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Body size and environmental prey availability are both key factors determining feeding habits of gape-limited fish predators. However, our understanding of their interactive or relative effects is still limited. In this study, we performed quantitative dietary analysis of different body sizes of goby (Gymnogobius isaza) specimens collected from Lake Biwa between 1962 and 2004. First, we report that the diet was composed mainly of zooplankton (cladocerans and copepods) before the 1980s, and thereafter, shifted to zoobenthos (gammarids). This foraging shift coincided with, and thus can be linked to, known historical events in the lake at that time: decrease in zooplankton abundance with the alleviation of eutrophication, increase in fish body size resulting from fish population collapse, and increase in gammarid abundance due to reduced fish predation pressure. Supporting this view, our data analyses revealed how the long-term changes in the diet composition would be co-mediated by changes in fish body size and environmental prey availability. Specifically, while zoobenthos abundance strongly affected the fish diet composition, larger (smaller) fish preferred zoobenthos (zooplankton). Furthermore, the body size effects were stronger than those of prey availability. These results provide the best long-term evidence that fish feeding habits vary over decades with its body size and prey community due to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Predation often represents the prevailing process shaping aquatic ecosystems. As foraging and antipredatory behaviour frequently relate to vision, turbidity may often impair the interactions between the predator and its prey, depending on prey type and source and level of turbidity. We studied the effect of inorganic turbidity (0–30 NTU) on the effectiveness of fish feeding on two types of prey in different habitats: free-swimming cladoceran (Daphnia pulex) in open water and plant-associated cladoceran (Sida crystallina) attached to Nuphar lutea leaves. For the planktivore, we used vision-oriented perch (Perca fluviatilis) common in the littoral zone of temperate lakes. In our study, increasing inorganic turbidity did not appear to initiate any significant change in the feeding efficiency of perch on free-swimming Daphnia pulex. However, we saw a markedly different feeding efficiency when perch targeted plant-attached Sida crystallina. Our results substantiate that floating-leaved macrophytes in turbid lakes may provide a favourable habitat for plant-attached cladocerans.  相似文献   


Zooplankton play a key role in energy transfer within lake food webs, but we have a poor knowledge concerning their role as phytoplankton grazers in shallow subtropical lakes. In this study, we aimed to determine how zooplankton grazing upon phytoplankton is altered in different scenarios of fish predation and turbidity, and we explored the relevance of grazing compared to other environmental variables, to explain phytoplankton biomass changes. A mesocosm experiment was conducted by including the following treatments: fish, turbidity, fish + turbidity, and a control (without fish or varying turbidity). The experiment lasted 21 days, and samples were taken four times. Zooplankton grazing was only effective for the microphagous group upon Cryptophyceae, while large Chlorophyceae and small pennate Bacillariophyceae biomass were benefited in the presence of copepods and cladocerans, being negatively affected by depletions in nitrogen availability. In the turbidity treatment, a reduction in phytoplankton biomass was obtained, artificially increasing zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton, while fish presence inhibited grazing of adult copepods and cladocerans. The other groups of phytoplankton were only influenced by the environment. This experiment suggests that phytoplankton biomass variations would be more affected by the environment than by zooplankton grazing in shallow lakes from the Paraná River.


Syngnathus abaster is an euryhaline species, which has penetrated freshwaters in Europe and its range is expanding. The goal was to investigate the feeding patterns of this species in an invaded freshwater habitat, where it first appeared at the beginning of 1990s, with implications for assessing its possible effects on invaded ecosystems. In total, 36 prey items were identified in the diet of S. abaster. The most important prey were zooplanktonic organisms, among which copepods predominated significantly. The second most important prey were cladocerans, represented by 20 species/genera. The diet composition of this species showed clear seasonal dynamics but copepods remained the predominant prey item throughout the year. Significant positive relationships between the abundance of zooplanktonic organisms in the gut contents of S. abaster and their abundance in zooplankton samples were found for copepods and Ceriodaphnia sp. S. abaster showed a significant positive electivity for copepods throughout all months. It also positively selected some large cladocerans, which probably shared the same habitat. S. abaster also consumed fish items including gobiid larvae and its own juveniles, when they were abundant in May and especially in June. The possible effect of S. abaster on native ecosystems may include the shaping of zooplanktonic communities through selective predation on copepods. This species is unlikely to be a serious food competitor for native fish inhabiting European freshwaters, the majority of which are cyprinids. Nevertheless, it can have effects on some native fish through predation on their juveniles, which might share the same habitats.  相似文献   

