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In 1964 Holliday postulated the formation of cruciform structures (four-way junctions) in duplex DNA as intermediate in genetic recombination. Since then, many biochemical and biophysical investigations were directed at solving questions concerning structural details of stable four-way junctions. Thus far, NMR spectroscopy played a minor part in these investigations on account of the minimum size of the molecule (expressed as the number of nucleotide residues) that was thought necessary to produce a stable cruciform structure. Indeed, the smallest four-way junction studied thus far by NMR methods was built from four separate DNA strands, each containing 16 nucleotides, a total of 64. Obviously, with such a large structure one runs into assignment problems. We considered the possibility of constructing a stable four-way junction from a single strand of DNA. The underlying idea was to make use of our detailed knowledge of the building principles of stable minihairpin loops. These loops, containing only two nucleotides to bridge the gap between antiparallel strands, are maximally stable in DNA sequences like 5-d(-C-TT-G-), where C and G form a normal Watson-Crick base pair and the two T residues cross the minor groove to form the minihairpin loop. Three of such miniloops could in principle cap three arms of the cruciform. The fourth arm would have an open end. The problem to be solved is to find the minimum length that is required to insure stability of the three closed arms and of the fourth open arm. We were successful with a structure that has three short stems (four base pairs each) and an open-end stem consisting of eight base pairs, a total of 46 residues. NMR experiments, carried out on this molecule in the presence of Mg2+, showed details of folding which have never been observed before.  相似文献   

The junction-resolving enzyme endonuclease I is selective for the structure of the DNA four-way (Holliday) junction. The enzyme binds to a four-way junction in two possible orientations, with a 4:1 ratio, opening the DNA structure at the centre and changing the global structure into a 90 degrees cross of approximately coaxial helices. The nuclease cleaves the continuous strands of the junction in each orientation. Binding leads to pronounced regions of protection of the DNA against hydroxyl radical attack. Using all this information together with the known structure of the enzyme and the structure of the BglI-DNA complex, we have constructed a model of the complex of endonuclease I and a DNA junction. This shows how the enzyme is selective for the structure of a four-way junction, such that both continuous strands can be accommodated into the two active sites so that a productive resolution event is possible.  相似文献   

Metal ions are very important in mediating the folding of nucleic acids, as exemplified by the folding of the four-way DNA junction into the stacked X-conformation. Uranyl ion-mediated photocleavage provides a method for the localization of high-affinity ion binding sites in nucleic acids, and we have applied this to the four-way DNA junction. We have made the following observations. (i) Uranyl ions (UO2(2+)) suppressed the reactivity of junction thymine bases against attack by osmium tetroxide, indicating that the uranyl ion induces folding of the junction into a stacked conformation. (ii) DNA located immediately at the point of strand exchange on the two exchanging strands was hypersensitive to uranyl photocleavage. The relative hypersensitivity was considerably accentuated when the photocleavage was carried out in the presence of citrate ions. This suggests the presence of a tight binding site for the uranyl ion in the junction. (iii) The same positions were significantly protected from uranyl cleavage by the presence of hexamminecobalt (III) or spermidine. These ions are known to induce the folded conformation of the four-way junction with high efficiency, suggesting a direct competition between the ions. By contrast, magnesium ions failed to generate a similar protection against photocleavage. These results suggest that the uranyl, hexamminecobalt (III) and spermidine ions compete for the same high affinity binding site on the junction. This site is located at the centre of the junction, at the point where the exchanging strands pass between the stacked helices. We believe that we have observed the first known example of a metal ion 'footprint' on a folded nucleic acid structure.  相似文献   

