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Ferredoxin-NADP(H) reductase (FNR) catalyses the final step of the photosynthetic electron transport in chloroplasts. Using an antisense RNA strategy to reduce expression of this flavoenzyme in transgenic tobacco plants, it has been demonstrated that FNR mediates a rate-limiting step of photosynthesis under both limiting and saturating light conditions. Here, we show that these FNR-deficient plants are abnormally prone to photo-oxidative injury. When grown under autotrophic conditions for 3 weeks, specimens with 20-40% extant reductase undergo leaf bleaching, lipid peroxidation and membrane damage. The magnitude of the effect was proportional to the light intensity and to the extent of FNR depletion, and was accompanied by morphological changes involving accumulation of aberrant plastids with defective thylakoid stacking. Damage was initially confined to chloroplast membranes, whereas Rubisco and other stromal proteins began to decline only after several weeks of autotrophic growth, paralleled by partial recovery of NADPH levels. Exposure of the transgenic plants to moderately high irradiation resulted in rapid loss of photosynthetic capacity and accumulation of singlet oxygen in leaves. The collected results suggest that the extensive photo-oxidative damage sustained by plants impaired in FNR expression was caused by singlet oxygen building up to toxic levels in these tissues, as a direct consequence of the over-reduction of the electron transport chain in FNR-deficient chloroplasts.  相似文献   

RNA gel hybridization showed that the expression of monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) in the wild type (WT) tomato was decreased firstly and then increased under salt- and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced osmotic stress, and the maximum level was observed after treatment for 12 h. WT, sense transgenic and antisense transgenic tomato plants were used to analyze the antioxidative ability to cope with osmotic stresses. After salt stress, the fresh mass (FM) and height of sense transgenic lines were greater than those of antisense lines and WT plants. Under salt and PEG treatments, sense transgenic plants showed a lower level of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA), a higher net photosynthetic rate (P N), and the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) compared with WT and antisense transgenic plants. Moreover, sense lines maintained higher ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity than WT and antisense plants under salt- and PEG-induced osmotic stress. These results indicate that chloroplastic MDHAR plays an important role in alleviating photoinhibition of PSII by elevating ascorbate (AsA) level under salt- and PEG-induced osmotic stress.  相似文献   

Summary. The cysteine biosynthesis pathway differs between plants and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast MET25 gene encoded to O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (AHS) catalyzed the reaction that form homocysteine, which later can be converted into cystiene. In vitro studies show that this enzyme possesses also the activity of O-acetyl(thiol)lyase (OASTL) that catalyzes synthesis of cysteine in plants. In this study, we generated transgenic tobacco plants expressing the yeast MET25 gene under the control of a constitutive promoter and targeted the yeast protein to the cytosol or to the chloroplasts. Both sets of transgenic plants were taller and greener than wild-type plants. Addition of SO2, the substrate of the yeast enzyme caused a significant elevation of the glutathione content in representative plants from each of the two sets of transgenic plants expressing the yeast gene. Determination of non-protein thiol content indicated up to four-folds higher cysteine and 2.5-fold glutathione levels in these plants. In addition, the leaf discs of the transgenic plants were more tolerant to toxic levels of sulphite, and to paraquat, an herbicide generating active oxygen species.  相似文献   

Plant expression cassettes containing the Escherichia coli cysE gene alleles (encoding SAT) were constructed. After the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco, we identified stable transformed plants containing several-fold higher SAT activity in comparison to the control plant. Determination of non-protein thiol contents indicated two- to threefold higher cysteine and glutathione levels in some of these transgenic plants. The maximal elevation of the cysteine level was about fourfold while that of GSH was about twofold higher than in the controls. The most striking physiological consequence of the modification of sulfur metabolite levels in the transgenic plants, however, was their several-fold increased resistance to oxidative stress generated by exogenous hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Liu X  Hua X  Guo J  Qi D  Wang L  Liu Z  Jin Z  Chen S  Liu G 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(7):1275-1280
Tocopherol cyclase (VTE1, encoded by VTE1 gene) catalyzes the penultimate step of tocopherol synthesis. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing VTE1 from Arabidopsis were exposed to drought conditions during which transgenic lines had decreased lipid peroxidation, electrolyte leakage and H(2)O(2) content, but had increased chlorophyll compared with the wild type. Thus VTE1 can be used to increase vitamin E content of plants and also to enhance tolerance to environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with the ability to synthesis glycinebetaine (GB) in chloroplasts was established by introducing the BADH gene for betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The genetic engineering resulted in enhanced tolerance of growth of young seedlings to salt stress. This increased tolerance was not due to improved water status, since there were no significant differences in accumulation of sodium and chloride, leaf water potential, and relative water content between wild type and transgenic plants under salt stress. Salt stress resulted in a decrease in CO2 assimilation and such a decrease was much greater in wild type plants than in transgenic plants. Though salt stress showed no damage to PSII, there were a decrease in the maximal PSII electron transport rate in vivo and an increase in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and these changes were greater in wild type plants than in transgenic plants. In addition, salt stress inhibited the activities of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, chloroplastic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, and phosphoribulokinase and such a decrease was also greater in wild type plants than in transgenic plants, suggesting that GB protects these enzymes against salt stress. However, there were no significant changes in the activities of phosphoglycerate kinase, triose phosphate isomerase, ribulose-5-phosphate isomerase, transketolase, and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase in both wild type and transgenic plants. The results in this study suggest that enhanced tolerance of CO2 assimilation to salt stress may be one of physiological bases for increased tolerance of growth of transgenic plants to salt stress.  相似文献   

