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A spontaneously occurring, nalidixic acid-resistant (NalR), thermotolerant (T/r) mutant ofEscherichia coli was isolated. Bacteriophage P1-mediated transduction showed that NalR mapped at or neargyr A, one of the two genes encoding DNA gyrase. Expression ofgyrA + from a plasmid rendered the mutant sensitive to nalidixic acid and to high temperature, the result expected for alleles mapping ingyrA. Plasmid linking number measurements, made with DNA from cells grown at 37° C or shifted to 48° C, revealed that supercoiling was about 12% less negative in the T/r mutant than in the parental strain. Each strain preferentially expressed two different proteins at 48° C. The genetic and supercoiling data indicate that thermo-tolerance can arise from an alteration in DNA gyrase that lowers supercoiling. This eubacterial study, when. coupled with those of archaebacteria, suggests that DNA relaxation is a general aspect of thermotolerance.  相似文献   

The stringent response causes inhibition of replication of plasmid pBR322 in amino acid-starved Escherichia coli cells whereas in relaxed mutants the replication of this plasmid proceeds for several hours. On the basis of density shift experiments and pulse-labelling experiments we showed that most of the pBR322 molecules begin replication during the relaxed response and the rate of plasmid DNA synthesis in unstarved and isoleucine-starved relA ] bacteria is similar. We found that the Rom function plays a key role in the stringent control of plasmid pBR322 replication, as insertional inactivation of the rom gene causes amplification of pBR322rom in both relA and relA + strains during amino acid starvation. Moreover, pUC19, which is a pBR322-derived plasmid lacking the rom gene, behaves like pBR322rom , whereas introduction of the rom gene into the pUC19 replicon drives it into the pBR322 mode of replication in amino acid-starved bacteria. A model for the regulation of pBR322 plasmid DNA replication by Rom protein in amino acid-starved Escherichia coli strains is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary When E. coli F+ cells carrying the dna-167 or dnaC2 mutation, which causes the temperature-sensitive initiation of DNA replication, are exposed to a non-permissive temperature to stop the replication of chromosome and F factor, and then transferred back to a permissive temperature with the addition of chloramphenicol, one round of the chromosomal replication occurs, but further replication is inhibited. Under these conditions, F DNA replicates coincidentally with the initiation of the chromosomal replication in both strains. When rifampicin is added to the cells upon lowering of the temperature, the chromosome can not replicate in the F+ dna-167 strain, but can do so in the F+ dnaC2 strain. F DNA can replicate in both of the mutant strains under these conditions.  相似文献   

Mutants of the dnaA, dnaC, dnaD, polC, dnaF and dnaG gene loci were tested for their capacity for colicinogenic plasmid E1 (ColE1) replication at a non-permissive temperature. It was found that ColE1 replication was independent of the dnaA gene function and dependent on dnaC, D, F and G. ColE1 replication in the polC mutant E486 continued for several hours but at a greatly reduced rate. No effect was found of the dnaG mutation on thymine-deprivation-induced "priming" of ColE1 replication at the non-permissive temperature. The mutants also were tested for aberrant replication intermediates of plasmid DNA as well as a temperature sensitive supercoiled DNA-protein relaxation complex. RNA-containing supercoils were found to accumulate in a poIC mutant also blocked for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The gene coding for bacteriophage Lambda repressor (cI gene) has been fused to the lac operon of Escherichia coli. In some of the fusions Lambda repressor synthesis can be controlled by the lac operator and promoter. Upon induction of the lac operon the amount of Lambda repressor is increased by a factor of 7 over that found in a single lysogen. In combination with the polarity suppressor suA the induction factor rises to 20. Transducing phages of one fusion were constructed. After thermal induction of this phage the final level of Lambda repressor was enhanced by a factor of 150.Abbreviations xgal 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-galactoside - IPTG isopropyl-thio--D-galactoside  相似文献   

The activation of DnaA protein by cardiolipin is inhibited by fluphenazinein vitro. We therefore examined the sensitivity of temperature-sensitivednaA mutants ofEscherichia coli to fluphenazine and other phenothiazine derivatives. Among the eightdnaA mutants tested,dnaA5, dnaA46 dnaA602, anddnaA604, mutants with mutations in the putative ATP binding site of DnaA protein, showed higher sensitivities to phenothiazine derivatives than did the wild-type strain. ThednaA508 anddnaA167 mutants, which have mutations in the N-terminal region of DnaA protein, also showed higher sensitivities to phenothiazine derivatives. On the other hand, thednaA204 anddnaA205 mutants, with lesions in the C-terminal region of the DnaA protein, showed the same sensitivity to phenothiazine derivatives as the wild-type strain. Complementation analysis with a plasmid containing the wild-typednaA gene and phage P1-mediated transduction confirmed thatdnaA mutations are responsible for these sensitivity phenotypes.  相似文献   

