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The germ line limited (K) chromosomes of Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae) were stained for G-banding on gonial mitoses, along with the somatic (S) chromosomes. Nine different types of K chromosomes could be distinguished by the G-banding pattern and other cytological criteria. Various combinations of K chromosomes were found in the complements of different individuals and cells: some Ks were missing and others were present up to as many as five times. No two animals were completely alike in the composition of their gonial chromosome complement. Thus none of the different K types can be essential. These results are discussed in view of the complex chromosome cycle of the Orthocladiinae.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Staiber 《Génome》2006,49(3):269-274
During germ line-soma differentiation in early syncytial embryonic development of the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus, a complement of supernumerary chromosomes, the so-called germ line limited chromosomes (Ks), is excluded from the future somatic nuclei in the course of elimination mitoses. The Ks lag behind in the equatorial plane, while the somatic chromosomes (Ss) segregate equally. After elimination mitoses, the Ks are only present in the pole cells, the primary germ cells. In the divisions before their elimination, the Ks frequently showed delayed separation of sister chromatids with high-frequency formation of anaphasic bridges and lagging in pole movement as detected in 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained squash preparations of early embryos. To determine if all of the Ks are eliminated in one step during a single mitosis, a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of early embryonic divisions was performed using probes of germ line specific repetitive DNA sequences, which specifically label the Ks in their centromeric regions. In most cases, all of the Ks are lost in one mitosis; however, occasionally one or several of the Ks can escape their elimination by segregating and moving poleward together with the Ss. The escaping Ks will then be eliminated in one of the following mitoses. This clearly indicates that the specific conditions to eliminate Ks are not restricted to only one division. Possible mechanisms of elimination of Ks are discussed.  相似文献   

In Acricotopus lucidus (Diptera, Chironomidae) the germ line-limited chromosomes (Ks) have developed from the soma chromosomes (Ss) by endoreduplication, rearrangements and accumulation of germ line-specific repetitive sequences. For molecular analysis of specific small K sections, microdissection of metaphase Ks generally yields very limited amounts of DNA. In this study, K-specific DNA was microdissected from defined polytenized K sections of X-ray induced K-S-rearrangements of permanent salivary gland chromosome preparations and was then amplified by DOP-PCR. A new germ line-specific tandem repetitive DNA family was isolated by this way from a heterochromatic K segment, characterized and localized on the Ks by FISH. The repetitive elements are related to sequences of earlier described K-specific tandem repetitive DNA families in A. lucidus, but are located mainly in terminal heterochromatin bands of the two largest Ks and only to a limited degree in the paracentromeric K heterochromatin. This demonstrates that a collection of permanent preparations of K-S-rearrangements with polytenized heterochromatic and S-homologous K sections of A. lucidus can be used as a source for obtaining K sequences of defined K parts to investigate the molecular evolution of the Ks.  相似文献   

W. Staiber  D. Thudium 《Genetica》1986,69(2):149-156
The germ-line limited chromosomes (Ks) [K being derived from Keimbahn (Bauer, 1970)] of Acricotopus lucidus were studied in gonial and differential mitosis. After C-banding the soma chromosomes (Ss) are stained only at their centromeric regions whereas the Ks exhibit centromeric, intercalary and terminal heterochromatin. By X-raying sperms it was attempted to transfer K sections on or into Ss in order to bring finally S-linked K sections to polytenization in the salivary glands, and to obtain more knowledge about the structure of Ks. Seven F1-larvae were detected with K-S-rearrangements: four with insertions of heterochromatic segments, two with insertions of sections with S-homologous banding pattern and one with a translocated K chromosome part, which consists of S-homologous euchromatic sections as well as of an intercalary and a terminal heterochromatic segment. The present results strongly suggest that the Ks of A. lucidus are derived from the Ss by rearrangements and by formation and accumulation of repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Staiber 《Protoplasma》2014,251(4):979-984
Unequal chromosome segregation and spindle formation occurs in the last gonial mitosis in the germ line of the chironomid Acricotopus lucidus. During this differential mitosis, all germ line-limited chromosomes (=Ks) migrate undivided to only one pole of the cell, while the somatic chromosomes (=Ss) first remain in the metaphase plane, and with the arrival of the Ks at the pole, they then separate equally. The evolutionarily conserved GTPase Ran plays a crucial role in many cellular processes. This includes the regulation of microtubule nucleation and stabilisation at kinetochores and of spindle assembly during mitosis, which is promoted by a RanGTP concentration gradient that forms around the mitotic chromosomes (Kalab et al. in Science 295:2452–2456, 2002, Nature 440:697–701, 2006). In the present study, a strong accumulation of Ran was detected by immunofluorescence at the kinetochores of the Ss in normal gonial and differential gonial mitoses of males of A. lucidus. In contrast, no Ran accumulation was observed at the kinetochores of the Ss in the metaphases of brain ganglia mitoses or of aberrant spermatocytes or in metaphases I and II of spermatocyte meiotic divisions. Likewise, there was no accumulation at the kinetochores of Drosophila melanogaster mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The specific accumulation of Ran at the kinetochores of the Ss in differential gonial mitoses of A. lucidus strongly suggests that Ran is involved in a mechanism acting in this exceptional mitosis, which retains the Ss at the metaphase plane and prevents a premature separation and unequal segregation of the Ss during monopolar migration of the Ks.  相似文献   

