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Summary Acoustic stimuli near 60 kHz elicit pronounced resonance in the cochlea of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii parnellii). The cochlear resonance frequency (CRF) is near the second harmonic, constant frequency (CF2) component of the bat's biosonar signals. Within narrow bands where CF2 and third harmonic (CF3) echoes are maintained, the cochlea has sharp tuning characteristics that are conserved throughout the central auditory system. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of temperature-related shifts in the CRF on the tuning properties of neurons in the cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus.Eighty-two single and multi-unit recordings were characterizedin 6 awake bats with chronically implanted cochlear microphonic electrodes. As the CRF changed with body temperature, the tuning curves of neurons sharply tuned to frequencies near the CF2 and CF3 shifted with the CRF in every case, yielding a change in the unit's best frequency. The results show that cochlear tuning is labile in the mustached bat, and that this lability produces tonotopic shifts in the frequency response of central auditory neurons. Furthermore, results provide evidence of shifts in the frequency-to-place code within the sharply tuned CF2 and CF3 regions of the cochlea. In conjunction with the finding that biosonar emission frequency and the CRF shift concomitantly with temperature and flight, it is concluded that the adjustment of biosonar signals accommodates the shifts in cochlear and neural tuning that occur with active echolocation.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF characteristic frequency - CF2, CF3 second and third harmonic, constant frequency components of the biosonar signal - CM cochlear microphonic - CN cochlear nucleus - CRF cochlear resonance frequency - IC inferior colliculus - MT minimum threshold - OAE otoacoustic emission - Q10dB BF (or CF) divided by the response bandwidth at 10 dB above MT  相似文献   

Expression and localization of Tmie in adult rat cochlea   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Loss-of function mutations in transmembrane inner ear expressed (Tmie/TMIE) gene have been shown to cause deafness in mice and humans (DFNB6). However, the functional roles of TMIE in the cochlea remain unclear. A primary step toward the understanding of the role of TMIE in hearing and its dysfunction is the documentation of its cellular and sub-cellular location within the cochlea, the auditory organ. In this study, we located and determined the cellular expression of Tmie within the rat cochlea using a polyclonal anti-Tmie antibody. The anti-Tmie antibody identified a specific band of 17 kDa in a variety of rat tissues by using Western blot analyses. The expression products of Tmie were also detected in the spiral limbus, spiral ligament, organ of Corti, and stria vascularis by immunohistochemistry analysis and RT-PCR. Our results point out the presence and localization of Tmie products in the cochlea of rat. Knowledge of spatial distribution of Tmie will provide important insight into the mechanisms that lead to deafness due to mutations in the TMIE gene.  相似文献   

In Cyprus, there are 16 species of bats most of which are threatened with extinction. With the exception of the megachiropteran Egyptian Fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus that feeds on fruit, the rest of them are insectivorous microchiropterans. The Fruit bat was declared as a pest by the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus since the early 1900s. To reduce the number of this “pest”, the above-mentioned Department, since 1927, used fumigation, shooting, and the purchase of dead bats. Fumigating and closing caves not only destroyed Fruit bats by direct poisoning, but the entire cave ecosystems, including highly beneficial and protected insectivorous species. The first attempt to protect bats on the island was in 1988 with law No. 24 of 1988, ratifying the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, 82/72/EEC. This convention protects all microchiroptera species except Pipistrellus pipistrellus that is strictly protected. R. aegyptiacus is rare, with small populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable but at risk. Cyprus recently became a member state of the European Union. This provided the opportunity to include R. aegyptiacus in the Annexes II and IV of the council directive 92/42/EEC of May 21, 1993 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, which will guarantee the long-range protection and survival of this species.  相似文献   

