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Lloyd W. Morrison 《Oecologia》1999,120(1):113-122
Indirect effects, which occur when the impact of one species upon another requires the existence of an intermediary species, are apparently very common and may be of greater magnitude than direct effects. Behaviorally mediated indirect effects occur when one species affects the behavior of a second, which in turn affects how that species interacts with a third. I studied behaviorally mediated indirect effects on the mechanisms of competition in two congeneric fire ant species in the presence and absence of parasitoid phorid flies, which parasitized only one ant species. In observational and experimental field studies, the presence of native Texas phorid flies in the genus Pseudacteon decreased food retrieval by their host, Solenopsis geminata (F.), by as much as 50%. In the presence of phorid flies, many S. geminata workers assumed a stationary, curled defensive posture and did not forage. Although the phorid parasitoids had a relatively large effect on exploitative competition, there was no measurable effect on interference competition. Fierce interspecific aggression was observed between S. geminata and S. invicta Buren, and the presence of phorids had no effect on the outcome of these contests. The indirect effects of Pseudacteon parasitoids on Solenopsis fire ant resource retrieval appear to be larger than the direct effect of mortality. Some aspects of the foraging behavior of these Solenopsis species may be, in part, evolutionary adaptations to phorid parasitoid pressure. Because of the relatively large indirect effects, South American Pseudacteon phorids may be promising biocontrol agents of imported fire ants, S. invicta, in the USA. In a laboratory study, a single South American Pseudacteon female was able to significantly decrease food retrieval rates of a North American population of the imported fire ant, S. invicta. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 18 April 1999  相似文献   

Harvest rates and foraging strategies in Negev Desert gerbils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the foraging strategy and quantified the foragingtraits of two nocturnal rodent species, Allenby's gerbil (Gerbillusallenbyi) and the greater Egyptian sand gerbil (Gerbillus pyramidum).In the laboratory, both species used two distinct foragingstrategies: either they immediately consumed seeds found ina patch (seed tray); or they collected and delivered the seedsto their nest box for later consumption. Moreover, we founda transition in foraging strategy among individual G. allenbyi under laboratory conditions; they all began by consuming theseeds on the tray and, after 7 days on average, switched tothe collecting strategy. By contrast, in the field both speciesused only one foraging strategy; they collected and deliveredthe seeds to their burrow or to surface caches for later consumption.Furthermore, G. allenbyi and G. pyramidum collected seeds atsignificantly higher rates in the field than in the laboratorybecause the seed encounter rates for both species were higherin the field. This suggests that in natural conditions, probablyinvolving predation risk and competitive pressure, gerbilsmust respond in two ways: (1) they must choose a foraging strategythat reduces predation risk by minimizing time spent feedingoutside their burrows; and (2) they must forage more efficiently.In the field, seed handling time of the larger species, G. pyramidum, was shorter than that of the smaller one, G. allenbyi.This difference may give G. pyramidum an advantage when resourcelevels are high and when most of a forager's time is spent handling seeds rather than searching for more seeds. Additionally,our field study showed that the seed encounter rate of G. allenbyiwas higher than that of G. pyramidum. This difference may giveG. allenbyi an advantage when resource levels are low and whensearching occupies most of the forager's time. The differentadvantages that each species has over the other, under differentconditions, may well be factors promoting their coexistenceover a wide range of resource densities.  相似文献   

Herbert Hoi  Hans Winkler 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):436-440
We describe a field experiment designed to evaluate indirect effects in a prey community sharing common predators. A simple prey community was mimicked with two types of artificial nests. Firstly, it was shown that predation rate increased with nest density when only a single prey was present. Secondly, it was shown that an increase in the density of one nest type increased the predation rate on another type. This is the first experimental evidence for indirect effects in vertebrate communities, which also may help to explain the strong interspecific aggression observed in some communities. In a previous treatment we had shown that there is no observer effect on nest predation in the form of density-dependent scent marking while laying out the artificial nests.  相似文献   

Competition theory has developed separately for direct competition and for exploitative competition. However, the combined effects of the two types of competition on species coexistence remain unclear. To examine how intraspecific and interspecific direct competition contributes to the coexistence of species competing for a single resource, we constructed a chemostat-type resource competition model. With general functions for intraspecific and interspecific direct competition, we derived necessary and sufficient conditions (except for a critical case that rarely occurs in a biological sense) that determine the number of stably coexisting species. From these conditions, we found that the number of coexisting species is determined just by the invasibility of each species into subcommunities with a smaller number of species. In addition, using a combination of rigorous mathematical theory and a simple graphical method, we can demonstrate how the stronger intraspecific direct competition facilitates species invasion, leading to a larger number of coexisting species.  相似文献   

