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Zusammenfassung Die Aphiden rufen durch den Einstich bei ihren Wirtspflanzen Reaktionen mannigfaltiger Art hervor. So sind uns Auswirkungen auf den Wasserhaushalt und den Stoffwechsel pflanzlicher Gewebe bekannt, die auf die Einwirkung pflanzensaugender Insekten zurückzuführen sind. Diese Reaktionen werden durch das Zusammenwirken der mechanischen und chemischen Komponente des Stiches ausgelöst.
Summary The result of puncturing plant-cells by aphids was demonstrated as follows: The aphids, Myzus ascalonicus Donc., were allowed to pierce detached bulb scales of Allium cepa, in green light, and were then anaesthetized with CO2. The stylets were then severed using iridectomy scissors (Fig. 1). The epidermis was dissected off, mounted on a slide and observed under a phase-contrast microscope. The point of injection remained marked by the stylets which stuck in the epidermis. Intercellular and extracellular puncturing could be distinguished.It was possible to demonstrate a shortening of the time deplasmolysis in the cells lying close to the injection, and also an increase of streaming in the cell plasma. In cells which had been pierced directly, a saliva-sheath was formed (Fig. 2 and 3). The extent of the effect of the saliva was studied using radioactive aphids. After these radioactive aphids had pierced the epidermis the part containing the stylets was mounted on a slide. This preparation was kept in the dark for 14 days, with a special film (Kodak, Scientific Plates, Auto radiographic) covering it. The film was developed and fixed, and a preparation was thus obtained with the developed film covering the epidermis. Darkened spots on the film showed the parts of the cells which had been made radioactive by the saliva.Very fine needles made by galvanic etching were also stuck into the cells, to demonstrate the mechanical effects of aphid punctures. This mechanical stimulus by needles only a few in diameter caused streaming in the cell plasma and a shortening of deplasmolysis time. It is clear that the importance of these mechanical effects must not be underestimated. The increased plasma-streaming was apparently caused by amino-acids in aphid's saliva, and also by the amino-acids produced from proteins when the cells were injured. Kloft (1956) found 4 amino-acids in the saliva of M. ascalonicus. The effect of these amino-acids on deplasmolysis-time is being examined, but as yet no effect has been detected.Finally, when fine glass-capillaries are used to imitate piercing by plantsucking insects and when the glass-capillaries contain amino-acids, deplasmolysis-time is reduced.

The effect of different salts and inhibitors on the root pressure of Zea mays.— The influence of various salt solutions and inhibitors on the exudation rate has been investigated with young excised primary roots of Zea mays. The following results were obtained. — The effect of chlorides on the exudation rate was higher than the effect of sulphates K+ and Na+ effected higher flux rates than Ca2+ and Mg2+ The highest exudation rate was obtained with KCl. — In comparison to an isotonic Lutrol-solution (a liquid condensed polyethylenoxid) a 0.5525 molar KCl-solution, applicated on the root stump, increased the exudation rate considerably. — Metabolic inhibitors and anaerobic conditions decreased the exudation rate. — Experiments, concerning the influence of metabolic inhibitors on the exudation and on the Rb-uptake showed a highly significant positive correlation (r =+0.72***) between the exudation rates and the Rb-concentrations in the exudates. The Rb-accumulation in the root tissue was not correlated to the exudation rate. — The experimental data agree with the concept of a transversal water transport in the root tissue, effected by osmotic forces. The root pressure is based on the osmotic gradient between the xylem sap and the outer solution. This gradient is built up by the metabolic secretion of ions into the xylem sap. It is supposed that the transversal water transport in the roots mainly goes through the free space of the cortex.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungErklärung der Tafelabbildungen C Chitin der Körperdecke - E Epithel der Körperoberfläche. F c Fasciculus chiasmaticus - F i Fasciculus opticus inferior - F p Fasciculus opticus posterior - F II Fasciculus tuberculi ganglii optici II - G Globuluszellen - H Haltefasern, die das Komplexauge mit der Hinterwand der Kopfkapsel verbinden - K Knollen des Centralkörpers - Kl Kleine Zellen - L Lateralseite - L 1 Lobus lateralis - L o Lobus olfactorius - M Mandibel - 0 Opticus des Medianocellus - P Pharynx - Pr Protocerebrallobus - R c Ramus corporis centralis - R d Ramus communis descendens - R l Ramus anterior lateralis - R m Ramus anterior medialis - R s Ramus superior - R t Ramus communis transversalis - T Trachee - T o Tuberculum opticum - Z Zentralkörper - I Ganglion opticum I - II Ganglion opticum II - III Ganglion opticum III  相似文献   

