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Pre-mRNA processing factors are required for nuclear export   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  

The influenza virus NS1 protein is the only known example of a protein that inhibits the nuclear export of mRNA. To identify the functional domains of this protein, we introduced 18 2- or 3-amino-acid substitutions at approximately equally spaced locations along the entire length of the protein. Two functional domains were identified. The domain near the amino end (amino acids 19 through 38) was shown to be the RNA-binding domain, by using a gel shift assay with purified NS1 protein and spliced viral NS2 mRNA as the RNA target. The second domain, which is in the carboxy half of the molecule, was presumed to be the effector domain that interacts with host nuclear proteins to carry out the nuclear RNA export function, by analogy with the effector domain of the Rev proteins of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other lentiviruses which facilitate rather than inhibit nuclear RNA export. The NS1 protein has a 10-amino-acid sequence that is similar to the consensus sequence in the effector domains of lentivirus Rev proteins, specifically including two crucial leucines at positions 7 and 9 of this sequence. However, the effector domains of the NS1 and Rev (HIV type 1 [HIV-1]) proteins differed in several significant ways including the following: (i) unlike the HIV-1 Rev protein, NS1 effector domain mutants were negative recessive rather than negative dominant, (ii) the NS1 effector domain is about three times larger than the effector domain of the HIV-1 Rev protein, and (iii) unlike the HIV-1 protein, NS1 effector domain mutants exhibited a surprising property, a changed intracellular/intranuclear distribution, compared with the wild-type protein. These differences strongly suggest that the effector domains of the NS1 and Rev proteins interact with different nuclear protein targets, which likely explains the opposite effects of these two proteins on nuclear mRNA export.  相似文献   

Dss1p is an evolutionarily conserved small protein that interacts with BRCA2, a tumor suppressor protein, in humans. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain lacking the dss1+ gene (Δdss1) shows a temperature-sensitive growth defect and accumulation of bulk poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus at a nonpermissive temperature. In situ hybridization using probes for several specific mRNAs, however, revealed that the analyzed mRNAs were exported normally to the cytoplasm in Δdss1, suggesting that Dss1p is required for export of some subsets of mRNAs. We identified the pad1+ gene, which encodes a component of the 26S proteasome, as a suppressor for the ts phenotype of Δdss1. Unexpectedly, overexpression of Pad1p could suppress neither the defect in nuclear mRNA export nor a defect in proteasome function. In addition, loss of proteasome functions does not cause defective nuclear mRNA export. Dss1p seems to be a multifunctional protein involved in nuclear export of specific sets of mRNAs and the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in fission yeast.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleus and exported to the cytoplasm independently of one another. Nuclear export of the 60S requires the adapter protein Nmd3, but no analogous adapter has been identified for the 40S. Ltv1 is a nonessential, nonribosomal protein that is required for 40S subunit biogenesis in yeast. Cells lacking LTV1 grow slowly, are hypersensitive to inhibitors of protein synthesis, and produce about half as many 40S subunits as do wild-type cells. Ltv1 interacts with Crm1, co-sediments in sucrose gradients with 43S/40S subunits, and copurifies with late 43S particles. Here we show that Ltv1 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm in a Crm1-dependent manner and that it contains a functional NES that is sufficient to direct the export of an NLS-containing reporter. Small subunit export is reduced in Deltaltv1 mutants, as judged by the altered distribution of the 5'-ITS1 rRNA and the 40S ribosomal protein RpS3. Finally, we show a genetic interaction between LTV1 and YRB2, a gene that encodes a Ran-GTP-, Crm1-binding protein that facilitates the small subunit export. We propose that Ltv1 functions as one of several possible adapter proteins that link the nuclear export machinery to the small subunit.  相似文献   

Pot1 is a single-stranded telomere-binding protein that is conserved from fission yeast to mammals. Deletion of Schizosaccharomyces pombe pot1(+) causes immediate telomere loss. S. pombe Rqh1 is a homolog of the human RecQ helicase WRN, which plays essential roles in the maintenance of genomic stability. Here, we demonstrate that a pot1Δ rqh1-hd (helicase-dead) double mutant maintains telomeres that are dependent on Rad51-mediated homologous recombination. Interestingly, the pot1Δ rqh1-hd double mutant displays a "cut" (cell untimely torn) phenotype and is sensitive to the antimicrotubule drug thiabendazole (TBZ). Moreover, the chromosome ends of the double mutant do not enter the pulsed-field electrophoresis gel. These results suggest that the entangled chromosome ends in the pot1Δ rqh1-hd double mutant inhibit chromosome segregation, signifying that Pot1 and Rqh1 are required for efficient chromosome segregation. We also found that POT1 knockdown, WRN-deficient human cells are sensitive to the antimicrotubule drug vinblastine, implying that some of the functions of S. pombe Pot1 and Rqh1 may be conserved in their respective human counterparts POT1 and WRN.  相似文献   

