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Parasite strategies for exploiting host resources are key determinants of disease severity (i.e., virulence) and infectiousness (i.e., transmission between hosts). By iterating the development of theory and empirical tests, we investigated whether variation in parasite traits across two genetically distinct clones of the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi, explains differences in within-host infection dynamics and virulence. First, we experimentally tested key predictions of our earlier modeling work. As predicted, the more virulent genotype produced more progeny parasites per infected cell (burst size), but in contrast to predictions, invasion rates of red blood cells (RBCs) did not differ between the genotypes studied. Second, we further developed theory by confronting our earlier model with these new data, testing a new set of models that incorporate more biological realism, and developing novel theoretical tools for identifying differences between parasite genotypes. Overall, we found robust evidence that differences in burst sizes contribute to variation in dynamics and that differential interactions between parasites and host immune responses also play a role. In contrast to previous work, our model predicts that RBC age structure is not important for explaining dynamics. Integrating theory and empirical tests is a potentially powerful way of progressing understanding of disease biology.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between microparasite populations in the same host are an important source of selection on pathogen traits such as virulence and drug resistance. In the rodent malaria model Plasmodium chabaudi in laboratory mice, parasites that are more virulent can competitively suppress less virulent parasites in mixed infections. There is evidence that some of this suppression is due to immune-mediated apparent competition, where an immune response elicited by one parasite population suppress the population density of another. This raises the question whether enhanced immunity following vaccination would intensify competitive interactions, thus strengthening selection for virulence in Plasmodium populations. Using the P. chabaudi model, we studied mixed infections of virulent and avirulent genotypes in CD4+T cell-depleted mice. Enhanced efficacy of CD4+T cell-dependent responses is the aim of several candidate malaria vaccines. We hypothesized that if immune-mediated interactions were involved in competition, removal of the CD4+T cells would alleviate competitive suppression of the avirulent parasite. Instead, we found no alleviation of competition in the acute phase, and significant enhancement of competitive suppression after parasite densities had peaked. Thus, the host immune response may actually be alleviating other forms of competition, such as that over red blood cells. Our results suggest that the CD4+-dependent immune response, and mechanisms that act to enhance it such as vaccination, may not have the undesirable affect of exacerbating within-host competition and hence the strength of this source of selection for virulence.  相似文献   

Co-infecting parasite genotypes typically compete for host resources limiting their fitness. The intensity of such competition depends on whether parasites are reproducing in a host, or using it primarily as a transmission vehicle while not multiplying in host tissues (referred to as 'competition hypothesis'). Alternatively, simultaneous attack and co-infection by several parasite genotypes might facilitate parasite infection because such a diverse attack could present an additional challenge to host immune defence (referred to as 'facilitation hypothesis'). We tested the competition hypothesis by comparing the production of transmission stages (cercariae) from snails infected with one or two genotypes of the trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. We found that cercarial production did not differ between the two groups of snails, suggesting lower per genotype production in double infections, and competition for host resources. Second, we tested the facilitation hypothesis by comparing parasite infection success on fishes (proportion of parasites establishing in the host) using cercariae originating from single-infected snails, double-infected snails and artificial mixtures of the single genotypes. In both cases, we found higher infection success when fishes were challenged with two parasite genotypes instead of one, supporting the facilitation hypothesis. Our results suggest that constraints defining the success of multiple genotype infections in parasites with multiple host life cycles include both between-genotype resource competition in the host and performance of host immune defences against a diverse parasite challenge.  相似文献   

The within-host and between-host dynamics of malaria are linked in myriad ways, but most obviously by gametocytes, the parasite blood forms transmissible from human to mosquito. Gametocyte dynamics depend on those of non-transmissible blood forms, which stimulate immune responses, impeding transmission as well as within-host parasite densities. These dynamics can, in turn, influence antigenic diversity and recombination between genetically distinct parasites. Here, we embed a differential-equation model of parasite-immune system interactions within each of the individual humans represented in a discrete-event model of Plasmodium falciparum transmission, and examine the effects of human population turnover, parasite antigenic diversity, recombination, and gametocyte production on the dynamics of malaria. Our results indicate that the local persistence of P. falciparum increases with turnover in the human population and antigenic diversity in the parasite, particularly in combination, and that antigenic diversity arising from meiotic recombination in the parasite has complex differential effects on the persistence of founder and progeny genotypes. We also find that reductions in the duration of individual human infectivity to mosquitoes, even if universal, produce population-level effects only if near-absolute, and that, in competition, the persistence and prevalence of parasite genotypes with gametocyte production concordant with data exceed those of genotypes with higher gametocyte production. This new, integrated approach provides a framework for investigating relationships between pathogen dynamics within an individual host and pathogen dynamics within interacting host and vector populations.  相似文献   

