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The hydrolysis of steryl esters on thin-layer chromatographic plates by porcine pancreatic lipase is described. The sterols and fatty acids produced were separated on the same plate, recovered, and analysed by gas-liquid chromatography for their compositions. Synthetic cholesteryl esters containing various saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and synthetic steryl oleates with various sterols were lipolysed along with steryl esters of Acanthus ilicifolius, Bruguiera gymnorhiza and Rhizophora mucronata mangrove leaves. The major sterol was sitosterol which was accompanied by cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol and 28-isofucosterol. In addition, stigmast-7-en-3β-ol was present in R. mucronata leaves. The component fatty acids found in all three species were 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2 and 18:3. The relative proportions of the sterols and fatty acids were significantly different from the chemotaxonomic standpoint. The results obtained by carrying out plate lipolysis for 45 min at 40° compared well with those produced by conventional chemical hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The fatty acids and sterols of the raphidophyte flagellates, Heterosigma akashiwo (Australian and Plymouth strains) and Chattonella antiqua (Japanese strain) are reported. The major sterol of both species is 24-ethylcholesterol, which is more commonly associated with higher plants and has rarely been reported in unicellular algae. C. antiqua also contained 24-dihydrozymosterol [cholest-8(9)-en-3β-ol], which is also uncommon in marine algae. The major fatty acids in both raphidophytes are 16:0, 18:4ω3, 20:5ω3, 16:1ω7 and 14:0. Polyunsaturated fatty acids accounted for 46–50% of the total fatty acids in both species. The fatty acid 18:5ω3 was detected in H. akashiwo, but not in C. antiqua. This acid is found in some dinoflagellates and Prymnesiophycean algae, but this is the first report of its presence in the Raphidophyceae. The lipid distributions obtained for H. akashiwo and C. antiqua provide unique signature profiles for use in taxonomic, food-web and organic geochemical studies. The fatty acid and sterol distributions of these two raphidophytes justify their assignment to a separate class within the ‘brown algal’ line.  相似文献   

Sterols and fatty acids were extracted and identified from three parasitic angiosperms, Cuscuta campestris, Monotropa uniflora and M. hypopitys. Each plant contained the typical 16 and 18-carbon fatty acids of angiosperms, but the partially-photosynthetic Cuscuta contained much larger quantities of linolenic acid than the non-green Monotropa species which had smaller amounts of linolenic acid characteristic of non-photosynthetic tissue. Sterol quantity was three times higher in Cuscuta than in the Monotropa species. Sitosterol was the major sterol in all species with smaller amounts of campesterol and cholesterol.  相似文献   

The distribution of sterols in 14 Chilean Rhodophyceae and in Lessonia sp. (Phaeophyceae) has been examined. Cholesterol is present in all the red algae examined. Golidium filicinum contains, in addition desmosterol and 24-methylene-cholesterol. Cholest-7-en-3-β-ol was found in Cryptonemia angustate and Neoagardhiella gaudichaudii. Fucosterol and 24-methylenecholesterol were found in Lessonia sp.  相似文献   

The sterol composition of 17 red algae has been determined. Only C-27 sterols have been found in substantial amounts; details of the structural elucidation of liagosterol (cholesta-5,23-diene-3β,25-diol) are given. The possible taxonomic significance of the sterol distribution is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The fatty acids and sterols present in 5 isolates of Aspergillus flavus and 3 isolates of A. parasiticus were determined; 2 isolates within each species were aflatoxin producers. The 4 major fatty acids were 16:0, 18:0, 18:1 and 18:2 with a trace of 15:0 in one isolate and traces of 17:0 in 3 other isolates. Cholesterol, ergosterol and 5, 7-ergostadienol were present in all isolates; the 5 isolates of A. flavus could be identified on the basis of retention times of minor sterols present. There was no correlation of total lipids, fatty acids or sterols with the production of aflatoxins. Water soluble complexes of sterols were not detected.  相似文献   

Sterols, fatty acids and free amino acids of Helvella crispa and H. monachella were investigated. They contained traces of ergosterol and a high amount of ergosta 5.22-dien-3β-ol. Linoleic acid and l-Dopa are the most abundant fatty acid and free amino acid, respectively. The aqueous extract of H. monachella inhibits prostaglandin release by rat peritoneal leucocyres in vitro.  相似文献   

