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Summary We describe in a Japanese family -thalassemia resulting from a compound heterozygosity for a -globin gene mutation. One mutation is a C-to-T transition at IVS-2 nucleotide position 654 on the background of Mediterranean haplotype IX. Another mutation is a G-to-A transition at IVS-2 nucleotide position 1, associated with a novel haplotype XL The occurrence of these mutations on various chromosomal backgrounds provides strong evidence for an interplay of gene migration, interallelic gene conversion, and multiple origins of the same mutation.  相似文献   

Based on findings demonstrating the simian ancestry of HIV, AIDS has been reported to be a zoonosis. However, this theory has never been proved and must seriously be questioned. Several arguments show that HIV-AIDS is not a zoonosis. (i) If AIDS were a zoonosis, there must be evidence of AIDS being directly acquired from an animal species, as is rabies, a disease that is directly acquired from animals. (ii) Despite long-term and frequent human exposure to SIV-infected monkeys in Africa, only 11 cross-species transmission events are known, and only four of these have resulted in significant human-to-human transmission, generating HIV-1 groups M and O and HIV-2 groups A and B. The closest relatives of SIVcpz (HIV-1 group N) and of SIVsm (HIV-2 groups C-H) are extremely rare, with only six HIV-1 group N-infected patients and only single individuals known to be infected by HIV-2 groups C-H. SIV, while capable of cross-species transmission, is thus poorly adapted for disease and epidemic spread. If AIDS were a zoonosis that is capable of significant human-to-human spread, there would be a plethora of founder subtypes and groups. (iii) Human exposure to SIV is thousands of years old, but AIDS emerged only in the 20th century. If AIDS were a zoonosis that spread into the human population, it would have spread to the West during slave trade. (iv) Experimental transmission of SIVs to different species of monkeys is often well controlled by the new host, showing that the virus and not the disease is transmitted. Therefore, we conclude that cross-species transmission of SIV does not in itself constitute the basis for a zoonosis. Transmission per se is not the major requirement for the generation of the AIDS epidemic. All HIVs do derive from simian species, but AIDS does not qualify as a zoonosis and this explanation cannot in itself account for the origin of AIDS epidemic. It is important to distinguish AIDS from true zoonoses (e.g. rabies) because research is needed to understand the processes by which animal viruses cause sustained human-to-human transmission, epidemics and even pandemics. Much is known about emerging viruses, but almost nothing is known about emerging viral diseases.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFAs) acutely stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells, whereas impair β-cell function following long term exposure. GPR40, a FFAs receptor, has been demonstrated to be activated by both medium and long chain FFAs and played an important role in insulin release. This study was performed to determine the contribution of GPR40 to short- and/or long-term effects of FFAs on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and the expression of PDX-1 and GLUT2 in pancreatic β-cells, as well as the intervenient effects of pioglitazone on lipotoxicity of β-cells. βTC6 cell line stably expressing GPR40shRNA were established and the intervention of FFAs and pioglitazone on GSIS and expression of PDX-1 and GLUT2 in βTC6 cells was investigated. Results showed that 1-h exposure to FFAs significantly enhanced GSIS and increased expression of PDX-1 and GLUT2 in pSilencer-control transfected cells, but not in cells transfected with GPR40shRNA. While 48-h exposure to FFAs significantly impaired GSIS in pSilencer-control transfected cells as well as cells transfected with GPR40shRNA. Furthermore, pioglitazone enhanced insulin secretion in pSilencer-control transfected cells exposed to FFAs for 48 h, but not in cells transfected with GPR40shRNA. These results indicate that GPR40 mediates the short-term effects of FFAs on GSIS, but does not mediate the chronic lipotoxicity on β-cells. The reverse role of pioglitazone on lipotoxicity of β-cells may be related to GPR40.  相似文献   

-globin gene haplotypes were determined for 196 normal (-A) and 419 thalassaemia (-Th) chromosomes of individuals from four different regions of the Indian subcontinent; North-west Pakistan, Gujarat, Punjab and Sindh. Analysis of -A and -Th haplotypes and haplotype-mutation associations in each regional group along with a consideration of Indian history provided information about the origin and spread of -thalassaemia mutations on the Indian subcontinent. The data are consistent with relatively recent and local origins for most -thalassaemia mutations. The frequencies of particular alleles differ markedly in various regions and these may be useful population markers. Of the high frequency alleles, intervening sequence 1 (IVS-1) nucleotide 5 (G-C) and codons 41/42 (-CTTT) appear to be older as suggested by multiple haplotype associations and a widespread geographical distribution. The microepidemiology of -thalassaemia in this region reflects considerable ethnic diversity, gene flow from population migration and natural selection by malaria infection.  相似文献   