The conserved family of NXF proteins has been implicated in the export of messenger RNAs from the nucleus. In metazoans, NXFs heterodimerize with p15. The yeast genome encodes a single NXF protein (Mex67p), but there are multiple nxf genes in metazoans. Whether metazoan NXFs are functionally redundant, or their multiplication reflects an adaptation to a greater substrate complexity or to tissue-specific requirements has not been established. The Drosophila genome encodes one p15 homolog and four putative NXF proteins (NXF1 to NXF4). Here we show that depletion of the endogenous pools of NXF1 or p15 from Drosophila cells inhibits growth and results in a rapid and robust accumulation of polyadenylated RNAs within the nucleus. Fluorescence in situ hybridizations show that export of both heat-shock and non-heat-shock mRNAs, as well as intron-containing and intronless mRNAs is inhibited. Depleting endogenous NXF2 or NXF3 has no apparent phenotype. Moreover, NXF4 is not expressed at detectable levels in cultured Drosophila cells. We conclude that Dm NXF1/p15 heterodimers only (but not NXF2-NXF4) mediate the export of the majority of mRNAs in Drosophila cells and that the other members of the NXF family play more specialized or different roles.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe Dim1p is required for maintaining the steady-state level of the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) component Lid1p and thus for maintaining the steady-state level and activity of the APC/C. To gain further insight into Dim1p function, we have investigated the mechanism whereby Dim1p influences Lid1p levels. We show that S. pombe cells lacking Dim1p or Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking its ortholog, Dib1p, are defective in generalized pre-mRNA splicing in vivo, a result consistent with the identification of Dim1p as a component of the purified yeast U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP complex. Moreover, we find that Dim1p is part of a complex with the splicing factor Prp1p. However, although Dim1p is required for efficient splicing of lid1(+) pre-mRNA, circumventing the necessity for this particular function of Dim1p is insufficient for restoring normal Lid1p levels. Finally, we provide evidence that Dim1p also participates in the nuclear export of lid1(+) mRNA and that it is likely the combined loss of both of these two Dim1p functions which compromises Lid1p levels in the absence of proper Dim1p function. These data indicate that a mechanism acting at the level of mRNA impacts the functioning of the APC/C, a critical complex in controlling mitotic progression.  相似文献   

CRM1 exports proteins that carry a short leucine-rich peptide signal, the nuclear export signal (NES), from the nucleus. Regular NESs must have low affinity for CRM1 to function optimally. We previously generated artificial NESs with higher affinities for CRM1, termed supraphysiological NESs. Here we identify a supraphysiological NES in an endogenous protein, the NS2 protein of parvovirus Minute Virus of Mice (MVM). NS2 interacts with CRM1 without the requirement of RanGTP, whereas addition of RanGTP renders the complex highly stable. Mutation of a single hydrophobic residue that inactivates regular NESs lowers the affinity of the NS2 NES for CRM1 from supraphysiological to regular. Mutant MVM harboring this regular NES is compromised in viral nuclear export and productivity. In virus-infected mouse fibroblasts we observe colocalization of NS2, CRM1 and mature virions, which is dependent on the supraphysiological NS2 NES. We conclude that supraphysiological NESs exist in nature and that the supraphysiological NS2 NES has a critical role in active nuclear export of mature MVM particles before cell lysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the nucleus, mRNAs are bound by hnRNP proteins. A subset of hnRNP proteins shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm and are believed to promote mRNA export by acting as adaptors between mRNA and the transport machinery. The existence of multiple shuttling hnRNP proteins raises the question of whether differentially regulated, hnRNP-specific mRNA export pathways exist. RESULTS: We have determined that Tom1p, a conserved protein with a hect (homology to E6-AP carboxyl terminus) E3 ubiquitin ligase domain, is required for efficient mRNA export in S. cerevisiae, yet differentially affects hnRNP protein localization and export. Mutations in tom1 predicted to abolish ubiquitin ligase activity block efficient export of Nab2p and mRNA, causing Nab2p-mRNA complexes to accumulate in a punctate pattern coincident with the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Notably, the subcellular distribution of several other hnRNP proteins is not affected. In particular, Np13p remains mRNA-associated and continues to be efficiently exported in tom1 mutants. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that mutations predicted to affect the enzymatic activity of the Tom1p ubiquitin ligase differentially affect export of hnRNP proteins in association with mRNA. We propose the existence of multiple mRNA export pathways, with export of Nab2p-associated mRNAs dependent on a branch of the ubiquitin protein modification pathway.  相似文献   

