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The activity of sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves was shown to exceed considerably the synthesizing activity of sucrose synthase (SS). The rise in SPS activity was related to the daylight period; i.e., it was associated with the rate of photosynthesis. The highest SPS activity was characteristic of fully expanded source leaves. In young developing leaves (leaves expanded to less than half of their final size), which represent the sink organs, the SPS activity was 2.5 times lower. At all stages of leaf development, the synthesizing SS activity was rather low. The diurnal change of SS activity was independent of photosynthesis and showed a slight rise from 6:00–8:00 p.m. Under field conditions, the highest SPS activity was found in leaves in the terminal stage of their development (105-day-old plants); the synthesizing activity of SS showed little changes during this period. The activity of soluble acid invertase was characteristic of young leaves. In mature leaves, the activity of this enzyme correlated with the daylight period. These changes occurred on the background of low sucrose content in leaves. The regulation of SPS, SS, and invertase activity is discussed. It is supposed that compartmentation of these enzymes in the photosynthesizing cell is important for transport, metabolism, and the osmotic function of sucrose in leaves.  相似文献   

The sucrose cleavage by sucrose synthase (SuSy) and neutral invertase was studied in wheat roots (Triticum aestivum L.) subjected to hypoxia or anoxia for 4 days. By in situ activity staining, increased SuSy activity was observed in the tip region and stele of root axes while the activity of invertase decreased. Cellulose content significantly increased in hypoxically treated roots. The cellulose deposition was correlated with regions of high SuSy activity, being mainly located in the pericycle and endodermis. Invertase activity was distributed along the root without clear difference between cortex and stele. Under root hypoxia, a significant increase in the structural carbohydrates, callose and especially cellulose, was shown. Increasing levels of soluble carbohydrates were partially used to synthesize cellulose for secondary wall thickening and callose to counteract the tissue injury following low-oxygen stress. Under strict anoxia, the roots were much more injured but sustained a high level of cellulose and callose while the soluble carbohydrates almost disappeared.  相似文献   

Sucrose accumulation and enzyme activities in callus culture of sugarcane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SUSY), neutral invertase (NI) and soluble acid invertase (SAI) were measured in callus cultures of four Mexican sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp.) with a different capacity to accumulate sucrose in stem parenchyma cells. The results indicated that sucrose accumulation in callus was positively correlated to the activity of SPS and SUSY and negatively to the activity of SAI and NI while SPS explained most of the variation found for sucrose accumulation and NI least.The research was funded by the department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering CINVESTAV Mexico City, and F. G.-M. received grant-aided support from CONACyT, Mexico.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of synthetic analogs of phytohormones (benzyladenine, IAA, and GA) on the activities of the enzymes catalyzing sucrose synthesis and metabolism, sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC and sucrose synthase (SS, EC, and on the content of chlorophyll and protein during the sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.) ontogeny. Plant spraying with phytohormonal preparations activated SPS in leaves; direct interaction between phytohormones and the enzyme also increased its activity. The degree of this activation differed during the ontogeny and in dependence on the compound used for treatment. Analogs of phytohormones maintained high protein level in leaves, retarded chlorophyll breakdown, and, thus, prolonged leaf functional activity during development. Phytohormonal preparations practically did not affect the SS activity both after plant treatment and at their direct interaction with the enzyme. It is supposed that the SS activity in sugar-beet roots is controlled by sucrose synthesized in leaves rather than by phytohormones. The effects of hormones on leaf metabolism were mainly manifested in growth activation.  相似文献   

