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The aim of our study was to investigate the appearance, density and distribution of ghrelin cells and GHS-R1a and GHS-R1b in the human stomach and duodenum during prenatal and early postnatal development. We examined chromogranin-A and ghrelin cells in duodenum, and GHS-R1a and GHS-R1b expression in stomach and duodenum by immunohistochemistry in embryos, fetuses, and infants. Chromogranin-A and ghrelin cells were identified in the duodenum at weeks 10 and 11 of gestation. Ghrelin cells were detected individually or clustered within the base of duodenal crypts and villi during the first trimester, while they were presented separately within the basal and apical parts of crypts and villi during the second and third trimesters. Ghrelin cells were the most numerous during the first (∼11%) and third (∼10%) trimesters of gestation development. GHS-R1a and GHS-R1b were detected at 11 and 16 weeks of gestation, showed the highest level of expression in Brunner's gland and in lower parts of duodenal crypts and villi during the second trimester in antrum, and during the third trimester in corpus and duodenum. Our findings demonstrated for the first time abundant duodenal expression of ghrelin cells and ghrelin receptors during human prenatal development indicating a role of ghrelin in the regulation of growth and differentiation of human gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a novel gastrointestinal-brain hormone that was first described by Kojima et al. as a growth-hormone-releasing peptide. It can be isolated and purified from different tissues. Evidence of antiproliferative effects in neoplastic cells (binding to normal and neoplastic tissues) supports the hypothesis that ghrelin also plays an important role in endocrine regulation. Whether ghrelin may be involved in formation of neuroendocrine tumours (NET) of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in cases of MEN-1 is under discussion. Over the last sixteen years, 227 patients with GIT NET were treated at our institution. Mutations of the menin gene were identified in twelve patients. Eleven of these tumours (islet cell tumours) were localized in the pancreas and one in the stomach. Tissues from these tumours were resected, fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections were examined by immunohistochemistry with a primary antibody for ghrelin. Three out of twelve NET in MEN-1 patients (25%) showed ghrelin expression by immunohistochemistry. Comparison between ghrelin-positive and ghrelin-negative tumours regarding biological activity, morphological aspects and clinicopathological parameters shows no substantial differences. The reported incidence of ghrelin expression in NET of the gastrointestinal tract by MEN-1 was not seen in our patients. Whether or not ghrelin has an influence on neuroendocrine tumour development related to deficient menin-genes is unknown.  相似文献   

Ghrelin, the ‘hunger’ hormone, is an endogenous growth hormone secretagogue that exerts a wide range of physiological functions. Its perinatal presence suggests that ghrelin might be involved in growth and metabolism processes during intrauterine and postnatal life. Intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) neonates have altered endocrine and metabolic pathways because of malnutrition during foetal development. These changes might include an altered gastrointestinal presence of ghrelin cells (GCs). As ghrelin is mainly secreted by the stomach, this altered presence might be reflected in its serum concentrations. Small-for-gestational age (SGA) pigs appear to be a natural occurring model for IUGR children. Therefore, the first aim of this study was to investigate the presence of gastrointestinal GCs expressing active ghrelin in normal weight (NW) foetal and postnatal piglets compared with their SGA littermates using immunohistochemical analysis in combination with stereological methods. Second, total ghrelin serum concentrations of these piglets were analysed with a porcine radioactive immunoassay. In addition, the growth of the gastric pars fundica in the NW and SGA piglets was analysed stereologically. Corresponding with humans and rats, it was shown that opened- and closed-type immunoreactive GCs are distributed along the entire gastrointestinal tract of the perinatal NW and SGA piglets. However, in contrast to the rat’s stomach, the porcine GCs do not disperse from the glandular base to the glandular neck during perinatal development. Furthermore, stereological analysis demonstrated that the NW neonates have a higher amount of gastric cells expressing active ghrelin compared with the SGA piglets that could result in higher milk consumption during the neonatal period. This finding is, however, not reflected in total serum ghrelin levels, which showed no difference between the NW and SGA piglets. Moreover, the stereological volume densities of the fundic layers demonstrate a similar growth pattern in the SGA and NW piglets.  相似文献   

