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Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis has been applied to thestudy of esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patternsin seven taxa, namely Hordeum diploids (2n=14) (H. marinum,H. marinum I and H. hystrix), tetraploids (2n=28) (H. bulbosumand H. murinum subsp. leporinum) and Taeniatherum (2n=14) (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I) in order to elucidatetheir phylogenetic relationships. On the basis of our experimentalresults the seven taxa may be placed in the following threegroups; (1) diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinum I, H. hystrix);(2) tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinum subsp. leporinum);(3) Taeniatherum (T. caput-medusae, T. caput-medusae I). Esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns of the twoHordeum diploid taxa (H. marinum and H. marinum I) are verysimilar suggesting their close phylogenetic relationship; thesame is true for both the taxa of the genus Taeniatherum (T.caput-medusae and T. caput-medusae I). The taxa of the Taeniatherumgroup compared with the diploid Hordeum (H. marinum, H. marinumI, H. hystrix) and the tetraploid Hordeum (H. bulbosum, H. murinumsubsp. leporinum) show a lower degree of phylogenetic relationshipand seem to be equally distant from them. The tetraploid Hordeumgroup shows a higher phylogenetic relationship with diploidHordeum group than with the Taeniatherum group. These results confirm that the genus Taeniatherum, previouslyconsidered as part of the genus Hordeum, should be regardedas a separate genus. Gramineae (Poaceae), Hordeum L., Taeniatherum Nevski., esterase, peroxidase and acid phosphatase patterns, phylogenetic relationships  相似文献   

Volema, Bolten, type V. paradisiaca, Bolten, has priority overMelongena, Schumacher, but may be used independently. Mayena, gen. nov., proposed for Biplex australasia, Perry. Turricula, Schumacher, is the correct name for Surcula, H. &A. Adams. Gelagna, Schaufuss, is equal to and antedates Paralagena, Dall. Partulida, Schaufuss, should replace Spiralinella, Chaster. Campanile, Fischer, has for type the recent species Cerithiumleve, Quoy & Gaimard, which is here renamed Campanile symbolicum,sp. nov. Campanilopa, gen. nov., introduced for the fossil Cerithiumgiganteum. Lam. Pleurotomoides, Bronn, has priority over Lora, Gistel, and Clathurella,Carpenter, all proposed as alternatives for Defrancia, Millet,preoccupied. Gabrielona, gen. nov., proposed for Phasianella nepeanensis,Gatliff & Gabriel. Orbitestella, gen. nov., for Cyclostrema bastowi, Gatliff. Megathura, Pilsbry, should be used instead of Macrochasma, Dall. Mitromorpha, auctt., is not Mitromorpha, Carpenter, which wasbased on Daphnella (?) filosa, Carpenter. Antimitra, gen. nov., is proposed for Pleurotoma agrota, Reeve,with which A. Adams' Mitromorpha lirata is congeneric. Lovellona, gen. nov., type Conus atramentosus. Reeve. Apaturris, gen. nov., type Mitramorpha expeditionis, Oliver. Callanaitis, gen. nov., type Venus yatei, Gray, for Salacia,Jukes-Browne, preoccupied. Anopsia, Gistel, is available for Psyche, Rang, preoccupied,and has priority over Verrillopsyche, Cossmann, proposed forHalopsyche, Kieferstein, preoccupied, introduced as substitutefor Rang's name. Hydromyles, Gistel, should be used for Euribia, Rang, preoccupied,as it is older than Kieferstein's name Theceurybia, for thesame genus. (Received 13 April 1917;  相似文献   

