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Phosphorylated Proteins of Sindbis Virus   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The capsid and two membrane proteins of Sindbis virus, grown in chicken cells, contain 0.03 to 0.1 mol of phosphate per mol of protein.  相似文献   

Large-Molecular-Weight Precursors of Sindbis Virus Proteins   总被引:36,自引:32,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Infection of chicken embryo fibroblasts with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Sindbis virus at the nonpermissive temperature leads to the accumulation of a large-molecular-weight protein. We have shown that this protein contains (14)C-arginine tryptic peptides present in the three virion proteins. We have also found that a slightly smaller protein which is detected in Sindbis-infected BHK cells contains the (14)C-arginine tryptic peptides of the two envelope proteins but not those of the capsid protein. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that the Sindbis virus protein in BHK cells is cleaved to the envelope proteins.  相似文献   

HeLa cells infected with Sindbis virus were found to contain five species of nonvirion proteins besides the structural proteins of the virus. Some of the nonvirion proteins were found to serve as precursors to the viral structural proteins in a pulse-chase experiment.  相似文献   

辛德毕斯病毒蛋白质结构与功能的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林巍  饶子和  梁国栋 《病毒学报》2000,16(4):383-384,F003
本文在中国预防医学科学院病毒学研究所病毒基因工程国家重点实验室合作完成. 辛德毕斯病毒(Sindbis virus)属于披膜病毒科(Togaviridae)甲病毒属(Alphavirus).该病毒无论在病毒形态、病毒结构与病毒复制等方面均集中体现了动物病毒的许多具有普遍性的基本特性.因此对该病毒的研究,尤其是病毒功能蛋白质结构与功能的研究不仅能够回答该病毒本身的分子致病机理,而且从中得出的信息对于其它动物病毒的研究也具有借鉴意义[1].近年来,通过对辛德毕斯病毒各功能蛋白质的晶体结构的研究,对其结构与功能的关系积累了大量材料,取得重要进展,本文概述如下.  相似文献   

Exposure of Sindbis virus-infected chicken embryo cells to a short pulse of radioactive amino acids revealed the formation of primarily three proteins: the nucleocapsid (C) of the virus, one of the viral envelope proteins (E1), and a glycoprotein that did not appear in the virion. This third protein (PE2) has now been identified as a precursor of the other viral envelope protein (E2) on the basis of two observations: (i) the simultaneous disappearance of radioactive PE2 and appearance of labeled E2 in pulse-chase experiments, and (ii) the identity of (14)C-arginine tryptic peptides in fingerprints of the two proteins. The nucleocapsid was the most heavily labeled protein in the cell and appeared in the virus during the short pulse. The two (14)C-labeled envelope proteins, although having different kinetics of labeling in the cell, appeared simultaneously in the virus only after the chase. Addition of pactamycin, a drug inhibiting initiation of protein synthesis, preferentially inhibited the formation of capsid protein Assuming that Sindbis virus proteins are formed initially as a single polypeptide, our studies locate the nucleocapsid at the amino-terminal end of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Genome of Sindbis Virus   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
32P-labeled ribonucleic acid (RNA) from purified Sindbis virus was examined for the presence of hidden breaks. Viral RNA was treated with acid at pH 2.9 or with formaldehyde and was analyzed on sucrose gradients or by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The sedimentation pattern and mobility on polyacrylamide gels of the 42S RNA was unaffected by heating and quick cooling and was not altered by denaturing agents such as dimethyl sulfoxide and urea. No evidence that Sindbis RNA is a polyaggregate of fragments was obtained. It is concluded that the genome consists of a continuous length of single-stranded polynucleotide.  相似文献   

Purified avian myeloblastosis virus was iodinated by the lactoperoxidase method. Disruption of the labeled virions and chromatography of the viral proteins showed that radioiodine was associated only with the glycoproteins of the viral envelope. Reaction of the radiolabeled virus with antiviral antibody followed by mild detergent treatment and subsequent recovery of immune complexes showed this technique to be useful for the isolation of viral envelope antigens.  相似文献   

All Sindbis virus temperature-sensitive mutants defective in "late" functions were systematically surveyed by acrylamide-gel electrophoresis for similarities and differences in the intracellular pattern of virus-specific proteins synthesized at the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. Only cells infected with mutants of complementation group C showed an altered pattern. At the nonpermissive temperature, these mutants failed to induce the synthesis of a polypeptide corresponding to the nucleocapsid protein and instead overproduced a protein of higher molecular weight than either viral structural protein. This defect was shown to be irreversible by the finding that (3)H-leucine incorporated at 41.5 C specifically failed to appear in the nucleocapsid of virions subsequently released at 29 C. Attempts to demonstrate a precursor protein in wild-type infections were inconclusive.  相似文献   

