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This study was conducted to investigate the uptake of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) from contaminated soil using Melastoma malabathricum L. species. The cultivated plants were exposed to As and Pb in separate soils for an observation period of 70 days. From the results of the analysis, M. malabathricum accumulated relatively high range of As concentration in its roots, up to a maximum of 2800 mg/kg. The highest accumulation of As in stems and leaves was 570 mg/kg of plant. For Pb treatment, the highest concentration (13,800 mg/kg) was accumulated in the roots of plants. The maximum accumulation in stems was 880 mg/kg while maximum accumulation in leaves was 2,200 mg/kg. Only small amounts of Pb were translocated from roots to above ground plant parts (TF < 1). However, a wider range of TF values (0.01–23) for As treated plants proved that the translocation of As from root to above ground parts was greater. However, the high capacity of roots to take up Pb and As (BF > 1) is indicative this plants is a good bioaccumulator for these metals. Therefore, phytostabilisation is the mechanism at work in M. malabathricum's uptake of Pb, while phytoextraction is the dominant mechanism with As.  相似文献   

Flowers that have heteromorphic stamens (heterantherous flowers) have intrigued many researchers ever since the phenomenon was discovered in the 19th century. The morphological differentiation in androecia has been suggested as a reflection of "labor division" in pollination in which one type of stamens attracts pollina-tors and satisfies their demand for pollen as food and the other satisfies the plant's need for safe gamete dispersal. The extent and patterns of stamen differentiation differ notably among taxa with heterantherous flowers. Seven species with heteromorphic stamens in three genera were sampled from Leguminosae and Melastomataceae, and the morphological difference of androecia, pollen content, pollen histochemistry and viability, pollen micro-morphology, as well as the main pollinators were examined and compared. Pollen number differs significantly between stamen sets of the same flower in most species investigated, and a correlation of pollen number and anther size was substantiated. Higher pollen viabilities were found in the long (pollinating) stamens of Senna alata (L.) Roxb. and S. bicapsularis (L.) Roxb. Dimorphic pollen exine ornamentation is reported here for the first time in Fordiophytonfaberi Stapf. The height of stigma and anther tips of the long stamens in natural conditions was proved to be highly correlated, supporting the hypothesis that they contact similar areas of the pollinator's body.  相似文献   

异型雄蕊植物花内雄蕊的分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowers that have heteromorphic stamens (heterantherous flowers) have intrigued many researchers ever since the phenomenon was discovered in the 19th century. The morphological differentiation in androecia has been suggested as a reflection of "labor division" in pollination in which one type of stamens attracts pollinators and satisfies their demand for pollen as food and the other satisfies the plant's need for safe gamete dispersal. The extent and patterns of stamen differentiation differ notably among taxa with heterantherous flowers. Seven species with heteromorphic stamens in three genera were sampled from Leguminosae and Melastomataceae, and the morphological difference of androecia, pollen content, pollen histochemistry and viability, pollen micro- morphology, as well as the main pollinators were examined and compared. Pollen number differs significantly between stamen sets of the same flower in most species investigated, and a correlation of pollen number and anther size was substantiated. Higher pollen viabilities were found in the long (pollinating) stamens of Senna alata (L.) Roxb. and S. bicapsularis (L.) Roxb. Dimorphic pollen exine ornamentation is reported here for the first time in Fordiophytonfaberi Stapf. The height of stigma and anther tips of the long stamens in natural conditions was proved to be highly correlated, supporting the hypothesis that they contact similar areas of the pollinator's body.  相似文献   