Summary Baldermann (1967) and Brucklacher (1968) investigated the effect of acridines on spermato- and oogenesis in mice. In both experimental series acridines were found mild mutagenes.This paper reports the induction of chromosomal aberrations in HeLa cells and cultured peripheral lymphocytes by the acridine trypaflavine (24 h of treatment). In addition the influence of visible light (1 h) was tested in these systems.In both cell types 10-6 mol/l trypaflavine induces mainly chromatid gaps and breaks and reduces the mitotic rate. Light increases breakage of chromosomes in concentrations from 10-7 to 10-9 mol/l trypaflavine. Under these conditions there was also an increase of reunion figures in lymphocytes.Treatment with trypaflavine plus light lead to endomitosis and endoreduplication when chromosome preparations were made 24 h after the mutagen was removed from HeLa cells. In lymphocytes tetraploids appeared in experiments with 1 h of light 20 h before harvesting.It is supposed from the data that trypaflavine acts as a mutagenic agent to human cells, if the single cell is directly in contact with a concentration of 10-6 mol/l.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Untersuchungen wurden mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Franz Bukatsch 《Planta》1938,28(2):264-274
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Beim Vergleich der Wirkung von Thymohydrochinon und Thymochinon mit der von 2,4-DNP auf den aeroben und anaeroben Stoffwechsel der Hefe wurde eine Ähnlichkeit in der Wirkung dieser Substanz gefunden. Beim Vergleich gleicher Konzentrationen ist die Stoffwechselaktivität von 2,4-DNP größer als die von Thymohydrochinon und Thymochinon. Bei Konzentrationen, die die Atmung anregen, wird von Thymohydrochinon und Thymochinon im Gegensatz zu 2,4-DNP die Synthese der Polysaccharide nicht gehemmt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche Periodizitätsphänomene in Entwicklung oder Verhalten sind nicht allein auf den Tag-Nacht-Zyklus abgestimmt, sondern gleichzeitig auf den Gezeitenzyklus oder auf den Spring-Nipptiden-Zyklus oder auf den Jahreszeitenzyklus. Die bisher vorliegenden Befunde über die bei diesen Zeitmeßvorgängen genutzte Kombination von endogenen Rhythmen verschiedener Periodendauer werden diskutiert. Hierbei werden die Kombinationen zwischen circadianen und circatidalen, zwischen circadianen und circasyzygischen (=endogenen semilunaren) und zwischen circadianen und circannualen Rhythmen besprochen. Hinsichtlich des Kombinationsmodus werden 5 Typen unterschieden, bei denen jeweils zwei endogene Rhythmen entweder simultan (nach Art einer Superposition) oder sukzessiv auf physiologische Vorgänge einwirken und die geforderte zeitliche Programmierung ermöglichen.
Summary Data of biological chronometry, which depend on the combination of endogeneous rhythms of different period, are discussed in the following order: combination between circadian and circatidal rhythms, combination between circadian and endogenous semilunar (=circasyzygic) rhythms, and combination between circadian and circannual rhythms. With regard to principles of combination 5 types are distinguished.

Die Untersuchungen an der Mücke Clunio marinus wurden von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft unterstützt.  相似文献   

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