The thymoproteasome is a recently discovered, specialized form of 20S proteasomes expressed exclusively in the thymic cortex. Although the precise molecular mechanism by which the thymoproteasome exerts its function remains to be elucidated, accumulating evidence indicates that it plays a crucial role in positive selection of T cells. In the present study, we analyzed the evolution of the β5t subunit, a β-type catalytic subunit uniquely present in thymoproteasomes. The gene coding for the β5t subunit, designated PSMB11, was identified in the cartilaginous fish, the most divergent group of jawed vertebrates compared to the other jawed vertebrates, but not in jawless vertebrates or invertebrates. Interestingly, teleost fish have two copies of apparently functional PSMB11 genes, designated PSMB11a and PSMB11b, that encode β5t subunits with distinct amino acids in the S1 pocket. BLAST searches of genome databases suggest that birds such as chickens, turkey, and zebra finch lost the PSMB11 gene, and have neither thymoproteasomes nor immunoproteasomes. In mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and teleost fishes, the PSMB11 gene (the PSMB11a gene in teleost fish) is located next to the PSMB5 gene coding for the β5 subunit of the standard 20S proteasome, indicating that the PSMB11 gene arose by tandem duplication from the evolutionarily more ancient PSMB5 gene. The general absence of introns in PSMB11 and an unusual exon–intron structure of jawed vertebrate PSMB5 suggest that PSMB5 lost introns and duplicated in tandem in a common ancestor of jawed vertebrates, with PSMB5 subsequently gaining two introns and PSMB11 remaining intronless.  相似文献   

The globin gene clusters of Xenopus laevis are interspersed by various different repetitive DNA elements. A specific repeat, the JH12 element, has been mapped by Southern analysis and some of its locations have been subsequently confirmed by nucleotide sequencing. JH12 family members seem to represent mobile genetic elements and display a high degree of divergence. The nucleotide sequences upstream to the adult I-globin gene and to the two coordinately expressed larval I- and II genes have been determined and compared to those of the adult -genes. Besides some repetitive DNA elements and a short sequence of rather weak homology we have found no characteristic sequence motifs to be common to the adult - and -genes. The two larval -genes share one short sequence element being absent from the adult genes. This might reflect completely different sequence requirements for protein interactions and for the regulation of adult and larval globin gene expression.  相似文献   

A contribution of allelic variation of T-cell receptor (Tcr) genes to the immune response has not been studied. Here we report that the presence of insertion-deletion-related polymorphisms (IDRP) of the Tcr chain (Tcrb) can be utilized to distinguish the parental origin of the gene complex that undergoes rearrangement in individual T-cell clones. Phytohemagglutinin stimulated clones from an individual heterozygous for an IDRP located between the variable(V) and diversity (D)-joining (J) region genes were studied for the presence of V to DJ rearrangements in each of the two parental chromosomes. Results indicate that single rearrangements were present in the majority of clones. in contrast to the double rearrangements of D to J genes that were generally present. In this individual, V to DJ rearrangements also occured with different frequencies on each of the two germline genes. IDRP clonotyping of the Tcrb complex should prove generally applicable to the study of the influence of allelic variation of Tcrb genes in selection of the expressed T-cell repetoire.  相似文献   

Summary The protein sequences of 18 class A -lactamases and 2 class C -lactamases were analyzed to produce a rooted phylogenetic tree using the DD peptidase of Streptomyces R61 as an outgroup. This tree supports the penicillin-binding proteins as the most likely candidate for the ancestoral origin of the class A and class C -lactamases, these proteins diverging from a common evolutionary origin close to the DD peptidase. The actinomycetes are clearly shown as the origin of the class A -lactamases found in other non-actinomycete species. The tree also divides the -lactamases from the Streptomyces into two subgroups. One subgroup is closer to the DD peptidase root. The other Streptomyces subgroup shares a common branch point with the rest of the class A -lactamases, showing this subgroup as the origin of the non-actinomycete class A -lactamases. The non-actinomycete class A -lactamase phylogenetic tree suggests a spread of these -lactamases by horizontal transfer from the Streptomyces into the non-actinomycete gram-positive bacteria and thence into the gram-negative bacteria. The phylogenetic tree of the Streptomyces class A -lactamases supports the possibility that horizontal transfer of class A -lactamases occurred within the Streptomyces.  相似文献   

Three pairs of oligonucleotide primers based on partial DNA and amino acid sequences were used in a combination of PCR experiments to amplify the -globin gene of the bivalve mollusc Anadara trapezia. The sequence of 2,139 by presented contains the whole of the -globin gene with the exception of the 5 flanking sequence. This gene possesses the three-exon-and-two-intron gene structure typical of vertebrate globin genes but the lengths of the introns (762 by and 690 bp, respectively) are only approximately half the size of those present in a -variant gene previously characterized from this organism. The encoded amino acid sequence shows two changes when compared to the previously published amino acid sequence. Correspondence to: A.G. Mackinlay  相似文献   

The inherent interest on the origin of genetic novelties can be traced back to Darwin. But it was not until recently that we were allowed to investigate the fundamental process of origin of new genes by the studies on newly evolved young genes. Two indispensible steps are involved in this process:origin of new gene copies through various mutational mechanisms and evolution of novel functions, which further more leads to fixation of the new copies within populations. The theoretical framework for the former ...  相似文献   

