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Scat (faeces) decay rate estimates are used to calculate animal species abundance and density. For African great apes, this has been measured only for Gorilla; chimpanzee scats are assumed to decay at a faster rate due to lower fibre content. We provide the first systematic measure of scat decay rate duration for Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, in Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda. We used two methods: (1) multiple visits to obtain prospective decay rates (PDR) (N = 96 scats) and (2) a novel approach of time‐lapse photography (TLP) (N = 17 scats). Most of the visited scats (67%) decayed in ≤24 hr, and median decay rate duration from photographic documentation was 18 hr. Using regression analyses, we tested 11 covariables to determine predictors for decay rate duration. Greater volume of scat and reduced levels of diurnal dung beetle activity were positively associated with longer decay rate duration. Given a high prevalence of dung beetle activity (88% of scats), particularly within 3 hr post‐defaecation, we suggest the use of the alternative term, disappearance rate of scats. With a rapid disappearance rate, scat count surveys of unhabituated chimpanzees are challenging; further work is then needed for Pan spp. to determine spatial and temporal differences at intra‐ and inter‐species level.  相似文献   

We describe the behavior of an unhabituated population of chimpanzees in the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo. We encountered chimpanzee parties on 218 occasions during two field seasons (February 1999–December 1999, June 2000–June 2001). Overall contact rate was 0.63 contacts per day in the field (n = 347). During the first 5 min of observation, we recorded individual responses as curious, ignore, hide, or depart. In contrast to other unhabituated chimpanzees, curiosity was the most common response (84%) of individuals in the Goualougo Triangle. However, the responses were deeply integrated in the group's reaction to our arrival and behavior throughout an encounter. Based on the behavior of the majority of individuals in a group, we categorized entire contact events as naïve, ignore, nervous, or depart. Naïve contacts accounted for 69% of all encounters. Other contacts types occurred much less frequently: nervous (12%), depart (11%), ignore (8%). Naïve contacts were characterized by chimpanzees that continued to exhibit curiosity throughout the encounter, the arrival of other individuals at the contact location, and relatively prolonged contact with observers (average duration: 136 min). It is likely that the high frequency of curious responses and naïve contacts are due to the remote location of the Goualougo Triangle and the chimpanzees's lack of experience with humans. Documentation of this naïve phenomenon has been successfully used to lobby for the protection of the chimpanzees and their habitat.  相似文献   

Surveys using conservation detection dogs have grown increasingly popular as an efficient means to gather monitoring data, particularly for elusive and low-density species such as carnivores. Working with dogs can greatly increase the area surveyed for wildlife and the detection rate of survey targets. Due to the confounding effects of scent dispersion and dog movement, however, it can be difficult to estimate the area searched in a survey. Additionally, although detection dogs have been used in studies under a wide range of air temperature, humidity, and wind conditions, little research has examined how environmental factors affect detection dogs' effectiveness for wildlife surveys. Between 2003 and 2005, we trained 2 dogs to assist us with surveys for mammalian carnivore scats in northern California. We conducted controlled search trials to assess how the dogs' scat detection rates were affected by the distance of scats from the transect search line, as well as variation in six environmental factors. Both dogs detected >75% of scats located within 10 m, and the dogs' detection rates decreased with increasing distance of scats from the transect line. Among environmental factors, precipitation was the most important variable explaining variation in scat detection rates for both dogs. Precipitation likely degrades or removes scats from the landscape over time, and detection rates increase as scat begins to accumulate following the last substantial (>5 mm) rain event of the year. If scat accumulation is not controlled for in ecosystems with a strong seasonal pattern of rainfall, it could lead to considerable bias in study results. We recommend that researchers report the conditions under which conservation detection dog surveys took place and analyze how detection rates vary as a function of distance, temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, and other locally important environmental factors. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Noninvasive survey methods based on analyzing DNA extracted from feces can be useful for carnivores that are difficult to study by other methods. Changes in fecal deposition patterns associated with reproduction in kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis) might affect results of such surveys. We used a trained dog to collect fresh scats on 2-km transects in the home ranges of 11 radiocollared female kit foxes in January, February, and March 2008 and determined sex of the individual that deposited the scats by amplifying the zinc finger protein gene. Female foxes give birth in mid-February to mid-March. We found a similar number of scats each month. In January, the sex ratio of the scats was not different from the expected 1:1. However, in February there were almost 2 male scats for every female scat and in March there were >8 male scats for every female scat. Comparing March to January, there were more male scats on all 11 transects and fewer female scats on 10 of 11 transects. Around the time pups are born, both sexes appear to show changes in fecal deposition patterns that make it easier to find male scats and harder to find female scats. Effects of these changes on survey results will vary depending on the purpose and design of the survey. Surveys to determine distribution and relative abundance would probably not be negatively affected by these changes. However, if surveys to estimate abundance are conducted during the reproductive season, they could result in an underestimate of population size unless the increased heterogeneity in scat detectability is taken into account.  相似文献   