研究了蔗糖脂肪酸脂(SFE)对离体和活体大豆蔗糖酶活力和构象的影响。当SFE的浓度大于1.0mmol/L后,开始激活离体蔗糖酶的活力。在大豆的开花期和结荚期,SFE可以增加蔗糖酶的活力。荧光实验结果表明,在小于2mmol/L时,SFE不改变蔗糖酶的荧光最大发射峰峰位和峰高。施用SFE后,大豆叶片中果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖酶的含量,分别是对照的170%±10%,190%±10%,和260%±20%;而蔗糖的含量几乎不变。对蔗糖酶 的SDS-凝胶电泳图进行扫描分析的结果表明,经SFE处理后的蔗糖酶含量比对照高两倍左右。这些结果说明SFE可以显著增加活体蔗糖酶的活力,但活力的增加既不是因为蔗糖酶构象的改变,也不是蔗糖(作为底物)诱导所致,而是SFE增加了大豆叶片中蔗糖酶的含量引起的。  相似文献   

The high sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) capacity and the low soluble acid invertase activity of mature leaves of the first flush of leaves remained stable during second flush development. Conversely, fluctuations of sucrose synthase (SS) activity were in parallel with the sucrose requirement of the second flush. Sucrose synthase activity (synthesis direction) in first flush leaves could increase in 'response' to sink demand constituted by the second flush growth. Only the ptotosynthates provided by flush mature leaves were translocated for a current flush, while the starch content of these leaves remained stable. After their emergence, second flush leaves showed an increase in SPS and SS (Synthetic direction) activities. The high sucrose synthesis in second flush leaves was used for leaf expansion. When young leaves were 30% fully expanded (stage II20), SPS activity showed little change whereas SS activity declined rapidly toward and after full leaf expansion. The starch accumulation in the young leaves occured simultaneously with their expansion. Developing leaves showed a high level of acid invertase activity until maximum leaf expansion (stage II1). In first and second flush leaves, changes in acid invertase activity correlated positively with changes in reducing sugar concentrations. Alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase (cleavage direction) activities showed similar changes with low values when compared with those of acid invertase activity, especially in second flush leaves. The present results suggest that soluble acid invertase was the primary enzyme responsible for sucrose catabolism in the expanding common oak leaf.  相似文献   

The activities of sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SUSY), neutral invertase (NI) and soluble acid invertase (SAI) regulates sucrose activity in sugarcane were studied. Micropropagated sugarcane plants were obtained from callus cultures of four Mexican commercially available sugarcane varieties characterized by differences in sugar production, and activities of SPS, SUSY, NI, SAI and concentrations of sucrose were monitored in the sugarcane stem. The results indicated that sucrose accumulation was positively and significantly related to an increase in activity of SPS and SUSY and negatively to a reduction in activity of SAI and NI (P<0.05). SPS explained most of the variations found for sucrose accumulation and least for NI. The relationship between activity of SPS, SUSY, NI and SAI in sugarcane stem was similar in each variety.  相似文献   

大多数植物的库器官都是以蔗糖的形式接受碳源和能源,蔗糖进入库代谢需要转化酶和蔗糖合成酶降解成为葡萄糖和果糖,而糖又调节植物代谢过程中许多酶的基因表达,因此蔗糖降解酶是植物生长发育中起关键作用的酶.综述了近年来蔗糖合成酶和转化酶的作用及它们基因表达和调节的研究进展.  相似文献   

Activities of acid and alkaline invertases and sucrose synthase were determined in roots and nodules of lentil at various stages of development. Alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase were both involved in sucrose metabolism in the nodule cytosol, but there was only a small amount of acid invertase present. Activity of sucrose metabolizing enzymes in roots was significantly less than that observed in the nodules. Amongst sugars, sucrose was found to be the main component in the host cytosol. Lentil neutral invertase (LNI) was partially purified from nodules at 50 days after sowing (DAS). Two forms of invertase were identified, i.e., a major form of 71 kDa which was taken for enzyme characterization and a minor form of 270 kDa which was not used for further studies. The purified enzyme exhibited typical hyperbolic saturation kinetics for sucrose hydrolysis. It had a Km of 11.0 to 14.0 mM for sucrose depending upon the temperature, a pH optimum of 6.8 and an optimum temperature of 40 °C. Compared with raffinose and stachyose, sucrose was better substrate for LNI. The enzyme showed no significant hydrolysis of maltose and p-nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside, showing its true -fructosidase nature. LNI is completely inhibited by HgCl2, MnCl2 and iodoacetamide but not by CaCl2, MgCl2 or BaCl2.  相似文献   

