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We examined the stomach contents of 121 New Zealand (NZ) sea lions ( Phocarctos hookeri ) caught by the squid fishery during the summer/autumn 1997–2006 around the Auckland Islands (51°S, 166°E). Dietary variation was assessed among juveniles, lactating females, nonlactating females and males, and between areas on the Auckland Islands shelf. The digested fraction of the contents consisted mostly of opalfish ( Hemerocoetes spp.) (50.1% by number [ N ], 4.7% by mass [ M ]), rattail ( Coelorinchus spp.) (12.0% N , 2.4% M ), arrow squid ( Nototodarus sloani ) (14.1% N , 17.9% M ), octopus ( Enteroctopus zealandicus ) (2.1% N , 27.8% M ), and red cod ( Pseudophycis bachus ) (3.8% N , 4.3% M ). Opalfish was found in greater proportions in the stomachs of females (lactating: 58.1% N , nonlactating: 62.4% N ) and juveniles (56.9% N ) than males (14.5% N ). Juveniles caught smaller opalfish and rattail than adults did. Over all classes, sea lions ate larger prey in the east than in the north of the Auckland Islands shelf. The common prey—arrow squid and rattail—constitute an abundant resource at the edges of the Auckland Islands shelf, where lactating NZ sea lions forage. Although these key areas are far from the rookeries and impacted by the squid fishery, they may provide the only reliable resource able to support the cost of benthic foraging behavior in the deepest diver of all otariids.  相似文献   

Sap-feeding insects can excrete considerable quantities of sugar-rich honeydew. In New Zealand, South Island beech (Nothofagus spp.) forests are shaped by the extensive honeydew resource produced by two endemic coelostomidiid species (Ultracoelostoma assimile and U.?brittini) and geckos on northern islands are known to feed on the honeydew of a third endemic coelostomidiid, Coelostomidia zealandica. There are six other endemic coelostomidiid species in New Zealand that utilise a range of plant hosts but the ecological role of these species is poorly understood. A survey of mainland forests in the Auckland Ecological Region was conducted in February?April 2006 to investigate the distribution and abundance of coelostomidiids in this area. Three coelostomidiid species were detected in the survey (C.?zealandica, C.?pilosa and C.?wairoensis) and five new host?scale insect associations were identified. C.?zealandica was uncommon, C.?pilosa was widespread in broadleaved?podocarp forest but only formed light infestations, and C.?wairoensis was present in all teatree stands examined, often forming heavy infestations on k?nuka (Kunzea ericoides). Infested k?nuka trees had sooty moulds growing on them and exotic wasps were regularly seen feeding on C.?wairoensis honeydew. The extent and intensity of C. wairoensis infestation on k?nuka suggests it will have community-level impacts.  相似文献   

Juvenile reef fish communities represent an essential component of coral reef ecosystems in the current focus of fish population dynamics and coral reef resilience. Juvenile fish survival depends on habitat characteristics and is, following settlement, the first determinant of the number of individuals within adult populations. The goal of this study was to provide methods for mapping juvenile fish species richness and abundance into spatial domains suitable for micro and meso-scale analysis and management decisions. Generalized Linear Models predicting juvenile fish species richness and abundance were developed according to spatial and temporal environmental variables measured from 10 m up to 10 km in the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia. The statistical model was further spatially generalized using a 1.5-m resolution, independently created, remotely sensed, habitat map. This procedure revealed that : (1) spatial factors at 10 to 100-m scale explained up to 71% of variability in juvenile species richness, (2) a small improvement (75%) was gained when a combination of environmental variables at different spatial and temporal scales was used and (3) the coupling of remotely sensed data, geographical information system tools and point-based ecological data showed that the highest species richness and abundance were predicted along a narrow margin overlapping the coral reef flat and adjacent seagrass beds. Spatially explicit models of species distribution may be relevant for the management of reef communities when strong relationships exist between faunistic and environmental variables and when models are built at appropriate scales.  相似文献   