Aims In heterantherous plants, 'division of labor' among structurally different stamens, i.e. pollinating and feeding functions, has been thought to reduce the evolutionary conflict of relying on pollen both as the carrier of male gametes and as the food for pollinators. The key to successful division of labor among different sets of stamens is the size match between stamens and legitimate pollinators, which results in the precise deposition of pollen onto specific locations on pollinator's body and facilitates cross pollination. However, the potential impact of small illegitimate insects that are ubiquitous during the pollination process on the plant reproduction in heterantherous species has been largely neglected in previous studies and never been demonstrated experimentally.Methods Here, we investigated the functions of three different types of stamens in Commelina communis. The pollinator visitation, pollen removal and deposition were compared among flowers with different types of anthers emasculated at two natural populations. Moreover, the mating systems of C. communis in wild populations were estimated using microsatellite markers.Important findings Our data showed that the main floral visitors for C. communis at the two studied populations were small illegitimate bees rather than legitimate pollinators, accounting for 77.5 and 92.2% of total flower visits, respectively. Flower manipulations in C. communis demonstrated that the two types of brightly yellow stamens separately functioned as 'deceptive attraction' and 'feeding' functions. Although the brown inconspicuous stamens of C. communis with the largest amount of fertile pollen had the potential function in offering pollen for cross pollination, the high ratio of illegitimate visitation by small bees significantly affected the dispersal and deposition of pollen from the pollinating anthers, and subsequently decreased the levels of outcrossing (t m = 0.23–0.32) in wild populations. Our work further confirmed that the size match between pollinators and the floral morphology is the prerequisite to successfully fulfill the functional differentiation among different sets of stamens in heterantherous plants. Local high ratio of illegitimate visitation by size unmatched insects could significantly weaken the potential functions of heteranthery, affecting the dispersal and deposition of functional pollen in heterantherous plants and further the whole mating systems.  相似文献   

Enantiostyly is a form of reciprocal herkogamy, in which floral morphs present reciprocal differences in the position of sexual elements, and occurs in monomorphic and dimorphic forms. This polymorphism maximises cross‐pollination and reduces self‐pollination, being very common within the subtribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae). Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the functionality of enantiostyly, particularly in this plant group. The present study aimed to investigate enantiostyly and its functionality in Chamaecrista ramosa, a monomorphic enantiostylous shrub, in an area of coastal vegetation in northeast Brazil. Pollen deposition and capture on the body of floral visitors, the relationship of these data with floral biology and breeding system, and morph ratio were evaluated. Pollen deposition and capture occurred in specific sites of the floral visitor body, showing the functionality of enantiostyly. The floral architecture, associated with the floral visitor behaviour, resulted in indirect pollen deposition on the floral visitor body. This occurred through a loop made by the pollen upon the inner petal surface, similar that generally reported for other Cassiinae. Chamaecrista ramosa is self‐compatible, although no fruit set was observed through spontaneous self‐pollination. The occurrence and number of floral morphs was similar within clumps. Enantiostyly seems to be advantageous for this species, as it results in efficient pollen capture and deposition, reduces the chances of autogamy and maximises intermorph pollen flow.  相似文献   

  • Naturalists Fritz and Hermann Müller hypothesised that heteranthery often leads to a division of labour into ‘feeding’ and ‘pollinating’ stamens; the latter often being as long as the pistil so as to promote successful pollination on the bees’ back. In many buzz‐pollinated species of Senna, however, the so‐called pollinating stamens are short and not level with the stigma, raising the question of how pollen is shed on the bees’ back. Here we explore a mechanism called ‘ricochet pollination’. We test whether division of labour is achieved through the interaction between short lower stamens and strongly concave ‘deflector petals’.
  • We studied the arrangement and morphology of the floral organs involved in the ricochet pollination, functioning of the flowers through artificial sonication and observed the interactions between bees and flowers in the field.
  • The middle stamens are adapted to eject pollen downwards, which can be readily collected on the bee mid legs. Most of the pollen is ejected towards the deflector petal(s). Pollen from this set of stamens is more likely to contribute to pollination. The pollen grains seem to ricochet multiple times against the deflector petals to eventually reach the bee's back.
  • The pollen ricochet mechanism promotes a division of labour by involving additional floral organs, such as petals, reinforcing the Müllers’ division‐of‐labour hypothesis. However, alternative, non‐multiexclusive hypotheses could be explored in genus Senna and other angiosperm species.

Selection on flowers has often been viewed as being particularly strict, constant, and responsible for species differences. Impatiens pallida and I . capensis flowers fit snugly around bees, leading one to expect a close relationship between floral morphology and pollination success. My studies on the amount of pollen removed from androecia and deposited on stigmas in single visits by bumblebees did not confirm this supposition. Trimming off parts of the floral vestibule with scissors and gluing in pleats had very little effect on die amount of pollen that bees moved. In reciprocal transfer experiments, flowers from different populations sometimes differed in the amount of pollen moved, but when the two species were compared in sympatry, pollen removal and deposition differed hardly at all. A comparison of the relationship between pollen movement and floral morphology among 15 populations showed that, although there was great heterogeneity in die amount of pollen moved, the observed differences were independent of floral morphology. None of this supports a belief in strong selection that fine-tunes the mechanical fit between bee and flower; selection for visitation success based on pollinator behaviour may have a much stronger influence on floral characters.  相似文献   

