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Embedding in Epoxy Resins for Ultrathin Sectioning in Electron Microscopy   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Fixed tissue is dehydrated with tertiary butyl alcohol overnight. The following day it is cleared in toluene, infiltrated and embedded in Araldite resin-hardener-accelerator mixture without dibutyl phthalate, and polymerized at 60° C. More rapid than previous techniques, this method gives blocks which do not fracture unduly on trimming and provides sections of soft tissues at 1 μ for phase contrast microscopy, as well as ultrathin sections which cut as easily with glass knives as sections of methacrylate. Araldite manufactured in the U.S.A. and in England are different. Satisfactory proportions for the American are: hardener DDSA, 3.5 ml; casting resin 6005, 5.0 ml; accelerator B, 0.12 ml. For the British product, these are: hardener 964 B, 5.0 ml; casting resin M, 5.0 ml; accelerator 964 C, 0.25 ml. The use of 2% agar for orienting small specimens in Araldite is feasible. Mallory's borax-methylene blue has been applied to the staining of Araldite sections as thin as 0.5 μ mounted on glass slides.  相似文献   

Tissue blocks 2 × 2 × 0.4 cm were fixed 6-24 hr in phosphate-buffered 6% glutaraldehyde then sliced to 2 × 2 × 0.1 cm and rinsed in phosphate buffer for at least 12 hr. Fixation was continued for 2 hr in phosphate-buffered 1-2% OsO4. The slices were dehydrated, infiltrated with Araldite, and embedded in flat-bottomed plastic molds. Sectioning at 4-8 μ with a sliding microtome was facilitated by addition of 10% dibutylphalate to the standard epoxy mixture. The sections were spread on water and attached to coverslips by drying, then heating to 80 C for 1 min. Staining 2 min with 1-3% KMnO4 and temporary mounting in glycerol on a slide allowed the desired area for electron microscopy to be selected and marked. This area was then cemented to the facet of a conventional epoxy casting with a drop of epoxy resin (without added dibutylphthalate). After polymerization, the coverslip was removed by quick cooling leaving a flat re-embedded portion of the original section. This portion was viewed by transillumination in a dissecting microscope and trimmed of surplus tissue. Ultrathin sections for electron microscopy were obtained in the usual manner.  相似文献   

In the absence of other factors known to influence sectioning properties, high environmental relative humidity is shown to yield poorly embedded tissue. Humidity-related effects are avoided if the following embedding precedure is used: impregnate tissues using the following solutions 1) 70% alcohol—5 minutes, 2) 95% alcohol—4 × 15 minutes, 3) absolute alcohol—3 × 40 minutes, 4) acetone—2 × 15 minutes, 5) 1:1 mixture of acetone-epoxy resin (DDSA, 63.4 g; Araldite 502, 5.6 g; Epon 814,39.4 g; DMP-30, 2.6 g)— 1 hour, 6) acetone-epoxy resin 13—1 hour, 7) epoxy resin—1 hour: complete the preparation of blocks as follows 8) when tissues have been oriented in epoxy resin in flat embedding molds, place molds in one evacuated vacuum desiccator 10 cm above a 2 cm layer of Drierite for 24 hours at room temperature, 9) raise temperature to 60 C and maintain for 3 days to cure resin.  相似文献   

The last fifty years have seen enormous improvements in the way biological specimens are prepared for microscopy. The Fifties produced the essential groundwork upon which many of our current methodologies are based. Acrylic resin embedding was introduced in 1949, with subsequent publications seeking improvements to resin formulations, embedding protocols, and modes of polymerisation. Procedures for progressive lowering of temperature processing, cryosubstitution, freeze-drying and polymerisation by ultra-violet light at low temperatures, all had their genesis in this decade of great innovation. The Sixties marked the period when the acrylics were eclipsed by the more stable and reliable epoxy resins, and much of our present-day understanding of ultrastructure was elucidated. The Seventies carried on this work with advances in technical developments concerned mainly with freezing methodologies. The beginning of the Eighties saw a resurrection of the acrylic resins, with new formulations of these resins giving reliable and stable embeddings. The low temperature and freezing methodologies pioneered in the Fifties, backed up by recent improvements to low temperature technologies, were used to further our understanding of ultrastructure and breathe new life into the science of immunocytochemistry. The remainder of the Eighties and Nineties has seen the ever increasing application of these various microscopical techniques to a wide range of biological studies. The flexibility offered by the acrylic resins in choosing between different processing, embedding and polymerisation methods has provided the impetus for detailed studies to bring to the attention of microscopists the underlying trends governing specimen preparation. Therefore, looking forward to the new Millennium, this has allowed for a more reasoned choice in organising a strategy to deal with a variety of microscopical requirements and for planning an appropriate protocol.  相似文献   

