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Summary The smooth muscle of rabbit portal vein was studied by electron microscopy with particular emphasis on the mechanical linkage between the muscle cells and on the distribution of connective tissue.The media of this vein is composed of inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers which are orientated almost perpendicularly to each other. The muscle of the inner circular layer shows very irregular contours with much branching and anastomosing of the cytoplasmic processes, which often make membrane contacts with neighbouring cells to form an extensive network of cytoplasmic processes. The muscle cells of the outer longitudinal layer are arranged in densely packed bundles and are spindle-shaped, with no branching processes. Opposing dense areas from neighbouring cells, with variable gap distances (30–100 nm) and close membrane contacts (intermediate junctions) with a gap of 11 nm were observed in both circular and longitudinal muscle layers.In the terminal regions of muscle cells in both circular and longitudinal layers a specialized anchoring structure was present which was closely related to extracellular elastic tissue. Muscle cells in the longitudinal layer showed the most elaborate structure, the tapering end of the muscle cell showing a honeycomb-like structure penetrated by columns of connective tissue compounds. The functional implications of these structures are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Chronically stimulated fast-twitch muscles of the rabbit were histochemically and immunohistochemically analyzed in serial cross sections (1) for percentages of fiber types, and (2) for the presence of myosin heavy chain isoforms during fast-to-slow transformation. By four weeks of stimulation the number of type-I fibers had increased more than fourfold, while only about 6% of the original IIB fibers remained. Type-IC and -IIC fibers transiently rose to 20% of the total fiber population. After 16 weeks, the number of type-I fibers had increased to 42%. With prolonged stimulation fewer fibers reacted with antibodies against embryonic and neonatal myosins and more with the antibody against slow myosin. The reaction for embryonic myosin was most often detected in the C fibers (IC, IIC). Immunohistochemical subtypes were observed for each fiber type in the stimulated muscles. The greatest number was seen in type-IIC fibers, which, in addition to their reaction for fast/neonatal and slow myosins, might also react with the antibodies against neonatal/embryonic and embryonic myosins. These findings indicated that the transforming fibers temporarily expressed myosin heavy chain isoforms normally not detectable in adult skeletal muscle. Myotubes reacted strongly with the antibodies against fast/neonatal and embryonic myosins, and some of them also with the antibody against slow myosin. Thus, it appears that under the influence of the low frequency stimulus pattern some of the newly formed myotubes developed into type-I fibers.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the red and white myotomal muscles of a marine teleost, the coalfish Gadus virens, has been examined and ultrastructural measurements and analyses carried out. The sarcomere lengths of the red and white fibres were found to be 1.60 minimum, 1.82 maximum and 1.70 minimum, 1.85 maximum, respectively. No significant difference was found between the red and white fibres in their percentage of sarcoplasmic reticulum and T system. Both were found to have regularly occurring triads at the Z disk level, to have distinctive M lines and to be multiply innervated. Ultrastructurally the two fibres can be distinguished by the thicker Z line and more abundant mitochondria of the red fibre, and by the ribbon-shaped peripheral myofibrils of the white fibres. The structure of the fibres in these two types of muscle is discussed in relation to their possible role in swimming.This work was supported by a research grant from the National Environmental Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary The interstitial cells associated with the myenteric plexus of the rabbit colon were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It was demonstrated that the interstitial cells were stellate or fusiform in shape and located over the ganglia, over nerve bundles and between muscle cells. They were characterized by many slender processes, and resemble fibroblasts. No basal lamina was observed between the interstitial cells and muscle cells. It was concluded that structural features of the interstitial cells are distinctly different from those of neurons, Schwann cells, or of smooth muscle cells, while they show clear similarities to those of fibroblasts. By scanning electron microscopy the shapes and the relations of these cells could be demonstrated in great detail.  相似文献   