Synopsis Acará, Geophagus brasiliensis, and red-breasted bream, Tilapia rendalli, are important planktivorous cichlids in southern Brazilian lakes and reservoirs. In laboratory experiments, I quantified behavior and selectivity of different sizes of these two fish feeding on lake zooplankton. Feeding behavior depended on fish size. Fish < 30 mm were visual feeders. Fish 30–50 mm either visually fed or pump-filter fed depending on zooplankton size. Fish > 70 mm were pump-filter feeders. Replicate 1 h feeding trials revealed that, as the relative proportions of prey changed during an experiment, acará (30–42 mm, standard length) and tilapia (29–42 mm) shifted from visual feeding on large evasive copepods to filter feeding on small cladocerans and rotifers. Electivity and feeding rate increased with prey length, but were distinct for similar-sized cladocerans and copepods. Visual/filter-feeding fish had lowest electivities for small and poorly evasive rotifers and cyclopoid nauplii. They fed non-selectively on cyclopoid copepodites, had intermediate electivities for calanoid nauplii and small cladocerans, and had highest electivities for large cladocerans, cyclopoid adults, and calanoid copepodites and adults. Although belonging to different cichlid genera and native to South America and Africa, respectively, acará and red-breasted bream (= congo tilapia) exhibited similar selectivity for zooplankton. Apparently, few stereotyped feeding behaviors have evolved during the acquisition of microphagy in fish. Shift in feeding modes allows these two species to optimally exploit the variable and dynamic patchy distribution of planktonic resources.  相似文献   

Feeding selectivity and efficiency of young-of-the-year European perch and roach were compared under field and laboratory conditions. In laboratory experiments, the importance of prey evasiveness versus prey movement conspicuousness for fish selectivity was evaluated with respect to changing Cladocera/Copepoda prey ratio. Feeding efficiency was additionally investigated in relation to feeding time (5, 10, 20 min) and prey density (approx. 50, 200, 700 ind. L−1). In Říov Reservoir, the diet of both fish species was nearly exclusively composed of crustacean zooplankton. In roach, diet shifted from rotifers and bosminids in May, towards Daphnia sp. and Leptodora kindtii in June and July. Daphnia contributed almost exclusively to the roach diet since June, composing on average more than 94% of total prey. Cyclopoid copepods, occurred in the roach’s diet only on the first sampling date; later on both cyclopoid and calanoid copepods were completely absent. On the other hand, copepods played an important role in the diet of perch. In early and mid-June when their share in the zooplankton was particularly high, copepods contributed by more than 50% to the diet of perch. Although their contribution dropped with their decline in zooplankton in June/July, by the end of July they again comprised about one third of perch’s diet. In both fish species, the increase in numbers of cladocerans in their diet was related to increase in SL. In roach, the numbers of consumed prey were doubled every twenty days during the investigated period. In perch the increase was not so consistent, but significantly higher efficiency of perch was reported on three out of six sampling dates. In laboratory experiments, roach showed a distinct avoidance for copepods and a preference for cladocerans. Both prey categories were only fed non-selectively when they dominated the prey mixture. Perch selectivity was more diversified. Contrary to roach, perch were fed copepods non-selectively on a balanced prey ratio. Further, with an increasing share of Cladocera, a situation resembling that of roach and Copepoda was avoided. However, when the share of copepods in the prey mixture dropped below ten percent, they were consumed non-selectively and with their ongoing decline in the prey mixture their preference even increased. Feeding efficiency differed significantly between perch and roach when foraging on copepods exclusively or on a prey mixture where copepods predominated. In the short time feeding experiment (5 min) with copepods, perch consumed on average 5.9 times more prey than roach. Although roach increased their success with increasing time it was still 1.7 times greater than for perch in the long time feeding experiment (20 min). Total numbers of prey consumed were positively affected by prey density and feeding time. With increasing feeding time, the consumption rate generally declined. With a fourfold increase in feeding time, the numbers of consumed prey increased on average only two times. Only in roach feeding on copepods did the numbers of prey consumed per minute of feeding increase with increasing feeding time. However, the overall numbers were low. Differences in feeding selectivity and efficiency between perch and roach juveniles were found to be significant both in the field and laboratory experiments. In roach, selectivity was determined solely by prey evasiveness. By contrast, perch’s selectivity was influenced by prey movement conspicuousness; prey escape abilities did not play an important role. Perch were more efficient foragers on evasive prey, but its feeding efficiency for non-evasive prey was not lower than that of roach. According to our observations, we suggest feeding behaviour to be responsible for the roach’s inefficiency in capturing evasive copepods.  相似文献   