To compare patterns of expression between the Ngrol genes ofN. glauca and the Rirol genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, weperformed fluorometric and histochemical analysis of transgenicgenetic tumors on the hybrid of Nicotiana glauca x N. langsdorffü(Fl) that harbored a rß- glucuronidase (GUS) reportergene fused to the promoter of NgrolB, NgrolC, RirolB or RirolC The promoters of NgrolB and NgrolCNgrolC had 2- to 3-fold loweractivity than those of RirolB and RirolC However, the changesin patterns of GUS activity caused by deletion of NgrolB andNgrolCpromoters were similar to those of RirolB and RirolC promoters.This result suggests that the cis-acting sequences that regulatethe level of expression of RirolB and RirolC are conserved inthe NgrolB and NgrolC promoters. Furthermore, an auxin dependent(NAA-dependent) increase in GUS activity was observed in thecase of NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS. Histochemical analysis showedGUS activity encoded by both NgrolB-GUS and RirolB-GUS in normal-typeFl transgenic plants was located in meristematic zones, whilethat encoded by NgrolC-GUS and RirolC-GUS was detected mainlyin vascular systems of various organs. Thus, the patterns ofexpression of the Ngrol genes were the same as those of theRirol genes in terms of promotion by auxin and tissue-specificity,indicating that regulatory mechanisms for both sets of geneshave been conserved during the evolution of the genus Nicotianaafter transfer from a progenitor of Agrobacterium to that ofNicotiana. (Received May 2, 1995; Accepted June 13, 1995)  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation was studied in four syntopic speciesof Petunia sensu Jussieu (Solanaceae) at a site in Rio Grandedo Sul State, Brazil. Reciprocal artificial crossing experimentsconfirmed that a genetic barrier exists between Petunia(P. axillarisand P. integrifolia) andCalibrachoa (C. parviflora and C. heterophylla),and also between C. parviflora andC. heterophylla . Petuniaaxillaris(white, nocturnally scented flower) is geneticallycompatible with the syntopic and allotopic P. integrifolia(coloured,unscented flower). Reproductive isolation appears to be maintainedby the two species having different pollinators: nocturnallyactive hawkmoths (Manduca contracta andM. diffissa subsp. petuniae)pollinate P. axillaris while a diurnally active bee (Hexanthedasp.) pollinates P. integrifolia. Flowers of P. integrifoliaexhibit diurnal opening and closing movements synchronous withthe activity period of the bee. Other than a probable nectarrobber (a carpenter bee, Xylocopa augusti), no insect visitedflowers of P. axillaris in the day. Amounts of floral nectarin P. axillaris and P. integrifolia were within the range ofhawkmoth- and bee-pollinated flowers, respectively. Reproductiveisolating mechanisms in the genus Petunia sensu Jussieu arediscussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Calibrachoa, hawkmoth, Petunia, Petunia axillaris, Petunia integrifolia, pollinator, reproductive isolation, Solanaceae  相似文献   

Consider a set of baseline predictors X to predict a binaryoutcome D and let Y be a novel marker or predictor. This paperis concerned with evaluating the performance of the augmentedrisk model P(D = 1|Y,X) compared with the baseline model P(D= 1|X). The diagnostic likelihood ratio, DLRX(y), quantifiesthe change in risk obtained with knowledge of Y = y for a subjectwith baseline risk factors X. The notion is commonly used inclinical medicine to quantify the increment in risk predictiondue to Y. It is contrasted here with the notion of covariate-adjustedeffect of Y in the augmented risk model. We also propose methodsfor making inference about DLRX(y). Case–control studydesigns are accommodated. The methods provide a mechanism toinvestigate if the predictive information in Y varies with baselinecovariates. In addition, we show that when combined with a baselinerisk model and information about the population distributionof Y given X, covariate-specific predictiveness curves can beestimated. These curves are useful to an individual in decidingif ascertainment of Y is likely to be informative or not forhim. We illustrate with data from 2 studies: one is a studyof the performance of hearing screening tests for infants, andthe other concerns the value of serum creatinine in diagnosingrenal artery stenosis.  相似文献   

