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生境破坏的空间结构对集合种群续存的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境破坏及其影响是生态学亟待解决的问题之一,目前的研究主要集中在破坏数量,即遭破坏生境的比例,对物种续存的影响方面;其中最主要的结论是Levins原理和适合生境斑块最小数量(MASH),而关于生境破坏的空间结构的研究却比较稀少,在本文中,我们首先将偶对近似引入到集合种群的研究当中,并替代原有的均匀场假设.然后我们对生境破坏导致的集合种群大小、空间结构以及分布等做了全面讨论.结果显示:随破坏比例的增加,集合种群大小将下降并且其分布将远离破坏生境.进一步聚集式分布结构将瓦解.随着破坏规则化的下降,集合种群将萎缩并使其聚集结构崩溃,在破坏生境周围集合种群起初将增加然后迅速消失.根据这些结果,我们可以对边界效应进行分析:不能用破坏比例描述生境破坏的程度和影响,而只能用破坏区域边界的长短来描述.根据边界效应,我们可以得出在一连通生境上物种保护的条件是生境破坏后剩余的适合生境比例应该大于破坏前原始生境的一半.居住在斑块环境中的物种比连续生境中生存的物种可以更好地抵抗生境破坏带来的影响.  相似文献   

黄红英  秦钟  徐剑  章家恩 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):401-403
2009年2月对广东韶关丹霞山风景区巴寨景点蚁狮Myrmeleon(Morter)sagax(Walker)种群进行了调查,采用了5种聚集度指标以及Taylor的幂法则与Iwao的m*-m直线回归方程进行计算和分析。结果表明:该地区蚁狮种群空间格局在局域斑块尺度属于均匀分布,种群密度越高分布越均匀。蚁狮种群的生境特点、捕食行为、种内竞争等可能对其种群密度及空间分布格局有重要影响。  相似文献   

【目的】明确农田景观格局对麦田天敌瓢虫种群的影响,为开展区域性害虫生态调控提供理论依据。【方法】以山东省22个县市区域的小麦种植区为研究对象,基于遥感影像与土地覆盖分类数据以及田间调查的瓢虫种群数据,计算景观格局指数,使用负二项分布的广义线性模型从农田景观、非作物生境景观和区域景观3个方面分析区域农田景观格局对麦田天敌瓢虫群落的影响。【结果】麦田瓢虫种群数量与草地的平均斑块面积(mean patch area,AREA_MN)和面积加权平均斑块分维数(area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension,FRAC_AM)、区域景观的斑块丰富度密度(patch richness density,PRD)呈正相关,与非作物生境的面积加权平均几何最邻近距离(areaweighted mean Euclidean nearest neighbor distance,ENN_AM)呈负相关。草地、聚集的非作物生境以及多样性的区域景观有利于天敌瓢虫种群数量的增加。使用草地的平均斑块面积和非作物生境的面积加权平均几何最邻近距离可以预测瓢虫的发生量。【结论】作为非作物生境的草地、非作物生境的空间分布及区域景观的多样性是影响麦田天敌瓢虫发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

【目的】明确区域性景观组成对玉米苗期捕食性天敌的生态学效应,可为开展玉米田有害生物生态调控提供理论基础。【方法】以山东省92块玉米田为研究区域,基于玉米苗期捕食性天敌种群数量、试验点的遥感影像和土地覆盖类型分类数据,运用混合效应模型分析了耕地、居住工业交通、草地、林地、水体5种土地覆盖类型的面积比例对玉米苗期捕食性天敌种群数量的影响。【结果】共调查到3 744头捕食性天敌,其中草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum(55.29%),龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(25.32%),小花蝽Orius similis(6.73%),八斑球腹蛛Theridion octomaculatum(4.01%),异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(3.58%)和三突花蛛Misumenops tricuspidatus(3.47%)为主要捕食性天敌。发现林地和水体生境对龟纹瓢虫的种群数量有显著的正效应,草地和水体生境对三突花蛛的种群数量有显著的正效应,水体和林地生境对捕食性天敌的总数量有显著正效应。【结论】华北农田景观中非作物生境作为捕食性天敌的资源库,在玉米苗期捕食性天敌维持中起重要作用。  相似文献   

