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In nine anesthetized and paralyzed cats, the mechanical impedances of the total respiratory system (Zrs) and the lungs (ZL) were measured with small-volume pseudorandom forced oscillations between 0.2 and 20 Hz. ZL was measured after thoracotomy, and chest wall impedance (Zw) was calculated as Zw = Zrs-ZL. All impedances were determined by using input airflow [input impedance (Zi)] and output flow measured with a body box [transfer impedance (Zt)]. The differences between Zi and Zt were small for Zrs and negligible for ZL. At 0.2 Hz, the real and imaginary parts of ZL amounted to 33 +/- 4 and 35 +/- 3% (SD), respectively, of Zrs. Up to 8 Hz, all impedances were consistent with a model containing a frequency-independent resistance and inertance and a constant-phase tissue part (G-jH)/omega alpha, where G and H are coefficients for damping and elastance, respectively, omega is angular frequency, and alpha determines the frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts. G/H was higher for Zw than for ZL (0.29 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.22 +/- 0.04, P less than 0.01). In four cats, the amplitude dependence of impedances was studied: between oscillation volumes of 0.8 and 3 ml, GL, HL, Gw, and Hw decreased on average by 3, 9, 26, and 29%, respectively, whereas the change in G/H was small for both ZL (7%) and Zw (-4%). The values of H were two to three times higher than the quasistatic elastances estimated with greater volume changes (greater than 20 ml).  相似文献   

Thymocyte subpopulations during early fetal development in sheep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phenotypic analysis of thymocytes during fetal development may identify subpopulations which are either absent or difficult to detect in postnatal thymus. A panel of monoclonal antibodies specific for sheep lymphocyte antigens (SBU-T1, -T4, -T8, -T6) was used to identify thymocyte subpopulations in postnatal and fetal sheep. Thymuses were analyzed by two-color immunofluorescence and flow cytometry or by immunohistology. Two-color immunofluorescent staining of postnatal sheep thymus with anti-SBU-T4 and anti-SBU-T8 revealed four relatively distinct subpopulations with particular localizations: a) SBU-T4-T8-, predominantly outer cortex (12%); b) SBU-T4+T8+, inner cortex (74%); c) SBU-T4+T8-, medulla (10%), and d) SBU-T4-T8+, medulla (4%). One- and two-color immunofluorescent analysis of cells from early fetal thymuses demonstrated the appearance of SBU-T8+ cells well before SBU-T4+ cells. Immunohistologic staining of fetal sheep thymus at various stages of gestation (term = 150 days) revealed that lymphoid cells and MHC class II-positive dendritic cells first appeared at 35 days, at which stage the thymic epithelium was weakly positive for class I MHC antigens but negative for class II MHC antigens. The earliest lymphocyte antigens detectable on fetal sheep thymocytes were SBU-LCA and SBU-T1. By 40 days, the antigens SBU-T6, SBU-T4, and SBU-T8 were detectable on a small number of thymocytes; SBU-T8 preceded SBU-T4, and the number of SBU-T8+ thymocytes always exceeded the number of SBU-T4+ thymocytes throughout early gestation. At 50 days, a thymic medulla appeared and thereafter grew rapidly in size. Immunoperoxidase staining of serial sections of the fetal neck revealed cortical-type thymocytes outside the thymus from 40 days onward, before the appearance of a thymic medulla. However, by 60 days, only medullary-type thymocytes were observed either extrathymically or within the interlobular septa of the thymus, indicating that only thymocytes with a medullary phenotype leave the thymus from this stage of gestation.  相似文献   

