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Understanding the interspecific variation in body size across macroclimatic gradients has been of paramount importance to naturalists and biogeographers. Bergmann’s rule, which describes a trend of increasing body size polewards, is arguably the best-known ecogeographical rule in terrestrial environments but remains largely unexplored in the marine realm. In this study we tested Bergmann's rule in marine ray-finned fishes (Pisces, Actinopterygii), analyzing the relationship between body size and latitude in 5662 species. To examine possible underlying mechanisms, we adopted a cross-species approach to evaluate the association of body size with four predictors: Sea Surface Temperature, Net Primary Productivity, Salinity, and Human impact. We analyzed the relationships between body size and environmental and anthropogenic variables building mixed linear models, which considered the taxonomic structure in the data. We conducted complementary analyses dividing the data into five latitudinal bands. Actinopterygii showed a clear Bergmannian pattern, with the largest species observed in temperate regions, being the first global analysis on ray-finned fishes showing a pattern consistent with Bergmann’s rule. Sea Surface Temperature and Net Primary Productivity were the best predictors, in accordance with the time to sexual maturity and resource availability hypotheses. Our analyses based on latitudinal bands showed a differential response of body size to the environment, with temperature, salinity and human impact more strongly associated with size variation at cold environments. These results agree with previous studies on Bergmann’s rule for terrestrial ectothermic, freshwater and marine fishes. Our findings suggest that temperature rise in the ocean and growing human impact may have effects on the distribution of body size, thus altering ecosystem functioning. Fundamental differences often assumed to exist between marine and terrestrial systems are not so evidently reflected in the emergence of large-scale body size gradients.  相似文献   

We tested the validity of Bergmann’s rule and Rosenzweig’s hypothesis through an analysis of the geographical variation of the skull size of Otaria flavescens along the entire distribution range of the species (except Brazil). We quantified the sizes of 606 adult South American sea lion skulls measured in seven localities of Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Geographical and environmental variables included latitude, longitude, and monthly minimum, maximum, and mean air and ocean temperatures. We also included information on fish landings as a proxy for productivity. Males showed a positive relationship between condylobasal length (CBL) and latitude, and between CBL and the six temperature variables. By contrast, females showed a negative relationship between CBL and the same variables. Finally, female skull size showed a significant and positive correlation with fish landings, while males did not show any relationship with this variable. The body size of males conformed to Bergmann’s rule, with larger individuals found in southern localities of South America. Females followed the converse of Bergmann’s rule at the intraspecific level, but showed a positive relationship with the proxy for productivity, thus supporting Rosenzweig’s hypothesis. Differences in the factors that drive body size in females and males may be explained by their different life-history strategies. Our analyses demonstrate that latitude and temperature are not the only factors that explain spatial variation in body size: others such as food availability are also important for explaining the ecogeographical patterns found in O. flavescens.  相似文献   

