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We have isolated a gene encoding one of the 19,000 dalton zein proteins from a maize genomic library constructed in Charon 4A. This gene occurs on a 7.7 kb Eco RI fragment, and based on Southern hybridization analysis, represents one of several homologous sequences present in the maize genome. The nucleotide sequence of the gene predicts a protein composed of 235 amino acids, including a signal peptide of 21 amino acids. There are no intervening sequences in the gene. By comparing the nucleotide sequence of this gene with that of a homologous cDNA clone, we have identified a basis for microheterogeneity within the gene family. The 5′ nucleotide sequences of the genomic and cDNA clones are identical, but they differ in the center of the protein, where repeated amino acid sequences occur. A nucleotide sequence encoding a conserved peptide of 20 amino acids is repeated nine times in the center of both of these clones.  相似文献   

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAnPs) were previously proposed to account for up to 11% of marine bacterioplankton and to potentially have great ecological importance in the world's oceans. Our data show that previously used primers based on the M subunit of anoxygenic photosynthetic reaction center genes (pufM) do not comprehensively identify the diversity of AAnPs in the ocean. We have designed and tested a new set of pufM-specific primers and revealed several new AAnP variants in environmental DNA samples and genomic libraries.  相似文献   

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, AABBDD) is an allohexaploid species derived from two rounds of interspecific hybridizations. A high-quality genome sequence assembly of diploid Aegilops tauschii, the donor of the wheat D genome, will provide a useful platform to study polyploid wheat evolution. A combined approach of BAC pooling and next-generation sequencing technology was employed to sequence the minimum tiling path (MTP) of 3176 BAC clones from the short arm of Ae. tauschii chromosome 3 (At3DS). The final assembly of 135 super-scaffolds with an N50 of 4.2 Mb was used to build a 247-Mb pseudomolecule with a total of 2222 predicted protein-coding genes. Compared with the orthologous regions of rice, Brachypodium, and sorghum, At3DS contains 38.67% more genes. In comparison to At3DS, the short arm sequence of wheat chromosome 3B (Ta3BS) is 95-Mb large in size, which is primarily due to the expansion of the non-centromeric region, suggesting that transposable element (TE) bursts in Ta3B likely occurred there. Also, the size increase is accompanied by a proportional increase in gene number in Ta3BS. We found that in the sequence of short arm of wheat chromosome 3D (Ta3DS), there was only less than 0.27% gene loss compared to At3DS. Our study reveals divergent evolution of grass genomes and provides new insights into sequence changes in the polyploid wheat genome.  相似文献   

Wu Q 《Genetics》2005,169(4):2179-2188
To explain the mechanism for specifying diverse neuronal connections in the brain, Sperry proposed that individual cells carry chemoaffinity tags on their surfaces. The enormous complexity of these connections requires a tremendous diversity of cell-surface proteins. A large number of neural transmembrane protocadherin (Pcdh) proteins is encoded by three closely linked human and mouse gene clusters (alpha, beta, and gamma). To gain insight into Pcdh evolution, I performed comprehensive comparative cDNA and genomic DNA analyses for the three clusters in the chimpanzee, rat, and zebrafish genomes. I found that there are species-specific duplications in vertebrate Pcdh genes and that additional diversity is generated through alternative splicing within the zebrafish "variable" and "constant" regions. Moreover, different codons (sites) in the mammalian Pcdh ectodomains (ECs) are under diversifying selection, with some under diversity-enhancing positive Darwinian selection and others, including calcium-binding sites, under strong purifying selection. Interestingly, almost all positively selected codon positions are located on the surface of ECs 2 and 3. These diversified residues likely play an important role in combinatorial interactions of Pcdh proteins, which could provide the staggering diversity required for neuronal connections in the brain. These results also suggest that adaptive selection is an additional evolutionary factor for increasing Pcdh diversity.  相似文献   