Many primate populations currently live in forest fragments. These populations are often unhabituated, elusive, and contain few individuals, making them difficult to study through direct observation. Noninvasive genetic methods are useful for surveying these unhabituated populations to infer the number and sex of individuals and the genetic diversity of the population. We conducted genetic analysis on 70 fecal samples from eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in Gishwati Forest Reserve, a forest fragment in western Rwanda. We genotyped all but two of these samples using 12 autosomal and 13 Y-chromosome microsatellite markers previously used in analyses of other chimpanzee populations. The genetic data show that these samples represent a minimum of 19 individuals (7 females, 12 males). However, because we may not have sampled all individuals in the population, we also performed mark-recapture analysis with the genetic data and found that the entire population likely numbers between 19 and 29 individuals. These results are consistent with opportunistic observations of at least 19 individual chimpanzees. Levels of variation at the Y-chromosome microsatellites were similar to those observed in other chimpanzee communities, suggesting that the chimpanzees in this forest are members of a single community. These results provide a baseline count of the number of male and female chimpanzees in the Gishwati Forest Reserve, and the data provide the potential for follow-up studies aimed at tracking individuals over time, thus aiding conservation management of this unhabituated population.  相似文献   

The conservation status of western lowland gorillas and central chimpanzees in western equatorial Africa remains largely speculative because many remote areas have never been surveyed and the impact of emergent diseases in the region has not been well documented. In this study, we compared ape densities and habitats in the Lokoué study area in Odzala National Park and the Goualougo Triangle in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in northern Republic of Congo. Both of these sites have long been considered strongholds for the conservation of chimpanzees and gorillas, but supposedly differ in vegetative composition and relative ape abundance. We compared habitats between these sites using conventional ground surveys and classified Landsat-7 ETM+ satellite images. We present density estimates via both standing-crop and marked-nest methods for the first time for sympatric apes of the Congo Basin. The marked-nest method was effective in depicting chimpanzee densities, but underestimated gorilla densities at both sites. Marked-nest surveys also revealed a dramatic decline in the ape population of Lokoué which coincided with a local Ebola epidemic. Normal baseline fluctuations in ape nest encounter rates during the repeated passages of marked-nest surveys were clearly distinguishable from a 80% decline in ape nest encounter rates at Lokoué. Our results showed that ape densities, habitat composition, and population dynamics differed between these populations in northern Congo. We emphasize the importance of intensifying monitoring efforts and further refinement of ape survey methods, as our results indicated that even the largest remaining ape populations in intact and protected forests are susceptible to sudden and dramatic declines.  相似文献   

A two year study of dung beetles and ants acting on scats of two species of opossum (Didelphis spp.) was carried out. Scats were left in the field in order to detect post-dispersal agents. A portion of each scat (30 %) was examined for seeds in the laboratory. Beetles were recovered from burrows (51% of 84 faecal samples left in the field) where they either buried scats of opossums or were attracted, together with ants, to pitfalls (N = 10) baited with opossum scats. Dung beetles were the main post-dispersal agents of seeds found in scats of opossums, rolling the scats away or burying then on the site of deposition. They buried faeces at 4 to 15 cm in depth (N = 22 tunnels). The main dung beetles identified (medium to large size) were Eurysternus (28.7 % in pitfalls) and Dichotomius (13.7 %), Coprophanaeus (seen only directly on faeces), besides small-bodied beetles (< 10 mm; 57.6 %). The ant Acromirmex sp. transported some seeds from scats. This species was present in 25.5 % of all Formicidae samples (pitfall). These post-dispersal agents contribute to avert scat seed predators such as rodents, and to accelerate seed bank formation.  相似文献   

Defaecation rate is an important parameter in the conversion of dung counts to elephant numbers, yet estimates of elephant defaecation rates are available for a few sites, especially rainforest sites. The Banyang‐Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary in south‐western Cameroon is no exception in this regard. We tracked a radio‐collared herd of four forest elephants, counted their fresh droppings in two 24‐h periods each month in 36 consecutive months. Our results show a mean defaecation rate of 15.9 [95% CI (12.2–19.7)] dung piles per elephant per day. We found significant monthly and inter‐annual variation in defaecation rates with implications for their predictability and forest elephant surveys. In particular, our results show that mean defaecation rates are higher for the wettest period of the year than the relatively dry months.  相似文献   

