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Larvae of the saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, were reared individually on meridic diets from hatching to adult emergence at 32±0·25°C and 75±5% r.h. On diets devoid of l-isoleucine or of l-valine, these larvae developed little, if at all, and died before reaching the larval-pupal ecdysial stage. Graded concentrations of l-isoleucine up to 6·0 mg/g or of l-valine up to 5·0 mg/g increased the rate of development and survival of this insect. Concentrations of either amino acid beyond these levels was neither beneficial nor harmful to O. surinamensis, in terms of rate of development or survival.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Adults of Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera, Silvanidae) placed in an open arena containing a refuge showed a cyclic pattern of activity in light, dark (LD) cycles when food in the form of damaged wheat grains was placed in the arena outside the refuge. Placing food in the refuge reduced cyclic change and lowered the general activity of the beetles. Batches of fifty insects conditioned in LD 9:15 h or 15:9 h at 25°C , 65% r.h., and transferred to continuous darkness (DD) at the end of a photophase, showed a circadian rhythm of foraging activity of periodicity near 24 h. Those transferred to continuous light at the end of a scotophase showed a 6 h delay in the onset of the next peak of activity, but subsequent peaks, although damped, revealed a periodicity near that in DD. The mean number of beetles wandering in the arena ranged from about eight in LD 15:9 h with all food in the refuge to about twenty-one in LD 9:15 h with all food in the arena.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Antennae of the saw-toothed grain beetle ( Oryzaephilus surinamensis L.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy to determine the fine structure and distribution of sensilla. Seven morphologically different sensilla types are distinguished. Mechanoreceptor hairs account for over 68% of all sensilla. Mechanoreceptors are also found in conjunction with contact chemo-receptors; this dual function is demonstrated by electrophysiological recordings. Three different types of olfactory chemoreceptor are found, accounting for 26% of all sensilla, plus two sensilla types with possible hygro/thermo-receptor functions. Counts show the numbers of chemo-receptors to be small, though this many simply reflect the small size of these beetles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The effects of insect age, sex, mated state and culture density on the attraction of adult saw-toothed grain beetles, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae), to sources of food odour and synthetic aggregation pheromone were investigated. In single-insect behavioural assays, insect age affected the attraction to the food odour, but not to the synthetic aggregation pheromone. Conversely, there were sexual differences in the attraction to the aggregation pheromone, but not to the food odour. The effects of the same factors on the antennal response to food odour and synthetic pheromone were also investigated, using the electroantennogram (EAG) technique. Insect age affected the EAG response to food odour, but not to the synthetic pheromone. There were no sexual differences in the EAG responses to either food odour or synthetic pheromone.
The correlation of factors affecting both behavioural and antennal responses, and the possible role of changes in peripheral olfactory receptor sensitivity in the modulation of behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

The sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), is an extremely destructive pest of packaged consumer food products. The beetle is not believed to chew directly through packaging materials, but to use openings or flaws in damaged or improperly sealed packages to gain entry. We investigated the behavioral mechanisms by which the sawtoothed grain beetle infests packages with flaws. Significantly more sawtoothed grain beetles infested consumer food packages that had been punctured with 0.4 mm diameter holes, to simulate packaging flaws that preclude adults, than when packages had no flaws. In a test arena, females laid more eggs into or near the hole in a plastic packaging film, when they were able to contact the food through the hole than when they could not contact the food. First instar larvae placed either 1 mm or 1 cm away entered holes when food was present, indicating that packages could become infested if eggs were laid near holes. In the absence of food, neither adults nor larvae responded to holes. This study has shown the importance of sound packaging in preventing insect infestation.  相似文献   

