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This study aimed at characterizing two novel bacteriocin-producing enterococcal strains isolated from human intestine. A total of 200 lactic acid bacteria were isolated from a woman stool sample. Two of them were selected for characterization due to their high antimicrobial activity against five strains of Listeria monocytogenes. The selected bacteria were identified as two different strains of Enterococcus faecium and designated MT 104 and MT 162. The bacteriocins produced by MT 104 and MT 162 were stable at different pH ranging from 2 to 11 and were active after different treatments such as heat, enzymes, detergents, and γ-irradiation. The two isolated strains exhibited some probiotic properties such as survival in simulated gastric fluid and intestinal fluid, lack of expression of bile salt hydrolase or hemolytic activity, adhesion to Caco-2 cells efficiently, and sensitivity to clinical antimicrobial agents. Thus, the two isolated strains of E. faecium could become new probiotic bacteria and their bacteriocins could be used for controlling L. monocytogenes in combination with irradiation for food preservation.  相似文献   

A segregationally stable expression and secretion vector for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, named pYABD01, was constructed by cloning the yeast gene region encoding the mating pheromone α-factor 1 secretion signal (MFα1s) into the S. cerevisiae high-copy-number expression vector pYES2. The structural genes of the two leaderless peptides of enterocin L50 (EntL50A and EntL50B) from Enterococcus faecium L50 were cloned, separately (entL50A or entL50B) and together (entL50AB), into pYABD01 under the control of the galactose-inducible promoter PGAL1. The generation of recombinant S. cerevisiae strains heterologously expressing and secreting biologically active EntL50A and EntL50B demonstrates the suitability of the MFα1s-containing vector pYABD01 to direct processing and secretion of these antimicrobial peptides through the S. cerevisiae Sec system.Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely known for their ability to produce a variety of ribosomally synthesized proteins or peptides, referred to as bacteriocins, displaying antimicrobial activity against a broad range of gram-positive bacteria and, to a lesser extent, gram-negative bacteria, including spoilage and food-borne pathogenic microorganisms (11, 19, 33, 34, 36, 37). These antimicrobials may be classified into three main classes: (i) the lantibiotics, or posttranslationally modified peptides; (ii) the nonmodified, small, heat-stable peptides; and (iii) the large, heat-labile protein bacteriocins. Class II bacteriocins are further grouped into five subclasses: the subclass IIa (pediocin-like bacteriocins containing the N-terminal conserved motif YGNGVxC), the subclass IIb (two-peptide bacteriocins), the subclass IIc (leaderless bacteriocins), the subclass IId (circular bacteriocins), and the subclass IIe (other peptide bacteriocins) (17, 19, 21, 37). All lantibiotics and most class II bacteriocins are synthesized as biologically inactive precursors containing an N-terminal extension (the so-called double-glycine-type leader sequence or the Sec-dependent signal peptide), which is cleaved off concomitantly with externalization of biologically active bacteriocins by a dedicated ATP-binding cassette transporter and its accessory protein or by the Sec system and the signal peptidases, respectively (11, 17). Interestingly, only a few bacteriocins described to date are synthesized without an N-terminal extension, including enterocin L50 (L50A and L50B) (8), enterocin Q (EntQ) (10), enterocin EJ97 (41), and the bacteriocin LsbB (20).In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the application of bacteriocinogenic microorganisms and/or their bacteriocins as biopreservatives to guarantee the safety and quality of foods and beverages, such as fermented vegetables and meats, dairy and fish products, and wine and beer (12, 15, 16, 39, 47). Three main strategies for the use of bacteriocins as food biopreservatives have been proposed: (i) addition of a purified/semipurified bacteriocin preparation as a food additive; (ii) use of a substrate previously fermented by a bacteriocin-producing strain as a food ingredient; and/or (iii) inoculation of a culture to produce the bacteriocin in situ in fermented foods (13, 15). The lantibiotic nisin A is the most widely characterized bacteriocin and the only one that has been legally approved in more than 48 countries