The unusual feature of the breeding cycle of Cynopterus sphinx at Varanasi is the significant variation in gestation length of the two successive pregnancies of the year. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the prolongation of the first pregnancy in C. sphinx is due to delayed embryonic development. The first (winter) pregnancy commences in late October and lasts until late March and has a gestation period of about 150 days. The second (summer) pregnancy commences in April and lasts until the end of July or early August with a gestation period of about 125 days. Changes in the size and weight of uterine cornua during the two successive pregnancies suggest retarded embryonic growth during November and December. Histological analysis during the period of retarded embryonic development in November and December showed a slow gastrulation process. The process of amniogenesis was particularly slow. When the embryos attained the early primitive streak stage, their developmental rate suddenly increased considerably. During the summer pregnancy, on the other hand, the process of gastrulation was much faster and proceeded quickly. A comparison of the pattern of embryonic development for 4 consecutive years consistently showed retarded or delayed embryonic development during November and December. The time of parturition and post-partum oestrus showed only a limited variation from 1 year to another. This suggests that delayed embryonic development in C. sphinx may function to synchronize parturition among females. The period of delayed embryonic development in this species clearly coincides with the period of fat deposition. The significance of this correlation warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The piebald odorous frog (Odorrana schmackeri), the large odorous frog (Odorrana livida) and the concave-eared torrent frog (Amolops tormotus) are sympatric species living near the same torrent streams in the vicinity of Mt. Huangshan, China. A recent study demonstrated that A. tormotus can use sound signals involving ultrasonic components for communication in a noisy environment, and another sympatric species, O. livida, can also perceive ultrasonic sound. Here we report data on the hearing range of O. schmackeri by studying auditory evoked potentials and single-unit data from the torus semicircularis. This frog exhibits its two most sensitive peaks at 2 kHz and 3.5–4.0 kHz with thresholds <42 dB SPL, with an upper frequency limit of hearing at 8.5 kHz with threshold of 87 dB SPL. The upper limit is much lower than those of O. livida and A. tormotus, at 22 and 34 kHz, respectively. It suggests that sympatric species may respond differently to similar environmental selection pressures sculpting auditory communication systems.  相似文献   

Epiphytes and their contribution to canopy diversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
About ten percent of all vascular plant species world-wide are epiphytes and they are almost exclusively found in tropical forests. Therefore, they constitute a large part of the global plant biodiversity (10% of all species), and in tropical countries represent up to 25% of all vascular plant species. Focusing on the differences between epiphytes in the strict sense or holo-epiphytes (non-parasitic plants that use other plants – usually trees – as growing sites all through their life-cycle) and hemi-epiphytes (half epiphytes which only spend part of their life as epiphytes until their aerial roots become connected to the ground), horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of both in relation to some of their ecological requirements are compared. Vertical ecological gradients (i.e., insolation and humidity differences from the forest floor to the canopy surface) are relevant for the composition of the holo- epiphytic vegetation. For hemi-epiphytes, however, ecological differences between distinct forest habitats (i.e., horizontal gradients) are relevant, but not primarily the canopy structure, as the individual host tree structure is more important. The scale-dependence of epiphyte diversity assessment (relatively small study areas for holo-epiphytes, large study areas for hemi-epiphytes) is mainly due to the striking differences in plant sizes and related mechanical and physiological requirements.  相似文献   

Summary To elucidate the role of hypothalamic neuropeptides in regulation of reproductive phenomena of seasonally breeding feral mammals, we used Japanese long-fingered bats, Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus, for immunocytochemical study of distribution of the following neuropeptides in the hypothalamus: arginin vasopressin, oxytocin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, somatostatin, corticotropin-releasing factor, and growth hormone-releasing factor. The size, shape and location of supraoptic, paraventricular, suprachiasmatic, and arcuate nuclei of the bat were determined. Arginin vasopressin-and oxytocin-immunoreactive magnocellular neurons were found in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, where they exhibited separate distribution into two distinct groups. Parvocellular arginin vasopressin neurons occurred only in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The hibernating bats exhibited slightly increased numbers of vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. The pregnant bat displayed further increased numbers of vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in both nuclei. Somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nucleus were also immunopositive to anti-oxytocin serum, while those in the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei reacted solely to anti-somatostatin serum. They projected to the anterior median eminence and infundibular stalk. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-immunoreactive perikarya were scattered throughout the basal hypothalamus, being particularly abundant in the arcuate nucleus. They were larger in size in hibernating bats than those in normal (non-pregnant) and pregnant females. They projected fibers mainly to the internal layer of the median eminence and infundibular stalk. A few luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-reactive fibers were also observed in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, lateral habenular nuclei, pineal stalk, retroflexus fasciculus, and olfactory tubercle. Corticotropin releasing factor-immunoreactive perikarya were distributed in the paraventricular nucleus and medial preoptic area and projected into the external layer of the anterior median eminence, while growth hormone-releasing factor-immunoreactive perikarya occurred only in the arcuate nucleus and projected into the posterior part of the median eminence.  相似文献   