During an infection, malaria parasites compete for limited amounts of food and enemy-free space. Competition affects parasite growth rate, transmission and virulence, and is thus important for parasite evolution. Much evolutionary theory assumes that virulent clones outgrow avirulent ones, favouring the evolution of higher virulence. We infected laboratory mice with a mixture of two Plasmodium chabaudi clones: one virulent, the other avirulent. Using real-time quantitative PCR to track the two parasite clones over the course of the infection, we found that the virulent clone overgrew the avirulent clone. However, host genotype had a major effect on the outcome of competition. In a relatively resistant mouse genotype (C57B1/6J), the avirulent clone was suppressed below detectable levels after 10 days, and apparently lost from the infection. By contrast, in more susceptible mice (CBA/Ca), the avirulent clone was initially suppressed, but it persisted, and during the chronic phase of infection it did better than it did in single infections. Thus, the qualitative outcome of competition depended on host genotype. We suggest that these differences may be explained by different immune responses in the two mouse strains. Host genotype and resistance could therefore play a key role in the outcome of within-host competition between parasite clones and in the evolution of parasite virulence.  相似文献   

Why do parasites exhibit a wide dynamical range within their hosts? For instance, why does infecting dose either lead to infection or immune clearance? Why do some parasites exhibit boom-bust, oscillatory dynamics? What maintains parasite diversity, that is coinfection v single infection due to exclusion or priority effects? For insights on parasite dose, dynamics and diversity governing within-host infection, we turn to niche models. An omnivory food web model (IGP) blueprints one parasite competing with immune cells for host energy (PIE). Similarly, a competition model (keystone predation, KP) mirrors a new coinfection model (2PIE). We then drew analogies between models using feedback loops. The following three points arise: first, like in IGP, parasites oscillate when longer loops through parasites, immune cells and resource regulate parasite growth. Shorter, self-limitation loops (involving resources and enemies) stabilise those oscillations. Second, IGP can produce priority effects that resemble immune clearance. But, despite comparable loop structure, PIE cannot due to constraints imposed by production of immune cells. Third, despite somewhat different loop structure, KP and 2PIE share apparent and resource competition mechanisms that produce coexistence (coinfection) or priority effects of prey or parasites. Together, this mechanistic niche framework for within-host dynamics offers new perspective to improve individual health.  相似文献   

Within-host competition in multiply infected hosts is considered an important component of host-parasite interactions, but experimental studies on the dynamics of multiple infections are still rare. We measured the infection frequencies of four strains of the fungal endophyte Epichloë bromicola on two genotypes of its host plant Bromus erectus after single- and double-strain inoculation. Double-strain inoculations resulted in fewer double, but more single, infections than expected on the basis of infection frequencies in single-strain inoculations. In most cases, only one of the two strains established an infection, and strains differed in their overall competitive ability. This pattern resembles the mutual exclusion scenarios in some theoretical models of parasite evolution. In addition, competitive ability varied with host genotype, which may represent a mechanism for the coexistence of strains in a population. Hence, considering the genetic variation in both host and parasite may be important for a better understanding of within-host dynamics and their role in epidemiology or (co)evolution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a novel deterministic coupled model tying together the effects of within-host and population level dynamics on malaria transmission dynamics. We develop within-host and within-vector dynamic models, population level between-hosts models, and a nested coupled model combining these levels. The unique feature of this work is the way the coupling and feedback for the model use the various life stages of the malaria parasite both in the human host and the mosquito vector. Analysis of the coupled and the within-human host models indicate the existence of locally asymptotically stable infection- and parasite-free equilibria when the associated reproduction numbers are less than one. The population-level model, on the other hand, exhibits backward bifurcation, where the stable disease-free equilibrium co-exists with a stable endemic equilibrium. A global sensitivity analysis was carried out to measure the effects of the sensitivity and uncertainty in the various model parameters estimates. The results indicate that the most important parameters driving the pathogen level within an infected human are the production rate of the red blood cells from the bone marrow, the infection rate, the immunogenicity of the infected red blood cells, merozoites and gametocytes, and the immunosensitivity of the merozoites and gametocytes. The key parameters identified at the population level are the human recovery rate, the death rate of the mosquitoes, the recruitment rate of susceptible humans into the population, the mosquito biting rate, the transmission probabilities per contact in mosquitoes and in humans, and the parasite production and clearance rates in the mosquitoes. Defining the feedback functions as a linear function of the mosquito biting rate, numerical exploration of the coupled model reveals oscillations in the parasite populations within a human host in the presence of the host immune response. These oscillations dampen as the mosquito biting rate increases. We also observed that the oscillation and damping effect seen in the within-human host dynamics fed back into the population level dynamics; this in turn amplifies the oscillations in the parasite population within the mosquito-host.  相似文献   

