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Questions: How does woody vegetation abundance and diversity differ after natural disturbances causing different levels of mortality? Location: Abies balsamea–Betula papyrifera boreal mixed‐wood stands of southeast Quebec, Canada. Methods: Woody vegetation abundance and diversity were quantified and compared among three disturbance‐caused mortality classes, canopy gap, moderate‐severity disturbances, and catastrophic fire, using redundancy analysis, a constrained linear ordination technique, and diversity indices. Results: Substantial changes in canopy tree species abundance and diversity only occurred after catastrophic fire. Shade‐tolerant, late‐successional conifer species remained dominant after canopy gap and moderate‐severity disturbances, whereas shade‐intolerant, early‐successional colonizers dominated canopy tree regeneration after catastrophic fire. Density and diversity of mid‐tolerant and shade‐intolerant understory tree and shrub species increased as the impact of disturbance increased. Highest species richness estimates were observed after catastrophic fire, with several species establishing exclusively under these conditions. Relative abundance of canopy tree regeneration was most similar after canopy gap and moderate‐severity disturbances. For the sub‐canopy tree and shrub community, relative species abundances were most similar after moderate‐severity disturbances and catastrophic fire. Vegetation responses to moderate‐severity disturbances thus had commonalities with both extremes of the disturbance‐caused mortality gradient, but for different regeneration layers. Conclusions: Current spatio‐temporal parameters of natural disturbances causing varying degrees of mortality promote the development of a complex, multi‐cohort forest condition throughout the landscape. The projected increase in time intervals between catastrophic fires may lead to reduced diversity within the system.  相似文献   

Question: Which is the response of the evergreen Quercus ilex and the deciduous Q. cerrioides to repeated disturbances? Location: central Catalonia (northeastern Spain), in the areas affected by two of the largest historically recorded wildfires in NE Spain: the Bages‐Berguedà fire (24 300 ha forested area burned in July 1994), and the Solsonès fire (14 300 ha burned in 1998). Methods: Survival and growth of individuals of Quercus ilex and Q. cerrioides were evaluated in plants subjected to different fire histories and experimental disturbances (burning, cutting or clipping) applied either before or after summer. Results: Survival was high (> 99%), with both species showing a similar high resistance to disturbances. Growth after experimental disturbance was positively related to the size of the individual before the latest forest fire occurred. Fire history had a large effect on resprout growth, as the repeated incidence of disturbances lowered the capacity of individuals to grow. The type and season of experimental disturbance experienced by plants had a large effect. Individuals that experienced total above‐ground loss had lower growth rates than those with partial loss. A similar pattern was observed in individuals disturbed after the summer in relation to those disturbed before summer. Conclusions: The larger growth rates recorded in Q. cerrioides across all fire histories and experimental treatments, and the higher vulnerability of Q. ilex to increased fire frequency, intensity of experimental disturbance, and disturbance season, provide evidence for the relatively high susceptibility of the latter to repeated disturbances. This view disagrees with the larger resilience of this species compared to co‐existing deciduous oaks, as reported.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: The decline of the Pinus palustris ecosystems has resulted from anthropogenic influences, such as conversion to pine plantation forestry, agriculture and land development, all of which are closely related to increases in human populations. Other effects, however, have arisen from alterations in disturbance regimes that maintain the structure and function of these ecosystems. How have alterations of the disturbance regime altered the physiognomy of ‘old‐growth’ stands, and what are the implications for ecosystem conservation and restoration? Methods: In contrast to models that emphasize close interactions among the vertically complex strata, we develop a conceptual phenomenological model for the physiognomic structure of Pinus palustris stands. We relate two natural disturbances (tropical storms and fire) that affect different stages of the life cycle to different aspects of the physiognomic structure. We then compare overstorey stand structure and ground cover composition of two old‐growth longleaf stands near the extremes of different composite disturbance regimes: the Wade Tract (frequent hurricanes and fire) and the Boyd Tract (infrequent hurricanes and long‐term fire exclusion). Results: We predict that tropical storms and fires have different effects on stand physiognomy. Tropical storms are periodic, and sometimes intense, whereas fires are more frequent and less intense. Hurricanes directly influence the overstorey via wind‐caused damage and mortality, and indirectly influence the herb layer by altering the spatial distribution of shading and litter accumulation. Fire exerts direct effects on juvenile stages and indirect effects on the herb layer via fine fuel consumption and selective mortality of potential competitors of P. palustris juveniles. These differences in effects of disturbances can result in widely different physiognomies for P. palustris stands. Finally, some global climate change scenarios have suggested that changes may occur in tropical storm and fire regimes, altering frequency and severity. Such changes may greatly affect pine stands, and ultimately entire pine savanna ecosystems. Conclusions: Our phenomenological model of disturbance regimes in Pinus palustris old‐growth produces very different physiognomies for different disturbances regimes that reflect natural process and human management actions. This model can be used to derive restoration strategies for pine savannas that are linked to reinstitution of important ecological processes rather than specific physiognomic states.  相似文献   

