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In Drosophila, neurosecretory cells that release peptide hormones play a prominent role in the regulation of development, growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Several types of peptidergic neurosecretory cells have been identified in the brain of Drosophila with release sites in the corpora cardiaca and anterior aorta. We show here that in adult flies the products of three neuropeptide precursors are colocalized in five pairs of large protocerebral neurosecretory cells in two clusters (designated ipc-1 and ipc-2a): Drosophila tachykinin (DTK), short neuropeptide F (sNPF) and ion transport peptide (ITP). These peptides were detected by immunocytochemistry in combination with GFP expression driven by the enhancer trap Gal4 lines c929 and Kurs-6, both of which are expressed in ipc-1 and 2a cells. This mix of colocalized peptides with seemingly unrelated functions is intriguing and prompted us to initiate analysis of the function of the ten neurosecretory cells. We investigated the role of peptide signaling from large ipc-1 and 2a cells in stress responses by monitoring the effect of starvation and desiccation in flies with levels of DTK or sNPF diminished by RNA interference. Using the Gal4-UAS system we targeted the peptide knockdown specifically to ipc-1 and 2a cells with the c929 and Kurs-6 drivers. Flies with reduced DTK or sNPF levels in these cells displayed decreased survival time at desiccation and starvation, as well as increased water loss at desiccation. Our data suggest that homeostasis during metabolic stress requires intact peptide signaling by ipc-1 and 2a neurosecretory cells.  相似文献   

The impact of hybrid dysgenesis on the chromosome structure of Drosophila melanogaster ovarian nurse cells was studied. In the examined lines and interlinear hybrids (including those yielded by dysgenic crosses in the P–M and I–R systems of hybrid dysgenesis), disturbed chromosome synapsis was revealed. The disturbance was somewhat similar to that observed in interspecific hybrids. Quantitative analysis showed that the mean frequency of nuclei with defective chromosome pairing ranged from 60.4 to 76%. FISH analysis of ovarian nurse chromosomes of Canton S × Berlin hybrids showed differences in the label localization in asynaptic homologs of arm 2L, which probably results in disrupted homolog pairing and reveal interlinear differences in localization of mobile genetic elements. Our results conform to Sved's model stating that hybrid dysgenesis is based on disorganization of the germline nuclear space.  相似文献   

Wound healing is a complex biological process involving the interaction of many cell types to replace lost or damaged tissue. Although the biology of wound healing has been extensively investigated, few studies have focused on the role of mast cells. In this study, we investigated the possible role of mast cells in wound healing by analyzing aspects of cutaneous excisional wound healing in three types of genetically mast cell-deficient mice. We found that C57BL/6-KitW-sh/W-sh, WBB6F1-KitW/W-v, and Cpa3-Cre; Mcl-1fl/fl mice re-epithelialized splinted excisional skin wounds at rates very similar to those in the corresponding wild type or control mice. Furthermore, at the time of closure, scars were similar in the genetically mast cell-deficient mice and the corresponding wild type or control mice in both quantity of collagen deposition and maturity of collagen fibers, as evaluated by Masson’s Trichrome and Picro-Sirius red staining. These data indicate that mast cells do not play a significant non-redundant role in these features of the healing of splinted full thickness excisional cutaneous wounds in mice.  相似文献   

During endocytosis in S. cerevisiae, actin polymerization is proposed to provide the driving force for invagination against the effects of turgor pressure. In previous studies, Ysc84 was demonstrated to bind actin through a conserved N-terminal domain. However, full length Ysc84 could only bind actin when its C-terminal SH3 domain also bound to the yeast WASP homologue Las17. Live cell-imaging has revealed that Ysc84 localizes to endocytic sites after Las17/WASP but before other known actin binding proteins, suggesting it is likely to function at an early stage of membrane invagination. While there are homologues of Ysc84 in other organisms, including its human homologue SH3yl-1, little is known of its mode of interaction with actin or how this interaction affects actin filament dynamics. Here we identify key residues involved both in Ysc84 actin and lipid binding, and demonstrate that its actin binding activity is negatively regulated by PI(4,5)P2. Ysc84 mutants defective in their lipid or actin-binding interaction were characterized in vivo. The abilities of Ysc84 to bind Las17 through its C-terminal SH3 domain, or to actin and lipid through the N-terminal domain were all shown to be essential in order to rescue temperature sensitive growth in a strain requiring YSC84 expression. Live cell imaging in strains with fluorescently tagged endocytic reporter proteins revealed distinct phenotypes for the mutants indicating the importance of these interactions for regulating key stages of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Reynolds TL  Kitto SL 《Plant physiology》1992,100(4):1744-1750
Uninucleate microspores in anther cultures of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Pavon) are capable of producing haploid pollen embryoids and plants. To gain an understanding of this alternate pathway of pollen development, we constructed a cDNA library to young pollen embryoids, isolated embryoid-specific genes, and analyzed their expression patterns during morphogenesis. Two embryoid-abundant clones, pEMB4 and 94, were expressed very early during culture, suggesting that these genes are associated with development and are not simply expressed as a consequence of differentiation. The accumulation patterns of five cloned mRNAs may indicate the activation of specific genes associated with the major morphological and physiological activities connected with the differentiation of embryoids in vitro. These results suggest that embryoid-abundant gene expression is causally related to this pathway because gene expression is spatially and temporally specific and is not observed when microspores are cultured under noninductive conditions.  相似文献   

