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We recently described a new type of assembly of collagen molecules, forming typical liquid crystalline phases in highly concentrated solutions after sonication. The present work shows that intact 300 nm long collagen molecules also form cholesteric liquid crystalline domains, but the time required is much longer, several weeks instead of several days. Differential calorimetry and X-ray diffraction show that sonication does not alter the triple-helical structure of the collagen fragments. In the viscous solutions, observed between crossed polars in optical microscopy, the textures vary as a function of the concentration. Molecules first align near the air interface at the coverslip edge, then as the concentration increases by slow evaporation of the solvent, the birefringence extends inwards and liquid crystalline domains progressively appear. For concentrations estimated to be above 100 mg/ml, typical textures and defects of cholesteric phases are obtained, at lower concentrations zig-zag extinction patterns and banded patterns are observed; all these textures are described and interpreted. The cholesteric packing of collagen fibrils in various extracellular matrices is known, and the relationship that can be made between the ordered phases obtained with collagen molecules in vitro and the related geometrical structures observed between fibrils in vivo is thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

Woven bone is a type of tissue that forms mainly during fracture healing or fetal bone development. Its microstructure can be modeled as a composite with a matrix of mineral (hydroxyapatite) and inclusions of collagen fibrils with a more or less random orientation. In the present study, its elastic properties were estimated as a function of composition (degree of mineralization) and fibril orientation. A self-consistent homogenization scheme considering randomness of inclusions’ orientation was used for this purpose. Lacuno-canalicular porosity in the form of periodically distributed void inclusions was also considered. Assuming collagen fibrils to be uniformly oriented in all directions led to an isotropic tissue with a Young’s modulus \(E = 1.90\) GPa, which is of the same order of magnitude as that of woven bone in fracture calluses. By contrast, assuming fibrils to have a preferential orientation resulted in a Young’s modulus in the preferential direction of 9–16 GPa depending on the mineral content of the tissue. These results are consistent with experimental evidence for woven bone in foetuses, where collagen fibrils are aligned to a certain extent.  相似文献   

Relaxation times and integrated intensities have been obtained from dipolar decoupled 13C magnetic resonance spectra of reconstituted fibrils of chick calvaria collagen enriched at the glycine Ca and C′ positions. The data obtained are consistent with a model in which collagen molecules reorient about the long axis of the helix with a rotational diffusion constant (R1) of ~107 s?1, a value similar to that expected for the helix in solution. Data obtained from natural abundance 13C spectra of native (crosslinked) calf achilles tendon and rat tail tendon provide evidence of rapid anisotropic reorientation for at least 75% of the carbons in these tissues. Hence, our preliminary data indicate that, in these materials, the intermolecular interactions in the fibrilar collagen lattice can accommodate rapid reorientation at a majority of carbon sites.  相似文献   

Crystalline regions in collagen fibrils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new image processing technique, content-dependent anisotropic spatial frequency filtering, has been developed to visualize the location and orientation of crystalline regions in collagen fibril cross-sections. The results show that most crystalline regions are oriented with their approximately 4 nm periodicity directed radially from the fibril centre. This periodicity corresponds to the separation between rows of molecular ends in the quasi-hexagonal molecular packing scheme. The extent of crystallinity increases with radius and frequently the lattice is either continuously distorted or interrupted by sharp discontinuities.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of collagen fibrils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of collagen fibers from staggered subfibrils still lacks a universally accepted model. Determining the mechanical properties of single collagen fibrils (diameter 50-200 nm) provides new insights into collagen structure. In this work, the reduced modulus of collagen was measured by nanoindentation using atomic force microscopy. For individual type 1 collagen fibrils from rat tail, the modulus was found to be in the range from 5 GPa to 11.5 GPa (in air and at room temperature). The hypothesis that collagen anisotropy is due to the subfibrils being aligned along the fibril axis is supported by nonuniform surface imprints performed by high load nanoindentation.  相似文献   

