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Bragazza  L.  Gerdol  R. 《Plant Ecology》1999,144(2):243-256
The habitat conditions in a mire on the southern Alps of Italy were defined based on data on topography, hydrology, water chemistry, peat chemistry and floristic composition. Water flowed along the main longitudinal axis from the eastern dry sector to the western wet sector of the mire. Along the transverse axes the water table assumed a convex shape during dry periods, which resulted in water flowing towards the margins of the mire. During wet periods the water table assumed a concave shape, determining a flow of water from the margins towards the mire centre. The absence of any vertical groundwater flows enhanced habitat acidification, particularly in the eastern sector of the mire characterised by a smaller peat thickness. Surface water in the central portion of the mire had low calcium concentration and low electrical conductivity, comparable to those found in ombrotrophic bogs. Calcium concentration and electrical conductivity in surface water were higher along the margins, indicating a certain degree of mineral soil water inflow. Total contents of major nutrients (N, P and K) in the peat were rather homogeneous over the mire, while calcium concentrations were slightly higher in the peat layers of the wet portion of the mire. Species distribution was strongly influenced, rather than by surface water chemistry, by water table position and rate of surface water flow.  相似文献   

Concomitant with farmland development in the Ishikari Peatland of northern Japan, deterioration of water chemistry has become increasingly evident at mire pools there. Using spatial analysis methods with a geographic information system and a statistical methodology, this study examined the effects of agricultural land use on the pool water chemistry. A water chemistry survey of several pools showed that nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-solid concentrations were remarkably higher than those in pools that had been undisturbed or less-disturbed by land-use development. Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to summarize water chemistry variables. Correlation analysis was conducted between the principal component (PC) scores and land-use variables to clarify land-use effects. Results of the PCA showed that the water chemistry variances were accounted for by the first two PCs: PC1 included farmland subsurface drainage containing nitrogen, specifically nitrate, and mineral ions; PC2 included farmland surface drainage containing soil particles and ammonium nitrogen. These PC scores were also affected by the number of inflow ditches and the total area of farmland located within the drainage catchment of inflow ditches leading to the pools. Results suggest that farmland subsurface and surface drainage water flowing into the pools degraded the water chemistry. The extent of the effects of drainage water depended on agricultural practices such as fertilizer application and paddy-field puddling (i.e., mechanical homogenization of water-saturated soil). Accordingly, water chemistry of the study pools was affected by agricultural practices and by the amount of farmland in the drainage basin, engendering eutrophication, and the deterioration of water chemistry. Therefore, preservation of water chemistry necessitates changes in agricultural practices, such as improving fertilizer application methods, along with measures related to land-use planning such as changing the drainage ditches’ flow direction.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmalemma-mitochondrial complexes (PMC) are known to be very active in water transport in different tissues. The PMC in the hindgut cells of the milliped, Scaphiostreptus sp., differ from those found in other transporting epithelia of hindguts; they are closely connected with cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. This arrangement is thought to be very efficient in ion and water transport.  相似文献   

We compared the precision, bias and accuracy of two techniques that were recently proposed to estimate the contributions of cuticular and respiratory water loss to total water loss in insects. We performed measurements of VCO2 and VH2O in normoxia, hyperoxia and anoxia using flow through respirometry on single individuals of the highly variable cockroach Perisphaeria sp. to compare estimates of cuticular and respiratory water loss (CWL and RWL) obtained by the VH2O-VCO2 y-intercept method with those obtained by the hyperoxic switch method. Precision was determined by assessing the repeatability of values obtained whereas bias was assessed by comparing the methods' results to each other and to values for other species found in the literature. We found that CWL was highly repeatable by both methods (R0.88) and resulted in similar values to measures of CWL determined during the closed-phase of discontinuous gas exchange (DGE). Repeatability of RWL was much lower (R=0.40) and significant only in the case of the hyperoxic method. RWL derived from the hyperoxic method is higher (by 0.044 micromol min(-1)) than that obtained from the method traditionally used for measuring water loss during the closed-phase of DGE, suggesting that in the past RWL may have been underestimated. The very low cuticular permeability of this species (3.88 microg cm(-2) h(-1) Torr(-1)) is reasonable given the seasonally hot and dry habitat where it lives. We also tested the hygric hypothesis proposed to account for the evolution of discontinuous gas exchange cycles and found no effect of respiratory pattern on RWL, although the ratio of mean VH2O to VCO2 was higher for continuous patterns compared with discontinuous ones.  相似文献   

