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Mutagenesis provides a powerful way of isolating genetic and physiological processes underlying complex traits, but this approach has rarely been applied to investigating water balance in insects. Here, we describe the isolation of a desiccation-resistant mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Mutagenesis of a desiccation sensitive line resulted in the isolation of a mutant with two-fold higher resistance. The mutant was partially dominant and mapped to the second chromosome. Mutant flies showed lower rates of water loss, and had a higher water content, but showed no change in body mass, glycogen content, hemolymph volume or water content tolerated at death from desiccation. These physiological differences are contrasted to changes in lines of D. melanogaster mass selected for altered stress resistance. Isolation of this mutant provides an opportunity to identify a gene involved in water balance in insects.  相似文献   

Met(27) is a null allele of the Methoprene-tolerant gene of D. melanogaster that shows resistance to the toxic effects of both juvenile hormone (JH) and a JH analog, methoprene. The mechanism of resistance appears to be altered JH reception. We measured fertility, JH-hydrolyzing activity, and dopamine (DA) levels in Met(27) and Met(+) flies under normal (25 degrees C) and heat-stress (38 degrees C) conditions. We show that under normal conditions Met(27) females have JH-hydrolyzing activity and fertility lower than Met(+), but DA content did not differ between the two strains. At 38 degrees C Met(27) flies show no impairment in JH-hydrolyzing activity in response to stress, but they do show lower DA levels and impaired reproduction. The results with Met(27) are consistent with the previous hypothesis that the alteration in fertility that follows heat stress in D. melanogaster could result from alteration in the JH endocrine system.  相似文献   

The larval fat body of newly eclosed adults of Drosophila melanogaster was found to contain a single major binding protein specific for juvenile hormone (JH). Binding to this protein was saturable, of high affinity, and specific for JH III. The protein has a subunit molecular weight (Mr) of 85,000, as determined by photoaffinity labeling. The same or similar JH-binding protein was found in larval fat body and cuticle of third instar larvae and in male accessory glands and heads of newly eclosed adults. It was not found in several other tissues in adults. Male accessory gland cytosol from wild-type flies was found to contain a single binder with a dissociation constant (KD) of 6.7 nM for JH III; a binder in similar preparations from the methoprene-tolerant (Met) mutant had a KD value 6-fold higher. JH III stimulated protein synthesis in glands cultured in vitro, but this effect was reduced in Met flies as compared to wild-type flies, establishing a correlation between JH binding and biological activity of the hormone. In addition, glandular protein accumulation during the first 2 days of adult development was less in Met flies than in wild-type flies. These results strongly suggest that the binding protein we have identified mediates this JH effect in male accessory glands and thus is acting as a JH receptor.  相似文献   

Previously we identified juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) from Drosophila melanogaster by the criteria that it showed both appropriate developmental expression and kinetics for juvenile hormone (JH). We also noted three further esterases of D. melanogaster with some JHE-like characteristics, such as a GQSAG active site motif, a particular amphipathic helix, or close phylogenetic relationship with other JHEs. In this study, these JHE-like enzymes were expressed in vitro and their kinetic parameters compared with those of the previously identified JHE. Despite considerable phylogenetic distance between some of the esterases, they could all hydrolyse racemic JHIII. However, only the previously identified JHE had kinetic parameters (K(M) and k(cat)) towards various forms of JH (racemic or individual isomers of JHIII, JHII, JHI, and methyl farnesoate) consistent with a physiological role in JH regulation. Furthermore, only this JHE showed a preference for artificial substrates with acyl chain lengths similar to that of JH. This suggests that there is probably only one physiologically functional JHE in D. melanogaster but multiple esterases with JH esterase activity. Genomic comparisons of the selective JHE across 11 other Drosophila species showed a single orthologue in 10 of them but Drosophila willistoni has 16 full-length copies, five of them with the GQSAG motif and amphipathic helix.  相似文献   