as a food additive for use in certain types of cheeses (13, 16). Likewise, nisin A has been approved as a beer additive in Australia and New Zealand (16). However, the difficulties encountered in addressing the regulatory approval of new bacteriocins as food additives have spurred the development of the other bacteriocin-based food biopreservation strategies (13, 17).Beer is a beverage with a remarkable microbiological stability and is considered as a food substrate difficult to spoil. However, some LAB, such as Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus lindneri, and Pediococcus damnosus, are able to spoil beer and are recognized as the most hazardous bacteria for breweries, being responsible for approximately 70% of microbial beer spoilage incidents (40, 47). The ever-growing consumer demand for less-processed and less chemically preserved foods and beverages is promoting the development of alternative biocontrol strategies, such as those based on the use of bacteriocins as biopreservatives (12, 15, 39, 47). However, beyond the strict requirements to fulfill legal regulations, the commercial application of bacteriocins as beer additives is hindered mainly by low bacteriocin production yields and increases in production costs (44). Considering that Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly used as starter culture for brewing (24, 28, 35), a novel beer biopreservation strategy based on the development of bactericidal S. cerevisiae brewing strains has been proposed to overcome the aforementioned challenges (44, 46, 47). In this respect, the heterologous production of LAB bacteriocins, namely, pediocin PA-1 (PedPA-1) from Pediococcus acidilactici PAC1.0 and plantaricin 423 from Lactobacillus plantarum 423, by laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae has been reported (44, 46).Enterocin L50 (EntL50) is a commonly found bacteriocin composed of two highly related leaderless antimicrobial peptides, enterocin L50A (EntL50A) and enterocin L50B (EntL50B), which possesses a broad antimicrobial spectrum against LAB, food-borne pathogenic bacteria, and human and animal clinical pathogens (8, 9, 10, 11). Previous work by our group showed that EntL50 (EntL50A and EntL50B) may be used as a beer biopreservative to inhibit the growth of beer spoilage bacteria (1). Therefore, genetically engineered strains of S. cerevisiae heterologously expressing and secreting EntL50A and EntL50B have been developed in this work. For this purpose, we constructed the segregationally stable expression and secretion vector pYABD01, which allowed the secretion of biologically active EntL50A and EntL50B directed by MFα1s through the S. cerevisiae Sec system.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies with specificity for enterocin L50A (EntL50A), enterocin L50B (EntL50B), and enterocin Q (EntQ) produced by Enterococcus faecium L50 have been generated by immunization of rabbits with chemically synthesized peptides derived from the C terminus of EntL50A (LR1) and EntL50B (LR2) and from the complete enterocin Q (EntQ) conjugated to the carrier protein keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The sensitivity and specificity of these antibodies were evaluated by a noncompetitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NCI-ELISA) and a competitive indirect ELISA (CI-ELISA). The NCI-ELISA was valuable for detecting anti-EntL50A-, anti-EntL50B-, and anti-EntQ-specific antibodies in the sera of the LR1-KLH-, LR2-KLH-, and EntQ-KLH-immunized animals, respectively. Moreover, these antibodies and those specific for enterocin P (EntP) obtained in a previous work (J. Gutiérrez, R. Criado, R. Citti, M. Martín, C. Herranz, M. F. Fernández, L. M. Cintas, and P. E. Hernández, J. Agric. Food Chem. 52:2247-2255, 2004) were used in an NCI-ELISA to detect and quantify the production of EntL50A, EntL50B, EntP, and EntQ by the multiple-bacteriocin producer E. faecium L50 grown at different temperatures (16 to 47 degrees C). Our results show that temperature has a strong influence on bacteriocin production by this strain. EntL50A and EntL50B are synthesized at 16 to 32 degrees C, but production becomes negligible when the growth temperature is above 37 degrees C, whereas EntP and EntQ are synthesized at temperatures ranging from 16 to 47 degrees C. Maximum EntL50A and EntL50B production was detected at 25 degrees C, while EntP and EntQ are maximally produced at 37 and 47 degrees C, respectively. The loss of plasmid pCIZ1 (50 kb) and/or pCIZ2 (7.4 kb), encoding EntL50A and EntL50B as well as EntQ, respectively, resulted in a significant increase in production and stability of the chromosomally encoded EntP.