Yu T  Li YS  Chen XF  Hu J  Chang X  Zhu YG 《Journal of plant physiology》2003,160(11):1305-1311
A GST (EC gene (Gst-cr 1) from cotton was introduced into Nicotiana tabacum by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing Gst-cr1 were normal in growth and mature compared with control, but had much higher levels of GST and GPx activities and showed an enhanced resistance to oxidative stress induced by a low concentration of methyl viologen (MV). Six antioxidant enzymes, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase (EC, superoxide dismutase (EC, peroxidase (EC, catalase (EC, and ascorbate peroxidase (EC were monitored in transgenic lines and non-transgenic control during MV treatments. When they were treated with 0.03 mmol/L of MV, both transgenic lines and control showed a rapid increase in the activities of GST, GPx, SOD, POD, APx, while the activity of CAT seemed to be irregular. The percent of the increase in SOD and POD activities was much higher in control than in transgenic plants. When treated with 0.05 mmol/L of MV, both control and transgenic plants were severely damaged, and the activities of the six enzymes decreased sharply.  相似文献   

Genes encoding defense-related proteins have been used to alter the resistance of plants to pathogens and other environmental challenges, but no single fungal gene overexpression has produced broad-spectrum stress resistance in transgenic lines. We have generated transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) lines that overexpress the endochitinases CHIT33 and CHIT42 from the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma harzianum and have evaluated their tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. Both CHIT33 and CHIT42, individually, conferred broad resistance to fungal and bacterial pathogens, salinity, and heavy metals. Such broad-range protective effects came off with no obvious detrimental effect on the growth of tobacco plants.  相似文献   

Monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR, EC is a key enzyme of the ascorbate (AsA)-glutathione cycle that maintains reduced pools of AsA and serves as an important antioxidative enzyme. Previously, we have cloned MDHAR cDNA from acerola (Malpighia glabra), a plant that accumulates abundant amount of AsA. In this study, MDHAR cDNA from acerola was introduced into tobacco plants using an Agrobacterium-mediated gene delivery system. Transgenic tobacco plants accumulated greater amounts of AsA and showed higher MDHAR activity than the control plants. Lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll degradation, which were stimulated in control plants, were restrained in transgenic plants subjected to salt stress. These results indicate that overexpression of acerola MDHAR imparts greater tolerance to salt stress.  相似文献   

The molecular and biochemical mechanism(s) of polyamine (PA) action remain largely unknown. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing polyamine oxidase (PAO) from Zea mays exhibited dramatically increased expression levels of Mpao and high 1,3-diaminopropane (Dap) content. All fractions of spermidine and spermine decreased significantly in the transgenic lines. Although Dap was concomitantly generated with H(2)O(2) by PAO, the latter was below the detection limits. To show the mode(s) of H(2)O(2) scavenging, the antioxidant machinery of the transgenics was examined. Specific isoforms of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase were induced in the transgenics but not in the wild-type (WT), along with increase in activities of additional enzymes contributing to redox homeostasis. One would expect that because the antioxidant machinery was activated, the transgenics would be able to cope with increased H(2)O(2) generated by abiotic stimuli. However, despite the enhanced antioxidant machinery, further increase in the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) by exogenous H(2)O(2), or addition of methylviologen or menadione to transgenic leaf discs, resulted in oxidative stress as evidenced by the lower quantum yield of PSII, the higher ion leakage, lipid peroxidation and induction of programmed cell death (PCD). These detrimental effects of oxidative burst were as a result of the inability of transgenic cells to further respond as did the WT in which induction of antioxidant enzymes was evident soon following the treatments. Thus, although the higher levels of H(2)O(2) generated by overexpression of Mpao in the transgenics, with altered PA homeostasis, were successfully controlled by the concomitant activation of the antioxidant machinery, further increase in ROS was detrimental to cellular functions and induced the PCD syndrome.  相似文献   

