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Red spruce can establish on abandoned agricultural land only from seed, unlike in logged environments where red spruce forests can establish from seedlings that survived the harvest. In this study we collected seeds from the seed rain and from soil cores to examine the abundance and distribution of the red spruce seed rain and the seed bank along a gradient from the forest interior to adjacent old fields in Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park (PEINP), Canada. In addition, we examined the temporal abundance and distribution of the seed rain through the seed-fall season. We subsequently tested the germination potential of red spruce seeds from the forest portion of our sites. Because red spruce seeds are usually viable for only one year, we expected the seed bank to be either very small or non-existent. We found 39 red spruce seeds in the seed bank, distributed over 13.1% of the sampled area; 37 of these seeds were definitely nonviable. From the seed rain, we collected 224 red spruce seeds, distributed over 29.4% of the sampled area; 213 of these seeds were definitely nonviable. Nearly all of the red spruce seed rain fell within the forest; differences in abundance among collection dates were not statistically significant. Our seeds had a low germination rate of 0.004%, in part because red and black spruce commonly hybridise in our study area. Despite the low rates of red spruce seed dispersal and viability, the presence of red spruce saplings in our two longest-abandoned fields shows that the species is able to slowly colonise some old fields in PEINP.  相似文献   

Pia Parolin   《Flora》2006,201(7):511-518
The present review describes the ombrohydrochoric dispersal syndrome in plants, i.e. seed expulsion by raindrops. There are two different ombrohydrochoric dispersal modes – dispersal by rain wash and by ballistic forces. Both have been reported from the understory of tropical and temperate forests, from wetlands and from deserts, and from numerous families and genera. A special form of ombrohydrochoric dispersal is the jet-action rain-operated seed dispersal mechanism which is restricted to the semi-desert ice plants, Aizoaceae, one of the major families of the angiosperms. Within this family, 98% of the species possess hygrochastic capsules with an ombrohydrochoric seed dispersal mechanism which in part are also responsible for the remarkable speciation burst and radiation. The highly complex capsules open when wet, and the seeds are expelled by a ‘jet action’ with the kinetic energy of raindrops. The halves of the covering membranes of a locule form a nozzle near the centre of the capsule which serves as a jet. Drops of water falling on the distal opening (after the locule has been filled with water) result in an explosive expulsion of water droplets and seeds through that jet. More seeds are dispersed further away from the capsule than in those capsule types without such a jet mechanism.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid zones, the lack of surface water for drinking forced predators to obtain it from the body fluids of prey and this requires more different prey than that needed to provide energy alone. We examined Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) scats to ascertain if selective feeding compensates the shortage of free water by the ingestion of more prey rich in water such as insects. In addition, we discussed our results in light of increasing habitat fragmentation that, in turn, influences the prey availability. At different spatial levels, recombination of prey assemblages in the diet reaches a solution for variable shortage of water. This was true especially at the landscape level (different degree of aridity) and indirectly for habitat types. Nevertheless, the effects of landscape characteristics probably influenced foxes through the influence of suitable habitats, which partitioned prey species. In fact, increasing values of patchiness had a negative effect on measured energetic gain indices but foxes try to exploiting different patches including small and isolated ones because these surveys become important to obtain water moistures from alternative prey (Orthopters).  相似文献   

Species colonization in a new habitat patch is an efficiency indicator of biodiversity conservation. Colonization is a two‐step process of dispersal and establishment, characterized by the compatibility of plant traits with landscape structure and habitat conditions. Therefore, ecological trait profiling of specialist species is initially required to estimate the relative importance of colonization filters. Old planted parks best satisfy the criteria of a newly created and structurally matured habitat for forest‐dwelling plant species. We sampled species in 230 ancient deciduous forests (source habitat), 74 closed‐canopy manor parks (target habitats), 151 linear wooded habitats (landscape corridors), and 97 open habitats (isolating matrix) in Estonia. We defined two species groups of interest: forest (107 species) and corridor specialists (53 species). An extra group of open habitat specialists was extracted for trait scaling. Differing from expectations, forest specialists have high plasticity in reproduction mechanisms: smaller seeds, larger dispersules, complementary selfing ability, and diversity of dispersal vectors. Forest specialists are shorter, less nutrient‐demanding and mycorrhizal‐dependent, stress‐tolerant disturbance‐sensitive competitors, while corridor specialists are large‐seeded disturbance‐tolerant competitors. About 40% of species from local species pools have immigrated into parks. The historic forest area, establishment‐related traits, and stand quality enhance the colonization of forest specialists. The openness of landscape and mowing in the park facilitate corridor specialists. Species traits in parks vary between a forest and corridor specialist, except for earlier flowering and larger propagules. Forest species are not dispersal limited, but they continue to be limited by habitat properties even in the long term. Therefore, the shady parts of historic parks should be appreciated as important forest biodiversity‐enhancing landscape structures. The habitat quality of secondary stands can be improved by nurturing a heterogeneous shrub and tree layer, and modest herb layer management.  相似文献   