The process of self-renewal which occurs in the gastrointestinal epithelium is greatly amplified and accelerated during the intestinal adaptation which occurs in the residual ileum after massive small bowel resection (MSBR). As with growth and development, these processes must involve the coordinated regulation of many genes. Several families of nuclear proteins are known to be involved in the control of gene expression during development including the POU-domain genes; their expression has not been characterized in the gastrointestinal tract during normal cellular renewal or adaptation, and POU-domain encoding cDNAs were cloned from ileal RNA. Three known genes were cloned: Oct-1, Brn-1 and Tst-1 but no novel members of this gene family were identified. The encoded sequence for rat Oct-1 differs from that previously reported. Oct-1 is relatively ubiquitously expressed with increased expression during both development and adaptation. Minimal expression of Tst-1 was observed. Brn-1 exhibits limited expression in the adult gastrointestinal tract. but may play a role in the fetal gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling pathway is essential for the normal development of vertebrate gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but also for the differentiation of the digestive mesenchymal layer into smooth muscles and submucosal layer. Different studies demonstrated that Bapx1 (for bagpipe homeobox homolog 1) negatively regulates the BMP pathway, but its precise expression pattern during the development and the differentiation of the GI tract mesenchyme actually remains to be examined. Here, we present the spatio-temporal expression profile of Bapx1 in the chick GI tract. We show that Bapx1 is first expressed in the undifferentiated mesenchyme of the gizzard and the colon. After the differentiation of the digestive mesenchyme, we found Bapx1 strongly expressed in the gizzard smooth muscle and in the submucosa layer of the colon. This expression pattern provides new insights into the roles of Bapx1 during the regionalization of the GI tract and the differentiation of the digestive mesenchyme of the colon and the stomach.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling pathway is essential for the normal development of vertebrate gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but also for the differentiation of the digestive mesenchymal layer into smooth muscles and submucosal layer. Different studies demonstrated that Bapx1 (for bagpipe homeobox homolog 1) negatively regulates the BMP pathway, but its precise expression pattern during the development and the differentiation of the GI tract mesenchyme actually remains to be examined. Here, we present the spatio-temporal expression profile of Bapx1 in the chick GI tract. We show that Bapx1 is first expressed in the undifferentiated mesenchyme of the gizzard and the colon. After the differentiation of the digestive mesenchyme, we found Bapx1 strongly expressed in the gizzard smooth muscle and in the submucosa layer of the colon. This expression pattern provides new insights into the roles of Bapx1 during the regionalization of the GI tract and the differentiation of the digestive mesenchyme of the colon and the stomach.  相似文献   

The growth hormone receptor (GHR) is associated with animal growth and development. To investigate such effects on GHR gene expression, a total of 102 Hu lambs were randomly allocated to one of three groups (Group 1: starter diet from 7 d of age, weaning at 56 d of age; Group 2: starter diet from 42 d of age, weaning at 56 d of age; Group 3: starter diet from 7 d of age; weaning at 28 d of age). Six lambs from each group were sacrificed every 14 d to investigate the effects of starter feeding and weaning age on GHR mRNA expression in the liver and rumen. The results revealed that GHR mRNA expression was significantly higher in the liver and rumen (p < 0.05) than in other tissues. Early starter feeding up-regulated hepatic GHR mRNA expression on days 14, 28, 42 and 56 and ruminal GHR mRNA expression on days 28, 42, 70, and 84 (p < 0.05). Early weaning up-regulated hepatic GHR mRNA expression on days 56, 70 and 84 and ruminal GHR mRNA expression on days 42, 56, 70 and 84 (p < 0.05). Dietary and weaning regimes and age affected the hepatic and ruminal GHR mRNA expression.  相似文献   

The serine proteinase glandular kallikrein has been demonstrated in the gastrointestinal tract, although there is some doubt as to whether it is synthesized there or derives from exocrine-gland secretions. Using a rat pancreatic kallikrein cRNA probe we have demonstrated kallikrein-like gene expression in the corpus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and colon, and compared the pattern of expression with that of the gastrointestinal peptides somatostatin, gastrin and glucagon. In addition, using a panel of oligonucleotide probes specific for various members of the rat kallikrein-gene family, we have shown that the kallikrein-like gene expressed appears to be expressed as true kallikrein.  相似文献   