Methionine is an essential amino acid the low level of which limits the nutritional quality of plants. We formerly produced transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants overexpressing CYSTATHIONE γ‐SYNTHASE (CGS) (FA plants), methionine's main regulatory enzyme. These plants accumulate significantly higher levels of methionine compared with wild‐type (WT) plants. The aim of this study was to gain more knowledge about the effect of higher methionine content on the metabolic profile of vegetative tissue and on the morphological and physiological phenotypes. FA plants exhibit slightly reduced growth, and metabolic profiling analysis shows that they have higher contents of stress‐related metabolites. Despite this, FA plants were more sensitive to short‐ and long‐term oxidative stresses. In addition, compared with WT plants and transgenic plants expressing an empty vector, the primary metabolic profile of FA was altered less during oxidative stress. Based on morphological and metabolic phenotypes, we strongly proposed that FA plants having higher levels of methionine suffer from stress under non‐stress conditions. This might be one of the reasons for their lesser ability to cope with oxidative stress when it appeared. The observation that their metabolic profiling is much less responsive to stress compared with control plants indicates that the delta changes in metabolite contents between non‐stress and stress conditions is important for enabling the plants to cope with stress conditions.  相似文献   

We studied photoinhibition in two cultivars of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) expressing the bacterial gor gene in the cytosol and in four lines of poplar ( Populus tremula × P. alba ) expressing the FeSOD gene of Arabidopsis thaliana in the chloroplast. The respective total activities of glutathione reductase (EC in leaves of gor tobaccos and superoxide dismutase (EC in the FeSOD poplars were 5–8 times higher than in the respective untransformed control plants. Leaves of control and transformed plants were subjected to high-light stress at 20°C, and photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII) was measured by oxygen evolution and chlorophyll fluorescence. The leaves were illuminated both in the presence and absence of lincomycin, which inhibits chloroplast protein synthesis. In both cases, the time course of loss of PSII activity was identical in plants overproducing superoxide dismutase (SOD) and in the untransformed controls, suggesting that the ability to convert superoxide to hydrogen peroxide is not a limiting factor in protection against photoinhibition, or in the repair of photoinhibitory damage or that the site of O2 production is not accessible to the transgene product. The rate constant of photoinhibition, measured in lincomycin-treated leaves, was smaller in glutathione reductase (GR) overproducing tobacco cv. Samsun than in the respective wild-type, but this difference was not seen in cv. Bel W3. The steady-state level of PSII activity measured when the PSII repair cycle was allowed to equilibrate with photoinhibitory damage under high light was not higher in the GR overproducing cv. Samsun, suggesting that the repair of photoinhibitory damage was not enhanced in plants overproducing GR in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Legume root nodule nitrogen-fixing activity is severely affected by osmotic stress. Proline accumulation has been shown to induce tolerance to salt stress, and transgenic plants over-expressing Delta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), which accumulates high levels of proline, display enhanced osmotolerance. Here, we transformed the model legume Medicago truncatula with the P5CS gene from Vigna aconitifolia, and nodule activity was evaluated under osmotic stress in transgenic plants that showed high proline accumulation levels. Nitrogen fixation was significantly less affected by salt treatment compared to wild-type (WT) plants. To our knowledge, this is the first time that transgenic legumes have been produced that display nitrogen-fixing activity with enhanced tolerance to osmotic stress. We studied the expression of M. truncatula proline-related endogenous genes M. truncatulaDelta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 1 (MtP5CS1), M. truncatulaDelta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 2 (MtP5CS2), M. truncatula ornithine delta-aminotransferase (MtOAT), M. truncatula proline dehydrogenase (MtProDH) and a proline transporter gene in both WT and transgenic plants. Our results indicate that proline metabolism is finely regulated in response to osmotic stress in an organ-specific manner. The transgenic model allowed us to analyse some of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms that are activated in the nodule in response to high salt conditions, and to ascertain the essential role of proline in the maintenance of nitrogen-fixing activity under osmotic stress.  相似文献   