Since amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysishas proved useful in distinguishing cultivars of Caladium, itwas used to assess the status of species of Caladium vs. Xanthosoma,both in tribe the Caladieae, and to reassess the position ofHapaline in the same tribe. AFLP analysis using three primercombinations was carried out on four species of Caladium(C.bicolor, C. humboldtii, C. lindenii and C. schomburgkii). Resultsshowed that AFLP can distinguish between the different speciesby their unique and different banding patterns. AFLP analysisconfirmed that C. humboldtii is a species distinct from C. bicolorand that C. lindenii is a true Caladium species and does notbelong to Xanthosoma. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that C.bicolor and C. schomburgkii are most similar and that C. humboldtiiis closer to the C. bicolor / C. schomburgkii cluster comparedwith C. lindenii. Genetic relationships between Caladium, Xanthosoma,Hapaline, Alocasia and Protarum were also examined by AFLP analysisusing eight primer combinations. Several useful molecular markerswere specific either to Caladium orXanthosoma , so that AFLPcan be used to distinguish species of these two genera. Geneticanalysis of the genera examined confirms that the Caladieaeand Colocasieae tribes are distinct and that Hapaline fallswithin the tribe Caladieae and that Protarum is most distantfrom all the genera examined. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Araceae, Caladium, Xanthosoma, Hapaline, Alocasia, Protarum, AFLP DNA fingerprinting, diversity, AFLP markers  相似文献   

Tyler  Germund 《Annals of botany》2001,87(5):623-630
Effects of annual variation in rainfall, temperature and humidityon flowering abundance of eight temperate woodland plants (Anemonenemorosa, Cardamine bulbifera, Lamiastrum galeobdolon,Oxalisacetosella , Ranunculus ficaria, Stellaria holostea, Viola reichenbachianaand Viola riviniana) were studied during 12 consecutive years(1989–2000) in a hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) forest insoutheast Sweden. Above-average rainfall/humidity in late summerto early autumn of the preceding year increased flowering abundancein L. galeobdolon, O. acetosella, V. reichenbachiana, V. rivinianaand, especially, in R. ficaria, but not in S. holostea and A.nemorosa. Moreover, flowering of R. ficaria and O. acetosellawas positively related to rainfall/humidity during several partsof, or the entire, preceding year. On the contrary, floweringof S. holostea and A. nemorosa was closely related to low valuesof rainfall/humidity in autumn and/or winter of the precedingyear and also to low humidity in the current year in A. nemorosa.Two long periods (3–4 years) of increasing rainfall deficitcoincided with decreasing flowering abundance in most of thespecies, but not with decreasing vegetative development. Temperaturevariability was less consistently related to flowering. A coolperiod during the preceding summer or autumn seemed importantfor flowering in L. galeobdolon, O. acetosella and the Violaspecies, although these relations were, at least partly, causedby interactions with rainfall/humidity. No significant (P <0.05) correlations were found between flowering and the conditionsprevailing in April to May—the main flowering season—ofthe current year. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Climate, flowering, rainfall, temperature, Anemone nemorosa, Cardamine bulbifera, Lamiastrum galeobdolon, Oxalis acetosella, Ranunculus ficaria, Stellaria holostea, Viola reichenbachiana, Viola riviniana  相似文献   

Niklas  Karl J. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(2):165-172
The scaling plant height h (m) with respect to stem diameterd (m) was determined for a total 610 species (mosses, n = 40;pteridophytes, n = 16; dicotyledonous herbs, n = 117; palms,n = 17; gymnosperms, n = 105; dicotyledonous trees, n = 315);axial length or mass vs. d was determined for the pteridophytePsilotum nudum ; and the scaling of critical buckling heighthcrit of gymnosperm and dicotyledonous trees was calculatedbased on the record trunk d and average Young's modulus E anddensity p of 33 wood species. The scaling exponents (based onleast squares and reduced major axis regressions;  相似文献   