Selective predation by planktivore fish appears to be an important regulatory factor of zooplankton communities, potentially causing large changes in species composition and size distributions within populations. In this study, prey preferences and size-selective predation on zooplankton by Arctic charr were examined in six subarctic lakes with Arctic charr as the dominant pelagic fish species. Most of the lakes had a zooplankton community dominated by copepods (Cyclops scutifer and Eudiaptomus graciloides), but the pelagic charr evidently selected cladoceran species (Bythotrephes longimanus, Daphnia sp. and Bosmina sp.), likely because the copepods have a higher mobility and evasiveness than the cladocerans. Furthermore, a strong size selection was also revealed for both Bosmina sp. and Daphnia sp., as individual prey from Arctic charr stomachs were exclusively larger than individuals sampled in the environment. Additionally, visibility due to size, morphology and pigmentation (egg-carrying females) was also a major factor for the selection of zooplankton prey. In conclusion, Arctic charr was found to be highly selective on zooplankton both in respect to species composition and individual size of Bosmina sp. and Daphnia sp.  相似文献   

Knowledge of zooplankton in situ diet is critical for accurate assessment of marine ecosystem function and structure, but due to methodological constraints, there is still a limited understanding of ecological networks in marine ecosystems. Here, we used DNA‐metabarcoding to study trophic interactions, with the aim to unveil the natural diet of zooplankton species under temporal variation of food resources. Several target consumers, including copepods and cladocerans, were investigated by sequencing 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes to identify prokaryote and eukaryote potential prey present in their guts. During the spring phytoplankton bloom, we found a dominance of diatom and dinoflagellate trophic links to copepods. During the summer period, zooplankton including cladocerans showed a more diverse diet dominated by cyanobacteria and heterotrophic prey. Our study suggests that copepods present trophic plasticity, changing their natural diet over seasons, and adapting their feeding strategies to the available prey spectrum, with some species being more selective. We did not find a large overlap of prey consumed by copepods and cladocerans, based on prey diversity found in their guts, suggesting that they occupy different roles in the trophic web. This study represents the first molecular approach to investigate several zooplankton–prey associations under seasonal variation, and highlights how, unlike other techniques, the diversity coverage is high when using DNA, allowing the possibility to detect a wide range of trophic interactions in plankton communities.  相似文献   

Invasive planktonic crustaceans have become a prominent feature of aquatic communities worldwide, yet their effects on food webs are not well known. The Asian calanoid copepod, Pseudodiaptomus forbesi, introduced to the Columbia River Estuary approximately 15 years ago, now dominates the late-summer zooplankton community, but its use by native aquatic predators is unknown. We investigated whether three species of planktivorous fishes (chinook salmon, three-spined stickleback, and northern pikeminnow) and one species of mysid exhibited higher feeding rates on native copepods and cladocerans relative to P. forbesi by conducting `single-prey’ feeding experiments and, additionally, examined selectivity for prey types with `two-prey’ feeding experiments. In single-prey experiments individual predator species showed no difference in feeding rates on native cyclopoid copepods (Cyclopidae spp.) relative to invasive P. forbesi, though wild-collected predators exhibited higher feeding rates on cyclopoids when considered in aggregate. In two-prey experiments, chinook salmon and northern pikeminnow both strongly selected native cladocerans (Daphnia retrocurva) over P. forbesi, and moreover, northern pikeminnow selected native Cyclopidae spp. over P. forbesi. On the other hand, in two-prey experiments, chinook salmon, three-spined stickleback and mysids were non- selective with respect to feeding on native cyclopoid copepods versus P. forbesi. Our results indicate that all four native predators in the Columbia River Estuary can consume the invasive copepod, P. forbesi, but that some predators select for native zooplankton over P. forbesi, most likely due to one (or both) of two possible underlying casual mechanisms: 1) differential taxon-specific prey motility and escape responses (calanoids > cyclopoids > daphnids) or 2) the invasive status of the zooplankton prey resulting in naivety, and thus lower feeding rates, of native predators feeding on invasive prey.  相似文献   

