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Efforts to model the health effects of low-dose ionizing radiation (IR) have often focused on cancer. Meanwhile, significant evidence links IR and age-associated non-cancer diseases. Modeling of such complex processes, which are not currently well understood, is a challenging problem. In this paper we briefly overview recent successful attempts to model cancer on a population level and propose how those models may be adapted to include the impact of IR and to describe complex non-cancer diseases. We propose three classes of models which we believe are well suited for the analysis of the health effects in human populations exposed to low-dose IR. These models use biostatistical/epidemiological techniques and mathematical formulas describing the biological mechanisms of the impact of IR on human health. They can combine data from multiple sources and from distinct levels of biological/population organization. The proposed models are intrinsically multivariate and non-linear and capture the dynamic aspects of health change.  相似文献   

The influence of serpistene in dose of 5 and 50 mg/kg on chronic low-dose gamma-irradiation (22.6 cGy) effects on cytogenetic (abnormal sperm cell, marrow bone micronucleus) and function and morphology (thyroid and adrenal glands) parameters of mice was estimated. The serpistene modifies effects of gamma-irradiation depends on the administration regime and a dose of the substance. The most expressive radioprotective effect on endocrine organs after serpistene prophylactic administration was found. The prophylactic dose was 5 mg/kg for adrenal gland and both doses--for thyroid gland. The most expressive radioprotective effect on marrow bone cells after serpistene therapeutic administration in a dose of 5 mg/kg was found. The most expressive antimutagenic effect on somatic and germinal cells of prophylactic and therapeutic administration in a dose of 50 mg/kg was found.  相似文献   

PCR primers were patterned after chitinase genes in four gamma-proteobacteria in the families Alteromonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae (group I chitinases) and used to explore the occurrence and diversity of these chitinase genes in cultured and uncultured marine bacteria. The PCR results from 104 bacterial strains indicated that this type of chitinase gene occurs in two major groups of marine bacteria, alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria, but not the Cytophaga-Flavobacter group. Group I chitinase genes also occur in some viruses infecting arthropods. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that similar group I chitinase genes occur in taxonomically related bacteria. However, the overall phylogeny of chitinase genes did not correspond to the phylogeny of 16S rRNA genes, possibly due to lateral transfer of chitinase genes between groups of bacteria, but other mechanisms, such as gene duplication, cannot be ruled out. Clone libraries of chitinase gene fragments amplified from coastal Pacific Ocean and estuarine Delaware Bay bacterioplankton revealed similarities and differences between cultured and uncultured bacteria. We had hypothesized that cultured and uncultured chitin-degrading bacteria would be very different, but in fact, clones having nucleotide sequences identical to those of chitinase genes of cultured alpha-proteobacteria dominated both libraries. The other clones were similar but not identical to genes in cultured gamma-proteobacteria, including vibrios and alteromonads. Our results suggest that a closer examination of chitin degradation by alpha-proteobacteria will lead to a better understanding of chitin degradation in the ocean.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of resting cells ofPseudomonas natriegens, nov. spec. to the oxidation of L-arabinose and mannitol, and an additional marine isolate (L5) to oxidation of lactose and mannitol, was found dependent on the presence of Na+ with marine levels of Mg++ and K+ included in the suspending media. However, omission of Na+ and Mg++, and increase of the concentration of K+ in the suspending media, permitted rapid utilization of these substrates (but not of glucuronate) by resting cells and greatly accelerated the rates of induced enzyme formation. Inclusion of Mg++ in the suspending media suppressed the rates of induction and oxidation stimulated by elevation of the K+ concentration. Incubation of resting cells of isolate L5 in an assay medium containing 0.26 M KCl preserved the ability of the organisms to produce a significant level of the enzymes for oxidation of mannitol, even after 8 hrs aging of the cells in the cold. Chloramphenicol inhibited the synthesis of induced oxidative enzymes in both these marine isolates suspended in high K+ medium, and the extent of inhibition was proportional to the time of addition of the antibiotic. Interruption of induction of isolate L5 cells to mannitol by washing within 30 min removed the stimulatory effect of the elevated level of K+, whereas longer periods of incubation before interruption yielded cells more fully induced. A greater amount of β-galactosidase was produced by resting cells of the marine isolate L5 incubated with the inducer in media with elevated K+ concentrations than by those cultured on lactose or induced in the resting state in the presence of Na+. Moreover, inclusion of an elevated K+ concentration in the suspending media stimulated the production of L-arabinose isomerase in resting cells ofP. natriegens. The requirement for Na+ for the growth of these bacteria, however, was not replaceable by elevation of the K+ concentration of culture media. Supported by grant no.G-15838 from the National Science Foundation and equipment loan contract NR-103-398 with the Office of Naval Research. Contribution no. 35 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute at Sapelo Island.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper was to study the influence of bacteria harbouring the luciferase‐encoding Vibrio harveyi luxAB genes upon the spectral emission during growth in batch‐culture conditions. In vivo bioluminescence spectra were compared from several bioluminescent strains, either naturally luminescent (Vibrio fischeri and Vibrio harveyi) or in recombinant strains (two Gram‐negative Escherichia coli::luxAB strains and a Gram‐positive Bacillus subtilis::luxAB strain). Spectral emission was recorded from 400 nm to 750 nm using a highly sensitive spectrometer initially devoted to Raman scattering. Two peaks were clearly identified, one at 491–500 nm (± 5 nm) and a second peak at 585–595 (± 5 nm) with the Raman CCD. The former peak was the only one detected with traditional spectrometers with a photomultiplier detector commonly used for spectral emission measurement, due to their lack of sensitivity and low resolution in the 550–650 nm window. When spectra were compared between all the studied bacteria, no difference was observed between natural or recombinant cells, between Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative strains, and growth conditions and growth medium were not found to modify the spectrum of light emission. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Iron availability in the ocean has been shown to affect the growth and production of phytoplankton and free-living bacteria. A large fraction of marine bacteria are specialized in colonizing and living on particles and aggregates, but the effects of iron limitation on these bacteria are not fully known. We conducted laboratory experiments to study the effects of iron availability on particle colonization behavior, motility, and enzymatic activities of 4 strains of marine bacteria. Iron depletion reduced the bacterial particle colonization rate by 1.7%-43.1%, which could be attributed to reduced swimming speeds in 2 of the 4 strains. Protease activity was not affected by iron availability. However, attached bacteria did show higher protease activities than their free counterparts. Our results suggest that iron limitation in the ocean could in some cases reduce bacteria-particle interactions by reducing bacterial motility and colonization rate.  相似文献   