We have examined the agglutination of Sindbis virus and of chick and hamster cells infected with Sindbis virus by two of the plant lectins, concanavalin A and Ricinus communis agglutinin. Both lectins agglutinate the virus by binding to the polysaccharide chains of the envelope glycoproteins. Both chick and hamster cells exhibit increased agglutination by the lectins after infection by Sindbis virus. In the case of chick cells infected with Sindbis virus, this increase in agglutinability occurs between 3 and 5 h after infection. Infected and mock-infected cells bind the same amount of (3)H-labeled concanavalin A, which suggests that the increase in agglutination after infection is due to rearrangements at the cell surface rather than to insertion of new lectin binding sites per se.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the Sindbis Virus Carbohydrates   总被引:2,自引:14,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The sequence in which sugars are added to the Sindbis virus glycoproteins was studied. Infected cells contain three glycosylated virus-specific proteins: the two virion glycoproteins and the immediate precursor to the smaller virion glycoprotein. Larger Sindbis-specific proteins are not glycosylated. The cell-associated forms of both of the virion glycoproteins contain glucosamine, mannose, galactose, and fucose. The glycosylated precursor contains only glucosamine, mannose, and some galactose. The conversion of precursor to virion protein involves both the addition of galactose and fucose and the loss of mannose. The apparent extent of glycosylation of each virus-specific protein is not influenced by the host cell.  相似文献   

Homologous Interference Induced by Sindbis Virus   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Homologous interference during Sindbis virus infection has been investigated. Prior infection of either chicken embryo fibroblast or BHK(21) cell cultures results in reduced yields of progeny virions of the superinfecting genotype. This reduction in yield results from a reduction in the number of cells in the cultures capable of producing the superinfecting genotype. The development of interference parallels the attachment kinetics of Sindbis virus. Interference requires an active viral genome since the activity is sensitive to inactivation by ultraviolet light, and an RNA(-) mutant, ts-24, fails to induce interference under nonpermissive conditions. However, ts-6, an RNA(-) mutant belonging to a different complementation group, and the RNA(+) mutants, ts-2 and ts-20, interfere at both permissive and nonpermissive temperatures.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination was evaluated as a techniqueto identify plasma membrane components in protoplasts isolatedfrom leaf tissue of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Restrictionof the probe to the plasma membrane was assessed by determiningradioactivity in lipids characteristic of intracellular organellesafter labeling intact versus broken protoplasts. Intact protoplastswere purified on a sucrose-sorbitol gradient and iodinated usingNa[125I] with lactoperoxidase and H2O2. Lipids as well as proteinswere shown to be iodinated in a lactoperoxidase-catalyzed reaction.Labeling of intracellular lipids was low in the intact protoplastswhich indicated that the iodination reaction was restrictedto the plasma membrane. (Received March 18, 1988; Accepted May 25, 1988)  相似文献   

Kinetics of Incorporation of Structural Proteins into Sindbis Virions   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The morphogenesis of Sindbis virus was studied by determining the kinetics with which newly synthesized nucleocapsid and envelope proteins appeared in virions released into the extracellular medium. Assembly of the nucleocapsid was more rapid than modification of the cellular membrane by the addition of the viral envelope protein. However, both viral structural proteins were efficiently incorporated into virions; a 0.5-hr pulse-labeling period resulted in the release of maximally labeled virus during the next hour. When protein synthesis was inhibited, release of virus soon declined even though large amounts of both viral structural proteins were present within the cell and ribonucleic acid replication was unaffected.  相似文献   

The synthesis and organization of Sindbis virus structural proteins was investigated in BHK cells infected with wild-type virus (SVHR) or temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants defective in maturation. Cells infected with ts-23 or ts-20 (complementation groups D and E) were similar in the polypeptides synthesized at the nonpermissive temperature and differed from SVHR-infected cells in that the envelope protein E2 was not cleaved from the PE2 precursor. Data from experiments utilizing pulse-chase procedures or protein synthesis inhibitors indicated that although infectious virions were released from cells infected with these mutants in shift-down experiments, the particles were produced almost exclusively from proteins synthesized after the return to permissive temperature. This suggests that a stable complex may be formed among the structural proteins before budding. A membrane fraction isolated from cells infected with either ts mutants or SVHR contained the PE2, E1, and C polypeptides, whereas E2 was restricted to fractions obtained from SVHR-infected cells. Although equivalent amounts of virus-specific protein were synthesized in cells infected with either mutant and the cells contained qualitatively the same proteins in the isolated membranes, cells infected with ts-23 did not have virus-specific proteins exposed on their surface that could be detected by ferritin-conjugated antibody-labeling procedures or lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination. In contrast, ts-20-infected cells had significant amounts of viral protein, mainly E1, that could be detected on the plasma membrane by either procedure. Iodine was incorporated into E1 and E2 on the surface of SVHR-infected cells in the same relative amounts as seen in iodinated virions. PE2, however, although present in membranes, could not be iodinated on the surface of infected cells under any of the conditions used in this study. We also monitored the relative efficiency with which these viral proteins could be removed from intact cells by dilute solutions of nonionic detergents. The results indicated that E2 was most efficiently removed, followed by E1. PE2 (the precursor to E2) and C remained associated with the cell and could be subsequently isolated in the membrane fraction.  相似文献   