The role of harvester ants in Mediterranean grassland and scrubland has mostly focused on seed consumption. However, recent studies have reported their role as accidental dispersal agents of some of the collected seeds via refuse piles. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the ant Messor barbarus on seed availability and dispersal of one of its major diet components, Lavandula stoechas subsp. pedunculata, in scrubland, grassland and the ecotones between them. After confirming and quantifying the Lavandula contribution to M. barbarus diet, we described the spatial and temporal patterns of pre- and post-dispersal seed predation, seed content and seedling occurrence in the refuse piles. Our results show that: (1) Lavandula propagules constitute a high proportion of the prey items collected by M. barbarus, with particularly intense collection activity in mid-summer, spring and autumn, in decreasing order. (2) Pre-dispersal predation rate was significantly higher in the ecotone than in the scrubland (76% and 13.5% of total seed production lost respectively). (3) Season and propagule type (seed vs. fruit) were the most significant variables explaining the post-dispersal predation probability, which approached 100% of seeds after 48 h in mid-summer. (4) Viable Lavandula seeds were found in refuse piles at densities of 0.06–0.2 per g of refuse pile material, or 58.8–207.2 per refuse pile. On the one hand, these results indicate that the ecotones are most affected by M. barbarus pre-dispersal consumption, which may locally limit Lavandula colonisation. On the other hand, the small proportion of consumed seeds that is dispersed to refuse piles may be relevant at the population level, as this dispersal implies arrival at potentially favourable sites for establishment.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal systems in degraded areas can be compromised following the decline of large-bodied frugivore populations responsible for their dispersal. In this context we examined the seed dispersal ecology of a large fruited deciduous tree (Dillenia pentagyna) along a forest degradation gradient in India. We examined the effect of structural components of vegetation and frugivore foraging behavior on D. pentagyna seed dispersal. Depauperate mammalian community and declined large avian frugivores e.g. hornbills in our study site make this system a specialized one and currently dependent on only two large bodied avian frugivores. Seed dispersal followed an overall leptokurtic pattern and the seed dispersal kernels were best explained by an inverse power function. Seed dispersal kernels in dense forest indicated longer dispersal distances than moderately dense forest and degraded forest. In degraded areas, no dispersal away from the crown was recorded for D. pentagyna and it occurred at low density. Canopy foliage abundance of the surrounding vegetation of the focal trees was best explained by quantity of seed dispersal by large avian frugivores. The number of avian frugivore species those are effective disperser of D. pentagyna decreased along the degradation gradient. Avian frugivore behavior in terms of visitation and seed swallowed is a determining factor that controls quantity of seed dispersal. Our study underscores deleterious impact of forest degradation on avian disperser community which in turn would affect regeneration capacity of degraded forest.  相似文献   