Nine sterols, most showing Δ5- or Δ5,22-unsaturation, were identified in the marine diatom Biddulphia sinensis. One sterol, cholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, comprised 70–80% of the total sterols which is the first such predominance noted in a diatom. The only Δ7-sterol detected was cholest-7-en-3β-ol and this was a very minor component. A sterol showing unusual side-chain alkylation,23,24-dimethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, was identified for the first time in a diatom. Total fatty acids exhibited a predominance of Δ9- 16:1, 14:0, 20:5 and 16:0, typical of diatoms, although the proportions of these acids were found to vary with culture maturity. n-Heneicosahexaene was the major hydrocarbon together with a small amount of squalene.  相似文献   

Free and esterified sterol levels in seeds of five cultivars of Vicia faba were determined. Sitosterol was the most abundant free sterol, followed by stigmasterol and campesterol. Cholesterol could not be detected. Esters were generally present in greater quantities than the free form of the sterols. The fatty acid content of the plants is also reported.  相似文献   

Marine planktonic copepods are important grazers on harmful algae (HA) species of phytoplankton, and copepods are major entry points for vectorial intoxication of pelagic food webs with HA toxins. Previous reviews (Turner and Tester, 1997, Turner et al., 1998a, Turner, 2006) summarized information on HA interactions with zooplankton grazers, and vectorial intoxication of pelagic food webs, up through approximately 2005. Accordingly, this review will address primarily studies published during the last decade. It will concentrate on generic issues in the developing field of HA:grazer interactions, such as the extent to which HA toxins serve as copepod grazing deterrents, induction of HA grazing deterrents by exposure to copepods, copepod selective feeding to avoid ingesting HA taxa versus non-selective feeding on HA taxa, possible biogeographic aspects of the effects of HA toxins on copepods, impact of copepod grazing on HA bloom development and termination, the role of copepods as entry points for vectorial intoxication of pelagic food webs with HA toxins, and possible reasons and remedies for the highly-variable and conflicting results reported for many studies of copepod grazing on various HA species.  相似文献   

有机改性粘土去除有害赤潮藻的研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本研究以阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为改性材料,通过粘土颗粒的表面吸附及离子交换作用对粘土进行了表面改性,并以常见于我国沿海的有害赤潮生物种-东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)为目标生物,研究了有机粘土对该藻的去除效果.结果表明,改性后的粘土具有极强的去除赤潮生物能力,当有机粘土的用量为0.01g·L-1时,在24h内东海原甲藻的去除率大于95%。而未经改性处理的原土在相同用量下没有表现出对东海原甲藻的有效去除作用,这表明通过有机改性能显著增强粘土的除藻能力.对有机粘土高效去除机理分析表明。有机粘土表面静电作用、季铵盐离子亲脂性长脂肪链的“网捕”作用及粘土颗粒表面局部高浓度季铵盐离子的灭杀作用是有机粘土具有强去除藻细胞能力的主要原因.  相似文献   

Unialgal clonal cultures of the diatom Stauroneis amphioxys Gregory, isolated from sea ice of the Indian Ocean sector ofthe Southern Ocean, were grown at 3° and 20°. The relative abundances offatty acids, sterols and phytol for the two cultures are comparable. The two sterols observed [24-methylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol (79%) and cholesterol (21%)] did not vary with culture temperature. The-major fatty acid composition is typical ofmost diatoms. A pronounced change of ratio with temperature occurred with the pair 16:4 Δ6, 9, 12, 15 and 16:3 Δ6, 9, 12 followed by 18:4 Δ6, 9, 12, 15:18:3 Δ9,12,15 and 20:5 Δ5,8,11,14,17:20:4 Δ8,11,14,17; thus the relative abundances of 16:4, 18:4, 20:5 and 22:6 increase at the lower growth temperature. The total amounts of unsaturated acids do not change with temperature suggesting an effect on the final desaturase step. No cryoprotective role for such changes in lipid composition was inferred.  相似文献   