It was investigated the influence of the chronic gamma-irradiation in the dose rate of 0.17 sGy/h on the rate of genetic variability in the laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster with genotypic distinguishes in mobile genetic elements and defects in the DNA repair processes. It was shown that the rates of induction of recessive lethal mutations depended on genotype of investigated strains. In the different strains we have observed an increase as well as a decrease of the mutation rate. Also in was established that irradiation leads to the frequencies of the GD-sterility and mutability of the snw and h(w+) in the P-M and H-E dysgenic crosses. The obtained results suggest that mobile genetic elements play an important role in the forming of genetic effects in response to low dose irradiation.  相似文献   

Experimental data on teratogenic effects induced by incorporated alpha, beta and gamma-emitters were analyzed. It was found that the radioactive substances as well as external irradiation induced teratogenic effects. Teratogenesis caused by incorporated radionuclides has some peculiarities compared to the effect caused by fetus exposure to external radiation. These peculiarities are related to the fact of the limited penetration of incorporated radionuclides via placenta barrier so the radiation fetal doses are accumulated within long period of time and radiation dose rates are relatively low. The exposure to incorporated radionuclides does not induce severe developmental defects. Most frequent developmental defects of fetus include its death, general retardation of the development and growth. In such case the earlier pregnancy term was affected by radionuclide the more severe fetal damages occur in fetus because of the gradual increase of absorbed dose even in case of single intake of radionuclide. RBEs of radionuclides if compared to that for external gamma radiation are evaluated as follows: 2-4 (tritium oxide), 20 (241Am), 50 (238Pu) and 3-5 (131I in thyroid).  相似文献   

A six-year study, starting in 1987, focused on the frequency of embryonic lethals and chlorophyll mutations that arose in developing seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana growing at sites varying in the level of radioactive contamination in the 30-km control region of the Chernobyl Atomic Power Plant. The dose rate of chronic irradiation varied from 200 microR/h to 2.4 R/h. To study the genetic effects of various levels of radioactive contamination, the frequency of mutations arising in a particular generation was determined and the irradiation dose was estimated for the given generation. The dose dependence of the mutation frequency proved to follow a power function with a power less than unity, suggesting a relatively high effect for low-dose irradiation. Possible explanations of this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