Summary White, pink, red and deep red fibres, selected from a head muscle and from axial muscles of the perch, show significant differences in actin filament length, Z line thickness, Z line lattice space, myofibril girth, the percentages volume occupied by T system and terminal cisternae of the SR, and in the degree of T system SR contact per sarcomere. In both muscles the degree of T system SR contact decreases in the order: white, pink, red, deep red, which suggests a decrease of contraction velocity in the same order.The position of the T system (at the Z line or at the AI junction) is related to the actin filament length. The actin filaments in the red fibres are appreciably longer than in the white, which suggests that the sarcomeres of the red fibres have a broader length-tension curve. The Z line thickness is positively correlated with the actin filament length and, in the white and the red fibres, negatively with the degree of sarcomere shortening. Thicker Z lines are suggested to allow greater sarcomere sizes (length or girth).The percentage volume occupied by mitochondria varies independently of the extent of membrane systems.The ultrastructural characteristics of the fibre types are in agreement with the functional roles as reported in literature.  相似文献   

Direct determination of muscle fiber composition is invasive and expensive, with indirect methods also requiring specialist resources and expertise. Performing resistance exercises at 80% 1RM is suggested as a means of indirectly estimating muscle fiber composition, though this hypothesis has never been validated against a direct method. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the number of completed repetitions at 80% 1RM of back squat exercise and muscle fiber composition. Thirty recreationally active participants’ (10 females, 20 males) 1RM back squat load was determined, before the number of consecutive repetitions at 80% 1RM was recorded. The relationship between the number of repetitions and the percentage of fast-twitch fibers from vastus lateralis was investigated. The number of completed repetitions ranged from 5 to 15 and was independent of sex, age, 1RM, training frequency, training type, training experience, BMI or muscle fiber cross-sectional area. The percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers was inversely correlated with the number of repetitions completed (r = –0.38, P = 0.039). Participants achieving 5 to 8 repetitions (n = 10) had significantly more fast-twitch muscle fibers (57.5 ± 9.5 vs 44.4 ± 11.9%, P = 0.013) than those achieving 11–15 repetitions (n = 11). The remaining participants achieved 9 or 10 repetitions (n = 9) and on average had equal proportion of fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers. In conclusion, the number of completed repetitions at 80% of 1RM is moderately correlated with muscle fiber composition.  相似文献   

The influence of certain drugs on the ultrastructure of rabbit pinealocytes was studied. The results obtained after administration of p-chlorophenylalanine and p-chloroamphetamine support the hypothesis proposed earlier that the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the light pinealocytes is involved in indoleamine synthesis. The administration of either one of the sympatholytic agents, 6-hydroxydopamine or alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, induced typical fine structural changes corresponding to those observed after surgical sympathectomy.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural diversification of muscle fibers, with regard particularly to myofibrillar changes, has been investigated in the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and the slow-twitch soleus muscles of the rat during fetal and postnatal development in the presence and in the absence of motor innervation. The band pattern and the shape of the myofibrils were uniform in fetal and neonatal muscle fibers and underwent differential changes during the first weeks after birth, concomitantly with fiber type specialization. The most evident variations in myofibrillar structure arising in this period concern the thickness of the Z band and the arrangement of the myofibrils. Myofibril formation was at first not impaired by denervation of rat muscles performed in utero and, although focal disintegration of myofibrils and detachment and loss of orientation of filaments became apparent by one week, atrophic muscle fibers with well-organized myofibrils could be seen as late as 2 months after birth. However, denervated muscle fibers of EDL and soleus did not display any significant and consistent difference in myofibrillar band pattern and shape. No variation in mitochondrial content and sarcoplasmic reticulum development was likewise seen in muscle fibers of EDL and soleus after fetal denervation. The findings emphasize the importance of neuromuscular interactions in muscle differentiation.This investigation was supported in part by a grant from Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc. to Prof. M. Aloisi. A preliminary report of part of this work was presented at the XL Congress of the Italian Zoological Society, Garda, 1971 (Schiaffino, 1972).  相似文献   