I analyzed somatometric measurements from subsets of the Texas and Oregon transplanted troops of Japanese macaques(Macaca fuscata) to reveal secular changes in body size and shape. Body weights of the Texas population (N = 59) are lower than those of the Oregon population(N = 49) and the founding population from Arashiyama. The adult weights of the Oregon population are significantly higher than the founding population from Mihara. There are significant differences in adult circumferential measures and in skinfolds, which are correlated with the increased weight of the Oregon macaques. The adult Texas macaques have longer limb segments in comparison with the adult Oregon troop members, while the latter have significantly longer heads and trunks. Examination of the developing morphological trends through regression analyses on the complete sample suggests distinctive growth patterns for each population. Members of the Texas population start with smaller initial measurements but hold a steeper growth pattern for limb segments, while the Oregon macaques start larger in most measures and show lower growth rates. I argue that these differences in both somatometry and growth patterns are related to the differing climatic conditions under which the translocated macaques have lived. This set of analyses supports the basic arguments for Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(4):1173-1179
Body size in insects is coupled with numerous physiological, life-history and ecological traits. Its variation along temperature gradient is widely studied. However, information regarding variations in body size of insects along altitudinal gradient is limited. Present study was designed considering hypothesis that there would be an increase in body size of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with increasing altitude and decreasing in temperature. To achieve the objectives, beetles were collected from three eco-climatic zones of NEPAL [Kathmandu (1400 mts, 24 °C; warm temperate zone), Chitwan (415 mts, 25 °C; upper tropical/sub-tropical zone), and Mahendranagar (229 mts, 34 °C; humid subtropical zone)], and one of INDIA [Varanasi (81 mts, 36 °C; humid subtropical zone)] for their morphometric analysis (body length and body biomass). Results revealed that the size of beetles in all eco-climatic zones increased with increasing altitude and decreasing temperature. While adults of Kathmandu were largest, followed by Chitwan and Mahendranagar, but those of Varanasi were smallest in size. The sex ratio was female-biased in Kathmandu and Varanasi, but was male-biased in Chitwan and Mahendranagar. Irrespective of temperature and altitude, females were larger than males in all eco-climatic zones. Our results affirmed our hypothesis and were in compliance with Bergmann’s rule. The findings may be helpful in understanding phenotypic plasticity and distribution pattern of Z. bicolorata adults in Indian sub-continent under global climate change scenario.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in environmental temperatures is expected to impose clinal phenotypic selection that results in the expression of large-scale gradients of body mass variation within animal clades. Body size is predicted to increase with increasing latitude and elevation, and hence, with decreasing temperature, a pattern broadly known as Bergmann’s rule. However, empirical observations are highly conflicting. Whilst most studies support this prediction in endotherms (birds and mammals), analyses conducted on ectotherms often fail to report this pattern. Does it reduce the validity of this macroecological rule? Since the original formulation of Bergmann’s rule only involved endothermic organisms, I argue that the controversy is not a consequence of its predictive power, but a result of the later inclusion of ectotherms as part of the prediction. Here, I propose that the common conception of Bergmann’s rule maintained for half a century is changed back to its original definition restricted to endotherms. This temperature–size relationship might therefore consolidate as a well-established macroecological rule if its original formulation is respected. Finally, I develop these claims on my initial suggestion that Bergmann’s rule should be recognized as the evolutionary outcome of a general process with no phylogenetic scale distinction of species or populations, being equally applicable amongst and within species.  相似文献   


This paper presents the process of designing a new elastic element replacing a membrane in the chamber stapes prosthesis (ChSP). The results of the study are volume displacement characteristics obtained for the prosthesis and physiological stapes. Simulation tests on a 3D CAD model have confirmed that a properly designed ring can stimulate perilymph with the same or greater efficacy as the physiological stapes footplate placed on the elastic annular ligament. The ChSP with a new elastic element creates a good chance of improving hearing in patients suffering from otosclerosis.  相似文献   

Thermal performance curves for population growth rate r (a measure of fitness) were estimated over a wide range of temperature for three species: Coleps hirtus (Protista), Lecane inermis (Rotifera) and Aeolosoma hemprichi (Oligochaeta). We measured individual body size and examined if predictions for the temperature-size rule (TSR) were valid for different temperatures. All three organisms investigated follow the TSR, but only over a specific range between minimal and optimal temperatures, while maintenance at temperatures beyond this range showed the opposite pattern in these taxa. We consider minimal and optimal temperatures to be species-specific, and moreover delineate a physiological range outside of which an ectotherm is constrained against displaying size plasticity in response to temperature. This thermal range concept has important implications for general size-temperature studies. Furthermore, the concept of 'operating thermal conditions' may provide a new approach to (i) defining criteria required for investigating and interpreting temperature effects, and (ii) providing a novel interpretation for many cases in which species do not conform to the TSR.  相似文献   