用遗传背景清楚的家蚕Bombyx mori红卵(re)、白卵(w-2、pe)、第4褐卵(b-4)的标志基因系统和正常型黑卵系统与我国家蚕基因库保存的20个红色卵系统杂交,进行顺反测验,分析了它们的卵色支配基因及遗传规律。结果发现:①在03-310系统中存在家蚕卵色新突变pink egg,与红卵re 等位,基因符号为rep,表型特征为:卵淡红色,成虫蛾眼也为淡红色;②6个系统为红卵(re)的纯合系统,还有5个系统除具有rere基因型外,还具有支配白色卵或浅红色或橙红色卵的突变基因;③2个系统为第4褐卵(b4)的纯合系统; ④6个系统的红褐色卵为母性影响遗传;⑤发现家蚕卵色基因b-4和r-e的互补关系,b-4/b-4 re/re基因型表现为新的卵色——橙黄色。  相似文献   

Water Import Rate in Tomato Fruit: A Resistance Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bussieres  P. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(1):75-82
A model of the water import rate in tomato fruit is proposed.It compares the fruit to a hollow sphere (P) with external radiusR and internal radius RG, corresponding to pericarp, and containingan internal spherical part (G). The pathway limiting water inputrate at any point I at a distance r from the fruit centre wasassumed to be proportional: (a) in P, to the length of the arcwhich has a radius r and which goes from I to the pedicel extension;(b) in G, to r. The water input rate at I was modelled basedon a law similar to Darcy's law which takes into account thedifference between the water potential at entry of fruit andthe water potential at point I. This latter potential was thesum of fruit osmotic potential and pressure potential due toresistance of tissue to deformation. This potential was proportionalto R-r or RG -r. The model was expressed at fruit level by alaw such that water mass imported per unit time per unit surfacearea of fruit (frw) was a linear function of R. The model wascompared to linear regressions of this rate in terms of R whichhad been found during fruit swelling from published results,and which were obtained at different values of nutrient solutionsalinity. The results suggested that water input in tomato fruitis conditioned by passive forces depending on fruit size.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Fruit, growth, model, resistance, salinity, size, tomato, transfer, water  相似文献   

In a series of dawn-to-dusk studies, we examined the natureand accessibility of nectar rewards for pollinating insectsby monitoring insect visits and the secretion rate and standingcrop of nectar in the British native plant species Salvia pratensis,Stachys palustris, S. officinalis, Lythrum salicaria, Linariavulgaris, the non-native Calendula officinalis, Petunia x hybrida,Salvia splendens, and the possibly introduced Saponaria officinalis.We also compared single with double variants ofLotus corniculatus, Saponaria officinalis, Petunia x hybrida andCalendula officinalis. All the British species studied are nectar-rich and are recommendedfor pollinator-friendly gardens. They showed maximal secretionrates of about 10–90 µg sugar per flower h-1, andmost had mean standing crops of about 5–60 µg sugarper flower. In all British species studied, the corolla wasdeep enough for the relatively long-tongued bumblebee Bombuspascuorum, but the shallower flowers of Lythrum salicaria werealso much visited by shorter-tongued bees and hoverflies, aswell as by butterflies. The exotic Salvia splendens, presumablycoevolved with hummingbirds in the Neotropics, has such deepflowers that British bees cannot reach the nectar except bycrawling down the corolla. With a secretion rate approaching300 µg sugar per flower h-1and little depletion by insects,S. splendens accumulated high standing crops of nectar. S. splendens,and single and double flowers of the two probably moth-pollinatedspecies Petunia x hybrida and Saponaria officinalis, receivedfew daytime visits despite abundant nectar but Calendula waswell visited by hoverflies and bees. We compared single anddouble variants of Lotus corniculatus,Petunia x hybrida andCalendula officinalis, and also Saponaria officinalis, the lastbeing probably introduced in Britain (Stace, 1997 New floraof the British Isles. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress). In Petunia, Saponaria and Lotus, double flowers secretedlittle or no nectar. In Calendula, where doubling involved achange in the proportion of disc and ray florets rather thanmodification of individual flower structure, double and singlecapitula had similar standing crops of nectar. Except inCalendula, exotic or double flowers were little exploited by insect visitors.In the exotics, this was probably due to the absence or scarcityof coevolved pollinators, coupled, in double flowers, with theabsence of nectar. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Salvia pratensis, Salvia splendens, Stachys palustris, Stachys officinalis,Lythrum salicaria , Linaria vulgaris, Lotus corniculatus, Saponaria officinalis,Petunia x hybrida, Calendula officinalis, wild flowers, double flowers, gardens, nectar, secretion rate, standing crop, pollinators, bumblebees, Bombus, honeybees, Apis, hoverflies, butterflies,Anthidium manicatum  相似文献   