We have investigated the thermodynamic properties of two homologous DNA four-way junctions, J4 and J4M, based on 46-mer linear DNA molecules. J4 and J4M have the same base sequence with the only difference that the latter contains an uncharged methylene-acetal linkage, -O3'-CH2-O5', instead of the phosphodiester linkage, -O3'-PO2-O5'-, between the residues T18 and C19. The comparison of the thermal unfolding of the J4 junction and J4M junction serves to investigate the effect of the uncharged methylene-acetal linkage on the stability of the junction. Our analysis is based on CD, UV absorbance spectroscopy, DSC, and chemical footprinting. The aim is to characterize in detail the structure and stability of the junctions. As demonstrated before by NMR, in the presence of 5 mM MgCl2 +/- 50 mM NaCl, both J4 and J4M form a complete four-way junction. This is now evidenced by protection from OsO4 cleavage (chemical footprinting). We can assume that full base pairing occurs throughout the arms even at the center of the junction. CD spectra suggest that the helices within the junctions adopt the regular B-DNA conformation. Almost identical melting temperatures and unfolding enthalpies are obtained for J4 and J4M both by UV and DSC. Furthermore, the Van't Hoff enthalpy (DeltaHVH) derived from UV melting equals the calorimetric enthalpy (DeltaHcal), which means that the melting process of the structures proceeds in a two-state manner. All results taken together support the conclusion that there are no major conformational and energetic differences between J4 and J4M. The inclusion of the uncharged methylene-acetal group into the junction has no effect on its stability.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoretic analysis of the geometry of a DNA four-way junction   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Branched DNA molecules (Holliday structures) are believed to be key intermediates in the process of homologous genetic recombination. However, despite the importance of such structures, their transient nature makes it difficult to analyze their physical properties. In an effort to evaluate several models for the geometry of such branched molecules, a stable, synthetic DNA four-way junction has been constructed. The geometry of the synthetic junction has been probed by gel electrophoresis, utilizing the fact that bent DNA molecules demonstrate reduced mobilities on polyacrylamide gels to an extent that varies with the degree of the bend angle. From the synthetic four-way junction, we have produced a set of molecules in which all combinations of two junction arms have been extended by 105 base-pairs. The electrophoretic mobilities of the extended junctions differ in a manner which indicates that the junction is not a completely flexible structure; nor is it tetrahedral or planar-tetragonal. Instead, the four strands that comprise the DNA four-way junction are structurally non-equivalent. The significance of these observations with regard to previous models for four-way junction geometry is discussed.  相似文献   

Resolving enzymes bind highly selectively to four-way DNA junctions, but the mechanism of this structural specificity is poorly understood. In this study, we have explored the role of interactions between the dimeric enzyme and the helical arms of the junction, using junctions with either shortened arms, or circular permutation of arms. We find that DNA-protein contacts in the arms containing the 5' ends of the continuous strands are very important, conferring a significant level of sequence discrimination upon both the choice of conformer and the order of strand cleavage. We have exploited these properties to obtain hydroxyl radical footprinting data on endonuclease I-junction complexes that are not complicated by the presence of alternative conformers, with results that are in good agreement with the arm permutation and shortening experiments. Substitution of phosphate groups at the center of the junction reveals the importance of electrostatic interactions at the point of strand exchange in the complex. Our data show that the form of the complex between endonuclease I and a DNA junction depends on the core of the junction and on interactions with the first six base-pairs of the arms containing the 5' ends of the continuous strands.  相似文献   

We have used gel retardation analysis to show that human DNA topoisomerase IIbeta can bind a 40 bp linear duplex containing a single DNA topoisomerase IIbeta cleavage site. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that human DNA topoisomerase IIbeta binds to four-way junction DNA. This supports previous suggestions that topoisomerase II may be targeted to supercoiled DNA through the recognition of DNA cruciforms, helix-helix crossovers and hairpins. DNA topoisomerase IIbeta had a 4-fold higher affinity for the four-way junction than for the linear duplex, as demonstrated by protein titration and competition analysis. Furthermore, the DNA topoisomerase IIbeta:four-way junction complex was significantly more salt stable than the complex with linear DNA. The four-way junction contained potential topoisomerase IIbeta cleavage sites straddling the points of strand exchange, and indeed, topoisomerase IIbeta was able to cleave three of these four predicted sites. This indicates that topoiso-merase IIbeta can bind to the centre of the junction. Topoisomerase II has to bind both the transported and the gated DNA helices prior to strand passage, and it is possible that both helices are provided by the four-way junction in this case. The stable complex of DNA topoisomerase IIbeta with four-way junction DNA may provide an ideal substrate for further studies into the mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by DNA topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

