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At birth, the cardiomyocytes in the mouse neonatal heart still retain their ability to proliferate. However, this lasts only a few days and then the cardiomyocytes irreversibly lose their potential to divide. It is still not fully understood what factors are involved in the cessation of cardiomyocyte proliferation. Using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) antibodies, we established that cardiomyocytes could divide extensively in 2-day-old mouse neonatal hearts and to a lesser extent in 6-day-old hearts. By 13 days, the cardiomyocytes have mostly stopped dividing. Comparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) was performed on total proteins extracted from the 2-day- and 13-day-old hearts, in order to identify peptides that might be involved in the inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF), we identified two protein spots that have the same molecular weight (approximately 14 kDa) but different pIs (5.9 and 6.1). Mass spectra analysis determined the proteins to be isoforms of the heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP). The pI 6.1 H-FABP is also known as mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI; Specht et al. 1996). MGDI is a breast tumour growth suppressor gene capable of inhibiting tumour cell proliferation (Huynh et al. 1995). Both H-FABP isoforms were expressed in 2-day-old hearts but became strongly upregulated in 13-day-old hearts. We examined whether H-FABPs and PCNA were coexpressed in 2-, 6- and 13-day-old heart histological sections, using MDGI antibodies. The antibody could detect both forms of H-FABPs. It was established that there was a correlation between an increase in H-FABP expression and a decrease in PCNA expression. Hence, we tentatively propose that H-FABP isoforms are involved in regulating cardiomyocyte growth and differentiation in mouse neonatal hearts.This project was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 30340038).  相似文献   

Summary The transverse tubule (T-tubule) system in papillary muscles of the sand rat and the mouse were studied with the aid of a diffusion tracer (horseradish peroxidase). The T-tubule system in the sand rat showed a typical mammalian pattern with sarcolemmal tubules invaginating at the Z-band level of the sarcomere. These tubules follow a transverse direction in the cell with frequent longitudinal side-branches which connect tubules at different Z-band levels. In the mouse myocardium, the T-tubules also start as lateral invaginations from the sarcolemma at the Z-band levels. In the cell interior, however, the tubules ramify and brake up into a complicated system of spirally running tubules. These spirals, of relative small diameter (400Å–700Å), frequently expand and form lobulated cisternae at the Z-band levels.  相似文献   

Molluscs such as ammonoids record their growth in their accretionary shells, making them ideal for the study of evolutionary changes in ontogeny through time. Standard methods usually focus on two‐dimensional data and do not quantify empirical changes in shell and chamber volumes through ontogeny, which can possibly be important to disentangle phylogeny, interspecific variation and palaeobiology of these extinct cephalopods. Tomographic and computational methods offer the opportunity to empirically study volumetric changes in shell and chamber volumes through ontogeny of major ammonoid sub‐clades in three dimensions (3‐D). Here, we document (1) the growth of chamber and septal volumes through ontogeny and (2) differences in ontogenetic changes between species from each of three major sub‐clades of Palaeozoic ammonoids throughout their early phylogeny. The data used are three‐dimensional reconstructions of specimens that have been subjected to grinding tomography. The following species were studied: the agoniatitid Fidelites clariondi and anarcestid Diallagites lenticulifer (Middle Devonian) and the Early Carboniferous goniatitid Goniatites multiliratus. Chamber and septum volumes were plotted against the septum number and the shell diameter (proxies for growth) in the three species; although differences are small, the trajectories are more similar among the most derived Diallagites and Goniatites compared with the more widely umbilicate Fidelites. Our comparisons show a good correlation between the 3‐D and the 2‐D measurements. In all three species, both volumes follow exponential trends with deviations in very early ontogeny (resolution artefacts) and near maturity (mature modifications in shell growth). Additionally, we analyse the intraspecific differences in the volume data between two specimens of Normannites (Middle Jurassic).  相似文献   

Summary S-antigen-immunoreactive pinealocytes located in the deep portion of the pineal organ of inbred and wild pigmented mice give rise to long, beaded processes penetrating into the habenular and pretectal regions. In addition, the medial habenular nuclei and the pretectal area contain S-antigen-immunoreactive perikarya, which resemble pinealocytes in size, shape and immunoreactivity and are considered as pinealocyte-like epithalamic cells. Immunoblotting techniques reveal that a single protein band of approximately 48 kDa molecular weight accounts for this immunoreactivity. As shown with the use of the electron microscope, the majority of the S-antigen-immunoreactive processes is closely apposed to immunonegative neuronal profiles and perikarya of the habenular and pretectal regions. S-antigen-immunoreactive processes and perikarya of both pinealocytes of the deep pineal organ and pinealocyte-like epithalamic cells may form the postsynaptic element in conventional synapses involving axons provided with clear synaptic vesicles. Thus, certain mammalian pinealocytes may receive and transmit signals via point-to-point connections resembling neuro-neuronal contacts. These results challenge the concept that the mammalian pineal organ exerts its influence exclusively via the release of melatonin into the general circulation. Furthermore, they provide evidence (i) that neuronal circuits not involving the sympathetic system participate in the regulation of pineal functions in mammals, and (ii) that intimate histogenetic and functional relationships exist between the pineal organ and the habenular-pretectal nuclei in mammals.  相似文献   

