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部分革兰氏阴性菌TonB蛋白的结构特点及作用机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:在革兰氏阴性菌内,TonB系统对环境中的重要营养物质的摄取至关重要。TonB系统由锚定在内膜的ExbB-ExbD和周质蛋白TonB组成,它为TonB依赖性外膜受体(TBDTs)提供能量,使其转运营养物质。TonB系统普遍参与了铁、血红素、维生素B12、碳水化合物及多种过渡金属元素等多种重要物质的转运过程。TonB蛋白的功能与其特殊的结构密切相关,它的结构包括起固定作用的氨基端结构域、柔韧可变的脯氨酸富集的中间结构域和与TonB依赖性受体相互作用的羧基端结构域。虽然TonB蛋白结构特点较为清晰,但 其精确作用机制尚未被完全揭示。本文综述了革兰氏阴性菌TonB依赖性的营养物质摄取、TonB蛋白的结构特点、作用机制模型及表达调控,以期为进一步研究TonB蛋白功能提供理论基础和参考。  相似文献   

The TonB protein transduces energy from the proton gradient across the cytoplasmic membrane of Gram-negative bacteria to TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors. It is a critically important protein in iron uptake, and deletion of this protein is known to decrease virulence of bacteria in animal models. This system has been used for Trojan horse antibiotic delivery. Here, we describe the high-resolution solution structure of Escherichia coli TonB residues 103-239 (TonB-CTD). TonB-CTD is monomeric with an unstructured N terminus (103-151) and a well structured C terminus (152-239). The structure contains a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet packed against two alpha-helices and an extended strand in a configuration homologous to the C-terminal domain of the TolA protein. Chemical shift perturbations to the TonB-CTD (1)H-(15)N HSCQ spectrum titrated with TonB box peptides modeled from the E.coli FhuA, FepA and BtuB proteins were all equivalent, indicating that all three peptides bind to the same region of TonB. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements demonstrate that TonB-CTD interacts with the FhuA-derived peptide with a K(D)=36(+/-7) microM. On the basis of chemical shift data, the position of Gln160, and comparison to the TolA gp3 N1 complex crystal structure, we propose that the TonB box binds to TonB-CTD along the beta3-strand.  相似文献   

Activity domains of the TonB protein   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
Escherichia coli and related Gram-negative bacteria contain an energy-coupied transport system through the outer membrane which consists of the proteins TonB, ExbB, ExbD anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane and receptors in the outer membrane. Differences in the activities of the Escherichia coli and the Serratia marcescens TonB proteins were used to identify TonB functional domains. In E. coli TonB segments were replaced by equivalent fragments of S. marcescens TonB and the activities of the resulting chimaeric proteins were determined. In addition, E. coli TonB was truncated at the C-terminal end, and point mutants were generated using bisulphite. From the results obtained we draw the following conclusions: an important site of interaction between TonB and ExbB is located in the M-terminal region of TonB within or close to the cytoplasmic membrane since an N-terminal 44-residue fragment of TonB was stabilized by ExbB and interfered with wild-type TonB activity. In addition, the activity of a TonB derivative in which histidine residue 20 was replaced by arginine was strongly reduced, and a double mutant containing arginine-7 to histidine and alanine-22 to threonine substitutions displayed an impaired uptake of ferrichrome. Furthermore, the domain around residue 160 is involved in TonB activity. S. marcescens TonB segments of this region in E. coli TonB conferred S. marcescens TonB activities, and E. coli TonB pöint mutants displayed strongly impaired activities for the uptake of colicin B and M and ferric siderophores. Plasmid-encoded tonB mutants of this region showed negative complementation of chromosomal wild-type tonB, and certain tonB mutants suppressed colicin B TonB-box mutants. Uptake of colicins required different domains in TonB, for colicin B and M around residue 160 and for colicin la, a domain closer to the C-terminal end. Tandem duplication of the E. coli (EP)X(KP) region by insertion of the S. marcescens (EP)×(KP) region (38 residues) and replacement of lysine residue 91 by glutamate did not alter TonB activity so that no evidence was obtained for this region to be implicated in receptor binding. The aberrant electrophoretic mobility of TonB was caused by the praline-rich sequence since its removal resulted in a normal mobility.  相似文献   