Planktivorous fish can exert strong top‐down control on zooplankton communities. By incorporating different feeding strategies, from selective particulate feeding to cruising filter feeding, fish species target distinct prey. In this study, we investigated the effects of two species with different feeding strategies, the three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.)) and roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)), on a low‐diversity brackish water zooplankton community using a 16‐day mesocosm experiment. The experiment was conducted on a small‐bodied spring zooplankton community in high‐nutrient conditions, as well as a large‐bodied summer community in low‐nutrient conditions. Effects were highly dependent on the initial zooplankton community structure and hence seasonal variation. In a small‐bodied community with high predation pressure and no dispersal or migration, the selective particulate‐feeding stickleback depleted the zooplankton community and decreased its diversity more radically than the cruising filter‐feeding roach. Cladocerans rather than copepods were efficiently removed by predation, and their removal caused altered patterns in rotifer abundance. In a large‐bodied summer community with initial high taxonomic and functional diversity, predation pressure was lower and resource availability was high for omnivorous crustaceans preying on other zooplankton. In this community, predation maintained diversity, regardless of predator species. During both experimental periods, predation influenced the competitive relationship between the dominant calanoid copepods, and altered species composition and size structure of the zooplankton community. Changes also occurred to an extent at the level of nontarget prey, such as microzooplankton and rotifers, emphasizing the importance of subtle predation effects. We discuss our results in the context of the adaptive foraging mechanism and relate them to the natural littoral community.  相似文献   

We offered prey consisting of the rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, amphipods, dipterans and ephemeropterans to the pre-starved and sorted in three size groups of naiads of Rhionaeschna multicolour (Hagen, 1861) in the presence of the macrophyte Egeria densa Planchon and without it. The naiads consumed up to 25 prey items or in terms of biomass (wet weight) up to 7 mg within 2 h. Biomass intake increased with increasing predator's size. Prey consumption was significantly lower in presence of plants. The cladocerans Ceriodaphnia dubia Rihcard, 1894, Daphnia mendotae (Taylor and Hebert, 1993) and Ilyocryptus sp. were consistently preferred by the dragonfly naiads while Simocephalus vetulus (Müller, 1776), Alona guttata Sars, 1862 and Scapholeberis kingi Sars, 1888 were avoided with and without macrophytes. This study suggests that dragonfly naiads structure the zooplankton community by selective feeding.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2013,37(6):1028-1035
通过对同一试验池中匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathala)和鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)胃肠道内含物的连续3次分析,揭示他们滤食的天然饵料生物组成及差异。首先根据物种鉴定结果对2种鱼的胃肠道内饵料生物组成进行了UPGMA聚类分析,结果显示:相同采样时间同一池塘内2种鱼饵料生物组成存在差异,分别聚为不同的分枝;分析匙吻鲟和鳙胃肠道内饵料生物种类时还发现不同采样时间前者枝角类和桡足类种类数均多于后者。同时对2种鱼胃肠道内各饵料生物的生物量进行分析,结果显示:当大型饵料生物充足时,枝角类和桡足类的生物量在2种鱼胃肠道内没有显著差异(P0.05);当大型饵料生物减少时,匙吻鲟摄食强度减小,但其枝角类和桡足类的生物量仍显著较大(P0.05);当大型饵料生物消失后,轮虫生物量在匙吻鲟胃肠道内显著增加 (P0.05);相比较,鳙在各采样期则主要滤食较小型的浮游动物和浮游植物。另外,当动物性饵料减少后,匙吻鲟和鳙均通过大量滤食植物絮团来补充能量。综上,同一试验池养殖的匙吻鲟和鳙存在摄食竞争压力,该压力的大小与环境中大型饵料生物的丰富度密切相关。    相似文献   

