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We analyzed floral volatiles from eight tobacco species (Nicotiana; Solanaceae) including newly discovered Brazilian taxa (Nicotiana mutabilis and "Rastroensis") in section Alatae. Eighty-four compounds were found, including mono- and sesquiterpenoids, nitrogenous compounds, benzenoid and aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and esters. Floral scent from recent accessions of Nicotiana alata, Nicotiana bonariensis and Nicotiana langsdorffii differed from previously published data, suggesting intraspecific variation in scent composition at the level of biosynthetic class. Newly discovered taxa in Alatae, like their relatives, emit large amounts of 1,8-cineole and smaller amounts of monoterpenes on a nocturnal rhythm, constituting a chemical synapomorphy for this lineage. Fragrance data from three species of Nicotiana sect. Suaveolentes, the sister group of Alatae, (two Australian species: N. cavicola, N. ingulba; one African species: N. africana), were compared to previously reported data from their close relative, N. suaveolens. Like N. suaveolens, N. cavicola and N. ingulba emit fragrances dominated by benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, whereas the flowers of N. africana lacked a distinct floral scent and instead emitted only small amounts of an aliphatic methyl ester from foliage. Interestingly, this ester also is emitted from foliage of N. longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia (both in section Alatae s.l.), which share a common ancestor with N. africana. This result, combined with the synapomorphic pattern of 1,8 cineole emission in Alatae s.s., suggests that phylogenetic signal explains a major component of fragrance composition among tobacco species in sections Alatae and Suaveolentes. At the intraspecific level, interpopulational scent variation is widespread in sect. Alatae, and may reflect edaphic specialization, introgression, local pollinator shifts, genetic drift or artificial selection in cultivation. Further studies with genetically and geographically well-defined populations are needed to distinguish between these possibilities.  相似文献   

The monoterpene lilac aldehyde is found in floral scent of several plants species, among them Silene latifolia. This plant is involved in a nursery pollination system, because a noctuid moth, Hadena bicruris, is not only pollinator but also seed predator. Lilac aldehyde is the key floral scent compound of S. latifolia for attracting Hadena. This monoterpene has three stereogenic centers, and eight different isomers are possible. Here, we analysed the ratio of lilac aldehyde isomers from plants originating from 18 different populations of S. latifolia using enantioselective multidimensional GC-MS (enantio-MDGC-MS), and compared resulting variability with variability found in total scent emitted by specimen under study. Though variability in total emitted scent was high, ratio of lilac aldehyde isomers was a more conservative trait. There was no correlation between the ratio of lilac aldehyde isomers and the total emitted floral scent pattern. Both, ratio of stereoisomers and total emitted scent were independent from the geographic origin of the plants. In conclusion, the ratio of lilac aldehyde stereoisomers in S. latifolia is a reliable trait, and may used by the nursery pollinator H. bicruris for host-plant detection.  相似文献   

Duguetia cadaverica (Annonaceae), a small understory tree of humid primary forest from the Guianas to Pará state, Brazil, unites several unusual blossom and floral characters such as flagelliflory and putrid-smelling flowers, respectively. The few pollination studies conducted in the large genus Duguetia have shown that species are usually cantharophilous, pollinated by either small (mostly Nitidulidae) or large specialized dynastid (Scarabaeidae) beetles. Foul-smelling flowers are a novelty within the genus, and to better understand their significance, we undertook a study of the reproductive biology and flower scent chemistry of D. cadaverica. In a primary forest of French Guiana, we observed and measured morphology and phenology of trees and flowers; additionally, flower pollination chamber temperature was measured and insect visitors to flowers observed. Flower scent was collected in situ and later analyzed in the laboratory by GC–MS. Flowers are visited by small beetles of a single Pycnocnemus species (Nitidulidae), which are the only insects observed to enter the pollination chamber. Moreover, flowers evince a rhythm in sexual stage, scent emission and temperature, which finds correspondence in behavioral characters of the putative nitidulid pollinator, such as timing of entry and exit from the pollination chamber. Floral scent analysis revealed an unusual, previously undescribed combination of chemical odor classes. The earthy, rank flower scent contained 18 compounds, among them fatty acid derivatives, terpenoids and N- and S-bearing compounds. The most abundant volatiles were 1-octen-3-ol, 3-octanone, and (E)-2-octenol, which are characteristic earthy odors of fungi; additionally, there were sulfides and 4-methylpentanoic acid, which are molecules associated with carcass and cheese odors, respectively.  相似文献   