The ferric hydroxymate uptake (FhuA) receptor from Escherichia coli facilitates transport of siderophores ferricrocin and ferrichrome and siderophore-antibiotic conjugates such as albomycin and rifamycin CGP 4832. FhuA is also the receptor for phages T5, T1, Phi80, UC-1, for colicin M and for the antimicrobial peptide microcin MccJ21. Energy for transport is provided by the cytoplasmic membrane complex TonB.ExbB.ExbD, which uses the proton motive force of the cytoplasmic membrane to transduce energy to the outer membrane. To accomplish energy transfer, TonB contacts outer membrane receptors. However, the stoichiometry of TonB. receptor complexes and their sites of interaction remain uncertain. In this study, analyses of FhuA interactions with two recombinant TonB proteins by analytical ultracentrifugation revealed that TonB forms a 2:1 complex with FhuA. The presence of the FhuA-specific ligand ferricrocin enhanced the amounts of complex but is not essential for its formation. Surface plasmon resonance experiments demonstrated that FhuA.TonB interactions are multiple and have apparent affinities in the nanomolar range. TonB also possesses two distinct binding regions: one in the C terminus of the protein, for which binding to FhuA is ferricrocin-independent, and a higher affinity region outside the C terminus, for which ferricrocin enhances interactions with FhuA. Together these experiments establish that FhuA.TonB interactions are more intricate than originally predicted, that the TonB.FhuA stoichiometry is 2:1, and that ferricrocin modulates binding of FhuA to TonB at regions outside the C-terminal domain of TonB.  相似文献   

The TonB-dependent energy transduction system couples cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force to active transport of iron-siderophore complexes across the outer membrane in Gram-negative bacteria. In Escherichia coli, the primary players known in this process to date are: FepA, the TonB-gated transporter for the siderophore enterochelin; TonB, the energy-transducing protein; and two cytoplasmic membrane proteins with less defined roles, ExbB and ExbD. In this study, we report the per cell numbers of TonB, ExbB, ExbD and FepA for cells grown under iron-replete and iron-limited conditions. Under iron-replete conditions, TonB and FepA were present at 335 +/- 78 and 504 +/- 165 copies per cell respectively. ExbB and ExbD, despite being encoded from the same operon, were not equimolar, being present at 2463 +/- 522 and 741 +/- 105 copies respectively. The ratio of these proteins was calculated at one TonB:two ExbD:seven ExbB under all four growth conditions tested. In contrast, the TonB:FepA ratio varied with iron status and according to the method used for iron limitation. Differences in the method of iron limitation also resulted in significant differences in cell size, skewing the per cell copy numbers for all proteins.  相似文献   

TonB is a protein prevalent in a large number of Gram-negative bacteria that is believed to be responsible for the energy transduction component in the import of ferric iron complexes and vitamin B12 across the outer membrane. We have analyzed all the TonB proteins that are currently contained in the Entrez database and have identified nine different clusters based on its conserved 90-residue C-terminal domain amino acid sequence. The vast majority of the proteins contained a single predicted cytoplasmic transmembrane domain; however, nine of the TonB proteins encompass a ∼290 amino acid N-terminal extension homologous to the MecR1 protein, which is composed of three additional predicted transmembrane helices. The periplasmic linker region, which is located between the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain, is extremely variable both in length (22–283 amino acids) and in proline content, indicating that a Pro-rich domain is not a required feature for all TonB proteins. The secondary structure of the C-terminal domain is found to be well preserved across all families, with the most variable region being between the second α-helix and the third β-strand of the antiparallel β-sheet. The fourth β-strand found in the solution structure of the Escherichia coli TonB C-terminal domain is not a well conserved feature in TonB proteins in most of the clusters. Interestingly, several of the TonB proteins contained two C-terminal domains in series. This analysis provides a framework for future structure-function studies of TonB, and it draws attention to the unusual features of several TonB proteins. Byron C. H. Chu and R. Sean Peacock contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