Copepods have been considered capable of selective feeding based on several factors (i.e., prey size, toxicity, and motility). However, their selective feeding behaviour as a function of food quality remains poorly understood, despite the potential impact of such a process on copepod fitness and trophodynamics. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the ability of copepods to feed selectively according to the nutritional value of the prey. We investigated the feeding performance of the calanoid copepod Acartia grani under nutritionally distinct diets of the dinoflagellate Heterocapsa sp. (nutrient-replete, N-depleted and P-depleted) using unialgal suspensions and mixtures of prey (nutrient-replete vs. nutrient-depleted). Despite the distinct cell elemental composition among algal treatments (e.g., C:N:P molar ratios) and the clear dietary impact on egg production rates (generally higher number of eggs under a nutrient-replete diet), no impact on copepod feeding rates was observed. All unialgal suspensions were cleared at similar rates, and this pattern was independent of food concentration. When the prey were offered as mixtures, we did not detect selective behaviour in either the N-limitation (nutrient-replete vs. N-depleted Heterocapsa cells) or P-limitation (nutrient-replete vs. P-depleted Heterocapsa cells) experiments. The lack of selectivity observed in the current study contrasts with previous observations, in which stronger nutritional differences were tested. Under normal natural circumstances, nutritional differences in natural prey assemblages might not be sufficiently strong to trigger a selective response in copepods based on that factor alone. In addition, our results suggest that nutritional quality might depend not only on the growing conditions but also on the inherent taxonomical properties of the prey.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge on the microbial component of zooplankton diet is limited, and it is generally assumed that bacteria-sized prey is not directly consumed by most mesozooplankton grazers in the marine food webs. We questioned this assumption and conducted field and laboratory studies to examine picocyanobacteria contribution to the diets of Baltic Sea zooplankton, including copepods. First, qPCR targeting ITS-1 rDNA sequence of the picocyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. was used to examine picocyanobacterial DNA occurrence in the guts of Baltic zooplankton (copepods, cladocerans and rotifers). All field-collected zooplankton were found to consume picocyanobacteria in substantial quantities. In terms of Synechococcus quantity, the individual gut content was highest in cladocerans, whereas biomass-specific gut content was highest in rotifers and copepod nauplii. Moreover, the gut content in copepods was positively related to the picocyanobacteria abundance and negatively to the total phytoplankton abundance in the water column at the time of sampling. This indicates that increased availability of picocyanobacteria resulted in the increased intake of this prey and that copepods may rely more on picoplankton when food in the preferred size range declines. Second, a feeding experiments with a laboratory reared copepod Acartia tonsa fed a mixture of the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus bacillaris and microalga Rhodomonas salina confirmed that copepods ingested Synechococcus, even when the alternative food was plentiful. Finally, palatability of the picocyanobacteria for A. tonsa was demonstrated using uptake of 13C by the copepods as a proxy for carbon uptake in feeding experiment with 13C-labeled S. bacillaris. These findings suggest that, if abundant, picoplankton may become an important component of mesozooplankton diet, which needs to be accounted for in food web models and productivity assessments.  相似文献   