网纹甜瓜发育果实糖分积累与蔗糖代谢参与酶的关系   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
随着网纹甜瓜果实的发育,果实中葡萄糖和果糖的含量增加,蔗糖的快速积累发生在果实发育的中后期,高蔗糖积累型果实中蔗糖积累速率明显快于低蔗糖积累型.蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性在果实发育的前期短暂下降, 而后稳步上升,在果实发育的中后期高蔗糖积累型果实中该酶的活性显著高于低蔗糖积累型果实;随着果实发育,蔗糖合成酶的分解活性降低而合成活性升高.酸性和中性转化酶在未成熟果实中活性较高,而在成熟果实中很低; 高蔗糖积累型果实中酸性转化酶活性显著低于同期低蔗糖积累型果实.合成蔗糖的酶活性小于分解蔗糖的酶活性时蔗糖几乎没有积累.根据这些结果推测,转化酶活性的下降、蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性的增加以及蔗糖合成酶分解活性的下降和合成活性的增加,是引起果实蔗糖积累的主要内在因子.  相似文献   

The in vivo and in vitro nitrate effects on pea (Pisum sativum L.) sucrose synthase (SS) were studied. At the period of plant transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic nutrition, exogenous nitrate (14.2 mM) absorbed in the form of KNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 during 10–20 days activated SS in the roots by 22–100% as compared with plants grown on nitrogen-free medium. Such effect was observed only at plant growing under high light (natural illumination up to 25 klx) and thus their sufficient supplement with sucrose. Under low light (climate-controlled chamber, 2.5 klx), nitrate could not activate SS. In the in vitro experiments, nitrate activated SS exponentially by a dose-dependent mode with the plateau at 3–5 mM, where its activity was increased by 50%. It is supposed that there is a second constituent in SS activation by nitrate, and it carries information about plant carbohydrate status. Possible mechanisms of nitrate-induced SS activation are discussed.  相似文献   

