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Granivorous rodent populations in deserts are primarily regulated through precipitation‐driven resource pulses rather than pulses associated with mast‐seeding, a pattern more common in mesic habitats. We studied heteromyid responses to mast‐seeding in the desert shrub blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima), a regionally dominant species in the Mojave–Great Basin Desert transition zone. In a 5‐year study at Arches National Park, Utah, USA, we quantified spatiotemporal variation in seed resources in mast and intermast years in blackbrush‐dominated and mixed desert vegetation and measured responses of Dipodomys ordii (Ord's kangaroo rat) and Perognathus flavescens (plains pocket mouse). In blackbrush‐dominated vegetation, blackbrush seeds comprised >79% of seed production in a mast year, but 0% in the first postmast year. Kangaroo rat abundance in blackbrush‐dominated vegetation was highest in the mast year, declined sharply at the end of the first postmast summer, and then remained at low levels for 3 years. Pocket mouse abundance was not as strongly associated with blackbrush seed production. In mixed desert vegetation, kangaroo rat abundance was higher and more uniform through time. Kangaroo rats excluded the smaller pocket mice from resource‐rich patches including a pipeline disturbance and also moved their home range centers closer to this disturbance in a year of low blackbrush seed production. Home range size for kangaroo rats was unrelated to seed resource density in the mast year, but resource‐poor home ranges were larger (< 0.001) in the first postmast year, when resources were limiting. Blackbrush seeds are higher in protein and fat but lower in carbohydrates than the more highly preferred seeds of Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides) and have similar energy value per unit of handling time. Kangaroo rats cached seeds of these two species in similar spatial configurations, implying that they were equally valued as stored food resources. Blackbrush mast is a key resource regulating populations of kangaroo rats in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the changes in prevalence of nine plant traits – including the presence of woody stem tissue, leaf longevity, nitrogen fixation, seed longevity, dispersal vector, pollination vector, and clonal growth form – across a riparian/forest‐understory ecotone. This ecotone, found along headwater streams in boreal mixed‐wood forests, supports four distinct vegetation zones: streambank, riparian, transition, and upland forest understory. The objective of this study was to identify specific trait patterns that may indicate functional responses to the changes in environmental factors such as nutrient availability and wind exposure that occur across the ecotone. The suites of plant species traits found in each zone were distinct, with a strong change in the prevalence of several traits. Wind and insect pollination, wind and vertebrate diaspore dispersal, and deciduous and evergreen leaves showed the greatest change in prevalence between the vegetation types. Some traits, including insect pollination and vertebrate diaspore dispersal, were strongly correlated within species. The consistent cooccurrence of pairs of traits in the same species suggests common responses by very different traits to the same environmental factor. This study demonstrates that an ecotone can be characterized not only as a discontinuity in species distributions or environmental factors, but also as a discontinuity in the trait spectrum. Examining ecotones from a trait perspective has strong potential for identifying the environmental factors and associated species functional responses that encourage the development of distinct vegetation boundaries.  相似文献   

We use seed count data from a New Zealand mono‐specific mountain beech forest to test for decadal trends in seed production along an elevation gradient in relation to changes in climate. Seedfall was collected (1965 to 2009) from seed trays located on transect lines at fixed elevations along an elevation gradient (1020 to 1370 m). We counted the number of seeds in the catch of each tray, for each year, and determined the number of viable seeds. Climate variables were obtained from a nearby (<2 km) climate station (914‐m elevation). Variables were the sum or mean of daily measurements, using periods within each year known to correlate with subsequent interannual variation in seed production. To determine trends in mean seed production, at each elevation, and climate variables, we used generalized least squares (GLS) regression. We demonstrate a trend of increasing total and viable seed production, particularly at higher elevations, which emerged from marked interannual variation. Significant changes in four seasonal climate variables had GLS regression coefficients consistent with predictions of increased seed production. These variables subsumed the effect of year in GLS regressions with a greater influence on seed production with increasing elevation. Regression models enforce a view that the sequence of climate variables was additive in their influence on seed production throughout a reproductive cycle spanning more than 2 years and including three summers. Models with the most support always included summer precipitation as the earliest variable in the sequence followed by summer maximum daily temperatures. We interpret this as reflecting precipitation driven increases in soil nutrient availability enhancing seed production at higher elevations rather than the direct effects of climate, stand development or rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressures. Greater sensitivity of tree seeding at higher elevations to changes in climate reveals how ecosystem responses to climate change will be spatially variable.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of grassy woodland ecosystems is now a significant landscape‐scale conservation objective throughout southern Australia. Technological improvements in direct seeding are now sufficiently well‐advanced to examine whether cost‐effective restoration of grassy woodlands is feasible. Consideration of six ‘best practice case studies shows substantial evidence of success. Further refinement of direct seeding techniques, in combination with native seed production systems, however, will be required into the future to meet the scale of woodland conservation targets and restore ecological function.  相似文献   