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies with specificity for enterocin L50A (EntL50A), enterocin L50B (EntL50B), and enterocin Q (EntQ) produced by Enterococcus faecium L50 have been generated by immunization of rabbits with chemically synthesized peptides derived from the C terminus of EntL50A (LR1) and EntL50B (LR2) and from the complete enterocin Q (EntQ) conjugated to the carrier protein keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The sensitivity and specificity of these antibodies were evaluated by a noncompetitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NCI-ELISA) and a competitive indirect ELISA (CI-ELISA). The NCI-ELISA was valuable for detecting anti-EntL50A-, anti-EntL50B-, and anti-EntQ-specific antibodies in the sera of the LR1-KLH-, LR2-KLH-, and EntQ-KLH-immunized animals, respectively. Moreover, these antibodies and those specific for enterocin P (EntP) obtained in a previous work (J. Gutiérrez, R. Criado, R. Citti, M. Martín, C. Herranz, M. F. Fernández, L. M. Cintas, and P. E. Hernández, J. Agric. Food Chem. 52:2247-2255, 2004) were used in an NCI-ELISA to detect and quantify the production of EntL50A, EntL50B, EntP, and EntQ by the multiple-bacteriocin producer E. faecium L50 grown at different temperatures (16 to 47°C). Our results show that temperature has a strong influence on bacteriocin production by this strain. EntL50A and EntL50B are synthesized at 16 to 32°C, but production becomes negligible when the growth temperature is above 37°C, whereas EntP and EntQ are synthesized at temperatures ranging from 16 to 47°C. Maximum EntL50A and EntL50B production was detected at 25°C, while EntP and EntQ are maximally produced at 37 and 47°C, respectively. The loss of plasmid pCIZ1 (50 kb) and/or pCIZ2 (7.4 kb), encoding EntL50A and EntL50B as well as EntQ, respectively, resulted in a significant increase in production and stability of the chromosomally encoded EntP.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecium L50 grown at 16 to 32 degrees C produces enterocin L50 (EntL50), consisting of EntL50A and EntL50B, two unmodified non-pediocin-like peptides synthesized without an N-terminal leader sequence or signal peptide. However, the bacteriocin activity found in the cell-free culture supernatants following growth at higher temperatures (37 to 47 degrees C) is not due to EntL50. A purification procedure including cation-exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and reverse-phase liquid chromatography has shown that the antimicrobial activity is due to two different bacteriocins. Amino acid sequences obtained by Edman degradation and DNA sequencing analyses revealed that one is identical to the sec-dependent pediocin-like enterocin P produced by E. faecium P13 (L. M. Cintas, P. Casaus, L. S. Havarstein, P. E. Hernández, and I. F. Nes, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:4321-4330, 1997) and the other is a novel unmodified non-pediocin-like bacteriocin termed enterocin Q (EntQ), with a molecular mass of 3,980. DNA sequencing analysis of a 963-bp region of E. faecium L50 containing the enterocin P structural gene (entP) and the putative immunity protein gene (entiP) reveals a genetic organization identical to that previously found in E. faecium P13. DNA sequencing analysis of a 1,448-bp region identified two consecutive but diverging open reading frames (ORFs) of which one, termed entQ, encodes a 34-amino-acid protein whose deduced amino acid sequence was identical to that obtained for EntQ by amino acid sequencing, showing that EntQ, similarly to EntL50A and EntL50B, is synthesized without an N-terminal leader sequence or signal peptide. The second ORF, termed orf2, was located immediately upstream of and in opposite orientation to entQ and encodes a putative immunity protein composed of 221 amino acids. Bacteriocin production by E. faecium L50 showed that EntP and EntQ are produced in the temperature range from 16 to 47 degrees C and maximally detected at 47 and 37 to 47 degrees C, respectively, while EntL50A and EntL50B are maximally synthesized at 16 to 25 degrees C and are not detected at 37 degrees C or above.  相似文献   