Expression and localization of aquaporins in rat gastrointestinal tract   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A family of water-selective channels, aquaporins (AQP), has beendemonstrated in various organs and tissues. However, the localizationand expression of the AQP family members in the gastrointestinal tracthave not been entirely elucidated. This study aimed to demonstrate theexpression and distribution of several types of the AQP family and tospeculate on their role in water transport in the rat gastrointestinal tract. By RNase protection assay, expression of AQP1-5 and AQP8 was examined in various portions through the gastrointestinal tract.AQP1 and AQP3 mRNAs were diffusely expressed from esophagus to colon,and their expression was relatively intense in the small intestine andcolon. In contrast, AQP4 mRNA was selectively expressed in the stomachand small intestine and AQP8 mRNA in the jejunum and colon.Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization demonstrated cellularlocalization of these AQP in these portions. AQP1 was localized onendothelial cells of lymphatic vessels in the submucosa and laminapropria throughout the gastrointestinal tract. AQP3 was detected on thecircumferential plasma membranes of stratified squamous epithelialcells in the esophagus and basolateral membranes of cardiac glandepithelia in the lower stomach and of surface columnar epithelia in thecolon. However, AQP3 was not apparently detected in the smallintestine. AQP4 was present on the basolateral membrane of the parietalcells in the lower stomach and selectively in the basolateral membranesof deep intestinal gland cells in the small intestine. AQP8 mRNAexpression was demonstrated in the absorptive columnar epithelial cellsof the jejunum and colon by in situ hybridization. These findings mayindicate that water crosses the epithelial layer through these waterchannels, suggesting a possible role of the transcellular route forwater intake or outlet in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Association between twin lambs before and after weaning and their association with their dam before weaning was observed in Dalesbred, Jacob, Border Leicester and Border Leicester × Jacob Lambs. There was no significant difference between breeds, but the females spent more time close to the ewe than the males. The proportion of close associations was less and intermediate associations were higher in twins of mixed sex. The major effect of weaning was an increase in pair-association for 2 days; by the third day, pairassociation had returned to pre-weaning levels. It is interesting that pair-association with non-castrated males increased after weaning.  相似文献   

Cubilin is an endocytic receptor of the apical brush border membrane that is essential for intrinsic factor-mediated cobalamin absorption in small intestine. However, cubilin is more highly expressed in kidney and yolk sac, and recent molecular characterization of the receptor has focused on these tissues. The aim of this investigation was to examine tissue-specific cubilin expression and posttranslational modifications with an emphasis on the gastrointestinal tract. Intrinsic factor-cobalamin binding activity, cubilin immunoreactivity, and cubilin mRNA levels were determined in multiple segments of canine gastrointestinal mucosa and other tissues. These aspects of cubilin expression varied in parallel, suggesting that the major determinant of regional cubilin expression in the gastrointestinal tract is modulation of cubilin mRNA. Cell fractionation indicated that ileal cubilin is not strongly membrane associated. An approximately 185-kDa brush border specific and two >400-kDa precursor forms of cubilin were identified. Asparagine-linked oligosaccharide modifications characterized by differential glycosidase digestion of affinity-purified cubilin from ileal mucosa and renal cortex differed, but ileal and renal intracellular cubilin comigrated on SDS-PAGE at approximately 400 kDa after oligosaccharide removal, thus reconciling previous conflicting size estimates of the cubilin polypeptide.  相似文献   

Three cases of adenocarcinoma of the stomach, two in situ and one superficially invasive, and one of superficially invasive squamous-cell carcinoma of the esophagus are presented to illustrate the problems encountered in the diagnosis of early lesions of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the contribution that cytodiagnosis can make. The symptomology and roentgenographic findings in these cases were largely nonspecific. While endoscopic biopsies were repeatedly negative in three of the four cases, endoscopic brushing cytology consistently indicated the presence of a malignancy. Surgery was finally performed on the basis of the cytologic findings, confirming the presence of early malignancy. The cytologic findings, with histologic correlations, are presented in an effort to define some specific criteria for the diagnosis of early malignancy of the upper GI tract.  相似文献   

The activity of proteinases was increased, when we used experimental casein for artificial feeding of newborn rats. Control casein contained in milk substitutes delayed protein evacuation from the stomach. The activity of intestine pancreatic proteinases was increased when we used experimental casein and decreased, for control casein. When the activity of pancreatic proteinases increased, lysosomal intestine activity decreased.  相似文献   