Time-resolved, steady-state fluorescence and fluorescence-detected circular dichroism (FDCD) have been used to resolve the fluorescence contributions of the two tryptophan residues, Trp-13 and Trp-85, in the cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP). The iodide and acrylamide quenching data show that in CRP one tryptophan residue, Trp-85, is buried within the protein matrix and the other, Trp-13, is moderately exposed on the surface of the protein. Fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra show that Trp-13 has emission at about 350 nm and contributes 76–83% to the total fluorescence emission. The Trp-85, unquenchable by iodide and acrylamide, has the fluorescence emission at about 337 nm. The time-resolved fluorescence measurements show that Trp-13 has a longer fluorescence decay time. The Trp-85 exhibits a shorter fluorescence decay time. In the CRP-cAMP complex the Trp-85, previously buried in the apoprotein becomes totally exposed to the iodide and acrylamide quenchers. The FDCD spectra indicate that in the CRP-cAMP complex Trp-85 remains in the same environment as in the protein alone. It has been proposed that the binding of cAMP to CRP is accompanied by a hinge reorientation of two protein domains. This allows for penetration of the quencher molecules into the Trp-85 residue previously buried in the protein matrix.Abbreviations CRP cyclic AMP receptor protein - NATA N-acetyltryptophanamide - FQRS fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra - FDCD fluorescence-detected circular dichroism - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Wang Z  Yuan Z  Hengge UR 《Plasmid》2004,51(3):149-161
With the increasing utilization of plasmid DNA as a biopharmaceutical drug, there is a rapidly growing need for high quality plasmid DNA for drug applications. Although there are several different kinds of replication origins, ColE1-like replication origin is the most extensively used origin in biotechnology. This review addresses problems in upstream and downstream processing of plasmid DNA with ColE1-like origin as drug applications. In upstream processing of plasmid DNA, regulation of replication of ColE1-like origin was discussed. In downstream processing of plasmid DNA, we analyzed simple, robust, and scalable methods, which can be used in the efficient production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase I (pol I) processes RNA primers during lagging-strand synthesis and fills small gaps during DNA repair reactions. However, it is unclear how pol I and pol III work together during replication and repair or how extensive pol I processing of Okazaki fragments is in vivo. Here, we address these questions by analyzing pol I mutations generated through error-prone replication of ColE1 plasmids. The data were obtained by direct sequencing, allowing an accurate determination of the mutation spectrum and distribution. Pol I’s mutational footprint suggests: (i) during leading-strand replication pol I is gradually replaced by pol III over at least 1.3 kb; (ii) pol I processing of Okazaki fragments is limited to ∼20 nt and (iii) the size of Okazaki fragments is short (∼250 nt). While based on ColE1 plasmid replication, our findings are likely relevant to other pol I replicative processes such as chromosomal replication and DNA repair, which differ from ColE1 replication mostly at the recruitment steps. This mutation footprinting approach should help establish the role of other prokaryotic or eukaryotic polymerases in vivo, and provides a tool to investigate how sequence topology, DNA damage, or interactions with protein partners may affect the function of individual DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Summary The number of phage-resistant mutants in unirradiated and in ultraviolet-irradiated cultures ofE. coli strains B and B/r is usually greater when the selecting agent is Tls. It is shown that this cannot be explained by a) completely independent gene changes, b) the presence of host range phage mutants or c) new mutations due to prolonged survival of wild type bacteria in the prescence of phage. Evidence is presented which indicates that the difference in selection by Tl and Tls may be explained satisfactorily by the presence of incompletely expressed bacterial mutants in the cultures before plating. This constitutes indirect evidence for a phenotypic lag. It is shown further that the development of resistance to Tls probably precedes the development of full resistance to both phages.The appearance of new ultraviolet-induced mutations, selected by Tls, is found to fulfill expectations based on the existence of such a phenotypic lag.
Zusammenfassung Die Anzahl der phagenresistenten Mutanten in unbestrahlten und UV-bestrahlten Kulturen derE. coli Stämme B und B/r ist im allgemeinen größer, wenn die Selektion mit Tls durchgeführt wird. Dieses kann nicht erklärt werden durch a) vollständig unabhängige Genveränderungen, b) die Gegenwart von hostrange Phagenmutanten, oder c) neue Mutationen bedingt durch längeres Überleben von Wildtypus-Bakterien in der Gegenwart von Phagen. Es wird gezeigt, daß der Unterschied in der Selektion von Tl und Tls ausreichend erklärt werden kann durch die Gegenwart von unvollständig manifestierten Bakterienmutanten, die vor dem plating in den Kulturen vorhanden sind. Dieses bildet indirekten Beweis für eine phänotypische Lagphase. Es wird weiterhin gezeigt, daß die Entwicklung der Resistenz gegenüber Tls wahrscheinlich der Entwicklung von Vollresistenz gegenüber beiden Phagen vorangeht.Das Auftreten von neuen UV-induzierten, durch Tls selektierten Mutanten stimmt mit dem Vorhandensein einer derartigen phänotypischen Lagphase überein.