Pollen dynamics of bumble-bee visitation on Echium vulgare   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1. We quantified pollen deposition on the stigma, pollen removal from the anthers and pollen losses in Echium vulgare , visited by workers of Bombus terrestris under controlled conditions. We used dye as a pollen analogue. Bumble-bees were trained to visit a sequence of non-emasculated flowers to estimate pollen carryover and to visit individual flowers to estimate pollen loss.
2. Carryover of pollen grains and dye particles between flowers was similar, which justifies using dye as a pollen analogue. On average 93·8% of the dye particles on the bee were carried over to the next flower. Only a small fraction of the pollen grains was deposited on the stigma (0·15%). A much larger fraction (6·1%) was lost in another way: passively during flight, through grooming or on floral parts other than the stigma. The bees removed 44% of the pollen grains from a fresh flower and 50·3% of this removed pollen adhered to the bee.
3. We predict that, using the parameters mentioned above, during a single visit to a newly opened flower, a bee collects an amount of pollen grains which will bring about 60% geitonogamous self-pollination in the next flower visited. The expected percentage of self-pollination is considerably less if bees visit flowers that have been visited before.  相似文献   

* Here we investigated the beneficial effect of aluminium (Al) on the development of the Al accumulating plant Melastoma malabathricum. * Seedlings of M. malabathricum were cultivated in a nutrient solution containing 0.5 mM Al and compared with barley (Hordeum vulgare). In addition, roots of M. malabathricum were divided into one part growing in a nutrient solution, and the other part growing in a calcium solution. Al (0.5 mM) was applied to either solution. * Al-induced improvements of the root activity contributed to a growth enhancement in M. malabathricum. Al exposure without nutrients did not increase root growth and Al accumulation in the leaves. The beneficial effect, however, was induced by the combination of Al and nutrients. * We suggest that without nutrients roots are not able to synthesize an adequate amount of citrate that is required for transporting Al to the leaves. High Al levels in the plant tissues and/or an interaction of Al with particular nutrient elements in the apoplast of root cells appear to be essential to exert the beneficial effect of Al.  相似文献   

Abstract Under a semi-natural setting the between-morph pollen exchange patterns were studied in distylous Primula sieboldii flowers by measuring pollen removal from the anthers on a single visit by a Bombus diversus tersatus queen, and stigmatic pollen deposition along the sequence of the visitation of the opposite-morph flowers by the bee. Despite the twofold larger number of pollen grains produced in a single flower of the long-styled morph compared to that of the short-styled morph, no significant difference in pollen removal from a flower was found between the morphs. The stigmas of the long-styled morph received significantly more opposite-morph pollen grains than those of the short-styled morph on a single visit by the bee. Sufficient legitimate pollen grains, surpassing the ovule number, were loaded on the stigmas of 27% and 17% of visited flowers of the long- and short-styled morphs, respectively. The short-styled morph could more efficiently donate pollen to the opposite morph stigmas than the long-styled morph.  相似文献   

The Al accumulation mechanisms in an Al accumulator plant, Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastoma), was investigated. Al was located in the upper epidermal cells and also distributed in mesophyll cells in leaf sections. In root sections, Al was found in all the root tissues, particularly in the epidermis and endodermis. Al concentrations in young leaves, mature leaves, old leaves, and roots were 8.0, 9.2, 14.4, and 10.1 mg g1, respectively. Approximately 45% of total Al in oldest leaves, and approximately 60% of total Al in leaves of other positions and roots were extracted in Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.0). Since Al in the residual parts was mostly dissolved in hot 0.5 M H2SO4 containing 2% cetyl trimethylammonium bromide, residual Al seemed to consist mainly of monomeric Al and Al bound to pectic substances and hemicellulose. Al in the Tris-HCl extract consisted of non-monomeric Al (complexed form). Oxalate concentration in the Tris-HCl extract in leaves was significantly higher in the +Al treatment than in the –Al treatment and there was a positive correlation between the Al concentration and oxalate concentration. 27Al NMR spectrum of fresh leaves indicated the presence in the order of monomeric Al, Al-oxalate, Al-(oxalate)2, and Al-(oxalate)3 in intact leaves.  相似文献   