TonB protein couples cytoplasmic membrane electrochemical potential to active transport of iron-siderophore complexes and vitamin B12 through high-affinity outer membrane receptors of Gram-negative bacteria. The mechanism of energy transduction remains to be determined, but important concepts have already begun to emerge. Consistent with its function, TonB is anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane by its uncleaved amino terminus while largely occupying the periplasm. Both the connection to the cytoplasmic membrane and the amino acid sequences of the anchor are essential for activity. TonB directly associates with a number of envelope proteins, among them the outer membrane receptors and cytoplasmic membrane protein ExbB. ExbB and TonB interact through their respective transmembrane domains. ExbB is proposed to recycle TonB to an active conformation following energy transduction to the outer membrane. TonB most likely associates with the outer membrane receptors through its carboxy terminus, which is required for function. In contrast, the novel prolinerich region of TonB can be deleted without affecting function. A model that incorporates this information, as well as tempered speculation, is presented.  相似文献   

The ability of gram-negative bacterial cells to transport cobalamin and iron-siderophore complexes and their susceptibility to killing by some bacteriophages and colicins are characteristics routinely used to assay mutations of proteins in the TonB-dependent energy transduction system. These assays vary greatly in sensitivity and are subject to perturbation by overexpression of TonB and, perhaps, other proteins that contribute to the process. Thus, the choice of assay and the means by which a potential mutant is expressed can greatly influence the interpretation and recognition of a given mutant. In the present study, we expressed TonB at several different quantified levels in cells that were then subjected to a panel of assays. Our results suggest that it is reasonable to regard the assays as having windows of sensitivity. Thus, while no single assay satisfactorily spans the potential range of TonB activity, it is evident that certain assays are better suited for resolving small deviations from wild-type levels of activity, with others most useful when activity levels are very low. It is apparent from the results that the application of all possible assays to the characterization of new mutants will yield the most meaningful results.  相似文献   

For uptake of ferrichrome into bacterial cells, FhuA, a TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor of Escherichia coli, is required. The periplasmic protein FhuD binds and transfers ferrichrome to the cytoplasmic membrane-associated permease FhuB/C. We exploited phage display to map protein-protein interactions in the E. coli cell envelope that contribute to ferrichrome transport. By panning random phage libraries against TonB and against FhuD, we identified interaction surfaces on each of these two proteins. Their interactions were detected in vitro by dynamic light scattering and indicated a 1:1 TonB-FhuD complex. FhuD residue Thr-181, located within the siderophorebinding site and mapping to a predicted TonB-interaction surface, was mutated to cysteine. FhuD T181C was reacted with two thiol-specific fluorescent probes; addition of the siderophore ferricrocin quenched fluorescence emissions of these conjugates. Similarly, quenching of fluorescence from both probes confirmed binding of TonB and established an apparent KD of approximately 300 nM. Prior saturation of the siderophorebinding site of FhuD with ferricrocin did not alter affinity of TonB for FhuD. Binding, further characterized with surface plasmon resonance, indicated a higher affinity complex with KD values in the low nanomolar range. Addition of FhuD to a preformed TonB-FhuA complex resulted in formation of a ternary complex. These observations led us to propose a novel mechanism in which TonB acts as a scaffold, directing FhuD to regions within the periplasm where it is poised to accept and deliver siderophore.  相似文献   