This study tested how the frequency and intensity of hurricanes, and the size and growth rate of coral colonies influence the resilience of coral populations to disturbance by severe storms. A simulation modelling approach was used to examine the resilience of four coral species with differing life history characteristics: Agaricia agaricites, A. lamarcki, Helioseris cucullata, and Porites astreoides. Resilience, defined as the rate of area (coral cover) gain, was greater for three of the species when storms were less frequent or more intense. Resilience for all species increased with colony growth rates and with increasing proportion of small and medium-sized colonies. We conclude that (1) coral populations composed of intermediate-size, fast-growing colonies the most resilient following one or more storm disturbances, and (2) that resilience of anthropogenically stressed corals depends, in part, on population size structure.  相似文献   

Question: Have past windstorm events influenced the structure and composition of mountain forests in the Tatra Mountains? Can severe and infrequent wind disturbances lead to dynamic coexistence of two tree species with different ecological requirements? Location: Subalpine mixed spruce‐larch forest at 1200‐1300 m a.s.l. in the Slovakian Tatra Mountains. A forested site affected by catastrophic large‐scale windthrow on 19 November 2004. Methods: Sixty‐seven spruce and 30 larch cross‐sections from the oldest cohorts were collected in a regular pattern in a 100‐ha plot. Tree‐ring series were analysed to reconstruct growth releases associated with past windthrows. A boundary‐line release criterion was applied to detect disturbance year. Spatial patterns of release signals were statistically detected with Mantel's test. We compared reconstructed years of disturbance events with historical records. Results: Releases in both species showed three main pulses. More than 85% showed major or moderate releases in 1865‐1879, 48% in 1915‐1924, and 25% in 1940‐1949. All of these disturbance events affected the whole 100‐ha area. Releases were spatially patterned in the first disturbances, but distributed randomly in the last. Releases co‐occurred in time with enhanced production of compression wood, suggesting disturbances were of wind origin. Reconstructed dates of windthrows were confirmed using historical data on storms. Conclusions: At least three windthrows of major and moderate severity took place in the last 150 years on southern slopes of the Tatra Mountains. This disturbance regime may contribute to coexistence of spruce and larch through differences in vulnerability and response to heavy windstorms.  相似文献   

Humid tropical forests are dynamic ecosystems that experience multiple and overlapping disturbance events that vary in frequency, intensity, and spatial extent. Here we report the results of a 10-year study investigating the effects of forest clearing and multiple hurricanes on ecosystem carbon reservoirs, nutrient pools and vegetation. The aboveground plant community was most heavily affected by multiple disturbances, with the 9-year-old stands showing high rates of hurricane-induced mortality relative to surrounding forest. Belowground pools were less affected. Live fine root biomass fluctuated in response to multiple disturbances, but returned to pre-disturbance levels after 10 years. Soil C was resilient to clearing and hurricanes, probably due to the large pool size and high clay content. Soil P fluctuated over time, declining during periods of rapid plant recovery and growth. With the exception of K, base cations recovered within 2 years following clearing and showed little response to hurricane disturbance.  相似文献   

The regeneration process in a mixed forest was investigated in Nopporo National Forest, Hokkaido. The analysis of age structure in an 80 m×80 m plot revealed that almost all of the species regenerated intermittently. In eleven gaps observed in the plot, the regeneration of a boreal conifer (Abies sachalinensis) was seldom observed. Temperate hardwoods, even climax species (Acer mono, Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata, Tilia japonica), regenerated vigorously in the gaps. The age structure in ten additional plots scattered all over the forest showed that Abies tended to regenerate synchronously. From previous records, regeneration of Abies could be ascribed to catastrophic storms causing serious windfalls. On the other hand, regeneration of the temperate hardwoods was not synchronous but independent in different places within the forest. They could regenerate not only after those catastrophic storms but also after less severe disturbances which caused the death and fall of one or several trees. It is concluded that the coexistence of boreal coniferous species and temperate deciduous broad-leaved species in mixed forests may be maintained not only by the difference in habitat but also by the balance between the less frequent large disturbances, and the more frequent smaller ones.  相似文献   

