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以罗汉果组培苗的单株产量、果实大小、罗汉果总皂苷以及皂苷V的含量作为罗汉果药材产量和质量的评价指标,通过田间随机区组试验对不同罗汉果品种组培苗产量进行统计分析,并采用分光光度法和HPLC法分别对罗汉果总皂苷和罗汉果皂苷V的含量进行测定。结果显示,不同罗汉果品种组培苗在产量和质量性状上有显著差异。青皮果组培苗的产量较高,果实较大,罗汉果总皂苷和皂苷V含量也较高,适于大面积推广。  相似文献   

罗汉果组培苗的栽培研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李锋  蒋汉明  江新能  林荣   《广西植物》1990,10(4):359-363
本文报道罗汉果组培苗的栽培研究结果,为罗汉果在生产上推广应用组培苗栽培,提供有效的技术措施。  相似文献   

对罗汉果组培苗生育周期、生长发育习性以及生态适应性进行观测,结果表明:年全生育期为240~260d,定植当年即可正常开花结实。根系与块茎有两个增长高峰期,分别为开花结果期(7月上、中旬)、枯苗期(11月上旬~12月上旬);茎蔓在定植20d内生长较缓慢,之后逐步加快,其中主蔓和一级侧蔓构成植株空间骨架结构,二级侧蔓和三级侧蔓为主要结果蔓;开花座果盛期在7月下旬至8月中旬,花、果着生位置以二级侧蔓的6~15节和三级侧蔓的3~18节为主,点花授粉宜在雌雄花开放的当天上午进行,果实的生长膨大约在座果后的30d内完成,但果实发育成熟约需80d。生长发育的适温为22~28℃,其中旬温25~28℃时对花果生育最为适宜;生长过程中应保持土壤湿润和80%以上的空气湿度;全生育期对氮和钾的吸收量较大,但在生殖生长期,尤其在结果盛期与果实发育期,对磷、钾的需求增加。  相似文献   

黄永林  李典鹏  刘金磊   《广西植物》2007,27(3):462-465
采用3因素3水平正交设计法,以脱色率、总甙收得率为指标,筛选影响罗汉果果汁颜色和总甙收得率的因素,建立了罗汉果果汁脱色的最佳工艺。结果表明实验设计的A因素对罗汉果果汁脱色率具有显著影响,C因素对总甙收得率有显著影响。最终优选鲜罗汉果果汁的脱色条件是A2BC3(鲜罗汉果∶D900树脂重量比为3∶1;固形物含量为工艺流程可变含量,洗水量为树脂重量的4倍),工艺中试验证时脱色率为96.5%、总甙收得率高达97.7%,该工艺技术操作简单,脱色效果好,回收率高,适合于工业化大生产。  相似文献   

罗汉果组培苗规范化种植生产操作规程(SOP)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该操作规程明确了罗汉果组培苗的种质特征、产地环境、栽培技术措施、质量标准以及采收加工、包装、储运方法等,侧重规范了肥水管理、整形修剪、病虫害防治等关键种植环节和罗汉果总甙含量测定方法,为罗汉果的标准化生产和现代化质量管理提供了操作依据。  相似文献   

