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Pitfall trapping is an efficient self-sampling method for capturing epigeal arthropods for ecological and faunistic studies. During the present study, conducted between March 2009 and March 2015, pitfall trapping was undertaken in five study sites of different habitats in Abu Dhabi Emirate. During the study period a total of 94 monitoring visits were made to collect data from the pitfall traps at five sites in Abu Dhabi. A total of 36,238 individuals of ground-dwelling arthropods of 121 different species belonging to 14 orders and 46 families were recorded from all the study sites using pitfall traps. The order Coleoptera (beetles) was recorded to be the most dominant order with 46 species followed by Hymenoptera (ants, bees & wasps) with 24 species. On average 37.5 ± 3 (mean ± SE) species were recorded every month from all the study sites and number of species did not vary significantly across the months (df = 11, F = 0.48, p = 0.91 one-way – ANOVA). The arthropod fauna was recorded to be highly diversified in different habitat types, but the number of individuals were not evenly distributed across the study sites (H) 1.10, (E) 0.53, Shannon Diversity Index). The highest diversity of arthropods was recorded from a site Wadi Tarabat, followed by Al Wathba Wetland Reserve (AWWR) and Abu Al Abyed. Our findings indicate that to study ground dwelling invertebrate species, pitfall trapping is an efficient method. Moreover, capture efficiency of pitfall traps can be affected by climatic factors and habitat types of Abu Dhabi Emirate. The ideal period to encounter the highest number of species is between March to April and September to November across all the habitat types.  相似文献   

In many European countries agri-environment funding can improve ecosystem services, including the adoption of conservation biocontrol, through the creation of habitats that encourage beneficial arthropods. Predatory beetles are amongst the most numerous and diverse arthropods present in arable fields. The primary ecosystem services provided by predatory beetles are in biological control and food chain maintenance as they are a key resource for many higher organisms. However, to be effective biological control agents, able to respond quickly to wherever a pest infestation occurs, then they must be sufficiently abundant and widely distributed. Conservation biocontrol utilising predatory beetles has focussed on the impact of species that overwinter in adjacent field boundaries, although those overwintering within fields are often more abundant. If the abundance and distribution of predatory beetles is to be maximised then further knowledge of their spatial dynamics is required to ensure habitats are arranged appropriately. The spatio-temporal dynamics of boundary and field overwintering species was measured across 64 ha encompassing six fields and for three consecutive years using a grid of 973 pitfall traps. Boundary species were more numerous in spring (May and June) whereas more field species were captured in July. The species composition was comprised of relatively few taxa. Boundary species occurred in small patches that were distributed across the fields in spring, but were only found close to the margins in July. Patches persisted in some locations over two years. Field species occurred in larger patches, spread across particular fields and these were stable within years and to some extent between years. Game-cover strips were attractive to boundary species in the spring and summer and did not effect predator distribution in the adjacent crop. Handling Editor: Eric Lucas.  相似文献   

1 Organic and conventional management of apple orchards may have a different effect on arthropod communities.
2 We conducted a 3-year study to assess the effect of two strategies of fertilizer treatment (organic versus chemical) and three tree-row management systems (straw mulching, tillage and herbicide) on activity-density and biodiversity of epigeic predators. Ground beetles (Carabidae), rove beetles (Staphylinidae), ants (Formicidae) and spiders (Araneae) were sampled monthly with pitfall traps in the same apple orchard during 2003, 2004 and 2005.
3 A total of 4978 individuals were collected. Carabids (56.8% of the total catches) were the most abundant taxonomic group, followed by spiders (20.7%), ants (14.8%) and rove beetles (7.7%). Tree-row management had a greater influence on predator catches than fertilizer treatment. Total predator catches were lower under the mulch. Mulching also reduced carabid abundance, but increased staphylinid catches.
4 Tree row management also had a significant effect on biodiversity parameters. Species richness did not significantly differ among treatments for ants, spiders or the total catches, but was higher on herbicide-treated plots for carabids and on mulched plots for staphylinids. Shannon–Wiener's diversity index was significantly greater in the mulched and herbicide treated plots for total predators and carabids. For staphylinids, this index was significantly greater on the mulched plots. Fertilizer application strategy only influenced the species richness of rove beetles, which was greater in the chemically-treated plots.
5 The results showed that a change from conventional to organic fertilizer treatment of apple trees may be performed without differential effects on predator activity-density or biodiversity. However, a change from herbicide treatment to mulching or mechanical weed control may be significant, depending on the taxonomic group.  相似文献   