We report that the ability to absorb water vapor from the air in larvae of the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, changes depending upon moisture conditions where the eggs develop. When development occurs at lower relative humidities, resultant larvae can replenish water stores, maintain water balance, and survive at relative humidities as low as 75-85% RH, a range that agrees with previously published values for the critical equilibrium humidity or CEH. In contrast, exposure to high relative humidity conditions during development elevates the CEH to 93-97% RH. These larvae can survive only at relative humidities that are close to saturation, as 93% RH is a dehydrating atmosphere. For these larvae, absorption at 97% RH can be prevented by blocking the mouthparts with wax, indicating that an upward shift has occurred in the moisture threshold where the active mechanism for water vapor absorption operates. Based on transfer experiments between low and high relative humidities, the CEH of larvae is determined by the relative humidity experienced by the mother rather than the moisture conditions encountered by eggs after they are laid. The fact that no changes in body water content, dehydration tolerance limit and water loss rate were observed implies that adjustments to the CEH conferred by the mother have the adaptive significance of enabling larvae to maintain water balance by limiting the range of hydrating atmospheres.  相似文献   

The syntheses and structural characterization of four cobalt(II)-salicylate complexes, [(TPA)CoII(HSA)](ClO4) (1), [(isoBPMEN)CoII(HSA)](BPh4) (2), [(TPzA)CoII(HSA)](ClO4) (3) and [(6Me3TPA)CoII(HSA)](BPh4) (4) [TPA = tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine, isoBPMEN = N1,N1-dimethyl-N2,N2-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine, TPzA = tris((3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole-1-yl)methyl)amine and 6Me3TPA = tris(6-methyl-2-pyridylmethyl)amine] are described. While 2, 3 and 4 are unreactive towards dioxygen, 1 reacts slowly with molecular oxygen to a cobalt(III)-salicylate complex, [(TPA)CoIII(SA)](ClO4) (1a). Two different crystalline forms, 1a and 1a·4H2O were isolated depending upon the condition of oxidation and crystallization. The solid-state structures of cobalt(III)-salicylate unit in both 1a and 1a·4H2O show a six-coordinate distorted octahedral coordination geometry at the cobalt(III) center ligated by the tetradentate ligand (TPA) where the dianionic salicylate (SA) binds in a bidentate fashion through one carboxylate and one phenolate oxygen. The hydrated form 1a·4H2O reveals a hexameric water cluster formation in the inorganic lattice host. The complex cation and the perchlorate counterion are involved in stabilizing the (H2O)6 cluster in a rare ‘pentamer planar+1’ conformation. A one-dimensional water tape consisting of edge-shared water hexamers is observed. The water tape represents a subunit of ice structure.  相似文献   

Liu R T  Bi R C  Zhao H L 《农业工程》2009,29(2):139-143
Understanding of the biomass (dry weight) allocation and water relations in populations will provide useful information on the growth patterns and resource-allocation dynamics. By destructive sampling, foliage, branch and root biomass were measured in the endangered shrub Elaeagnus mollis populations growing in Shanxi province, North China. Biomass partitioning and water content relationships were compared at the branch and whole-plant levels, and as a function of basal diameter (plant size). The biomass was mainly distributed in the bigger branches at the branch level, and in the branch wood at the whole-plant level, and branch biomass (but not foliage or root biomass) increases significantly with increasing basal diameter. As a result, branch wood became the major biomass pool, even though considerable biomass was also allocated to the roots. However, the relative water content decreased from the periphery of the crown to the interior of the shrub at the branch level, and from the aboveground to the belowground at the whole-plant level though no significant variation among foliage, branches, and roots. Yet it increased significantly for the whole-plant with increasing basal diameter. The ratio of belowground to aboveground biomass was smaller than 1.0, even as a function of basal diameter. These growth responses indicated a strong adaptation to the shrub’s growing conditions. Biomass was primarily allocated above the ground and the aboveground components grew faster than the belowground one.  相似文献   