Formation of ovarian follicles during fetal development in sheep   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The origin of follicle (i.e., pregranulosa) cells that become the somatic component of primordial follicles is obscure. In addition, information regarding the structural changes that accompany the concomitant regression of ovigerous cords and the appearance of primordial follicles is lacking. In the present study, ovine ovaries collected at frequent time intervals between Day 38 and Day 100 of fetal life were examined by light and electron microscopy. To gain new information regarding the origin of follicular cells, incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine was used to identify proliferating cells at selected stages of development. Based on the location and identity of proliferating cells, apoptotic cells, and sequential changes in histoarchitecture, we hypothesize 1) that most (i.e., >95%) of the granulosal cells in newly formed primordial follicles originate from the ovarian surface epithelium; 2) that the sequential events leading to follicle formation take place entirely within ovigerous cords, with the first follicles forming at the interface of the cortex and medulla; and 3) that the loss (i.e., >75%) of germ cells, but not of somatic cells, within the ovigerous cords is a means by which each surviving oocyte gains additional pregranulosal cells before follicle formation. Conceptual models detailing the chronology of developmental events involved in the formation of primordial follicles in sheep are discussed.  相似文献   

Lobar functional residual capacity-to-total lung capacity ratios (FRC/TLC) and strains in five supine anesthetized dogs were determined from volumes and side lengths of tetrahedra formed by multiple intraparenchymal markers whose positions were determined roentgenographically. Strain is related to fractional changes in length of elements in a Cartesian coordinate system and was used to describe parenchymal distortion. Volumes and strain patterns were compared in three states: intact dogs, after transection of forelimb structures to relieve traction on the chest wall, and in dogs' excised lungs. Removing traction (NT) decreased the plethysmographically determined FRC and the upper-to-lower lobe ratio (UL/LL) for FRC/TLC. The ratio in the NT state was more like the ratio in the excised lungs (UL/LL approximately equal to 1) than in the intact dog (UL/LL greater than 1). Strain patterns were similar between the intact and the NT states, indicating no lobar shape change at FRC between these two states. Strain in the excised lungs differed greatly from strains in the intact and NT states. We conclude that forelimb traction alters volume distribution between lobes and that lung-chest wall interactions are important in determining volume and strain patterns.  相似文献   

Basal lung expansion is an important determinant of alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) phenotype in the fetus. Because basal lung expansion increases toward term and is reduced after birth, we hypothesized that these changes would be associated with altered proportions of AECs. AEC proportions were calculated with electron microscopy in fetal and postnatal sheep. Type I AECs increased from 4.8 +/- 1.3% at 91 days to 63.0 +/- 3.6% at 111 days of gestation, remained at this level until term, and decreased to 44.8 +/- 1.8% after birth. Type II AECs increased from 4.3 +/- 1.5% at 111 days to 29.6 +/- 4.1% at 128 days of gestation, remained at this level until term, and then increased to 52.9 +/- 1.5% after birth. Surfactant protein (SP)-A, -B and -C mRNA levels increased with increasing gestational age before birth, but the changes in SP expression after birth were inconsistent. Thus before birth type I AECs predominate, whereas after birth type II AECs predominate, possibly due to the reduction in basal lung expansion associated with the entry of air into the lungs.  相似文献   

In the fetus, leptin in the circulation increases at late gestation and likely influences fetal organ development. Increased surfactant by leptin was previously demonstrated in vitro using fetal lung explant. We hypothesized that leptin treatment given to fetal sheep and pregnant mice might increase surfactant synthesis in the fetal lung in vivo. At 122-124 days gestational age (term: 150 days), fetal sheep were injected with 5 mg of leptin or vehicle using ultrasound guidance. Three and a half days after injection, preterm lambs were delivered, and lung function was studied during 30-min ventilation, followed by pulmonary surfactant components analyses. Pregnant A/J mice were given 30 or 300 mg of leptin or vehicle by intraperitoneal injection according to five study protocols with different doses, number of treatments, and gestational ages to treat. Surfactant components were analyzed in fetal lung 24 h after the last maternal treatment. Leptin injection given to fetal sheep increased fetal body weight. Control and leptin-treated groups were similar in lung function (preterm newborn lamb), surfactant components pool sizes (lamb and fetal mice), and expression of genes related to surfactant synthesis in the lung (fetal mice). Likewise, saturated phosphatidylcholine and phospholipid were normal in mice lungs with absence of circulating leptin (ob/ob mice) at all ages. These studies coincided in findings that neither exogenously given leptin nor deficiency of leptin influenced fetal lung maturation or surfactant pool sizes in vivo. Furthermore, the key genes critically required for surfactant synthesis were not affected by leptin treatment.  相似文献   