本文基于结构光投影数字化传感系统构建东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis表面的三维结构。首先得到其外形尺寸和肢体各部分拓扑结构,然后从被调制的条纹结构光中恢复出物体表面高度变化的相位信息,再通过相位和高度的对应关系重建出物体表面三维特征。此结果将为农药研制和施用设计提供科学依据,对促进蝗虫的防治以及虚拟昆虫研究起到积极作用。  相似文献   

The Wnt/β‐catenin signaling pathway has been increasingly implicated in liver development and physiology. Aberrant activation of this pathway is one of the major genetic events observed during the process of human HCC development. To gain insight into the mechanism underlying β‐catenin action in the liver, we conducted a quantitative differential proteomic analysis using 2‐D DIGE combined with MS, in mice with liver‐specific deletion of Apc resulting in acute activation of β‐catenin signaling (ApcKOliv mice). We identified 94 protein spots showing differential expression between mutant ApcKOliv and control mice, corresponding to 56 individual proteins. Most of the proteins identified were associated with metabolic pathways, such as ammonia and glucose metabolism. Our analysis showed an increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity together with a downregulation of two mitochondrial ATPase subunits (ATP5a1 and ATP5b). These observations indicate that β‐catenin signaling may induce a shift in the glucose metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, known as the “Warburg effect”. Imaging with 18F‐fluoro‐2‐deoxy‐D ‐glucose‐positron emission tomography suggests that the specific metabolic reprogramming induced by β‐catenin in the liver does not imply the first step of glycolysis. This observation may explain why some HCCs are difficult to assess by fluoro‐2‐deoxy‐D ‐glucose‐positron emission tomography imaging.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P1-450 (P1-450) is defined as that cytochrome most closely associated with 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-induced aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity. Recently a cloned DNA sequence (clone 46) was shown to represent a portion of the P1-450 structural gene [Negishi etal., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.78: 800–804 (1981)]. Poly(A+)-enriched RNA was isolated from total liver homogenate, membrane-bound polysomes and from free polysomes at various times after MC treatment of Ah-responsive C57BL6N (B6) and Ah-nonresponsive DBA2N (D2) inbred mice. The poly(A+)-enriched RNA was separated by methylmercury-agarose gel electrophoresis and hybridized to nick-translated [32P]DNA from clone 46. By means of this RNA-DNA hybridization, only 6% of total polysomal P1-450 mRNA exists in free polysomes after 24 h of MC treatment. The data indicate that the endoplasmic reticulum is the principal site of synthesis for this integral microsomal protein.Studies of induction kinetics following MC treatment provided the evidence of the rapid increase of total liver and membrane bound P1-450 mRNA preceding the synthesis of apo-P1-450 and the increase of AHH activity.  相似文献   

Summary. Sensitivity to pharmacological challenges has been reported in patients with panic disorder. We have previously validated transgenic mice overexpressing the neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) receptor, TrkC (TgNTRK3), as an engineered murine model of panic disorder. We could determine that TgNTRK3 mice presented increased cellularity in brain regions, such as the locus ceruleus, that are important neural substrates for the expression of anxiety in severe anxiety states. Here, we investigated the sensitivity to induce anxiety and panic-related symptoms by sodium lactate and the effects of various drugs (the α2-adrenoceptor antagonist, yohimbine and the adenosine antagonist, caffeine), in TgNTRK3 mice. We found enhanced panicogenic sensitivity to sodium lactate and an increased intensity and a differential pattern of Fos expression after the administration of yohimbine or caffeine in TgNTRK3. Our findings validate the relevance of the NT-3/TrkC system to pathological anxiety and raise the possibility that a specific set of fear-related pathways involved in the processing of anxiety-related information may be differentially activated in panic disorder.  相似文献   

Summary AChE-positive cells suddenly amass in a superficial layer of the neuroepithelium; this layer finally covers, in a sheat-like manner, the entire surface of the embryonic chicken brain. This feature is functionally not understood; however, it appears shortly after the neurons become post-mitotic, and the lateral extensions of this layer can easily be traced using histochemistry on serial brain sections. The layer can therefore be exploited to delineate spatially the waves of onset of biochemical tissue differentiation. We have studied whole brains between stages 11 and 30 and provide the first complete spatial schemes of brain differentiation based on computer-reconstructed, two- and three-dimensional maps. The brain does not differentiate in one smooth coherent wave, but instead five separate primary AChE-activation zones are detected: the first originating at stage 11 (rhombencephalic wave), the second at the same time (midbrain wave), the third at stage 15 ("tectal wave). A fourth zone develops later, at stage 18, from the bottom part of the telencephalon to the top. Retinal development also starts at stage 18. In a given area, it appears that AChE-development shortly precedes that of the formation of major fiber tracts. AChE might therefore represent a prerequisite for fiber growth and pathfinding.Abbreviations AChE acetylcholinesterase - BChE butyrylcholinesterase - ATC acetylthiocholine - OS ora serrata - ON optic stalk - OP otic placode  相似文献   