The quantitative dietary requirements for cholesterol and choline of Trogoderma granarium were investigated. The ‘cholesterol-sparing’ activity of several sterols and substituents for choline were also studied. Cholesterol in amounts of 0·031 and 0·062 mg/g diet did not support growth. Two mg cholesterol/g diet gave optimal growth. Lanosterol, isocholesterol, 6-ketocholesterol, and cholecalciferol did not act as sparing sterols in the presence of 0·015 and 0·03 mg cholesterol/g diet. Cholesteryl methyl ether and cholesteryl chloride inhibited the growth of Trogoderma larvae in the presence of normally sufficient amounts of cholesterol. Choline was shown to be essential in the diet and the growth of the larvae was directly proportional to the amount of choline. Optimal growth was obtained at a level of 50 μg choline/g diet. Choline could be only poorly substituted by triethanol amine, γ-butyrobetaine, and carnitine.  相似文献   

The relationship of size of test arena, number of holes in a grain probe trap body and capture of the sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), was determined in simulated field tests conducted in an outdoor screen enclosure exposed to natural temperature fluctuations. Polyvinylchloride (PVC) probe bodies were attached to electronic sensor heads, and insect captures were recorded electronically using an electronic grain probe insect counter (EGPIC) system. In comparisons among PVC probe trap bodies with 60, 132, 252, and 492 holes, tested at 18 insects per kilogram in 4.5, 17, and 40 kg of soft wheat in cylindrical arenas (10.2, 20.3, and 30.5 cm in diameter, respectively), number of holes in the probe trap body had no effect on insect capture, but percentage of insects recovered was indirectly related to size of the test arena. Periodicity of insect capture was determined using the time-stamp data that were recorded by the EGPIC system. Circadian rhythm was observed in the periodicity of the capture that corresponded to foraging activity peaks documented for sawtoothed grain beetles, with activity peaks occurring early in the scotophase. There were shifts in times of peak activity among the different test arena sizes that corresponded to differences in temperature in the grain mass. Increases in both temperature and contact between insects and grain probe in the smallest arenas resulted in higher capture of sawtoothed grain beetles. This research documents additional important factors when evaluating capture of sawtoothed grain beetles in grain probe traps.  相似文献   

Oryzaephilus mercator and O. surinamensis are stored grains and processed food pests, the latter being responsible for major economical losses. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to analyse esterase patterns during insect development. Seven esterases, three cholinesterases, two carboxylesterases and two acetylesterases, were identified in O. mercator, one of which was proper to adults. Five esterases, of which four were cholinesterases, occurred in O. surinamensis. Strains of O. mercator and O. surinamensis were also exposed to malathion and chlorpyrifos-methyl. According to the LC50 estimates, OmLC-M and OmLA strains of O. mercator and OsLB strain of O. surinamensis were the most resistant to both insecticides. However, higher sensitivity to malathion and chlorpyrifos-methyl has also been verified in some of its esterases. Cholinesterases OmEST-1 and OsEST-5 seem to be involved in this resistance. These results suggest that organophosphate tolerance may be related to genetic variability in esterase isoenzymes.  相似文献   

From a hexane extract of wheat flour infested by the sawtoothed grain beetle [Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.); Coleoptera; Silvanidae], two compounds having arrestive activity were isolated and identified as 13-oxo-cis-9-octadecenoic acid and 15-oxo-cis-11-icosenoic acid.  相似文献   

We evaluated knockdown caused by four insecticides: alpha-cypermethrin, chlorfenapyr, pirimiphos-methyl and fipronil against adults of Tribolium confusum Jacquelin Duval, the confused flour beetle and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), the sawtoothed grain beetle. Bioassays were conducted on concrete and metal surfaces. Adults of the tested species were exposed on both surfaces treated with the above insecticides at two doses (low and high). Knockdown assessment was done after 15, 30 and 60 min of adult exposure in the treated surfaces. Also, after 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 d of exposure, a lethality index was calculated with an equation resulting to values from 0 to 100, where 100 indicated complete mortality and 0 complete survival. We also developed a lethality index by ranking each adult on each surface from 0 to 4, 0: adults moved normally, 1: adults were knocked down, but were able to walk for short intervals, 2: adults were knocked down and unable to walk, but with visible movement of antennae etc., 3: adults were knocked down, with very minimal movement of the tarsi and the antennae and 4: adults were dead (no movement). Knockdown of adults immediately after exposure (15–60 min) was higher for pirimiphos-methyl followed by alpha-cypermethrin, for both dose rates tested and species, but only on the metal surface. The lethality index was nearly 100 for all insecticides after 5d of exposure for O. surinamensis, while for T. confusum the adult lethality index was considerably lower for alpha-cypermethrin, suggesting that that recovery from knockdown occurred. Chlorfenapyr was the only insecticide that was more effective on concrete than on metal, while the reverse was noted for the other three insecticides. These results show that knockdown has different levels, which can be used as indicators of insect mortality or recovery.  相似文献   