In this immunohistopathological study α1-antichymotrypsin, which is barely demonstrable in the normal brain, was found in amyloid fibrils, endothelial cells and the cytoplasm of astroglial cells in brains from patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid precursors stained with methenamine silver were arrayed mainly along the membranes, and amyloid fibrils, which stained densely with anti-α1-antichymotrypsin, were in direct contact with the fibrous structures connecting with the membranes of vascular feet or astrocytic processes. From the above findings, α1-antichymotrypsin seems to play a role in the production of amyloid fibrils in Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

The second parity rule of Chargaff (A≈T and G≈C within one strand) holds all over the living world with minor exceptions. It is maintained with higher accuracy for long sequences. The question addressed in the article is how different sequence types, with different biases from the parity, contribute to the general effect. It appears that the sequence segments with biases of opposite sign are intermingled, so that with sufficient sequence lengths the parity is established. The parity rule seems to be a cumulative result of a number of independent processes in the genome evolution, with the parity as their intrinsic property. Symmetrical appearance of simple repeats and of Alu sequences in the human DNA strands, and other contributions to the Chargaff parity II rule are discussed.  相似文献   

Rensch’s rule describes the pattern of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) claiming that in taxa where males are the larger sex, larger species generally exhibit higher male to female body size ratios. Agreement with Rensch’s rule is manifested by the slope of the allometric relationship between male and female body size exceeding one. In this paper we have tested the hypothesis that recent rapid evolutionary changes of body size accompanying domestication process and morphological radiation of domestic breeds follow Rensch’s rule. We have analyzed literature data on adult body size of males and females in domestic cows, yaks, buffaloes and other bovines (315, 12, 24 and 2 breeds, respectively) and compared it with SSD in 18 wild species/subspecies of the subfamily Bovinae. Male to female body mass ratio in domestic cows (1.48) was fairly comparable to that found in other species of domestic and wild bovines except domestic buffaloes (1.19). In cows we have demonstrated clear positive allometry of male to female body mass ratio (slope 1.21) predicted by Rensch’s rule, however, no such clear relationship was found when body mass was replaced by shoulder height. These findings are in agreement with those we have previously reported in other livestock species, goats and sheep.  相似文献   

The conjugation of multiple ubiquitin molecules is required for recognition and degradation of a protein by the proteasome. The ubiquitination pathway responsible for the bulk of constitutive protein degradation targets proteins carrying basic or large hydrophobic amino acids at the N-terminus. In mammalian cells, this N-end rule pathway requires the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme HR6. Until now, it has not been known which mammalian tissues and cell types predominantly utilize this pathway for degradation. Therefore, the distribution and intracellular localization of HR6 was determined by indirect immunofluorescence techniques and protein blotting of adult rat tissues. Intense immunoreactivity against HR6 was detected in various epithelia, muscle, testis, peripheral neurons, chromaffin cells and macrophages, whereas lower HR6 protein levels were found in the gut or in the kidney. Autonomic and sensory neurons, glandular cells and spermatocytes revealed prominent nuclear HR6 immunoreactivity. Plasma membrane labeling was observed in peripheral neurons, spermatocytes and skeletal muscle cells. Smooth muscle cells, macrophages, endothelial and epithelial cells exhibited primarily cytoplasmic staining. The clear differences in the regional and intracellular distribution of HR6 are suggestive for the involvement of N-end rule protein degradation in various physiological processes dependent on cell type and subcellular structure.  相似文献   

The Moon’s surface illuminated by the Sun acquires an electric charge due to photoelectron emission and interaction with the solar wind plasma. The influence of the solar wind on the nonmonotonic distribution of the electric potential near the Moon’s surface is studied in a wide range of the densities of emitted photoelectrons. It is found that, for any photoelectron density, the surface potential reaches its minimum value for a slow solar wind. Although the electron thermal velocity can exceed the solar wind velocity by several times, taking into account the directed flow velocity in the electron velocity distribution function substantially affects the value of the potential in the lunar regolith regions not enriched with hydrogen, for which the photoelectric work function under solar irradiation is significantly higher than for regions enriched with hydrogen.  相似文献   