Maldandi is a popular sorghum variety for post-rainy or rabi cultivation in southern and central states of India, which is predominantly used for food purpose. Over time many landraces have been collected from these states which have vernacular connection with Maldandi. Genetic diversity among 82 Maldandi landraces, collected from such geographical regions was evaluated using both morphological (quantitative and qualitative) and SSR markers. In general, both morphological and SSR diversity revealed wide variability among the accessions studied. Euclidean distances based on 17 quantitative traits classified the accessions into two major clusters with two out groups, while the 19 qualitative traits clustered the accessions in one major cluster with six out groups. Sixteen out of 20 (80%) SSR markers detected polymorphism among the accessions with average PIC value of 0.36. Un-weighted neighbor joining clustering grouped the accessions into three clusters with 46, 16 and 17 accessions, respectively throwing three outliers. Average similarity coefficients of 0.62 and 0.34 based on morphological (qualitative) and SSR data indicated presence of wide variability among the Maldandi landraces. The standard check, M 35?C1 (a selection from the original Maldandi) could not be differentiated from EP 98, LG 2, LG 10, IS 4509 and IS 40791 based on qualitative data alone, while EP 54 and IS 33839 were indistinguishable from M 35?C1 solely using SSR markers. Either of the dendrogram threw unique grouping patterns with some identity. Thirteen promising Maldandi accessions selected based on field performance as well as morphological and molecular diversity could be used in the rabi improvement programme. SSR markers combined with morphological traits may effectively be used for designing breeding strategy and management of biodiversity and conservation of Maldandi genetic resources.  相似文献   

In this study, we focused our investigation on two strains of Lactobacillus curvatus, L442 and LTH1174, which are able to produce bacteriocins. L. curvatus LTH1174 is widely studied for its capability to produce curvacin A, while L. curvatus L442 was isolated from traditional Greek fermented sausages and was shown to possess a strong inhibitory activity toward Listeria monocytogenes. By polymerase chain reaction, we were able to target in both strains the genes for the production of sakacin P and sakacin Q, sppA and sppQ, respectively, both encoded chromosomally. While sppA was found to be conserved when compared with other sakacin P genes, sppQ showed a deletion of about 15 nucleotides when aligned with sequences obtained from Lactobacillus sakei. This difference did not affect the activity of sakacin Q as determined by testing sensitive strains. Expression analysis highlighted that sakacin P was expressed in L. curvatus L442 but not in L. curvatus LTH1174. Curing experiments were performed on L. curvatus LTH1174 to study the effect of the megaplasmid, present in this strain. In the plasmid-cured strain, expression of the sppA gene was detected. sppQ was expressed in both plasmid-cured and wild-type L. curvatus LTH1174, although expression was higher in the plasmid-cured strain.  相似文献   

The functionality of nitrogenase in diazotrophic bacteria is dependent upon nif genes other than the structural nifH, D, and K genes which encode the enzyme subunit proteins. Such genes are involved in the activation of nif gene expression, maturation of subunit proteins, cofactor biosynthesis, and electron transport. In this work, approximately 5500 base pairs located within the major nif gene cluster of Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 have been sequenced. The deduced open reading frames were compared to the nif gene products of Azotobacter vinelandii and other diazotrophs. This analysis indicates the presence of five ORFs encoding ORF2, nifU, nifS, nifV, and ORF4 in the same sequential organization as found in other organisms. Consensus σ54 and NifA binding sites are present in the putative promoter region upstream of ORF2 in the A. brasilense sequence. The nifV gene of A. brasilense but not nifU or nifS complemented corresponding mutants strains of A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