The forests of the Luquillo Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research site are subject to low-intensity, widespread disturbance that establishes levels of background mortality that contrast with periodic catastrophic mortality resulting from hurricanes and landslides. Although catastrophic mortality is more dramatic, background mortality is still more important in determining population turnover. However, catastrophic mortality may still be an important agent in determining ecosystem structure. Catastrophic disturbances affect forest function in many ways besides mortality, some of which are only apparent in the context of long-term studies. Since most ecosystems are subject to some form of catastrophic disturbance, general principles can be derived from comparative studies of disturbance in different systems.  相似文献   

Ice storms cause periodic disturbance to temperate forests of eastern North America. They are the primary agents of disturbance in some eastern forests. In this paper, a forest gap model is employed to explore consequences of ice storms for the long‐term dynamics of Tsuga canadensis‐northem hardwoods forests. The gap model LINKAGES was modified to simulate periodic ice storm disturbance in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. To adapt the gap model for this purpose, field data on ice storm disturbance are used to develop a polytomous logistic regression model of tree damage. The logistic regression model was then incorporated into the modified forest gap model, LINK ADIR, to determine the type of damage sustained by each simulated tree. The logistic regression model predicts high probabilities of bent boles or severe bole damage (leaning, snapping, or uprooting) in small‐diameter trees, and increasing probability of canopy damage as tree size increases. Canopy damage is most likely on gentle slopes; the probability of severe bole damage increases with increasing slope angle. In the LINKADIR simulations, tree damage type determines the probability of mortality; trees with severe bole damage are assigned the highest mortality rate. LINKADIR predicts Tsuga canadensis dominance in mesophytic old‐growth forests not disturbed by ice storms. When ice storms are simulated, the model predicts Acer saccharum‐dominated forests with higher species richness. These results suggest that ice storms may function as intermediate disturbances that enhance species richness in forested Adirondack landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract. We measured tree damage and mortality following a catastrophic windthrow in permanent plots in an oak forest and a pine forest in central Minnesota. We monitored changes in forest structure and composition over the next 14 years. Prior to the storm, the oak forest was dominated by Quercus ellipsoidalis, and the pine forest by Pinus strobus. The immediate impacts of the storm were to differentially damage and kill large, early‐successional hardwoods and pines. Subsequent recovery was characterized by the growth of late‐successional hardwoods. In both forests the disturbance acted to accelerate succession. Ordination of tree species composition confirmed the trend of accelerated succession, and suggested a convergence of composition between the two forests.  相似文献   

Climate change scientists predict an increased intensity of storms (cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons) in the future. Intense storms facilitate plant invasion by increasing resource availability, reducing competition and increasing opportunities for propagule dispersal. We document here the state of current understanding about the response of invasive plant species to intense storms and suggest that the structure and function of forests in storm‐prone regions may be much altered in the future as a result of weed invasion. Intense storms provide a large spatial and temporal window of opportunity for invasion and empirical research demonstrates growth and recruitment rates of invasive species increase following such events, and they spread readily. In particular, lianas and woody invasive species that are shade tolerant and recruit from the seedling layer may constitute the greatest threat to tropical forests following storm events. Forests persisting in fragmented landscapes will be exposed to some of the most severe consequences of intense storms and subsequent weed invasion. In storm‐prone regions, forests of the future are likely to experience a decrease in diversity of native species and homogenization of communities at landscape and regional scales, slower rates of forest succession, increasing degradation of forest fragments and ultimately a decrease in ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Land‐use change is the main cause of deforestation and degradation of tropical forest in Mexico. Frequently, these lands are abandoned leading to a mosaic of natural vegetation in secondary succession. Further degradation of the natural vegetation in these lands could be exacerbated by stochastic catastrophic events such as hurricanes. Information on the impact of human disturbance parallel to natural disturbance has not yet been evaluated for faunal assemblages in tropical dry forests. To evaluate the response of herpetofaunal assemblages to the interaction of human and natural disturbances, we used information of pre‐ and post‐hurricane herpetofaunal assemblages inhabiting different successional stages (pasture, early forest, young forest, intermediate forest, and old growth forest) of dry forest. Herpetofaunal assemblages were surveyed in all successional stages two years before and two years after the hurricane Jova that hit the Pacific Coast of Mexico on October 2011. We registered 4093 individuals of 61 species. Overall, there were only slight effects of successional stage, hurricane Jova or the interaction between them on abundance, observed species richness and diversity of the herpetofauna. However, we found marked changes in estimated richness and composition of frogs, lizards, and snakes among successional stages in response to hurricane Jova. Modifications in vegetation structure as result of hurricane pass promoted particular changes in each successional stage and taxonomic group (anurans, lizards, and snakes). Secondary forests at different stages of succession may attenuate the negative effects of an intense, short‐duration, and low‐frequency natural disturbance such as hurricane Jova on successional herpetofaunal trajectories and species turnover.  相似文献   