A detailed map of the salivary gland chromosomes ofAcricotopus lucidus is presented. Differences in puffing and developmental Puffing sequences of the three salivary gland lobes were investigated from mid fourth larval instar to pupation and compared with the puffing pattern of the Malpighian tubules. The intraglandular differentiation is quite extensive; the differences in the pattern of gene activity between the anterior lobe and the main and side lobes are as great as between the salivary gland and the Malpighian tubules. In the main and side lobes all developmental puffing changes proceed synchronously whereas in the anterior lobe both asynchronous and synchronous changes occur. In the anterior lobe the asynchronous regression of BR 3 and BR 4 is followed by a characteristic sequence of activation and inactivation of puffs.  相似文献   

D. L. Porter 《Chromosoma》1971,32(3):332-342
The thelytokous triploid midge Lundstroemia parthenogenetica (Diptera: Chironomidae:Chironominae), 3n = 9, is always found to be heterozygous for two inversions and a deletion. Parthenogenesis is maintained by an apomiotic restitutional oogenesis as found in the subfamily Orthocladiinae. This mechanism is compared with other groups exhibiting a restitutional or disordered first division. Possible modes of evolution of the apomictic restitutional system, origin of triploidy in apomictic forms, and chromosomal polymorphisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The karyotype structure and chromosomal polymorphisms were investigated in 6 natural and 2 laboratory populations of Chironomus nuditarsis from Europe and Asia. The pool of rearranged polytene chromosome banding sequences of this species was determined that includes 16 inversion banding sequences and sequences with giant DNA-knobs (ndtG1k, ndtG2k). Obvious differences were demonstrated in the level of chromosomal polymorphism between European and Asian (Siberian) populations: the former were highly polymorphic, while the latter were practically monomorphic. It was suggested to consider the Siberian populations as marginal one. Cytogenetic distances between populations of C. nuditarsis as well between C. nuditarsis and the related species C. plumosus were estimated. The data obtained show that chromosomal rearrangements play a very important role in cytogenetic divergence of populations.  相似文献   

The various species of Japanese hagfish, namely, Eptatretus okinoseanus (types A and B), Eptatretus burgeri and Myxine garmani, are known to eliminate a fraction of their chromosomes during early embryogenesis. High molecular weight DNA from germ line cells and somatic cells of these hagfish species was isolated and digested with different restriction enzymes. The DNA fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Digestion with BamHI and DraI generated two weak bands and one weak band, respectively, that were estimated to be about 90, and 180 bp and about 90 bp long and were limited to the germ line DNA in both types of E. okinoseanus. DNA filter hybridization experiments showed that the two BamHI fragments and the one DraI fragment were present almost exclusively in the germ line DNA of E. okinoseanus. Thus, these DNA fragments appear to be eliminated during embryogenesis. Moreover, evidence was obtained that these fragments are highly and tandemly repeated. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis revealed that the BamHI fragments are mainly composed of a family of closely related sequences that are 95 bp long (EEEo1, for Eliminated Element of E. okinoseanus 1), and the DraI fragment is composed of another family of closely related sequences that are 85 bp long (EEEo2). The two DNA families account for about 19% of the total eliminated DNA in E. okinoseanus type A. Fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that the two families of DNA are located on several C-band-positive, small chromosomes that are limited to germ cells in both types of E. okinoseanus.by W. Hennig  相似文献   

