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大熊猫繁育障碍与染色体脆性位点的相关性研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过研究建立起适合大熊猫染色体脆性位点表达的BrdU诱导体系。以大熊猫外周血淋巴细胞为材料,通过较长时间培养(96h),采用低浓度BrdU(10μg/ml),短时间(4h)诱导,并结合复制带技术将大熊猫染色体脆性位点的高发生区段准确地定位在No.2和No.12号染色体着丝粒区域。经生物统计学分析发现,No.2和No.12号染色体脆性位点表达频率在个体中有明显差异,而且前者与大熊猫个体的子代存活率呈负相关(r=-0.772).研究结果提示,No.2染色体着丝粒处高效表达的脆性位点地大熊猫个体繁育及其后代的存活是不利的.  相似文献   

大熊猫染色体腹复制带研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以培养的大熊猫外周血淋巴细胞为实验材料,在细胞培养终止前4h加入BrdU(终浓度为10μg/ml培养基),对复制的染色体DNA进行BrdU标记。掺入BrdU的染以体吖啶橙(0.05%)处理、紫外光照射、Giemsa染色后,可在染色体上获得清晰的复制带纹。根据众多分裂相所显示的不同复制带型,可初步确定大熊猫每一染色体独特的晚复制带纹。在雌性个体的两个X染色体中,一条X染色体复制明显落后于另一X染色体  相似文献   

大熊猫染色体晚复制带研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以培养的大熊猫外周血淋巴细胞为实验材料,在细胞培养终止前4h加入BrdU(终浓度为10μg/ml培养基),对复制的染色体DNA进行BrdU标记。掺入BrdU的染色体经吖啶橙(0.05%)处理、紫外光照射、Giemsa染色后,可在染色体上获得清晰的复制带纹。根据众多分裂相所显示的不同复制带型,可初步确定大熊猫每一染色体独特的晚复制带纹。在雌性个体的两个X染色体中,一条X染色体复制明显落后于另一X染色体,尤其在迟复制X染色体长臂近着丝粒区显现出较宽的晚复制带纹。  相似文献   

大熊猫与黑熊显带染色体的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王亚军  陈红卫 《遗传学报》1999,26(4):309-314
以体外培养的大熊猫(Ailuropodamelanoleuca)与黑熊(Selenarctosthibetanus)外周血淋巴细胞为实验材料,应用BrdU复制带显示技术,研究了大熊猫和黑熊染色体晚复制带带型。通过对大熊猫与黑熊显带染色体带型的比较,发现黑熊部分具端着丝粒的染色体与大熊猫部分具中,亚中,或亚端着丝粒的染色体的整个短臂或整个长臂有明显的带型相似性,在黑熊具中,亚中着丝粒染色体中,仅33  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanolenca)显带染色体的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大熊猫系我国特产的世界珍稀动物,素有“活化石”和“国宝”之称。限于材料来源,虽有核型的少数报道(邓承宗等,1980;陈文元等,1984;Newnham et al.,1966),但研究尚不够深入。1980年,Wurster-Hill和Bush首先报道了大熊猫()的显带核型,并与杂交熊等比较,探讨了大熊猫的分类地位。本文对四只大熊猫的G带、C带核型和Ag-NORs作了分析,绘制了G带核型模式图,并提出了某些商榷的意见。  相似文献   

染色体分析用于鉴定大熊猫幼仔性别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们应用人类外周血微量短期培养技术,对出生2个半月的大熊猫染色体组型进行了分析,并确定了性别。 材料来自福州动物园初生大熊猫“榕榕”,培养基组合:RPMI—1640 4ml,小牛血清1ml,植物血凝素0.2ml混合,pH调至7.4左右。加静脉血0.2ml,37℃下培养72小时。终止培养前6小时,加入秋水仙素,浓度为0.08~0.15微克/ml。将收获的细胞用0.075M氯化钾溶液低渗处理20分钟,低速离心沉淀,用甲醇:冰醋酸(3:1)混合液固定30分钟,重复二次。最后用空气干燥法常规制作标本片。选择30个中期核分裂象计数,观察染色体的数目和形态。  相似文献   

朱俊真 《遗传学报》1992,19(2):101-106
应用人X染色体α卫星DNA探针进行X染色体正常或异常个体的外周血淋巴细胞染色体和间期核的原位杂交,在R显带的中期分裂相上,绝大部分杂交颂粒位于X染色体着丝粒区(p11→q11);在间期核内则显现与X染色体数相一致的银颗粒簇,其中相当部分位于核边缘区。实验结果表明,用原位杂交来检测X染色体数目,比记数Barr小体的方法可靠。本文还就α卫星DNA探针在间期细胞遗传学方面广泛的应用做了讨论。  相似文献   