Detrimental interactions between marine mammals and fisheries are increasing worldwide. The ability to manage these interactions requires the knowledge of where and how interactions occur and the effects they have on species. Many pinnipeds are central place foraging colonial breeders who are restricted in foraging range during breeding. Here, we use a utilization distribution approach to examine the foraging habitats of lactating New Zealand (NZ) sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) from Dundas and Enderby Islands, Auckland Islands. Annually, the NZ sea lions which breed on these two islands produce 83% of this Nationally Critical species’ pups. Satellite transmitters were attached to 55 females during 2001–2007. Data showed that NZ sea lions utilize the entire Auckland Island shelf with partial habitat partitioning between females from the two breeding islands. This habitat partitioning results in differing degrees of overlap with fisheries and therefore possible differing fishery-related impacts on breeding areas.  相似文献   

The distribution of viral and microbial abundance in the Key Largo, Fla., reef environment was measured. Viral abundance was measured by transmission electron microscope direct counts and plaque titer on specific bacterial hosts in water and sediment samples from Florida Bay (Blackwater Sound) and along a transect from Key Largo to the outer edge of the reef tract in Key Largo Sanctuary. Water column viral direct counts were highest in Blackwater Sound of Florida Bay (1.2 x 10(7) viruses per ml), decreased to the shelf break (1.7 x 10(6) viruses per ml), and were inversely correlated with salinity (r = -0.97). Viral direct counts in sediment samples ranged from 1.35 x 10(8) to 5.3 x 10(8)/cm(3) of sediment and averaged nearly 2 orders of magnitude greater than counts in the water column. Viral direct counts (both sediment and water column measurements) exceeded plaque titers on marine bacterial hosts (Vibrio natriegens and others) by 7 to 8 orders of magnitude. Water column viral abundance did not correlate with bacterial direct counts or chlorophyll a measurements, and sediment viral parameters did not correlate with water column microbial, viral, or salinity data. Coliphage, which are indicators of fecal pollution, were detected in two water column samples and most sediment samples, yet their concentrations were relatively low (<2 to 15/liter for water column samples, and <2 to 108/cm(3) of sediment). Our findings indicate that viruses are abundant in the Key Largo environment, particularly on the Florida Bay side of Key Largo, and that processes governing their distribution in the water column (i.e., salinity and freshwater input) are independent of those governing their distribution in the sediment environment.  相似文献   

Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the Waikato River,New Zealand   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Burger  David F.  Hogg  Ian D.  Green  John D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):31-38
Potamoplankton is often a well developed component in large lowland rivers, yet little is known about its structure in New Zealand's longest river, the Waikato River. To redress this gap we sampled bimonthly at seven sites along the length of the river over 12 months. Rotifers were the dominant zooplankton in the Waikato River making up 85% of the total densities. Cladocerans represented 9% and copepods only 6%. Rotifers were also the most taxonomically rich group with 41 species in 20 genera identified throughout the study. Thirty rotifer species and nine genera represent new records for the river – two cladoceran species were also recorded for the first time. The highest densities of crustaceans and rotifers were found in the hydro lakes. Densities of crustaceans decreased with increasing distance downstream and densities of rotifers were on average 15 times greater than crustaceans in the lower river. The seasonality of Crustacea was similar to that in New Zealand lakes and rivers with high densities in summer and minimum densities over the winter period. Total rotifer densities showed a similar trend although there were marked seasonal differences between individual species.  相似文献   

Terrestrial habitat is important for breeding in most pinnipeds. On land, most species remain near the shore, but New Zealand (NZ) sea lions, Phocarctos hookeri, often rest inland up to 1.5 km from the sea. Only three breeding areas of NZ sea lions exist today after the species was extirpated from its historical range (NZ mainland). The study was conducted at the Sandy Bay breeding colony, Auckland Islands, between December 2002 and March 2003. We used daily Global Positioning System locations of breeding females with pups and mapping in a Geographic Information System to determine terrestrial habitat use and preferences. Slopes less than 20° were preferred throughout the study. Females chose nursing sites with a seasonal change, preferentially based on the distance from the sea and habitat type. Comparisons with the other breeding colonies of NZ sea lions are presented and data are discussed in the context of the recolonization of the NZ mainland. Overall, the most suitable terrestrial habitat configuration for a breeding aggregation of NZ sea lions appears to be a sandy beach, with a wide area above high tide and moderate intertidal zone (for breeding), backed with vegetated sand dunes and forest on primarily flat terrain (for later dispersion).  相似文献   