A petrol driven machine, normally used to collect leaf litter, was modified to be used as a suction sampler for polyphagous predators in cereals and grassy habitats and aphids in cereals. Recovery efficiency of Araneae, Carabidae and Staphylinidae did not differ significantly between winter sampling from Agrostis stolonifera, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Holcus lanatus or Lolium perenne although the structure of these grasses was very different. Summer sampling of aphids and their predators in winter wheat showed that the new sampler captured significantly more target organisms per unit area than did a traditional suction sampler. The machine was also lighter, cheaper and much easier to use than a traditional machine.  相似文献   

Habitat structure has been implicated as a source of bias for pitfall-trap data but most evidence is observational or anecdotal. This study used an experimental approach to quantify biases due to habitat structure. In a randomized block design, I manipulated native grassland to create three types of habitat structure and measured pitfall-trap catches of grassland ants. Small patches of modified habitat were surrounded by otherwise unmodified grassland with the assumption that population density remained unaffected by the modification and that the effects observed were due to changes in trappability. I assessed magnitude, direction, predictability, and consistency of bias for the following types of data: population abundance for single species, relative abundance among species, species composition of assemblages, and species richness. The magnitude of the bias in population abundance was large for most species. However, since the direction of the bias varied predictably with habitat structure, pitfall-trap data can be used to judge differences in population abundance in some situations. The magnitude of the bias in relative abundance was less than for abundance. However, there was inconsistency in the direction and magnitude of bias among species. Thus, interpretation of relative abundance data in pitfall-trap studies may be compromised. Species richness and species composition were biased by habitat structure but were affected significantly only when the groundcover was very dense, suggesting a threshold effect of habitat structure. To help to interpret survey data, pitfall-trap studies should routinely measure attributes of habitat structure and incorporate an experimental component to characterize the bias.  相似文献   

The use of saproxylic beetle community as a metric to evaluate nature conservation measures in forests requires efficient methods. We first compare traditional bark sieving to a potential improvement (extracting beetles from whole bark with Tullgren funnels) to determine the most efficient. Secondly we compare this most efficient bark sampling to eclector and window traps. At the species, family, and functional group levels, we consider species richness, abundance and practical aspects. Traditional bark sieving missed >50% of the individual beetles compared to whole bark sampling so we recommend the latter. Window traps caught large numbers of mobile saproxylic beetles, but a high proportion of non-saproxylics results in high sorting cost; bark sampling and eclector traps had a high proportion of saproxylics and obligate saproxylics. Compared to bark sampling, eclector traps are non-destructive, and monitor the whole saproxylic assemblage (i.e. also beetles inside the wood). Overall, window traps are useful because they capture saproxylic beetles attracted to dead wood and sample the local species pool, whereas eclector traps capture the saproxylics that actually emerge from a particular piece of dead wood, and thus are suited to detailed studies. Overall, we suggest that a combination of these two best methods is highly complementary.  相似文献   

Pitfall traps are among the most common sampling methods used for the study of ants. There are many types of traps and many possible ways of using them. The various methodologies may introduce biases in sampling. One possible bias may be caused by the digging‐in effect (DE), resulting in higher catches of ants immediately after traps are set in the ground which subsequently decline. In this study, we performed two experiments to verify the consequences of the DE for ants in a Mediterranean ecosystem. In the first experiment we distinguished between two types of habitats: closed and open (i.e., with or without shrub or tree cover). The second experiment was carried out in a homogeneous pasture where the time of prevalence of the DE was verified, investigating the duration of the effect. The results indicate differences between communities in the first 24 h after setting of the traps, which had disappeared after 48 h. This does not dismiss the possibility of certain species being affected either positively (increase in captures) or negatively (decrease). Changes in species composition, determining whether the DE was manifested or not, differed among habitat types.  相似文献   

