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De novo synthesis of 5S RNA and of transfer RNA (tRNA) has been demonstrated previously to occur by mid-cleavage (128-cell stage) in sea urchin embryos (24). The present study focused on determining more precisely the time of onset of activity of the genes for 5S RNA and for tRNA during sea urchin embryogenesis by preloading the GTP precursor pools of unfertilized eggs. The results showed that newly-made 5S RNA and tRNA could be detected as early as the 32-cell stage. In order to determine whether newly-synthesized 5S RNA accumulates coordinately during development with newly-made 26S (34) and 18S ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), the relative rates of accumulation of these three RNA molecules were measured and compared at each of several stages of sea urchin embryogenesis. In contrast to the coordinated accumulation of newly-synthesized 26S and 18S rRNAs, newly-made 5S RNA accumulated in excess at the mesenchyme blastula (9-fold excess), midgastrula (5-fold excess) and prism (3-fold excess) stages. The 5S RNA/26S RNA molar ratios only approached unity in advanced (48 hr) plutei. The non-coordinated accumulation of newly-made 5S RNA with that of 26S and 18S rRNAs suggests that the accumulation of these newly-synthesized RNAs is differentially regulated during early sea urchin development.  相似文献   

Embryos of Xenopus laevis at stage 6 were labeled with 14CO2 for 4 hr and then allowed to develop under nonradioactive conditions until they reached stage 9, 10, 11 or 12. RNA was extracted and electrophoresed on a polyacrylamide-agarose gel. From the pattern of newly synthesized RNAs, the incorporation into 18S and 28S ribosomal RNAs was measured. At the same time, the specific radioactivity of nucleoside triphosphates in the acid-soluble fraction was determined. On the basis of the results obtained, the absolute amounts of the RNAs synthesized were calculated. The results show that the synthesis of the ribosomal RNAs begins, or is at least markedly activated, around stage 10. Moreover, cytological examination has shown that cells with nucleolated nuclei appeared between stages 9 and 10 and increased thereafter.
Thus, from the results of these studies along two different lines, it can safely be concluded that the initiation of 18S and 28S RNA synthesis takes place around stage 10.  相似文献   

Ribosomes of all eukaryotes contain a single molecule of 5S, 18S, and 28S RNA. In the frog Xenopus laevis the genes which code for 18S and 28S RNA are located in the nucleolar organizer, but these genes are not linked to the 5S RNA genes. Therefore the synthesis of the three ribosomal RNAs provides a model system for studying interchromosomal aspects of gene regulation. In order to determine if the synthesis of the three ribosomal RNAs are interdependent, the relative rate of 5S RNA synthesis was measured in anucleolate mutants (o/o), which do not synthesize any 18S or 28S RNA, and in partial nucleolate mutants (pl-1/o), which synthesize 18S and 28S RNA at 25% of the normal rate. Since the o/o and pl-1/o mutants have a complete and partial deletion of 18S and 28S RNA genes respectively, but the normal number of 5S RNA genes, they provide a unique system in which to study the dependence of 5S RNA synthesis on the synthesis of 18S and 28S RNA. Total RNA was extracted from embryos labeled during different stages of development and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Quite unexpectedly it was found that 5S RNA synthesis in o/o and pl-1/o mutants proceeds at the same rate as it does in normal embryos. Furthermore, 5S RNA synthesis is initiated normally at gastrulation in o/o mutants in the complete absence of 18S and 28S RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

在真核细胞中,除了线粒体和叶绿体ATPase的功能是合成ATP外,其余部位ATPase是水解ATP以获取生物能量的代谢酶,在生物体细胞内广泛存在。探索ATPase在细胞中的分布状态是研究细胞生理状态的一种重要手段。ATPase在细胞中的多少可反映出细胞当时的生活状态,这一特征已被初步用于探索小麦和水稻雄性不育的细胞生物学研究中,希望通过比较可育花药和不育花药中ATPase的分布差异寻找雄性不育的机理,发现  相似文献   