Observations on behavioural activity involved in the host selection by secondary pests of stored grains, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Tribolium confusum J. du Val, with respect to intact and mechanically or naturally damaged kernels are reported. Our results indicate that the attraction of secondary pests is facilitated by broken grain kernels, which resulted from either mechanical damage during harvesting and/or binning procedures, or the feeding activity of primary insect pests. Insect damaged kernels were more attractive to O. surinamensis, T. castaneum and T. confusum than whole kernels; in addition insect damaged kernels elicit more attractiveness than mechanically split kernels. The damage caused by primary pests, such as Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) and Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus), on whole kernels may facilitate colonization by secondary pests, which continue damaging the cereals. O. surinamensis, T. castaneum and T. confusum utilize the grain volatile odours to distinguish whether the grain kernels of the stored cereals are damaged mechanically or by insects.  相似文献   

Plodia interpunctella and Oryzaephilus surinamensis are found in food storehouses including dates and palm storages. The current study aimed to determine competition and overlap potentials of the two pests of date fruits. Time series models were used to study two species populations and logistic growth model to estimate the effect of density of the species. The results revealed the environmental capacities of O. surinamensis and P. interpunctella were 433 and 1610 (maximum number per 20 g), respectively, and the population growth rates (r) were 1.2 and 1.3, respectively. Ecological balances of the two species were close to each other from the first to the third week. The population of O. surinamensis decreased in the fourth week of the competition. The highest population balance of the two species was in the 14th week. The potential of exploitable ecological niches (eij) and the amount of non-exploited ecological niches by any species (zij) for O. surinamensis was higher than for P. interpunctella from the 8th week untill the end of sampling period. The overlap of ecological niches in the two species (D) ranged from 0.94 to 1, indicating a complete overlap of temporal activity in the two populations on date palm. The current results of this study can be used by integrated pest management specialists. Information over the effects of species competition on population dynamics and their coexistence can be used to predict population status and to adopt simple pest control methods.  相似文献   

The acetylcholinesterase, carboxylesterase, and cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activities of three strains of Oryzaephilus srinamensis (L.) were examined to better understand biochemical mechanisms of resistance. The three strains were VOS49 and VOSCM, selected for resistance to malathion and chlorpyrifos-methyl, respectively, and VOS48, a standard susceptible strain. Cross-resistance to malathion and chlorpyrifos-methyl was confirmed in VOS49 and VOSCM. Acetylcholinesterase activity was not correlated to resistance among these strains. VOS49 and VOSCM showed elevated levels of carboxylesterase activity based on p-nitrophenylacetate, alpha-naphthyl acetate, or beta-naphthyl acetate substrates. PAGE zymograms showed major differences in caboxylesterase isozyme banding among strains. VOSCM had one strongly staining isozyme band. A band having the same Rf-value was very faint in VOS48. The VOS49 carboxylesterase banding pattern was different from both VOSCM and VOS48. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity was based on cytochrome P450 content, aldrin epoxidase activity, and oxidation of organophosphate insecticides, all elevated in resistant strains. The monooxygenase activity varied with insecticide substrate and resistant strain, suggesting specific cytochromes P450 may exist for different insecticides. The monooxygenase activity of the VOS49 strain was much higher with malathion than chlorpyrifos-methyl as substrates, whereas VOSCM monooxygenase activity was higher with malathion than chlorpyrifos-methyl as substrates. Results are discussed in the context of resistance mechanisms to organophosphate insecticides in O. surinamensis.  相似文献   

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