冀中农林复合环境瓢虫资源及优势种种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘星  闫国增  胡德夫  魏东臣  李凯 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5463-5470
瓢虫科(Coccinellidae)昆虫大多为捕食性种类,其中一些种类是农区重要的天敌昆虫.针对华北冀中农林复合环境瓢虫种群在作物生长期的分布动态与空间格局、以及瓢虫优势种群对栖息地的选择趋向进行了研究,结果表明:(1)林带在作物生长早期是瓢虫赖以生存的主要生境,是后继作物环境瓢虫种群建立的"种库";(2)冀中农区瓢虫的优势种为龟纹瓢虫(Propylea japonica);(3)瓢虫种群随季节变化在各生境斑块间有明显的移动现象;(4)龟纹瓢虫种群在作物生长早期呈均匀或随机分布,在作物生长中后期呈密度依赖型聚集分布;(5)间作田成为作物生长后期瓢虫主要的聚集地显示在生境趋向不利时复杂的环境是理想的栖息场所.  相似文献   

向海自然保护区丹顶鹤生境结构空间特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
张艳红  邓伟  张树文 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3725-3731
丹顶鹤为国家一级保护珍稀禽类,是向海自然保护区重点保护对象。在我国乃至世界范围的丹顶鹤保护中占有重要的地位。近年来,由于自然条件和人类活动的干扰,丹顶鹤的天然家园.沼泽湿地发生退化,其生存受到威胁,丹顶鹤的数量波动变化较大。为了有效地保护丹顶鹤有必要详细了解和掌握其生境结构的空间特征和变化特点,以了解丹顶鹤的生境动态。在RS、GIS技术和统计分析方法的支持下,运用景观生态学方法对向海自然保护区丹顶鹤生境空间结构特征从景观特征、生境斑块空间关系和生境破碎化3个方面进行分析。选择景观斑块面积、周长、斑块大小以及斑块密度等描述保护区景观格局基本特征。利用斑块的邻接边界长度和斑块间隙指数分析丹顶鹤生境——沼泽斑块的空间邻接关系和聚集程度,数据表明沼泽斑块与人类活动频繁的耕地邻接较为紧密,而自身的间隙指数自20世纪70年代以来有明显增大趋势。分析了由于自然原因和人为活动影响所造成的丹顶鹤生境斑块的空间破碎化程度。计算结果表明,由于沼泽生境自身条件的限制,研究区内物理性破碎化减少的生境面积为2039.6hm^2,人为破碎化(居民地和道路)减少的生境面积为3845.1hm^2,这样研究区内丹顶鹤适宜生境面积为13680.1hm^2,可见人类活动对丹顶鹤生境影响很大。研究为保护区内丹顶鹤物种的保护和生境管理提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