The synthesis of keratin proteins during development of the embryonic chick feather was studied by quantitative gel electrophoresis of the reduced and carboxymethylated proteins. The results demonstrated a coordinated synthesis of the major keratin proteins, during and after the onset of keratin synthesis. The results from gel electrophoresis correlated well with electron microscope visualization or keratin fibrils in the developing feathers. Autoradiography at the electron microscope level indicated that the feather cells lose the ability to synthesize DNA before keratin synthesis begins, but retain the ability to synthesize RNA after keratin synthesis begins.  相似文献   

应用Peattie,Maxum等化学裂解法,辅以酶解直读法等测定了乌醴(Ophiocephalus argus)肝5S rRNA的核苷酸序列;与已知的虹鳟鱼和纵带泥鳅5S rRNA序列比较,发现它们之间的核苷酸序列具有高度的保守性.利用其一级结构所给出的信息,初步提出二级结构模型.  相似文献   

应用Peattie,Maxum等化学裂解法,辅以酶解直读法等测定了乌醴(Ophiocephalus argus)肝5S rRNA的核苷酸序列;与已知的虹鳟鱼和纵带泥鳅5S rRNA序列比较,发现它们之间的核苷酸序列具有高度的保守性.利用其一级结构所给出的信息,初步提出二级结构模型.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis was measured in ribosomal systems derived from the cerebral cortex of 5-and 35-day-old rats. Under optimal conditions incorporation of radioactive leucine per mg ribosomal protein was four times higher with ribosomes from the younger animals than with ribosomes from the 35-day-old rats. This suggests that a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis occurs during neural development. Both ribosomes and the pH enzyme fraction from the cerebral cortex of 35-day-old rats had lower activities than preparations from the younger rats. Cerebral cortical ribosomes from 35-day-old animals had a lower polyribosome content than similar preparations from 5-day-old rats. A three-fold higher requirement for the pH 5 enzyme fraction was observed with the ribosomal system from 5-day-old rats, an observation which correlated with the yields of pH 5 enzyme and ribosomal protein from the younger tissue. The nature of the changes in the composition of the pH 5 enzyme fraction was investigated. Methylated albumin kiesselguhr (MAK) and Sephadex G-75 column chromatography showed that RNA from the pH 5 enzyme fraction was heterogeneous, containing tRNA, rRNA, and a small molecular weight RNA. This latter RNA, perhaps a degradation product of rRNA, comprised the greatest portion of RNA from the pH 5 enzyme fraction of cerebral cortex. The data obtained with MAK chromatography were used to estimate the total tRNA content of the cerebral cortex, with no age-related differences being observed. Since evidence of RNA degradation was seen, tRNA was also isolated by phenol extraction of whole cerebral cortex in the presence of bentonite. Purification of tRNA by NaCl and isopropanol fractionation gave preparations with no detectable rRNA or small molecular weight RNA. With this purification method, the tRNA yield was greater than estimated by the MAK method, demonstrating that losses of tRNA occurred during the cell fractionation steps. With the purification method 1.6 times more tRNA was obtained from the cerebral cortex of 5-day-old animals than from the older tissue. This higher level of tRNA in the younger, more active tissue appeared to involve all tRNA species, since in vitro aminoacyiation studies revealed nearly identical acceptance values for 18 individual amino acids. These results suggest that the rate of protein synthesis in cerebral cortex is regulated in part by the total amount of tRNA present to translate the higher level of polysome-bound mRNA.  相似文献   