Metal ions fold DNA junctions into a compact conformation that confers protection of all thymine bases to modification by osmium tetroxide. In the absence of the cation the arms of the junction are fully extended in an approximately square-planar configuration. Group IIa cations are effective in achieving a folded conformation of the junction at 80-100 microM, and there is an excellent agreement between the ionic concentrations that fold the junctions as deduced from gel electrophoretic experiments, and those that prevent osmium tetroxide reaction at the junction. Hexamminecobalt(III) achieves full folding at 2 microM, while spermine and spermidine are effective at 25 microM. Some transition metal ions such as Ni(II) may replace the group IIA cations. Monovalent ions of group IA are only partially effective in folding the junctions. Very much higher concentrations are necessary, gel electrophoretic mobilities suggest that a less symmetrical conformation is adopted and thymine bases at the junction remain reactive to osmium tetroxide. Charge-charge interactions at the centre of the junction are structurally extremely important. Substitution of junction phosphate groups by uncharged methyl phosphonates severely perturbs the structure of the junction. If just two phosphates are substituted, diametrically facing across the junction, the structure always folds in order to place the electrically neutral phosphate on the exchanging strands. We suggest that folding of the junction into the stacked X-structure generates electronegative clefts that can selectively bind metal ions, depending on the chemistry, size and charge of the ion. Moreover, occupation of these cavities is essential for junction folding, in order to reduce electrostatic repulsion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The four-way DNA (Holliday) junction is an important postulated intermediate in the process of genetic recombination. Earlier studies have suggested that the junction exists in two alternative conformations, depending upon the salt concentration present. At high salt concentrations the junction folds into a stacked X structure, while at low salt concentrations the data indicate an extended unstacked conformation. The stereochemical conformation of the four-way DNA junction at low salt (low alkali ion concentration and no alkaline earth ions) was established by comparing the efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in three permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms. A new variation of FRET was implemented based upon a systematic variation of the fraction of donor labeled single strands. The FRET results indicate that the structure of the four-way DNA junction at low salt exists as an unstacked, extended, square arrangement of the four duplex arms. The donor titration measurements made in the presence of magnesium ions clearly show the folding of the junction into the X stacked structure. In addition, the FRET efficiency can be measured. The fluorescence anisotropy of the acceptor in the presence of Mg2+ during donor titrations was also measured; the FRET efficiency can be calculated from the anisotropy data and the results are consistent with the folded, stacked X structure.  相似文献   

The accessibility of phosphodiester bonds in the DNA of four-way helical junctions has been probed with the nuclease DNase I. Regions of protection were observed on all four strands of the junctions, that tended to be longer on the strands that are exchanged between the coaxially stacked pairs of helices. The protected regions on the continuous strands of the stacked helices were not located exactly at the junction, but were displaced towards the 3' side of the strand. This is the region of backbone that becomes located in the major groove of the opposed helix in the non-crossed, right-handed structure for the junction, and might therefore be predicted to be protected against cleavage by an enzyme. However, the major grooves of the structure remain accessible to the much smaller probe dimethyl sulphate.  相似文献   

Interaction of a four-way junction in DNA with T4 endonuclease VII   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The binding of a synthetic four-way junction in DNA by T4 endonuclease VII has been studied using gel retardation and footprint analysis. Two specific protein-DNA complexes have been observed, but only one is stable in the presence of moderate concentrations of salt. The footprint of T4 endonuclease VII in the salt-resistant complex has been probed using hydroxyl radicals generated by the reaction of iron(II)/EDTA with hydrogen peroxide. The hydroxyl radical cleavage pattern indicates protection of approximately 5 residues in two strands that are diametrically opposed across the junction point.  相似文献   

The four-way DNA junction is believed to fold in the presence of metal ions into an X-shaped structure, in which there is pairwise coaxial stacking of helical arms. A restriction enzyme MboII has been used to probe this structure. A junction was constructed containing a recognition site for MboII in one helical arm, positioned such that stacking of arms would result in cleavage in a neighbouring arm. Strong cleavage was observed, at the sites expected on the basis of coaxial stacking. An additional cleavage was seen corresponding to the formation of an alternative stacking isomer, suggesting that the two isomeric forms are in dynamic equilibrium in solution.  相似文献   