New Zealand is home to giant king crickets called weta, which are the only insects known to consume fleshy-fruits and disperse seeds after gut passage. Although they disperse seeds in viable condition after consumption, their importance as seed dispersers is unknown. We conducted a series of field observations and laboratory experiments to investigate intraspecific variation in the capacity of Wellington tree weta (Hemidenina crassidens) to disperse seeds of tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata). We asked three questions. How frequently do weta disperse fuchsia seeds? Do seed passage rates differ between sexes and different-sized weta? Might weta select for particular seed sizes via differential seed mortality after ingestion? A total of 2,272 F. excorticata seedlings germinated from 241 scats (i.e., faecal pellets) that were collected from the field. Experimental results showed that, on average, 15% of seeds ingested by weta successfully germinated, whereas 75% germinated in control trials. Larger weta dispersed greater numbers of seeds in experimental trials, while no differences in dispersal rates were observed between sexes. Regardless of sex and size, weta preferentially dispersed larger seeds. When interpreted collectively, results indicate that (1) weta are frequent seed dispersers of F. excorticata, although many seeds are destroyed during ingestion, (2) larger-bodied weta consistently disperse greater quantities of seeds, which is unusual in seed dispersal mutualisms, and (3) weta preferentially disperse larger seeds, suggesting that they might interact evolutionarily with New Zealand plants.  相似文献   

Food web models depend on identifying which taxa are eaten and in what proportion they are consumed. Arctocephalus seals are generalist foragers and are an ongoing focus of Southern Hemisphere marine ecosystem research. This is the first feeding experiment to use Arctocephalus spp. to assess the utility of hard part scat analysis for diet estimation, based on mixed prey diets integrated over several days. Recovery rates of otoliths were extremely low for all taxa (0-9%). Although we could not collect scats produced during a 90 min period each day, during which the seals had access to a large pool, this result could not be attributed to otolith robustness, pinniped species or class, activity level, meal size or frequency, or fat content of the diet. We conclude that the unusually low recovery rates in this study may be due to unaccounted scats produced during 90 min of each day, if they contained otolith numbers an order of magnitude greater than all otoliths retrieved from scats produced during the other 22.5 h of each day, and/or may be related to the digestive processing of a mixed prey diet. Our study demonstrates the inadequacy of using otoliths in field collected scats for diet estimation due to the high level of unexplained variability of otolith occurrence in scats. We also identify two new potential sources of this variability. These are variability in numbers of otoliths per scat depending on activity level when a scat is excreted, and variability in recovery rates of otoliths as a function of the complexity of the diet.  相似文献   

Fruit use by the Japanese black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) and seed clumping in bear scat were studied in central Japan using fecal analyses. Between May and November 2003 and 2004, the life form and fruit size of plants consumed by bears and the species composition and intactness of seeds contained in scat were examined in five transects (approximately 10 km × 10 m) in broad-leaved deciduous forests. In 2003, scats with seeds were found only in the autumn, when fruiting trees and shrubs were abundant. In 2004, scats with seeds occurred intermittently from the summer, when fruiting plants were rare, up to the autumn. Yearly and seasonal variation in fruit use reflects the opportunistic foraging behavior of Japanese black bears. Seven of the nine plant species detected in scats had medium-sized fruits (6–15 mm width), whereas the other two species had relatively large fruits (20–100 mm width). In total, 14,492 seeds were detected, of which 97.6% were intact; the remainder were damaged. Intact seeds of one or two species were found in each scat. The number of intact seeds per scat ranged from 1 to 5476. Japanese black bears seldom digest ingested seeds, thereby contributing to the seed dispersal of their food plants, including species with fruits that are too large to be swallowed by frugivorous birds.  相似文献   

Prolonged habituation times for wild great apes delay the collection of behavioral and environmental data, sometimes for years. However, genotyping of noninvasively collected feces can provide useful socioecological information in the meantime. We tested this premise on an unhabituated wild population of western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Mont Assirik, Senegal. Genotyping yielded information on kinship, group size, party size and composition, sex ratio, and ranging.  相似文献   

