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Using complete sequences of cytochrome b (cyt b) and control region (CR; D-loop) genes of mitochondrial DNA, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships and phylogeography among populations of the salamander Hynobius tokyoensis in northern Japan. Inclusion of populations from Aichi, Chubu region within Hynobius nebulosus by previous results was confirmed because they formed a clade with H. nebulosus. Monophyly of H. tokyoensis was supported in all trees analyzed, and two clades consistently emerged: clade A from northeastern Kanto (Ibaraki) to southern Tohoku (Fukushima), and clade B from the remaining area south of northern Kanto (Tochigi). These two clades are estimated to have an old history of divergence during the late Pliocene, when the present-day Kanto Plain was under the sea. Within clade B, three haplotypes groups (I-III) are hypothesized to have diverged more recently, i.e., between the early and mid-Pleistocene, probably in relation to glacial events. The ancestral groups I and II were separated at the present-day western Kanto and Boso Peninsula areas, respectively, and subsequently, group II invaded northward to the present-day northern Kanto area and gave rise to group III. Populations of the Miura Peninsula are thought to have multiple origins, one directly from Boso and another from a more recent southward invasion from the northern Kanto area. Cytochrome b appears to have evolved more quickly than CR genes in H. tokyoensis, and thus will be more useful for phylogenetic analyses and formulating conservation measures.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of pond frogs distributed in the Far East and Europe were investigated by analyses of nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA (12S rRNA) and cytochrome b (cyt b) genes. The nucleotide sequences of a 412-bp segment of the 12S rRNA gene and a 534-bp segment of the cyt b gene were determined by the PCR-direct sequencing method using 19 frogs belonging to six species and one subspecies distributed in the Palearctic region. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood methods using Rana catesbeiana or Xenopus laevis as an outgroup. The 412-bp segment of the 12S rRNA gene contained 65 variable sites including gap sites, and the 534-bp segment of the cyt b gene contained 160 variable sites. The nucleotide sequence divergences of the 12S rRNA gene were 0.25-4.83% within the Far Eastern frogs, 0.25-6.22% within the European frogs, and 8.74-11.24% between the Far Eastern and the European frogs, whereas those of the cyt b gene were 3.64-14.73% within the Far Eastern frogs, 0.38-14.42% within the European frogs, and 16.53-23.58% between the Far Eastern and the European frogs. Although most nucleotide substitutions were at the third codon position of the cyt b gene and were silent mutations, 4 amino acid replacements occurred within the Far Eastern frogs, 4 within the European frogs, and 11 between the Far Eastern and the European frogs. The phylogenetic trees constructed from the nucleotide sequence divergences showed slightly different topologies for the 12S rRNA and cyt b genes. R. esculenta from Ukraine was closely related to R. lessonae from Luxembourg in both the 12S rRNA and the cyt b gene sequences.  相似文献   



Phasianidae is a family of Galliformes containing 38 genera and approximately 138 species, which is grouped into two tribes based on their morphological features, the Pheasants and Partridges. Several studies have attempted to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the Phasianidae, but many questions still remain unaddressed, such as the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships among Crossoptilon species. The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) has been extensively used to infer avian genetic diversification with reasonable resolution. Here, we sequenced the entire mitogenomes of three Crossoptilon species (C. harmani, C. mantchuricum and C. crossoptilon) to investigate their evolutionary relationship among Crossoptilon species.


The complete mitogenomes of C. harmani, C. mantchuricum and C. crossoptilon are 16682 bp, 16690 bp and 16680 bp in length, respectively, encoding a standard set of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and a putative control region. C. auritum and C. mantchuricum are more closely related genetically, whereas C. harmani is more closely related to C. crossoptilon. Crossoptilon has a closer relationship with Lophura, and the following phylogenetic relationship was reconstructed: ((Crossoptilon + Lophura) + (Phasianus + Chrysolophus)). The divergence time between the clades C. harmani-C. crossoptilon and C. mantchuricum-C. auritum is consistent with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Tertiary Pliocene. The Ka/Ks analysis showed that atp8 gene in the Crossoptilon likely experienced a strong selective pressure in adaptation to the plateau environment.