Although floodplains are known to be tightly controlled by the flood cycle, we know comparatively little about how flooding influences predators and their consumption of secondary production, particularly in highly seasonal floodplains typical of Mediterranean climates. In this study, we investigate how the seasonal dynamics of a central California floodplain influence the timing and magnitude of fish predation and the abundance and composition of invertebrates. For 3 years (2000–2002), we compared changes in abundances and size distributions of invertebrates through the flood season (January–June) with seasonal changes in the abundance of larval and juvenile fishes. Using diet analysis of fishes and manipulative feeding experiments with fishes in field enclosures, we link specific changes in invertebrate populations directly to feeding preferences of seasonally abundant fish. Early in the flood season prior to March, we found little influence of fish predation, consistent with the near absence of larval and juvenile fishes during this period. Coinciding with the midseason increase in the abundance of larval and juvenile fishes in April, we found significant declines in zooplankton abundance as well as declines in the size of zooplankton consistent with fish feeding preferences. Our results were consistent with results from feeding enclosure experiments that showed that fish rapidly depressed populations of larger cladocerans with much less effect on smaller cladocerans and calanoid copepods. At the end of the flood season, zooplankton abundances rapidly increased, consistent with a switch in the feeding of juvenile fish to aquatic insects and subsequent fish mortality. We also found that zooplankton biomass on the floodplain reached a maximum 2–3 weeks after disconnection with the river. We suggest that floodplain restoration in this region should consider management strategies that would ensure repeated flooding every 2–3 weeks during periods that would best match the peaks in abundance of native fishes. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Cabral  J. A.  Mieiro  C. L.  Marques  J. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):41-51
We studied the relationships between a predator fish, Gambusia holbrooki, and its main food prey, within the content of a rice field food web. The influence of some environmental and biological factors on these trophic interactions, in combination with existent quantitative information, allowed us to evaluate the ecological viability of using a non-ionic surfactant, Genapol OXD-080, to control a plague caused by crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) populations in the rice fields. In the Lower Mondego River Valley, Portugal, G. holbrooki is abundant in rice fields. It feeds mainly on copepods, cladocerans and rotifers. Surface insects, such as aphids, collembolans, adult (imago) chironomids and other dipterans, are additional food. Large G. holbrooki consumed greater amounts of cladocerans and adult chironomids than other smaller size groups, while small fish prefered rotifers. Gravid females ate copepods, cladocerans, and adult chironomids and other dipterans in significantly greater amounts than immatures, males, and non-gravid females. Non-gravid females ate collembolans in significantly greater quantities than any other fish group. The population density of copepods, cladocerans, adult chironomids, and other dipterans, the area covered by aquatic vegetation, and water temperature all had significant effects on the total number of prey caught by G. holbrooki. In contrast, a negative correlation was found with rotifers, collembolans, aphids in higher densities, and of increased water volume, dissolved oxygen and pH. G. holbrooki holds a key intermediate position in the rice field food chain, feeding in large amounts of aquatic invertebrates and being eaten, in turn, by piscivores. With regard to the toxicity of Genapol OXD-080 on non-target organisms, LC50 values for G. holbrooki and some of its main prey were several times lower than the concentration necessary to decrease the activity of crayfish populations in the rice fields. Thus, Genapol OXD-080 could potentially cause greater damage to the local populations of non-target species and should not be used without taking precautions not to contaminate other important biological reservoirs, such as the rice field irrigation channels. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in resource use are widespread in many fish species. This study investigated the feeding habits of whitefish (C. lavaretus L.) larvae in Lake Annecy (France) coupled with experimental behavioral studies in order to identify the underlying mechanisms of the ontogenetic shifts in the diet. The predatory behavior of wild larvae, and the escape responses of their zooplankton prey were both videorecorded in experimental tanks under controlled laboratory conditions. Ontogenetic diet patterns showed that young whitefish larvae have a preference for small cyclops, while older larvae selectively predate cladocerans. Our experimental observations showed that the capture success rate also varied in relation to ontogenetic development in fish. Young larvae were more successful in capturing small copepods, whereas old larvae were more successful in capturing Daphnia. In addition, the larvae were able to adjust their predatory behavior (speed, pursuit) according to the swimming pattern of the prey. These observations suggest that the selective predation on cladocerans observed in old larvae is the outcome of both active and passive choices depending on the escape swimming behavior of the prey, and handling time of the predator.  相似文献   

Release ponds are used as part of a multifacet effort to restore American shad ( Alosa sapidissima ) in the upper Susquehanna River basin. Little information exists, however, on the feeding ecology of young shad in small ponds. Consequently, we examined feeding ecology and prey selection of 299 larval and 299 juvenile American shad in a small pond during spring and summer. Larval shad mainly consumed copepods (37.7%) and cladocerans (37.4%) whereas juvenile shad ate chironomids (43.1%) and ostracods (28.4%). Larval and juvenile shad exhibited diel variation in diet composition and feeding periodicity. Food consumption by shad was minimal at night; feeding activity was highest during the day, peaking at 2000 h for both larvae and juveniles. Electivity values of shad larvae for prey taxa were highest for cladocerans (+0.27) and lowest for ostracods (−0.07). Electivity values of juvenile shad were highest for chironomids (+ 0.21) and ostracods (+ 0.09), and lowest for copepods (− 0.08) and baetids (− 0.14). Our data indicate differences in diet composition, prey preference and, to a lesser extent, feeding patterns between larval and juvenile American shad in small pond environments.  相似文献   

In an experiment on the effect of zooplankton density on feeding behaviour and prey size selection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) alevins, total behavioural activity (feeding, social, ambiguous) was positively related to prey abundance up to a density of 350 items 1?1, after which activity peaked. Feeding error (missed attacks and/or rejected ingestions) increased with prey density. The likelihood that an alevin would attack an item upon which it had binocularly fixed (no. bites/no. visual fixes) peaked at densities of 270 items 1?1 and then declined. Feeding success (no. ingestions per bite or per fixation) also peaked and then declined. Changes in success were reflected in total number of items found in the gut. At high prey abundance (608 items 1?1) only 0.5 – 0.9 mm copepods were preferred components of alevin diets. Over all prey densities, preferred sizes of cladocerans and copepods did not overlap. These results may reflect a perceptual constraint (at high zooplankton densities) on alevin feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

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