This paper studies the metabolism of the juvenile hormone, which affects gonads functioning in Drosophila melanogaster females under P-M hybrid dysgenesis. It is shown that dysgenic females grown at 29°C have increased levels of the juvenile hormone (its degradation and stress reactivity are reduced), which apparently is a compensatory response to ovarian hypoplasia.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) degradation was studied under normal and stress conditions in young and matured females of Drosophila melanogaster strains having mutations in different genes involved in responses to stress It was shown that (1) the impairment in heat shock response elicits an alteration in stress-reactivity of the JH system; (2) the impairment JH reception causes a decrease of JH-hydrolysing activity and of stress-reactivity in young females, while in mature ones stress reactivity is completely absent; (3) the absence of octopamine results in higher JH-hydrolysis level under normal conditions and altered JH stress-reactivity; (4) the higher dopamine content elicits a dramatic decrease of JH degradation under normal conditions and of JH stress-reactivity. Thus, the impairments in any component of the Drosophila stress reaction result in changes in the reponse of JH degradation system to stress. The role of JH in the development of the insect stress reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Pinocytotic activity has been analyzed in Drosophila oocytes following either in vivo or in vitro exposure to horseradish peroxidase. The enzyme tracer gains access to the yolk spheres only when supplied to the oocyte in vivo. In oocytes cultured in vitro, peroxidase remains restricted to the residual coated vesicles and to the tubular profiles formed in excess in the cortical ooplasm.In an attempt to induce peroxidase uptake by oocytes cultured in vitro, various incubations were tested. Among these, hemolymph from both sexes is capable of promoting peroxidase uptake up to a level comparable to that detectable in vivo. On the other hand, fat body extracts fail to promote such cellular activity. Finally, the juvenile hormone analogue ZR-515 is shown to be the only factor required to promote pinocytotic activity under the experimental conditions tested. The observations are interpreted to indicate that vitellogenin has no inductive role on pinocytosis but simply acts by adhering to the forming coated vesicles which in turn are produced by the oolemma in response to the action of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

In vitro metabolism of juvenile hormone III (JH III) and juvenile hormone III bisepoxide was investigated using purified mouse liver cytosolic epoxide hydrolase (cEH) and cell fractions from Drosophila melanogaster. JH III was metabolized faster than JH III bisepoxide by epoxide hydrolase activity in D. melanogaster cell fractions and by cEH. After incubation with JH III bisepoxide, all cell fractions and cEH produced epoxy-diol, cis- and trans-tetrahydrofuran-diols, and tetraol as metabolites. An increase in the concentration of cEH resulted in an increase in the proportion of tetraol as a JH III bisepoxide metabolite but this trend was not observed in the D. melanogaster cell fractions. Differences between cell fractions in the metabolism of JH III and JH III bisepoxide suggests the presence of juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase isozymes.  相似文献   

Summary A new homoeotic mutant, I127, showing abnormal growths in the head region including homoeotic transformation of eye to genitalia and antenna to leg, was isolated in a screen designed to find new alleles of the tumorous head (tuh-3), mutation. Similarities in the phenotype and genetics of the mutant, and complementation studies with tuh-1; tuh-3, suggest that I127 is indeed an allele of tuh-3. In combination with the first chromosome modifier tuh-1, the mutant is temperature-sensitive during the third larval instar, giving an increased penetrance of the tumorous head phenotype when reared at 25° C as opposed to 18° C. The isolation of further alleles at the tumorous-head locus are essential. The types of morphological defects which can result from mutations at this locus would enable us to establish if this is a complex locus, and if null mutations are lethal during development. The interactions of the tumorous-head gene with first chromosome modifiers and other homoeotic mutations will only be understood if we able to induce a number of mutations at this locus, and as a consequence begin to elucidate the role of the wild-type gene product in normal development.  相似文献   