Axis specification during Drosophila embryonic development requires transfer of maternal components during oogenesis from nurse cells (NCs) into the oocyte through cytoplasmic bridges. We found that the asymmetrical distribution of Golgi, between nurse cells and the oocyte, is sustained by an active transport process. We have characterized actin basket structures that asymmetrically cap the NC side of Ring canals (RCs) connecting the oocyte. Our results suggest that these actin baskets structurally support transport mechanisms of RC transit. In addition, our tracking analysis indicates that Golgi are actively transported to the oocyte rather than diffusing. We observed that RC transit is microtubule-based and mediated at least by dynein. Finally, we show that actin networks may be involved in RC crossing through a myosin II step process, as well as in dispatching Golgi units inside the oocyte subcompartments.  相似文献   

In polarized HepG2 hepatoma cells, sphingolipids are transported to the apical, bile canalicular membrane by two different transport routes, as revealed with fluorescently tagged sphingolipid analogs. One route involves direct, transcytosis-independent transport of Golgi-derived glucosylceramide and sphingomyelin, whereas the other involves basolateral to apical transcytosis of both sphingolipids. We show that these distinct routes display a different sensitivity toward nocodazole and cytochalasin D, implying a specific transport dependence on either microtubules or actin filaments, respectively. Thus, nocodazole strongly inhibited the direct route, whereas sphingolipid transport by transcytosis was hardly affected. Moreover, nocodazole blocked “hyperpolarization,” i.e., the enlargement of the apical membrane surface, which is induced by treating cells with dibutyryl-cAMP. By contrast, the transcytotic route but not the direct route was inhibited by cytochalasin D. The actin-dependent step during transcytotic lipid transport probably occurs at an early endocytic event at the basolateral plasma membrane, because total lipid uptake and fluid phase endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase from this membrane were inhibited by cytochalasin D as well. In summary, the results show that the two sphingolipid transport pathways to the apical membrane must have a different requirement for cytoskeletal elements.  相似文献   

Engagement of high-affinity immunoglobulin E receptors (FcεRI) activates two signaling pathways in mast cells. The Lyn pathway leads to recruitment of Syk and to calcium mobilization whereas the Fyn pathway leads to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase recruitment. Mapping the connections between both pathways remains an important task to be completed. We previously reported that Phospholipid Scramblase 1 (PLSCR1) is phosphorylated on tyrosine after cross-linking FcεRI on RBL-2H3 rat mast cells, amplifies mast cell degranulation, and is associated with both Lyn and Syk tyrosine kinases. Here, analysis of the pathway leading to PLSCR1 tyrosine phosphorylation reveals that it depends on the FcRγ chain. FcεRI aggregation in Fyn-deficient mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) induced a more robust increase in FcεRI-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of PLSCR1 compared to wild-type cells, whereas PLSCR1 phosphorylation was abolished in Lyn-deficient BMMC. Lyn association with PLSCR1 was not altered in Fyn-deficient BMMC. PLSCR1 phosphorylation was also dependent on the kinase Syk and significantly, but partially, dependent on detectable calcium mobilization. Thus, the Lyn/Syk/calcium axis promotes PLSCR1 phosphorylation in multiple ways. Conversely, the Fyn-dependent pathway negatively regulates it. This study reveals a complex regulation for PLSCR1 tyrosine phosphorylation in FcεRI-activated mast cells and that PLSCR1 sits at a crossroads between Lyn and Fyn pathways.  相似文献   