Deformation of the chest wall during breathing efforts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Dopamine is often used as a pressor agent in sick newborn infants, but an increase in arterial blood pressure could disrupt the blood-brain barrier (BBB), especially in the preterm newborn. Using time-dated pregnant sheep, we tested the hypothesis that dopamine-induced hypertension increases fetal BBB permeability and cerebral water content. Barrier permeability was assessed in nine brain regions, including cerebral cortex, caudate, thalamus, brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord, by intravenous injection of the small tracer molecule [(14)C]aminoisobutyric acid at 10 min after the start of dopamine or saline infusion. We studied 23 chronically catheterized fetal sheep at 0.6 (93 days, n = 10) and 0.9 (132 days, n = 13) gestation. Intravenous infusion of dopamine increased mean arterial pressure from 38 +/- 3 to 53 +/- 5 mmHg in 93-day fetuses and from 55 +/- 5 to 77 +/- 8 mmHg in 132-day fetuses without a decrease in arterial O(2) content. These 40% increases in arterial pressure are close to the maximum hypertension reported for physiological stresses at these ages in fetal sheep. No significant increases in the brain transfer coefficient of aminoisobutyric acid were detected in any brain region in dopamine-treated fetuses compared with saline controls at 0.6 or 0.9 gestation. There was also no significant increase in cortical water content with dopamine infusion at either age. We conclude that a 40% increase in mean arterial pressure during dopamine infusion in normoxic fetal sheep does not produce substantial BBB disruption or cerebral edema even as early as 0.6 gestation.  相似文献   

Chronic early gestational chorioamnionitis is associated with development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants. A single intra-amniotic exposure to endotoxin decreased alveolarization and reduced expression of endothelial proteins in 125-day gestational age preterm lambs. We hypothesized that prolonged exposure to intra-amniotic endotoxin would cause progressive lung inflammation and inhibit alveolar and pulmonary vascular development. Endotoxin (1 mg/day) or saline was administered via an intra-amniotic osmotic pump from 80 to 108 days of gestational age (continuous pump) or by four weekly 10-mg intra-amniotic endotoxin injections starting at 100 days of gestational age (multiple dose). Lung morphometry, lung inflammation, vascular effects, and lung maturation were measured at delivery. The continuous pump lambs delivered at 100 days (approximately 70% of total endotoxin exposure) had lung inflammation, fewer saccules, and decreased endothelial proteins endothelial nitric oxide synthase and VEGF receptor 2 expression compared with controls. The continuous pump (delivered at 138 days) and multiple dose lambs (delivered at 130 and 145 days) had mild persistent lung inflammation and no significant differences in lung morphometry or expression of endothelial proteins compared with controls. Surfactant saturated phosphatidylcholine pool sizes were increased in all endotoxin-exposed groups, but lung function was not changed relative to controls. Contrary to our hypothesis, a prolonged fetal exposure to intra-amniotic endotoxin caused mild persistent inflammation but did not lead to progressive structural abnormalities in lungs of near-term gestation lambs.  相似文献   

