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Despite the widespread use of the intrathecal route for the administration of neuroactive agents, little is known about the penetration of these agents into the spinal cord. In the present study, 125I-substance P was injected via a spinal catheter to the thoracic or sacro-coccygeal spinal cord in the rat (350-400 g) anesthetized with urethane (2.5 g/kg). Spinal cords were removed rapidly at 1 or 10 min after injection and immediately frozen in CCl2F2. Frozen sections, 20 micron thick, were cut and mounted for autoradiography. Autoradiographs of transverse sections demonstrated that the label penetrated 700 to 1800 micron from the surface of the spinal cord at both levels. In longitudinal sections, this penetration extended about 0.5 cm rostrally and caudally from the site of injection. Serial autoradiographs of transverse sections showed a similar penetration rostro-caudally. In addition, venous blood samples were taken at 1, 6, 11 and 16 min after injection of the labelled peptide. Quantification of the radioactivity in the samples revealed that 0.8 to 3.5% of the total CPM injected had passed into the general circulation at these times. These data indicate that after intrathecal administration of radiolabelled substance P, the label penetrates into the grey matter of the spinal cord to presumed sites of action. They also suggest that the rostro-caudal extent of penetration is more localized than suggested from earlier studies which looked only at levels of radioactivity in pieces of whole spinal cord. Finally, our study has indicated that passage of label into the circulation is negligible at least for substance P.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Metabolism of 3H- and 14C-labelled lactate in starved rats   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
1. [2-3H,U-14C]- or [3-3H,U-14C]-Lactate was administered by infusion or bolus injection to overnight-starved rats. Tracer lactate was injected or infused through indwelling cannulas into the aorta and blood was sampled from the vena cava (A–VC mode), or it was administered into the vena cava and sampled from the aorta (V–A mode). Sampling was continued after infusion was terminated to obtain the wash-out curves for the tracer. The activities of lactate, glucose, amino acids and water were followed. 2. The kinetics of labelled lactate in the two modes differed markedly, but the kinetics of labelled glucose were much the same irrespective of mode. 3. The kinetics of 3H-labelled lactate differed markedly from those for [U-14C]lactate. Isotopic steady state was attained in less than 1h of infusion of [3H]lactate but required over 6h for [U-14C]lactate. 4. 3H from [2-3H]lactate labels glucose more extensive than does that from [3-3H]lactate. [3-3H]Lactate also labels plasma amino acids. The distribution of 3H in glucose was determined. 5. Maximal radioactivity in 3HOH in plasma is attained in less than 1min after injection. Near-maximal radioactivity in [14C]glucose and [3H]glucose is attained within 2–3min after injection. 6. The apparent replacement rates for lactate were calculated from the areas under the specific-radioactivity curves or plateau specific radioactivities after primed infusion. Results calculated from bolus injection and infusion agreed closely. The apparent replacement rate for [3H]lactate from the A–VC mode averaged about 16mg/min per kg body wt. and that in the V–A mode about 8.5mg/min per kg body wt. The apparent rates for [14C]lactate (`rate of irreversible disposal') were 8mg/min per kg body wt. for the A–VC mode and 5.5mg/min per kg body wt. for the V–A mode. Apparent recycling of lactate carbon was 55–60% according to the A–VC mode and 35% according to the V–A mode. 7. The specific radioactivities of [U-14C]glucose at isotopic steady state were 55% and 45% that of [U-14C]lactate in the A–VC and V–A modes respectively. We calculated, correcting for the dilution of 14C in gluconeogenesis via oxaloacetate, that over 70% of newly synthesized glucose was derived from circulating lactate. 8. Recycling of 3H between lactate and glucose was evaluated. It has no significant effect on the calculation of the replacement rate, but affects considerably the areas under the wash-out curves for both [2-3H]- and [3-3H]-lactate, and calculation of mean transit time and total lactate mass in the body. Corrected for recycling, in the A–VC mode the mean transit time is about 3min, the lactate mass about 50mg/kg body wt. and the lactate space about 65% of body space. The V–A mode yields a mass and lactate space about half those with the A–VC mode. 9. The area under the wash-out curve for [14C]lactate is some 20–30 times that for [3H]lactate, and apparent carbon mass is 400–500mg/kg body wt. and presumably includes the carbon of glucose, pyruvate and amino acids, which are exchanging rapidly with that of lactate.  相似文献   