The distribution of surnames in for populations of the district rank in Kirov oblast has been used to calculate Barrai’s parameters, which are the following: I r, 0.0008–0.0208; H, 6.80-211.57; ν, 0.003–0.058; α, 47.35–1191.39; R, 23.03–50.07. The results have been compared with data on the 1980s; no substantial changes in the studied parameters during a generation have been found.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity associated with the spatial distribution of organisms is an awkward problem in ecology because this heterogeneity directly depends on the sampling scale. To specify the scope of the influence of sampling scale on the level of species aggregation, we need data sets that entail excessive sampling costs in situ. To find a solution for this problem, we can use models to simulate patterns of organisms. These models are often very complex models that take into account heterogeneity of habitats and displacement or longevity of studied species. In this article, we introduce a new stochastic model to simulate patterns for one taxon and we want this model to be parsimonious, i.e., with few parameters and able to simulate observed patterns. This model is based on an aggregation–repulsion rule. This aggregation–repulsion rule is defined by two parameters. On a large scale, the number of aggregates present on the pattern is the first parameter. On a smaller scale, the level of aggregation–repulsion among individuals is determined by a probability distribution. These two parameters are estimated from field data set in a robust way so that the simulated patterns reflect the observed heterogeneity. We apply this model to entomological data: four Diptera families, namely the Sciaridae, Phoridae, Cecidomyiidae, and Empididae. The field data for the Phoridae family are used to simulate sampling using different trap sizes. We record changes in the coefficient of variation (C) as a function of the sampling scale, and we can suggest to ecologists emergence traps of 0.6 m2, in other words a square 77 × 77 cm trap, to obtain a C value under 20%. Received: February 28, 2000 / Accepted: October 14, 2000  相似文献   

An inexpensive and easily automated flow injection method for determination of urea in cow’s milk was evaluated. Urea is hydrolysed by urease and in a gas diffusion cell the ammonia formed passes a membrane into an indicator solution. The resulting colour change of the indicator is measured at 590 nm. The repeatability of the analysis, expressed as the coefficient of variation (C.V.), was between 0.5 and 1.2%. Measured (y) and expected (x) milk urea concentrations after addition of known amounts of urea were related according to the equation y = 1.00× – 0.12 with a C.V. for the regression of 1.8%. Recommended amounts (0.02 %) of the preservative bronopol (2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol) added to the milk did not affect the results (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Bergmann’s Rule (i.e., the tendency of body size to increase with decreasing environmental temperature) was originally explained by a mechanism that is unique to endotherms. Nevertheless, geographic variation of body size of ectotherms, including snakes, is increasingly studied, and some claim that the rule should apply to ectotherms, or to thermoregulating ectotherms. Such studies usually focus on assemblages or on species in a region, but mostly ignore species’ ecological and biological traits when seeking biogeographic patterns. We examined the relationship between environmental temperatures and body size of 146 Australian snake species. We examined this relationship while considering the effects of ecological traits (activity time and habitat use), climatic variables which are thought to influence snake body size, and shared ancestry. Our finding suggest that Bergmann’s Rule is not a valid generalization across species of Australian snakes. Furthermore, ecological traits greatly influence the relationship between snake body size and environmental temperature. Body size of fossorial species decreases with environmental temperature, whereas body size of nocturnal, surface active species increases. Body size of diurnal, surface active species is not related to environmental temperature. Our results indicate that lumping all species in a clade together is misleading, and that ecological traits profoundly affect the geographic variation of snake body size. Though environmental temperature generally does not exert a strong selective force on snake body size, this relationship differs for taxa exhibiting different ecological traits.  相似文献   

A female raccoon was radio-tracked in Luxembourg, at the edge of the species distribution range in Europe, from April 2004 to June 2004. The 100% minimum convex polygon home range size of 340 ha was smaller than home ranges reported from the core of the species European distribution range in Lower Saxony, Germany. The animal mostly used Norway spruce as resting sites and appeared to exhibit no site fidelity.  相似文献   

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