X染色体失活是哺乳动物中为实现雌性XX个体和雄性XY个体间X染色体上基因剂量补偿作用(dosage compensation)而普遍存在的一种现象,表现为雌性个体两条X染色体中的一条结构异固缩和大范围的基因失活。由于失活基因高度甲基化,曾经认为甲基化在这一过程中发挥重要作用并据此提出一些模型,但相反的证据不断积累使人们对甲基化在这一过程中的主导作用发生怀疑。由于X  相似文献   

人14p+标记染色体的分子细胞遗传学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
程在玉  符生苗 《遗传学报》1989,16(4):331-334
一例23岁女性患者因近五、六年来出现胡须、四肢多毛及偶有月经不规则而就诊。细胞遗传学检查发现一个短臂明显增大的亚中着丝粒的14号标记染色体14p ·p 区域GTG显带呈浅染,C-带暗染,都呈均匀的染色区。硝酸银染色在p 远侧端显现一个Ag-NOR,其大小与正常近端着丝粒染色体的无明显差异。应用~3H标记的7.3 kb长的rRNA基因探针进行染色体原位杂交,自显影银颗粒沿整个p 区域分布,p 上的银颗粒数是正常近端着丝粒染色体短臂上银颗粒平均数的5倍。这些结果排除了Y或其他染色体参加的重排形成p 的可能性,并表明Ag-NOR的大小或NOR的数目并不一定与rRNA基因的数量成正比。研究Dp 或Gp 类型的染色体变异,对了解人二倍体细胞内rRNA基因表达的调控有重要意义。  相似文献   

李刚  陈凡国 《遗传》2015,37(6):605-612
果蝇唾腺多线染色体是细胞遗传学的3大经典染色体之一,从1934年至今因其具有显著的特点已经作为一个优异的模型用在不同的遗传学研究中。果蝇唾腺多线染色体最大的贡献就是为研究间期染色体结构和基因的表达调控提供了一个非凡的视角;另外,果蝇唾腺多线染色体还可以用于解释一些特殊的遗传现象,例如剂量补偿效应和花斑位置效应。文章一方面就以上进展作一简要总结,另一方面尝试将这一典型案例系统地用于遗传学教学中,引导和激发学生学习遗传学的兴趣。  相似文献   

大熊猫是我国保护最为成功、研究最为深入的珍稀动物之一,可以为其它珍稀濒危物种的保护研究工作提供参考。20世纪70年代末期借助无线电颈圈,大熊猫的生态学研究工作取得了突破性进展,近20年来微卫星标记和非损伤性遗传取样技术的联合使用,将大熊猫的保护研究工作提升到一个崭新的高度。本文在综合所有已发表大熊猫微卫星标记的基础上,梳理了微卫星标记在圈养大熊猫亲子鉴定与遗传管理,野生大熊猫个体识别与种群数量调查、遗传多样性评估、扩散和种群遗传结构研究中的应用情况,并着重介绍了其中29个重要的微卫星标记。同时指出目前微卫星标记的使用存在标记选择不统一、等位基因读数无统一规程等问题,并对应用前景进行了前瞻。  相似文献   

轮状病毒是威胁大熊猫健康的主要病原微生物之一。为了对大熊猫轮状病毒进行快速、方便且准确地检测,研发适合于基层饲养单位和保护区的检测方法是非常有必要的。本研究通过合成大熊猫轮状病毒Vp7基因序列,构建了PUC-VP7的重组质粒,并将其作为阳性对照对大熊猫轮状病毒样本进行PCR检测和分析。结果表明,在进行PCR扩增分析时,该质粒和病毒cDNA二者均在340 bp处出现了特异性条带。此外,对收集到的45份大熊猫粪便样本进行轮状病毒抗原检测时,其中2份样品在340 bp处出现条带,该基因片段与大熊猫轮状病毒CH-1株的相似性为99.89%。本研究构建的PUC-VP7质粒不但可以作为大熊猫轮状病毒PCR检测中的阳性质控品,而且还能有效地促进该PCR病毒检测技术在基层饲养单位和保护区的推广和应用。  相似文献   

OneoftherecentbreakthroughsofdevelopmentalbiologyistheidentificationofthetestisdeterminingfactorgeneonthemammalianYchromosome[1],SRYgene,byalonghistoryofsearchforthegene,fromBkm,HYantigen,ZFX/ZFYtoSRY/SOX(SRYboxgenefamily).Recentstudiesshowthatanumberofclo…  相似文献   

By using PCR cloning techniques, the DNA sequences of the HMG box regions of sixSox genes (pSox) and the zinc finger domains of twoZfz genes (pZfx) in the giant panda were identified. The giant pandaSox genes fell into two subfamilies,SOX-S1 andSOX-S2. ThepSox andpZfx genes of the giant panda were highly homologous to the corresponding genes in mammals and revealed close substitution rates to those in the primates. Project supported by the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 39770392) and Wuhan Chenguang Plan.  相似文献   