Loc1p is an exclusively nuclear dsRNA-binding protein that affects the asymmetric sorting of ASH1 mRNA to daughter cells in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition to the role in cytoplasmic RNA localization, Loc1p is a constituent of pre-60S ribosomes. Cells devoid of Loc1p display a defect in the synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits, resulting in “half-mer” polyribosomes. Previously, we reported that Loc1p is located throughout the entire nucleus; however, upon closer inspection we discovered that Loc1p is enriched in the nucleolus consistent with a role in 60S ribosome biogenesis. Given that Loc1p is an RNA-binding protein and presumably functions in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits, we investigated if Loc1p has a role in rRNA processing and nuclear export of 60S subunits. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing revealed that loc1Δ cells exhibit gross defects in 25S rRNA synthesis, specifically a delay in processing at sites A0, A1 and A2 in 35S pre-rRNA. Furthermore, loc1Δ cells exhibit nuclear export defects for 60S ribosomal subunits, again, consistent with a role for Loc1p in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits. It is attractive to hypothesize that the two phenotypes associated with loc1Δ cells, namely altered ASH1 mRNA localization and ribosome biogenesis, are not mutually exclusive, but that ribosome biogenesis directly impacts mRNA localization.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic gene expression requires the export of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The DEAD box protein Dbp5p is an essential export factor conserved from yeast to man. A fraction of Dbp5p forms a complex with nucleoporins of the cytoplasmic filaments of the nuclear pore complex. Gfd1p was identified originally as a multicopy suppressor of the rat8-2 ts allele of DBP5. Here we reported that Dbp5p and Gfd1p interact with Zds1p, a protein previously identified as a multicopy suppressor in several yeast genetic screens. By using the two-hybrid system, we showed that Zds1p interacts in vivo with both Gfd1p and Dbp5p. In vitro binding experiments revealed that Gfd1p and Dbp5p bind directly to the C-terminal part of Zds1p. In addition, ZDS1 interacted genetically with mutant alleles of genes encoding key factors in mRNA export, including DBP5 and MEX67. Furthermore, deletion of ZDS1 or of both ZDS1 and the closely related ZDS2 exacerbated the poly(A)+ export defects shown by dbp5-2 and mex67-5 mutants. We proposed that Zds1p associates with the complex formed by Dbp5p, Gfd1p, and nucleoporins at the cytosolic fibrils of the nuclear pore complex and is required for optimal mRNA export.  相似文献   

M C Costanzo  E C Seaver    T D Fox 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(13):3637-3641
Mitochondrial translation of the oxi2 mRNA, encoding yeast cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (coxIII), has previously been shown to specifically require the mitochondrially located protein product of the nuclear gene PET494. We show here that this specific translational activation involves at least one other newly identified gene termed PET54. Mutations in PET54 cause an absence of the coxIII protein despite the presence of normal levels of its mRNA. pet494 mutations are known to be suppressible by mitochondrial gene rearrangements that replace the normal 5'-untranslated leader of the oxi2 mRNA with the leaders of other mitochondrial mRNAs. In this study we show that pet54, pet494 double mutants are suppressed by the same mitochondrial gene rearrangements, showing that the PET54 product is specifically required, in addition to the PET494 protein, for translation of the oxi2 mRNA. Since, as we show here, PET54 is not an activator of PET494 gene expression, our results suggest that the products of both of these genes may act together to stimulate coxIII translation.  相似文献   

Yra1p is an essential and conserved mRNA export factor in yeast. Strikingly, removal of the intron from YRA1 causes a dominant-negative growth phenotype and a concomitant inhibition of mRNA export. However, both defects are neutralized by replacement of the intron of YRA1 by a different intron. Significantly, Yra1p is overproduced in yeast when expressed from its intronless gene, but Yra1p levels are the same as the wild type when expressed from an intron-containing YRA1 gene. Thus, an intron in YRA1 controls Yra1p expression and mRNA export.  相似文献   

Fission yeast ptr1-1 is one of the mRNA transport mutants that accumulate poly(A)+ RNA in the nuclei at the nonpermissive temperature. We found that the ptr1+ gene encodes a homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tom1p, a hect type ubiquitin ligase. In ptr1-1, a conserved amino acid in the hect domain of Ptr1p is mutated. The ptr1+ gene is essential for growth and its mutation did not affect nuclear protein export. A ptr1-1 rae1-167 double mutant showed a synthetic effect on a growth defect, indicating that Ptr1p functionally interacts with an essential mRNA export factor Rae1p. We also isolated a multi-copy suppressor for ptr1-1 and found that it is the mpd2+ gene isolated as a multi-copy suppressor of cdc7-PD1.  相似文献   

The metazoan proteins UAP56, REF1, and NXF1 are thought to bind sequentially to mRNA to promote its export to the cytoplasm: UAP56 is thought to recruit REF1 to nascent mRNA; REF1 acts as an adaptor protein mediating the association of NXF1 with mRNA, whereas NXF1 translocates the mRNA across the nuclear pore complex. REF1 is a component of the exon-exon junction complex (EJC); thus, the EJC is thought to play a role in the export of spliced mRNA. NXF1 and UAP56 are essential for mRNA export. An essential role for metazoan REF1 or the additional EJC proteins in this process has not been established. Contrary to expectation, we show that REF1 and the additional components of the EJC are dispensable for export of bulk mRNA in Drosophila cells. Only when REF1 and RNPS1 are codepleted, or when all EJC proteins are simultaneously depleted is a partial nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated RNAs observed. Because a significant fraction of bulk mRNA is detected in the cytoplasm of cells depleted of all EJC proteins, we conclude that additional adaptor protein(s) mediate the interaction between NXF1 and cellular mRNAs in metazoa. Our results imply that the essential role of UAP56 in mRNA export is not restricted to the recruitment of REF1.  相似文献   

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