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci represent a large reservoir in animals because of the use of avoparcin as a growth promoter in Europe. These strains of animal origin enter the food chain and can either colonize the human gut or transfer their resistance genes to the human microbiota. In this study, we compared the transfer of vancomycin resistance from resistant animal Enterococcus faecium to sensitive human Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium. We analysed these transfers in dibiotic mice and human faecal flora-associated mice. VanA transfer from animal E. faecium to human E. faecalis occurred in dibiotic mice. The transconjugants appeared rapidly and persisted at levels between 3.0 and 4.0 log10 colony-forming units g(-1) of faeces. In human faecal flora-associated mice, vanA gene transfer was not detected towards E. faecalis but was possible between E. faecium strains. Our experiments revealed the possibility of vanA transfer from animal E. faecium to human E. faecalis in vitro and in vivo in the intestine of dibiotic mice. However, intraspecies transfer of vanA gene seems more common than interspecies transfer among enterococci.  相似文献   

Enterocin I (ENTI) is a novel bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus faecium 6T1a, a strain originally isolated from a Spanish-style green olive fermentation. The bacteriocin is active against many olive spoilage and food-borne gram-positive pathogenic bacteria, including clostridia, propionibacteria, and Listeria monocytogenes. ENTI was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, binding to an SP-Sepharose fast-flow column, and phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B and C2/C18 reverse-phase chromatography. The purification procedure resulted in a final yield of 954% and a 170,000-fold increase in specific activity. The primary structure of ENTI was determined by amino acid and nucleotide sequencing. ENTI consists of 44 amino acids and does not show significant sequence similarity with any other previously described bacteriocin. Sequencing of the entI structural gene, which is located on the 23-kb plasmid pEF1 of E. faecium 6T1a, revealed the absence of a leader peptide at the N-terminal region of the gene product. A second open reading frame, ORF2, located downstream of entI, encodes a putative protein that is 72.7% identical to ENTI. entI and ORF2 appear to be cotranscribed, yielding an mRNA of ca. 0.35 kb. A gene encoding immunity to ENTI was not identified. However, curing experiments demonstrated that both enterocin production and immunity are conferred by pEF1.  相似文献   

Two novel antibacterial peptides of clostridial species were purified, N-terminally sequenced, and characterized. Moreover, their structural genes were identified. Closticin 574 is an 82-amino-acid bacteriocin produced by Clostridium tyrobutyricum ADRIAT 932. The supernatant of the producing strain showed a high level of activity against the indicator strain C. tyrobutyricum. The protein is synthesized as a preproprotein that is possibly secreted via the general secretion pathway, after which it is hydrolyzed at an Asp-Pro site. Circularin A is produced by Clostridium beijerinckii ATCC 25752 as a prepeptide of 72 amino acids. Cleavage of the prepeptide between the third leucine and fourth valine residues followed by a head-to-tail ligation between the N and C termini creates a circular antimicrobial peptide of 69 amino acids. The unusually small circularin A leader peptide of three amino acids is cleaved off in this process. The supernatant of C. beijerinckii ATCC 25752 showed a broad antibacterial activity range.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecium NKR-5-3, isolated from Thai fermented fish, is characterized by the unique ability to produce five bacteriocins, namely, enterocins NKR-5-3A, -B, -C, -D, and -Z (Ent53A, Ent53B, Ent53C, Ent53D, and Ent53Z). Genetic analysis with a genome library revealed that the bacteriocin structural genes (enkA [ent53A], enkC [ent53C], enkD [ent53D], and enkZ [ent53Z]) that encode these peptides (except for Ent53B) are located in close proximity to each other. This NKR-5-3ACDZ (Ent53ACDZ) enterocin gene cluster (approximately 13 kb long) includes certain bacteriocin biosynthetic genes such as an ABC transporter gene (enkT), two immunity genes (enkIaz and enkIc), a response regulator (enkR), and a histidine protein kinase (enkK). Heterologous-expression studies of enkT and ΔenkT mutant strains showed that enkT is responsible for the secretion of Ent53A, Ent53C, Ent53D, and Ent53Z, suggesting that EnkT is a wide-range ABC transporter that contributes to the effective production of these bacteriocins. In addition, EnkIaz and EnkIc were found to confer self-immunity to the respective bacteriocins. Furthermore, bacteriocin induction assays performed with the ΔenkRK mutant strain showed that EnkR and EnkK are regulatory proteins responsible for bacteriocin production and that, together with Ent53D, they constitute a three-component regulatory system. Thus, the Ent53ACDZ gene cluster is essential for the biosynthesis and regulation of NKR-5-3 enterocins, and this is, to our knowledge, the first report that demonstrates the secretion of multiple bacteriocins by an ABC transporter.