We previously reported the identification of a putative juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) binding protein DmP29 in Drosophila melanogaster and its primary localization to the mitochondria [Liu, Z., Ho, L., Bonning, B.C., 2007. Localization of a Drosophila melanogaster homolog of the putative juvenile hormone esterase binding protein of Manduca sexta. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 37(2), 155-163]. To further characterize DmP29, we identified potential ligands of this protein. Recombinant DmP29 was shown by ligand blot and co-immunoprecipitation analyses to bind recombinant JHE as well as to larval serum proteins (LSP). The possible biological relevance of the in vitro DmP29-JHE interaction is provided by detection of JHE activity in D. melanogaster mitochondrial fractions; 0.48 nmol JH hydrolyzed/min/mg mitochondrial protein, 97% of which was inhibited by the JHE-specific inhibitor OTFP. However, the DmP29-LSP interactions may not be biologically relevant. Given the high abundance, and "sticky" nature of these proteins, interaction of DmP29 with LSP may result from non-specific associations. No DmP29 interactions with non-specific esterases were detected by co-immunoprecipitation analyses. The potential role of DmP29 as a chaperone of JHE is discussed.  相似文献   

A putative juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) binding protein, P29, was isolated from the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta [J. Biol. Chem. 275(3), 1802-1806]. A homolog of P29 was identified in Drosophila melanogaster by sequence alignment. This gene, CG3776 was cloned, recombinant DmP29 expressed in Escheriscia coli and two anti-DmP29 antisera raised. In vitro binding of the P29 homolog to Drosophila JHE was confirmed. P29 mRNA and an immunoreactive protein of 25 kDa were detected in Drosophila larvae, pupae and adults. The predicted size of the protein is 30 kDa. Drosophila P29 is predicted to localize to mitochondria (MitoProt; 93% probability) and has a 6 kDa N-terminal targeting sequence. Subcellular organelle fractionation and confocal microscopy of Drosophila S2 cells confirmed that the immunoreactive 25 kDa protein is present in mitochondria but not in the cytosol. Expression of P29 without the predicted N-terminal targeting sequence in High Five cells showed that the N-terminal targeting sequence is shorter than predicted, and that a second, internal mitochondrial targeting signal is also present. An immunoreactive protein of 50 kDa in the hemolymph does not result from alternative splicing of CG3776 but may result from dimerization of P29. The function of P29 in mitochondria and the possible interaction with JHE are discussed.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) is critical for development, metamorphosis, and reproduction in insects. While the physiological importance of JH has been appreciated for decades, its biosynthetic pathway and molecular action remain poorly understood. DrosophilaCG10527 encodes a protein with high homology to crustacean farnesoic acid methyltransferase (FAMeT) that converts farnesoic acid to methyl farnesoate (MF), a precursor of JH, but its in vivo functions remain unclear. Here we report that CG10527 is expressed widely in secondary cells in the male accessory glands, in ovarian follicle cells, and in glial cells in the nervous system. Furthermore, CG10527 is expressed abundantly in the corpora allata where JH is synthesized. To understand the physiological functions of CG10527, we generated specific CG10527 deletions. Phenotypic analysis showed that CG10527 null mutants are fully viable and fertile in both sexes, indicating that CG10527 is not essential for survival and fertility. Surprisingly, CG10527 mutants showed no defects in the biosynthesis of MF and JH. However, CG10527 mutants were 3-5 times more resistant than wild-type flies to topically applied MF and JH as well as the JH analog methoprene at both sub-lethal and lethal doses. Taken together, our data indicate that DrosophilaCG10527 plays little, if any, role in JH biosynthesis but may participate in the JH signaling pathway.  相似文献   

A thin-layer chromatographic assay was developed for the resolution of hydrolytic and conjugative catabolites of juvenile hormone (JH). A single-dimension, dual-development thin-layer system allowed complete resolution of the catabolites. Thus, this system provided a means for the rapid and economic analysis of JH hydrolysis even when different hydrolytic activities were present concurrently. Purified hydrolytic enzymes were found to be superior to chemical methods for the generation of small amounts of standards of JH catabolites. The relative levels of activities of an epoxide hydrolase and an esterase toward JH III were found to be similar in microsomal preparations from three lines of adult Drosophila melanogaster isolated from a field population. However, selection of flies by exposure to cut orange resulted in the elevation of levels of epoxide hydrolase activities, whereas esterase levels were not affected to the same extent. The formation of the JH acid-diol was not detected under the conditions of this study, suggesting that the JH acid and diol were not good substrates for epoxide hydrolase and juvenile hormone esterase, respectively.  相似文献   

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