When invasive woody plants become dominant, they present an extreme challenge for restoration of native plant communities. Invasive Morella faya (fire tree) forms extensive, nearly monospecific stands in wet and mesic forests on the Island of Hawai’i. We used logging, girdling, and selective girdling over time (incremental girdling) to kill stands of M. faya at different rates, with the objective of identifying a method that best promotes native forest re-establishment. We hypothesized that rapid canopy opening by logging would lead to establishment of fast-growing, non-native invaders, but that slower death of M. faya by girdling or incremental girdling would increase the establishment by native plants adapted to partial shade conditions. After applying the M. faya treatments, seed banks, seed rain, and plant recruitment were monitored over 3 years. Different plant communities developed in response to the treatments. Increased light and nitrogen availability in the logged treatment were associated with invasion by non-native species. Native species, including the dominant native forest tree, (Metrosideros polymorpha) and tree fern (Cibotium glaucum), established most frequently in the girdle and incremental girdle treatments, but short-lived non-native species were more abundant than native species. A diverse native forest is unlikely to develop following any of the treatments due to seed limitation for many native species, but girdling and incremental girdling promoted natural establishment of major components of native Hawaiian forest. Girdling may be an effective general strategy for reestablishing native vegetation in areas dominated by woody plant invaders.  相似文献   

There have been numerous attempts to synthesize the results of local‐scale biodiversity change studies, yet several geographic data gaps exist. These data gaps have hindered ecologist's ability to make strong conclusions about how local‐scale species richness is changing around the globe. Research on four of the major drivers of global change is unevenly distributed across the Earth's biomes. Here, we use a dataset of 638 anthropogenically driven species richness change studies to identify where data gaps exist across the Earth's terrestrial biomes based on land area, future change in drivers, and the impact of drivers on biodiversity, and make recommendations for where future studies should focus their efforts. Across all drivers of change, the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests and the tropical moist broadleaf forests are the best studied. The biome–driver combinations we have identified as most critical in terms of where local‐scale species richness change studies are lacking include the following: land‐use change studies in tropical and temperate coniferous forests, species invasion and nutrient addition studies in the boreal forest, and warming studies in the boreal forest and tropics. Gaining more information on the local‐scale effects of the specific human drivers of change in these biomes will allow for better predictions of how human activity impacts species richness around the globe.  相似文献   

Abstract The distributions of lizards across habitat edges delimiting open‐forest and regenerating sand‐mined areas as a function of distance from the edge were studied at Tomago, New South Wales, Australia. Pitfall‐trapping was used to survey lizards across the northern edges of four forest fragments, to determine if lizards displayed characteristic responses across the edge, and whether these could be explained by the different habitat conditions. At each site, 11 equally spaced drift fences (each parallel to the edge) were arranged in a transect running perpendicular to the edge, and stretching 50 m into each habitat type. Captures of Amphibolurus muricatus (Agamidae) decreased substantially across the edge from the mine‐path to the forest so that it was identified as a mine‐path specialist lizard species. Captures of two skink species decreased across the mine‐path before reaching the edge, and were not caught (Ctenotus taeniolatus) or were seldom caught (Ctenotus robustus) in the forest, so they were identified as mine‐path specialist, edge avoiding, lizard species. Captures of Lampropholis delicata (Scincidae) increased across edges into the forest, consistent with the expectation for a forest specialist. Regression analyses indicated the responses to edges of three lizard species (A. muricatus, C. robustus and C. taeniolatus) were negatively correlated with canopy cover (probably due to its influence on temperature, as captures of A. muricatus and C. robustus were also correlated positively with mean daily temperature). In addition, the response of C. robustus correlated negatively with a vegetation factor (dense, even vegetation in the first 50 cm from ground level). The response of L. delicata correlated positively with understorey height. We have identified edge response strategies for four species of lizards across edges delimiting temperate open‐forest and mined areas, and identified habitat and microclimate variables that may have driven these responses.  相似文献   

Tropical birds are purported to be longer lived than their temperate counterparts, but it has not been shown whether avian survival rates covary with latitude worldwide. Here, we perform a global‐scale meta‐analysis of 949 estimates from 204 studies of avian survival and demonstrate that a latitudinal survival gradient exists in the northern hemisphere, is dampened or absent for southern hemisphere species, and that differences between passerines and nonpasserines largely drive these trends. We also show that while extrinsic factors related to climate were poor predictors of apparent survival compared to latitude alone, the relationship between apparent survival and latitude is strongly mediated by intrinsic traits – large‐bodied species and species with smaller clutch size had the highest apparent survival. Our findings reveal that differences among intrinsic traits and whether species were passerines or nonpasserines surpass latitude and its underlying climatic factors in explaining global patterns of apparent avian survival.  相似文献   