不同立地条件罗汉果组培苗的光合特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了三种不同立地条件罗汉果组培苗的光合光响应特性以及主要环境因子和光合生理参数的日变化,从光合作用的角度探讨影响罗汉果组培苗生长的关健生态因子。结果显示:罗汉果组培苗的光饱和点和补偿点均随海拔的增高而增大;丘陵的最大净光合速率最高,山地最低。丘陵和山地罗汉果组培苗的净光合速率(Pn)日变化曲线呈"双峰"型,在12:30~13:30时出现轻微的非气孔限制,平地受云层遮挡,无第二峰出现;9:00~15:30时之间的罗汉果组培苗Pn与气孔导度(Gs)正相关,而Pn和Gs均与光量子通量密度(PFD)、叶温(TL)和叶片内外水汽压差(VPD)负相关,并随TL和VPD的增大下降幅度更大。丘陵环境条件最适合罗汉果组培苗的生长,中午前后Pn的下降与此时的强光、高温和低湿度有关,是气孔限制和非气孔限制同时作用的结果。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同超声处理对鲜切马铃薯中的营养成分产生的影响,旨在阐明超声处理技术应用到鲜切马铃薯保鲜的中可行性。方法:分别采用Folin-Ciocaileu比色法、考马斯亮蓝法、直接滴定法、指示剂滴定法、紫外分光光度计法测定总酚、蛋白质、还原糖、可滴定酸和Vc含量。结果:超声处理能够抑制贮藏后期的鲜切马铃薯的总酚升高、有利于还原糖和Vc的保留,而对蛋白质、可滴定酸含量变化的作用效果不明显。其中,25℃下300 Hz超声处理8 min的鲜切马铃薯效果较好。结论:超声处理能有效保持鲜切马铃薯的营养成分。  相似文献   

研究以饲喂鲜活饵料为对照组,比较分析人工饲料对鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)常规营养成分、氨基酸组成及营养价值评价、脂肪酸组成和肌肉质构特性的影响。实验结果显示,摄食人工饲料组鳜肌肉蛋白质水平与鲜活饵料组无显著性差异(P>0.05),粗脂肪含量显著较高(P<0.05)。在两种饲喂模式下鳜肌肉中氨基酸评分(AAS)、必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)、化学评分(CS)和F值均无显著差异(P>0.05),但第一限制性氨基酸均为蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸(Met+Cys),该结果可为鳜人工饲料配方优化提供指导。人工饲料组鳜肌肉中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量均极显著高(P<0.01),其中C20﹕5(EPA)和C22﹕6(DHA)含量极显著高于鲜活饵料组,表明人工饲料可通过营养素的均衡配比以提供更优质的脂肪酸营养。人工饲料组鳜肌肉硬度、咀嚼性、胶黏性及回复性均极显著高于鲜活饵料组(P<0.01),而黏性极显著低于鲜活饵料组(P<0.01),表明人工饲料饲喂提升了鳜的肌肉质构特性。综上所述,相比于鲜活饵料组,人工饲料...  相似文献   

目的:分析、比较30d和60d两个不同时期罗汉果蛋白质组图谱,寻找与罗汉果发育、成熟及罗汉果甜甙生成密切相关基因,为罗汉果的开发和品种改良提供基础。方法:采用双向电泳(2-DE)技术构建30d和60d罗汉果蛋白质组图谱,应用Im-ageMaster 2D图像分析软件对所得蛋白质组图谱进行分析。结果:30d和60d两个不同时期罗汉果蛋白质组图谱有明显差别,与30d罗汉果蛋白组图谱比较,随果实发育、成熟,60d罗汉果有29个新的蛋白产生,30个蛋白消失,16个蛋白表达3倍升高和15个蛋白表达50%下调。结论:罗汉果生长、发育和成熟的不同阶段受特定基因的表达调控。  相似文献   

镉胁迫下硒对罗汉果组培苗光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验以罗汉果组培苗为材料,室内栽培在内装市售营养土的塑料盆中,以0、10、50、100、200mg·kg-1浓度镉离子和1mg·kg-1浓度硒处理,培养20d后分析罗汉果幼苗的相关光合生理指标。结果表明:低浓度Cd2+对叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)影响不大或稍有上升,但高浓度镉离子处理植株叶片的叶绿素含量、光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)明显下降;随Cd2+处理浓度的增加,叶片胞间CO2浓度(Ci)呈现上升趋势;加硒则延缓叶绿素下降,促进光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)上升,降低叶片胞间CO2浓度(Ci)。表明高浓度镉离子的毒害导致罗汉果组培苗叶片光合性能受到伤害,从而影响罗汉果幼苗生长。镉硒混合处理反映出硒对镉的毒害有缓解作用。  相似文献   