[VIVO(acac)2] reacts with the methanol solution of tridentate ONO donor hydrazone ligands (H2L1-4, general abbreviation H2L; are derived from the condensation of benzoyl hydrazine with 2-hydroxyacetophenone and its 5-substituted derivatives) in presence of neutral monodentate alkyl amine bases having stronger basicity than pyridine e.g., ethylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine and piperidine (general abbreviation B) to produce BH+[VO2L] (1-16) complexes. Five of these sixteen complexes are structurally characterized revealing that the vanadium is present in the anionic part of the molecule, [VO2L] in a distorted square pyramidal environment. The complexes 5, 6, 15 and 16 containing two H-atoms associated with the amine-N atom in their cationic part (e.g., diethylammonium and piperidinium ion) are involved in H-bonding with a neighboring molecule resulting in the formation of centrosymmetric dimers while the complex 12 (containing only one hydrogen atom in the cationic part) exhibits normal H-bonding. The nature of the H-bonds in each of the four centrosymmetric dimeric complexes is different. These complexes have potential catalytic activity in the aerial oxidation of l-ascorbic acid and are converted into the [VO(L)(hq)] complexes containing VO3+ motif on reaction with equimolar amount of 8-hydroxyquinoline (Hhq) in methanol.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) is the causative agent of Lyme borreliosis, the most common tick‐borne zoonosis of humans in Europe and North America. Here, we assessed the relative importance of different passerine bird species as tick hosts and their contribution to the B. burgdorferi s.l. transmission cycle in a rural residential area in Scotland. We caught 1229 birds of 22 species during the tick‐questing season. On average, 29% carried larval ticks (0.8 larvae per individual) and 5% carried nymph ticks (0.06 nymphs per individual). All attached ticks tested were Ixodes ricinus. Using a nested‐PCR, we found that 20% of nymphs tested positive to B. burgdorferi s.l. and all these were of the genospecies Borrelia garinii. We identified two new bird species carrying infected nymphs: Eurasian Siskin Carduelis spinus and European Greenfinch Carduelis chloris. Ground‐foraging species were more important than arboreal species in hosting I. ricinus nymphs and B. burgdorferi s.l. Common Blackbirds Turdus merula were the most common hosts, with Song Thrushes Turdus philomelos, Dunnocks Prunella modularis, European Greenfinches and Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs also hosting high rates of infection.  相似文献   

Understanding of the biomass (dry weight) allocation and water relations in populations will provide useful information on the growth patterns and resource-allocation dynamics. By destructive sampling, foliage, branch and root biomass were measured in the endangered shrub Elaeagnus mollis populations growing in Shanxi province, North China. Biomass partitioning and water content relationships were compared at the branch and whole-plant levels, and as a function of basal diameter (plant size). The biomass was mainly distributed in the bigger branches at the branch level, and in the branch wood at the whole-plant level, and branch biomass (but not foliage or root biomass) increases significantly with increasing basal diameter. As a result, branch wood became the major biomass pool, even though considerable biomass was also allocated to the roots. However, the relative water content decreased from the periphery of the crown to the interior of the shrub at the branch level, and from the aboveground to the belowground at the whole-plant level though no significant variation among foliage, branches, and roots. Yet it increased significantly for the whole-plant with increasing basal diameter. The ratio of belowground to aboveground biomass was smaller than 1.0, even as a function of basal diameter. These growth responses indicated a strong adaptation to the shrub’s growing conditions. Biomass was primarily allocated above the ground and the aboveground components grew faster than the belowground one.  相似文献   

Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) was used to estimate past salinity and ionic composition in sediments of a paleolake in the southernmost Bolivian Altiplano. Modern diatom assemblages were sampled from the subsurface sediments of 14 saline lagoons, and compared quantitatively with fossil assemblages. Only one application of the method is reported: to a Quaternary outcrop located on the border of one of them (Laguna Ballivian). Multivariate analysis was performed on diatom data to check the range of variation of both the fossil and modern flora. It also allowed a reduced set of explanatory variables for regression analysis. Finally, a number of transformations of the chemical variables was computed prior to the regression process in order to stabilize the residuals variance and obtain a good error estimate. Only ten chemical components were studied, but the method could be applied to other palaoenvironmental parameters.  相似文献   

Extraction conditions have been found which result in the retention of managanese to the 33–34 kDa protein, first isolated as an apoprotein by Kuwabara and Murata (Kuwabara, T. and Murata, N. (1979) Biochim. Biophys Acta 581, 228–236). By maintaining an oxidizing-solution potential, with hydrophilic and lipophilic redox buffers during protein extraction of spinach grana-thylakoid membranes, the 33–34 kDa protein is observed to bind a maximum of 2 Mn/protein which are not released by extended dialysis versus buffer. This manganese is a part of the pool of 4 Mn/Photosystem II normally associated with the oxygen-evolving complex. The mechanism for retention of Mn to the protein during isolation appears to be by suppression of chemical reduction of natively bound, high-valent Mn to the labile Mn(II) oxidation state. This protein is also present in stoichiometric levels in highly active, O2-evolving, detergent-extracted PS-II particles which contain 4–5 Mn/PS II. Conditions which result in the loss of Mn and O2 evolution activity from functional membranes, such as incubation in 1.5 mM NH2OH or in ascorbate plus dithionite, also release Mn from the protein. The protein exists as a monomer of 33 kDa by gel filtration and 34 kDa by gel electrophoresis, with an isoelectric point of 5.1 ± 0.1. The protein exhibits an EPR spectrum only below 12 K which extends over at least 2000 G centered at g = 2 consisting of non-uniformly separated hyperfine transitions with average splitting of 45–55 G. The magnitude of this splitting is nominally one-half the splitting observed in monomeric manganese complexes having O or N donor ligands. This is apparently due to electronic coupling of the two 55Mn nuclei in a presumed binuclear site. Either a ferromagnetically coupled binuclear Mn2(III,III) site or an antiferromagnetically coupled mixed-valence Mn2(II,III) site are considered as possible oxidation states to account for the EPR spectrum. Qualitatively similar hyperfine structure splittings are observed in ferromagnetically coupled binuclear Mn complexes having even-spin ground states. The extreme temperature dependence suggests the population of low-lying excited spin states such as are present in weakly coupled dimers and higher clusters of Mn ions, or, possibly, from efficient spin relaxation such as occurs in the Mn(III) oxidation state. Either 1.5 mM NH2OH or incubation with reducing agents abolishes the low temperature EPR signal and releases two Mn(II) ions to solution. This is consistent with the presence of Mn(III) in the isolated protein. The intrinsically unstable Mn2(II,III) oxidation state observed in model compounds favors the assignment of the stable protein oxidation state to the Mn2(III,III) formulation. This protein exhibits characteristics consistent with an identification with the long-sought Mn site for photosynthetic O2 evolution. An EPR spectrum having qualitatively similar features is observable in dark-adapted intact, photosynthetic membranes (Dismukes, G.C., Abramowicz, D.A., Ferris, F.K., Mathur, P., Upadrashta, B. and Watnick, P. (1983) in The Oxygen-Evolving System of Plant Photosynthesis (Inoue, Y., ed.), pp. 145–158, Academic Press, Tokyo) and in detergent-extracted, O2-evolving Photosystem-II particles (Abramowicz, D.A., Raab, T.K. and Dismukes, G.C. (1984) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Photosynthesis (Sybesma, C., ed.), Vol. I, pp. 349–354, Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague, The Netherlands), thus establishing a direct link with the O2 evolving complex.  相似文献   

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