In 1998, storms related to Hurricane Isis caused extensive gaps in the cloud forest of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas, Mexico, where severe storms are infrequent. We examined how this disturbance affected bird species composition. Species richness and composition were similar both between pre‐ and post‐disturbance forest and between newly created gaps and plots that remained forested after the hurricane. However, differences in response guilds were greater between pre‐ and post‐disturbance plots than between forest plots with gaps after disturbance. Granivorous, omnivorous, and terrestrial species were more abundant before the hurricane, whereas insectivorous, midstory, and generalist foragers were more abundant after the hurricane. In addition, species with high sensitivity to disturbance were more abundant in the pre‐disturbance forest, while low sensitivity species were more abundant after disturbance. In the post‐disturbance forest, insectivorous species were most abundant in gaps and terrestrial‐canopy foragers were most abundant in forest plots. Permanently open areas had significantly lower species richness, but had lowland generalist and second‐growth species not present in the cloud forest. Results suggest that changes in species composition were not limited to the newly created gaps, but also affected the whole forest. The decline of high sensitivity species after disturbance supports the hypothesis that disturbance negatively affects specialists and benefits generalist species. Although there is evidence that natural communities tend to return to pre‐disturbance conditions, changes in community structure could be aggravated if recurrent hurricanes occur before succession takes place.  相似文献   

Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) is a large, rapidly growing, shade-intolerant tree species common after disturbances on moist sites in the Appalachian Mountains. The species is typically scattered throughout old-growth mesophytic forests, where periodic gap formation creates conditions favorable for yellow-poplar establishment and growth. On abandoned agricultural fields, however, it is common for nearly monospecific forests of yellow-poplar to develop.This study examines stand dynamics of a yellow-poplar forest in western Virginia, USA that was established on agricultural fields abandoned in the late 1940s. Increment cores were collected from yellow-poplar trees growing on exposed ridgetops and in a more sheltered hollow. Tree-ring data show that the forest is even-aged. Tree establishment began about 5 years earlier on the ridgetops than in the hollow. Major ice storms disturbed the forest in 1978 and 1994, with two separate events in 1994. Ice storms disturb forests by depositing heavy loads of freezing rain on trees, breaking or uprooting them. The dendroecological data collected for this study provide little support for the hypothesis that ice storm disturbance promotes the establishment of new yellow-poplar cohorts. However, the data show that radial growth of some trees increased after ice storm disturbance, a pattern that reflects the increased availability of light following disturbance. Radial growth declined in some other trees as a consequence of severe injury during the storms.Radial growth responses following the 1978 ice storm were stronger on the ridgetops than in the hollow, suggesting that tree damage was more severe on the higher, more exposed sites. Growth responses were relatively mild following the storms of 1994, and did not exhibit pronounced topographic variations.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerating and restored second growth forests account for over 70% of tropical forest cover and provide key ecosystem services. Understanding climate change impacts on successional trajectories of these ecosystems is critical for developing effective large‐scale forest landscape restoration (FLR) programs. Differences in environmental conditions, species composition, dynamics, and landscape context from old growth forests may exacerbate climate impacts on second growth stands. We compile data from 112 studies on the effects of natural climate variability, including warming, droughts, fires, and cyclonic storms, on demography and dynamics of second growth forest trees and identify variation in forest responses across biomes, regions, and landscapes. Across studies, drought decreases tree growth, survival, and recruitment, particularly during early succession, but the effects of temperature remain unexplored. Shifts in the frequency and severity of disturbance alter successional trajectories and increase the extent of second growth forests. Vulnerability to climate extremes is generally inversely related to long‐term exposure, which varies with historical climate and biogeography. The majority of studies, however, have been conducted in the Neotropics hindering generalization. Effects of fire and cyclonic storms often lead to positive feedbacks, increasing vulnerability to climate extremes and subsequent disturbance. Fragmentation increases forests’ vulnerability to fires, wind, and drought, while land use and other human activities influence the frequency and intensity of fire, potentially retarding succession. Comparative studies of climate effects on tropical forest succession across biogeographic regions are required to forecast the response of tropical forest landscapes to future climates and to implement effective FLR policies and programs in these landscapes.  相似文献   

