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Chemical signals may be the basis of interspecific recognition and speciation in many animals. To test whether a chemical label allowing recognition between closely related species exists in seabirds, we investigated two closely related taxa breeding sympatrically at some localities: Cory's and Scopoli's shearwaters. Procellariiform seabirds are ideal for this study because they have a well‐developed olfactory system and unequalled associated capabilities among birds. We analysed and compared the relative volatile compounds composition of the uropygial gland secretions of Cory's and Scopoli's shearwaters. As the volatile components from uropygial secretions might also provide some critical eco‐chemical information about population origin and sex, we also examined variations in the volatile compounds between populations and sexes in Cory's shearwater. The chemical data were obtained using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry techniques looking for the presence of these three particular labels: species, population and gender. We found diagnostic differences in uropygial secretions between the two species of shearwaters and smaller but significant variation between populations of Cory's shearwater in the Atlantic. No significant differences were observed between males and females. Individuals might thus use the chemical variation between species to recognize and mate with conspecifics, especially at localities where both species breed sympatrically. Geographical variation in chemical composition of uropygial secretions suggests that selective forces might vary according to locality, and might represent a key in the species recognition. Further behavioural bioassays are needed to determine whether or not these species labels are signals allowing reproductive isolation between these two taxa. Finally, one of the aims of our study was to test easier methods than freezing for storing uropygial gland secretions in the field. We describe here a new possibility for the storage of uropygial secretion samples at ambient temperature in the field, providing an alternative, simple protocol for the sampling of avian chemosignals.  相似文献   

Efforts to detect loci under selection in plants have mostly focussed on single species. However, assuming that intraspecific divergence may lead to speciation, comparisons of genetic variation within and among recently diverged taxa can help to locate such genes. In this study, coalescent and outlier detection methods were used to assess nucleotide polymorphism and divergence at 79 nuclear gene fragments (1212 SNPs) in 16 populations (153 individuals) of the closely related, but phenotypically and ecologically distinct, pine taxa Pinus mugo, P. uliginosa and P. uncinata across their European distributions. Simultaneously, mitochondrial DNA markers, which are maternally inherited in pines and distributed by seeds at short geographic distance, were used to assess genetic relationships of the focal populations and taxa. The majority of nuclear loci showed homogenous patterns of variation between the taxa due to a high number of shared SNPs and haplotypes, similar levels of polymorphism, and low net divergence. However, against this common genetic background and an overall low population structure within taxa at mitochondrial markers, we identified several genes showing signatures of selection, accompanied by significant intra- and interspecific divergence. Our results indicate that loci involved in species divergence may be involved in intraspecific local adaptation.  相似文献   

F Payre  A Vincent 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):245-250
Finger proteins, the first example of which was Xenopus TFIIIA, share Zn2+ finger-like folded domains capable of binding to nucleic acids. A large number of this type of protein have been characterised from diverse organisms, indicating a wide evolutionary spread of the DNA-binding fingers. At least two classes of finger proteins may be distinguished. Class I proteins contain variable numbers of the tandemly repeating TFIIIA-like finger motif, (Y/F-X-C-X2-4-C-X3-F-X5-L-X2-H-X3-H). Class II finger proteins display a single (C-X2-C-X13-C-X2-C) motif and a facultative second putative finger. The relation between the structure of finger proteins and their recognised DNA sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

We compared egg size phenotypes and tested several predictions from the optimal egg size (OES) and bet‐hedging theories in two North American desert‐dwelling sister tortoise taxa, Gopherus agassizii and G. morafkai, that inhabit different climate spaces: relatively unpredictable and more predictable climate spaces, respectively. Observed patterns in both species differed from the predictions of OES in several ways. Mean egg size increased with maternal body size in both species. Mean egg size was inversely related to clutch order in G. agassizii, a strategy more consistent with the within‐generation hypothesis arising out of bet‐hedging theory or a constraint in egg investment due to resource availability, and contrary to theories of density dependence, which posit that increasing hatchling competition from later season clutches should drive selection for larger eggs. We provide empirical evidence that one species, G. agassizii, employs a bet‐hedging strategy that is a combination of two different bet‐hedging hypotheses. Additionally, we found some evidence for G. morafkai employing a conservative bet‐hedging strategy. (e.g., lack of intra‐ and interclutch variation in egg size relative to body size). Our novel adaptive hypothesis suggests the possibility that natural selection favors smaller offspring in late‐season clutches because they experience a more benign environment or less energetically challenging environmental conditions (i.e., winter) than early clutch progeny, that emerge under harsher and more energetically challenging environmental conditions (i.e., summer). We also discuss alternative hypotheses of sexually antagonistic selection, which arise from the trade‐offs of son versus daughter production that might have different optima depending on clutch order and variation in temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) among clutches. Resolution of these hypotheses will require long‐term data on fitness of sons versus daughters as a function of incubation environment, data as yet unavailable for any species with TSD.  相似文献   