Flow limitation in liquid-filled lungs is examined in intact rabbit experiments and a theoretical model. Flow limitation ("choked" flow) occurs when the expiratory flow reaches a maximum value and further increases in driving pressure do not increase the flow. In total liquid ventilation this is characterized by the sudden development of excessively negative airway pressures and airway collapse at the choke point. The occurrence of flow limitation limits the efficacy of total liquid ventilation by reducing the minute ventilation. In this paper we investigate the effects of liquid properties on flow limitation in liquid-filled lungs. It is found that the behavior of liquids with similar densities and viscosities can be quite different. The results of the theoretical model, which incorporates alveolar compliance and airway resistance, agrees qualitatively well with the experimental results. Lung compliance and airway resistance are shown to vary with the perfluorocarbon liquid used to fill the lungs. Surfactant is found to modify the interfacial tension between saline and perfluorocarbon, and surfactant activity at the interface of perfluorocarbon and the native aqueous lining of the lungs appears to induce hysteresis in pressure-volume curves for liquid-filled lungs. Ventilation with a liquid that results in low viscous resistance and high elastic recoil can reduce the amount of liquid remaining in the lungs when choke occurs, and, therefore, may be desirable for liquid ventilation.  相似文献   

The effects of in vitro culture systems for sheep zygotes on subsequent fetal growth and development to day 61 and day 125 of gestation were studied. Zygotes recovered from superovulated Scottish Blackface ewes approximately 36 h after intrauterine insemination using semen from a single Suffolk sire were cultured for 5 days in (a) a granulosa cell co-culture system (co-culture); (b) synthetic oviductal fluid medium without serum (SOF-); and (c) synthetic oviductal fluid medium supplemented with human serum (SOF+). Control embryos were recovered from superovulated donor ewes at day 6 after oestrus. Embryos were transferred at day 6 to synchronous Scottish Blackface recipient ewes. In total, 146 gravid uteri were recovered, comprising 97 at day 61 (20 co-culture, 27 SOF-, 25 SOF+ and 25 control) and 49 at day 125 (13 co-culture, 8 SOF-, 6 SOF+ and 22 control) of gestation. Fetuses derived from co-cultured embryos were 14% heavier (P < 0.01) by day 61 of gestation than those derived from control embryos. Growth coefficients derived from the linear allometric equation logey = logea + b logex (where y = organ mass; x = fetal mass) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) for liver, heart, kidneys and plantaris muscle in fetuses derived from co-cultured embryos, and for liver in fetuses derived from SOF+ embryos than those for control fetuses. Fetuses derived from co-cultured embryos were 34% heavier (P < 0.001) and fetuses derived from SOF+ embryos were 18% heavier (P < 0.01) by day 125 of gestation than those derived from control embryos. Growth coefficients for liver and heart for fetuses derived from co-culture and SOF+ embryos were also significantly greater (P < 0.05) at this stage of gestation than those for control group fetuses. In contrast, allometric coefficients for these organs in fetuses derived from embryos cultured in SOF without serum supplementation were not different from those for controls. Excessive volumes of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) were observed in 23% of conceptuses derived from co-cultured embryos. In vitro embryo culture can significantly influence fetal growth and this study provides quantitative evidence of major shifts in the patterns of organ and tissue development.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate stem cell factor and c-kit gene expression and protein localization in the mesonephros and ovary of sheep fetuses at different days of gestation, using RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical procedures. At days 24 and 26 of gestation, stem cell factor mRNA and protein were present in cells throughout the developing gonad and mesonephros. From day 28 to day 40 of gestation, stem cell factor mRNA and protein became increasingly localized to the cortical region of the ovary, where most germ cells were present as actively proliferating oogonia. From day 40 to day 90 of gestation, stem cell factor mRNA and protein localization were confined mainly to the ovarian cortex. Moreover, within the cortical region, stem cell factor mRNA was low or absent where follicles were first forming and highest in the outer ovarian cortex, where germ cells were undergoing mitosis or the early stages of meiosis. In contrast, stem cell factor protein was present in newly forming follicles, as well as in mitotic and meiotic germ cells, which is consistent with the presence of both membrane-bound and soluble forms of this ligand. However, by day 90 of gestation, both stem cell factor mRNA and protein were observed in the granulosa cells of most (> 90%) primordial follicles. C-kit mRNA and protein were observed from day 24 of gestation in both germ cells and somatic cells but, with increasing gestational age, preferentially in germ cells (for example, pre-meiotic germ cells and both isolated oocytes and follicle-enclosed oocytes). C-kit protein, but not mRNA, was also observed in germ cells that were undergoing meiosis. The results indicate that the cells containing stem cell factor mRNA within the ovary up to day 90 of gestation originated from the gonadal blastema and from cells that migrated from the mesonephros before day 28 of gestation. Since stem cell factor mRNA was absent in both mesonephric cells migrating after day 28 of gestation and in regions where follicles were first forming, it is suggested that these later migrating mesonephric cells are the progenitors of the granulosa cells in the first forming follicles. In conclusion, during follicle formation, c-kit mRNA is localized to germ cells whereas c-kit, together with stem cell factor protein, is localized to both germ cells and somatic cells, consistent with the hypothesis that the presence of this receptor-ligand pair is essential to prevent apoptosis.  相似文献   