C. auritum with C. mantchuricum and C. harmani with C. crossoptilon form two pairs of sister groups. The genetic distance between C. harmani and C. crossoptilon is far less than the interspecific distance and is close to the intraspecific distance of Crossoptilon, indicating that C. harmani is much more closely related to C. crossoptilon. Our mito-phylogenomic analysis supports the monophyly of Crossoptilon and its closer relationship with Lophura. The uplift of Tibetan Plateau is suggested to impact the divergence between C. harmani-C. crossoptilon clade and C. mantchuricum-C. auritum clade during the Tertiary Pliocene. Atp8 gene in the Crossoptilon species might have experienced a strong selective pressure for adaptation to the plateau environment.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1234-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region (D-loop) and flanking tRNA genes (about 1000 bp) of 20 samples of wood mice (genus Apodemus ) were analyzed in order to clarify the relationships between different species belonging to the genus. The phylogenetic trees obtained using different methods showed similar topologies with distinct Karstomys ( Apodemus epimelas and Apodemus mystacinus ) and Sylvaemus ( Apodemus alpicola , Apodemus flavicollis , Apodemus hermonensis , Apodemus sylvaticus and Apodemus uralensis ) subtrees. Within Sylvaemus all species appeared to be closely related to each other, probably as result of a bush-like radiation event. Nevertheless, A. hermonensis seemed to be the first diverging branch followed by A. sylvaticus ; A. alpicola and A. flavicollis appeared to be very closely related. Three individuals of uncertain taxonomical status were included in the analysis: hypotheses as to their status are discussed. Further phylogenetic analysis was carried out combining the D-loop sequences of part of the samples of certain taxonomical status with 12S rRNA and cytochrome b sequences obtained by other researchers. Furthermore, I present a structure analysis of the D-loop in Apodemus as compared other rodent species.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (cyt b) and control region (CR) nucleotide sequences were used to study the molecular phylogeny of the genus Syrmaticus. We found that the substitution rates among the three codon positions of cyt b were heterogeneous and the transition-transversion ratio was highly biased. As to CR sequences of the genus, most variable sites were in the peripheral domains. All molecular phylogenetic trees based on the two genes showed that: 1) the Syrmaticus was monophyletic and included five species with the following cladistic relationship: (S. reevesii, (S. soemmerringii, (S. mikado, (S. humiae and S. ellioti)))). Using the TN genetic distance of cyt b, we inferred the divergence time of the five species according to putative molecular clock and found that values were largely in agreement with the geological scenarios. The origin and speciation processes of the studied group were inferred by combining molecular and biogeographical evidences.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 93 specimens of 22 species of seahorses (genus Hippocampus) from the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans were analysed using cytochrome b gene sequence data. A maximum sequence divergence of 23.2% (Kimura 2-parameter model) suggests a pre-Tethyan origin for the genus. Despite a greater number of seahorse species in the Indo-Pacific than in the Atlantic Ocean, there was no compelling genetic evidence to support an Indo-Pacific origin for the genus Hippocampus. The phylogenetic data suggest that high diversity in the Indo-Pacific results from speciation events dating from the Pleistocene to the Miocene, or earlier. Both vicariance and dispersal events in structuring the current global distribution of seahorses. The results suggested that several species designations need re-evaluating, and further phylogeographic studies are required to determine patterns and processes of seahorse dispersal.  相似文献   