Fatty acid and sterol profiles allowed for clear discrimination betweentheraphidophyte genera Chattonella,Heterosigma, Fibrocapsa andOlisthodiscus, but exhibited little differentiation forindividual Chattonella species(C.marina, C. antiqua and C.subsalsa). Sterol and fatty acid profiles do not support theseparation of Chattonella antiqua and C.marina as distinct species. Ecophenotypic variations in lipidprofiles were also observed between Chattonella strainsfromdifferent geographic locations. Sterol signatures which may be useful aschemotaxonomic markers were: the absence of C27 sterols (cholesteroland 24-dihydrozymosterol) in Heterosigma akashiwo; thepresence of isofucosterol in Chattonella; and theoccurrence of brassicasterol, poriferasterol and fucosterol inOlisthodiscus luteus. High levels of eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA; 17-27% of fatty acids) were present in all raphidophyte species. Lipidcomposition correlated more closely to recent molecular classification ofraphidophytes than carotenoid pigments.  相似文献   

The main glycerolipids (monogalactosyl-, digalactosyl-, sulphoquinovosyl diacylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol) from five blue-green algae (Microcystis, Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Tolypothrix) were analyzed for fatty acid composition, occurrence of diglyceride species and positional distribution of fatty acids between thesn-1- andsn-2-position of glycerol. In contrast to eucaryotic plants biosynthetically closely related lipids (monogalactosyl-, digalactosyl-, trigalactosyl diacylglycerol) show nearly identical diglyceride moieties, whereas sulphoquinovosyl diacylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol are separated from galactolipids by composition as well as occurrence of fatty acids. On the other hand the positional distribution of fatty acids in all lipids is controlled exclusively by chain length and not by degree of unsaturation with C18-fatty acids at thesn-1- and C16-fatty acids at thesn-2-position. These results show that in procaryotic organisms the diversity in diglyceride portions of lipids is reduced as compared to eucaryotic organisms, but nevertheless does exist.Abbreviations MGD, DGD, TGD, SQD monogalactosyl-, digalactosyl-, trigalactosyl-, sulphoquinovosyl diacylglycerol - PG phosphatidyl glycerol  相似文献   

Chattonella marina (C. marina), a raphidophycean flagellate, is a causative organism of red tide, and highly toxic to fish. In this study, we found that the cell-free methanol extract prepared from this flagellate exhibited potent hemolytic activity against rabbit erythrocytes. Interestingly, the hemolytic activity of the extract was absolutely light-dependent, and no hemolytic activity was detected in the dark even at very high concentration. Gel filtration chromatography of the methanol extract on a column of Sephadex LH-20 revealed that the extract contained hemagglutinin as well as hemolytic agents, and the substances responsible for these activities were separately eluted. These results suggest that the hemagglutinating and hemolytic activities were derived from distinct compounds. The hemolytic fraction obtained after gel filtration (F4) caused marked inhibition of the growth of C. marina itself and other species of phytoplanktons. Furthermore, F4 showed a potent cytotoxicity toward various mammalian cultured cell lines including human tumor cells (HeLa cells) in a dose-dependent manner. The cytotoxicity was also light-dependent, and no cytotoxic effect was exhibited in any cell lines tested in the dark. After further purification procedures via preparative thin-layer chromatography and subsequent HPLC, a major hemolytic agent was obtained as highly purified form. Since the methanol extracts prepared from other raphidophycean flagellates such as Heterosigma akashiwo, Olisthodiscus luteus, and Fibrocapsa japonica showed light-dependent hemolytic activity toward rabbit erythrocytes, it was suggested that the light-dependent hemolytic agents commonly exist at least in these raphidophycean flagellates.  相似文献   

Three C18 fatty acids were assayed for their activity against a number of algae and zooplankton. The three acids, lenolenic, lenoleic, and oleic, reduced the growth of Haematococcus lacustris, Synechococcus leopoliensis, and Botrydiopsis alpina by 50% of control growth in concentrations below 7 ppm. Calanoid and cyclopoid copepods in mixed cultures inoculated with lenolenic and lenoleic acid had LD50 values below 10 ppm. An increase in copepod mortality was observed with increases in cyclopoid density and decreased with increases in calanoid density. Eucyclops agilis inoculated with lenolenic acid had a LD50 value of 4 ppm.  相似文献   

Six species of green algae were grown autotrophically, photohetrotrophically, and heterotrophically and their fatty acid and sterol compositions determined. Sterol composition was higher in autotrophic than in heterotrophic plants by a factor of from 2 to over 20 in five of the six species studied. Relative amounts of various sterols did not change significantly with cultural conditions. In five of the species studied, autotrophic growth produced a significant increase in the relative proportion of linolenic acid compared to that in heterotrophic or photoheterotrophic growth. This increase was usually accompanied by a corresponding decrease in oleic or linoleic acids or both.  相似文献   

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