光果甘草生殖生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对光果甘草的花部特征、花粉活力、柱头可授性和花粉-胚珠比(P/O)进行了初步研究.结果表明:(1)光果甘草雄蕊异型,雌雄蕊异位,有利于避免自花授粉;(2)开花当天花粉活力在上午12:00最高,为91.8%,14:00迅速下降,16:00到达最低,16:00以后逐渐上升;(3)柱头可授性可持续4 d,以开花当天可授性最强;(4)花粉-胚珠比(P/O)为1 751.1±217.002,表明其繁育系统类型为兼性异交.  相似文献   

The pollination efficiency hypothesis has long been proposed as an explanation for interspecific variation in pollen–ovule (P:O) ratios. However, no empirical study on P:O ratios has directly and quantitatively measured pollen transfer efficiency (PE). Here, we use a PE index, defined as the proportion of pollen grains removed from anthers that are subsequently deposited on conspecific stigmas, as a direct and quantitative measure of PE. We investigated P:O ratios, pollen removal and pollen deposition in 26 plant species in an alpine meadow, over three consecutive years. Our community survey showed that nearly 5% of removed pollen was successfully deposited on conspecific stigmas. The PE index ranged from 0.01% up to 78.56% among species, and correlated negatively with the P:O ratio across years. This correlation was not changed by controlling for phylogenetic relationships among species, suggesting that the interspecific variation in P:O ratios can be attributed to the probability of pollen grains reaching a stigma. The results indicate that the pollination efficiency hypothesis can help to explain interspecific variation in P:O ratios.  相似文献   

Studies on the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in adult social Hymenoptera have focused on the regulation of two fundamental aspects of colony organization: reproductive division of labor between queens and workers and age-related division of labor among workers. JH acts as a gonadotropin in the primitively eusocial wasp and bumble bee species studied, and may also play this role in the advanced eusocial fire ants. However, there is no evidence that JH acts as a traditional gonadotropin in the advanced eusocial honey bee or in the few other ant species that have recently begun to be studied. The role of JH in age-related division of labor has been most thoroughly examined in honey bees. Results of these studies demonstrate that JH acts as a “behavioral pacemaker,” influencing how fast a worker grows up and makes the transition from nest activities to foraging. Hypotheses concerning the evolutionary relationship between the two functions of JH in adult eusocial Hymenoptera are discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:559–583, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Not all visitors to flowers are pollinators and pollinating taxa can vary greatly in their effectiveness. Using a combination of observations and experiments we compared the effectiveness of introduced honeybees with that of hummingbirds, native bees and moths on both the male and female components of fitness of the Andean shrub Duranta mandonii (Verbenaceae). Our results demonstrated significant variation among flower visitors in rates of visitation, pollen removal ability and contribution to fruit set. This variation was not always correlated; that is, taxa that regularly visited flowers did not remove the most pollen or contribute to fruit set. Despite the taxonomic diversity of visitors, the main natural pollinators of this shrub are large native bees, such as Bombus spp. Introduced honeybees were found to be as effective as native bees at pollinating this species. Duranta mandonii has high apparent generalization, but low realized generalization and can be considered to be a moderate ecological generalist (a number of species of large bees provide pollination services), but a functional specialist (most pollinators belong to a single functional group). The present study has highlighted the importance of measuring efficiency components when documenting plant–pollinator interactions, and has also demonstrated that visitation rates may give little insight into the relative importance of flower visitors.  相似文献   

The honey bee Apis mellifera L. is a crucial insect in the agricultural industry and natural ecosystem by being a major pollinator. Nevertheless, honey bee population has been recently facing a decline. Among the several factors responsible for this decline, deformed wing virus (DWV) is considered a primary cause that negatively affects honey bee health. DWV is a cosmopolitan honey bee pathogen and causes morphological disadvantages in individual honey bees and colony collapse. Regarding the horizontal transmission of DWV, in addition to Varroa destructor, a well-known major vector of DWV, flowers have recently been implied as a transmission route. Therefore, in this study, we detected DWV from various substances, including flowers, honey bee feces, pupa, larva, nurse bee, surface of nurse bee, pollen collected by forager bee, and forager bee samples in four strawberry greenhouses, which could suggest the potential for the horizontal transmission of DWV in the semi-field condition. We also detected DWV in pollen collected by DWV-negative forager bees, implying that flowers can serve as a potential source of virus infection. These findings suggest that the surrounding environment such as shared floral sources affects the spread of DWV.  相似文献   

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