With 6 Figures in the text.  相似文献   

Summary When integrated in the chromosome of E. coli by site-specific recombination of , the ColE1 type replicator provokes the phenotypic suppression of CRT46 dnaA strain. The level of this suppression depends on the orientation of ColE1 replicator in the chromosome of bacteria. Integrative plasmids (intmids) coexist in both autonomous and extrachromosomal states in the same cell.  相似文献   

A mature mutant ribose-binding protein (RBP) ofEscherichia coli was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, replacing Thr-3 in the N-domain of wild-type mature RBP (WT-mRBP) with a Trp residue (N-Trp-mRBP). The equilibrium unfolding properties and the refolding kinetics of this protein were monitored by fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD). The stability of N-Trp-mRBP appears to be the same as that of C-Trp-mRBP, another mutant obtained by replacing Phe-187 with a Trp, and lower than that of WT-mRBP. The overall refolding rate of N-Trp-mRBP is much smaller than that of C-Trp-mRBP, which, in turn, is similar to that of WT-mRBP. For the case of WT-mRBP, the rate constant obtained by Tyr fluorescence is identical to the value obtained by CD. But with C-Trp-mRBP, the rate constant from CD is smaller than the value from the Trp fluorescence and this difference in the rate constants is much greater with the N-TrpmRBP.  相似文献   

Attempts to characterize thegrpD55 mutation ofEscherichia coli have led us to conclude that the gene had been assigned an incorrect map position. The mutation was found to cotransduce withmalF3089:: Tn10 (at 91.5 min) and adnaB-expressing plasmid was able to complement fully thegrpD55 defect in replication. These studies strongly suggest thatgrpD55 is an allele ofdnaB and is localized near 92 min on theE. coli linkage map.  相似文献   

A terminal stage in the duplication of many bacterial plasmids involves the transient formation of catenated molecules containing two interlocked monomeric plasmid units. This property of plasmid replication was exploited to examine the relationship between F replication and the division cycle of Escherichia coli B/r cells growing in undisturbed, exponential-phase cultures. Various cultures of F′lac- or FKmr-containing cells were briefly exposed to [3H]thymidine, and then the transfer of radioactivity into, and out of, a catenated dimer consisting of two closed circular monomers was measured during a chase period. The fraction of plasmid molecules present in this dimer form was determined by separating cellular DNA in alkaline sucrose gradients. In addition, plasmid replication was studied in synchronously growing cultures by measuring both [3H]thymidine incorporation into covalently closed circular DNA and β-galactosidase inducibility. The results suggest that replication of F plasmids can take place throughout the cell division cycle, with the probability of replication increasing toward the end of the cycle. The presence of DNA homologous to the chromosome on the F′lac did not alter the replication pattern of the plasmid during the division cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Conjugation, the process of genetic transfer requiring cell-to-cell contact, has been the focus of many investigations. In recent years, the molecular aspect of conjugation has been questioned. Since it has been shown that during exponential growth plasmid DNA forms a complex with the folded chromosomal complex (FCC), the relationship of R64drd11 plasmid DNA to the FCC (chromosome plus membrane) during conjugal replication was examined. A cell system was used which allowed specific observation of conjugal events as they occurred in the donor cell. Evidence is presented to show that conjugally replicating R64drd11 covalently closed circular molecules co-sediment with the FCC in neutral sucrose gradients. The use of density gradients to separate DNA from membrane-bound DNA from free membrane, indicate that the membrane is the preferential structure for conjugally replicating plasmid DNA association.  相似文献   

Summary The in vivo role of the Escherichia coli protein DnaA in the replication of plasmid pBR322 was investigated, using a plasmid derivative carrying an inducible dnaA + gene. In LB medium without inducer, the replication of this plasmid, like that of pBR322, was inhibited by heat inactivation of chromosomal DnaA46 protein so that plasmid accumulation ceased 1 to 2 h after the temperature shift. This inhibition did not occur when the plasmid dnaA + gene was expressed in the presence of the inducer isopropyl-1-thin--d-galactopyranoside (IPTG). Inhibition was also not observed in glycerol minimal medium or in the presence of low concentrations of rifampicin or chloramphenicol. Deletion of the DnaA binding site and the primosome assembly sites (pas, rri) downstream of the replication origin did not affect the plasmid copy number during exponential growth at 30° C, or after inactivation of DnaA by a shift to 42° C in a dnaA46 host, or after oversupply of DnaA, indicating that these sites are not involved in a rate-limiting step for replication in vivo. The accumulation of the replication inhibitor, RNAI, was independent of DnaA activity, ruling out the possibility that DnaA acts as a repressor of RNAI synthesis, as has been suggested in the literature. Changes in the rate of plasmid replication in response to changes in DnaA activity (in LB medium) could be resolved into an early, rom-dependent, and a late, rom-independent component. Rom plasmids show only the late effect. After heat inactivation of DnaC, plasmid replication ceased immediately. These results, together with previously published reports, suggest that DnaA plays no specific role during in vivo replication of ColE1 plasmids and that the gradual cessation of plasmid replication after heat inactivation of DnaA in LB medium results from indirect effects of the inhibition of chromosome replication and the ensuing saturation of promoters with RNA polymerase under nonpermissive growth conditions.  相似文献   

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