可溶性酸性转化酶(SAI)是蔗糖代谢途径中的关键酶,对植物生长发育起着至关重要的调节作用,研究简捷快速克隆可溶性酸性转化酶基因方法,对于育种材料和品种资源的基因分型具有重要意义。本研究通过已知的高粱可溶性酸性转化酶基因序列及高粱基因组中该基因序列片段,设计引物,比较了分段克隆、基因全长克隆、巢式PCR克隆等方法克隆高粱SAI-1基因的效果,结果表明,直接扩增全长,扩增产物极其不稳定且扩增产物纯化、连接,转化后得不到阳性克隆;采用均等分段克隆,前半段扩增产物纯化、连接转化后得不到阳性克隆,但后半段克隆成功;针对高粱基因组信息中SAI-1基因上游的未知序列部分设计引物,进行单独克隆(635 bp),再单独克隆其其余序列,两段序列拼接后得到SAI-1基因全长。序列分析发现,SAI-1前段635 bp的扩增片段GC含量高达69.6%,而其后GC含量急剧下降至30%以下,所以推测全长克隆、均等片段克隆以及巢式PCR克隆失败的原因可能是SAI-1基因中GC分布不均匀,克隆高粱SAI-1基因较为适宜的方法为利用2对引物进行不均等分段扩增克隆,前段PCR退火温度较后段高1℃。该方法将为其他研究人员提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Houneida Attia 《Phyton》2023,92(1):149-164
Pea is a seed legume. It is rich in cellulose fibre and protein. It is also a significant source of minerals and vitamins. In this paper, we set out to better characterize the physiological responses of Pisum sativum L. to the combined effects of NaCl, 100 mM and gibberellins (GA3). Our analysis revealed that NaCl caused a decrease in growth resulting in a reduction in root elongation, distribution and density, leaf number and leaf area, and a decrease in dry matter of roots and shoots. However, the contribution of GA3 in the salty environment induced an increase in these different parameters suggesting an improving effect of this hormone on growth of pea in presence of salt. NaCl also led to a disturbance of the photosynthetic machinery. Indeed, level of chlorophyll pigments (a and total) and photosynthetic activity were decreased compared to the control plants. However, the exogenous supply of GA3 restored this decrease in net CO2 assimilation, but not in chlorophyll content. Additional analyses were performed on the effect of salinity/GA3 interaction on osmolytes (soluble sugars and starch). Our results showed an increase in sugars and a decrease in starch in the presence of 100 mM NaCl. The salt-GA3 combination resulted in compensation of soluble sugar contents but not of starch contents, suggesting a beneficial effect of GA3 under saline stress conditions. Level of three main polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine increased significantly in all organs of salt-treated plants.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that sucrose phosphate synthase (EC, a key enzyme in sucrose biosynthesis in photosynthetic “source” tissues, may also be important in some sucrose accumulating “sink” tissues. These experiments were conducted to determine if sucrose phosphate synthase is involved in sucrose accumulation in fruits of several species. Peach (Prunus persica NCT 516) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Chandler) fruits were harvested directly from the plant at various stages of fruit development. Kiwi (Actinidia chinensis), papaya (Carica papaya), pineapple (Ananas comosus) and mango (Mangifera indica) were sampled in postharvest storage over a period of several days. Carbohydrate concentrations and activities of sucrose phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase (EC, and acid and neutral invertases (EC were measured. All fruits contained significant activities of sucrose phosphate synthase. Moreover, in fruits from all species except pineapple and papaya, there was an increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity associated with the accumulation of sucrose in situ. The increase in sucrose concentration in peaches was also associated with an increase in sucrose synthase activity and, in strawberries, with increased activity of both sucrose synthase and neutral invertase. The hexose pools in all fruits were comprised of equimolar concentrations of fructose and glucose, except in the mango. In mango, the fructose to glucose ratio increased from 2 to 41 during ripening as sucrose concentration more than doubled. The results of this study indicate that activities of the sucrose metabolizing enzymes, including sucrose phosphate synthase, within the fruit itself, are important in determining the soluble sugar content of fruits of many species. This appears to be true for fruits which sweeten from a starch reserve and in fruits from sorbitol translocating species, raffinose saccharide translocating species, and sucrose translocating species.  相似文献   

Activation of soluble acid invertase by cytokinin was shown using as a model a detached sugar-beet leaf, one half (sink) of which was treated with benzyladenine and the other half (source) of which was sprayed with water. Acid invertase was assumed to mediate the hormone-induced sink properties of the cells. The influx of 14C-sucrose to the leaf half treated with benzyladenine was induced to much greater extent than that of potassium (86Rb). This suggests different pathways or mechanisms of translocation of these substances to the induced sink.  相似文献   

Wang  T.  Wright  D.  Xu  H.  Yang  Y.  Zheng  R.  Shi  J.  Chen  R.  Wang  L. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2019,66(1):29-40
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Sugars are crucial factors that contribute to fruit flavor. To uncover the regulatory mechanism of sugar metabolism in developing fruit, we isolated four...  相似文献   