近10年来兴起的全基因组关联分析(Genome-wide association study, GWAS)相关研究结果获得了大量与2型糖尿病相关的候选易感基因,了解这些候选基因在正常人群中的遗传多样性程度以及在不同人群间的遗传差异,不但有助于阐明2型糖尿病的遗传机理,而且对于今后在特定人群中进行2型糖尿病发病机制的深入研究具有指导意义。本研究通过对GWAS数据库和相关文献的搜索和整理确定了170个与2型糖尿病相关的基因或基因区域;随后基于千人基因组计划的全基因组测序数据对这些候选基因在世界范围内14个人群间的遗传多样性进行了比较分析;进一步确定了在人群间存在显著差异的易感基因,并分析了这些基因的多样性特征。在所研究的14个世界人群中,2型糖尿病候选易感基因的遗传多样性与基因组范围的平均水平没有显著差异;但其中8个易感基因IL20RA、RNMTL1-NXN、NOTCH2、ADRA2A-BTBD7P2、TBC1D4、RBM38-HMGB1P1、UBE2E2和PPARD在群体间呈现显著差异,其中最明显的是IL20RA基因 (FST=0.152),该易感基因在非洲人群和非非洲人群间存在显著等位基因频率和单倍型频率差异。14个人群中易感基因遗传结构差异的主要原因是由于非洲人群与非非洲人群之间的群体遗传结构的不同所造成的。进一步比较东西方人群间的2型糖尿病候选基因遗传结构差异,发现在东西方人群中同样存在明显的群体遗传结构差别,其中DGKB-AGMO(FST=0.173)和JAZF1(FST=0.182)是差异最显著的易感基因。本研究通过对群体间2型糖尿病易感基因遗传结构进行比较,鉴别出一些差异特别显著的易感基因,对今后2型糖尿病易感基因与不同人群间发病率和易感性差异的相关研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens type B and D isolates produce epsilon-toxin, the third most potent clostridial toxin. The epsilon-toxin gene (etx) is plasmid borne in type D isolates, but etx genetics have been poorly studied in type B isolates. This study reports the first sequencing of any etx plasmid, i.e., pCP8533etx, from type B strain NCTC8533. This etx plasmid is 64.7 kb, carries tcp conjugative transfer genes, and encodes additional potential virulence factors including beta2-toxin, sortase, and collagen adhesin but not beta-toxin. Interestingly, nearly 80% of pCP8533etx open reading frames (ORFs) are also present on pCPF5603, an enterotoxin-encoding plasmid from type A isolate F5603. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and overlapping PCR indicated that a pCP8533etx-like etx plasmid is also present in most, if not all, other type B isolates and some beta2-toxin-positive, cpe-negative type D isolates, while other type D isolates carry different etx plasmids. Sequences upstream of the etx gene vary between type B isolates and some type D isolates that do not carry a pCP8533etx-like etx plasmid. However, nearly all type B and D isolates have an etx locus with an upstream IS1151, and those etx loci typically reside near a dcm ORF. These results suggest that pCPF5603 and pCP8533etx evolved from insertion of mobile genetic elements carrying enterotoxin or etx genes, respectively, onto a common progenitor plasmid.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics is a powerful tool for gaining insight into genomic function and evolution. However, in plants, sequence data that would enable detailed comparisons of both coding and noncoding regions have been limited in availability. Here we report the generation and analysis of sequences for an unduplicated conserved syntenic segment (CSS) in the genomes of five members of the agriculturally important plant family Solanaceae. This CSS includes a 105-kb region of tomato chromosome 2 and orthologous regions of the potato, eggplant, pepper, and petunia genomes. With a total neutral divergence of 0.73-0.78 substitutions/site, these sequences are similar enough that most noncoding regions can be aligned, yet divergent enough to be informative about evolutionary dynamics and selective pressures. The CSS contains 17 distinct genes with generally conserved order and orientation, but with numerous small-scale differences between species. Our analysis indicates that the last common ancestor of these species lived approximately 27-36 million years ago, that more than one-third of short genomic segments (5-15 bp) are under selection, and that more than two-thirds of selected bases fall in noncoding regions. In addition, we identify genes under positive selection and analyze hundreds of conserved noncoding elements. This analysis provides a window into 30 million years of plant evolution in the absence of polyploidization.  相似文献   