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare two different approaches for the purification of enterocin B from Enterococcus faecium strain W3 based on the observation that the bacteriocin was found both in cell associated form and in culture supernatant. The first approach employed ammonium sulfate precipitation, cation-exchange chromatography, and sequential reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The latter approach exploited a pH-mediated cell adsorption–desorption method to extract cell-bound bacteriocin, and one run of reverse-phase chromatography. The first method resulted in purification of enterocin B with a recovery of 4% of the initial bacteriocin activity found in culture supernatant. MALDI-TOF MS analysis and de novo peptide sequencing of the purified bacteriocin confirmed that the active peptide was enterocin B. The second method achieved the purification of enterocin B with a higher recovery (16%) and enabled us to achieve pure bacteriocin within a shorter period of time by avoiding time consuming purification protocols. The purity and identity of the active peptide were confirmed again by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Although both approaches were satisfactory to obtain a sufficient amount of enterocin B for use in MS and amino acid sequence analysis, the latter was proved to be applicable in large-scale and rapid purification of enterocin B.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecium is an important nosocomial pathogen causing biofilm-mediated infections. Elucidation of E. faecium biofilm pathogenesis is pivotal for the development of new strategies to treat these infections. In several bacteria, extracellular DNA (eDNA) and proteins act as matrix components contributing to biofilm development. In this study, we investigated biofilm formation capacity and the roles of eDNA and secreted proteins for 83 E. faecium strains with different phylogenetic origins that clustered in clade A1 and clade B. Although there was no significant difference in biofilm formation between E. faecium strains from these two clades, the addition of DNase I or proteinase K to biofilms demonstrated that eDNA is essential for biofilm formation in most E. faecium strains, whereas proteolysis impacted primarily biofilms of E. faecium clade A1 strains. Secreted antigen A (SagA) was the most abundant protein in biofilms from E. faecium clade A1 and B strains, although its localization differed between the two groups. sagA was present in all sequenced E. faecium strains, with a consistent difference in the repeat region between the clades, which correlated with the susceptibility of biofilms to proteinase K. This indicates an association between the SagA variable repeat profile and the localization and contribution of SagA in E. faecium biofilms.  相似文献   

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) have been reported to be present in humans, chickens, and pigs in Malaysia. In the present study, representative samples of VRE isolated from these populations were examined for similarities and differences by using the multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method. Housekeeping genes of Enterococcus faecium (n = 14) and Enterococcus faecalis (n = 11) isolates were sequenced and analyzed using the MLST databases eBURST and goeBURST. We found five sequence types (STs) of E. faecium and six STs of E. faecalis existing in Malaysia. Enterococcus faecium isolates belonging to ST203, ST17, ST55, ST79, and ST29 were identified, and E. faecium ST203 was the most common among humans. The MLST profiles of E. faecium from humans in this study were similar to the globally reported nosocomial-related strain lineage belonging to clonal complex 17 (CC17). Isolates from chickens and pigs have few similarities to those from humans, except for one isolate from a chicken, which was identified as ST203. E. faecalis isolates were more diverse and were identified as ST4, ST6, ST87, ST108, ST274, and ST244, which were grouped as specific to the three hosts. E. faecalis, belonging to the high-risk CC2 and CC87, were detected among isolates from humans. In conclusion, even though one isolate from a chicken was found clonal to that of humans, the MLST analysis of E. faecium and E. faecalis supports the findings of others who suggest VRE to be predominantly host specific and that clinically important strains are found mainly among humans. The infrequent detection of a human VRE clone in a chicken may in fact suggest a reverse transmission of VRE from humans to animals.