Timed-pregnant Upj:TUC(SD)spf (Sprague-Dawley) rats were orally (gastric intubation) dosed with bropirimine (an immunomodulator and inducer of interferon with antiviral and antitumor activities against experimental models) at 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg/day (first experiment), or at 25, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day (second experiment), on days 7-15 of gestation. In the first experiment, maternal toxicity occurred in all bropirimine-treated groups as evidenced primarily by significant decreases in weight gain, as compared to the vehicle control group. Embryotoxicity also occurred as evidenced by a dose-related increase in the number of dams with early implantation sites only. This pronounced effect on early embryonic development led to an insufficient number of offspring to access the developmental toxicity of bropirimine. This effect and the fact that all three doses were toxic to the dams dictated that a second experiment be carried out at lower doses. Significant effects on maternal weight gain also were observed in the second experiment, at least in the first 4 days of dosing, although only one dam in the 100 mg/kg/day group had early implantation sites only, in contrast to 11 such dams at this dosage in the first experiment. However, the fact that there were significant dose-related increases in the incidence of several variations in fetuses in this group indicated that there also was embryotoxicity at 100 mg/kg/day in the second experiment. Thus, although no biologically significant increases in the incidence of any malformation or major variation were found in this study, the results did indicate that bropirimine was embryotoxic at dosages which also produced significant maternal toxicity.  相似文献   

In this study, eight kinds of nickel (Ni) compounds were orally administered to Wistar male rats and the distribution of each compound was investigated 24 h after the administration. The Ni compounds used in this experiment were nickel metal [Ni−M], nickel oxide (green) [NiO(G)], nickel oxide (black) [NiO(B)], nickel subsulfide [Ni3S2], nickel sulfide [NiS], nickel sulfate [NiSO4], nickel chloride [NiCl2], and nickel nitrate [Ni(NO3)2]. The solubilities of the nickel compounds in saline solution were in the following order; [Ni(NO3)2>NiCl2>NiSO4]≫[NiS>Ni3S2]>[NiO(B)>Ni−M>NiO(G)]. The Ni level in the visceral organs was higher in the rats given soluble Ni compounds; Ni(NO3)2, NiCl2, NiSO4, than that in the rats receiving other compounds. In the rats to which soluble Ni compounds were administered, 80–90% of the recovered Ni amounts in the examined organs was detected in the kidneys. On the other hand, the Ni concentration in organs administered scarcely soluble Ni compounds; NiO(B), NiO(G), and Ni−M were very low. The estimated absorbed fraction of each Ni compounds was increased with the increase of the solubility. These results suggest that the kinetic behavior of Ni compounds administered orally is closely related with the solubility of Ni compounds, and that the solubility of Ni compounds is one of the important factors for determining the health effect of Ni compounds.  相似文献   

Trans-resveratrol, a phenolic compound present in wine, has been reported to be a potential cancer chemopreventive agent. However, although it has numerous biological activities in vitro, there are few data about its bioavailability and tissue distribution in vivo. The objectives of this study were to investigate the absorption and tissue distribution of 14C-trans-resveratrol following oral administration to mice. Male Balb/c mice were given a single oral dose of 14C-trans-resveratrol and were sacrificed at 1.5, 3 or 6 h postdose. The distribution of radioactivity in tissues was evaluated using whole-body autoradiography, quantitative organ-level determination and microautoradiography. In addition, identification of radioactive compounds in kidney and liver was done with high-performance liquid chromatography. Autoradiographic survey of mice sections as well as radioactivity quantification in various organs revealed a preferential fixation of 14C-trans-resveratrol in the organs and biological liquids of absorption and elimination (stomach, liver, kidney, intestine, bile, urine). Moreover, we show that 14C-trans-resveratrol derived radioactivity is able to penetrate the tissues of liver and kidney, a finding supported by microautoradiography. The presence of intact 14C-trans-resveratrol together with glucurono- and/or sulfoconjugates in these tissues was also shown. This study demonstrates that trans-resveratrol is bioavailable following oral administration and remains mostly in intact form. The results also suggest a wide range of target organs for cancer chemoprevention by wine polyphenols in humans.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that growth substances have a role indirecting the movement of assimilates towards the developingflowers of carnation. Removal of the terminal flower resultedin decreased upward movement of 14C-labelled assimilates froma source leaf on the flowering shoot. Applications of indole-3yl-aceticacid or gibberellic acid to the stump of the flower stem partiallyrestored the pattern of movement to that found in the intactshoot. Two gibberellin-like substances and one auxin-like substancewere detected in extracts of the floral tissues. Levels of growthsubstances appeared to be higher in the flower than elsewherein the flowering shoot.  相似文献   