Because of an extra whole-genome duplication, zebrafish and other teleosts have two copies of genes that are present in a single copy in tetrapod genomes. Some zebrafish genes, however, are present in triplicate. For example, the nodal-related genes encode secreted proteins of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily that are required in all vertebrates to induce the mesoderm and endoderm, pattern all three germ layers, and establish the left-right axis. Zebrafish have three nodal-related genes, called ndr1/squint, ndr2/cyclops, and ndr3/southpaw. As part of an analysis of enhancer elements controlling zebrafish nodal-related gene expression, we analyzed the nodal loci in the sequenced genomes of five teleost species and four tetrapod species. Each teleost genome contains three nodal-related genes, indicating that squint, cyclops, and southpaw orthologues were present early in the teleost lineage. The genes flanking the nodal-related genes are also conserved, demonstrating a high degree of conserved synteny. Although we found little homology outside of the coding sequences in this region, pufferfish enhancer sequences work in zebrafish embryos to drive reporter gene expression in the squint expression pattern. This indicates a high degree of functional conservation of enhancer elements within the teleosts. We conclude that the ancestral squint and cyclops genes arose during the teleost-specific whole-genome duplication event and that southpaw emerged from a subsequent duplication event involving ancestral squint.  相似文献   

The most common mechanism of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics is the production of beta-lactamases. These enzymes are encoded by genes that evolve rapidly, thus constituting a group characterized by high levels of molecular diversity. Most of the genetic determinants of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics characterized until now were obtained from clinical isolates. This study was designed in order to exploit the presence of beta-lactamase gene sequences in an aquatic environment, and to get information on the distinctive features of those sequences when compared to others available on databases. DNA sequences potentially encoding proteins of three different families of clinically relevant beta-lactamases were assessed: TEM, IMP and OXA-2 derivatives. The presence of bla sequences in DNA extracted from water samples from the lagoon Ria de Aveiro was checked by PCR and hybridization. Sequences representing the three families of beta-lactamases studied were detected. The molecular diversity of the amplicons was assessed by cloning and sequence analysis, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) separation. Most of the retrieved sequences (particularly sequences representing bla(TEM)and bla(OXA-2)) were identical or very similar to beta-lactamase gene sequences previously characterized from clinical isolates. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this aquatic ecosystem is a reservoir of molecular diverse putative bla sequences. The patterns of molecular diversity found within the beta-lactamase gene families studied do not correspond to those reported in studies focussing on clinical isolates.  相似文献   

This study presented 96 cox1 and 76 cox3 genes of Amphioctopus neglectus populations. Three distinct lineages were formed from phylogenetic trees and networks constructed using haplotypes. Mitogenomes of A. neglectus-a and A. neglectus-b as the representatives of two lineages separated from population genetics were sequenced to compare with A. neglectus at the genome-level. Amphioctopus neglectus-a showed significant differences with A. neglectus, mainly reflected in gene length, intergenic regions and the secondary structure of tandem repeat motifs. Notably, two sequence deletions in mitogenomes of the two representative species were detected in different positions of major non-coding regions, which were the most distinct differences with A. neglectus. Pairwise genetic distances and the phylogenetic analysis supported the relationship of (A. neglectus-a + (A. neglectus + A. neglectus-b)). This study suggested that A. neglectus-a should be considered as a potential cryptic species of this complex, while A. neglectus-b needed further verification to be defined.  相似文献   

CNS myelin was isolated from 24 teleostean fishes and the proteins were analyzed by staining and immunoblotting. All species showed a 36 K protein, two or more glycosylated hydrophobic intermediate protein (IP) components and several myelin basic protein bands (BP). The 36 K protein was specific for teleostean fishes. The IP and BP components displayed substantial variations in their proportions as well as in molecular sizes when comparing the different teleosts. This contrasts with CNS myelin proteins which appear more stable in terrestrial vertebrates.  相似文献   

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