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A total of 133 strains of Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida, isolated from a wide variety of sources, were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. Sixteen profiles were demonstrated, with one profile being predominant in samples from all the countries and species of fish. Our results suggest a clonal distribution of this subspecies, with a predominant clone being responsible for most of the outbreaks worldwide.  相似文献   

The gene for Aeromonas salmonicida serine protease has been cloned into phagemid pTZ18R in two restriction fragments, 2.0-kb PstI and 2.3-kb KpnI, of genomic DNA. The nucleotide sequences of the two fragments have been determined, in both directions, after subcloning, by double-stranded sequencing of nested deletions. An open reading frame of 1863 bp translated into a sequence of 621 amino acids, a 24-amino acid signal peptide and a 597-amino acid mature enzyme of molecular mass 64,173 Da. The consensus sequence, NGTS, of a serine protease substrate primary binding site was identified and a putative ribosome-binding site GGAG occurred 6 bp upstream of the ATG initiation codon.  相似文献   

【目的】分离鉴定江苏省扬州市养殖场异育银鲫患病病原。【方法】采用常规的理化特性和分子生物学的方法,对从濒死异育银鲫肝脏处分离到的菌株YZ-1进行表型生物学、分子生物学及药敏试验的系统研究。【结果】该菌株16S r RNA基因(序列长度1 446 bp,Gen Bank登录号为JX164202)与其它杀鲑气单胞菌16S r RNA基因一致性在99%-100%之间,构建发育树确定该菌株为杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲑亚种(Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.salmonicida)。人工回感可导致异育银鲫死亡。药敏试验结果显示:对头孢呋辛、复方新诺明、恩诺沙星等23种抗生素敏感;对阿米卡星、四环素、大观霉素、头孢拉定等11种抗生素中度敏感;对青霉素G、链霉素、庆大霉素、氟苯尼考、万古霉素等10种抗生素耐药。【结论】研究结果证实引起异育银鲫死亡的病原为杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲑亚种。  相似文献   

Survival of Aeromonas salmonicida in river water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract By definition, Aeromonas salmonicida is found in fish but never in surface water. However, this does not explain the reason for explosive out-breaks of furunculosis among populations of salmonid fish which have never been exposed to the disease. Evidence is presented, from laboratory-based experiments, which show that A. salmonicida survives in freshwater, beyond the period necessary for plate counts to reach zero. These cells may subsequently be re-activated by the addition of nutrient. It may be assumed, therefore, that A. salmonicida survives outside of fish, by entering a dormant phase.  相似文献   

本文通过细菌的分离培养,首次从临床症状表现为溃疡、腐烂的患病江豚表皮分离到一株杀鲑气单胞菌XJ-JT株。通过细菌理化性质鉴定、遗传进化分析、药敏试验、致病性试验对其生物学特性进行分析,结果表明:菌株XJ-JT为革兰氏阴性短杆菌,两端钝圆,无芽孢;细菌分离鉴定的结果显示分离菌株为杀鲑气单胞菌;系统进化分析揭示其基因序列与银鲫源性杀鲑气单胞菌分离株高度同源;20种抗生素的药敏试验结果表明分离菌株对阿米卡星、克拉霉素、克林霉素等8种药物敏感,对头孢噻肟、头孢曲松、卡那霉素中介,对阿莫西林、氨苄西林、四环素等9种药物耐药;人工感染试验,结果显示分离菌对鲫鱼有较强的致病性。  相似文献   

Survival of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida in seawater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Survival of Aeromonas salmonicida in natural (non-sterile) seawater, as determined from colony counts on marine agar, was found to be influenced by the presence of potentially inhibitory organisms, i.e., Acinetobacter, Aeromonas hydrophila, Chromobacterium, Escherichia coli, Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas, and their metabolites. Yet, samples, thought to be devoid of culturable A. salmonicida, were found to contain cells, which were filterable through 0.22 and 0.45 microns Millipore Millex porosity filters, and were recoverable on a specialised medium for L-forms, i.e. L-F medium.  相似文献   