Longitudinal genetic analysis of the composition of malaria parasites infecting humans has demonstrated that individuals living in endemic areas are chronically infected with multiple genotypes and species of Plasmodium. The accumulation of infections is a consequence of superinfection from the bites of many infected anopheline mosquitoes. The clinical outcome of infection is determined by the host's ability to regulate the density of malaria parasites in the blood. Interestingly, most infections do not cause symptoms of malarial disease after a degree of immunity is acquired. Here, we review data from the first genetic study of the longitudinal dynamics of multiple Plasmodium species and genotypes in humans. The data show that the total parasite density of Plasmodium species oscillates around a threshold and that peaks of infection with each species do not coincide. We propose that malaria parasitaemia is controlled in a density-dependent manner in these semi-immune children. This implies that a cross-species mechanism of parasite regulation exists. A model of how multiple immune responses could act in concert to explain these within host dynamics is discussed in relation to known regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

What determines the dynamics of parasite and anaemia during acute primary malaria infections? Why do some strains of malaria reach higher densities and cause greater anaemia than others? The conventional view is that the fastest replicating parasites reach the highest densities and cause the greatest loss of red blood cells (RBCs). Other current hypotheses suggest that the maximum parasite density is achieved by strains that either elicit the weakest immune responses or infect the youngest RBCs (reticulocytes). Yet another hypothesis is a simple resource limitation model where the peak parasite density and the maximum anaemia (percentage loss of RBCs) during the acute phase of infection equal the fraction of RBCs that the malaria parasite can infect. We discriminate between these hypotheses by developing a mathematical model of acute malaria infections and confronting it with experimental data from the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium chabaudi. We show that the resource limitation model can explain the initial dynamics of infection of mice with different strains of this parasite. We further test the model by showing that without modification it closely reproduces the dynamics of competing strains in mixed infections of mice with these strains of P. chabaudi. Our results suggest that a simple resource limitation is capable of capturing the basic features of the dynamics of both parasite and RBC loss during acute malaria infections of mice with P. chabaudi, suggesting that it might be worth exploring if similar results might hold for other acute malaria infections, including those of humans.  相似文献   