A new species of Paradasyhelea Macfie is described from females found on the Auckland Islands, New Zealand, and a key is presented to separate it from its five known congeners. New distribution and habitat records are presented for the three ceratopogonid species previously reported from the subantarctic islands of New Zealand—Forcipomyia kuscheli Sublette & Wirth, F. tapleyi Ingram & Macfie, and Dasyhelea aucklandensis Sublette & Wirth.  相似文献   

We present a balanced model of organic carbon flows through a temperate coastal ecosystem in New Zealand. The Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve is a 2452 ha no-take area including both rocky reef platforms and soft sediment, and covering the intertidal and subtidal communities to depths of approximately 50 m. The model includes 22 trophic groups, including birds, predatory and grazing invertebrates, detritivores, five groups of fish, microphytes, macroalgae, zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacteria and detritus. Initial parameterisations of the model were developed from video, diver and quadrat surveys in the study area, augmented by parameters derived from simple population models and scientific literature. A novel two stage balancing methodology is presented which adjusts biomasses, diet fractions, and energetic parameters of all trophic groups simultaneously, taking into account estimated parameter uncertainties and the highly variable magnitudes of flows through different groups (6 orders of magnitude). Most adjustments to the initial parameters necessary to balance the trophic model were < 20%, but large adjustments were needed for poorly observed groups such as bacteria, sponge, and phytoplankton. The balanced model is recognised as being one solution amongst many. In the model, 94% of the primary production remained ungrazed and formed particulate and dissolved organic detritus. The balanced model indicated that the reserve is relatively impoverished in terms of grazers and predators relative to New Zealand rocky reefs to the north. The model suggests that lobsters, which have increased in numbers since the reserve was established, are responsible for substantial predation on invertebrate groups which make up their prey (grazing, predatory, phytal/infaunal invertebrates). The level of predation on invertebrates by lobster in the model depends significantly on the extent to which lobsters in TTMR are consuming macroalgae.  相似文献   

At Bird Island, South Georgia, we surveyed the distribution and abundance of ticks on the vertebrate fauna and found only 1 species Ixodes uriae. We classified all seabird species into 3 groups: (1) seabirds nesting on the surface of the ground solitarily, in dispersed groups of a few nests, or in colonies with well-spaced nests; (2) seabirds nesting on the surface of the ground in dense colonies; and (3) seabirds nesting in dense colonies in burrows or rock crevices. We detected I. uriae only on 3 species of the second group that nested in large, dense, persistent colonies, i.e., black-browed albatross (Diomedea melanophrys), gray-headed albatross (Diomedea chrysostoma), and macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus). Ticks were found on the undersides of the feet on albatrosses but not on the undersides of the feet on penguins. We hypothesize that the coarse pebble nests of penguins, combined with the fact that their young walk around more than albatross young, make the environment on the underside of penguin feet more harsh and hostile for ticks than the underside of albatross feet. Despite the great abundance of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) on the island, we found no ticks on them.  相似文献   

Twenty-four species of rust fungi known from Auckland Islands and Campbell Island are listed, together with details of their host plants. Several species are recorded for the first time in these subantarctic islands. Four species are newly described and illustrated, viz., Milesia polystichi-vestiti on Polystichum vestitum (Dryopteridaceae), Petersonia dracophylli on Dracophyllum longifolium (Epacridaceae), Puccinia austrina on Isolepis habra (Cyperaceae), and Puccinia chathamica on Carex trifida (Cyperaceae). Uredo inflatus is transferred to Uromyces (as Uromyces inflatus comb. nov.) following recognition of the spores on Anisotome latifolia (Apiaceae) as teliospores.  相似文献   


Six gripopterygid stonefly species are found on New Zealand's subantarctic islands. They belong to the genera Apteryoperla and Aucklandobius, which are endemic to New Zealand and those islands. The only winged species, Aucklandobius complementarius Enderlein, is found on the Auckland Islands with A. gressitti n.sp., Apteryoperla turbotti lilies, and A. kuscheli n.sp. Campbell Island is inhabited by Apteryoperla campbelli lilies and A. longicauda lilies; there is also a doubtful record of Aucklandobius complementarius. All Apteryoperla species except longicauda have terrestrial larvae.  相似文献   