矮牵牛组织培养及变异苗的RAPD分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张汉尧  刘小珍  周健  龚秀会  杨宇明   《广西植物》2006,26(1):74-75,112
探索了矮牵牛组织培养的配方,对组培过程中产生的表型变异植株进行了DNA水平的分析。并对矮牵牛叶片组织培养及产生变异的影响因素等进行探讨。  相似文献   

Regeneration of plants using nutrient mist culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A nutrient mist was used forin vitro culture of plant tissue in a novel bioreactor, wherein the tissues were grown on a biologically inert screen within a sterile chamber which allows excess media to drain away from the tissue. Plants tested includedDaucus, Lycopersicon, Ficus, Cinchona, andBrassica. The latter 4 genera were fully regenerated within the bioreactor. Tissue inocula included callus, anthers, and shoot meristems. All plants grew at least as well in nutrient mists as in agar and always produced a greater quantity of shoots of a higher quality and often faster than agar cultures. Cost analysis estimates showed up to a 65% savings in production costs (labor and materials) could be realized using nutrient mist culture. Nutrient mist culture offers significant improvements in the micropropagation of plants.  相似文献   

水杨酸对枣树组织培养苗几种生理生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同浓度水杨酸(0mmol/L、1mmol/L、5mmol/L、10mmol/L)对枣树一年生组织培养苗叶片含水量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量及过氧化物酶活性的影响。结果表明,枣树组织培养苗叶面喷洒不同浓度水杨酸可提高其叶片含水量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量和过氧化物酶活性,其中以1mmol/L喷洒效果显著。  相似文献   

疏花蔷薇花粉产量及营养成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疏花蔷薇(RosalaxaRetz.)花期长达150d左右,花多而芳香。单花内生数百枚花药,花粉量大,微甜味纯,无毒无污染;在各类花粉的开发利用中具显著特点和优势。新疆3个不同生态型地区疏花蔷薇花粉平均含粗蛋白662%~825%,总糖1527%~1753%,氨基酸694%~699%,并富含多种维生素和矿质营养。新疆阿拉尔5年生(盛果期)半野生蔷薇单丛花期平均产粉量为827g,盛花期产粉量占整个花期产粉量的65%。  相似文献   

不同品种黑莓鲜果营养成分的比较   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
对5个黑莓(Rubusspp.)新品种鲜果的营养成分进行了比较分析。结果显示,5个品种黑莓鲜果的糖酸比较低,为3.11~6.18,风味偏酸。VC含量较高,达0.064~0.566 mg.g-1;VE含量为0.013~0.049 mg.g-1,品种间差异较大,以品种‘Triple Crown’的VE含量最高。矿质元素含量较高,其中品种‘Boysen’的Se含量最高,是其他品种的6~13倍;品种‘Young’的K、Ca、Zn和Fe含量都较高。黑莓鲜果含有8种人体必需氨基酸,不同品种黑莓鲜果的总氨基酸含量差异较大,其中品种‘Brazos’的总氨基酸含量最高,可达15.21 mg.g-1。  相似文献   

The present results were obtained in the course of theadjustment to the oyster Crassostrea gigas of atissue culture technique recently developed for themussel Mytilus edulis. With respect to theprotocol originally described, the effects of twomodifications are reported: (1) replacement of chickembryo extract by chicken serum for medium enrichment,and (2) achievement of cultures in rotating tubes(roller drum) in place of stationary condition.Paradoxical results were obtained: whereas takenseparately, each modification exerted a negativeeffect which is statistically significant, combinated,they exerted a high positive effect representing athree-fold increase of the mean metaphase spreadnumber per slide (i.e. 71.5). Hypotheses are proposedto explain the mechanisms involved. It is suggestedthat the two additives work differently and thatcultures with chick embryo extract enriched mediumcould not withstand the condition generated by theroller drum. Conversely, cultures performed withchicken serum enriched medium would be in a betterphysiological state and the roller allow to obtain acell proliferation after only six days of incubation.  相似文献   

