,4,5 complex, as indicated by CYC1-lacZ reporter assays. These changes may indicate a role for superoxide in metabolic signaling and regulation and/or a role for glucose derepression in defense against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli double mutant, sodAsodB, that is deficient in both bacterial superoxide dismutases (Mn superoxide dismutase and iron superoxide dismutase) is unable to grow on minimal medium in the presence of oxygen and exhibits increased sensitivity to paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. Expression of the evolutionarily unrelated eukaryotic CuZn superoxide dismutase in the sodAsodB E. coli mutant results in a wild-type phenotype with respect to aerobic growth on minimal medium and in resistance to paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. This supports the hypothesis that superoxide dismutation is the in vivo function of these proteins. Analysis of the growth of sodAsodB cells containing plasmids encoding partially active CuZn superoxide dismutases, produced by in vitro mutagenesis, shows a correlation between cell growth and enzyme activity. Thus, the sodAsodB strain provides a controlled selection for varying levels of superoxide dismutase activity.  相似文献   

Phosphate is an inhibitor of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of bovine copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) in 50 mM Hepes [4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1- piperazineethanesulfonic acid], pH 7.4, was decreased by approximately 50% when the solution was made 10 mM in phosphate, in spite of the fact that the ionic strength of both solutions was adjusted to be equal. A similar experiment was carried out with bovine Cu,Zn-SOD chemically modified at Arg-141 with phenylglyoxal, which consequently had approximately 20% of the activity of the unmodified protein. (This activity was shown not to be due to residual unmodified protein.) Addition of 10 mM phosphate to solutions of the modified protein caused only a small decrease (less than 5%) in the SOD activity. The presence of phosphate also caused the affinity of Cu,Zn-SOD for binding azide or cyanide anions to be reduced; this effect of phosphate was also much less for the arginine-modified protein. We conclude that the inhibitory effect of phosphate on bovine Cu,Zn-SOD is due primarily to the neutralization of the positive charge on the side chain of Arg-141. The effect of increasing ionic strength on the activities of the native and arginine-modified proteins was also investigated. We found that at high concentrations of phosphate (greater than or equal to 10 mM), the SOD activities of native and arginine-modified Cu,Zn-SOD were inhibited comparably when the ionic strength was increased. This effect is presumably due to the lysine residues near the active site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two superoxide dismutases (SOD I and SOD II) were purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii and characterized for several biochemical properties. Analysis of the primary structure and inhibition studies revealed that SOD I is iron SOD (Fe-SOD), with a molecular mass of 50 kDa, and SOD II is copper-zinc SOD (Cu,Zn-SOD), with a molecular mass of 38 kDa. Both enzymes have a homodimeric structure consisting of 2 identical subunits, each with a molecular mass of 26 and 19 kDa for SOD I and SOD II, respectively. The isoelectric points of SOD I and SOD II were 6.4 and 3.5, respectively, and there were no isoenzyme forms detected. Both enzymes show a broad optimal pH of 7.0-11.0. Because no differences were observed in the apparent molecular weight of SOD I after addition of the reducing agent 2-mercaptoethanol, the subunits do not appear to be linked covalently by disulfide bonds. However, the subunits of SOD II were covalently linked by intra- and interdisulfide bonds. Western blot analyses showed that the 2 enzymes have different antigenicity. Both enzymes occur as cytoplasmic and detergent-extractable fractions. These enzymes may be potential virulence factors of A. castellanii by acting both as antioxidants and antiinflammatory agents. These enzymes may be attractive targets for chemotherapy and immunodiagnosis of acanthamoebiasis.  相似文献   