Increased frequency of disturbances and anthropogenic activities are predicted to have a devastating impact on coral reefs that will ultimately change the composition of reef associated fish communities. We reviewed and analysed studies that document the effects of disturbance‐mediated coral loss on coral reef fishes. Meta‐analysis of 17 independent studies revealed that 62% of fish species declined in abundance within 3 years of disturbances that resulted in >10% decline in coral cover. Abundances of species reliant on live coral for food and shelter consistently declined during this time frame, while abundance of some species that feed on invertebrates, algae and/or detritus increased. The response of species, particularly those expected to benefit from the immediate loss of coral, is, however, variable and is attributed to erratic replenishment of stocks, ecological versatility of species and sublethal responses, such as changes in growth, body condition and feeding rates. The diversity of fish communities was found to be negatively and linearly correlated to disturbance‐mediated coral loss. Coral loss >20% typically resulted in a decline in species richness of fish communities, although diversity may initially increase following small declines in coral cover from high coverage. Disturbances that result in an immediate loss of habitat complexity (e.g. severe tropical storms), have a greater impact on fishes from all trophic levels, compared with disturbances that kill corals, but leave the reef framework intact (e.g. coral bleaching and outbreaks of Acanthaster planci). This is most evident among small bodied species and suggests the long‐term consequences of coral loss through coral bleaching and crown‐of‐thorn starfish outbreaks may be much more substantial than the short‐term effects currently documented.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a heuristic model of ecosystem-disturbance dynamics that illustrates a range of responses of disturbance impact to gradients of increasing disturbance extent, intensity, or duration. Three general kinds of response are identified and illustrated: (a) threshold response, (b) scale-independent response, and (c) continuous response. Threshold responses are those in which the response curve shows a discontinuity or a sudden change in slope along the axis of increasing disturbance extent, intensity, or duration. The response threshold occurs at a point where the force of the disturbance exceeds the capacity of internal mechanisms to resist disturbance, or where new mechanisms of recovery become involved. Within this conceptual framework, we find that some unusually large or intense disturbances, but not all, produce qualitatively different responses compared with similar disturbances of lesser magnitude. If disturbance impact does not increase with increasing disturbance extent, intensity, or duration, or if the response curve changes monotonically, then large disturbances are not qualitatively different from small ones. For example, jack pine tends to become reestablished after stand-replacing fire in boreal forests, regardless of fire size, because its serotinous cones provide an adequate seed source throughout the burned area. Thus, large fires are not qualitatively different from small fires in terms of jack pine reproduction. However, if disturbance impact does increase abruptly at some point with increasing disturbance extent, intensity, or duration, often because of thresholds in the capacity of internal mechanisms to resist or respond to disturbance impact, then large disturbances are qualitatively different from small ones, at least for some parameters of ecological response. For example, balsam fir and white cedar can recolonize a small burned patch of boreal forest in close proximity to surviving individuals of these species, but they will be eliminated from a large burn because of their susceptibility to fire-caused mortality and their inability to disperse their seeds over long distances. The conceptual framework presented here permits some new insights into the dynamics of natural systems and may provide a useful tool with which managers can assess the potential for catastrophic damages resulting from large, infrequent disturbances. Received 14 July 1998; accepted 29 September 1998  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of disturbance and secondary succession on spatio-temporal patterns in the abundance of species is stymied by a lack of long-term demographic data, especially in response to infrequent and high intensity disturbances, such as hurricanes. Moreover, resistance and resilience to hurricane-induced disturbance may be mediated by legacies of previous land use, although such interactive effects are poorly understood, especially in tropical environments. We address these central issues in disturbance ecology by analyzing an extensive dataset, spanning the impacts of Hurricanes Hugo and Georges, on the abundance of a Neotropical walking stick, Lamponius portoricensis, in tabonuco rainforest of Puerto Rico during the wet and dry seasons from 1991 to 2007. By synthesizing data from two proximate sites in tabonuco forest, we show that resistance to Hurricane Hugo (97% reduction in abundance) was much less than resistance to Hurricane Georges (21% reduction in abundance). Based on a powerful statistical approach (generalized linear mixed-effects models with Poisson error terms), we documented that the temporal trajectories of abundance during secondary succession (i.e., patterns of resilience) differed between hurricanes and among historical land use categories, but that the effects of hurricanes and land use histories were independent of each other. These complex results likely arise because of differences in the intensities of the two hurricanes with respect to microclimatic effects (temperature and moisture) in the forest understory, as well as to time-lags in the response of L. portoricensis to changes in the abundance and distribution of preferred food plants (Piper) in post-hurricane environments.  相似文献   