The mode of degradation of myofibrillar proteins by the action of highly purified rabbit muscle cathepsin D (EC was studied using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cathepsin D optimally degraded myosin heavy chain, α-actinin, tropomyosin, troponin T and troponin I at around pH 3. It did not degrade actin or troponin C. Degradation of myosin heavy chain produced four major fragments of 155 000, 130 000, 110 000 and 90 000 daltons. Troponin T was hydrolyzed to 33 000-, and 20 000- and 11 000-dalton fragments. Troponin I was degraded into fragments of 13 000 and 11 000 daltons. Degradation of α-actinin and tropomyosin was not as rapid as that of mysoin and troponins T and I. Tropomyosin gave a fragment of 30 000 daltons, but α-actinin showed no distinct band of this fragment on gels.  相似文献   

The results presented in this study show that the rabbit pineal organ cultured in vitro retained its in vivo fine structure for at least eight days. However, the Golgi complex in the light pinealocytes stopped forming dense core vesicles while vesicle-crowned ribbons increased in number. After addition of norepinephrine to the culture medium, the Golgi complex once more began the production of dense core vesicles. Terminals of light pinealocytic processes then often contained Golgi dense core vesicles in close contact with the cell membrane, suggesting the release of the vesicular content into the intercellular and perivascular spaces. A close topographical relationship between Golgi dense core vesicles and vesicle-crowned ribbons was observed.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural and stereological assessment of the mature avian anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle showed that it contains two kinds of extrafusal fibers. This fine structural dichotomy of fiber types in the ALD correlated well with their previously reported histochemical duality. Distinct differences occur in sarcomere banding, myofibrillar area, sarcotubular and mitochondrial density, and in morphology of motor-nerve terminals. Both myofiber types in this muscle were interpreted as representing varieties of slow or tonic muscle fibers.Both fibers contain myofibrils that, despite differences in cross-sectional area, were large, irregular, and ribbon-shaped, typical of the Felderstruktur appearance of true slow fibers. Whereas the majority of fibers (type-1) are devoid of well-defined M-bands, the minor fiber population (type-2) exhibit prominent M-bands in the center of each sarcomere. In addition, type-1 tonic fibers contain a significantly lower mitochondrial and sarcotubular volume than the tonic fibers of type-2. While both fiber types exhibit motor-nerve terminals that are small, smooth and punctate in appearance, those on the type2 fibers often had a number of shallow postjunctional folds. Whether or not these two classes of extrafusal fiber in this muscle represent two separate and distinct types of motor units remains to be determined functionally.Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada. The author gratefully acknowledges the excellent technical assistance of Susan L. Shinn  相似文献   

Franklin Fuchs  Charles Fox 《BBA》1982,679(1):110-115
A simple double-isotope procedure has been developed for making simultaneous measurements of bound Ca2+ and relative force in glycerinated rabbit psoas bundles containing two fibers. With this preparation it is possible to study Ca2+-troponin interactions coincident with MgATP-induced force development. Over the free [Ca2+] range 6 · 10?8–1.2 · 10?5 M the bound Ca2+ varied from 0.25 to 1.65 μmol/g protein. The free [Ca2+] at half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was 2 · 10?7 M while that a half-maximal force was 5 · 10?7 M. Half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was associated with 20% maximal force. The force-[Ca2+] saturation curve showed a steep rise in slope at greater than half saturation. The observed relationship was consistent with a model in which multiple occupancy of troponin Ca2+-binding sites is essential for initiation of cross-bridge cycling.  相似文献   