Indices of plant competition   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  

Summary Competition for water surface prey between fish (Priapichtus annectens: Poeciliidae) and water striders (Potamobates unidentatus: Gerridae) was studied in the laboratory and in pools in a small tropical stream. Laboratory experiments showed that fish depressed activity and foraging success of water striders. Large fish (4–5 cm) had a greater effect than small fish (2–3 cm). The field experiment showed that competition was highly asymmetric. Presence of fish decreased water strider foraging success while the reverse interaction was insignificant. It is suggested that the higher individual foraging success of the fish, harassment of water striders by fish and the use of an exclusive resource, benthic invertebrates, by the fish, contribute to this pattern. Habitat use differed between the two species. Fish used the deeper parts of stream pools and water striders used the shallower parts of the pools. Asymmetric interference and exploitation competition may force water striders to use shallow edge habitats.  相似文献   

We observed patch-use behavior by two gerbil species in a fieldsetting and investigated how aggression and intrinsic decision-makinginteract to influence patch residence times. Results were interpretedby using a competing risk analysis model, which uniquely enabledus to estimate the intrinsic patch-leaving decisions independentlyof external interruptions of foraging bouts by aggression. Theexperiment was conducted in two 1-ha field enclosures completelysurrounded by rodent-proof fences and included allopatric (onlyGerbillus andersoni allenbyi) and sympatric (G. a. allenbyiand G. pyramidum) treatments. We predicted that increased foodpatch quality (i.e., habitat quality) should decrease intrinsicpatch-leaving rates and increase rates of aggressive interactionsinvolving the forager feeding in the patch (i.e., the occupantindividual). We also anticipated that increasing populationdensity should result in an increase in the rate of aggressiveinteractions involving the occupant individual. Our resultssupported the first two predictions, indicating a trade-offbetween foraging and aggression. However, the third predictionwas realized only for G. a. allenbyi in allopatry. Furthermore,in allopatry, occupant G. a. allenbyi individuals with highcompetitive ranks were involved in aggressive interactions atlower rates than those with low competitive ranks. However,in sympatry, patch-use behavior of occupant G. a. allenbyi individualswas mainly influenced by aggressive behavior of G. pyramidum,which did not respond to their competitive rank. Thus, it shouldpay less for G. a. allenbyi to be aggressive in sympatric populations.The observed reduction in intraspecific aggression among individualG. a. allenbyi in the presence of G. pyramidum supports thisassertion. We suggest that this reduction likely weakens thenegative effect of intra- and interspecific density on the percapita growth rate of G. a. allenbyi. Because this would changethe slope of the isocline of G. a. allenbyi, it could be animportant mechanism promoting coexistence when habitat selectionis constrained.  相似文献   

The relationship of desert vegetation to topographic and edaphic factors in Makhtesh Ramon, an erosional cirque in the Negev Desert of Israel, was analyzed using redundancy analysis ordination. Altitude and geological substrate had the most significant correlations with vegetation patterns. In particular, significant and monotonic increases in both total species richness and the percentage of annual species were found with increasing altitude. A comparison was made of the effectiveness of Whittaker's diversity sampling plots (Shmida 1984) versus the log-series survey method of McAuliffe (1990). We concluded that at small sample sizes, the Mc Auliffe plots were more likely to yield interpretable ordination results, even though they included only the perennial flora.  相似文献   

Interference competition is a common phenomenon that occurs among adult females of different species to gain the highest food resources at the same time. In this research, extrinsic competition between Aphidius matricariae and Praon volucre on different densities and stages of two important pests of greenhouse crops in the world, Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, were investigated. The results of this study showed that total percentage parasitism of second, third and fourth nymphal instars of A. gossypii and M. persicae by A. matricariae, and P. volucre were affected by extrinsic competition. A combination of A. matricariae and P. volucre on A. gossypii had a negative effect on performance of these parasitoids. Although extrinsic competition reduced the efficiency of A. matricariae and P. volucre on M. persicae, total parasitism of M. persicae by A. matricariae and P. volucre (combination of two parasitoids) increased compared to A. matricariae or P. volucre acting alone. Also the results indicated that the extrinsic competition between A. matricariae and P. volucre on both A. gossypii and M. persicae was apparently more intense when presented with 25 hosts compared to 50 and 100 hosts. The results of this research show important information to determine an appropriate combination of these two parasitoid wasps for biological control of A. gossypii and M. persicae in greenhouses.  相似文献   