Two mitochondrial genes, Cytochrome b (Cytb) and Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), have been used as phylogenetic markers in Chironomids. The nucleotide sequences of 685 bp from Cytb and 596 bp from COI have been determined for 36 Chironomus species from the Palearctic, or Holarctic, and Australasia. The concatenated sequence of 1281 bp from both genes was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among these species. The nucleotide sequence alignments were used for construction of phylogenetic trees based on maximum-parsimony and neighbor-joining methods. Both techniques produced similar phylogenies. Monophyly of the genus Chironomus is supported by a bootstrap value of 100% at the basal branch. Six clusters of species have been revealed with high bootstrap values supporting both monophyly of each cluster and the validity of the branching order within each cluster. Four species, C. circumdatus, C. nepeanensis, C. dorsalis, and C. crassiforceps, cannot be placed into any cluster. Cytological phylogenies were constructed using the same set of species, except for C. biwaprimus. These trees showed many similarities to that obtained from the mitochondrial (mt) sequence analysis, but also a number of significant differences. When compared with the tree constructed from the sequence of 23 species available for one of the globin genes, globin 2b (gb2b), there was better support for the mt tree than for the cytological trees. An intron, which varies in its occurrence and position in gb2b, was also investigated and the distribution of the introns supports the phylogenetic history of the genus Chironomus obtained with mt data. The differences observed in the cytological trees seem to be attributable more to the retention of the same chromosome banding sequence across several species, rather than convergent evolutionary events. An important question is the determination of the position of the subgenus Camptochironomus in relation to the representatives of the nominal subgenus Chironomus, since it has been suggested that this is a separate genus. The Camptochironomus species are internal to the trees and have arisen more recently than some of the species of the subgenus Chironomus, indicating that they are not sufficiently differentiated to be considered more than a subgenus.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II (COII) gene was determined for five species of the honeybee (Genus: Apis): A. andreniformis, A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea, and A. koschevnikovi; these were then compared to the known sequence of the A. millifera gene from Crozier et al. (1989, Mol. Biol. Evol., 6: 399-411) and the wasp Excristes roborator (Liu and Beckenbach, 1992, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 1:41-52). Phylogenetic relationships were derived using the parasimony methods DNAPARS and PROTPARS of Felsenstein ("PHYLIP Manual Version 3.4, "University Herbarium, Univ. of California, Berkeley). The results suggest that A. dorsata is the most ancestral species, followed by the branching of A. florea/A. andreniformis and A. koschevnikovi, and then A. mellifera and A. cerana. This inference differs from the currently accepted view that considers the A. florea/A. andreniformis line to be the most ancestral.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fragments containing the cytochrome b gene (1020 bp in size) of four bird species belonging to four genera of the family Tetraonidae (Tetrao parvirostris, Bonasa umbellus, Lagopus lagopus scoticus, and Falcipennis falcipennis) were directly sequenced. Of the 1020 nucleotide positions, 186 were variable and uniformly distributed over the gene and only 46 were parsimony informative. Most substitutions were synonymous. Replacement substitutions were detected for 15 out of 340 amino acid sites; only four replacements were parsimony informative. The greatest codon bias was found for leucine and serine. The C-T transitions and the G-C transversions were, respectively, the most common (60.7%) and the most rare (5.9%). The mutation frequencies were high at the third codon position (85.2%) and relatively low at the first and the second position. At the third codon position of the species examined, the guanine content was the lowest (3.3%) and the cytosine content was the highest (44.5%). Based on the cytochrome b gene sequences, phylogenetic relationships in the order Galliformes are inferred.  相似文献   

Structure of mitochondrial DNA control region about three flounders – Pleuronectes yokohama, Pleuronectes schrenki and Pleuronectes herzensteini – were reported. The TAS, cTAS, CSB-A to CSB-F and CSB-1 to CSB-3 were detected in these three flounders. The results indicated that the structures of these parts were different from most fishes. All the mtDNA control region sequences of the three founders have tandem repeat sequences in the downstream of CSB-3, which is different from most vertebrates. According to the structure of the mtDNA control region, P. yokohama was more similar with P. schrenki and P. herzensteini was much different from the other two species. In addition, three segments such as control region, Cytb and COI are used to analyze the phylogenic relationships of the three species. The genetic distances and phylogenetic tree results support the classification by traditional morphology. It is not clear if P. yokohama and P. schrenki belong to the same species, and this should be accepted with caution.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the phylogenetic relationship and deep-sea adaptation process of the deep-sea fish genus Coryphaenoides, the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial (mt) 12 S rRNA and COI gene sequences for seven Coryphaenoides species were analyzed. Our molecular phylogenetic tree shows a new arrangement of seven Coryphaenoides species, which form two distinct groups, abyssal and nonabyssal species, and differs from the results of previous taxonomic studies. Using the mutation rate of mitochondrial genes, the divergence time between abyssal and nonabyssal Coryphaenoides was found to be 3.2-7.6 million years ago. Our study suggests that hydraulic pressure plays an important role in the speciation process in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - The Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) is an endangered species in Southeast Asia (SEA). Over the years, there has only been a few reports on its population genetic...  相似文献   