The effect of protein synthesis inhibition by cycloheximide on nucleolar RNA synthesis and processing has been studied in HeLa cells. Synthesis of 45S RNA precursor falls rapidly after administration of the drug. However, the nucleolar content of 45S RNA remains relatively constant for at least 1 hr because the time required for cleavage of the precursor molecule into its products is lengthened after treatment with cycloheximide. The efficiency of transformation of 45S RNA to 32S RNA remains constant with approximately one molecule of the 32S RNA produced for each cleavage of a molecule of 45S RNA. However, shortly after the cessation of protein synthesis the formation of 18S RNA becomes abortive. The amount of 32S RNA present in the nucleolus remains relatively constant. After long periods of protein synthesis inhibition the 28S RNA continues to be synthesized and exported to the cytoplasm but at a greatly reduced rate. When the protein synthesis inhibitor is removed, a prompt, although partial, recovery in the synthesis rate of 45S RNA occurs. The various aspects of RNA synthesis regulation and processing are discussed.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis during pollen embryogenesis in cultured anther segments of Hyoscyamus niger (henbane) has been followed by autoradiography of 3H-uridine incorporation. Embryogenic divisions were initiated in binucleate pollen grains in which the generative nucleus or both generative and vegetative nuclei synthesized RNA. When the first haploid mitosis in culture resulted in pollen grains with two nearly identical nuclei, those in which both nuclei synthesized RNA became embryogenic. Binucleate pollen grains in which 3H-uridine incorporation was confined exclusively to the vegetative nucleus gradually became starch-filled and nonembryogenic. Based on the degree of involvement of the vegetative nucleus in embryoid formation, some differences were noted between the counts of autoradiographic silver grains over cells cut off by the generative and vegetative nuclei during progressive embryogenesis. The possible significance of RNA synthesis in the nuclei of binucleate pollen grains in determining the pathway of embryogenic divisions is discussed.  相似文献   

The ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of a series of hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrids was studied. Mouse 28S rRNA was separated from its hamster counterpart by a two-step procedure involving sucrose gradient centrifugation of ribosomes and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of rRNA. Both hamster and mouse types of rRNA were synthesized in the 11 hybrids tested, including hybrids containing only about one-half the haploid number of either mouse or hamster chromosomes. It appears that, for both hamster and mouse rRNA, when the chromosomes of one species constituted the majority of the chromosomes of a hybrid, a disproportionately higher percentage of rRNA of that species was present in the hybrid. Some hybrid clones, having a majority of mouse chromosomes, had a mouse rRNA cell concentration approximately four to five times higher than the concentration expected from linear extrapolation of the value found for the mouse parental cell line.  相似文献   

应用酚-去污剂和1摩尔/升NaCl抽提低分子量RNA,通过DEAE-葡聚糖A-50离子交换层析提纯后,经含有7摩尔/升尿素的10%聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳制备纯化猕猴肝5S核糖核蛋白体RNA是简易而行之有效的方法。制纯的5SrRNA经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定呈现单一的一条区带。与大肠杆菌5SrRNA标准品具有相同的电泳迁移率。  相似文献   