Nicotine or nornicotine enriched with stable isotopes in either the N'-methyl group or the pyrrolidine-N were fed to Nicotiana plumbaginifolia suspension cell cultures that do not form endogenous nicotine. The metabolism of these compounds was investigated by analysing the incorporation of isotope into other alkaloids using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Nicotine metabolism primarily resulted in the accumulation of nornicotine, the N'-demethylation product. In addition, six minor metabolites appeared during the course of nicotine metabolism, four of which were identified as cotinine, myosmine, N'-formylnornicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine. While cotinine was formed from [(13)C,(2)H(3)-methyl]nicotine without dilution of label, N'-formylnornicotine was labelled at only about 6% of the level of nicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine was unlabelled. Feeding with [1'-(15)N]nornicotine resulted in incorporation without dilution of label into both N'-formylnornicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine. This pattern strongly indicates that, while nornicotine and cotinine are derived directly from nicotine, N'-formylnornicotine and N'-carboethoxynornicotine are metabolites of nornicotine. Thus, it is directly demonstrated that N'-formylnornicotine is not an intermediate in nicotine demethylation.  相似文献   

Two plant species belonging to the genus Brunfelsia, commonly known as “Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow”, are closely related, however, differ by their flower fragrance. Flowers of Brunfelsia australis present a pleasant fragrance, whereas flowers of Brunfelsia pauciflora are scentless. SPME/GC/MS analysis on flower samples of both species of Brunfelsia indicated that flowers of B. australis emitted a fresh flowery fragrance, essentially comprising two monoterpenic compounds (linalool and (E)-ocimene). B. pauciflora, on the other hand, produced only a few sesquiterpenoids. These results are considered in an ecological and evolutionary context.  相似文献   

Time-lapse digital images can be acquired and archived using web-cameras, allowing non-invasive analysis of behavior patterns of bivalve molluscs at ultradian (sub-daily) time-scales over long intervals. These records can be analyzed directly by a human operator or through properly calibrated image analysis software. Preliminary results using species of marine and freshwater bivalves identify several ultradian biological rhythms of similar duration. Wavelet analysis indicates strong periodicity in mantle and siphon activity in the 3 to 7 min range, with longer duration shell contraction periods at 60-90 min. The recurrence of these rhythms among marine and freshwater bivalve species maintained under constant (but differing) conditions suggests the influence of common intrinsic drivers (chemico-physical mechanisms or biological clocks). Sub-daily growth increments preserved in the shells of rapidly growing bivalve species are potentially related to these biological rhythms, with implications for shell growth, biomineralization, and the temporal resolution of paleoclimate proxy data.  相似文献   

Ceropegia species (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) have pitfall flowers and are pollinated by small flies through deception. It has been suggested that these flies are attracted by floral scent. However, the scent that is emitted from Ceropegia flowers has not been studied using headspace and gas chromatography mass spectrometry methods. It has also been unclear whether or not the flowers are mimics of particular models that attract flies. In the present study, we determined the composition as well as the spatial and temporal patterns of floral scent emitted by C. dolichophylla. Furthermore, we determined the pollinators in the native (China) and non-native (Germany) range of this species, and tested the capability of the floral scent to attract flies in the non-native range. Our data demonstrate that the floral scent, which is emitted from morning until evening, primarily from the tips of the corolla lobes, consists mainly of spiroacetals and aliphatic compounds. Milichiid flies were common visitors/pollinators in the native as well as non-native range, and were attracted by floral scent in bioassays performed in the non-native range. The compounds emitted by C. dolichophylla are unusual for flowers, but are well known from insect pheromones and occur in the glandular secretions of insects. The milichiid flies that visit and pollinate the flowers are kleptoparasites that feed on the prey (haemolymph or other secretions) of predatory arthropods, e.g. spiders, to which they are attracted by scent. Our data thus suggest that the floral scent of C. dolichophylla mimics the feeding sites of kleptoparasitic flies.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology and pollination of Stanhopea lietzei and Stanhopea insignis were studied in a semi-deciduous mesophytic forest in the Serra do Japi (SJ), and in the coastal plain of Picinguaba, both in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Floral morphology, pollination, breeding system and fruit set of both species were investigated. S. lietzei and S. insignis are pollinator-specific, being pollinated by male bees of Eufriesea (Apidae, Euglossini), which collect the fragrance produced by pluricellular osmophores at the base of the saccate hypochile. S. lietzei and S. insignis were pollinated by Eufriesea pulchra and Eufriesea purpurata, respectively. Observations using substances present in the floral fragrance of both studied species as chemical baits were also performed. E. purpurata was attracted by benzyl alcohol, the major compound of the perfume of S. insignis, while E. pulchra was attracted by none of the compounds used. Both studied Stanhopea are self-compatible but pollinator dependent. Self-pollination, however, tends to be avoided by floral mechanisms. In experimental self- and cross-pollinations the proportion of fruit abortion was high and related to resource limitation. The reproductive success of S. lietzei and S. insignis was low as a consequence of deficient pollen transference while pollinator scarcity was the main factor.  相似文献   