本文研究了秋冬季节淡水大米草(Spartina densiflora)沼泽中野生豚鼠(Cavia a perea)的丰度、繁殖和微生境利用,以及其对当地植被和棉鼠类(Sigmodontine)啮齿动物的影响。野生豚鼠喜好S.densiflora覆盖度高的生境。繁殖个体(成体)主要利用矮草为主的斑块,幼体则主要利用禾本科植物为主的斑块。结果说明,野生豚鼠微生境的利用受捕食风险和食物种类的影响。在淡水沼泽中,野生豚鼠的丰度、繁殖、体重和微生境利用没有季节性变化,它们对植物的取食和活动跑道的建造对植被结构和同域的啮齿类动物没有负面影响。通过对具有中度季节性变化的淡水生境中的豚鼠种群和具有高度季节变化的草地和路边中的豚鼠种群进行比较,表明野生豚鼠的种群动态以及豚鼠种群对植被和与其共生的啮齿动物群落的影响都受到冬季植被盖度的限制。  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物种群周期性波动的外因调节假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志强  王德华 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1279-1286
对小型哺乳动物种群数量周期性波动的外因调节假说进行介绍 ,概述了食物假说、捕食假说和复合因子假说的主要内容和研究进展。在少数生存环境严酷的小型哺乳动物种群中 ,食物假说能解释它们的周期性数量波动现象 ,可能作为调节因子起作用 ,但难以说明低数量期的确切机制 ,对于大多数小型哺乳动物而言 ,它更可能作为限制因子。捕食假说解释了北欧芬诺斯坎底亚地区某些种群的周期性波动 ,尤其是捕食的间接效应已引起许多学者的关注 ,但也有不支持该假说的证据。对于复合因子假说 ,近年颇受学者重视 ,其中验证食物和捕食交互及累加作用的实验证据较多 ,有的研究还包括气候、种间竞争、空间或社会行为等因素。有关复合因子的实验研究 ,尽管工作是困难和艰巨的 ,花费也是巨大的 ,但所得结果却极有价值 ,为深入理解种群动态调节理论提供了一个合理而有效的手段  相似文献   

多作稻田生态系统对稻纵卷叶螟及其天敌功能团的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林胜  杨广  尤民生  姚凤銮 《昆虫学报》2010,53(7):754-766
为探明稻田与非稻田生境时空配置对稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée)及其天敌功能团产生的生态学效应,分别于2007和2008年的中稻期,在福建省武夷山试验基地,采用室内观察法、田间剥查法和吸虫器法,系统调查了水稻多作系统和水稻单作系统内稻纵卷叶螟种群及其寄生蜂功能团和捕食性节肢动物个体数量的时序动态; 同时通过陷阱诱集法,调查了多作和单作稻田生境边界地表捕食性节肢动物(蜘蛛和昆虫)个体数量的时序动态,以及多作系统中,捕食性节肢动物在稻田和非稻田生境间的迁移动态。 结果表明:与辣椒、生姜、玉米和花生等镶嵌种植的稻田,其稻纵卷叶螟幼虫及其寄生蜂功能团个体数量较单一稻田差异不大,而捕食性节肢动物则明显少于单作稻田,但多作稻田边界较单作稻田边界有更多的捕食性节肢动物个体数量(2007年:多作稻田边界1984~2294个体,单作稻田边界1479个体;2008年:多作稻田边界3 417~4 178个体,单作稻田边界2 423个体)。 究其原因,主要由于多作系统中捕食性节肢动物更偏好从稻田向非稻田生境迁移,其中捕食性昆虫效应更明显。  相似文献   

相互作用的集合种群研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周淑荣  李金花  王刚 《生态科学》2005,24(4):289-294
在集合种群水平上,两个或更多物种可以生活在同一个斑块网络中而没有相互作用.但在很多情况下,种间的相互作用会影响种群的迁移率、灭绝率和侵占率,从而调节相应物种的集合种群动态.这方面的研究主要有集合种群水平上物种之间的竞争、捕食以及在没有任何环境异质性的条件下物种在空间上聚集分布的产生和维持等.综述了近年来关于集合种群水平上的竞争,捕食者和猎物系统以及捕食与复杂空间动态的最新研究成果.  相似文献   

Effective management of grazers requires understanding of the mechanisms influencing population declines. Roan antelope, a specialist grazer, has declined in population numbers within Kruger National Park, South Africa. The most widely accepted hypothesis is that habitat deterioration throughout the entire northern plains landscape is responsible for declines in this species. Observations suggest, however, that on the northern plains of Kruger National Park, roan antelope grazes at the boundary between ephemeral wetland and the savanna matrix. The boundary is characterized by nutrient-rich soil and forage, and thus attracts grazing from both generalist and specialist species. We hypothesize that competition for resources at this ecotone, and not at other places in the landscape, is responsible for the observed declines in roan antelope. Changing management strategies to be more cognizant of patchiness and savanna heterogeneity, i.e. more spatially informed, will improve the likelihood that management will result in increasing roan population numbers.  相似文献   