Although fruit set and development are induced by applications of gibberellins, final fruit weight of gibberellin-induced parthenocarpic fruit is often less than that of pollinated fruit. We examined changes in the activities of sucrose-metabolizing enzymes and sugar accumulation in developing fruits of cultivated blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and their correlation with fruit growth upon pollination or exogenous applications of gibberellic acid (GA3). The objective was to determine if differences in fruit growth could be attributed to differences in enzyme activities and subsequent sugar accumulation in fruits. The fruit development period of GA3-treated fruits was 15 days longer than that of pollinated fruits. At maturity, GA3-treated fruit accumulated an average of 180 mg dry weight while pollinated fruit accumulated 390 mg dry weight. Dry weight accumulation in nonpollinated fruits was negligible and these fruits abscised by 45 days after bloom (DAB). The total carbon (C) cost (dry weight C + respiratory C) for fruit development was 109 and 244 mg C fruit-1 for GA3-treated and pollinated fruits, respectively. Hexose concentration increased to 100 mg (g fresh weight)-1 at ripening in both GA3-treated and pollinated fruits. Nonpollinated fruits reached a maximum hexose concentration at 45 DAB. Sucrose phosphate synthase (EC and sucrose synthase (EC activities reached a maximum of ≤5.0 μmol (g fresh weight)-1 h-1 in both GA3-treated and pollinated fruits. Soluble acid invertase (EC activity increased to about 60 μmol (g fresh weight)-1 h-1 in both GA3-treated and pollinated fruits at ripening, while in nonpollinated fruits, a maximum soluble acid invertase activity of 0.12 μmol (g fresh weight)-1 h-1 was measured at 24 DAB. Insoluble acid invertase activity declined during the early stages of fruit growth and remained relatively low throughout fruit development. Neutral invertase activity was low throughout development, increasing to 5 μmol (g fresh weight)-1 h-1 at ripening in GA3-treated and pollinated fruits. Our studies demonstrate that blueberry fruit development does not appear to be limited by sucrose metabolizing enzyme activity and/or the ability to accumulate sugars in either GA3-treated or pollinated fruits.  相似文献   

Sucrose and reducing sugar concentrations in petals of cut carnation flowers, whose life was prolonged up to 7 days by bathing stalks in sucrose solutions, were respectively 3-fold and 2-fold higher than those bathed in water. Reducing sugar concentrations were about 7-fold higher than sucrose concentrations. A study of invertase and sucrose synthase activities in flower petals of carnation and four other species of flowers revealed that both enzymes may be involved in hydrolysis of translocated sucrose. Invertase activity, while being up to 20-fold higher than sucrose synthase activity in some species was approximately comparable in others. More detailed studies on invertase from petals of 3 flower species demonstrated the presence of only the acid form of the enzyme with a Km value for sucrose of about 2.5 mM.  相似文献   

The role of jasmonic acid (JA) in plant wounding response has been demonstrated. However, the source of JA in wound signaling remains unclear. In the present study, pea seedlings were used as material to investigate the systemic induction of JA and the activation of lipoxygenase (LOX)-dependent octadecanoid pathway upon wounding. The results showed that endogenous JA could induce two peaks in the wounded leaves and the stalks, while only one peak in the systemic leaves.LOX activity and its protein amount were also induced and the stimulation mainly occurred in the late phase, while one peak of induction was present after pretreatment with JA. Applied nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), an inhibitor of LOX activity, only inhibited the induction of JA in the late phase, and the resistance of pea was impaired. Furthermore, 13(S)-hydroperoxy-9(Z), 11 (E)-octadecadienoic acid (13(S)-H(P)ODE) was confirmed to be the main product of LOX throughout the experimental time. In addition, immunocytochemical analysis also revealed the occurrence of JA biosynthesis and transport upon wounding. These results demonstrated that wound-induced JA in wounded leaves resulted from Its biosynthesis and conversion from its conjugates, while in systemic leaves resulted from its transport and biosynthesis; and proved that the LOX pathway was vital to the wound-induced defense response involved in JA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

This work reports changes in sucrose synthase and invertase activities throughout endosperm development in wheat, together with the associated substrates and metabolites, sucrose, UDP, glucose, fructose and UDP-glucose. Throughout endosperm development, sucrose synthase had consistently higher activity than invertase and indeed invertase activity did not change appreciably. The observed variation in pattern and amounts of glucose and fructose present during the mid- and late stages of endosperm development confirmed the suggestion that invertase was not the preferred pathway of sucrose catabolism. Kinetic parameters for sucrose synthase were determined in crude extracts. Estimates of UDP and sucrose concentrations suggest that sucrose synthase is unlikely to achieve its potential maximum velocity. This limitation may however be overcome in part by the apparent excess catalytic activity measured during endosperm development.  相似文献   

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