Macdonald  A.J.  Poulton  P.R.  Stockdale  E.A.  Powlson  D.S.  Jenkinson  D.S. 《Plant and Soil》2002,246(1):123-137
An earlier paper (Macdonald et al., 1997; J. Agric. Sci. (Cambridge) 129, 125) presented data from a series of field experiments in which 15N-labelled fertilizers were applied in spring to winter wheat, winter oilseed rape, potatoes, sugar beet and spring beans grown on four different soils in SE England. Part of this N was retained in the soil and some remained in crop residues on the soil surface when the crop was harvested. In all cases the majority of this labelled N remained in organic form. In the present paper we describe experiments designed to follow the fate of this `residual' 15N over the next 2 years (termed the first and second residual years) and measure its value to subsequent cereal crops. Averaging over all of the initial crops and soils, 6.3% of this `residual' 15N was taken up during the first residual year when the following crop was winter wheat and significantly less (5.5%) if it was spring barley. In the second year after the original application, a further 2.1% was recovered, this time by winter barley. Labelled N remaining after potatoes and sugar beet was more available to the first residual crop than that remaining after oilseed rape or winter wheat. By the second residual year, this difference had almost disappeared. The availability to subsequent crops of the labelled N remaining in or on the soil at harvest of the application year decreased in the order: silty clay loam>sandy loam>chalky loam>heavy clay. In most cases, only a small proportion of the residual fertilizer N available for plant uptake was recovered by the subsequent crop, indicating poor synchrony between the mineralization of 15N-labelled organic residues and crop N uptake. Averaging over all soils and crops, 22% of the labelled N applied as fertilizer was lost (i.e., unaccounted for in harvested crop and soil to a depth of 100 cm) by harvest in the year of application, rising to 34% at harvest of the first residual year and to 35% in the second residual year. In the first residual year, losses of labelled N were much greater after spring beans than after any of the other crops.  相似文献   

To diversify energy crop production and improve its biodiversity and sustainability, there is currently a search for alternative energy crops. Many of the newly arising alternatives are perennial species such as the C4 grass miscanthus. The assessment of reliable data is a prerequisite for understanding the performance of these crops and developing corresponding management systems. However there is great uncertainty concerning research methodology for these crops. When data are collected from small plots of perennial crops, such as miscanthus or short rotation coppice plantations, a larger variability is expected than for cereals. A square meter cut, corresponding to harvest practice in cereals, is not sufficient for perennial C4 grasses and is not recommended for these species. The aim of this research was to identify an adequate size of sampling area for miscanthus to estimate the true biomass yield or quality. For this purpose, whole plots of 10‐ and 14‐year old miscanthus stands were divided into smaller subplots. These were used to calculate variances for various sizes of simulated plots. The variances for all traits in the experiments were rather high when the sampling area was smaller than 2 m². A cutting regime of more than 5.6 m² would be advisable, but an area of 3 m² is sufficient to eliminate approximately 90% of the variances and is therefore an adequate size of sampling area.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a key enzyme of C4 photosynthesis. Besides, non-photosynthetic isoforms of PEPC are found in bacteria and all types of plants, although not in animals or fungi. A single residue in the allosteric feedback inhibitor site of PEPC was shown to adjust the affinity of the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic isoforms for feedback inhibition by metabolites of the C4 pathway. Here, we applied computational screening and biochemical analyses to identify molecules that selectively inhibit C4 PEPC, but have no effect on the activity of non-photosynthetic PEPCs. We found two types of selective inhibitors, catechins and quinoxalines. Binding constants in the lower μM range and a strong preference for C4 PEPC qualify the quinoxaline compounds as potential selective herbicides to combat C4 weeds.  相似文献   