In intraspecific competition, the sex of competing individuals is likely to be important in determining the outcome of competitive interactions and the way exposure to conspecifics during development influences adult fitness traits. Previous studies have explored differences between males and females in their response to intraspecific competition. However, few have tested how the sex of the competitors, or any interactions between focal and competitor sex, influences the nature and intensity of competition. We set up larval seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus to develop either alone or in the presence of a male or female competitor and measured a suite of traits: development time, emergence weight; male ejaculate mass, copulation duration, and lifespan; and female lifetime fecundity, offspring egg–adult survival, and lifespan. We found effects of competition and competitor sex on the development time and emergence weight of both males and females, and also of an interaction between focal and competitor sex: Females emerged lighter when competing with another female, while males did not. There was little effect of larval competition on male and female adult fitness traits, with the exception of the effect of a female competitor on a focal female's offspring survival rate. Our results highlight the importance of directly measuring the effects of competition on fitness traits, rather than distant proxies for fitness, and suggest that competition with the sex with the greater resource requirements (here females) might play a role in driving trait evolution. We also found that male–male competition during development resulted in shorter copulation times than male–female competition, a result that remained when controlling for the weight of competitors. Although it is difficult to definitively tease apart the effects of social environment and access to resources, this result suggests that something about the sex of competitors other than their size is driving this pattern.  相似文献   

Summary We tested whether grasshoppers in experimental field environments, i.e. cages (40×40 cm) placed on existing old field vegetation, (1) were limited in density by plant abundance and/or nitrogen content, (2) exhibited interspecific competition, and (3) altered the relative abundance of different plant species. We examined interactions among a pair of early season grasshopper species (May–June; Arphia conspersa and Pardalophora apiculata) and a late season pair (July–August; Melanoplus femur-rubrum and Melanoplus bivittatus). Each grasshopper species was placed in cages by itself and with another grasshopper species. Grasshoppers generally survived at higher density in fertilized cages and they reduced plant abundance relative to empty cages, suggesting that grasshoppers may be food limited at these densities. In unfertilized plots, early season grasshoppers preferred grasses (Schizachyrium scoparium and Poa pratensis) and favored the growth of forbs (especially Solidago spp.). However, late in summer, Melanoplus spp. preferred Solidago spp. and favored the growth of grasses.The pattern of grasshopper survivorship and plant reduction within these experimental environments provide preliminary support for some of the predictions of resource competition theory. Grasshoppers exhibited interspecific competition only if they significantly reduced plant biomass. If two species competed, a grasshopper species was eliminated only if the superior competitor, when living by itself, could reduce plant biomass to a significantly lower level than the inferior competitor. Competitors persisted only if they did not differ in their ability to reduce plant biomass or reduced the abundance of different plant species.  相似文献   