The recent accumulation of closely related genomic sequences provides a valuable resource for the elucidation of the evolutionary histories of various organisms. However, although numerous alignment calculation and visualization tools have been developed to date, the analysis of complex genomic changes, such as large insertions, deletions, inversions, translocations and duplications, still presents certain difficulties.  相似文献   

Inversions in evolution of man and closely related species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By the comparative study of the karyotypes of many Primates, 35 inversions (25 peri- and 10 paracentric) having accumulated during evolution of species related to man were reconstructed. Some of them originated human chromosomes from more ancestral chromosomes still present in other primate species. Their detection in man would indicate the occurrence of reverse mutations. Other inversions occurred in ancestral chromosomes identical to those of man, and originated chromosomes of other Primates species. Their detection in man would indicate the occurrence of a convergent mutation. It is shown that such reverse and convergent mutations do occur. They are too frequently observed than by mere chance among patients ascertained in human cytogenetic laboratories. Their excess is still larger among radiation induced inversions in human cells. This demonstrates the nonrandom occurrence of inversions. In addition, it is concluded that inversions which have accumulated during evolution are more representative of mutagenesis than those detected in human cytogenetic laboratories.  相似文献   

Based on genetic differentiation, the haploid dioecious bryophyte taxa Polytrichum commune and P. uliginosum have been inferred to be completely reproductively isolated. However, analysing diploid sporophytes from a sympatric population for three diagnostic microsatellite markers, we show here that reproductive isolation between these taxa is far more complex and highly asymmetric. Isolation between female-P. communex male-P. uliginosum seems to be complete and prezygotic (or early postzygotic) as no hybrid sporophytes were observed on P. commune females. In the other direction ( female-P. uliginosumx male-P. commune) isolation was clearly postzygotic as high frequencies of hybrid sporophytes were found on P. uliginosum females. However, during maturation these sporophytes showed irregular development, indicating that hybrid sporophytes are unlikely to produce ripe spores. Mechanisms possibly underlying this asymmetric reproductive isolation pattern are discussed. Notwithstanding hybrid offspring being unlikely, the high frequency of hybrid sporophytes observed suggests that viable spores may be formed occasionally through such rare processes as chromosome nondisjunction, possibly giving rise to allodiploids. Allodiploids have been reported in Polytrichum (and other bryophyte genera). Studies such as the one presented here will therefore help to elucidate the evolutionary importance of interspecific hybridization and allodiploidization in bryophyte speciation.  相似文献   

Isoetes velata A. Braun is an amphibious plant with Mediterranean and Ibero-Atlantic distribution, showing marked morphological variability. Within the same geographical area, closely related restricted-range taxa are also present, including I. velata ssp. asturicense (restricted to mountainous areas of the north-west Iberian Peninsula) and I. boryana (restricted to the southern French Atlantic coast). These related taxa have unclear taxonomy and are both threatened. We performed a morphometric study of specimens of the three taxa. Our results suggest that I. velata ssp. asturicense is better considered as a distinct species, I. asturicense Laínz (Laínz), distinguishable from the other two taxa by mean megaspore length ( N  ≥ 30) < 360 µm. In contrast, our results do not support consideration of I. boryana as a separate species, and we here propose that this taxon be considered as a variety, I. velata A. Braun var. boryana M.I. Romero & C. Real stat. nov.   © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 459–464.  相似文献   