Models of malaria epidemiology and evolution are frequently based on the assumption that vector-parasitic associations are benign. Implicit in this assumption is the supposition that all Plasmodium parasites have an equal and neutral effect on vector survival, and thus that there is no parasite genetic variation for vector virulence. While some data support the assumption of avirulence, there has been no examination of the impact of parasite genetic diversity. We conducted a laboratory study with the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi and the vector, Anopheles stephensi, to determine whether mosquito mortality varied with parasite genotype (CR and ER clones), infection diversity (single versus mixed genotype) and nutrient availability. Vector mortality varied significantly between parasite genotypes, but the rank order of virulence depended on environmental conditions. In standard conditions, mixed genotype infections were the most virulent but when glucose water was limited, mortality was highest in mosquitoes infected with CR. These genotype-by-environment interactions were repeatable across two experiments and could not be explained by variation in anaemia, gametocytaemia, blood meal size, mosquito body size, infection rate or oocyst burden. Variation in the genetic and environmental determinants of virulence may explain conflicting accounts of Plasmodium pathogenicity to mosquitoes in the malaria literature.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the factors that limit parasite numbers offers hope of improved intervention strategies as well as exposing the selective forces that have shaped parasite life-history strategies. We develop a theoretical framework with which to consider the intra-host regulation of malaria parasite density. We analyse a general model that relates timing and magnitude of peak parasite density to initial dose under three different regulatory processes. The dynamics can be regulated either by top-down processes (upgradable immune regulation), bottom-up processes (fixed immune response and red blood cell (RBC) limitation) or a mixture of the two. We define and estimate the following key parameters: (i) the rate of RBC replenishment; (ii) the rate of destruction of uninfected RBCs; and (iii) the maximum parasite growth rate. Comparing predictions of this model with experimental results for rodent malaria in laboratory mice allowed us to reject functional forms of immune upregulation and/or effects of RBC limitation that were inconsistent with the data. Bottom-up regulation alone was insufficient to account for observed patterns without invoking either localized depletion of RBC density or merozoite interference. By contrast, an immune function upregulated in proportion to either merozoite or infected RBC density was consistent with observed dynamics. An immune response directed solely at merozoites required twice the level of activation of one directed at infected RBCs.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite causes lysis of red blood cells, resulting in anemia, a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Intuitively, one would expect the production of red blood cells to increase in order to compensate for this loss. However, it has been observed that this response is weaker than would be expected. Furthermore, iron supplementation for iron deficient children in malaria endemic regions can paradoxically adversely affect the clinical outcome of malaria infection. A possible explanation may lie in the preference that some malaria parasites show for infecting immature red blood cells (reticulocytes). In the presence of a parasite preference for immature red cells, a rise in red cell production can ‘fuel the fire’ of infection by increasing the availability of the parasite's preferred target cell.We present a mathematical model of red blood cell production and infection in order to explore this hypothesis. We assess the effect of varying the reticulocyte replacement rate and preference of the parasite for reticulocytes on four key outcome measures assessing anemia and parasitemia.For a given level of parasite preference for reticulocytes we uncover an optimal erythropoietic response which minimizes disease severity. Increasing red blood cell production much above this optimum confers no benefit to the patient, and in fact can increase the degree of anemia and parasitemia. These conclusions are consistent with epidemiological studies demonstrating that both iron deficiency and anemia are protective against severe malaria, whilst iron supplementation in malaria endemic regions is with an increased number of malaria related adverse effects. Thus, suppression of red blood cell production, rather than being an unfortunate side effect of inflammation, may be a host protective effect against severe malarial anemia.  相似文献   

Building a mathematical model of population dynamics of pathogens within their host involves considerations of factors similar to those in ecology, as pathogens can prey on cells in the host. But within the multicellular host, attacked cell types are integrated with other cellular systems, which in turn intervene in the infection. For example, immune responses attempt to sense and then eliminate or contain pathogens, and homeostatic mechanisms try to compensate for cell loss. This review focuses on modeling applied to malarias, diseases caused by single-cell eukaryote parasites that infect red blood cells, with special concern given to vivax malaria, a disease often thought to be benign (if sometimes incapacitating) because the parasite only attacks a small proportion of red blood cells, the very youngest ones. However, I will use mathematical modeling to argue that depletion of this pool of red blood cells can be disastrous to the host if growth of the parasite is not vigorously check by host immune responses. Also, modeling can elucidate aspects of new field observations that indicate that vivax malaria is more dangerous than previously thought.  相似文献   

Interactions between antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells are essential for the induction of an immune response. However, during malaria infection, DC function is compromised and immune responses against parasite and heterologous antigens are reduced. Here, we demonstrate that malaria infection or the parasite pigment hemozoin inhibits T cell and DC interactions both in vitro and in vivo, while signal 1 intensity remains unaltered. This altered cellular behaviour is associated with the suppression of DC costimulatory activity and functional T cell responses, potentially explaining why immunity is reduced during malaria infection.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to measuring the level of malaria infection involve counting the proportion of parasite-infected red blood cells (iRBC) in circulating blood, known as parasitaemia. However, iRBC can also accumulate within the microvasculature of tissues and organs, a process called sequestration. Thus measurements of parasitemia do not necessarily reflect the total parasite burden (TPB). Recent experimental advances have allowed TPB measurements to be made in humans and experimental models. TPB is particularly important because it is the best current predictor of malaria disease severity and death in humans. Understanding the relationship between freely circulating iRBC versus tissue-sequestered iRBC is an important question in infection dynamics. The recent ability to experimentally measure the dynamics of iRBC in blood and tissue during murine malaria provides an exciting potential window into sequestration, but new modeling approaches are clearly required to understand these interactions. We present a model of malaria dynamics during early infection that incorporates iRBC that both circulate in the blood and sequester in tissue microvasculature. We explore the effect that perturbations to the system have on the ratio of the number of iRBC between these compartments, and consider which changes are most consistent with experimental data from mice. Using this model we predict an increase in the clearance rate of sequestered iRBCs around the time when mild symptoms become apparent, but a more pronounced increase in the rate of sequestration of iRBCs associated with the onset of severe malaria symptoms.  相似文献   