BERGQUIST  R. R. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(2):281-287
Six fungicides were evaluated under greenhouse, laboratory,and dryland field conditions for control of Phytophthora leafblight of taro incited by P. colocasiae. Five separate criteriawere utilized to evaluate these fungicides: fungicidal activityin vitro; and fungicidal activity in vivo under conditions ofsimulated dew, simulated rainfall, greenhouse, and dryland fieldenvironments. In in vitro tests zoospores were killed at thefollowing concentrations: Dithane M-45, 5 ppm; Difolatan, 9ppm; Polyram, 65 ppm; Tribasic Copper Sulphate, 145 ppm; Benlate,210 ppm; and Dyrene, 260 ppm. Excellent control was obtainedwith Difolatan; good control with Dithane M-45 and Polyram;and poor control with Benlate, Tribasic Copper Sulphate, andDyrene. Results of in vivo tests correlated with those of thein vitro tests. Difolatan, Benlate, and Dyrene were the mostphytotoxic while Tribasic Copper Sulphate, Polyram, and DithaneM-45 were the least phytotoxic.  相似文献   

Ethylene biosynthesis in higher plants is regulated developmentallyand environmentally. To investigate the regulation of ACC synthasegene expression, the promoters of Arabidopsis ACS genes, AtACS4,AtACS5, and AtACS7, were fused to a GUS reporter gene, and therecombinant transgenes were introduced into Arabidopsis to producethree groups of AtACS::GUS transgenic plants. Histochemic andfluorometric study of these transgenic plants revealed thatpromoters of AtACS4, AtACS, and AtACS7 are all active in dark-germinatedseedlings. AtACS5 has the highest promoter activity in leavesof 2-week-old light-grown seedlings among the three AtACS genesstudied. In the mature leaves, AtACS4 and AtACS7 genes are expressedin both veins and areoles, whereas AtACS5 is expressed at ahigher level in the areoles and epidermal cells surroundingtrichomes. The promoter activities of all these AtACS genesare found in the reproductive organs. AtACS5 and AtACS7 arehighly expressed in petals, sepals, carpels, stamens, caulineleaves, inflorescence stems, and siliques, while AtACS4 expressionis undetectable in the petals of open flowers. All three AtACSgenes are expressed in root tissue. In the 2-week-old light-grownArabidopsis, the AtACS4 promoter is responsive to the planthormones IAA, ethylene, and ABA, and to darkness and wounding;the AtACS5 promoter to IAA, ABA, salt, high temperature, andwounding; and the AtACS7 promoter to GA3, ethylene, and ABA,and to darkness and salt. Low-temperature treatment abolishesthe darkness-induced AtACS7 gene expression, but not that ofAtACS4. Each AtACS gene has a unique expression profile duringgrowth and development. It appears that at any developmentalstage or any growth period of Arabidopsis, there is always amember of AtACS multigene family that is actively expressed. Key words: ACC synthase, Arabidopsis, ethylene, gene expression, GUS histochemical staining, reporter, stress treatments  相似文献   