The TonB system of Gram-negative bacteria appears to exist for the purpose of transducing the protonmotive force energy from the cytoplasmic membrane, where it is generated, to the outer membrane, where it is needed for active transport of iron siderophores, vitamin B12 and, in pathogens, iron from host-binding proteins. In this review, we bring the reader up to date on the developments in the field since the authors each wrote reviews in this journal in 1990.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic membrane protein TonB couples the proton electrochemical potential of the cytoplasmic membrane to transport events at the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The amino-terminal signal anchor of TonB and its interaction with the cytoplasmic membrane protein ExbB are essential to this process. The TonB signal anchor is predicted to form an alpha-helix, with a conserved face comprised of residues Ser(16), His(20), Leu(27), and Ser(31). Deletion of either Ser(16) or His(20) or of individual intervening but not flanking residues rendered TonB inactive and unable to assume a proton motive force-dependent conformation. In vivo formaldehyde cross-linking experiments revealed that the ability of this subset of mutants to form a characteristic heterodimer with ExbB was greatly diminished. Replacement of residues 17-19 by three consecutive alanines produced a wild type TonB allele, indicating that the intervening residues (Val, Cys, and Ile) contributed only to spacing. These data indicated that the spatial relationship of Ser(16) to His(20) was essential to function and suggested that the motif HXXXS defines the minimal requirement for the coupling of TonB to the cytoplasmic membrane electrochemical gradient. Deletion of Trp(11) resulted in a TonB that remained active yet was unable to cross-link with ExbB. Because Trp(11) was demonstrably not involved in the actual cross-linking, these results suggest that the TonB/ExbB interaction detected by cross-linking occurred at a step in the energy transduction cycle distinct from the coupling of TonB to the electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   

Import-defective colicin B derivatives mutated in the TonB box   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
The pore-forming colicin B is taken up into Escherichia coli by a receptor and TonB-dependent process. The receptor and colicin B both contain a similar amino acid sequence, close to the N-terminal end, termed the TonB box. Point mutations were introduced into the TonB-box region of the colicin B structural gene cba resulting in colicin B derivatives which were partially or totally inactive against E. coli cells. All derivatives still bound to the receptor. An inactive derivative killed cells when translocated across the outer membrane by osmotic shock treatment, and formed pores in planar lipid bilayer membranes identical to the wild-type colicin. Some of the mutations were partially suppressed by mutations in the tonB structural gene. It was concluded that the TonB-box mutations define a region that is involved in the uptake of colicin B across the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to describe an in vivo assay of the interactions taking place in the Tol-Pal or TonB-ExbB-ExbD envelope complexes in the periplasm of Escherichia coli and between them and colicins or g3p protein of filamentous bacteriophages. Domains of colicins or periplasmic soluble domains of Tol or TonB proteins can be artificially addressed to the periplasm of bacteria by fusing them to a signal sequence from an exported protein. These domains interact specifically in the periplasm with the Tol or TonB complexes and disturb their function, which can be directly detected by the appearance of specific tol or tonB phenotypes. This technique can be used to detect new interactions, to characterize them biochemically and to map them or to induce tol or tonB phenotypes to study the functions of these two complexes.  相似文献   

The active transport of iron siderophores and vitamin B(12) across the outer membrane (OM) of Escherichia coli requires OM transporters and the potential energy of the cytoplasmic membrane (CM) proton gradient and CM proteins TonB, ExbB, and ExbD. A region at the amino terminus of the transporter, called the TonB box, directly interacts with TonB Q160 region residues. R158 and R166 in the TonB Q160 region were proposed to play important roles in cocrystal structures of the TonB carboxy terminus with OM transporters BtuB and FhuA. In contrast to predictions based on the crystal structures, none of the single, double, or triple alanyl substitutions at arginyl residues significantly decreased TonB activity. Even the quadruple R154A R158A R166A R171A mutant TonB still retained 30% of wild-type activity. Up to five residues centered on TonB Q160 could be deleted without inactivating TonB or preventing its association with the OM. TonB mutant proteins with nested deletions of 7, 9, or 11 residues centered on TonB Q160 were inactive and appeared never to have associated with the OM. Because the 7-residue-deletion mutant protein (TonBDelta7, lacking residues S157 to Y163) could still form disulfide-linked dimers when combined with W213C or F202C in the TonB carboxy terminus, the TonBDelta7 deletion did not prevent necessary energy-dependent conformational changes that occur in the CM. Thus, it appeared that initial contact with the OM is made through TonB residues S157 to Y163. It is hypothesized that the TonB Q160 region may be part of a large disordered region required to span the periplasm and contact an OM transporter.  相似文献   