Despite extensive studies in eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenases, functional information about the ALDH7 antiquitin-like proteins is lacking. A soybean antiquitin homologue gene, designated GmTP55, has been isolated which encodes a dehydrogenase motif-containing 55 kDa protein induced by dehydration and salt stress. GmTP55 is closely related to the stress-induced plant antiquitin-like proteins that belong to the ALDH7 family. Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants constitutively expressing GmTP55 have been obtained in order to examine the physiological role of this enzyme under a variety of stress conditions. Ectopic expression of GmTP55 in both Arabidopsis and tobacco conferred tolerance to salinity during germination and to water deficit during plant growth. Under salt stress, the germination efficiency of both transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis seeds was significantly higher than that of their control counterparts. Likewise, under progressive drought, the transgenic tobacco lines apparently kept the shoot turgidity to a normal level, which contrasted with the leaf wilt phenotype of control plants. The transgenic plants also exhibited an enhanced tolerance to H(2)O(2)- and paraquat-induced oxidative stress. Both GmTP55-expressing Arabidopsis and tobacco seeds germinated efficiently in medium supplemented with H(2)O(2), whereas the germination of control seeds was drastically impaired. Similarly, transgenic tobacco leaf discs treated with paraquat displayed a significant reduction in the necrotic lesions as compared with control leaves. These transgenic lines also exhibited a lower concentration of lipid peroxidation-derived reactive aldehydes under oxidative stress. These results suggest that antiquitin may be involved in adaptive responses mediated by a physiologically relevant detoxification pathway in plants.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP(H) reductases (FNRs) represent a prototype of enzymes involved in numerous metabolic pathways. We found that pea FNR ferricyanide diaphorase activity was inhibited by Zn2+ (Ki 1.57 microM). Dichlorophenolindophenol diaphorase activity was also inhibited by Zn2+ (Ki 1.80 microM), but the addition of ferrocyanide was required, indicating that the inhibitor is an arrangement of both ions. Escherichia coli FNR was also inhibited by Zn-ferrocyanide, suggesting that inhibition is a consequence of common structural features of these flavoenzymes. The inhibitor behaves in a noncompetitive manner for NADPH and for artificial electron acceptors. Analysis of the oxidation state of the flavin during catalysis in the presence of the inhibitor suggests that the electron-transfer process between NADPH and the flavin is not significantly altered, and that the transfer between the flavin and the second substrate is mainly affected. Zn-ferrocyanide interacts with the reductase, probably increasing the accessibility of the prosthetic group to the solvent. Ferredoxin reduction was also inhibited by Zn-ferrocyanide in a noncompetitive manner, but the observed Ki was about nine times higher than those for the diaphorase reactions. The electron transfer to Anabaena flavodoxin was not affected by Zn-ferrocyanide. Binding of the apoflavodoxin to the reductase was sufficient to overcome the inhibition by Zn-ferrocyanide, suggesting that the interaction of FNRs with their proteinaceous electron partners may induce a conformational change in the reductase that alters or completely prevents the inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Huang W  Ma X  Wang Q  Gao Y  Xue Y  Niu X  Yu G  Liu Y 《Plant molecular biology》2008,68(4-5):451-463
Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) play a central role in detoxification processes of aldehydes generated in plants when exposed to the stressed conditions. In order to identify genes required for the stresses responses in the grass crop Zea mays, an ALDH (ZmALDH22A1) gene was isolated and characterized. ZmALDH22A1 belongs to the family ALDH22 that is currently known only in plants. The ZmALDH22A1 encodes a protein of 593 amino acids that shares high identity with the orthologs from Saccharum officinarum (95%), Oryza sativa (89%), Triticum aestivum (87%) and Arabidopsis thaliana (77%), respectively. Real-time PCR analysis indicates that ZmALDH22A1 is expressed differentially in different tissues. Various elevated levels of ZmALDH22A1 expression have been detected when the seedling roots exposed to abiotic stresses including dehydration, high salinity and abscisic acid (ABA). Tomato stable transformation of construct expressing the ZmALDH22A1 signal peptide fused with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) driven by the CaMV35S-promoter reveals that the fusion protein is targeted to plastid. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing ZmALDH22A1 shows elevated stresses tolerance. Stresses tolerance in transgenic plants is accompanied by a reduction of malondialdehyde (MDA) derived from cellular lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The effect of simultaneous expression of genes encoding three antioxidant enzymes, copper zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC, and dehydroascorbate (DHA) reductase (DHAR, EC, in the chloroplasts of tobacco plants was investigated under oxidative stress conditions. In previous studies, transgenic tobacco plants expressing both CuZnSOD and APX in chloroplast (CA plants), or DHAR in chloroplast showed enhanced tolerance to oxidative stresses, such as paraquat and salt. In this study, in order to develop transgenic plants that were more resistant to oxidative stress, we introduced the gene encoding DHAR into CA transgenic plants. Mature leaves of transgenic plants expressing all three antioxidant genes (CAD plants) had approximately 1.6–2.1 times higher DHAR activity, and higher ratios of reduced ascorbate (AsA) to DHA, and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH) compared to CA plants. CAD plants were more resistant to paraquat-induced stress, exhibiting only 18.1% reduction in membrane damage relative to CA plants. In addition, seedlings of CAD plants had enhanced tolerance to NaCI (100 mM) compared to CA plants. These results indicate that the simultaneous expression of multiple antioxidant enzymes, such as CuZnSOD, APX, and DHAR, in chloroplasts is more effective than single or double expression for developing transgenic plants with enhanced tolerance to multiple environmental stresses.  相似文献   

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