Humans have introduced many species onto remote oceanic islands. The house mouse (Mus musculus) is a human commensal and has consequently been transported to oceanic islands around the globe as an accidental stowaway. The history of these introductions can tell us not only about the mice themselves but also about the people that transported them. Following a phylogeographic approach, we used mitochondrial D‐loop sequence variation (within an 849‐ to 864‐bp fragment) to study house mouse colonization of the Azores. A total of 239 sequences were obtained from all nine islands, and interpretation was helped by previously published Iberian sequences and 66 newly generated Spanish sequences. A Bayesian analysis revealed presence in the Azores of most of the D‐loop clades previously described in the domesticus subspecies of the house mouse, suggesting a complex colonization history of the archipelago as a whole from multiple geographical origins, but much less heterogeneity (often single colonization?) within islands. The expected historical link with mainland Portugal was reflected in the pattern of D‐loop variation of some of the islands but not all. A more unexpected association with a distant North European source area was also detected in three islands, possibly reflecting human contact with the Azores prior to the 15th century discovery by Portuguese mariners. Widening the scope to colonization of the Macaronesian islands as a whole, human linkages between the Azores, Madeira, the Canaries, Portugal and Spain were revealed through the sharing of mouse sequences between these areas. From these and other data, we suggest mouse studies may help resolve historical uncertainties relating to the ‘Age of Discovery’.  相似文献   

Alain Gauthier 《BBA》2006,1757(11):1547-1556
The flash-induced thermoluminescence (TL) technique was used to investigate the action of N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) on charge recombination in photosystem II (PSII). Addition of low concentrations (μM range) of TMPD to thylakoid samples strongly decreased the yield of TL emanating from S2QB and S3QB (B-band), S2QA (Q-band), and YD+QA (C-band) charge pairs. Further, the temperature-dependent decline in the amplitude of chlorophyll fluorescence after a flash of white light was strongly retarded by TMPD when measured in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Though the period-four oscillation of the B-band emission was conserved in samples treated with TMPD, the flash-dependent yields (Yn) were strongly declined. This coincided with an upshift in the maximum yield of the B-band in the period-four oscillation to the next flash. The above characteristics were similar to the action of the ADRY agent, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Simulation of the B-band oscillation pattern using the integrated Joliot-Kok model of the S-state transitions and binary oscillations of QB confirmed that TMPD decreased the initial population of PSII centers with an oxidized plastoquinone molecule in the QB niche. It was deduced that the action of TMPD was similar to CCCP, TMPD being able to compete with plastoquinone for binding at the QB-site and to reduce the higher S-states of the Mn cluster.  相似文献   

Several plants have traditionally been used since antiquity to treat various gastroenteritis and respiratory symptoms similar to COVID-19 outcomes. The common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever or chills, cold, cough, flu, headache, diarrhoea, tiredness/fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, asthma, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, etc. This study aims to find out the plants and plant-derived products which are being used by the COVID-19 infected patients in Bangladesh and how those plants are being used for the management of COVID-19 symptoms. In this study, online and partially in-person survey interviews were carried out among Bangladeshi respondents. We selected Bangladeshi COVID-19 patients who were detected Coronavirus positive (+) by RT-PCR nucleic acid test and later recovered. Furthermore, identified plant species from the surveys were thoroughly investigated for safety and efficacy based on the previous ethnomedicinal usage reports. Based on the published data, they were also reviewed for their significant potentialities as antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory agents. We explored comprehensive information about a total of 26 plant species, belonging to 23 genera and 17 different botanical families, used in COVID-19 treatment as home remedies by the respondents. Most of the plants and plant-derived products were collected directly from the local marketplace. According to our survey results, greatly top 5 cited plant species measured as per the highest RFC value are Camellia sinensis (1.0) > Allium sativum (0.984) > Azadirachta indica (0.966) > Zingiber officinale (0.966) > Syzygium aromaticum (0.943). Previously published ethnomedicinal usage reports, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory activity of the concerned plant species also support our results. Thus, the survey and review analysis simultaneously reveals that these reported plants and plant-derived products might be promising candidates for the treatment of COVID-19. Moreover, this study clarifies the reported plants for their safety during COVID-19 management and thereby supporting them to include in any future pre-clinical and clinical investigation for developing herbal COVID-19 therapeutics.  相似文献   

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