When two separated Chara internodal cells were kept in contactover a length of 14 mm or more in moist air, an action potentialof one cell could be transmitted to the other cell in about40% of cases (ephaptic transmission). The action potential ofthe former cell was sometimes eliminated transiently when anew action potential was elicited in the latter cell. The newaction potential reactivated the former cell. The conductionvelocity of the action potential was reduced from 0.30?0.11cm/s (mean?SD) to 0.15?0.05 cm/s by ephaptic transmission ofthe action potential. Substitution of an artificial pond waterfor moist air or contact over a shorter length (4 mm insteadof 14 mm or more) between the two cells reduced the couplingratio, the ratio of the change in membrane potential of onecell to that of the other cell, and no transmission was observed.After ephaptic transmission, the action potentials of the twocells were conducted at almost the same velocity along the cells.The velocity was increased to 0.68?0.06 cm/s by simultaneousconduction of the action potentials in the two adjacent cells.When the simultaneously conducted action potentials reachedthe node of one cell, at the point at which another cell madecontact, they were able very frequently to trigger a new actionpotential in the adjoining cell. (Received September 28, 1989; Accepted April 5, 1990)  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is strongly related to the physiological conditions,especially as they relate to responsiveness to ABA, of embryocells during maturation of seeds. In this study, seeds of Triticumaestivum L. cv. Chihoku, which showed nondormancy at harvest,and line Kitakei-l354 (referred to as Kitakei), which showedpost-harvest dormancy, were collected 30 days after anthesis(DPA 30) and at the mature stage (DPA 60). Poly(A)+RNA was extractedfrom the embryos of the seeds and translated in a wheat germsystem. The majority of products of translation from the twogenotypes migrated to the same positions in two-dimensionalgels. Levels of six (for polypeptides h, i, k, m, n, and o)out of 14 Chihoku-specific mRNAs decreased dramatically duringseed maturation, concurrently with the loss of dormancy. Bycontrast, levels of 3 (for polypeptides c, e and f) out of 6Kitakei specific mRNAs were maintained during maturation andduring a 48-h imbibition of the dormant seeds but decreasedat germination. Polypeptides n of Chihoku and e of Kitakei hadthe same molecular size and slightly different pI values. Thesetwo polypeptides may be encoded by the same gene and may playsome role in the maintenance of seed dormancy. Levels of mRNAsfor 10 polypeptides, found in both Chihoku and Kitakei embryosat DPA 30, changed to different extents during maturation. Outof the 10 mRNAs, the relative abundance of 4 mRNAs of Kitakeidid not change dramatically during seed maturation, while inChihoku these mRNAs decreased in level or disappeared duringthe same maturation period. In addition, levels of 2 of these4 mRNAs did not decrease significantly during imbibition ofthe dormant Kitakei seeds but disappeared upon treatment forbreaking of dormancy. The maintenance of these mRNAs in thedormant seeds during maturation and imbibition suggests thatthe respective gene products are involved in the maintenanceof dormancy in wheat seeds. (Received December 5, 1991; Accepted April 1, 1992)  相似文献   

We isolated nine cDNAs for genes of Arabidopsis thaliana thatare induced by the effects of water deficit by using the techniqueof differential hybridization and named them RD (RD for Responsiveto Desiccation). The timing of induction of their mRNAs variesbetween these RD genes. Abscisic acid induces mRNAs that correspondto clones designated RD22 and RD29 but not to those designatedRD19, RD21 and RD28, indicating that there are several signal-transductionpathways from water stress to expression of RD genes. Sequenceanalysis of the cDNA clone RD28 revealed that RD28 encodes amembrane protein with sequence homology to the majorintrinsicprotein of bovine lens fiber gap junction, soybean nodulin-26and the glycerolfacilitator from Escherichia coli, indicatingthat the putative RD28 protein is a member of the family oftransmembrane channel proteins. (Received October 31, 1991; Accepted January 13, 1992)  相似文献   