Contrasting results have been reported on the effect of steroid hormones on the interaction between ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum in rat liver. Exposure to high gravitational forces for a long time was found necessary to obtain a constant ratio of free to membrane-bound ribosomes from the post-nuclear supernatant. Using these isolation conditions, rat liver from fasted controls and from fasted, adrenalectomized rats contain both about 45% membranebound ribosomes. Addition of corticosterone to the livers from adrenalectomized rats did not increase the pool of bound ribosomes more than in the control livers; 55% was found in both. Corticosterone had therefore no effect on the pool sizes of free and membrane-bound ribosomes in perfused rat livers.  相似文献   

The pattern of distribution of 14C-labelled assimilates translocatedfrom a leaf on the flower stem of carnation was found to varywith both the ambient air temperature and the localized temperatureof the flower bud. A high bud temperature increased the proportionofassimilates moving into the floral tissues while a low budtemperature increased the proportion accumulating in the stemabove the source leaf. When the air temperature was raised independentlyof the bud temperature, the stem gained assimilates at the expenseof the flower, but if both air temperature and bud temperaturewere raised together, effects of bud temperature predominatedand movement of assimilates into the flower was promoted. Therole of the flower in mediating effects of temperature is discussedwith reference to the distribution of invertase activity inthe shoot.  相似文献   

The solid-phase synthesis and an ADME investigation with albino and pigmented male rats of the doubly 14C-labelled beta/alpha-tetrapeptide derivative Ac-beta3 hTyr-(D)Trp-beta3 hLys-beta3 hThr-lactone (3; Fig. 3) are described. After intravenous (i.v.) and peroral (p.o.) administration of the peptide, its concentration in blood and plasma, its tissue distribution, and the metabolism and the excretion of the peptide were analyzed over a period of up to 7 days post dose. The tetrapeptide in its ring opened form, 5, has a bioavailability of ca. 25%; radioactivity is distributed in the animals in an organ-specific way, and the compound appears to pass the blood-brain barrier to a very small extent, if at all (Tables 1-3 and Figs. 2-6). Excretion (37% renal, 44% fecal, including biliary) of the tetrapeptide 4 days after i.v. administration is almost complete, with only 4.3% remaining in the carcass; 4 days after p.o. administration 97% of the dose has been excreted in the feces. Radiochromatograms taken of plasma (0.5 and 24 h after i.v. dosing) and of urine and feces extracts (0-48 h collected) reveal the presence of lactone 3 and/or the corresponding hydroxy acid 5 with essentially no or very minor other peaks, respectively, representing possible metabolites (Tables 4-6, and Fig. 7 and 8). A comparison with a previous ADME investigation of a beta-nonapeptide show that--except for the lack of metabolism--all aspects of exposure, distribution, and elimination are different (structure-specific properties). The investigated tetrapeptide 3 is a potent and highly specific agonist of the somatostatin receptor hsst4, rendering the results described herein promising for diagnostic and therapeutic applications of beta-peptides.  相似文献   



Glucosamine is an amino-monosaccharide and precursor of glycosaminoglycans, major components of joint cartilage. Glucosamine has been clinically introduced for the treatment of osteoarthritis but the data about its protective role in disease are insufficient. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of long term administration of glucosamine on bone resorption and remodeling.  相似文献   

On seven occasions measured amounts of 14CO2 were supplied toindividual leaves on tomato plants grown as a crop under commercialconditions. Twenty-four hours later the distribution of radiocarbonproducts was determined using counting procedures. In the vegetativephase lower leaves exported more carbon up than down, and upperleaves a larger proportion downwards. During the developmentof the crop upper leaves continued to export more carbon downthan up, and lower leaves developed a similar tendency. In theyoung fruiting crop all leaves supplied all the trusses, butas the number of trusses increased groups of leaves came tohave primary (but not absolute) responsibility for supplyingsingle trusses. At the time of fruit development the leavesretained for 20–24 hours more than 80 per cent of thecarbon they fixed. Mature leaves and stems both above and belowthe test leaves were significant sinks for 14C products.  相似文献   

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