Oxytetracycline resistant mutants of Aeromonas salmonicida isolated from mutation frequency experiments showed decreased susceptibility to oxolinic acid. Outer membrane preparations of these resistant mutant strains revealed a major protein, with a molecular mass of approximately 37 kDa, which was not present in significant quantities in the parent strain.  相似文献   

Results indicate that A. salmonicida does not enter an unculturable dormant state. The resuscitation of dormant cells by nutrient broth described by previous workers appears to be due to the presence of small numbers of viable, culturable cells too few to be detected by the sampling protocol employed.  相似文献   

Abstract Superoxide dismutase activity was detected in Aeromonas salmonicida under iron-replete and iron-limited culture conditions. Under iron-replete conditions an iron superoxide dismutase, molecular mass 50,400 Da, was identified based on inhibition by hydrogen peroxide but not by millimolar concentrations of cyanide. When the available iron in the culture medium was limited by addition of the non-assimilable iron chelator 2,2-dipyridyl, a manganese superoxide dismutase, molecular mass 45,600 Da, was identified, which was resistant to inhibition by either hydrogen peroxide or cyanide. The change in enzyme production would appear to be iron dependent, as addition of FeCl3 in excess to iron-limited broths resulted in only the iron superoxide dismutase being synthesised. Examination of the location of the superoxide dismutase enzymes revealed that the manganese superoxide dismutase expressed under iron limitation is located in the periplasm, while the iron superoxide dismutase has a cytoplasmic location. The periplasmic manganese superoxide dismutase was able to protect A. salmonicida against extracellular riboflavin-generated superoxide, with A. salmonicida grown under iron-limited conditions exhibiting a 32-fold increase in minimum bactericidal concentration of riboflavin compared to cells cultured under iron-replete conditions. Furthermore, in a time-course study of bactericidal activity of exogenously generated superoxide against A. salmonicida , bacteria grown under iron-replete conditions and expressing cytoplasmic iron superoxide dismutase were rapidly killed, whilst those grown under iron limitation expressing periplasmic manganese superoxide dismutase survived for the duration of the experiment.  相似文献   

Starvation survival of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida in seawater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Three strains of the fish pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida were examined with respect to their ability to survive in seawater. Five to seven days after plate counts decreased below the detection limit of 10 cells/ml, the population of respiring A. salmonicida cells comprised less than 4% of the initial total bacterial population. At this stage, samples were transferred either to sterile nutrient or to control flasks containing sterile nutrient-free medium. The addition of nutrients caused reappearance of growing bacteria, detected by plating on agar medium and an increase of the population of respiring bacteria to 85–95% of the total population. In a separate experiment it was shown that after more than six months of starvation at 15°C, a few of the starved A. salmonicida cells were able to regrow in liquid media after addition of nutrients, but not on agar media. These cells evade detection by direct microscopic respiratory measurement but appear to be reactivated after addition of nutrients.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene for the Aeromonas salmonicida maltose-inducible porin (maltoporin) was cloned into phagemid pTZ18R in two restriction fragments, 0.6-kb Pst I/ Kpn I and 1.7-kb Sph I, of genomic DNA and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Open reading frames of 1329 and 1335 bp translated into sequences of 443 and 445 amino acids, with a 23 or 25 amino acid signal sequence and a 420 amino acid mature protein of molecular mass 46424 Da. Putative ribosome binding sites, AGGA and GGGAA, occurred 9 bp upstream of two possible ATG initiation codons. The A. salmonicida gene product showed a high degree of similarity with Escherichia coli LamB, and codon usage was very similar to that of another A. salmonicida outer membrane protein but markedly different from those of extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida was detected in the blood, kidney and spleen of rainbow trout within 2 min of immersion in a suspension containing 104 cells/ml. Uptake into fish was enhanced by culturing the pathogen in low levels of nutrient, i.e., 0.1% (w/v) brain heart infusion (BHI) broth and by the addition of latex particles to the bacterial suspensions. However, there was no apparent difference in the uptake of pathogenic or non-pathogenic isolates. Moreover, the fish did not succumb to clinical signs of disease.  相似文献   