Variation in plant performance between microhabitats is usually attributed to direct mechanisms, such as plant physiological tolerances or competitive interactions. However, indirect mechanisms, such as differences in herbivore pressure mediated by microhabitat differences, could create the same pattern of variation. In this study, we investigated the effect of insect herbivore pressure on the growth of the grassland cactus Opuntia fragilis under different regimes of grassland canopy cover. Our purpose was to establish the extent to which canopy cover plays a direct, competitive role versus an indirect, mediatory role in cactus growth. We manipulated aboveground microhabitat, specifically the cover of adjacent grasses. The three treatments were: (1) open canopy, with grass pinned down away from the cactus; (2) shaded canopy, with a partial mesh cage staked over the cactus; and (3) ambient grass canopy. We measured seasonal plant growth and recorded changes in insect herbivore occurrence and damage in relation to cover. Cactus growth, defined as the change in number of live cladodes, was higher in the open than under either treatment where the plant was more shaded (P<0.05). However, allocation to new growth, measured as the proportion of new segments (cladodes) in a patch, did not differ among cover treatments. Thus, the hypothesis that physiological constraints, or competition for light, limited cactus performance in grass is rejected. Instead, we found that both cladode mortality, caused by the larvae of a cactus moth borer (Melitara dentata), and occurrence of the moth were lower in the open microhabitat than in either shaded microhabitat. Thus, higher net growth in the open, unshaded treatment, rather than representing a release from competition for light with grasses, was better explained as an indirect effect of grass cover on the activity and impact of the cactus moth. These results show that indirect effects can lead to a misinterpretation of experimental data on direct effects. These data also contribute to an improved understanding of mixed results in the biological control of weedy cacti. Clearly, future evaluations of the relative importance of physiology, competition, and insect herbivory in plant performance must be environmentally explicit.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine (1) the pharmacodynamics of 5-hydroxytryptamine in juvenile lobsters; (2) the effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine, using a range of dosages, on a motor behavior used to escape an aversive situation; and (3) the effect of doses that did and did not inhibit this motor behavior on measures of dominance and shelter competition. The fate of 5-hydroxytryptamine in hemolymph over a 60-min post-injection period showed that the concentration fell rapidly to a low plateau that was maintained for at least 1 h. Low doses of 5-hydroxytryptamine did not affect locomotor behavior, but higher doses inhibited it. Dominance and subsequent possession of a shelter were unaffected by a low dose of 5-hydroxytryptamine but a higher dose that inhibited locomotion resulted in lobsters that lost fights and did not secure or retain possession of the shelter. In the context of dominance and shelter competition, we were unable to demonstrate any advantage of the low dose of exogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine and a severe disadvantage with the higher dose. Previous reports of transient increases in aggression in 5-hydroxytryptamine-treated subordinate lobsters did not take into account motor inhibition as a possible critical variable in aggression. Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

The extended McKendrick-von Foerster structured population model is employed to derive a nonautonomous ordinary differential equation model of a population. The derivation assumes that the individual life history can be delineated into several physiological stages. We study the persistence of the population when the model is autonomous and base the nonautonomous survival analysis on the autonomous case and a comparison principle. A brief excursion into alternate life history strategies is presented.This work was supported in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under cooperative agreement CR 813353010  相似文献   

Variation from contest to scramble in larval competition types was observed among laboratory lines derived from a geographic strain of Callosobruchus maculatus. In contest competition, only one adult can emerge from a small bean because the successful larva monopolizes resources. In scramble competition, however, multiple adults can emerge from the bean because larvae share resources. To explain the variation in competition types, we used six lines of the geographic strain to test the hypothesis that the larval competition type is determined by the larval behavior of building walls, which prevent larvae from interfering with each other, allowing multiple adults to emerge from a single bean. We also investigated the proportions of wall-making in contest-scramble hybrid lines to test whether the formation of a wall structure was genetically determined. Results support our hypothesis that wall-making behavior determines the type of larval competition within a geographic strain, and that the behavior is genetically determined. Scramble-type lines exhibited higher frequencies of wall-making than contest-type lines when two larvae of the same line infested a bean. Larval competition type and the tendency towards wall formation in contest-scramble hybrid lines ranged intermediate of parental lines. We concluded that the variation in larval competition type is determined by the variation in larval wall-making behavior among laboratory lines derived from the geographic strain. We will discuss the evolution of scramble-type larvae in C. maculatus based on our results.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory has entered a new phase. It is not so much tested as used. It helps behavioural ecologists discover the nature of the information in an animals brain. It helps population ecologists reveal coefficients of interaction and their patterns of density-dependent variation. And it helps community ecologists examine niche relationships. In our studies on two species of Negev desert gerbil, we have taken advantage of the second and third of these functions. Both these gerbils prefer semi-stabilized dune habitat, and both altered their selective use of this habitat and stabilized sand according to experimental changes we made in their populations. Their changes in selectivity agree with a type of optimal foraging theory called isoleg theory. Isoleg theories provide examples of dipswitch theories – bundles of articulated qualitative predictions – that are easier to falsify than single qualitative predictions. By linking behaviour to population dynamics through isoleg theory, we were able to use the behaviour of the gerbils to reveal the shapes of their competitive isoclines. These have the peculiar non-linear shapes predicted by optimal foraging theory. Finally, when owl predation threatens, the behaviour of Gerbillus allenbyi reveals the shape of their victim isocline. As has long been predicted by predation theory and laboratory experiments, it is unimodal.  相似文献   