The incorporation of 3H-guanosine as 3H-GMP into 5S RNA and into transfer RNA (tRNA) was examined in isolated large germinal vesicle oocytes, in isolated mature ootids and during and subsequent to hormonally (l-methyladenine)-induced meiotic maturation in the starfish, Asterias forbesii .Purified soluble RNA 1 preparations at each stage were fractionated by electrophoresis on 10% polyacrylamide gels, while high molecular weight RNAs were resolved by subjecting total RNA samples to electrophoresis on 2.4% acrylamide+0.5% agarose gels. The results showed that large germinal vesicle oocytes, containing a single compact nucleolus, synthesize 5S RNA and tRNA as well as the previously-reported (1, 23-26) nucleolar rRNAs. In contrast, during and subsequent to hormonally-induced meiotic maturation, after germinal vesicle braekdown and nucleolar dissolution, the synthesis of 5S RNA and tRNA continues in the absence of detectable high molecular weight rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The pattern of synthesis of rapidly-labelled RNA of hen sciatic nerve was studied during Wallerian degeneration. At 2,4,8, 16 and 30 days of degeneration the proximal and distal stumps of the severed nerve as well as the intact contralateral sciatic nerve (functional control) were excised and incubated with either [5-3H]uridine or [2-14C]uridine for 0.5 h. The electrophoretic pattern of RNA from the normal adult sciatic nerve showed that most of the radioactivity was incorporated into RNA species migrating between the 18 S and 4 S components of the bulk RNA. The synthesis of RNA was sensitive to actinomycin-D, an indication that it was directed by a DNA template. The electrophoretic patterns of the rapidly-labelled RNA in the proximal and distal nerve stumps demonstrated a change following nerve section. After 2–4 days of Wallerian degeneration the degenerating distal nerves incorporated more radioactivity in the 4 S region than the corresponding controls, but at 8 and 16-days after degeneration relatively more label appeared in higher molecular weight RNA species. In the intact sciatic nerve of the operated hens progressively more radioactivity was detected in the 4 S region with increasing time after the contralateral nerve section. At each stage of Wallerian degeneration the specific radioactivities of RNA in the control nerves from experimental hens were higher than those of the normal adult sciatic nerve. These results indicated a change of RNA metabolism in increased functional activity and during Wallerian degeneration.  相似文献   

The site of H3-uridine incorporation and the fate of labeled RNA during early embryo-genesis of the newt Triturus pyrrhogaster were studied with electron microscopic autoradiography. Isolated ectodermal and mesodermal tissues from the embryos were treated in H3-uridine for 3 hours and cultured in cold solution for various periods before fixation with OsO4 and embedding in Epon. At the blastula stage, the only structural component of the nucleus seen in electron micrographs is a mass of chromatin fibrils. At the early gastrula stage, the primary nucleoli originate as small dense fibrous bodies within the chromatin material. These dense fibrous nucleoli enlarge during successive developmental stages by the acquisition of granular components 150 A in diameter, which form a layer around them. Simultaneously larger granules (300 to 500 A) appear in the chromatin, and they fill the interchromatin spaces by the tail bud stage. Autoradiographic examination has demonstrated that nuclear RNA synthesis takes place in both the nucleolus and the chromatin, with the former consistently showing more label per unit area than the latter. When changes in the distribution pattern of radioactivity were studied 3 to 24 hours after immersion in isotope at each developmental stage, the following results were obtained. Labeled RNA is first localized in the fibrous region of the nucleolus and in the peripheral region of chromatin material. After longer culture in non-radioactive medium, labeled materials also appear in the granular region of the nucleolus and in the interchromatin areas. Further incubation gives labeling in cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Isolated cells from animal or vegetal pole regions of Xenopus blastulae were cultured, and the timings of rRNA synthesis and cell division were determined. rRNA synthesis was measured by the incorporation of (3H)methionine into rRNA, and cell division was studied by the decrease in cell size and rRNA content. Nucleoli in these cells were also examined. It was found that these animal and vegetal cells continue to divide under the present conditions in the same temporal pattern as that of intraembryonic cells, and that rRNA synthesis begins soon after the cells have undergone the division which probably corresponds to the 15th division following fertilization. At this time, the rRNA content and concentration of the animal and vegetal cells are significantly different. These results seem to support the view that cell division is involved in some way in the mechanism determining the timing of rRNA synthesis in early embryonic development.  相似文献   

我们采用植物叶与热缓冲液、苯酚直接混合(约65℃)匀浆,离心抽提和乙醇沉淀后,得到植物叶总RNA。经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离、纯化,即可得到叶绿体4.5S rRNA,此法不仅操作简单,而且得率高。 同时,经过对同一植物的不同组织或不同细胞组分,如根、细胞质、叶绿体和叶绿体核糖体小分子RNA的提取与鉴定,以简便的方法证明了4.5S rRNA是叶绿体核糖体成份,也证明了我们所采用的提取、纯化4.5SrRNA方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

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