Zoophilous flowers often transmit olfactory signals to attract pollinators. In plants with unisexual flowers, such signals are usually similar between the sexes because attraction of the same animal to both male and female flowers is essential for conspecific pollen transfer. Here, we present a remarkable example of sexual dimorphism in floral signal observed in reproductively highly specialized clades of the tribe Phyllantheae (Phyllanthaceae). These plants are pollinated by species-specific, seed-parasitic Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae) that actively collect pollen from male flowers and pollinate the female flowers in which they oviposit; by doing so, they ensure seeds for their offspring. We found that Epicephala-pollinated Phyllanthaceae plants consistently exhibit major qualitative differences in scent between male and female flowers, often involving compounds derived from different biosynthetic pathways. In a choice test, mated female Epicephala moths preferred the scent of male flowers over that of female flowers, suggesting that male floral scent elicits pollen-collecting behaviour. Epicephala pollination evolved multiple times in Phyllantheae, at least thrice accompanied by transition from sexual monomorphism to dimorphism in floral scent. This is the first example in which sexually dimorphic floral scent has evolved to signal an alternative reward provided by each sex, provoking the pollinator''s legitimate altruistic behaviour.  相似文献   

Flowering Mahonia japonica plants were subjected to controlled environments and the floral volatiles emitted from whole racemes (laterals) were trapped by Porapak Q adsorbent and analysed by GC-FID. An experiment with photoperiods of 6 and 9 h at constant temperature (10+/-1 degrees C) demonstrated that photoperiod was the stimulus for enhanced emission of most volatiles. Small quantitative differences in emitted fragrance composition were observed between light and dark periods and between plants acclimatised to different photoperiods. Maximum rates of emission occurred in the middle of the light period; aromatic compounds (benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and indole) displayed a more rapid increase and subsequent decline compared with monoterpenes (cis- and trans-ocimene and linalool). When the photoperiod was extended from 6 to 9 h, maximum rates of emission continued throughout the additional 3 h. Total emission (microg/h) of volatiles was 2-fold greater in the day-time (DT) (39.7 microg/h) compared with the night-time (NT) (19.8 microgg/h) under a 6 h photoperiod and was not significantly different from total emission under a 9 h photoperiod.  相似文献   

The four red-flowered, apparently bird-pollinated Lotus species from the Canary Islands have previously been classified in their own genus, Rhyncholotus. Currently, they are considered as a separate section within genus Lotus, distinct from other herbaceous Canarian congeners which are yellow-flowered and bee-pollinated. A combined analysis of four nuclear regions (including ITS and three homologues of CYCLOIDEA) and three plastid regions (CYB6, matK and trnH-psbA) nests the four bird-pollinated species within a single extant species of bee-pollinated Lotus (L. sessilifolius), in a very extreme example of species paraphyly. Therefore, our data compellingly support the hypothesis that the Macaronesian Lotus species with a bird pollination syndrome are recently derived from entomophilous ancestors. Calibration of the phylogenetic trees using geological age estimates of the most recent islands (La Palma and El Hierro) together with oldest ages of Fuerteventura indicates that bird pollination evolved ca. 1.7 Ma in the Canarian Lotus. These four bird-pollinated species share a most recent common ancestor (MRCA) with L. sessilifolius that dates to about 2.2 Ma. Our analyses further suggest that the evolution of the bird pollination syndrome was likely triggered by the availability of new niches in La Palma and Tenerife as a result of recent volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Floral scents are important signals for communication between plants and pollinators. Several studies have focused on interspecific variation of these signals, but little is known about intraspecific variation in flower scent, particularly for species with wide geographic distributions. In the highly specific mutualism between Ficus species and their pollinating wasps, chemical mediation is crucial for partner encounter. Several studies show that scents, i.e. blends of volatiles, are species-specific, but no studies address interpopulation variation of scents in fig pollination mutualisms, which often have broad geographic distributions. In this study, using absorption/desorption headspace techniques, we analyzed variation in floral scent composition among three populations of each of two widely distributed Asian Ficus species. We identified more than 100 different volatile organic compounds, predominantly terpenes. In both species, significant differences were found between scent bouquets of East Asian and Indian populations. These differences are discussed in relation to geographical barriers that could disrupt gene exchange between these two areas, thereby isolating Indian populations from those of Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