The paucity of investigations on the presence of artificial radionuclides and their bioaccumulation in Antarctic fauna is due to the erroneous belief that this area is pristine. We report evidence that significant levels of the artificial radionuclides Sr-90, Cs-137, Am-241 and plutonium isotopes can be found in sponges, bivalves, krill and demersal fish fauna of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea), sometimes with a seasonal pattern. Increasing concentrations of Cs-137 were detected in the bivalve Adamussium colbecki (Antarctic scallop) during austral summer months, as a result of major trophic activity and changes in metabolic rates. Bioconcentration factors for artificial radionuclides in different Antarctic species are presented and discussed in relation to their different trophic strategies. Unexpectedly high radiocesium bioconcentration factors determined in bivalves suggested the particular role played by filter feeding in bioaccumulation, particularly in summer when radionuclide bioavailability is enhanced. The feeding preference of the trematomiid fish Trematomus bernacchii for the scallop A. colbecki is confirmed, not only by fish gut content analyses, but also through radiometric results. Transuranics bioaccumulation by sensitive species allowed some interesting comparisons on the different plutonium contamination of the southern hemisphere with respect to the northern one. Accepted: 25 April 2000  相似文献   

Severe hypoxia leads to excess production of hydrogen sulfide in marine environments. In this study, we examined the effect of sulfide on growth of four facultative anaerobic marine bacteria in minimal media under anaerobic conditions. The Gram-negative chemolithoautotrophic Marinobacter sp. tolerated sulfide concentrations up to 0.60 mM, with doubling and lag times increasing as a function of increasing sulfide concentration but with no change in maximum culture yields; growth did not occur at 1.2 mM sulfide. Similar results were obtained for the metabolically diverse Gram-negative denitrifying Pseudomonas stutzeri, except that growth occurred at 1.2 mM and culture yields at 0.60 and 1.2 mM sulfide were approximately 10-fold lower than at sulfide concentrations between 0 and 0.30 mM. Increases in doubling and lag times accompanied by an overall 10-fold decrease in maximum culture yields were found for the Gram-negative chemoheterotrophic Vibrio sp. at all sulfide concentrations tested. In contrast, growth of a Gram-positive chemoheterotrophic Bacillus sp. was resistant to all sulfide concentrations tested (0.15–1.2 mM). Our results highlight the variable responses of marine bacteria to sulfide and provide some insight into shifts that may occur in microbial community structure and diversity as a consequence of changes in sulfide levels that are the result of hypoxia.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of very low doses of opioid antagonists on the pain threshold, arterial blood pressure and body temperature of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with chronic pain. We found that low doses of i.c.v. administered naloxone hydrochloride (0.3 microg) or naloxone methiodide (0.4 microg) produce paradoxical hypoalgesia. Similar results were not observed following i.c.v. administration of nor-binaltorphimine (0.6 microg). A paradoxical increase in the severity of hypertension followed i.c.v. opioid antagonist administration. This suggests an involvement of the opioid system in the mechanisms of blood pressure control. The paradoxical results obtained both for pain threshold and blood pressure after low doses of some opioid antagonists seem to confirm the role played by opioid autoreceptors in these effects. Existence of autoreceptors is suggested. Results obtained following i.c.v. administration of nor-binaltorphimine also suggest a role for the kappa autoreceptor (OP2) in the regulatory mechanisms of thermoregulation.  相似文献   