T. W. Cline 《Genetics》1988,119(4):829-862
The primary signal for Drosophila sex determination is the number of X chromosomes relative to the number of sets of autosomes. The present report shows that the numerator of this X/A signal appears to be determined by the cumulative dose of a relatively limited number of discrete X-linked genetic elements, two of which are sisterless-a and sisterless-b. This discovery regarding the nature of the sex determination signal grew out of previous studies of both the likely X/A signal target (the feminizing switch gene, Sex-lethal) and two positive regulators of that target gene (sis-a and daughterless). Combinations of genetic perturbations in these three genes had been shown to have synergistic effects. A model proposed in part to account for these interactions generated a large variety of strong predictions for sex-specific synergistic interactions that would be diagnostic for X/A numerator elements and could distinguish them from other components of the sex determination system. All these predictions, as well as other predictions for X/A numerator elements, are shown here to be fulfilled. The most compelling observations involve sexually reciprocal viability effects of duplications of wild-type genes: combinations of sis-a+, sis-b+ and/or Sxl+ duplications are lethal to males but rescue females from the otherwise lethal effects of changes in other components of the sex determination machinery. The many interactions described here illustrate an important principle that may seem counter-intuitive: perturbations of the sex determination signal for Drosophila generally will not appear to affect adult sexual phenotype. This principle follows from the fact that Sxl is involved in dosage compensation as well as sex determination, and from important aspects of the nature and timing of Sxl's regulation both by the X/A signal and by Sxl's own products (positive autoregulation). These factors mask potential effects on adult sexual differentiation by causing the premature death of cells and/or individuals. The fact that the vast array of results presented here conform to this principle is strong evidence in favor of a "binary state" model for Sxl regulation by the X/A signal. This model is favored over an alternative "multiple state" hypothesis that was proposed by others in a different study of the X/A signal. In that same study it was concluded that region 3E8-4F11 of the X chromosome contained especially potent X/A numerator elements.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is prevalent in tumor tissue and suppresses effective anti-tumor immune responses. However, the source of the increased tumor-infiltrating IL-17 and its contribution to tumor progression in human gastric cancer remain poorly understood. In this study, we enrolled 112 gastric cancer patients, immunofluorescence was used to evaluate the colocalization of CD3, CD4, CD56, CD20, CD68, and mast cell tryptase (MCT) with IL-17. Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the distribution of microvessel density (CD34), CD66b+, CD68+, and FoxP3+ cells in different microanatomical areas. Prognostic value was determined by Kaplan-Meier analysis and a Cox regression model. The results showed that mast cells, but not T cells or macrophages, were the predominant cell type producing IL-17 in gastric cancer. Significant positive correlations were detected between densities of mast cell-derived IL-17 and microvessels, neutrophils, and regulatory T cells (Tregs). Futhermore, we found that the majority of vascular endothelial cells expressing Interleukin-17 receptor (IL-17R). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that increasing intratumor infiltrated mast cells and IL-17+ cells, as well as MCT+ IL-17+ cells, were significantly associated with worse overall survival. These findings indicated that mast cells were the major source of IL-17 in gastric cancer, and intratumor IL-17 infiltration may have promoted tumor progression by enhancing angiogenesis in the tumor microenvironment through the axis of IL-17/IL-17R. IL-17-positive mast cells showed a prognostic factor in gastric cancer, indicating that immunotherapy targeting mast cells might be an effective strategy to control intratumor IL-17 infiltration, and consequently reverse immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment, facilitating cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

In proliferating cells, DNA synthesis must be performed with extreme precision. We show that groups of replicons, labeled together as replicon clusters, form stable units of chromosome structure. HeLa cells were labeled with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) at different times of S phase. At the onset of S phase, clusters of replicons were activated in each of ~750 replication sites. The majority of these replication “foci” were shown to be individual replicon clusters that remained together, as stable cohorts, throughout the following 15 cell cycles. In individual cells, the same replication foci were labeled with BrdU and 5-iododeoxyuridine at the beginning of different cell cycles. In DNA fibers, 95% of replicons in replicon clusters that were labeled at the beginning of one S phase were also labeled at the beginning of the next. This shows that a subset of origins are activated both reliably and efficiently in different cycles.

The majority of replication forks activated at the onset of S phase terminated 45–60 min later. During this interval, secondary replicon clusters became active. However, while the activation of early replicons is synchronized at the onset of S phase, different secondary clusters were activated at different times. Nevertheless, replication foci pulse labeled during any short interval of S phase were stable for many cell cycles. We propose that the coordinated replication of related groups of replicons, that form stable replicon clusters, contributes to the efficient activation and propagation of S phase in mammalian cells.


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