Parturition in sheep is initiated by the fetus and is preceded by a rise in fetal cortisol and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) late in gestation. In this study plasma cortisol and CBG concentrations were measured in fetal and maternal circulation from 40 days gestation to early post-partum. The fetal cortisol profile was shown to be triphasic in nature; being high in both the first and last trimester but low in the middle period of gestation. In the last trimester, total cortisol increased steadily, reaching it's highest level just prior to parturition (145 days gestation), before falling to maternal levels over the first 10 days post-partum. The changes seen in CBG concentrations throughout gestation and post-partum mirrored the triphasic nature seen in cortisol levels. CBG was significantly higher at 40, 56 and 140 days gestation than at mid-gestation (77 and 90 days). However, at 145 days gestation there was a significant fall in CBG levels. CBG levels were higher at 1 day post-partum when compared to 145 days gestation, the former rapidly falling to maternal levels over the subsequent 9 days. The maximum binding capacity at 40, 56, 70 and 90 days gestation exceeds the total serum cortisol concentration. However at 140 and 145 days gestation and 1 day post-partum the total serum cortisol exceeds the Bmax. The highest cortisol:Bmax ratio is seen at 145 days gestation due to the fall of CBG binding capacity at this time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in 12 chronically-catheterized pregnant sheep to examine the effect of prolonged hypoxaemia secondary to the restriction of uterine blood flow on fetal oxygen consumption. Surgery was performed at 115 days gestation to place a teflon vascular occluder around the maternal common internal iliac artery and for insertion of vascular catheters. Following a 5-day recovery period, uterine blood flow was reduced in 6 animals for 24 hours and in 6 animals, the occluder was not adjusted. Fetal arterial PO2 decreased from 19.9 +/- 2.0 mmHg to 12.8 +/- 2.0 mmHg and 11.0 +/- 2.0 mmHg at 1 and 24 hours respectively in the experimental group and did not change the control group. Fetal pH decreased from 7.34 +/- 0.01 to 7.25 +/- 0.03 and 7.29 +/- 0.02 at 1 and 24 hours of hypoxaemia respectively. Fetal arterial lactate concentrations remained elevated throughout the experimental period with maximum concentrations of 6.6 +/- 2.1 mmol/l being present at 4 hours compared to 1.3 +/- 0.2 mmol/l during the control period. Umbilical blood flow increased from 186 +/- 19 ml/min/kg to 251 +/- 39 ml/min/kg at 1 h of hypoxaemia and returned to 191 +/- 21 ml/min/kg at 24 h. In association with the progressive fall in oxygen delivery to the fetus, oxygen extraction increased from 0.33 +/- 0.04 to 0.43 +/- 0.04 and 0.54 +/- 0.05 at 1 and 24 hours, respectively. Overall oxygen consumption by the fetus remained unchanged from control values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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