Aquaporin CHIP, a 28 kDa channel forming protein, has been proposed to function as water channel in both erythrocyte and kidney proximal tubule. Recently, we have reported that in frog urinary bladder, a model of the kidney collecting tubule, polyclonal antibodies against human erythrocyte CHIP recognize and immunoprecipitate a 30 kDa protein from the epithelial cell homogenate. In the present work confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to determine the cellular and subcellular localization of CHIP28-like proteins in the urinary epithelium. A clear labeling of the apical border was found after Triton X-100 permeabilization. The labeling was distributed throughout the apical domain and not restricted to specific domains of the membrane. The staining was also present in the deeper confocal sections where the fluorescence seems to be localized at the cellular contour. No difference in the labeling patterns was observed between resting and ADH-treated bladder. Specificity of the staining was confirmed by the absence of the labeling pattern when antiserum was preadsorbed on CHIP28 protein immobilized on Immobilon P stripes. Our results suggest that CHIP-like proteins are not proteins inserted in the apical membrane during the antidiuretic response. Moreover, we do not know whether the labeling was due to the presence of CHIP28 itself or an as-yet-unidentified protein sharing immunological analogies with aquaporin CHIP.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the BW and immune status of lambs reared under natural conditions or under artificial conditions fed two different colostrum amounts. In this study, 60 lambs were randomly divided into groups according to treatment. Twenty lambs remained with their dams (natural rearing (NR) group). Forty lambs were removed from their dams at birth. Lambs were bottle-fed with a pool of sheep colostrum, receiving either 4 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C4 group) or 8 g of IgG/kg of BW at birth (C8 group). The total colostrum amount was equally divided into three meals at 2, 14 and 24 h after birth. After this period, lambs were bottle-fed a commercial milk replacer. Blood plasma sample analysis and BW recordings were carried out before feeding at birth and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20 days after birth. Another blood sample analysis and BW recording was carried out when animals reached 10 kg of BW. During weaning (30 days), sampling was carried out every 5 days. Blood plasma was used to determine the concentrations of IgG and IgM and the complement system activity – total and alternative pathways. The NR group showed greater BW than the C4 and C8 groups during milk feeding period, whereas the C4 and C8 groups had greater BW than the NR group at the end of weaning period. The C8 and NR groups had greater plasma IgG and IgM concentrations than the C4 group during milk feeding period. In addition, C4 and C8 groups showed similar IgG concentrations and greater IgM concentrations than the NR group at the end of the weaning period. Complement system activity was greater in the NR group than in the C4 and C8 groups during the first 3 days after birth. In conclusion, lambs fed amounts of colostrum equivalent to 8 g of IgG/kg of BW showed similar immune variables compared to lambs reared under natural conditions, obtaining a greater BW at the end of the weaning period. Nevertheless, this study shows that not only the colostrum amount but also the management during the milk feeding and weaning period, such as stress produced by dam separation, milk quality and suckling frequency, can affect the final immune status of lambs.  相似文献   

Fujimiya M  Ataka K  Asakawa A  Chen CY  Kato I  Inui A 《Peptides》2011,32(11):2348-2351
Ghrelin, des-acyl ghrelin and obestatin are derived from a common prohormone, preproghrelin by posttranslational processing, originating from endocrine cells in the stomach. Ghrelin exerts stimulatory effects on the motility of antrum and duodenum in both fed and fasted state of animals. On the other hand, des-acyl ghrelin exerts inhibitory effects on the motility of antrum but not on the motility of duodenum in the fasted state of animals. Obestatin exerts inhibitory effects on the motility of antrum and duodenum in the fed state but not in the fasted state of animals. NPY Y2 and Y4 receptors in the brain may mediate the action of ghrelin, CRF type 2 receptor in the brain may mediate the action of des-acyl ghrelin, whereas CRF type 1 and type 2 receptors in the brain may mediate the action of obestatin.  相似文献   

Digital gene expression (DGE) analysis offers a route to gene discovery which by-passes the need to develop bespoke arrays for nonmodel species, and is therefore a potentially valuable tool for molecular ecologists. Scottish blackface sheep, which vary in resistance to the common abomasal parasitic nematode Teladorsagia circumcincta, were trickle-infected with L3 larvae over 3 months to mimic the natural progression of infection. DGE was performed on abomasal lymph node tissue after the resolution of infection in resistant animals. Susceptible (low resistance) animals showed a large number of differentially expressed genes associated with inflammation and cell activation, but generally few differentially regulated genes in either the susceptible or the resistant group were directly involved in the adaptive immune function. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that both resistance and susceptibility are active responses to infection and that susceptibility is associated with dysfunction in T cell differentiation and regulation.  相似文献   

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