We describe here the identification of sodC gene from enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC). A 294 bp gene-specific fragment was amplified from the organism by DNA as well as RT-PCR using primers from bacterial sodC sequences. The metal co-factor present in the protein was confirmed by running samples in native gels and inhibiting with 2 mM potassium cyanide. However, the nonpathogenic E. coli possesses the gene but does not express it. Thus, the presence of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase encoded by sodC was demonstrated for the first time in EAggEC, which means it could be a novel candidate for a virulence marker.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase from Neurospora crassa is reported. The subunit consists of 153 amino acids and has a Mr of 15,850. The primary structure was determined by automated and manual sequence analysis of peptides obtained by digestions of the carboxymethylated and aminoethylated enzyme with trypsin and thermolysin. The protein is devoid of tryptophan and methionine and displays a free amino terminus. Comparison of the amino acid sequence with those from human erythrocyte, bovine erythrocyte, horse liver, swordfish liver, and yeast copper-zinc superoxide dismutases reveals a high degree of sequence homology among the six enzymes. Most prominently, the regions containing the amino acid residues participating in the metal-binding and the half-cystine residues forming the intramolecular disulfide bridge are highly conserved. The invariant amino acids Pro 74 and Asp 76 of the four vertebrate and yeast superoxide dismutases were found to be substituted by arginine and alanine, respectively, in the Neurospora enzyme. These radical substitutions occurring in the zinc ligand region, known to form a characteristic loop structure in bovine erythrocyte copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Tainer, J. A., Getzoff, E. D., Beem, K. M., Richardson, J. S., and Richardson, D. C. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 160, 181-217), however, do not affect the catalytic properties of the Neurospora enzyme.  相似文献   

The intrinsic fluorescence decay of human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase was measured by frequency-domain techniques. The protein consists of two subunits, each containing one tryptophan and no tyrosine residues. Using a synchrotron radiation source, which allows facile selection of the excitation wavelength, the dependence of the emission decay upon excitation was studied. No significant excitation wavelength effects were found. The two tryptophans contained in the dimer, although fully equivalent and exposed to solvent, showed a fluorescence decay that cannot be described by a single lifetime. Either two lifetimes, or one Lorentzian-shaped continuous distribution of lifetimes, are needed to obtain a good fit. Under identical experimental conditions, control experiments showed that N-acetyltryptophanamide, an analogue of tryptophanyl residues in proteins, decays with a single lifetime. The heterogeneous decay of tryptophan fluorescence in superoxide dismutase is interpreted as due to the presence of static and/or dynamic conformers in the protein that decay with different lifetimes. The two models of discrete lifetimes and continuous distribution of lifetimes are discussed with reference to measurements on holo- and apo-human superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Legionella pneumophila evolved as a parasite of aquatic amoebae. To persist in the environment, the microbe must be proficient at both replication and transmission. In laboratory cultures, as nutrients become scarce a stringent response-like pathway coordinates exit from the exponential growth phase with induction of traits correlated with virulence, including motility. A screen for mutants that express the flagellin gene poorly identified five activators of virulence: LetA/LetS, a two-component regulator homologous to GacA/GacS of Pseudomonas and SirA/BarA of Salmonella; the stationary-phase sigma factor RpoS; the flagellar sigma factor FliA; and a new locus, letE. Unlike wild type, post-exponential-phase letA and letS mutants were not motile, cytotoxic, sodium sensitive or proficient at infecting macrophages. L. pneumophila also required fliA to become motile, cytotoxic and to infect macrophages efficiently and letE to express sodium sensitivity and maximal motility and cytotoxicity. When induced to express RelA, all of the strains exited the exponential phase, but only wild type converted to the fully virulent form. In contrast, intracellular replication was independent of letA, letS, letE or fliA. Together, the data indicate that, as the nutrient supply wanes, ppGpp triggers a regulatory cascade mediated by LetA/ LetS, RpoS, FliA and letE that coordinates differentiation of replicating L. pneumophila to a transmissible form.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation of a tandem duplication of a small region of the third chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster containing the Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (cSOD) gene. This duplication is associated with a dosage-dependent increase in cSOD activity. The biological consequences of hypermorphic levels of cSOD in genotypes carrying this duplication have been investigated under diverse conditions of oxygen stress imposed by acute exposure to ionizing radiation, chronic exposure to paraquat, and the normoxia of standard laboratory culture. We find that a 50% increase in cSOD activity above the normal diploid level confers increased resistance to ionizing radiation and, in contrast, confers decreased resistance to the superoxide-generating agent paraquat. The duplication is associated with a minor increase in adult life-span under conditions of normoxia. These results reveal important features of the biological function of cSOD within the context of the overall oxygen defense system of Drosophila.  相似文献   

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