We have carried out fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on four-way DNA junctions in order to analyze the global structure and its dependence on the concentration of several types of ions. A knowledge of the structure and its sensitivity to the solution environment is important for a full understanding of recombination events in DNA. The stereochemical arrangement of the four DNA helices that make up the four-way junction was established by a global comparison of the efficiency of FRET between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in all possible permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms of the four-way structure. The conclusions are based upon a comparison between a series of many identical DNA molecules which have been labeled on different positions, rather than a determination of a few absolute distances. Details of the FRET analysis are presented; features of the analysis with particular relevance to DNA structures are emphasized. Three methods were employed to determine the efficiency of FRET: (1) enhancement of the acceptor fluorescence, (2) decrease of the donor quantum yield, and (3) shortening of the donor fluorescence lifetime. The FRET results indicate that the arms of the four-way junction are arranged in an antiparallel stacked X-structure when salt is added to the solution. The ion-related conformational change upon addition of salt to a solution originally at low ionic strength progresses in a continuous noncooperative manner as the ionic strength of the solution increases. The mode of ion interaction at the strand exchange site of the junction is discussed.  相似文献   

Alternative conformations of a nucleic acid four-way junction   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Sleeping Beauty (SB), a member of the Tc1/mariner superfamily of transposable elements, is the only active DNA-based transposon system of vertebrate origin that is available for experimental manipulation. We have been using the SB element as a research tool to investigate some of the cis and trans-requirements of element mobilization, and mechanisms that regulate transposition in vertebrate species. In contrast to mariner transposons, which are regulated by overexpression inhibition, the frequency of SB transposition was found to be roughly proportional to the amount of transposase present in cells. Unlike Tc1 and mariner elements, SB contains two binding sites within each of its terminal inverted repeats, and we found that the presence of both of these sites is a strict requirement for mobilization. In addition to the size of the transposon itself, the length as well as sequence of the DNA outside the transposon have significant effects on transposition. As a general rule, the closer the transposon ends are, the more efficient transposition is from a donor molecule. We have found that SB can transform a wide range of vertebrate cells from fish to human. However, the efficiency and precision of transposition varied significantly among cell lines, suggesting potential involvement of host factors in SB transposition. A positive-negative selection assay was devised to enrich populations of cells harboring inserted transposons in their chromosomes. Using this assay, of the order of 10,000 independent transposon insertions can be generated in human cells in a single transfection experiment. Sleeping Beauty can be a powerful alternative to other vectors that are currently used for the production of transgenic animals and for human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Effects of base mismatches on the structure of the four-way DNA junction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Heteroduplex formation between imperfectly homologous DNA sequences may result in the formation of a four-way junction at which non-Watson-Crick base mismatches are present at the point of strand exchange. This raises the question of the effect of such mismatches on the structure and stability of these potential recombination intermediates. We have constructed a series of four-way DNA junctions containing single-base mismatches, and have studied the structure of the junctions by means of gel electrophoresis and chemical modification. We observed a range of effects on the structure of the junction, ranging from almost total abolition of folding through to normal accommodation into the folded structure. In some cases we observed gel electrophoretic data consistent with a dynamic equilibrium between folded and unfolded conformations, and in general the folded form was favoured at higher concentrations of cation. The effects of single mismatches on the structure of the four-way junction may be summarized in terms of: (1) the nature of the mismatch, where we note a correlation between the thermal stability of a given mismatch and its ability to be accommodated into a folded junction; or (2) the sequence context, where the effect of a given mismatch on the structure of a junction depends on the neighbouring base-pairs. These factors are illustrated by a junction, containing a C.A mismatch, that adopted alternate isomeric conformations dependent upon pH; as the state of protonation of the mispair changed, the structure was altered along with the interaction with neighbouring base-pairs. Most base mismatches may be accommodated into the folded stacked X-conformation of the four-way junction, but many require elevated cation concentration to permit the folding process to proceed. Some mismatches were found to be extremely destabilizing.  相似文献   