Abstract  The relationship between western flower thrips (WFT) populations in flowers and catches on yellow sticky traps was investigated in a hydroponic strawberry crop in the Sydney area in 1999–2000. The thrips population was initially dominated by males, but by mid-summer it was composed primarily of females. At a point when approximately 60–65% of WFT on traps were female (approximately 20–30 females per trap), the overall density of thrips on traps and in the crop increased rapidly, resulting in severe damage to immature fruit. The sex ratio of 0.60–0.65 females corresponded very closely to a mean of five adult WFT per flower at the start of the trapping week, which was an infestation level previously calculated as the action threshold to prevent damage to young green fruit.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Cellulose baits are commonly used for semi-quantitative sampling of subterranean wood-feeding termites, with a single food choice sampling programme implemented most often. In most situations, however, the composition and feeding preferences of the subterranean termite assemblage remain unknown.
2. The diversity, frequency, foraging activity, and intensity of attack of termites were assessed regularly at 144 baits representing 12 different bait choices over 8.5 months, in two northern Australian tropical savanna sites that differed in vegetation structure (closed vs open). Baits differed in type (paper rolls, cardboard, wooden stakes), position (surface, buried), and moisture status at installation (wet, dry).
3. Sixteen species were recorded, including 11 wood-feeders. Average species diversity, foraging activity, and bait consumption were greater at buried baits than at surface baits. Wooden baits were most attractive early in the experiment, and paper baits more attractive later. Mean species diversity was greatest at wooden stakes in the closed site. Species frequency of occurrence varied across bait choices.
4. A composite bait sampling protocol of stakes and paper rolls installed above and below ground gave an accurate assessment of the activity, diversity, and structure of the termite guild sampled across all baits over 8.5 months.
5. The choice of bait, its presentation, and time of examination are critical to the success of a termite baiting programme. If the aim is to characterise the structure and foraging activity of the subterranean termite assemblages that are attracted to baits, composite baiting protocols should be implemented.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the suitability of the ECOSSE model to estimate soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from short rotation coppice willow (SRC‐Willow), short rotation forestry (SRF‐Scots Pine) and Miscanthus after land‐use change from conventional systems (grassland and arable). We simulate heterotrophic respiration (Rh), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes at four paired sites in the UK and compare them to estimates of Rh derived from the ecosystem respiration estimated from eddy covariance (EC) and Rh estimated from chamber (IRGA) measurements, as well as direct measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes. Significant association between modelled and EC‐derived Rh was found under Miscanthus, with correlation coefficient (r) ranging between 0.54 and 0.70. Association between IRGA‐derived Rh and modelled outputs was statistically significant at the Aberystwyth site (= 0.64), but not significant at the Lincolnshire site (= 0.29). At all SRC‐Willow sites, significant association was found between modelled and measurement‐derived Rh (0.44 ≤  0.77); significant error was found only for the EC‐derived Rh at the Lincolnshire site. Significant association and no significant error were also found for SRF‐Scots Pine and perennial grass. For the arable fields, the modelled CO2 correlated well just with the IRGA‐derived Rh at one site (= 0.75). No bias in the model was found at any site, regardless of the measurement type used for the model evaluation. Across all land uses, fluxes of CH4 and N2O were shown to represent a small proportion of the total GHG balance; these fluxes have been modelled adequately on a monthly time‐step. This study provides confidence in using ECOSSE for predicting the impacts of future land use on GHG balance, at site level as well as at national level.  相似文献   

  • Re‐growth of fodder plants after grazing and mowing drives the profitability of their cultivation and is therefore an important target trait for plant breeding and agricultural engineering. However, for some fodder plants little is known about their re‐growth dynamics in response to grazing or mowing.
  • We analysed the native response of plant architecture, leaf morphology and growth performance to experimental cutting in wild Trifolium pratense L. (red clover) plants. A total of 150 potted clover plants were established under controlled field conditions, and half of the plants were cut to 5 cm 3 months after sowing. Each plant was measured every week for 5 months.
  • The cut and subsequently re‐grown plants carried fewer main branches (?20%), as well as fewer (?13%) and smaller (?32%) leaves than the control plants. However, the cut plants produced an average of 17% more accumulated leaf area (cut + re‐grown leaf area) than the control plants. This discrepancy was explained by variation in the growth strategy of the plants, where the cut plants invariably expressed a second growth phase, while almost half of the untreated plants did not.
  • Our results suggest that cutting acted as an artificial trigger initiating a second growth phase in the cut plants and thereby contributed to yield increase. Exploiting this mechanism may set new goals for breeding and optimisation of the mowing regime.