许俊杰  蔡中华  周进 《微生物学报》2022,62(4):1286-1307
多糖是大型藻类、浮游植物和微生物的主要成分,多糖降解产物是海洋有机物的主要来源.碳水化合物活性酶(carbohydrate-active enzymes,CAZymes)是负责糖类化合物降解、修饰及生成糖苷键的功能酶系,是糖类物质代谢通路中的基本功能单元.多数异养细菌都具备一套完善的碳水化合物活性酶编码系统,它们是参与...  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of filterable marine bacteria   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Anderson, J. I. W. (Northeast Shellfish Sanitation Research Center, Narragansett, R.I.), and W. P. Heffernan. Isolation and characterization of filterable marine bacteria. J. Bacteriol 90:1713-1718. 1965.-By a process of double filtration of seawater, first through a membrane filter with a pore diameter of 0.45 mu and then through a membrane filter with a pore diameter of 0.22 mu, it was possible to isolate on the surface of the latter membrane a group of marine organisms not usually encountered by conventional techniques of pour plates or one-stage filtration. Many of the isolates could not be identified, but the largest single group belonged to the genus Spirillum; other isolates were placed in the genera Leucothrix, Flavobacterium, Cytophaga, and Vibrio. A group of four organisms which was not identified was characterized by the formation of large, club-shaped cells, 20 to 30 mu long. Of the 25 strains studied in detail, 22 required seawater for growth and 8 retained their filterable property after cultivation. No filterable bacteria were isolated from terrestrial samples.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of marine oligotrophic bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A significant part of the world ocean is characterized by low absolute nutrients and chlorophyll concentrations. In these oligotrophic environments, bacteria are very abundant and play a vital role in the remineralization of the dissolved organic matter. Bacteria adapted to oligotrophic waters differ from those adapted to richer environments by some genetic and metabolic characteristics. Culture techniques in bacteriology are based on rich media and do not allow the growth of most marine bacteria. New techniques have been developed for the culture of oligotrophic bacteria, which allow to isolate unknown bacteria. Pelagibacter ubique and Sphingopyxis alaskensis belong to these bacteria recently isolated from the marine environment and their study yielded better understanding of how marine bacteria adapt to oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Dissolved DNA (dDNA) is a potentially important source of energy and nutrients in aquatic ecosystems. However, little is known about the identity, metabolism, and interactions of the microorganisms capable of consuming dDNA. Bacteria from Eel Pond (Woods Hole, MA) were cultivated on low-molecular-weight (LMW) or high-molecular-weight (HMW) dDNA, which served as the primary source of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes revealed that distinct bacterial assemblages with comparable levels of taxon richness developed on LMW and HMW dDNA. Since the LMW and HMW dDNA used in this study were stoichiometrically identical, the results confirm that the size alone of dissolved organic matter can influence bacterial community composition. Variation in the growth and metabolism of isolates provided insight into mechanisms that may have generated differences in bacterial community composition. For example, bacteria from LMW dDNA enrichments generally grew better on LMW dDNA than on HMW dDNA. In contrast, bacteria isolated from HMW dDNA enrichments were more effective at degrading HMW dDNA than bacteria isolated from LMW dDNA enrichments. Thus, marine bacteria may experience a trade-off between their ability to compete for LMW dDNA and their ability to access HMW dDNA via extracellular nuclease production. Together, the results of this study suggest that dDNA turnover in marine ecosystems may involve a succession of microbial assemblages with specialized ecological strategies.  相似文献   

There is little information on how different strategies for the bioremediation of marine oil spills influence the key indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria, HCB), and hence their remediation efficacy. Therefore, we have used quantitative polymerase chain reaction to analyse changes in concentrations of HCB in response to intervention strategies applied to experimental microcosms. Biostimulation with nutrients (N and P) produced no measurable increase in either biodegradation or concentration of HCB within the first 5 days, but after 15 days there was a significant increase (29%; P < 0.05) in degradation of n-alkanes, and an increase of one order of magnitude in concentration of Thalassolituus (to 10(7) cells ml(-1)). Rhamnolipid bioemulsifier additions alone had little effect on biodegradation, but, in combination with nutrient additions, provoked a significant increase: 59% (P < 0.05) more n-alkane degradation by 5 days than was achieved with nutrient additions alone. The very low Alcanivorax cell concentrations in the microcosms were hardly influenced by addition of nutrients or bioemulsifier, but strongly increased after their combined addition, reflecting the synergistic action of the two types of biostimulatory agents. Bioaugmentation with Thalassolituus positively influenced hydrocarbon degradation only during the initial 5 days and only of the n-alkane fraction. Bioaugmentation with Alcanivorax was clearly much more effective, resulting in 73% greater degradation of n-alkanes, 59% of branched alkanes, and 28% of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, in the first 5 days than that obtained through nutrient addition alone (P < 0.01). Enhanced degradation due to augmentation with Alcanivorax continued throughout the 30-day period of the experiment. In addition to providing insight into the factors limiting oil biodegradation over time, and the competition and synergism between HCB, these results add weight to the use of bioaugmentation in oil pollution mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

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