Orgaard  Marian 《Annals of botany》1994,73(5):471-479
A total of 132 intergeneric crossing attempts (49 combinations)involving species of Leymus Hochst., Psathyrostachys Nevskiand Hordeum L. were performed, of which 103 were between Hordeumand Leymus. Embryo rescue was used throughout the experiment.Hybrids between Leymus and Psathyrostachys were difficult toobtain. Hybrid progeny were relatively easily obtained whencrossing Hordeum and Leymus. Plants from 20 different combinationswere obtained. Nineteen of these have not previously been reported.Meiotic analysis of three hybrid combinations of Hordeum x Leymusis reported. The high frequency of univalents in meiotic interphase(MI) indicates that allosyndetic chromosome pairing did notoccur, supporting the assumption that the genomes of Leymusare non-homologous to the H genomes of Hordeum.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Taxonomy, Triticeae, Leymus, Psathyrostachys, Hordeum, intergeneric hybridization  相似文献   

Stylar proteins of 13 almond (Prunus dulcis) cultivars withknown S-genotypes were surveyed by IEF and 2D-PAGE combinedwith immunoblot and N-terminal amino acid sequence analysesto identify S-RNases associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility(SI) in this plant species. RNase activities corresponding toSa and Sb, two of the four S-alleles tested, were identifiedby IEF and RNase activity staining. The Sa-RNase band reactedwith the anti-S4serum prepared from Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina);no reaction with the antiserum was observed with the sbRNaseband. When the sa-RNase band was excised from an IEF gel stainedfor RNase activity, subjected to SDS-PAGE, and detected by immunoblotting,it appeared that this band consisted of a single protein thatreacted with the anti-s4serum with Mr of about 28 kDa. With2D-PAGE and silver staining of the stylar extracts, all fourS-proteins could be successfully distinguished from each otherin the highly basic zone of the gel. Although Sb-, Sc-, andSdproteins had roughly the same Mr of about 30 kDa, the Sc-proteinseemed to be slightly smaller than the Sb-protein and slightlylarger than the Saprotein. In 2D-PAGE profiles as well, theSa-protein had Mr of about 28 kDa, apparently smaller than theother three proteins. A bud sport, in which one of the two S-allelesof the original cultivar is impaired, was visualized as a lossof Scprotein, which is consistent with the previous pollinationstudy. All four S-proteins reacted with the anti-S4serum, probablybecause of the differing conformations of these S-proteins inthe IEF and 2D-PAGE gels. The Sa-protein in 2D-PAGE appearedto be identical to Sa-RNase in IEF; both bad the same Mr andwere reactive with the anti-S4-serum. N-terminal amino acidsequence analysis of the four 5-proteins revealed that theywere highly homologous to each other and similar to the 5-RNasesof Malus, Pyrus, Scrophulariaceae, and Solanaceae. Taken together,RNases in the style are strongly suggested to be associatedwith the gametophytic SI of al- mond. This is the first reportidentofiying and characterizing S-RNase in almond. (Received July 11, 1996; Accepted December 26, 1996)  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, four genes have been identified inthe RBCS gene family, one being assigned to subfamily RBCS-Aand the other three to subfamily RBCS-B (1B, 2B and 3B). Todetermine the chromosomal location ofthese genes, hybridizationanalysis with CIC YAC high-density filters was carried out forthe RBCS-A gene, and CAPS analysis for the three RBCS-B genes,based on the finding that restriction fragment length polymorphismis present in the upstream region of the gene RBCS-3B. The RBCS-Agene was mapped at 100.8 cM from the top of chromosome 1 andthe three RBCS-B genes at 62.70 cM from the top of chromosome5.  相似文献   