【目的】分析浓香型白酒酒醅发酵过程中氨基甲酸乙酯前体物质瓜氨酸含量显著增加的原因,确定酒醅中能够利用精氨酸并积累瓜氨酸的微生物,为解析白酒中氨基甲酸乙酯的形成机制提供研究基础和理论依据。【方法】采用高通量筛选技术,从浓香型白酒酒醅中分离具有高精氨酸利用能力和高瓜氨酸积累特性的菌株,并通过基因型和表现型验证以及模拟窖内发酵验证它们对瓜氨酸积累的贡献。【结果】共筛选获得20株具有高精氨酸利用能力的菌株,其中Lactococcus garvieae LD3,Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BG5,Pediococcus acidilactici PH7和Staphylococcus pasteuri SH11具有较高的瓜氨酸生成能力,并可使酒醅中瓜氨酸含量显著增加。【结论】筛选获得的4类微生物均能够通过ADI途径代谢积累瓜氨酸,是导致酒醅瓜氨酸含量增加的原因。  相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) populations were studied on the root surface of different rice cultivars by PCR coupled with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). PCR-DGGE of the ammonium monooxygenase gene (amoA) showed a generally greater diversity on root samples compared to rhizosphere and unplanted soil. Sequences affiliated with Nitrosomonas spp. tended to be associated with modern rice hybrid lines. Root-associated AOB observed by FISH were found within a discrete biofilm coating the root surface. Although the total abundance of AOB on root biofilms of different rice cultivars did not differ significantly, there were marked contrasts in their population structure, indicating selection of Nitrosomonas spp. on roots of a hybrid cultivar. Observations by FISH on the total bacterial community also suggested that different rice cultivars support different bacterial populations even under identical environmental conditions. The presence of active AOB in the root environment predicts that a significant proportion of the N taken up by certain rice cultivars is in the form of NO3 -N produced by the AOB. Measurement of plant growth of hydroponically grown plants showed a stronger response of hybrid cultivars to the co-provision of NH4 + and NO3 . In soil-grown plants, N use efficiency in the hybrid was improved during ammonium fertilization compared to nitrate fertilization. Since ammonium-fertilized plants actually receive a mixture of NH4 + and NO3 with ratios depending on root-associated nitrification activity, these results support the advantage of co-provision of ammonium and nitrate for the hybrid cultivar.  相似文献   

The responses of root aerobic respiration to hypoxia in three common Typha species were examined. Typha latifolia L., T. orientalis Presl, and T. angustifolia L. were hydroponically cultivated under both aerobic and hypoxic growth conditions to measure root oxygen consumption rates. Hypoxia significantly enhanced the root aerobic respiration capacity of the two deep-water species, T. orientalis and T. angustifolia, while it did not affect that of the shallow-water species, T. latifolia. T. angustifolia increased its root porosity and root mass ratio, while T. latifolia increased its root diameter under the hypoxic growth conditions. The relative growth rates in biomass of T. orientalis and T. angustifolia were 59 and 39% higher, respectively, under the hypoxic growth conditions than under the aerobic growth conditions. In contrast, that of T. latifolia did not differ between the two conditions. In T. orientalis and T. angustifolia, enhanced root aerobic respiration rates under the hypoxic growth conditions would have increased the nutrient uptake, and thus higher relative growth rates were obtained. For the deep-water species, T. orientalis and T. angustifolia, the root aerobic respiration capacity was enhanced, probably in order to maintain the generation of respiratory energy under hypoxia.  相似文献   