Despite the negative impact that many scarab larvae have on agro-ecosystems, very little attention has been paid to their taxonomy. Their often extremely similar morphological characteristics have probably contributed to this impediment, which has also meant that they are very difficult to identify in the field. Molecular methods can overcome this challenge and are particularly useful for the identification of larvae to enable management of pest species occurring sympatrically with nonpest species. However, the invasive collection of DNA samples for such molecular methods is not compatible with subsequent behavioural, developmental or fitness studies. Two noninvasive DNA sampling and DNA analysis methods suitable for the identification of larvae from closely related scarab species were developed here. Using the frass and larval exuviae as sources of DNA, field-collected larvae of Costelytra zealandica (White) and Costelytra brunneum (Broun) (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) were identified by multiplex PCR based on the difference in size of the resulting PCR products. This study also showed that small quantities of frass can be used reliably even 7 days after excretion. This stability of the DNA is of major importance in ecological studies where timeframes rarely allow daily monitoring. The approach developed here is readily transferable to the study of any holometabolous insect species for which morphological identification of larval stages is difficult.  相似文献   

Since hydroperoxide specificity of lipoxygenase (LO) is poorly understood at present, we investigated the ability of cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) and tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) to support cooxidase activity of the enzyme toward the selected xenobiotics. Considering the fact that in the past, studies of xenobiotic N-demethylation have focused on heme-proteins such as P450 and peroxidases, in this study, we investigated the ability of non-heme iron proteins, namely soybean LO (SLO) and human term placental LO (HTPLO) to mediate N-demethylation of phenothiazines. In addition to being dependent on peroxide concentration, the reaction was dependent on enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, incubation time, and pH of the medium. Using Nash reagent to estimate formaldehyde production, the specific activity under optimal assay conditions for the SLO mediated N-demethylation of chlorpromazine (CPZ), a prototypic phenothiazine, in the presence of TBHP, was determined to be 117±12 nmol HCHO/min/mg protein, while that of HTPLO was 3.9±0.40 nmol HCHO/min/mg protein. Similar experiments in the presence of CHP yielded specific activities of 106±11 nmol HCHO/min/mg SLO, and 3.2±0.35 nmol HCHO/min/mg HTPLO. As expected, nordihydroguaiaretic acid and gossypol, the classical inhibitors of LOs, as well as antioxidants and free radical reducing agents, caused a marked reduction in the rate of formaldehyde production from CPZ by SLO in the reaction media fortified with either CHP or TBHP. Besides chlorpromazine, both SLO and HTPLO also mediated the N-demethylation of other phenothiazines in the presence of these organic hydroperoxides.  相似文献   

Variation at five polymorphic microsatellite loci was used to investigate genetic diversity and differentiation of two tetraploid Canarian endemics, Bencomia exstipulata and B. caudata. Data were analysed and are discussed in terms of tetrasomic (autotetraploid) and disomic (allotetraploid) inheritance. In both cases, genetic diversity values were similar to those described in other tetraploid plant species. High genetic differentiation between the only two described natural populations of B. exstipulata was detected (FST = 0.411). Bayesian cluster analysis revealed a geographical structure with distinct genetic groups from each island. High genetic differentiation and low genetic diversity of the B. exstipulata population from Tenerife suggest a recent population bottleneck, perhaps caused by the most recent major volcanic eruption, for this natural locality. This may be heightened by possible inbreeding depression and the monoecy of these species. Polymorphic microsatellite loci were also tested across all species in the Bencomia alliance. These reliably amplified the target sequence, suggesting a high degree of conservation of the sequences flanking the microsatellites. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 429–441.  相似文献   

Syncope is among the most frequent forms of transient loss of consciousness (TLOC), and is characterized by a relatively brief and self-limited loss of consciousness that by definition is triggered by transient cerebral hypoperfusion. Most often, syncope is caused by a temporary drop of systemic arterial pressure below that required to maintain cerebral function, but brief enough not to cause permanent structural brain injury. Currently, approximately one-third of syncope/collapse patients seen in the emergency department (ED) or urgent care clinic are admitted to hospital for evaluation. The primary objective of developing syncope/TLOC risk stratification schemes is to provide guidance regarding the immediate prognostic risk of syncope patients presenting to the ED or clinic; thereafter, based on that risk assessment physicians may be better equipped to determine which patients can be safely evaluated as outpatients, and which require hospital care. In general, the need for hospitalization is determined by several key issues: i) the patient''s immediate (usually considered 1 week to 1 month) mortality risk and risk for physical injury (e.g., falls risk), ii) the patient''s ability to care for him/herself, and iii) whether certain treatments inherently require in-hospital initiation (e.g., pacemaker implantation). However, at present no single risk assessment protocol appears to be satisfactory for universal application, and development of a consensus recommendation is an essential next step.  相似文献   

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