The use of landscape zones and grass species by roan antelope, a species threatened with local extirpation within South Africa's Kruger National Park, were investigated. Plant‐based observations of grazing were made within a 300 ha enclosure in the roan range, where 40 roan antelope were confined at high density in the absence of other grazers. The study spanned the dry seasons of two years, one with average rainfall and one with low rainfall. We recorded changes in the extent of grazing of different grass species, height differences between grazed and ungrazed tillers and intensity of cropping per tuft. In the average year, the grazing pressure in the bottomland grassland was twice that in the upland savanna, with two tall grass species bearing the brunt of the grazing through the dry season. Two highly palatable upland grasses were also extensively grazed by the mid dry season. In the dry year, the extent of grazing in the upland exceeded that in the bottomland, and several upland grass species little used the previous year became heavily grazed. Roan antelope appeared to be separated ecologically from more common grazers by their selective use of tall grasses growing in the drainage line grassland during the critical dry season months. However, their grazing expansion into the upland savanna during the dry year potentially brought them into competition with these grazers. Nevertheless, their population performance did not suffer despite the high‐density conditions. Heightened predation pressure following an influx of these grazers, rather than resource limitation, appeared to be primarily responsible for the drastic decline of this species in the park.  相似文献   

Ephemeral wetlands commonly experience events that would be drastic disturbances in permanent aquatic ecosystems, such as the elimination of all water. It is well known that survival in these harsh habitats requires flexibility in response to natural perturbations, but scientists have rarely investigated if this flexibility translates to anthropogenic stresses. Therefore, we evaluated aquatic crustacean communities in ephemeral wetlands in response to environmental and anthropogenic constraints. We sampled crustacean communities from 73 ephemeral wetlands across 5 states of the North American high plains. Neither habitat size, habitat depth, nor whether a wetland was natural or artificially created had any recognizable effect on the crustacean community. Moreover, natural communities have great flexibility, which seems to impart resilience under some anthropogenic forces. Communities of artificial waterbodies (roadside ditches and stock ponds) were indistinguishable from those in naturally formed wetlands. Cattle grazing, which in some ways resembles effects of native vertebrate grazers, was generally associated with increased invertebrate densities and richness. In contrast, tilling for row-crop agriculture decreased invertebrate density and richness. Overall, current conservation strategies in ephemeral wetlands may need to be revised to include artificial habitats as viable, important habitats, and cattle grazing as an essential ecosystem component in areas now lacking large native grazers, such as bison.  相似文献   

1. The ability of species' to undergo climate‐driven range shifts across fragmented landscapes depends on their dispersal ability as well as the structure of the landscape. For species' range shifts to occur, individuals must first leave suitable habitat to seek new habitat; this is likely to depend on the rate of movement of individuals within habitat and the likelihood that a boundary is crossed, once it is encountered. For three species of butterfly with contrasting histories of recent range expansion, we examined the propensity of individuals to move within a habitat and their responses to habitat boundaries. 2. We quantified the extent to which Plebejus argus (Linnaeus) (a declining habitat specialist), Aricia agestis (Schiffermuller) (an expanding generalist) and Polymmatus icarus (Rottemburg) (a geographically ubiquitous generalist) crossed habitat boundaries into unsuitable habitat and moved within suitable habitat. The observed movement was then related to individual and environmental conditions. 3. Species differed in their activity levels in accordance within their recent distribution patterns (P. icarus > A. agestis > P. argus). Our results for P. argus suggest that movement may be motivated by nectar‐seeking, and that males generally move more than females. All three species tended to avoid crossing habitat boundaries; however the proportion of individuals crossing habitat boundaries did not differ significantly among species. 4. We conclude that levels of activity within a habitat, which will affect the frequency with which individuals encounter habitat boundaries, rather than behavioural responses to the boundaries, may be important drivers of distribution change.  相似文献   