The globally observed trend of changing intensity of tropical cyclones over the past few decades emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the effects of such disturbance events in natural and inhabited areas. On the Korean Peninsula, typhoon intensity has increased over the past 100 years as evidenced by instrumental data recorded from 1904 until present. We examined how the increase in three weather characteristics (maximum hourly and daily precipitation, and maximum wind speed) during the typhoon activity affected old‐growth oak forests. Quercus mongolica is a dominant species in the Korean mountains and the growth releases from 220 individuals from three sites along a latitudinal gradient (33–38°N) of decreasing typhoon activity were studied. Growth releases indicate tree‐stand disturbance and improved light conditions for surviving trees. The trends in release events corresponded to spatiotemporal gradients in maximum wind speed and precipitation. A high positive correlation was found between the maximum values of typhoon characteristics and the proportion of trees showing release. A higher proportion of disturbed trees was found in the middle and southern parts of the Korean peninsula where typhoons are most intense. This shows that the releases are associated with typhoons and also indicates the differential impact of typhoons on the forests. Finally, we present a record of the changing proportion of trees showing release based on tree‐rings for the period 1770–1979. The reconstruction revealed no trend during the period 1770–1879, while the rate of forest disturbances increased rapidly from 1880 to 1979. Our results suggest that if typhoon intensity rises, as is projected by some climatic models, the number of forest disturbance events will increase thus altering the disturbance regime and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Question: Abrupt increments in tree radial growth chronology are associated with gap formations derived from disturbances. If a forest has been primarily controlled by fine‐scale disturbances such as single tree‐fall, do these release events spatio‐temporally synchronize at a fine scale such as 10 m and 5 years? Is it possible to quantify spatio‐temporal patterns of synchronicity from tree rings and long‐term inventories, and associate them with spatial forest patch dynamics? How and to what extent can we reconstruct the fine‐scale synchronized growth and spatio‐temporal forest patch dynamics from currently available information? Location: Cores were taken from Abies sachalinensis trees in a coniferous/deciduous mixed forest in the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Methods: We first eliminated short‐term fluctuations and highlighted growth trends over the mid‐term using a time‐series smoothing technique. This helped identify release events, we then conducted fine‐scale spatial analyses on released A. sachalinensis primarily with cluster analysis. Results: We specified the unit scale of synchronicity at 10 m, and classified released A. sachalinensis trees into spatially separated regions. Only once during the recent 50 years was extensive synchronicity over 40 m found. Most of the released A. sachalinensis were isolated, with non‐released A. sachalinensis present in nearby, implying imperfect synchronization. The ambiguous 20–30 m A. sachalinensis patches present in the current forest were the result of connected and overlapping patches smaller than 10 m associated with different disturbances and different responses of understorey trees. Conclusion: Tree‐ring series, long‐term census and fine‐scale spatio‐temporal analyses revealed that this forest community has been controlled by two types of disturbance: frequent small disturbances such as single tree‐fall and less frequent multiple tree‐falls.  相似文献   

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