Ischyroplectron isolatum (Hutton) is redescribed from the Bounty Islands, south‐east of New Zealand. The relationships of the subantarctic Orthoptera are discussed. A key is given to the four genera of Rhaphidophoridae.  相似文献   

Daily myocardial infarct deaths for Auckland (36° 51S, 20 m above sea-level) show an increase in mortality rate with decreasing temperatures over the entire thermal range. Parallel studies in Brisbane and Montreal predicted a minimum death temperature between 21 and 24° C, but no such point was apparent. Lack of temperatures above 21° C, together with the small overall thermal range, is thought responsible.  相似文献   

As part of a health survey of New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) on Enderby Island, Auckland Islands (50 degrees 30'S, 166 degrees 17'E), neonatal mortality was closely monitored at the Sandy Bay colony for seven consecutive years. Throughout the breeding seasons 1998-99 to 2004-05, more than 400 postmortem examinations were performed on pups found dead at this site. The primary causes of death were categorized as trauma (35%), bacterial infections (24%), hookworm infection (13%), starvation (13%), and stillbirth (4%). For most pups, more than one diagnosis was recorded. Every year, two distinct peaks of trauma were observed: the first associated with mature bulls fighting within the harem and the second with subadult males abducting pups. In 2001-02 and 2002-03, epidemics caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae increased mortality by three times the mean in nonepidemic years (10.2%). The increased mortality was attributed directly to acute suppurative infection due to the bacterium and also to an increase in traumatic deaths of debilitated pups. Parasitic infection with the hookworm Uncinaria spp. was a common finding in all pups older than three weeks of age and debilitation by the parasite may have contributed to increased susceptibility to other pathogens such as Klebsiella sp. or Salmonella sp. This study provides valuable quantitative data on the natural causes of neonatal mortality in New Zealand sea lions that can be used in demographic models for management of threatened species.  相似文献   

Rocky reef habitat is common in many estuaries, yet its role as a habitat for fishes is poorly understood. There is also limited understanding of how access of coastal species into estuaries and habitat quality can affect the distribution of rocky reef fishes within estuaries. This study used baited remote underwater video stations to determine spatial patterns in fish assemblages associated with rocky reef habitat throughout a barrier estuary with a permanently open but restricted inlet. Estuarine rocky reefs provided habitat for a diverse assemblage of fishes, many of which were large juveniles and subadults. In the absence of a pronounced salinity or temperature gradient, a clear transition in fish assemblages occurred from coastal waters, through the inlet channel, to the central estuary, and into the inner estuary. The inlet channel, notably its narrowness and length, limits tidal input into this estuary, which acts as a significant impediment to the dispersal of many coastal fishes, and insufficient habitat excludes many coastal rocky reef species from the inner estuary. This study highlights the need to recognise estuarine rocky reefs as providing habitat for diverse fish assemblages and the role inlets play in restricting access of coastal species.  相似文献   

Debate on the control of population dynamics in reef fishes has centred on whether patterns in abundance are determined by the supply of planktonic recruits, or by post-recruitment processes. Recruitment limitation implies little or no regulation of the reef-associated population, and is supported by several experimental studies that failed to detect density dependence. Previous manipulations of population density have, however, focused on juveniles, and there have been no tests for density-dependent interactions among adult reef fishes. I tested for population regulation in Coryphopterus glaucofraenum, a small, short-lived goby that is common in the Caribbean. Adult density was manipulated on artificial reefs and adults were also monitored on reefs where they varied in density naturally. Survival of adult gobies showed a strong inverse relationship with their initial density across a realistic range of densities. Individually marked gobies, however, grew at similar rates across all densities, suggesting that density-dependent survival was not associated with depressed growth, and so may result from predation or parasitism rather than from food shortage. Like adult survival, the accumulation of new recruits on reefs was also much lower at high adult densities than at low densities. Suppression of recruitment by adults may occur because adults cause either reduced larval settlement or reduced early post-settlement survival. In summary, this study has documented a previously unrecorded regulatory mechanism for reef fish populations (density-dependent adult mortality) and provided a particularly strong example of a well-established mechanism (density-dependent recruitment). In combination, these two compensatory mechanisms have the potential to strongly regulate the abundance of this species, and rule out the control of abundance by the supply of recruits.  相似文献   