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine the virulence genes, antibiotic resistance and plasmid profiles of 16 Enterococcus faecium and 68 Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from various naturally fermented foods. Methods and Results: The presence of virulence genes (agg2, gelE, cylM, cylB, cylA, espfs, espfm, efaAfs, efaAfm, cpd, cop, ccf, cad) and also the genes vanA and vanB were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Antibiotic resistance of the isolates was determined by disc diffusion method. Most of the tested isolates were positive for virulence genes and resistant to some antibiotics. One of the Ent. faecalis strains isolated from a cheese sample carried the vanA gene and was intermediately resistant to vancomycin. The strains usually contained large plasmids, which might harbour acquired antibiotic resistance. Conclusion: The study showed that Ent. faecium and Ent. faecalis strains isolated from naturally fermented Turkish foods may be potential risk factors for consumer health in terms of virulence genes and acquired antibiotic resistance. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results indicate the importance of enterococcal contamination in terms of the safety of some fermented Turkish foods.  相似文献   

The prevalence of glycopeptides, aminoglycosides and erythromycin resistance among Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium was investigated. The susceptibility of 326 enterococcal hospital isolates to amikacin, kanamycin, netilmicin and tobramycin were determined using disk diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of vancomycin, teicoplanin, gentamicin, streptomycin, and erythromycin were determined by microbroth dilution method. The genes encoding aminoglycoside modifying enzymes described as AMEs genes, erythromycin-resistant methylase (erm) and vancomycin-resistant were targeted by multiplex-PCR reaction. High level resistance (HLR) to gentamicin and streptomycin among enterococci isolates were 52% and 72% respectively. The most prevalent of AMEs genes were aac (6')-Ie aph (2") (63%) followed by aph (3')-IIIa (37%). The erythromycin resistance was 45% and 41% of isolates were positive for ermB gene. The ermA gene was found in 5% of isolates whereas the ermC gene was not detected in any isolates. The prevalence of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) was 12% consisting of E. faecalis (6%) and E. faecium (22%) and all of them were VanA Phenotype. The results demonstrated that AMEs, erm and van genes are common in enterococci isolated in Tehran. Furthermore our results show an increase in the rate of vancomycin resistance among enterococci isolates in Iran.  相似文献   

A method is described for raising specific antibodies to staphylococcal enterotoxins A (SEA) and B (SEB) by intravenous inoculation of rabbits with small doses of enterotoxin diluted in sterile physiological saline. A course of six injections over a period of two weeks was given on four occasions. After the third course, 3/5 rabbits given SEA had a titre ± 1/50 and 4/6 given SEB had a titre of 1/50. Titres were not appreciably enhanced by the fourth series of injections. Only minor non-specific reactions which would require no absorption were found at the end of the series. It is believed that the findings in this study would be reproducible and that the method is likely to be suitable for raising antisera to other enterotoxins. Reference is also made to preliminary experiments in which latex sensitized with SEA or SEB was inoculated intravenously into rabbits.  相似文献   