Chinese species of the genus Niviventer, predominantly distributed in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and in Taiwan, are a diverse group and have not yet received a thorough molecular phylogenetic analysis. Here, we reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of 32 specimens representing nine Chinese species of Niviventer, based on sequences of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis resulted in three consistent trees, each supported by high bootstrap values. The results showed that the Niviventer species included here are monophyletic. The nine species were classified into three distinct clades: clade A with Niviventer brahma, N. confucianus, N. coxingi, N. culturatus, N. eha and N. fulvescens; clade B with N. andersoni and N. excelsior; clade C with N. cremoriventer. Our results also suggested that N. culturatus should be a valid species rather than a subspecies of N. confucianus. Divergence times among species were calibrated according to the middle-late Pleistocene (1.2-0.13 Mya) fossil records of N. confucianus. The results demonstrated that the first radiation event of the genus Niviventer occurred in early Pleistocene (about 1.66 Mya), followed by the divergence of clades A and B at about 1.46 Mya. Most of the extant Niviventer species appeared during early to middle Pleistocene (about 1.29-0.67 Mya). These divergence times are coincidental with the last uplift events of the Tibetan Plateau, Kun-Huang movement, Pleistocene glaciations and the vicariant formation of Taiwan Strait. Consequently geographical events and Pleistocene glaciations have played a great role in the diversification of Niviventer.  相似文献   

The Cracidae is one of the most endangered and distinctive bird families in the Neotropics, yet the higher relationships among taxa remain uncertain. The molecular phylogeny of its 11 genera was inferred using 10,678 analyzable sites (5,412 from seven different mitochondrial segments and 5,266 sites from four nuclear genes). We performed combinability tests to check conflicts in phylogenetic signals of separate genes and genomes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the unrooted tree of ((curassows, horned guan) (guans, chachalacas)) was favored by most data partitions and that different data partitions provided support for different parts of the tree. In particular, the concatenated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes resolved shallower nodes, whereas the combined nuclear sequences resolved the basal connections among the major clades of curassows, horned guan, chachalacas, and guans. Therefore, we decided that for the Cracidae all data should be combined for phylogenetic analysis. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian analyses of this large data set produced similar trees. The MP tree indicated that guans are the sister group to (horned guan, (curassows, chachalacas)), whereas the ML and Bayesian analysis recovered a tree where the horned guan is a sister clade to curassows, and these two clades had the chachalacas as a sister group. Parametric bootstrapping showed that alternative trees previously proposed for the cracid genera are significantly less likely than our estimate of their relationships. A likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis of a molecular clock for cracid mtDNA sequences using the optimal ML topology did not reject rate constancy of substitutions through time. We estimated cracids to have originated between 64 and 90 million years ago (MYA), with a mean estimate of 76 MYA. Diversification of the genera occurred approximately 41-3 MYA, corresponding with periods of global climate change and other Earth history events that likely promoted divergences of higher level taxa.  相似文献   

The cytochrome b and ATPase genes of honeybee mitochondrial DNA.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The gene sequences for honeybee cytochrome b, ATPase 6, and ATPase 8 are presented, along with the inferred amino acid sequences of the proteins. These mitochondrial genes are in the same relative positions as are their counterparts in Drosophila mitochondrial mtDNA and have evolved at a significantly greater overall rate than have those of Drosophila. Comparisons using both amino acid identity and the proportion of conservative replacements between the inferred Apis and vertebrate cytochrome b sequences shows the two highly conserved sections reported by Howell, but his recognition of five conserved regions is not well supported. A very high AT bias is reflected in very high codon biases. The best predictors of the number of occurrences of an amino acid in honeybee cytochrome b are the T and G contents of its codon family--unlike the case for vertebrate cytochrome b, in which the codon family size and AT bias are the strongest predictors; protein function, at least as judged by hydrophilicity characteristics, appears to be unaffected by these differing influences on amino acid composition.  相似文献   