Abstract: Identification of wildlife species from indirect evidence can be an important part of wildlife management, and conventional methods can be expensive or have high error rates. We used chemical characterization of the volatile organic constituents (VOCs) in scat as a method to identify 5 species of North American canids from multiple individuals. We sampled vapors of scats in the headspace over a sample using solid-phase microextraction and determined VOC content using gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector. We used linear discriminant analysis to develop models for differentiating species with bootstrapping to estimate accuracy. Our method correctly classified 82.4% (bootstrapped 95% CI = 68.8–93.8%) of scat samples. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) scat was most frequently misclassified (25.0% of scats misclassified); red fox was also the most common destination for misclassified samples. Our findings are the first reported identification of animal species using VOCs in vapor emissions from scat and suggest that identification of wildlife species may be plausible through chemical characterization of vapor emissions of scat. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):792–797; 2008)  相似文献   

Noninvasive faecal DNA sampling has the potential to provide a wealth of information necessary for monitoring and managing endangered species while eliminating the need to capture, handle or observe rare individuals. However, scoring problems, and subsequent genotyping errors, associated with this monitoring method remain a great concern as they can lead to misidentification of individuals and biased estimates. We examined a kit fox scat data set (353 scats; 80 genotypes) for genotyping errors using both genetic and GIS analyses, and evaluated the feasibility of combining both approaches to assess reliability of the faecal DNA results. We further checked the appropriateness of using faecal genotypes to study kit fox populations by describing information about foxes that we could deduce from the 'acceptable' scat genotypes, and comparing it to information gathered with traditional field techniques. Overall, genetic tests indicated that our data set had a low rate of genotyping error. Furthermore, examination of distributions of scat locations confirmed our data set was relatively error free. We found that analysing information on sex primer consistency and scat locations provided a useful assessment of scat genotype error, and greatly limited the amount of additional laboratory work that was needed to identify potentially 'false' scores. 'Acceptable' scat genotypes revealed information on sex ratio, relatedness, fox movement patterns, latrine use, and size of home range. Results from genetic and field data were consistent, supporting the conclusion that our data set had a very low rate of genotyping error and that this noninvasive method is a reliable approach for monitoring kit foxes.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of sampling location within a faeces on DNA quality by sampling from both the outside and inside of 25 brown bear (Ursus arctos) scats and the side and the tip of 30 grey wolf (Canis lupus) scats. The outside of the bear scat and side of the wolf scat had significantly lower nuclear DNA microsatellite allelic dropout error rates (U. arctos: P = 0.017; C. lupus: P = 0.025) and significantly higher finalized genotyping success rates (U. arctos: P = 0.017; C. lupus: P = 0.012) than the tip and inside of the scat. A review of the faecal DNA literature indicated that <45% of studies report the sampling location within a faeces indicating that this methodological consideration is currently underappreciated. Based on our results, we recommend sampling from the side of canid scats and the outside portion of ursid scats to obtain higher quality DNA samples. The sampling location within a faeces should be carefully considered and reported as it can directly influence laboratory costs and efficiency, as well as the ability to obtain reliable genotypes.  相似文献   

We present census data for eight primate species spanning 32.9 years along the same transect at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, demonstrating major changes in the composition of the primate community. Correlated with an estimated decline of ~89% in the red colobus population was an increase in encounter rates with chimpanzee parties. Our data, along with the unusually high rates of predation by chimpanzees on red colobus at Ngogo and the fact that the chimpanzee community at Ngogo is the largest ever recorded, support the conclusion that the red colobus decline was caused primarily by chimpanzee predation. This seems to be the first documented case of predation by one nonhuman primate causing the population decline in another. We evaluated disease and interspecific competition as other possible causes of the red colobus decline, but judged them to be relatively insignificant compared with predation by chimpanzees. Notable changes in encounter rates with other primate species may have resulted from forest expansion. Those for mangabeys, redtails, and black and white colobus increased significantly. Encounter rates increased for l'Hoest's monkeys too, but the increased sightings may have been an artifact of increased habituation. Sightings of blue monkey and baboon groups declined. There was no significant change in encounter rates for all species combined. The Ngogo primate community seemed to be in a nonequilibrium state, changing from one dominated by two species, a folivore (red colobus) and a frugivorous omnivore (redtails), to one dominated by three species of frugivorous omnivores (redtails, mangabeys, and chimpanzees). This study demonstrates the importance of long-term monitoring in understanding population dynamics and the role of intrinsic variables in shaping the species composition of a community.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of chimpanzees as seed dispersers may be influenced by the secondary removal and/or dispersal of seeds by other taxa. This study documents species involvement and their influences on seed treatments (fresh seed, dry seed and seeds rubbed in fresh chimpanzee faeces). Field experiments conducted on ten large‐seed species consumed by chimpanzees in a Nigerian montane forest showed that secondary seed removal after 24 h varied between species. After 96‐h, seed removal still varied between species, but no previous significant differences were observed among treatments, which suggested treatment becomes insignificant with time. Dispersal by chimpanzees may be more important for some large‐seeded species than others. The taxa removing seeds varied across seed species but were mainly restricted to rodents.  相似文献   