Mammalian species can be defined as diurnal or nocturnal, depending on the temporal niche during which they are active. Even if general activity occurs during nighttime in nocturnal rodents, there is a patchwork of general activity patterns in diurnal rodents, including frequent bimodality (so-called crepuscular pattern, i.e., dawn and dusk peaks of activity) and a switch to a nocturnal pattern under certain circumstances. This raises the question of whether crepuscular species have a bimodal or diurnal - as opposed to nocturnal - physiology. To this end, we investigated several daily behavioral, hormonal and neurochemical rhythms in the diurnal Sudanian grass rat (Arvicanthis ansorgei) and the nocturnal Long-Evans rat (Rattus norvegicus). Daily rhythms of general activity, wheel-running activity and body temperature, with or without blocked wheel, were diurnal and bimodal for A. ansorgei, and nocturnal and unimodal for Long-Evans rats. Moreover, A. ansorgei and Long-Evans rats exposed to light-dark cycles were respectively more and less active, compared to conditions of constant darkness. In contrast to other diurnal rodents, wheel availability in A. ansorgei did not switch their general activity pattern. Daily, unimodal rhythm of plasma leptin was in phase-opposition between the two rodent species. In the hippocampus, a daily, unimodal rhythm of serotonin in A. ansorgei occurred 7 h earlier than that in Long-Evans rats, whereas a daily, unimodal rhythm of dopamine was unexpectedly concomitant in both species. Multiparameter analysis demonstrates that in spite of bimodal rhythms linked with locomotor activity, A. ansorgei have a diurnally oriented physiology.  相似文献   

UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase catalyses the reaction responsible for the formation of UDP-xylose and commits assimilate for the biosynthesis of cell wall polysaccharides and glycosylation of proteins. Xylose-rich polymers such as xylans are a feature of dicot secondary walls. Thus a cell culture system of tobacco transformed with the ipt gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens for cytokinin production and which when manipulated with auxin and sucrose leads to induction of xylogenesis, has been used as a source for purification of the enzyme. UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase was purified by ion-exchange, gel filtration and affinity chromatography on Reactive Brown-Agarose. The native enzyme had an apparent M(r) of 220,000 which yielded a single subunit of 87,000 when analysed on SDS-PAGE using silver staining. This appears to be a novel form of the enzyme since a gene family encoding polypeptides around M(r) 40,000 with homology to the fungal enzyme also exists in plants. Using an antibody raised to the native 87 kDa form of the enzyme, this decarboxylase was localised mainly to to cambium and differentiating vascular tissue in tobacco stem, consistent with a role in the provision of UDP-xylose for the synthesis of secondary wall xylan. Further analysis using immunogold electron microscopy localised the 87 kDa UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase to the cytosol of developing vascular tissue.  相似文献   

Rohloff J 《Phytochemistry》2002,59(6):655-661
Terpenes and aroma volatiles from rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea L. from Norway have been isolated by both steam distillation and headspace solid-phase micro-extraction coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis. The dried rhizomes contained 0.05% essential oil with the main chemical classes: monoterpene hydrocarbons (25.40%), monoterpene alcohols (23.61%) and straight chain aliphatic alcohols (37.54%). n-Decanol (30.38%), geraniol (12.49%) and 1,4-p-menthadien-7-ol (5.10%) were the most abundant volatiles detected in the essential oil, and a total of 86 compounds were identified in both the SD and HS-SPME samples. Geraniol was identified as the most important rose-like odour compound besides geranyl formate, geranyl acetate, benzyl alcohol and phenylethyl alcohol. Floral notes such as linalool and its oxides, nonanal, decanal, nerol and cinnamyl alcohol highlight the flowery scent of rose root rhizomes.  相似文献   

Pseudophomins A and B are cyclic lipodepsipeptides isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BRG100, a bacterium with potential application for biocontrol of plant pathogens and weeds. Their chemical structures were established by a combination of spectroscopic data, X-ray crystallography, and selective chemical degradation. This unique chemical degradation allowed the unambiguous determination of the absolute configuration of the amino acid residue Leu-1, due to gamma-lactam formation followed by selective cleavage of the adjacent N(8)-C(7) bond. To the best of our knowledge this is the first application of gamma-lactam formation to the determination of absolute configuration of an adjacent amino acid. Pseudophomin B showed higher antifungal activity against the phytopathogens Phoma lingam/Leptosphaeria maculans and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum than pseudophomin A, and is likely to be the main component responsible for the antifungal activity of EtOAc extracts of strain BRG100. By contrast, pseudophomin A showed stronger inhibition of green foxtail (Setaria viridis) root germination than pseudophomin B.  相似文献   

The residual starches of germinating wheat and barley grains show similar structural changes. Germinating wheat grains produce malto-oligosaccharides and dextrins. The starch of wrinkled-seeded peas showed some structural changes during germination, but the starch from senescing tobacco leaves showed none. Neither peas nor tobacco produced malto-oligosaccharides or dextrins at any stage. Wrinkled-seeded peas showed some differences to smooth-seeded peas in enzyme content, and starch was probably degraded by phosphorylase initially with α-amylase acting after 3 days. In senescing tobacco leaves the only significant enzyme activities were α-amylase and maltase. Wheat closely resembled barley in showing amylolytic breakdown.  相似文献   

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