A population of lonnbergi skuas (family Stercorariidae) was studied over December and January 1974–75 on Rangatira Island, Chatham group (44°22′S,176°11′W). The main aim was to compare the behavioural ecology of these birds with that of maccormicki skuas of Antarctica, and to assess the moderating effect of environment on habits. The skuas held extensive territories along the coast and in inland areas clear of forest and bracken. Five of the 11 study territories were occupied by trios of adult birds. A major effect of the vegetation was to reduce contact between neighbours on the ground at territorial boundaries, and most territorial defence was by aerial display and attack. Eggs were laid from late September, and chicks began flying in late December and January. This breeding schedule is about 2 months earlier than for lonnbergi at Signy Island or for skuas in Antarctica, but falls on a trend line of latitude against egg-laying when all populations are considered. Seventeen chicks were reared on the 11 territories, a breeding success of 1.55 chicks per nest. This high success rate was attributable largely to success in rearing both chicks when two were hatched. This is seldom achieved in more extreme climates, and is apparently determined by the intensity of sibling competitiveness. It is hypothesised that this intensity is graded, and aggression by the older chick of the pair is provoked more easily by food shortage as environmental conditions become increasingly severe. The most important prey items recorded were adult petrels, especially broad-billed prion (Pachyptila vittata vittata) and white-faced storm petrel (Pelagodroma marina maoriana) captured on the ground at night. The skuas were mostly inactive during the day, and were not seen to fish or to chase or harass any other bird on or about the island. Southern blue penguins (Eudyptula minor minor), though very common on the island, were not attacked by the skuas. Skuas were not seen to attempt to dig out petrel or penguin nesting burrows. Of the differences in ecology recorded, only the presence of three adults on territories appears to be characteristic of lonnbergi; it has not been recorded for maccormicki or hamiltoni, and is either unknown or very rare in skua.  相似文献   

Habitat use by the resident coral reef anemonefish, Amphiprion frenatus, was examined in the complex coral reef landscape of Shiraho Reef, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, using an enlarged color aerial photograph processed using image analysis software as an accurate field map. The anemonefish inhabit assemblages of the host sea anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor (clonal type), which inhabit various patch reefs in the back reef moat. We located all patch reefs inhabited by the host in the map based on snorkel observations: 297 anemonefish were found in 93 host assemblages in the study site of 2.9 ha. These patch reefs could be recognized by the reef colors, including the shadows (blackish color) in the photograph. Using image analysis software, the colors of the patch reefs were chosen and pixels with the same color values were regarded as potential habitat patches for the fish (PHPs). PHPs were 3D patch reefs (>0.5 m in height). Total areas (TA) and total perimeters (TP) of PHPs were measured in nine quadrats in the digitized aerial photograph. Host abundance and anemonefish abundance in a quadrat showed stronger correlations with the product of TA and TP of PHPs than TA alone. A site with numerous large 3D patch reefs (≥0.75 m2 in situ) can be a better habitat for the fish than other sites consisting of several huge 3D patch reefs of the same total area. The methodology applied here may be useful for assessing the quality of habitats for small resident animals in shallow subtidal reefs.  相似文献   

Regional populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) around New Zealand are genetically isolated from each other and the species was recently classified as nationally endangered based on relatively small population sizes and reports of high calf mortality. Here, we estimate the abundance and trends in one of these regional populations, the Bay of Islands, using a photo‐identification database collected from 1997 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2006, containing a total of 3,841 records of 317 individual dolphins. Estimates of abundance obtained with the robust design fluctuated widely but showed a significant decline in the number of dolphins present in the bay over time (7.5% annual rate of decline). Temporary emigration was random and fluctuated considerably (γ  =  0.18, SE = 0.07 to γ  =  0.84, SE = 0.06). Apparent survival was estimated at 0.928 (CI = 0.911–0.942). Seasonal estimates (26 seasons) obtained in POPAN also showed a significant decline in abundance (5.8% annual rate of decline). Despite the decline observed in local abundance, dolphins continue to be found regularly in the Bay of Islands, suggesting that fewer dolphins use the bay on regular basis. Consequently, it seems that a change in habitat use, mortality and possibly low recruitment could underlie the apparent local decline.  相似文献   

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