Robert Krö  ger 《农业工程》2010,30(5):280-287
Wetlands are major sources of habitat heterogeneity, with certain environmental variables controlling wetland structure and composition. There is very little information on the heterogeneity of ephemeral floodplain wetland patch mosaics and how hydrogeomorphic circumstance affects composition and structure. Structure (wetland size) and composition (herbaceous species) are two attributes of an ephemeral wetland that are easily quantifiable using a moving window analysis. The moving window analysis is a statistical technique that identifies significant changes in parameters (i.e., structure and composition) along gradients. An analysis of changes in wetland structure and composition longitudinally identified two hydrogeomorphic types and laterally delineated wetland boundaries. The wide–flat type had a wide (131.2 ± 50.4 m) wetland patch and a mean lateral slope of 0.008 ± 0.003, in contrast the narrow–deep type had a significantly smaller (80 ± 40.2 m) and steeper (0.048 ± 0.06) wetland patch. Changes in hydrogeomorphology had distinct effects on the species composition of the wetland. Facultative wetland species such as Sporobolus pyrimidalis and Ischaemum afrum were associated with the wide–flat type, while, the narrow–deep type was characterized by more obligate, flood dependent species such as Phragmites australis, Mariscus congestus, and Eriochloa meyeriana. Internally, the structure and composition of ephemeral wetlands on the northern plains of Kruger National Park were spatially heterogeneous and correlated to hydrogeomorphic conditions, that are identifiable when examined at the wetland scale. Results add knowledge to wetlands as sources of landscape heterogeneity and highlight how environmental variation can result in increases in wetland heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The nocturnal, cryptic and geographically remote nature of night parrots, combined with their apparent rapid decline, means that very little is known of their biology or ecology. The discovery of a resident population in south‐western Queensland in 2013 provides the first opportunity to undertake detailed studies on this most enigmatic of birds. We attached a radio tag to a bird for 20 days in April 2015 and a GPS tag to another bird for 5 days in May 2016 to study movement patterns and habitat use. Both birds displayed similar behaviour but the GPS‐tagging provided a much finer resolution of spatial data. They called at dusk from their diurnal roosts amongst spinifex hummocks and then flew to more floristically diverse habitats dominated by large‐seeded species to feed. We conducted floristic surveys to describe the feeding grounds of the GPS‐tagged bird and make dietary inferences. This individual spent most of its time in highly diverse but ephemeral habitats, including seasonally inundated plains and depressions associated with the outer Diamantina floodplain and gilgais on ironstone plains. Prolifically seeding ephemeral species, most notably the annual grass Uranthoecium truncatum, dominate these feeding grounds. This work suggests that the habitat mosaic containing roost sites in close proximity to feeding grounds with key seed‐producing species is an important factor, rather than an association with spinifex or samphire alone. Further work is needed to examine movement patterns and habitat use in more typical dry seasons and the impact of cattle grazing on night parrot feeding areas, particularly with regard to seed production. The information presented here is vital for both in situ conservation of the Pullen‐Pullen‐Mt Windsor‐Diamantina population and for setting future research and survey priorities.  相似文献   

The roan antelope is locally endangered in Kenya with <50 individuals remaining in Ruma National Park (RNP). An understanding of the habitat requirements is essential to formulate habitat management strategies for species recovery. This study identifies habitat and management features affecting roan distribution in different seasons using information‐theoretic and multimodel inference (MMI) techniques. MMI averaged models were coupled with GIS data to develop habitat suitability maps. Results showed that roan habitat suitability is determined by different factors in different seasons but overall habitat was more important than management. Best predictors of roan incidence were wooded grassland, open grassland and water points. Water was more significant in the dry season whilst vegetation burned status, slope, soil type, distances to snares, park fence and security gates were important predictors at other seasons. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots confirmed that the models fitted well to the data (AUC>0.9). Sustainable conservation of roans in RNP can be achieved via long‐term habitat management including prescribed burning and construction of more water points and short‐term urgent solutions to key management issues, especially control of poaching.  相似文献   