Most current research on land‐use intensification addresses its potential to either threaten biodiversity or to boost agricultural production. However, little is known about the simultaneous effects of intensification on biodiversity and yield. To determine the responses of species richness and yield to conventional intensification, we conducted a global meta‐analysis synthesizing 115 studies which collected data for both variables at the same locations. We extracted 449 cases that cover a variety of areas used for agricultural (crops, fodder) and silvicultural (wood) production. We found that, across all production systems and species groups, conventional intensification is successful in increasing yield (grand mean + 20.3%), but it also results in a loss of species richness (?8.9%). However, analysis of sub‐groups revealed inconsistent results. For example, small intensification steps within low intensity systems did not affect yield or species richness. Within high‐intensity systems species losses were non‐significant but yield gains were substantial (+15.2%). Conventional intensification within medium intensity systems revealed the highest yield increase (+84.9%) and showed the largest loss in species richness (?22.9%). Production systems differed in their magnitude of richness response, with insignificant changes in silvicultural systems and substantial losses in crop systems (?21.2%). In addition, this meta‐analysis identifies a lack of studies that collect robust biodiversity (i.e. beyond species richness) and yield data at the same sites and that provide quantitative information on land‐use intensity. Our findings suggest that, in many cases, conventional land‐use intensification drives a trade‐off between species richness and production. However, species richness losses were often not significantly different from zero, suggesting even conventional intensification can result in yield increases without coming at the expense of biodiversity loss. These results should guide future research to close existing research gaps and to understand the circumstances required to achieve such win‐win or win‐no‐harm situations in conventional agriculture.  相似文献   

G. Leroy 《Animal genetics》2014,45(5):618-628
Inbreeding, by virtue of its consequence on traits of interest, is a topic of major interest for geneticists and animal breeders. Based on meta‐analysis conducted on 57 studies and seven livestock species considering a wide variety of selected traits, it was estimated that inbreeding depression corresponds to on average a decrease of 0.137 percent of the mean of a trait per 1 percent of inbreeding. The decrease was larger for production traits (reduction of 0.351%) than for other trait categories. For populations raised as purebreds, inbreeding depression may impact the economic income of breeders. There is a need for studies assessing the existence of an inbreeding purge phenomenon as well as the impact of inbreeding on adaptation capacities of livestock species. Promises brought by the development of dense genotyping as well as functional genomics will increase the capacities to improve our understanding and management of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

Aim Human activities have led to the spread and establishment of increasing numbers of non‐native species. Here we assess whether non‐native plant and vertebrate species have affected species compositions within and across Europe and North America. We also assess the effects of intra‐continental species exchange using the example of vertebrates. Location European countries and North America (states in the contiguous United States and provinces of Canada). Methods We measured compositional dissimilarity of native and non‐native assemblages of vascular plants and vertebrates and related these patterns to climatic dissimilarity and geographical distance. We considered three categories of non‐native species (introduced after ad 1500), namely: those (1) originating outside of both continents, (2) native to one continent and non‐native to the other, and (3) native in a particular region of a continent but non‐native in another region. Results The presence of non‐native plants and vertebrates led to more homogeneous species compositions between continents and to less homogeneous species composition within Europe compared with the native assemblages. In North America, the presence of non‐native plants led to more homogeneous species compositions and the presence of non‐native vertebrates had no effect. Species compositions being more homogeneous than the native composition were found for the three categories of non‐native vertebrate species for both continents. Between continents, climate was a better predictor of compositional dissimilarity for non‐native plants, whereas for vertebrates the explanatory power of climate and geographical distance were comparable. By contrast, within continents, climate was a better predictor of compositional dissimilarity of both plants and vertebrates. Conclusions We found clear evidence for biotic homogenization as a consequence of species displacement. However, in relation to overall species richness this effect was rather small, indicating that floras and faunas are still quite distinct. Therefore, claiming that we already face homogeneous biotas might be premature, although clear indications are visible which should raise a note of caution, especially in the light of increasing globalization.  相似文献   

Pichia pastoris has become one of the major microorganisms for the production of proteins in recent years. This development was mainly driven by the readily available genetic tools and the ease of high‐cell density cultivations using methanol (or methanol/glycerol mixtures) as inducer and carbon source. To overcome the observed limitations of methanol use such as high heat development, cell lysis, and explosion hazard, we here revisited the possibility to produce proteins with P. pastoris using glucose as sole carbon source. Using a recombinant P. pastoris strain in glucose limited fed‐batch cultivations, very high‐cell densities were reached (more than 200 gCDW L?1) resulting in a recombinant protein titer of about 6.5 g L?1. To investigate the impact of recombinant protein production and high‐cell density fermentation on the metabolism of P. pastoris, we used 13C‐tracer‐based metabolic flux analysis in batch and fed‐batch experiments. At a controlled growth rate of 0.12 h?1 in fed‐batch experiments an increased TCA cycle flux of 1.1 mmol g?1 h?1 compared to 0.7 mmol g?1 h?1 for the recombinant and reference strains, respectively, suggest a limited but significant flux rerouting of carbon and energy resources. This change in flux is most likely causal to protein synthesis. In summary, the results highlight the potential of glucose as carbon and energy source, enabling high biomass concentrations and protein titers. The insights into the operation of metabolism during recombinant protein production might guide strain design and fermentation development. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 357–368. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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