Mutualistic interactions repeatedly preserved across fragmented landscapes can scale‐up to form a spatial metanetwork describing the distribution of interactions across patches. We explored the structure of a bird seed‐dispersal (BSD) metanetwork in 16 Neotropical forest fragments to test whether a distinct subset of BSD‐interactions may mediate landscape functional connectivity. The metanetwork is interaction‐rich, modular and poorly connected, showing high beta‐diversity and turnover of species and interactions. Interactions involving large‐sized species were lost in fragments < 10 000 ha, indicating a strong filtering by habitat fragmentation on the functional diversity of BSD‐interactions. Persistent interactions were performed by small‐seeded, fast growing plant species and by generalist, small‐bodied bird species able to cross the fragmented landscape. This reduced subset of interactions forms the metanetwork components persisting to defaunation and fragmentation, and may generate long‐term deficits of carbon storage while delaying forest regeneration at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Abstract We examine the role of the native fox, Pseudalopex culpaeus, as a frugivore and seed disperser in a semiarid thornscrub of Chile. We quantified the fruit and animal components in its diet versus the availability of fruits and small mammals in the field over a 2‐year period (January 1998 through February 2000). We tested the legitimacy and effectiveness of foxes as dispersers by quantifying the percentages of seed viability and of germination of seeds that passed through fox gut versus those picked from plants. We also studied their efficiency as dispersers, monitoring the fate of seeds in faeces placed in the field. The highest frequencies of fruit consumption by foxes were observed when abundances of small mammal prey were <6 individuals per hectare, regardless of fruit abundance in the field. Thus, foxes consumed fruits as a supplementary food resource. Based on 326 faeces, the total number of fruits consumed was about 34 000 over the 2‐year study period, and fruits from the alien shrub Schinus molle represented 98% of that total, with the native Porlieria chilensis a distant second. Germination and viability of defecated seeds of P. chilensis were reduced by 66% and 48%, respectively, in comparison to controls. In contrast, germination of seeds of S. molle increased by 50% and no effect on viability was observed. With regard to P. chilensis, foxes were legitimate (they defecated viable seeds), but ineffective (seeds in faeces had lower germination than those taken directly from parental plants and there was no seedling establishment in the field) and inefficient dispersers (seeds in faeces were deposited on microhabitats hostile to seed germination and seedling establishment). However, with regard to S. molle, foxes were legitimate, effective (seeds in faeces had higher germination than those taken directly from parental plants; there was germination but no establishment in the field), and efficient dispersers (over 41% of seeds were deposited on safe microsites). Thus, a native fox may be contributing to the spread of an alien shrub, co‐opting existing community processes.  相似文献   



Information about the importance of propagule pressure and habitat invasibility in invasion success of dispersal‐limited species is scarce. We aimed to assess invasiveness of Quercus rubra within stands of 14 tree species, and the effects of distance from propagule source on invasion success, to highlight limiting factors for further application in nature conservation.


Siemianice Experimental Forest—a common garden forest experiment with 14 tree species, western Poland.


We investigated aboveground biomass, leaf area index and density of Q. rubra natural regeneration within 53 experimental plots, as well as distance from the seed source. We also analysed light availability changes between 2005 and 2015 on plots of each tree species. We used multiple linear regression and variable importance to quantify the effect of each factor.


All factors tested influenced ecological success of Q. rubra. Invasion success decreased with increasing distance from the seed source and decreasing light availability and was higher within stands of pioneer tree species. Leaf area index depended mostly on tree stand species, density depended on distance from the propagule source and biomass depended on both. Light availability explained 7.2%–30.2% of the variance; tree species—from 36.1% to 57.4%; and distance from the propagule source—from 12.4% to 56.7%.

Main conclusions

Tree stand species, light availability and distance from the propagule source influence ecological success of invasive Q. rubra, displaying their importance for spread of this species. These factors are controllable in forest/conservation management and may be used to prevent Q. rubra invasion. Planting late‐successional tree species that cast dense shade, maintaining canopy closure and removing fruiting trees from surrounding more invasible stands may prevent Q. rubra invasion.

Many renaturation projects and compensation areas are based on the use of seeds from regional indigenous wild plants; in the following: native or regional seeds. Despite this, such seeds make up only a small proportion of the total number of seeds used for greening projects; in Germany, for example, it is only around 1% (=200 t per year). Although the market for regional seeds is small, it is highly competitive. High‐priced native seeds compete with flower mixes of unspecified origin and can only be differentiated from them by reliable quality seals. A quality assurance system based on seed legislation (EU Directive 2010/60, preservation mixtures) has been developed in a few European countries. However, quality assurance ends with the sale of the seeds. Thus, seed use remains unmonitored, and often unsuitable material, or material foreign to the region, is planted in restoration areas. Unfortunately, nature conservation has not made seed‐based restoration one of its key issues, neither at the European nor at the national level. Currently there are many different local and regional standards, methods and private certificates that are confusing for users and which provide little continuity and predictability for producers. We recommend the establishment of an EU directive or a broadly agreed recommendation to the EU member states, spearheaded by nature conservation, which would define the standards for producing and using native seeds (e.g. harmonised regions that cross national borders, quality regulations). At the same time, wild plant interest groups should combine existing structures in order to strengthen seed‐based restoration through international cooperation.  相似文献   

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