In coarse-grained environments specialists are generally predicted to dominate. Empirically, however, coexistence with generalists is often observed. We present a simple, but previously unrecognized, mechanism for coexistence of a habitat generalist and a number of habitat specialist species. In our model all species have a metapopulation structure in a landscape consisting of patches of different habitat types, governed by local extinction and colonization. Each specialist is limited to its specific type of habitat. The generalist can use more types of habitat, has a lower local competitive ability but can exploit patches left open by the specialists. Our modeling shows that coexistence is easily possible. The mechanism amounts to a colonization/competition trade-off at the landscape level, where the colonization advantage of the inferior competitor does not arise from a higher colonization rate but from its ability to use more types of habitat. Habitat availability has to be intermediate: when there are few patches of each habitat, only the generalist is able to maintain itself and when there are many patches, high propagule pressure of the specialists excludes the generalist. Habitat selection or temporal variations in relative habitat quality are not necessary for coexistence. Increased niche-width, colonization rate or local competitive ability of the generalist enhances its performance compared to the specialists. Various types of habitat degradation favour generalism. When able to use a broad range of habitats, generalists can generate so much propagule pressure that only a low level of local competitive ability is needed to globally exclude the specialists. Hence, in a reversal of the original problem, the question is why there are so many specialist metapopulations?  相似文献   

Many ecosystems located within agricultural landscapes are in decline, particularly woodlands, grasslands and wetlands. Surviving remnants are generally fragmented and unrepresentative of pre‐disturbance states. Here, we investigate the potential for recovery of ecosystem function in a grassy woodland–wetland mosaic in south‐eastern Australia. We focus on the Plains Woodland/Herb‐rich Gilgai Wetland Mosaics which have declined in extent by 85%. The gilgai soils form a distinctive microrelief of mounds and depressions which become seasonally waterlogged, providing important habitat for a large range of aquatic and dryland species. We surveyed 10 remnants subject to agricultural intensification and seven remnants subject to passive restoration (four with cessation of cultivation and three with livestock removal). Gilgai microrelief was homogenized by cultivation, showed some recovery after release from cultivation, and was insensitive to grazing pressure. Floristic diversity, assessed through indicator species, was vulnerable to grazing. Indicator species were more prevalent in previously grazed sites, but further study is required to determine whether this reflects recovery or differing overall management history. We conclude that passive restoration is possible for recovery of wetland function and some biodiversity values. These conservation actions should be encouraged given the important role these microwetlands play in landscape connectivity and as drought refugia.  相似文献   

Many passerine bird populations, particularly those that have open‐cup nests, are in decline in agricultural landscapes. Current theory suggests that an increase in habitat generalist predators in response to landscape change is partially responsible for these declines. However, empirical tests have failed to reach a consensus on how and through what mechanisms landscape change affects nest predation. We tested one hypothesis, the Additive Predation Model, with an artificial nest experiment in fragmented landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia. We employed structural equation modelling of the influence of the relative density of woodland and habitat generalist predators and landscape features at the nest, site, patch and landscape scales on the probability of nest predation. We found little support for the Additive Predation Model, with no significant influence of the density of woodland predators on the probability of nest predation, although landscape features at different spatial scales were important. Within woodlands fragmented by agriculture in eastern Australia, the presence of noisy miner colonies appears to influence ecological processes important for nest predation such that the Additive Predation Model does not hold. In the absence of colonies of the aggressive native bird, the noisy miner, the influence of woodland predators on the risk of artificial nest predation was low compared with that of habitat generalist predators. Outside noisy miner colonies, we found significant edge effects with greater predation rates for artificial nests within woodland patches located closer to the agricultural matrix. Furthermore, the density of habitat generalist predators increased with the extent of irrigated land‐use, suggesting that in the absence of noisy miner colonies, nest predation increases with land‐use intensity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

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