By using PCR cloning techniques, the DNA sequences of the HMG box regions of sixSox genes (pSox) and the zinc finger domains of twoZfz genes (pZfx) in the giant panda were identified. The giant pandaSox genes fell into two subfamilies,SOX-S1 andSOX-S2. ThepSox andpZfx genes of the giant panda were highly homologous to the corresponding genes in mammals and revealed close substitution rates to those in the primates.  相似文献   

Reintroduction is a key approach in the conservation of endangered species. In recent decades, many reintroduction projects have been conducted for conservation purposes, but the rate of success has been low. Given the important role of gut microbiota in health and diseases, we questioned whether gut microbiota would play a crucial role in giant panda's wild‐training process. The wild procedure is when captive‐born babies live with their mothers in a wilderness enclosure and learn wilderness survival skills from their mothers. During the wild‐training process, the baby pandas undergo wilderness survival tests and regular physical examinations. Based on their performance through these tests, the top subjects (age 2–3 years old) are released into the wild while the others are translocated to captivity. After release, we tracked one released panda (Zhangxiang) and collected its fecal samples for 5 months (January 16, 2013 to March 29 2014). Here, we analyzed the Illumina HiSeq sequencing data (V4 region of 16S rRNA gene) from captive pandas (n = 24), wild‐training baby pandas (n = 8) of which 6 were released and 2 were unreleased, wild‐training mother pandas (n = 8), one released panda (Zhangxiang), and wild giant pandas (n = 18). Our results showed that the gut microbiota of wild‐training pandas is significantly different from that of wild pandas but similar to that of captive ones. The gut microbiota of the released panda Zhangxiang gradually changed to become similar to those of wild pandas after release. In addition, we identified several bacteria that were enriched in the released baby pandas before release, compared with the unreleased baby pandas. These bacteria include several known gut‐health related beneficial taxa such as Roseburia, Coprococcus, Sutterella, Dorea, and Ruminococcus. Therefore, our results suggest that certain members of the gut microbiota may be important in panda reintroduction.  相似文献   

Eleven milk samples were collected from three female giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) during 23 days after delivery. Concentrations of crude protein (CP), lactose (Lac), and three vitamins (VA, VD, VE) in these samples were tested. Concentration of CP, Lac, VA, VD, and VE of these samples in wet basis averaged 6.77±0.78%, 3.23±0.54%, 0.073±0.043 mg/L, 0.24±0.08 mg/L, and 6.76±1.01 mg/L, respectively. Results demonstrated that nutrients concentrations of milk samples had no significant difference among different pandas (P>0.05). The average content of milk protein between 3–6 days and 7–23 days had significant difference (P<0.01). Results indicate that panda milk is similar to that of other carnivores. It has higher protein but lower lactose than milk in domestic ungulates and humans. Zoo Biol 0:1–6, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of ethanol on the frequency of aphidicolin-induced common fragile sites was studied using lymphocyte cultures from two normal women. Aphidicolin was added to the cultures at a final concentration of 0.2 M and ethanol at 0.02%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1%, both during the last 26 h of culture. The frequency of common fragile sites increased from 296% in subject 1 and 201% in subject 2 with aphidicolin plus 0.02% ethanol, to 765% and 823%, respectively, with aphidicolin plus 1% ethanol. Ethanol alone added to cultures did not induce common fragile sites. The gaps and breaks induced by aphidicolin plus ethanol were highly nonrandom. Altogether, 35 common fragile sites were identified. The addition of 1% ethanol to aphidicolin increased both random and nonrandom gaps and breaks as compared with that of 0.02% ethanol. Dimethyl sulfoxide added to culture at final concentrations of 0.02% to 1% did not change the frequency of aphidicolin-induced fragile sites. The frequency of fluorodeoxyuridine-induced fragile sites was not affected by the addition of 0.02% to 1% ethanol. It was thus concluded that ethanol enhances the aphidicolin-induced fragile sites, possibly inhibiting the repair mechanism of gaps and breaks induced by aphidicolin.  相似文献   

圈养雄性大熊猫尿中睾酮激素水平的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴登虎  郭伟 《四川动物》2004,23(2):132-133
本文对圈养的两只雄性大熊猫尿中睾酮激素进行了测定与比较,结果表明该老龄大熊猫“菲菲”与壮年大熊猫“川川”在同一时期内尿中睾酮激素含量基本处于相同水平,两者没有显著差异。由此可见老龄雄性大熊猫“菲菲”仍具有繁殖能力。  相似文献   

大熊猫在国内外已有60多年的饲养历史,但有繁殖能力的种公兽很少,卧龙中国保护大熊猫研究中心通过良好的培育和饲养管理,成功培育出4只有自然交配能力的公兽,其中2只是在约1岁龄时从野外抢救回来进行人工饲养,另外2只是在卧龙大熊猫研究中心出生,1991-2000年,通过自然交配方式已使11只雌性大熊猫受孕产仔28胎44仔,科学的饲养管理,营养供给培驯方法是大熊猫种公兽培育成功的关键。  相似文献   

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