Three highly repetitive DNA components — the common cetacean component, the heavy (GC-rich) satellite and the light (AT-rich) satellite — were studied in the blue whale. Consensus sequences of the common component and the heavy satellite were determined on the basis of three repeats of the common component and eight repeats of the heavy satellite. The tandemly organized common cetacean component, which comprises a large portion of all cetacean — both odontocete (toothed whale) and mysticete (whalebone whale) — genomes has a repeat length of 1,760 bp and the three clones analysed showed a high degree of conformity. The repeat contains a 72 bp sequence with dyad symmetry and striking intrastrand complementarity. The rest of the repeat comprises a unique sequence. The repeat unit of the heavy satellite of the blue whale is 422 bp. Also this component is tandemly organized. About half the length of the repeat constitutes a unique sequence and the other half is made up of subrepeats with TTAGGG as a frequent motif. The light satellite has not been sequenced and its basic repeat unit has not yet been identified. The chromosomal localization of the three components was determined by in situ hybridization using 3H-labelled cloned fragments as probes. The common cetacean component was located in most interstitial and terminal C-bands. The heavy satellite occurred primarily in terminal C-bands. When the two components hybridized to the same terminal C-bands, the localization of the heavy satellite was distal to that of the common cetacean component. Neither component shared localization with the light satellite which is located in centromeric C-bands in just a few chromosome pairs.  相似文献   

The chromosomal localization and genomic organization of three cloned repetitive DNA fragments (viz., H-76, H-61, and H-19) isolated from theAedes albopictus genome have been examined inAe. albopictus and six otherAedes species:Ae. aegypti, Ae. seatoi, Ae. flavopictus, Ae. polynesiensis, Ae. alcasidi andAe. katherinensis. The results fromin situ and Southern hybridization analyses show that the sequences homologous to cloned repetitive DNA fragments are dispersed throughout the genome in each species. The sequences homologous to these cloned repetitive DNA fragments are also found inHaemagogus equinus, Tripteroides bambusa andAnopheles quadrimaculatus and are dispersed in their genomes. Data indicate divergence in the amount and the structural organization of sequences homologous to these cloned fragments among mosquito species.  相似文献   

Martin  J. 《Genetica》1981,57(2):113-117
Sex-linked irradiation-induced rearrangements have been used to locate the sex-determining region of Chironomus tepperi in the proximal region of arm A. This differs from the location for sex determination in related species. The applicability of this technique and the significance of the different locations of the sex-determining region are discussed.  相似文献   

The homologous sites on the salivary gland chromosomes of 13 species from three genera: Chironomus, Glyptotendipes, Kiefferulus have been mapped by means of fluorescent in situ hybridization using the evolutionary conserved gene Cpy/Cty (clone Cla1.1). In all species of genus Chironomus and genus Kiefferulus , the Cty/Cpy gene is located on arm F of chromosome EF. The relocation of the gene among the species of genus Chironomus can be done by simple or complex homozygous inversions which occurred during the divergent evolution of the chromosome of the species. In the genus Glyptotendipes , the Cty/Cpy gene was localized in arm E of chromosome EF. Since the banding patterns of salivary gland chromosomes between genus Chironomus and genus Glyptotendipes cannot be compared directly, in situ hybridization with clone of conservative gene was performed to be established some homologous chromosomes. The results obtained indicate that the chromosome arm F of Chironomus and chromosome arm E of Glyptotendipes may be homologous.  相似文献   

Chironomids (Diptera) typically comprise the most abundant group of macroinvertebrates collected in water quality surveys. Species in the genus Cricotopus display a wide range of tolerance for manmade pollutants, making them excellent bioindicators. Unfortunately, the usefulness of Cricotopus is overshadowed by the difficulty of accurately identifying larvae using current morphological keys. Molecular approaches are now being used for identification and taxonomic resolution in many animal taxa. In this study, a sequence-based approach for the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome oxidase I (COI), was developed to facilitate identification of Cricotopus species collected from Baltimore area streams. Using unique COI sequence variations, we developed profiles for seven described Cricotopus sp., four described Orthocladius sp., one described Paratrichocladius sp. and one putative species of Cricotopus. In addition to providing an accurate method for identification of Cricotopus, this method will make a useful contribution to the development of keys for Nearctic Cricotopus.  相似文献   

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