吕晓艳  刘霞  张媛 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1196-1204
【目的】入侵物种能够通过竞争影响本地物种的种群,从而影响入侵地的生物多样性。长足光捷蚁Anoplolepis gracilipes是全球最具破坏力的入侵蚂蚁之一。本研究旨在明确西双版纳地区入侵长足捷蚁与土著优势种蚂蚁黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina之间的竞争关系。【方法】通过野外调查和室内控制试验相结合的方法,观察和对比分析长足捷蚁和黄猄蚁的体型大小,雾凉季和雨季的巢穴外觅食活动规律,觅食能力(搜寻食物的时间、在觅食时间内召集的最大工蚁数),打斗行为(不同打斗组合的攻击强度和死亡率)以及对饥渴的耐受性(无食物和水分供应时平均存活时间和存活率随时间的变化)。【结果】长足捷蚁工蚁体长(3.66±0.06 mm)显著小于黄猄蚁工蚁(8.27±0.16 mm)。在雾凉季时,长足捷蚁具有比黄猄蚁更长的觅食活动时间;而在雨季时,两种蚂蚁均在下午温度较高时段觅食活动的个体数量减少。苹果、蜂蜜和火腿肠3种食物作为诱饵时,长足捷蚁具有更快搜寻食物的能力,4~8 min便能找寻到食物,而黄猄蚁需要8~21 min才能找寻到食物,此外在寻找到食物后,长足捷蚁也有更快召集同伴的能力。在人工控制试验中,1头长足捷蚁和1头黄猄蚁同时存在时主要以不攻击和低强度攻击为主,而当两种蚂蚁中的任意其中一种的个体数量增加到5头时,攻击强度会显著增加,两种蚂蚁均存在种间协作行为。在饥渴状态下,两种蚂蚁工蚁的平均存活时间差异不显著,但长足捷蚁最长存活120 h,黄猄蚁最长存活96 h。【结论】在西双版纳地区,长足捷蚁相较于土著黄猄蚁具有更强的觅食的能力,雾凉季觅食活动时间更长,暗示长足捷蚁可能具有较强的温度适应能力。有必要加强对这一入侵蚂蚁的研究,并密切关注其种群在该地区的发展。  相似文献   

Direct and indirect effects in microcosm communities of protists   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sharon P. Lawler 《Oecologia》1993,93(2):184-190
Increased complexity in biological communities can increase the variety of interactions among species, but the relative strengths and long-term consequences of various direct and indirect interactions require further investigation. I studied interactions among four species of protists by monitoring their population dynamics when they were cultured either together or in seven different subset communities. Two protists were bacterivores (Chilomonas and Tetrahymena) and two were predators (Actinosphaerium and Euplotes). Actinosphaerium was omnivorous, and could eat both predatory Euplotes and bacterivores. Three indirect effects occurred among the four species of protists, including indirect facilitation of one predator by the other, apparent competition between bacterivores, and indirect facilitation of one bacterivore by the omnivorous predator. Community structure and invasibility depended on both direct and indirect effects; thus both can be mechanisms for assembly rules.  相似文献   

Active linking in evolutionary games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the traditional approach to evolutionary game theory, the individuals of a population meet each other at random, and they have no control over the frequency or duration of interactions. Here we remove these simplifying assumptions. We introduce a new model, where individuals differ in the rate at which they seek new interactions. Once a link between two individuals has formed, the productivity of this link is evaluated. Links can be broken off at different rates. In a limiting case, the linking dynamics introduces a simple transformation of the payoff matrix. We outline conditions for evolutionary stability. As a specific example, we study the interaction between cooperators and defectors. We find a simple relationship that characterizes those linking dynamics which allow natural selection to favour cooperation over defection.  相似文献   

Intergenerational effects can have either adaptive or nonadaptive impacts on offspring performance. Such effects are likely to be of ecological and evolutionary importance in animals with extended parental care, such as birds, mammals and some insects. Here, we studied the effects of exposure to microbial competition during early development on subsequent reproductive success in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an insect with elaborate parental care. We found that exposure to high levels of microbial competition both during a female's larval development and during her subsequent reproduction resulted in females rearing smaller broods than those exposed to lower levels of microbial competition. To determine whether these differences arose before or after offspring hatching, a cross‐fostering experiment was conducted. Our results demonstrate that the impact of larval competition with microbes for resources extends into adult life and can negatively affect subsequent generations via impacts on the quality of parental care provided after hatching. However, we also find evidence for some positive effects of previous microbial exposure on prehatch investment, suggesting that the long‐term results of competition with microbes may include altering the balance of parental investment between prehatch and post‐hatch care.  相似文献   

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