The inherent interest on the origin of genetic novelties can be traced back to Darwin, But it was not until recently that we were allowed to investigate the fundamental process of origin of new genes by the studies on newly evolved young genes. Two indispensible steps are involved in this process: origin of new gene copies through various mutational mechanisms and evolution of novel functions, which fur-ther more leads to fixation of the new copies within populations. The theoretical framework for the former step formed in 1970s. Ohno proposed gene duplication as the most important mechanism producing new gene copies. He also believed that the most common fate for new gene copies is to become pseudogenes. This classical view was validated and was also challenged by the characterization of the first functional young gene jingwei in Drosophila. Recent genome-wide comparison on young genes of Drosophila has elucidated a compre-hensive picture addressing remarkable roles of various mechanisms besides gene duplication during origin of new genes. Case surveys revealed it is not rare that new genes would evolve novel structures and functions to contribute to the adaptive evolution of organisms.Here, we review recent advances in understanding how new genes originated and evolved on the basis of genome-wide results and ex-perimental efforts on cases, We would finally discuss the future directions of this fast-growing research field in the context of functional genomics era.  相似文献   

The arrangement of primate β-related globin genes has been determined by restriction endonuclease mapping of genomic DNA from species ranging from prosimians to man. The arrangement of the entire ?γγδβ-globin gene cluster in the gorilla and the yellow baboon is indistinguishable from that of man. Restriction site differences between these species are consistent with a surprisingly low overall rate of intergenic DNA sequence divergence of approximately 1% in 5 million years. A new world monkey (owl monkey) has a single γ-globin gene, suggesting that the Gγ-Aγ-globin gene duplication in man is ancient, and occurred about 20 to 40 million years ago. The β-globin gene cluster in the brown lemur, a prosimian, is remarkably short (about 20,000 base-pairs) and contains single ?-, γ- and β-globin genes. The γ- and β-globin genes in this animal are separated by a curious gene containing the 3′ end of a β-globin gene preceded by sequences related to the 5′ end of the ?-globin gene.  相似文献   

Defensins comprise an important family of anti-microbial peptides. Among vertebrates, numerous defensin genes have been detected, but their evolutionary background is still discussed. We investigated the molecular evolution and variability of β-defensins of Caprini via sequence analyses of defensin introns. Screening of several domestic and wild species of Caprini revealed a total of 13 discrete β-defensin coding sequences, with three of them described before this study. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the array of newly described defensin genes is of monophyletic origin and has arisen in numerous independent duplication events after separation of the ancestral defensins. As a result of that scenario, recent defensin genes are distributed in a species-specific manner. Values of synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions demonstrated that both modes of evolutionary pressure, positive as well as negative selection, have acted. In addition, conservation of some β-defensin exons is demonstrated. Discrimination of certain β-defensin genes was possible only due to intron-specific differences. Therefore, sequence analyses restricted to the exons would result in underestimation of the number of β-defensin genes. Our study shows that for reconstruction of the phylogenetic history data of defensin introns are more appropriated. Comparisons among the amino acid sequences show moderate substitutions without changing the net charge of the mature peptides. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

β-Dystrobrevin, a dystrophin-related protein that is expressed in non-muscle tissues, is highly homologous to α-dystrobrevin, a member of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DPC). β-Dystrobrevin associates with Dp71 and syntrophin and is believed to have a role in non-muscle DPCs. Here we report the characterization and mapping of the mouse β-dystrobrevin gene. The mouse β-dystrobrevin gene is organized into 21 exons spanning over 130 kb of DNA. We provide evidence that this gene is transcribed from at least two promoter regions but appears to utilize a common translation initiation site. We show that the similarity between β-dystrobrevin and α-dystrobrevin is reflected in the conservation of their exon-intron junctions. β-Dystrobrevin has been localized to proximal mouse Chromosome (Chr) 12 by backcross mapping. A database search revealed that two mouse genetic diseases involving tissues expressing β-dystrobrevin have been mapped to this region, namely, congenital polycystic kidneys (cpk) and fatty liver dystrophy (fld). However, refined mapping analysis has excluded β-dystrobrevin as a candidate gene for either disease. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 16 July 1998  相似文献   

Two δ-integration vectors were evaluated for the insertion of an inducible expression cassette (the yeast CUP1 promoter fused to the Escherichia coli lacZ structural gene, CUP1p-lacZ) and a bacterial neomycin-resistance gene (neo) into the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae via homologous recombination. Cells containing integrations were selected by resistance to the aminoglycoside G418. The first vector was a traditional construct containing only one δ sequence; with this vector, the transformation efficiency and the number of integrations per cell were quite low. The second carried two δ sequences flanking the desired insert, and the unneeded bacterial sequences were removed by restriction-enzyme digestion immediately before transformation. When this double δ vector was employed, the integrated copy number was more than doubled relative to the single δ system and final β-galactosidase levels exceeded those obtained with the 2μ-based plasmid. Furthermore, the integrations appeared more stable in long-term sequential culture (both with and without induction of the lacZ gene) than those obtained via the single δ vector. Received: 2 December 1996 / Received revision: 21 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 April 1997  相似文献   

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