Alternate host plants of cereal rust fungi are necessary for studying the rust sexual cycle and pathogenicity. These plants are usually difficult to propagate through cloning, while seed-propagated plants may have variable responses to the pathogen. To overcome these obstacles, tissue culture, under controlled and aseptic conditions, was utilized for clonal propagation and in vitro inoculation of the following species: Rhamnus palaestinus Boiss., the alternate host of oat (Avena spp.) crown rust (Puccinia coronata Corda); Thalictrum speciosissimum L., the alternate host of brown leaf rust of wheat (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici Eriks. & Henn.); and Lycopsis arvensis L., the alternate host of rye (Secala spp.) leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. recondita Rob. & Desm.). Shoot culture procedures for initial establishment and proliferation were developed for all three alternate host species. Shoot cultures were multiplied at rates ranging from 0.3 to 1.7 shoots/week. Successful infection following inoculation with teliospores of the corresponding rust fungi was obtained for R. palaestinus and T. speciosissimum but not for L. arvensis. The hardening and acclimatization efficiency of rooted T. speciosissimum and L. arvensis was of 80–90%. The propagation efficiency for R. palaestinus was not successful because of the low rate and poor quality of its rooting. It is concluded that the in vitro system might be used as an alternative method for inoculation and multiplication of alternate hosts of cereal rusts, although more experimentation is needed to define accurately the appropriate conditions for the proper infection response. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The energy budget, water balance and osmoregulation of the fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus, were studied during normal hydration and during water restriction (oven-dried apple diet). The water input and output were balanced during both normal hydration and water restriction. The kidney of the fruit bat is well adapted to handle the water load from its fruit diet by excreting large volumes (14% of the body mass per day) of dilute urine (113±25 mosmol·kg H2P-1) as well as reducing urine volume (-95%) and increasing urine osmotic concentration (555±280 mosmol·kg H2O-1) during water restriction. The haematocrit, plasma haemoglobin and total protein concentrations did not increase during water restriction and heat exposure, suggesting the conservation of plasma volume. Gross energy intake was not alfected by water restriction. However, digested energy intake and digestibility were significantly reduced. The effective regulation of energy and water budgets during water restriction suggests that the fruit bat can cope with seasonal climatic changes and with variable fruit supply during various seasons.Abbreviations BM body mass - DEI digested energy intake - EWL evaporative water loss - GEL gross energy intake - NH normal hydration - T a ambient temperature - WR water restriction  相似文献   

Because susceptibility of white grub species to entomopathogenic nematodes differs, we compared the virulence of Photorhabdus temperata and Xenorhabdus koppenhoeferi, the symbiotic bacteria of the nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema scarabaei, respectively, to the three white grub species, Popillia japonica, Rhizotrogus majalis, and Cyclocephala borealis. Both bacteria were pathogenic to all three grub species even at 2 cells/grub. However, the median lethal dose at 48 h post injection and median lethal time at 20 cells/grub showed that P. temperata was more virulent than X. koppenhoeferi to C. borealis. Although H. bacteriophora is less pathogenic than S. scarabaei to R. majalis and P. japonica, their symbiotic bacteria did not differ in virulence against these two grub species, and they also showed similar growth patterns both in vitro and inside R. majalis larvae at 20 °C. We then tested the pathogenicity of oral- and intrahemocoel-introduced H. bacteriophora to R. majalis to determine whether nematodes are able to successfully vector the bacteria into the hemolymph. Hemocoel injected H. bacteriophora was pathogenic to R. majalis indicating successful bacterial release, but orally introduced H. bacteriophora were not. Dissection of grubs confirmed that the orally introduced H. bacteriophora were unable to penetrate into the hemolymph through the gut wall. We conclude that the low susceptibility of R. majalis to H. bacteriophora is not due to the symbiotic bacteria but rather to the nematode’s poor ability to penetrate through the gut wall and the cuticle to vector the bacteria into the hemolymph.  相似文献   

The immunological comparison of the seed reserve proteins suggests thatLupinus is a natural genus, the American and the Euro-African species belonging to the same stock. Among the Lupines of the Old World, the smooth-seeded and the rough-seeded species from two natural segregates. The genusLupinus is serologically related to the rest of theGenisteae and to the AsiaticSophoreae rather than to AmericanSophoreae andThermopsideae. The data suggest thatLupinus may have originated with the remainder of theGenisteae from primitiveSophoreae of temperate-subtropical Asia. America and the Mediterranean-African region are regarded as secondary centres of speciation.  相似文献   