Summary Direct visualization of individual collagen fibrils by light microscopy in human cartilage was achieved by applying a periodic acid-silver methenamine stain on plastic sections. Collagen fibrils, 100 nm in diameter or thicker, were delineated individually by light microscopy and were easily traced for a length beyond 100m. Thinner fibrils not readily visible optically were identified if arranged in compact bundles as occurring in the superficial zone of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Diameters of collagen fibrils grown in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Structure and function of bone collagen fibrils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The intermolecular volume of fully hydrated collagen fibrils from a number of mineralized and non-mineralized tissues of adult rats has been determined both by an exclusion technique and by a method which involves the monitoring of specific X-ray diffraction parameters. The intermolecular volume of either bone or dentinal fibrils is approximately twice that of either tail or achilles tendon, and the most frequent intermolecular distance in bone or dentine fibrils is approximately 3 Å larger than of the tendons.A number of fibrillar structures are most compatible with the intermolecular volume of rat tail tendon. These include hexagonal molecular packing and orthogonal arrays of microfibrils comprising seven parallel molecular strands. The intermolecular volume of bone or dentinal collagen fibrils, on the other hand, appears to arise from structures having a disordered or pseudo-hexagonal molecular packing, in which the most frequent intermolecular distance is about 19 Å.The space associated with collagen fibrils in adult bone is such that 70 to 80% of the mineral is located within the intermolecular space of the fibrils—approximately equal amounts of mineral being in spaces having lateral dimensions of 25 to 75 Å and 6 to 12 Å, respectively. Particles located in the latter kind of intermolecular space probably constitute, to a large extent, the non-crystalline mineral phase of adult bone.The stereo-chemical constraints on the transport of mineral ions into and within collagen fibrils of bone and tendon support the postulate that bone collagen is an in vivo catalyst for mineral deposition and further suggests that its catalytic activity may be partially regulated through its molecular packing.  相似文献   

Understanding the viscoelastic behavior of collagenous tissues with complex hierarchical structures requires knowledge of the properties at each structural level. Whole tissues have been studied extensively, but less is known about the mechanical behavior at the submicron, fibrillar level. Using a microelectromechanical systems platform, in vitro coupled creep and stress relaxation tests were performed on collagen fibrils isolated from the sea cucumber dermis. Stress-strain-time data indicate that isolated fibrils exhibit viscoelastic behavior that could be fitted using the Maxwell-Weichert model. The fibrils showed an elastic modulus of 123 ± 46 MPa. The time-dependent behavior was well fit using the two-time-constant Maxwell-Weichert model with a fast time response of 7 ± 2 s and a slow time response of 102 ± 5 s. The fibrillar relaxation time was smaller than literature values for tissue-level relaxation time, suggesting that tissue relaxation is dominated by noncollagenous components (e.g., proteoglycans). Each specimen was tested three times, and the only statistically significant difference found was that the elastic modulus is larger in the first test than in the subsequent two tests, indicating that viscous properties of collagen fibrils are not sensitive to the history of previous tests.  相似文献   

The high stiffness of collagenous tissues such as tendon and ligament is derived in large part from the mechanics and geometries of the constituent collagen's hierarchical forms. The primary structural unit in connective tissues is the collagen fibril for which there exists little direct mechanical or deformational study. Therefore, the current understanding of the mechanisms involved is extrapolated from whole tissue data. To address this, the elastic response due to bending of readily extractable adult collagen fibrils was studied, and the results were compared to previously reported radial indentation experiments. A demonstration of a material anisotropy arising without loss of the assumptions of homogeneity is presented.  相似文献   

The morphology of aggregates of calf-skin tropocollagen, precipitated by continuous injection into neutral phosphate buffers at 35 degrees , has been studied by electron microscopy. Although most of the collagen is precipitated as normal native fibrils, a small proportion forms closed toroidal structures having the usual native band-interband pattern. Theoretical considerations, based on elastic energies in a general microfibril model, predict that the toroids should have a simple super-helical structure, and this is not inconsistent with the observations. From the theoretical energies it was possible to estimate a crude lower limit of 3kcal./mole for the free energy of association of the tropocollagen macromolecules.  相似文献   