The TonB and TolA proteins are energy transducers that couple the ion electrochemical potential of the cytoplasmic membrane to support energy-dependent processes at the outer membrane of the gram-negative envelope. The transfer of energy to these transducers is facilitated by energy-harvesting complexes, which are heteromultimers of cytoplasmic membrane proteins with homologies to proton pump proteins of the flagellar motor. Although the cognate energy-harvesting complex best services each transducer, components of the complexes (for TonB, ExbB and ExbD; for TolA, TolQ and TolR) are sufficiently similar that each complex can imperfectly replace the other. Previous investigations of this molecular cross talk considered energy-harvesting complex components expressed from multicopy plasmids in strains in which the corresponding genes were interrupted by insertions, partially absent due to polarity, or missing due to a larger deletion. These questions were reexamined here using strains in which individual genes were removed by precise deletions and, where possible, components were expressed from single-copy genes with native promoters. By more closely approximating natural stoichiometries between components, this study provided insight into the roles of energy-harvesting complexes in both the energization and the stabilization of TonB. Further, the data suggest a distinct role for ExbD in the TonB energy transduction cycle.  相似文献   

Transforming the dilemma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How does natural selection lead to cooperation between competing individuals? The Prisoner's Dilemma captures the essence of this problem. Two players can either cooperate or defect. The payoff for mutual cooperation, R, is greater than the payoff for mutual defection, P. But a defector versus a cooperator receives the highest payoff, T, where as the cooperator obtains the lowest payoff, S. Hence, the Prisoner's Dilemma is defined by the payoff ranking T > R > P > S . In a well‐mixed population, defectors always have a higher expected payoff than cooperators, and therefore natural selection favors defectors. The evolution of cooperation requires specific mechanisms. Here we discuss five mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation: direct reciprocity, indirect reciprocity, kin selection, group selection, and network reciprocity (or graph selection). Each mechanism leads to a transformation of the Prisoner's Dilemma payoff matrix. From the transformed matrices, we derive the fundamental conditions for the evolution of cooperation. The transformed matrices can be used in standard frameworks of evolutionary dynamics such as the replicator equation or stochastic processes of game dynamics in finite populations.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic membrane proteins ExbB and ExbD of the Escherichia coli TonB system couple cytoplasmic membrane protonmotive force (pmf) to TonB. TonB transmits this energy to high-affinity outer membrane active transporters. ExbD is proposed to catalyze TonB conformational changes during energy transduction. Here, the effect of ExbD mutants and changes in pmf on TonB proteinase K sensitivity in spheroplasts was examined. Spheroplasts supported the pmf-dependent formaldehyde cross-link between periplasmic domains of TonB and ExbD, indicating that they constituted a biologically relevant in vivo system to study changes in TonB proteinase K sensitivity. Three stages in TonB energization were identified. In Stage I, ExbD L123Q or TonB H20A prevented proper interaction between TonB and ExbD, rendering TonB sensitive to proteinase K. In Stage II, ExbD D25N supported conversion of TonB to a proteinase-K-resistant form, but not energization of TonB or formation of the pmf-dependent formaldehyde cross-link. Addition of protonophores had the same effect as ExbD D25N. This suggested the existence of a pmf-independent association between TonB and ExbD. TonB proceeded to Stage III when pmf was present, again becoming proteinase K sensitive, but now able to form the pmf-dependent cross-link to ExbD. Absence or presence of pmf toggled TonB between Stage II and Stage III conformations, which were also detected in wild-type cells. ExbD also underwent pmf-dependent conformational changes that were interdependent with TonB. These observations supported the hypothesis that ExbD couples TonB to the pmf, with concomitant transitions of ExbD and TonB periplasmic domains from unenergized to energized heterodimers.  相似文献   

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