Isometric rigor tension development of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers in a medium, due to the formation of rigor complexes, was estimated at varying ATP concentrations from 0 to 2.5 mM and pH values from 6.75 to 8.20. The dissociation of rigor complexes was also estimated under the same conditions. When muscle fibers developed rigor tension from the relaxed and rigor states, the magnitude of rigor tension increased with increasing concentration of ATP. Transition between rigor and relaxation in single fibers occurred discontinuously at constant levels (critical levels) of ATP which were determined by pH. The critical concentrations of ATP necessary for inducing the transitions between rigor and relaxed states were also increased exponentially with increased pH. Incomplete repetition of tension development by the same fiber was also observed. This incomplete reversibility was divided into two types: one which showed a decay in rigor tension and another which showed no decay. The reason for the incomplete reversibility was discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of repeated biopsy sampling on muscle morphology was qualitatively and quantitatively assessed in strength-trained and untrained men and women. College-age men (13) and women (8) resistance trained twice a week for 8 weeks. A progressive resistance-training program was performed consisting of squats, leg presses, and leg extensions. Nontraining men (7) and women (5) served as controls. Muscle biopsy specimens and fasting bloods were obtained at the beginning and every 2 weeks and histochemical, biochemical, and ultrastructural methods were employed to assess the type and amount of damage. Except for a few scattered atrophic fibers in 2 of the 33 biopsy samples, all initial specimens were normal. In contrast, many of the subsequent biopsy samples from both untrained and resistance-trained men and women contained evidence of damage. Ultrastructural analysis confirmed that degenerative-regenerative processes were occurring in both groups. However, training subjects had a four-fold greater number of damaged fibers than nontraining subjects (8.53% vs 2.08%). In addition, only biopsy samples from training individuals contained fibers with internal disorganization (e.g., Z-line streaming, myofibrillar disruption). Calpain II levels in the biopsy samples and serum creatine kinase activity were not significantly affected supporting the light and electron microscopic observations that most of the damaged fibers were normal in appearance except for their small diameter. In summary, focal damage induced by the biopsy procedure is not completely repaired after 2 weeks and could affect the results, particularly cross-sectional area measurements. Moreover, resistance training appears to cause additional damage to the muscle and may delay repair of the biopsied region.  相似文献   

The electron microscopic study of the tail of Cercaria chackai reveals that it contains four sets of striated muscle bundles located central to the nonstriated circular and longitudinal muscles. The striated muscle consists of longitudinally oriented lamellar myofibres. Each myofibre contains a single "U" shaped myofibril. The banding pattern is analogous to that of vertebrate striated muscle. The sarcolemma is a simple surface membrane. There are no transverse tubular extensions of sarcolemma. The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is very well developed with cisternae, tubules, and vesicles. SR cisternae form dyadic couplings with the sarcolemma. There is a set of flattened tubules of SR origin traversing the myofibril exactly at the Z region. These tubules are unique to the striated muscle of the cercarian tail and may have functional significance. A diagrammatic reconstruction of the myofibre is presented.  相似文献   

The primary amino acid sequence of rabbit muscle enolase has been determined by standard spinning-cup sequencing techniques applied to peptides produced by chemical (cyanogen bromide and mild acid hydrolysis) and enzymatic fragmentation of the enzyme. The 433 amino acid sequence has been compared to other available enolase sequences from eukaryotic and prokaryotic sources, confirming a high degree of conserved sequence identity; the three mammalian muscle sequences (mouse and rat deduced from c-DNA sequences and rabbit) show 94% identity.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of lactate and glycogen metabolism in red and white muscle fibers was examined in fasted, cannulated lizards (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) run on a treadmill to exhaustion. The white and red portions of the iliofibularis (wIF, rIF) muscle of the hindlimb were analyzed post-exercise and at intervals over 120 min of recovery for lactate and glycogen changes. Five min of exercise resulted in lactate concentrations of from 35 mM (rIF) to 48 mM (wIF) while blood lactate concentrations were elevated to 21 mM from resting levels of 1.8 mM. Glycogen depletion was significant (p<0.05) in whole hindlimb (–30%) and in wIF (–42%) but not in rIF (–25%). Metabolite changes were consistent with a pattern of fiber type recruitment favoring fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers during high intensity locomotion. Glycogen replenishment during recovery was fiber typespecific. After 2 h recovery, whole hindlimb glycogen concentration had increased 24% above pre-exercise levels (p<0.05). Rates of glycogen resynthesis during recovery were significant only in oxidative fibers of the red iliofibularis. Animals were infused with either [U-14C]-lactate or [U-14C]-glucose at the point of exhaustion, and label incorporation into muscle glycogen was used to estimate the substrate preference for glycogenesis during recovery. Lactate uptake and incorporation occurred in both wIF and rIF. Glucose uptake and incorporation into glycogen was greatest in the rIF, where it equalled 9% of the rate of lactate incorporation. The rate of lactate incorporation could account for 67% of the rate of glycogen synthesis that occurred in oxidative fibers of the rIF. The data indicate that in contrast to mammalian muscle, reptilian muscle replenishes glycogen while it removes lactate, utilizing lactate directly as a gluconeogenic substrate. The data also suggest that lactate produced by FG fibers during exercise is utilized by oxidative fiber types post-exercise to synthesize glycogen in excess of pre-exercise levels.Abbreviations wIF, rIF white, red portions of iliofibularis muscle - FG fast-twitch, glycolytic muscle fiber - FOG fast-twitch, oxidative, glycolytic muscle fiber - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - SA specific activity - [LA] lactate concentration - GLU glucose - ANOVA analysis of variance - C.I. confidence interval  相似文献   