Evidence of Three Subspecies in Trifolium nigrescens Viv.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Germplasm accessions of Trifolium nigrescens Viv. were foundto belong to three distinct taxa which differed in morphology,hybrid seed-set in crosses among themselves and with white clover(T. repens L.), chromosomal distribution of rDNA genes, andrDNA internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences. Thesetaxonomic groups correspond with T. nigrescens ssp. nigrescens,T. nigrescens ssp. petrisavii var.petrisavii and var. meneghinianum.The existence of var. meneghinianum has been rejected or ignoredin recent taxonomic treatments. The present study indicatesthat it is very distinctive and warrants at least subspeciesstatus. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequences and podmorphology placed ssp. nigrescens as progenitor to the others.ITS sequences placed white clover closer to ssp. petrisaviibut neither DNA sequences nor rDNA chromosome locations clearlyshowed whether var. petrisavii or var. meneghinianum was closerto white clover. In contrast, results of hybridization studiesshowed that ssp. nigrescens gave full seed-set when pollinatedwith T. repens whereas both ssp. petrisavii var. petrisaviiand ssp. petrisavii var. meneghinianum gave poor seed-set. Allthree taxa showed close relationships with white clover andnone can clearly be shown to be a direct ancestor of T. repens.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Fabaceae, Trifolium nigrescens, Trifolium repens, internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), nuclear ribosomal DNA, interspecific hybridization  相似文献   

We investigated the factors controlling the relative abundancesof two Daphnia species, D.pulex and D.laevis, in a small Wisconsinpond. D.pulex was the dominant Daphnia species in fall 1977and summer-fall 1978; D.laevis was the only Daphnia speciespresent in summer 1979. The abundance of D.laevis was positivelycorrelated with the abundance of the notonectid, Buenoa confusa.In predation trials, notonectides exhibited a distinct preferencefor D.pulex over similarly-sized D.laevis, but Chaoborus larvaefed at similar rates on both Daphnia species. Behavioral observationsrevealed that Buenoa adults were much less efficient at capturingD.laevis than D.pulex. Quantitative results of these predationtrials were combined with estimates of predator and prey densityand distribution to evaluate the effect of predation on thedaphnid populations. The effect of predation varied throughtime and microhabitat, and only infrequently could predationaccount for total prey mortality. D.laevis was most abundantat times and in places where Buenoa predation was most intense.Competition experiments illustrated the competitive superiorityof D.pulex over D.laevis. D.pulex was able to competitivelyexclude D.laevis in long term experiments, and D.pulex's fecunditywas higher than that of D.laevis in shorter experiments. Inlong-term experiments, Chaoborus larvae at natural densitieswere able to keep both Daphnia species at low, constant levelsand neither species clearly dominated when Chaoborus was present.The relative abundances of D.pulex and D.laevis were controlledby a complex of biotic and abiotic factors. Pond depth and predatordensity determined the intensity of predation on daphnid populations.When notonectid predation was intense, D.laevis dominated; whenthe intensity of predation by notonectids was low, D.pulex dominateddue to its superior competitive abilities. At different timesselective predation or high resource levels promoted the co-existenceof these two species. 1Current address of both authors: Department of Biological Sciences,University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA  相似文献   

This is essentially a preliminary report on the revision ofsubgenus Lissachatina of the African land snail family Achatinidae.It extends the conchological revisionary work of J.C. Bequaert(1950) along the complementary line of comparative anatomicalstudies of the reproductive tracts. This is directed towardthe goal of a better understanding of phylo-geny in this family.Species emphasized are Achatina albopicta E.A. Smith,1878; A.allisa Reeve, 1849; A. fulica Bowdich, 1822; A. loveridgei Clench& Archer, 1930; A. zanzibarica Bourguignat, 1879, and thenew species A. eleanorae. Relegated tosynonymy are A. albicansPfeiffer, 1851; A. delorioli Bonnet, 1864; and A. iredalei Preston,1910. Tangible anatomical characters separate subgenera Lissachatinaand Achatina. A. capelloi Furtado, 1886; A. craveni E.A. Smith,1881; and A. connollyi Preston, 1912 are transferred from Lissachatinato Achatina s.s. Other transfers are in progress. (Received 26 September 1994; accepted 25 November 1994)  相似文献   

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