Maturation Defects in Temperature-sensitive Mutants of Sindbis Virus   总被引:2,自引:16,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Temperature-sensitive mutants of Sindbis virus, which synthesize viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) but not mature virus at the nonpermissible temperature, were selected for the study of viral maturation. Of these, three mutants which complement each other genetically were used. Two major proteins, the nucleocapsid and membrane proteins, located, respectively, in the viral nucleoid and membrane, were found in intact virions. In cells infected with wild-type Sindbis virus, four distinct types of viral RNA with sedimentation coefficients of 40S, 26S, 20S, and 15S were detected in constant distribution. The 20S RNA was ribonuclease-resistant, whereas the other types were ribonuclease-sensitive. The 40S RNA, identical to that obtained from the virion, was found associated with nucleocapsid protein as a subviral particle, which was assumed to be the nucleoid. Viral materials from cells infected with the mutants under nonpermissive conditions were compared with those from cells infected with wild-type virus, in terms of (i) the distribution of the different types of RNA, (ii) the association of infectious viral RNA into subviral particles, and (iii) the ability of infected cells to hemadsorb goose erythrocytes. According to these criteria, each of the three mutants demonstrated different maturation defects. Defective nucleocapsid proteins and membrane proteins may each account for one of the above mutants. The thrid mutant may have defects in a minor structural protein or possibly a maturation protein which is involved in the assembly of Sindbis virus.  相似文献   

Viral messenger RNA was isolated from BHK cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Sindbis virus and was further purified using an oligo(dT) column. Addition of this mRNA cell-free extracts from rabbit reticulocytes led to formation of discrete authentic viral capsid protein when the reaction was performed at 29 C. However, this same protein-synthesizing system failed to make discrete viral capsid when incubated with the viral RNA at 39 C. Instead, larger-molecular-weight polypeptides that contained the viral capsid peptide sequences were produced. The inability to make a separate viral capside protein in vitro at elevated temperatures by the mRNA from this mutant exactly mimics the phenotype of this ts mutant in viral-infected cells. Three mechanisms are discussed that might account for a temperature-sensitive release of capsid. One of these is based on a model in which there are multiple sites for initiation of translation of polypeptides on a polycistronic viral mRNA.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the membrane glycoproteins and glycopeptides from two enveloped viruses, Sindbis virus and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Glycopeptides isolated from Sindbis virus and VSV grown in the same host appear to differ principally in the number of sialic acid residues per glycopeptide; when sialic acid is removed by mild acid treatment, the glycopeptides of the two viral proteins are indistinguishable by exclusion chromatography. Preliminary evidence argues that the carbohydrate moiety covalently bound to different virus-specified membrane proteins may be specified principally by the host.  相似文献   

Cultures of Aedes albopictus cells persistently infected with wild-type Sindbis virus (SV-W) give rise to small plaque-forming mutants which are also temperature sensitive. These mutants, designated SV-C, are neutralized by antiserum produced against SV-W. Mutant ts clones were isolated from SV-C by plaque purification. After serial undiluted passage in BHK or mosquito cells, each of the clones gave rise to ts(+) revertants which, however, remained mutant with respect to plaque morphology. Nineteen of 20 clones derived from SV-C were RNA(+), and one was RNA(-) (SV-C-2). The RNA synthesizing activity, once induced in infected cells by SV-C-2, was stable at the nonpermissive temperature (39.5 C). All clones derived from SV-C were inactivated at 60 C much more quickly than was SV-W. It was not possible to demonstrate complementation between any of the SV-C clones.  相似文献   

Binding of Sindbis Virus to Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Alphaviruses are arthropod-borne viruses with wide species ranges and diverse tissue tropisms. The cell surface receptors which allow infection of so many different species and cell types are still incompletely characterized. We show here that the widely expressed glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate can participate in the binding of Sindbis virus to cells. Enzymatic removal of heparan sulfate or the use of heparan sulfate-deficient cells led to a large reduction in virus binding. Sindbis virus bound to immobilized heparin, and this interaction was blocked by neutralizing antibodies against the viral E2 glycoprotein. Further experiments showed that a high degree of sulfation was critical for the ability of heparin to bind Sindbis virus. However, Sindbis virus was still able to infect and replicate on cells which were completely deficient in heparan sulfate, indicating that additional receptors must be involved. Cell surface binding of another alphavirus, Ross River virus, was found to be independent of heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

辛德毕斯病毒基因组结构与功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辛德毕斯病毒(Sindbis virus, SINV)属于披膜病毒科(Togaviridea)甲病毒属(Alphavirus),为甲病毒属的代表株.1952年首次分离于埃及尼罗河三角洲辛德毕斯地区库蚊中,国际将首次分离的AR339株作为SINV的标准株.  相似文献   

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