DNA sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial DNA genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among four species of mullids. Approximately 238 bp of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 261 bp of the cytochrome b (cytb) genes were sequenced from representatives of three mullid genera (Mullus, Upeneus, Pseudopeneus), present in the Mediterranean Sea. Trees were constructed using three methods: maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor joining (NJ) and parsimony (MP). The results of the analyses of these data together with published data of the same mtDNA segments of two other perciform species (Sparus aurata, Perca fluviatilis), support the previous taxonomic classification of the three genera examined, as well as the classification of the two red mullet species in the same genus.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of all eight recognized taxa of the genus Thunnus was constructed from approximately 400 base pairs of sequence of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. The PCR-amplified control region I segment studied contained a total of 186 variable sites and 159 phylogenetically informative sites. Diagnostic sequences for every taxon were identified. Neighbour-joining phylogenies supported monophyletic origins of the temperate subgenus Thunnus and of the tropical subgenus Neothunnus . Similar results were obtained by maximum parsimony analyses except that there was no support for a monophyletic origin of the subgenus Thunnus . Bigeye tuna, which have been difficult to place in either subgenus using conventional morphological data, was identified as the sister species of Neothunnus . Within the subgenus Thunnus , the Atlantic bluefin and Southern bluefin tunas were shown to be sister taxa of the highly divergent monophyletic clade formed by the Pacific northern bluefin and the Albacore tunas. The conspecific Atlantic ( T. thynnus thynnus ) and Pacific ( T. t. orientalis ) northern bluefin tunas were more divergent (Tamura-Nei distance 0·145 ± 0·019) from each other than the average distance separating most species-pairs within the genus. Thus, a re-examination of their status as subspecies of T. thunnus is warranted.  相似文献   

Sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) are endemic to mainland and insular Asia. Numerous subspecies have been named, but they are not quantitatively well defined. Portions of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (450 bp) and control region (512 bp) were sequenced from 28 individuals belonging to five sika subspecies and two Cervus elaphus subspecies. Phylogenetic trees constructed using these sequences clearly demonstrated that sika are monophyletic with respect to C. elaphus. A survey of variation in the control region showed that approximately half the variation occurred in a 100-base segment between positions 150 and 250 in the left domain of the control region. Within this region there were three tandemly repeated copies of a 39-base motif. In addition, two of the samples (C. n. aplodontus and C. n. hortulorum) contained, respectively, two and four additional copies of the repeated motif.  相似文献   

Six flying fox species, genus Pteropus (four from the Philippines) were investigated using complete cytochrome b gene sequences (1140 bp) to infer their evolutionary relationships. The DNA sequences generated via polymerase chain reaction were analyzed using the neighbor-joining, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. We estimated that the first evolutionary event among these Pteropus species occurred approximately 13.90 ± 1.49 MYA. Within this short period of evolutionary time we further hypothesized that the ancestors of the flying foxes found in the Philippines experienced a subsequent diversification forming two clusters in the topology. The first cluster is composed of P. pumilus (Philippine endemic), P. speciosus (restricted in western Mindanao) with P. scapulatus, while the second one comprised P. vampyrus and P. dasymallus species based on the analysis from first and second codon positions. Consistently, all phylogenetic analyses divulged close association of P. dasymallus with P. vampyrus contradicting the previous report categorizing P. dasymallus under subniger species group with P. pumilus, P. speciosus, and P. hypomelanus. The Philippine endemic species (P. pumilus) is closely linked with P. speciosus. The representative samples of P. vampyrus showed a large genetic distance of 1.87%. The large genetic distance between P. dasymallus and P. hypomelanus, P. pumilus and P. speciosus denotes a distinct species group.  相似文献   

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