In areas where malaria is endemic, infected individuals generally harbor a mixture of genetically distinct Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations. For the first time, we studied temporal variations of blood parasite densities and circulating genotypes in asymptomatic Senegalese children, at time intervals as short as 4-12 h. Twenty-one Senegalese children, presenting with an asymptomatic P. falciparum infection, were sampled eight times within three days. Parasite density was assessed by thick blood smears, and all infecting genotypes were quantified by the fragment-analysis method. Parasite densities showed dramatic fluctuations up to a 1 to 1,000 ratio, with at least one peak of parasite density. Polyclonal infections were detected in all children, with a multiplicity of infection of 5.2-6.8 genotypes per child. A single sample never reflected the full complexity of the parasite populations hosted by a given individual. Genotypes with different behaviors were detected in all children, some genotypes undergoing major fluctuations, while others were highly stable during the follow-up. A single peripheral blood sampling does not reflect the total parasite load. Repeated sampling is needed to have a more detailed scheme of parasite population dynamics and a better knowledge of the true complexity of an infection.  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that co‐infecting parasite species can interact within hosts directly, via host immunity and/or via resource competition. In mice, competition for red blood cells (RBCs) between malaria and bloodsucking helminths can regulate malaria population dynamics, but the importance of RBC competition in human hosts was unknown. We analysed infection density (i.e. the concentration of parasites in infected hosts), from a 2‐year deworming study of over 4000 human subjects. After accounting for resource‐use differences among parasites, we find evidence of resource competition, priority effects and a competitive hierarchy within co‐infected individuals. For example reducing competition via deworming increased Plasmodium vivax densities 2.8‐fold, and this effect is limited to bloodsucking hookworms. Our ecological, resource‐based perspective sheds new light into decades of conflicting outcomes of malaria–helminth co‐infection studies with significant health and transmission consequences. Beyond blood, investigating within‐human resource competition may bring new insights for improving human health.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infections in malaria endemic areas often harbor multiple clones of parasites. However, the transmission success of the different genotypes within the mosquito vector has remained elusive so far. The genetic diversity of malaria parasites was measured by using microsatellite markers in gametocyte isolates from 125 asymptomatic carriers. For a subset of 49 carriers, the dynamics of co-infecting genotypes was followed until their development within salivary glands. Also, individual oocysts from midguts infected with blood from 9 donors were genotyped to assess mating patterns. Multiplicity of infection (MOI) was high both in gametocyte isolates and sporozoite populations, reaching up to 10 genotypes. Gametocyte isolates with multiple genotypes gave rise to lower infection prevalence and intensity. Fluctuations of genotype number occurred during the development within the mosquito and sub-patent genotypes, not detected in gametocyte isolates, were identified in the vector salivary glands. The inbreeding coefficient Fis was positively correlated to the oocyst loads, suggesting that P. falciparum parasites use different reproductive strategies according to the genotypes present in the gametocyte isolate. The number of parasite clones within an infection affects the transmission success and the mosquito has an important role in maintaining P. falciparum genetic diversity. Our results emphasize the crucial importance of discriminating between the different genotypes within an infection when studying the A. gambiae natural resistance to P. falciparum, and the need to monitor parasite diversity in areas where malaria control interventions are implemented.  相似文献   

Vertebrate hosts often defend themselves against several co-infecting parasite genotypes simultaneously. This has important implications for the ecological dynamics and the evolution of host defence systems and parasite strategies. For example, it can drive the specificity of the adaptive immune system towards high genotype-specificity or cross-reactivity against several parasite genotypes depending on the sequence and probability of re-infections. However, to date, there is very little evidence on these interactions outside mammalian disease literature. In this study we asked whether genotype-specific or cross-reactive responses dominate in the adaptive immune system of a fish host towards a common macroparasite. In other words, we investigated if the infection success of a parasite genotype is influenced by the immunization genotype. We reciprocally immunized and re-exposed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to a range of genotypes of the trematode eye fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, and measured infection success of the parasite. We found that the infection success of the parasite genotypes in the re-exposure did not depend on the immunization genotype. While immunization reduced average infection success by 31%, the reduction was not larger against the initial immunization genotype. Our results suggest significant cross-reactivity, which may be advantageous for the host in genetically diverse re-exposures and have significant evolutionary implications for parasite strategies. Overall, our study is among the first to demonstrate cross-reactivity of adaptive immunity against genetically diverse macroparasites with complex life cycles.  相似文献   

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