Summary Transformation of fast-twitch into slow-twitch skeletal muscle was induced in adult rabbits by chronic low-frequency stimulation and studied at the ultrastructural level. With the use of stereological techniques, a time course was established for changes in mitochondrial volume, sarcotubular system, and Z-band thickness for periods of stimulation ranging from 6 h to 24 weeks. T-tubules, terminal cisternae, and sarcoplasmic reticulum decreased at an early stage and reached levels typical of slow muscle after only 2 weeks of stimulation. Transformation of Z-band structure took place between 11/2 and 3 weeks after the onset of stimulation. Mitochondrial volume increased several fold over the first 3 weeks of stimulation, and fell rapidly after 7 weeks, although it still remained above the levels typical of slow muscle. Although there was no sign of degradation and regeneration of the muscle fibers themselves, considerable structural reorganization was evident at the subcellular level after 1 week of stimulation. The fibers passed through a less well organized transitional stage in which fibers could not be assigned to a normal ultrastructural category. After 3 weeks all of the stimulated fibers could be assigned to the normal slow-twitch category although some subcellular irregularities persisted even after 24 weeks. The ultrastructural alterations are discussed in relation to functional and biochemical changes in the whole muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The cells of the sinuatrial ring bundle are smaller than the ordinary myocardial cells; they have a regular outline and a large content of myofibrils exhibiting distinct H-bands and M-lines. Rudimentary T-tubules are found. The cells are connected by frequent nexus junctions, desmosomes and regions of interfibrillar contact, both on the well developed intercalated discs and at the periphery of the cells.The cells in the cauda of the sinus node, which extends alongside the crista terminalis together with the right branch of the sinuatrial ring bundle, are irregularly outlined and have a highly variable diameter (1–10 m). They occur in clusters of closely packed cells. The content of myofibrils is sparse and the fibrils exhibit no M-lines and only weak H-bands. No T-tubules are found. The cells are not connected by intercalated discs and no nexus junctions are found.Both tissues contain unmyelinated nerves and nerve fibres. Varicosities with mitochondria and vesicles are found in close apposition to the muscle cells.  相似文献   

To test how differences in locomotor behaviors may be reflected in muscle fiber-type diversity within anurans, a comparison of hindlimb muscles between the powerful terrestrial hopper, Rana catesbeiana, and the tree frog, Litoria caerulea, was done. One postural muscle (tibialis posticus, TP) and one primary hopping muscle (plantaris longus, PL), were characterized to identify muscle fiber types using standard histochemical methods. In addition, spectophotometric analysis of activity levels of the oxidative enzyme citrate synthase (CS) and the glycolytic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were done in each muscle. In spite of presumed differences in behavior between the species, we found no significant differences in the proportions of the identified fiber types when the muscles were compared across species. In addition, there were no significant differences in the proportions of the different fiber types between the postural versus phasic muscles within species. Within Rana, the postural muscle (TP) had greater oxidative capacity (as measured by CS activity) than did the phasic muscle (PL). Both muscles had equivalent LDH activities. Within Litoria, PL and TP did not differ in either LDH or CS activities. Both PL and TP of Litoria had less LDH activity and greater CS activity than their homologs in Rana. Thus, in spite of the uniform populations of fiber types between muscles and species, the metabolic diversity based on enzyme activity is consistent with behavioral differences between the species. These results suggest that the range of functional diversity within fiber types may be very broad in anurans, and histochemical fiber typing alone is not a clear indicator of their metabolic or functional properties.  相似文献   

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