Broth cultures of Escherichia coli, strains Hfr G6 and F- 464 grown separately, were mixed (2 ml of each) and the mixture filtered through a 0.45 μ pore size, 25 mm diameter, MF-Millipore membrane. The membrane was placed, cell side up, on a nutrient agar plate and incubated 15 min at 37 C. Processing in the customary manner to include fixation, staining and epoxy embedding for electron microscopy followed. The technique provides greater concentration of cells, allows less opportunity for separation of conjugating cells and is less time consuming than procedures involving concentration by centrifugation and enclosure in agar as prerequisities to resin embedding.  相似文献   

Epoxy embedding of cell cultures, impression smears and settled cell suspensions is performed in small vinyl cups, in which the entire sequence of culture, fixation, dehydration and embedding is feasible. The cup is readily stripped from the polymerized block to allow selected areas to be marked, photomicrographed by light, and thin sections of the selected parts cut for electron microscopy. The vinyl cups were obtained from Fabri-Kal Corp., Kalamazo, Mich. 49001 in sheets of 66 cups, each cup measuring 15 mm in diameter and 10 mm deep.  相似文献   

Sections of 0.5-2 μ thickness are affixed to slides with albumen adhesive, thoroughly dried, and placed in xylene or toluene for 1 hr, then brought through ethanol to water. Sections of tissue fixed in OsO4 are treated first in 0.1% KMnO4, then with 1.0% oxalic acid, and after rinsing, incubated at 60 C for 12-24 hr in hematoxylin (Harris's or Ehrlich's) and counterstained 10-15 min with 0.5% phloxine B. Permanent preparations are made by clearing and mounting in a synthetic resin. The method requires only easily available reagents and is suitable for routine processing of epoxy sections.  相似文献   

Tissue processed for scanning electron microscopy by ethanol-cryofracturing combined with critical point drying was embedded and sectioned for transmission electron microscopy. Study of sections cut in a plane passing through the fracture edge indicated that preservation of cellular fine structure of fractured cells was excellent. Even at the most peripheral edge of the fracture there was no evidence that movement of cytoplasmic components occurred to distort the original structural organization of fractured cells. Lack of cytoplasmic detail in ethanol-cryofractographs has been due more to the nature of the fracturing of the tissue and to the obscuring effects of the metal coating than to structural deformation at the fracture edge or to limitations in resolving power of the scanning electron microscope used.  相似文献   

Electron Microscopy of Emperipolesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Correlative fluorescence light microscopy and electron microscopy allows the imaging of spatial distributions of specific biomolecules in the context of cellular ultrastructure. Recent development of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy allows the location of molecules to be determined with nanometer-scale spatial resolution. However, correlative super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy (EM) still remains challenging because the optimal specimen preparation and imaging conditions for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and EM are often not compatible. Here, we have developed several experiment protocols for correlative stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) and EM methods, both for un-embedded samples by applying EM-specific sample preparations after STORM imaging and for embedded and sectioned samples by optimizing the fluorescence under EM fixation, staining and embedding conditions. We demonstrated these methods using a variety of cellular targets.  相似文献   

The recently developed correlative super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (SRM) and electron microscopy (EM) is a hybrid technique that simultaneously obtains the spatial locations of specific molecules with SRM and the context of the cellular ultrastructure by EM. Although the combination of SRM and EM remains challenging owing to the incompatibility of samples prepared for these techniques, the increasing research attention on these methods has led to drastic improvements in their performances and resulted in wide applications. Here, we review the development of correlative SRM and EM (sCLEM) with a focus on the correlation of EM with different SRM techniques. We discuss the limitations of the integration of these two microscopy techniques and how these challenges can be addressed to improve the quality of correlative images. Finally, we address possible future improvements and advances in the continued development and wide application of sCLEM approaches.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method is described for resectioning semithin Epon sections which have been stained for light microscopy, mounted on slides, and examined under immersion oil. The immersion oil is removed with xylene and the section is air dried. A drop of distilled water is applied to the slide and a razor blade is slid under the section. Freed from the slide, the section floats on the surface of the water and is transferred to another drop of water on the surface of a smooth, newly prepared Epon block face. The water under the section is withdrawn with bibulous paper. The section is thoroughly dried and bonded to the block surface by briefly heating in a 60 C oven. The tissue may then be re-sectioned and stained for electron microscopy in the conventional manner. This method has been used by several different technicians to produce ultrathin sections equal in quality to those produced by conventional methods and it greatly facilitates the selection of critical areas for examination by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Three methods by which electron diffraction may be applied to problems in electron microscopy are discussed from a fundamental point of view, and experimental applications with biological specimens are demonstrated for each case. It is shown that wide-angle electron diffraction provides valuable information for evaluating specimen damage that can occur either during specimen preparation or while in the electron beam. Dark-field electron microscopy can be used both to enhance the image contrast and to provide highly restricted and therefore highly specific information about the object. Low-angle electron diffraction provides quantitative information about the object structure in the range from 20 A to ~ 1000 A. Lowangle electron diffraction also demonstrates the important role of Fourier contrast with biological specimens, which are usually characterized by structural features with dimensions of 20 A or larger.  相似文献   

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