Kou Y  Qiu D  Wang L  Li X  Wang S 《Plant cell reports》2009,28(1):113-121
Tubby-like protein family has been identified in various multicellular organisms, indicating its fundamental functions in the organisms. However, the roles of plant tubby-like proteins are unknown. In this study, we have defined the tubby-like protein gene (OsTLP) family with 14 members in rice. Most of the OsTLPs harbor a tubby domain in their carboxyl terminus and an F-box domain in the amino terminus. The expression of all the OsTLPs was induced on infection of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, which causes bacterial blight, one of the most devastating diseases of rice worldwide. The maximal expression levels were observed at 2–8 h after infection for all the genes. Eight of the 14 OsTLPs were also responsive to wounding. All the OsTLPs showed differential expression in different tissues at different developmental stages. However, four pairs of the 14 OsTLPs, with each pair having high sequence similarity and distributing on the similar position of different chromosomes, showed similar expression pattern in different tissues, indicating their direct relationship in evolution. These results suggest that the OsTLP family is involved in host–pathogen interaction and it may be also associated with other physiological and developmental activities. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy was used to investigate conformational characteristics of the hemes of several ferricytochromes of the cytochrome c 3 family, electron transfer proteins isolated from the periplasm and membranes of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Our analysis concentrated on the low-frequency region of the RR spectra, a fingerprint region that includes vibrations for heme-protein C–S bonds [ν(CaS)]. It has been proposed that these bonds are directly involved in the electron transfer process. The three groups of tetraheme cytochrome c 3 analyzed, namely Type I cytochrome c 3 (TpIc 3s), Type II cytochrome c 3 (TpIIc 3s) and Desulfomicrobium cytochromes c 3, display different frequency separations for the two ν(CaS) lines that are similar among members of each group. These spectral differences correlate with differences in protein structure observed among the three groups of cytochromes c 3. Two larger cytochromes of the cytochrome c 3 family display RR spectral characteristics for the ν(CaS) lines that are closer to TpIIc 3 than to TpIc 3. Two other multiheme cytochromes from Desulfovibrio that do not belong to the cytochrome c 3 family display ν(CaS) lines with reverse relative areas in comparison with the latter family. This RR study shows that the small differences in protein structure observed among these cytochrome c 3 correlate to differences on the heme–protein bonds, which are likely to have an impact upon the protein function, making RR spectroscopy a sensitive and useful tool for characterizing these cytochromes.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium japonicum strain 8-0 StrR applied as inoculum to Clark 63 soybeans formed small ineffective nodules which had very low nitrogenase activity compared to nodules formed by two effective strains, 110 TetR and 138 KanR. Mean numbers of cells per milligram of nodule tissue for plants up to 34 days old were 7.7×106 for 8-0 StrR, 4.1×108 for 110 TetR and 7.6×108 for 138 KanR. Cell counts per unit mass of nodule were independent of plant age for strains 110 TetR and 138 KanR, however, for strain 8-0 StrR, 25 and 34 days old plants had fewer viable cells per nodule mass than 18 day old plants. When a mixture of two effective strains was used, the nodules of individual plants were predominantly caused by either 110 TetR or 138 KanR. In one experiment the predominance was random, but in another, strain 110 TetR clearly dominated. Strain 138 KanR was absent in some nodules on 18 day old plants, and in others, less than 102 cells per nodule were found. When strains 8-0 StrR and 138 KanR were used as mixed inoculum, most of the nodules had strain 8-0 StrR but strain 138 KanR was detected in many nodules and was generally evident in the largest nodules. Nitrogenase activity by many individual nodules was low except for nodules which had cells of 138 KanR. Nitrogenase activity by whole root systems of these plants was relatively high and similar to plants that had only nodules of strain 138 KanR. Similar relationships were observed for a mixed inoculum of 8-0 StrR and 110 TetR. In general, mixed inoculations resulted in nodules with a particular strain being dominant for each individual plant. Double infections within individual nodules were not uncommon and such nodules often had disproportionate numbers of cells of two competingR. japonicum strains.Contribution from the Laboratory of Soil Microbiology, Department of Agronomy, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. Missouri Journal Series Number 7967.  相似文献   

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