Optimal collection and preservation protocols for fecal DNA genotyping are not firmly established. We evaluated 3 factors that influence microsatellite genotyping success of fecal DNA extracted from coyote (Canis latrans) scats: 1) age of scat, 2) preservative, and 3) diet content. We quantified genotyping success by comparing rates of allelic dropout, false alleles, and failed amplifications among consensus genotypes. We used a panel of 6 microsatellite loci to genotype 20 scat samples, each of which was subjected to 3 age (1 day, 5 days, and 10 days post-deposition) and 3 preservation (DET buffer, 95% ethanol [EtOH], and lysis buffer) treatments. Both sample age and storage buffer had a significant effect on success and reliability. Ethanol and DET buffer preserved fecal samples with similar efficiency, and both were superior to lysis buffer. Our analysis of DNA degradation rates revealed that samples collected as early as 5 days of age yielded DNA that was highly degraded relative to samples collected on day 1. We tested the influence of dietary remains on microsatellite genotyping by using scat samples consisting predominantly of insect prey (n = 5), mammalian prey (n = 9), or the remains of juniper (Juniperus spp.) berries (n = 6) and compared EtOH and DET buffer preservation efficacy. We observed a significant interaction effect between storage buffer and diet for the probability of a false allele in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), suggesting that the optimal preservation technique depended on the food remains comprising the scat. Scats comprised of juniper berry remains were more reliably genotyped when preserved in DET than EtOH. Mammalian prey-based scats were more reliable when stored in EtOH than DET buffer. Insect-predominant scats were preserved in EtOH and DET buffer with similar efficiency. Although accurate and reliable results can be obtained from scats collected at ≥5 days of age, we suggest sampling design to include collection of scats <5 days of age to minimize field and laboratory expenses. We suggest EtOH preservation for scats of obligate carnivores and of facultative carnivores with a diet consisting primarily of mammals. We suggest DET buffer preservation for animals with a diet consisting of plant-derived foods. Lysis buffer protocols that we employed should not be used for fecal DNA preservation. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Previously, sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from non-invasively collected faecal material (scat) has been used to help manage hybridization in the wild red wolf (Canis rufus) population. This method is limited by the maternal inheritance of mtDNA and the inability to obtain individual identification. Here, we optimize the use of nuclear DNA microsatellite markers on red wolf scat DNA to distinguish between individuals and detect hybrids. We develop a data filtering method in which scat genotypes are compared to known blood genotypes to reduce the number of PCR amplifications needed. We apply our data filtering method and the more conservative maximum likelihood ratio method (MLR) of Miller et al. (2002 Genetics 160:357–366) to a scat dataset previously screened for hybrids by sequencing of mtDNA. Using seven microsatellite loci, we obtained genotypes for 105 scats, which were matched to 17 individuals. The PCR amplification success rate was 50% and genotyping error rates ranged from 6.6% to 52.1% per locus. Our data filtering method produced comparable results to the MLR method, and decreased the time and cost of analysis by 25%. Analysis of this dataset using our data filtering method verified that no hybrid individuals were present in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina in 2000. Our results demonstrate that nuclear DNA microsatellite analysis of red wolf scats provides an efficient and accurate approach to screen for new individuals and hybrids.  相似文献   

Many animals use chemical signals for communication between conspecifics and for territory marking. The pygmy bluetongue lizard is normally solitary, focussing activity around the entrance of its burrow, from where it ambushes prey, and rarely contacts other individuals. In this paper we examined whether lizards in laboratory experiments alter their behaviour in the presence of scats from conspecifics. In the first experiment, when lizards were offered a choice of two vacant burrows with or without a scat close to the entrance, they tongue flicked more often at the burrow entrance when the scat was present, and more often chose to occupy the burrow with the scat. An interpretation is that lizards use scat signals to recognise burrows that may be suitable because they have previously been occupied by a conspecific, but that they approach those burrows cautiously in case a resident is still present and likely to resist a takeover. Scats from male lizards were inspected (by both sexes) for longer than scats of female lizards. In the second experiment, when resident lizards were presented with scats outside of their burrows, they inspected and tongue flicked at those scats more often if the scat came from a male than a female lizard, but there was no definitive evidence from our experiments that lizards differentiated in their response to scats from lizards that were found close to or far from the test lizard. The results were consistent with a communication system in which lizards use scats to advertise their presence, independent of any direct contact.  相似文献   

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