In this study, application of magnetic beads (Dynabeads) coated with Aeromonas salmonicida lipopolysaccharide-specific polyclonal antisera to MS-based characterization of bacterial lipopolysaccharides has been evaluated. The results showed that the affinity-based preconcentration strategy resulted in at least a 100-fold increase in the detection of sensitivity, affording direct capillary electrophoresis (CE)-MS analysis of A. salmonicida lipopolysaccharide O-chain polysaccharide from in vitro- cultured cells. Subsequent CE-MS analysis of in vivo -grown cells of A. salmonicida confirmed significant changes in the structure of the lipopolysaccharide O-chain polysaccharide as a result of in vivo cultivation.  相似文献   

Various Aeromonas salmonicida antigen preparations were tested in an antigen-induced blasto-genesis assay on the kidney leucocytes of Atlantic salmon. The ECP antigens that had been particularized onto polystyrene beads were the most effective in control fish, and this was further enhanced in fish thymectomized 1 week prior to the assay. The use of this assay for screening potential vaccine antigens is discussed.  相似文献   

Atypical psychrophilic Aeromonas salmonicida isolates were obtained from farmed and wild fish in Northeastern North America. These bacteria were isolated between 1992 and 2001 and carried tetracycline resistance (Tc(r)) plasmids of approximately 58 kb. The nine isolates had plasmids which could be divided into four groups based on the specific tetracycline resistance (tet) gene carried [tet(A) or tet(B)], incompatibility of the plasmid [IncU or other], whether the plasmid carried the IS6100 sequences, the sul1 gene, coding for sulfonamide resistance, the dfrA16 gene, coding for trimethoprim resistance, and/or carried a complete Tn1721, and their ability to transfer their Tc(r) plasmids to an Escherichia coli recipient at 15 degrees C. Five of the isolates, with genetically related Tc(r) plasmids, were able to transfer their plasmids to an E. coli recipient at frequencies ranging from 5.7x10(-4) to 2.8x10(-6) per recipient. The 1992 isolate carried a genetically distinct plasmid, which transferred at a slightly higher rate. The three remaining isolates carried one of two genetically different plasmids, which were unable to transfer to an E. coli recipient. Conjugal transfer at 15 degrees C is the lowest temperature that has been documented in bacteria.  相似文献   


The genes encoding chitin-degrading enzymes in Aeromonas salmonicida SWSY-1.411 were identified and cloned in Escherichia coli. The strain contained two glycoside hydrolase (GH) families 18 chitinases: AsChiA and AsChiB, two GH19 chitinases: AsChiC and AsChiD, and an auxiliary activities family 10 protein, lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase: AsLPMO10A. These enzymes were successfully expressed in E. coli and purified. AsChiB had the highest hydrolytic activity against insoluble chitin. AsChiD had the highest activity against water-soluble chitin. The peroxygenase activity of AsLPMO10A was lower compared to SmLPMO10A from Serratia marcescens. Synergism on powdered chitin degradation was observed when AsChiA and AsLPMO10A were combined with other chitinases of this strain. More than twice the increase of the synergistic effect was observed when powdered chitin was treated by a combination of AsLPMO10A with all chitinases. GH19 chitinases suppressed the hyphal growth of Trichoderma reesei.  相似文献   

The purification and some properties of H-lysin from Aeromonas salmonicida   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H-lysin from Aeromonas salmonicida has been purified 1770-fold by freeze fractionation, ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. The purified material was predominantly H-lysin, devoid of detectable T-lysin, caseinase or gelatinase activity, although glycerophospholipid: cholesterol acyltransferase (GCAT) activity was present. The results suggested that H-lysin and GCAT activities were due to different extracellular products. Studies of the kinetics of haemolysis indicated that the H-lysin had an enzymic mode of action, and that initial erythrocyte damage appeared to precede lysis of the cell. The H-lysin was lethal to cultured rainbow trout gonad cells and leucocytes, but when it was injected intravenously in rainbow trout no pathological effects were observed.  相似文献   

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