The physical properties of a triple-helical DNA four-way junction J(T2T4) have been characterized by means of UV spectroscopy, CD spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). J(T2T4) is another four-way junction that was designed in addition to J(T1T3) (N. Makube and H. H. Klump (2000) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 377, 31-42) to study the effects of third strands on the stability of the four-way junction with triple-helical arms. The pH titration curves illustrate the sequential folding of single strands to double-helical four-way junctions and finally the binding of third strands to their respective W-C duplexes. CD measurements confirm triplex formation under appropriate pH and ionic strength conditions. The CD spectra also suggest different melting patterns for the triple-helical arms of J(T2T4). The melting temperature as a function of pH or ionic strength characterizes the effect of the third strands on the structural stability. Increased sodium concentration and low pH conditions enhances and stabilizes the overall structure of the junction. The results also indicate that all triplexes in J(T2T4) are formed in the absence of salt and at low pH; however, the junction may, under these conditions, assume a conformation different from the one assumed in the presence of salt. Through the deconvolution of DSC data, the calorimetric enthalpies associated with melting of arms of the junctions were determined. The loops are designed to have the same enthalpic effect on the different arms. The stabilizing effect of the loops is more pronounced when those loops are shifted from arms 1 and 3 in J(T1T3) to arms 2 and 4 in J(T2T4) without changing any of the sequences. Overall, J(T2T4) is slightly more stable than J(T1T3). The differences can be attributed to sequence effects rather than structural effects. All the results illustrate that binding of the third strand in either of the two orientations 5'5'3' (J(T2T4)) or 5'3'3' (J(T1T3)) stabilizes the underlying double-helical four-way junction and its triple-helical arms.  相似文献   

MeCP2, whose methylated DNA-binding domain (MBD) binds preferentially to DNA containing 5Me-CpG relative to linear unmethylated DNA, also binds preferentially, and with similar affinity, to unmethylated four-way DNA junctions through the MBD. The Arg133Cys (R133C) mutation in the MBD, a Rett syndrome mutation that abolishes binding to methylated DNA, leads to only a slight reduction in the affinity of the MBD for four-way junctions, suggesting distinct but partially overlapping modes of binding to junction and methylated DNA. Binding to unmethylated DNA junctions is likely to involve a subset of the interactions that occur with methylated DNA. High-affinity, methylation-independent binding to four-way junctions is consistent with additional roles for MeCP2 in chromatin, beyond recognition of 5Me-CpG.  相似文献   

Molecular modelling and structural studies of 12-mer immobile four-way DNA junction model is reported here. The DNA junction which was built and investigated, consisted of the following sequences 5''d(GGAAGGGGCTGG), 5''d(CCAGCCTGAGCC), 5''d(GGCTCAACTCGG) and 5''d(CCGAGTCCTTCC). The model was made in such a way that the junction may lack two-fold sequence symmetry at the crossover point. A new version of the AMBER force field has been used, in addition to the Particle Mesh Ewald (PME) method which deals with the refinement treatment of the long range interaction potentials, the well known limitation in MD protocol. After molecular dynamics simulation the backbone parameters and helical parameters of the DNA junction model is calculated and its dynamical pathway is discussed. A close observation near the junction point reveals the shifting in the orientation of some of the P-O bonds from the usual π3 turn for A- and B- DNA to either π1 or π2 type of turn in order to achieve conformational stability. With this study it seems possible to derivatize synthetic DNA molecules with special functional groups both on the bases and at the backbones as in the case of some natural processes by which drugs, particular proteins etc. recognizes and binds to the specific sites of DNA.  相似文献   

High mobility group proteins HMG-I(Y) and HMG-1, as well as histone H1, all share the common property of binding to four-way junction DNA (4H), a synthetic substrate commonly used to study proteins involved in recognizing and resolving Holliday-type junctions formed during in vivo genetic recombination events. The structure of 4H has also been hypothesized to mimic the DNA crossovers occurring at, or near, the entrance and exit sites on the nucleosome. Furthermore, upon binding to either duplex DNA or chromatin, all three of these nuclear proteins share the ability to significantly alter the structure of bound substrates. In order to further elucidate their substrate binding abilities, electrophoretic mobility shift assays were employed to investigate the relative binding capabilities of HMG-I(Y), HMG-1 and H1 to 4H in vitro. Data indicate a definite hierarchy of binding preference by these proteins for 4H, with HMG-I(Y) having the highest affinity (Kd approximately 6.5 nM) when compared with either H1 (Kd approximately 16 nM) or HMG-1 (Kd approximately 80 nM). Competition/titration assays demonstrated that all three proteins bind most tightly to the same site on 4H. Hydroxyl radical footprinting identified the strongest site for binding of HMG-I(Y), and presumably for the other proteins as well, to be at the center of 4H. Together these in vitro results demonstrate that HMG-I(Y) and H1 are co-dominant over HMG-1 for binding to the central crossover region of 4H and suggest that in vivo both of these proteins may exert a dominant effect over HMG-1 in recognizing and binding to altered DNA structures, such as Holliday junctions, that have conformations similar to 4H.  相似文献   

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