Stabilization of collagen fibrils by hydroxyproline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G Némethy  H A Scheraga 《Biochemistry》1986,25(11):3184-3188
The substitution of hydroxyproline for proline in position Y of the repeating Gly-X-Y tripeptide sequence of collagen-like poly(tripeptide)s (i.e., in the position in which Hyp occurs naturally) is predicted to enhance the stability of aggregates of triple helices, while the substitution of Hyp in position X (where no Hyp occurs naturally) is predicted to decrease the stability of aggregates. Earlier conformational energy computations have indicated that two triple helices composed of poly(Gly-Pro-Pro) polypeptide chains pack preferentially with a nearly parallel orientation of the helix axes [Nemethy, G., & Scheraga, H.A. (1984) Biopolymers 23, 2781-2799]. Conformational energy computations reported here indicate that the same packing arrangement is preferred for the packing of two poly(Gly-Pro-Hyp) triple helices. The OH groups of the Hyp residues can be accommodated in the space between the two packed triple helices without any steric hindrance. They actually contribute about 1.9 kcal/mol per Gly-Pro-Hyp tripeptide to the packing energy, as a result of the formation of weak hydrogen bonds and other favorable noncovalent interatomic interactions. On the other hand, the substitution of Hyp in position X weakens the packing by about 1.7 kcal/mol per Gly-Hyp-Pro tripeptide. Numerous published experimental studies have established that Hyp in position Y stabilizes an isolated triple helix relative to dissociated random coils, while Hyp in position X has the opposite effect. We propose that Hyp in position Y also enhances the stability of the assembly of collagen into microfibrils while, in position X, it decreases this stability.  相似文献   

Type V collagen (Col V) molecule, a minor component of kidney connective tissues, was found in adult cornea, and has been considered as a regulatory fibril-forming collagen that emerges into type I collagen to trigger the initiation of Col I fiber assembly. Col V was also found in injured, wound healing tissues or placenta, and was considered as a dysfunctional extracellular matrix (ECM). Reconstituted Col V fibril was characterized as an ECM to detach cells in vitro, and our previous study showed that the reconstituted Col V fibril facilitated the migration of glomerular endothelial cells and induced ECM remodeling, whereas Col V molecules stabilized cells. These facts suggest that not only the structure but also the function of Col V fibril are different from Col V molecule. Recently, Col V molecule has been reported existing in various developing tissues such as bone and lung, but Col V fibril has not been reported yet. In this study, we firstly explored the existence of Col V fibril in metanephroi, and found it distributed in the immature kidney tissues whereas disappeared when the tissues reached mature. It is likely that Col V fibril may form a prototype of pericellular microenvironment and the transient existence of Col V fibril may play a role as the pioneering ECM during metanephric tissue morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Molecular packing in type I collagen fibrils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of the X-ray diffraction pattern of the crystalline regions of type I collagen fibrils yielded information on the unit cell parameters and also the orientation of the pseudo-hexagonally packed molecular segments in the overlap region. The absence of Bragg reflections at high angles attributable to the molecular segments in the gap region led to the suggestion that these segments were more mobile than those in the overlap region. We report a study of the low-angle Bragg reflections in a search for information about the nature of the orientation and packing of the molecular segments in the gap region. We conclude that the (m = 0, n = 0) helix layer plane of the molecular segments in the overlap region makes little or no contribution to the Bragg reflections at low angles, and identify three possible origins for the observed low-angle reflections in the electron density contrast associated with: (1) the "hole" created by the missing molecular segment in the gap region; (2) the telopeptides; or (3) the axial regularities in amino acid residues of a particular type, with periodicities of D/5 or D/6. Sufficient information is available to investigate the first two of these possibilities, and the results obtained suggest specific arrangements for the molecular segments in the overlap and gap regions, and specific connectivities between the molecular segments in successive overlap regions. In addition, we have examined the amino acid sequence and identified features related to the mobility of the molecular segments in the gap region and to the regions where it is thought that molecules are kinked.  相似文献   

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