水青树组织培养中无菌苗培养条件的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对水青树组织培养中种子的消毒方法和无菌苗培养条件进行了优化。4种消毒方法的效果比较表明,0.1% HgCl2溶液对水青树种子的发芽有较强的抑制作用,而4% NaClO溶液的消毒效果最佳,对发芽的抑制作用最小。不同培养基上水青树种子的发芽情况显示,中盐低氮培养基有利于种子萌发,完全1/4 MS培养基为水青树无菌苗培养的最佳培养基。  相似文献   

Himken  M.  Lammel  J.  Neukirchen  D.  Czypionka-Krause  U.  Olfs  H.-W. 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(1):117-126
There is increasing interest in cultivation of Miscanthus as a source of renewable energy in Europe, but there is little information on its nutrient requirements. Our aim was to determine the nutrient requirement of an established Miscanthus crop through a detailed study of nutrient uptake and nutrient remobilization between plant parts during growth and senescence. Therefore dry matter of rhizomes and shoots as well as N, P, K and Mg concentration under three N fertilizer rates (0, 90, and 180 kg N ha-1) were measured in field trials in 1992/93 and at one rate of 100 kg N h-1 in 1994/95.Maximum aboveground biomass in an established Miscanthus crop ranged between 25-30 t dry matter ha-1 in the September of both trial years. Due to senescence and leaf fall there was a 30% loss in dry matter between September and harvest in March. N fertilization had no effect on crop yield at harvest. Concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in shoots were at a maximum at the beginning of the growing period in May and decreased thereafter while concentrations in rhizomes stayed fairly constant throughout the year and were not affected by N fertilization.Nutrient mobilization from rhizomes to shoots - defined as the maximum change in nutrient content in rhizomes from the beginning of the growth period measured in 1992/93 was 55 kg N ha-1, 8 kg P ha-1, 39 kg K ha-1 and 11 kg Mg ha-1. This is equivalent to 21 N, 36 P, 14 K and 27 Mg of the maximum nutrient content of the shoots. Nutrient remobilization from shoots to rhizomes defined as the increase in nutrient content of rhizomes between September and March measured in 1994/95 was 101 kg N ha-1, 9 kg P ha-1, 81 kg K ha-1 and 8 kg Mg ha-1 equivalent to 46 N, 50 P, 30 K and 27 Mg of nutrient content of shoots in September. Results showed that nutrient remobilization within the plant needs to be considered when calculating nutrient balances and fertilizer recommendations.  相似文献   

Moussavi-Nik  M.  Rengel  Z.  Pearson  J.N.  Hollamby  G. 《Plant and Soil》1997,197(2):271-280
The changes in nutrient content of grain tissues and seedling parts of two wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L., Excalibur and Janz) with low or high seed Zn content were followed from imbibition to early seedling development (12 days). The grains were separated into seed coat, endosperm and embryo, while the seedlings were separated into roots and shoots. The dry weight of the seed coat did not change throughout the experimental period, whereas the endosperm weight declined rapidly from day 4 onward. The weight of embryo did not show any difference between and within cultivars. About a half of seed Zn was remobilised into shoot and roots during 12 days of growth, regardless of the initial seed Zn content in both genotypes. The seed coat contained 55–77% of the total seed nutrients in the two wheat genotypes, except in the case of S (around 40%). Manganese, Fe, Ca, K, and P were remobilised effectively from the seed coat as well as from the endosperm, while remobilisation of Zn and Cu was relatively less from the seed coat than from the endosperm. After 10 days of growth, all nutrients monitored were completely remobilised from the endosperm. Remobilised K was directed primarily into shoots; an increase in K content in shoots was relatively higher than the accumulation of dry matter, with a consequent increase in K concentration in shoot tissue. The remobilisation of some nutrients (eg. Fe, Ca and Zn) from various grain tissues during inbibition, germination and early growth is different from the remobilisation in more mature plants.  相似文献   

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