The locations of the genetic determinants for enterocin L50 (EntL50A and EntL50B), enterocin Q (EntQ), and enterocin P (EntP) in the multiple bacteriocin producer Enterococcus faecium strain L50 were determined. These bacteriocin genes occur at different locations; entL50AB (encoding EntL50A and EntL50B) are on the 50-kb plasmid pCIZ1, entqA (encoding EntQ) is on the 7.4-kb plasmid pCIZ2, and entP (encoding EntP) is on the chromosome. The complete nucleotide sequence of pCIZ2 was determined to be 7,383 bp long and contains 10 putative open reading frames (ORFs) organized in three distinct regions. The first region contains three ORFs: entqA preceded by two divergently oriented genes, entqB and entqC. EntqB shows high levels of similarity to bacterial ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, while EntqC displays no significant similarity to any known protein. The second region encompasses four ORFs (orf4 to orf7), and ORF4 and ORF5 display high levels of similarity to mobilization proteins from E. faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. In addition, features resembling a transfer origin region (oriT) were found in the promoter area of orf4. The third region contains three ORFs (orf8 to orf10), and ORF8 and ORF9 exhibit similarity to the replication initiator protein RepE from E. faecalis and to RepB proteins, respectively. To clarify the minimum requirement for EntQ synthesis, we subcloned and heterologously expressed a 2,371-bp fragment from pCIZ2 that encompasses only the entqA, entqB, and entqC genes in Lactobacillus sakei, and we demonstrated that this fragment is sufficient for EntQ production. Moreover, we also obtained experimental results indicating that EntqB is involved in ABC transporter-mediated EntQ secretion, while EntqC confers immunity to this bacteriocin.  相似文献   

The locations of the genetic determinants for enterocin L50 (EntL50A and EntL50B), enterocin Q (EntQ), and enterocin P (EntP) in the multiple bacteriocin producer Enterococcus faecium strain L50 were determined. These bacteriocin genes occur at different locations; entL50AB (encoding EntL50A and EntL50B) are on the 50-kb plasmid pCIZ1, entqA (encoding EntQ) is on the 7.4-kb plasmid pCIZ2, and entP (encoding EntP) is on the chromosome. The complete nucleotide sequence of pCIZ2 was determined to be 7,383 bp long and contains 10 putative open reading frames (ORFs) organized in three distinct regions. The first region contains three ORFs: entqA preceded by two divergently oriented genes, entqB and entqC. EntqB shows high levels of similarity to bacterial ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, while EntqC displays no significant similarity to any known protein. The second region encompasses four ORFs (orf4 to orf7), and ORF4 and ORF5 display high levels of similarity to mobilization proteins from E. faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. In addition, features resembling a transfer origin region (oriT) were found in the promoter area of orf4. The third region contains three ORFs (orf8 to orf10), and ORF8 and ORF9 exhibit similarity to the replication initiator protein RepE from E. faecalis and to RepB proteins, respectively. To clarify the minimum requirement for EntQ synthesis, we subcloned and heterologously expressed a 2,371-bp fragment from pCIZ2 that encompasses only the entqA, entqB, and entqC genes in Lactobacillus sakei, and we demonstrated that this fragment is sufficient for EntQ production. Moreover, we also obtained experimental results indicating that EntqB is involved in ABC transporter-mediated EntQ secretion, while EntqC confers immunity to this bacteriocin.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine erm(B)-positive Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from pigs, broilers, and humans were typed using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and the coding sequence of the erm(B) gene was determined. Identical erm(B) gene sequences were detected in genetically unrelated isolates. Furthermore, genetically indistinguishable strains were found to contain different erm(B) alleles. This may suggest that horizontal exchange of the erm(B) gene between animal and human E. faecium strains or the existence of a common reservoir of erm(B) genes might be more important than direct transmission of resistant strains.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine erm(B)-positive Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from pigs, broilers, and humans were typed using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and the coding sequence of the erm(B) gene was determined. Identical erm(B) gene sequences were detected in genetically unrelated isolates. Furthermore, genetically indistinguishable strains were found to contain different erm(B) alleles. This may suggest that horizontal exchange of the erm(B) gene between animal and human E. faecium strains or the existence of a common reservoir of erm(B) genes might be more important than direct transmission of resistant strains.  相似文献   

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