Based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence analysis, the history of true sheep (Ovis) began approximately 3.12 million years ago (MYA). The evolution of Ovis resulted in three generally accepted genetic groups: Argaliforms, Moufloniforms, and Pachyceriforms. The Pachyceriforms of the subgenus Pachyceros comprise the thin-horn sheep Ovis nivicola (snow sheep), Ovis dalli (Dall and Stone sheep), and Ovis canadensis (Rocky Mountain and desert bighorn). North America wild sheep (O. canadensis and O. dalli) evolved separately from Eurasian wild sheep and diverged from each other about 1.41 MYA. Ancestral stock that gave rise to snow sheep, Moufloniforms, and Argaliforms occurred 2.3 MYA, which then gave rise to two different extant lines of snow sheep that diverged from each other about 1.96 MYA. The more recent nivicola line is genetically closer to the North American wild sheep and may represent a close association during the refugium when Alaska and Siberia were connected by the Bering land bridge. The earlier period of evolution of the Pachyceriforms suggests they may have first evolved in Eurasia, the oldest ancestor then giving rise to North American wild sheep, and that a canadensis-like ancestor most likely gave rise to nivicola. Cytogenetic analysis further validates that the standard diploid number for modern nivicola is 52.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are structurally diverse pigments of biotechnological interest as natural colorants and in the prevention of human disease. The carotenoids present in 19 strains taxonomically related to the poorly described, nonphotosynthetic bacterial genus Hymenobacter, including 10 novel isolates cultivated from Victoria Upper Glacier, Antarctica, were characterized using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Nine chemically distinct carotenoids, present in various combinations irresolvable by conventional crude spectrophotometric analyses, were purified by preparative HPLC and characterized using UV-visible light absorption spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry. All major Hymenobacter carotenoids appear to be derived from a common backbone of 2'-hydroxyflexixanthin and include previously unreported presumptive hexosyl, pentosyl, and methyl derivatives. Their distribution does not, however, correlate perfectly with 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. Carotenoid composition, therefore, may be strain specific and does not follow a strictly homogeneous pattern of vertical evolutionary descent.  相似文献   

Microbes have evolved ways of interference competition to gain advantage over their ecological competitors. The use of secreted killer toxins by yeast cells through acquiring double‐stranded RNA viruses is one such prominent example. Although the killer behaviour has been well studied in laboratory yeast strains, our knowledge regarding how killer viruses are spread and maintained in nature and how yeast cells co‐evolve with viruses remains limited. We investigated these issues using a panel of 81 yeast populations belonging to three Saccharomyces sensu stricto species isolated from diverse ecological niches and geographic locations. We found that killer strains are rare among all three species. In contrast, killer toxin resistance is widespread in Saccharomyces paradoxus populations, but not in Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces eubayanus populations. Genetic analyses revealed that toxin resistance in S. paradoxus is often caused by dominant alleles that have independently evolved in different populations. Molecular typing identified one M28 and two types of M1 killer viruses in those killer strains. We further showed that killer viruses of the same type could lead to distinct killer phenotypes under different host backgrounds, suggesting co‐evolution between the viruses and hosts in different populations. Taken together, our data suggest that killer viruses vary in their evolutionary histories even within closely related yeast species.  相似文献   

The Pittidae of the subgenus Cervinipitta are practically uniform in the colour pattern of their plumage, but the African forms differ from the remaining (namely, Asian and Australasian) forms of the subgenus in the structure and pigmentation of their green (Tyndall-coloured) feathers.
In these feathers, the Africans appear to show certain ancestral characters: small numbers of medullary cells, some of which may contain small, fluctuating amounts of dark-pigmented granules.
These characters coexist there with specialized features, which may intensify the colour effect: absence of the granules from most medullary cells and aggregation of such granules in lateral portions of the cortex.
In the Eastern forms of the subgenus, the number of medullary cells appears to be secondarily increased, and the amount of granules enlarged and concentrated in axial cells of the medulla–again serving the intensification of the colour.
In this way the African and the Eastern branches of the subgenus have undergone divergent specialization in histological details, but show practically identical colour effects. However, the African branch appears to have retained some primitive characters and shows incompletely stabilized conditions.  相似文献   

Isozymes, vegetative and reproductive morphology, seasonality, vertical and geographic distributions and chromosomes were compared for six pairs of putative sibling species of Porphyra (P. abbottae/P. torta, P. fallax subsp. fallax/P. fallax subsp. conwayae, P. amplissima/P. cuneiformis, P. fucicola/P. leucostica, P. miniata/P. variegata, P. umbilicalis/P. umbilicalis) and among five species in a complex (P. brumalis, P. kurogii, P. linearis, P. pseudolinearis, and P. purpurea.) Geographic distribution and zymograms for certain proteins showed the greatest change between species pairs: only one pair of species had identical distributions, and most species pairs were disjunct; every species had a different allozyme for GOT-1, whereas all species had apparently identical proteins for phycoerythrin. Seasonality and habitat exhibited moderate differentiation: Northeast Pacific sibling species were characterized by a high intertidal winter species pairing with a mid intertidal spring species, whereas all but one of the other species pairs exhibited nearly identical vertical distributions and seasonalities. There were few changes in morphology: most species pairs had essentially identical morphologies and coloration and the same arrangement of reproductive cells. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes were identical for species pairs and in the species complex. These results provide evidence for different rates of evolution of different characters in the genus Porphyra.  相似文献   

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