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Projections of future climate suggest increases in global temperatures that are especially pronounced in winter in cold‐temperate regions. Thermal insulation provided by snow cover to litter, soil, and overwintering plants will likely be affected by changing winter temperatures and might influence future species composition and ranges. We investigated effects of changing snow cover on seed germination and sapling survival of several cold‐temperate tree species using a snow manipulation approach. Post‐winter seed germination increased or decreased with increasing snow cover, depending on species; decreased seed germination was found in species that characteristically disperse seed in summer or fall months prior to snowfall. Post‐winter sapling survival increased with increasing snow cover for all species, though some species benefitted more from increased snow cover than others. Sapling mortality was associated with root exposure, suggesting the possibility that soil frost heaving could be an important mechanism for observed effects. Our results suggest that altered snow regimes may cause re‐assembly of current species habitat relationships and may drive changes in species’ biogeographic range. However, local snow regimes also vary with associated vegetation cover and topography, suggesting that species distribution patterns may be strongly influenced by spatial heterogeneity in snow regimes and complicating future projections.  相似文献   

In temperate portions of North America, some bats that remain active during winter undergo short periods of hibernation below leaf litter on the forest floor during episodes of below-freezing weather. These winter roosts may provide above-freezing conditions, but the thermal conditions under leaf litter are unclear. Further, little is known of the relationship between temperatures under litter and potential energy expenditure by bats. Therefore, I characterized thermal conditions below leaf litter, compared temperatures encountered under different litter depths, and evaluated the quality of these sites as hibernacula based on potential energy use by eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) during winter in forests of the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, USA. Over an averaged 24-h period, there was no significant difference in temperature among different depths of leaf litter, but temperatures under litter remained significantly warmer than air temperatures, especially during nighttime and under snow cover. Temperatures below leaf litter were significantly warmer on south-facing slopes than north-facing slopes, but predicted metabolic rates did not differ among aspects. Predicted metabolic rates of eastern red bats were lowest under the deepest leaf litter measured (8 cm) and highest under ambient air conditions. Depending on depth of leaf litter cover, predicted energy savings based on O2 consumption from roosting under litter were 1.9 to 3.1 times greater than remaining in ambient air during periods of freezing weather and around 5.6 times greater when roosting under leaf litter with snow cover. A model for predicted total energy consumption (estimated as the total oxygen consumption during a 24-h period) by eastern red bats indicated that when roosting below leaf litter, energy consumption would be reduced with greater ground temperatures, greater leaf litter moisture, and when located on south-facing slopes. Predicted metabolic rates and total energy consumption may provide more insight on the quality of roost sites for wintering bats than temperature of roost sites alone.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were measured over a period of 3 years at the sub-alpine Swiss CARBOMONT site Rigi Seebodenalp. Here we show, that winter respiration contributes larger than expected to the annual CO2 budget at this high altitude, rich in belowground organic carbon grassland (7–15% C by mass). Furthermore the contribution of winter emissions to the annual CO2 budget is highly dependent on the definition of “winter” itself. Cumulative winter respiration determined over a 6 month period from 15th of October until 15th of April contributed 23.3 ± 2.4 and 6.0 ± 0.3% to the annual respiration during the years under observation, respectively. The insulation effect of snow and a lowering of the freezing point caused by high concentrations of soil organic solutes prevented the soil from freezing. These conditions favored higher soil temperatures resulting in relatively high respiratory losses. The duration of snow cover and micrometeorological conditions determining the photosynthetic activity of the vegetation during snow-free periods influenced the size and the variability of the winter CO2 fluxes. Seasonal values are strongly influenced by the days at the end and the beginning of the defined winter period, caused by large variations in length of periods with air temperatures below freezing. Losses of CO2 from the snow-covered soil were highest in winter 2003/2004. These high losses were partially explained by higher temperatures in the topsoil, caused by higher air temperatures just before snowfall. Thus, losses are not a consequence of higher soil temperatures registered during the summer heat wave 2003. However, water stress in summer 2003 might have caused an increment in dead organic matter in the soil providing additional substrate for microbial respiration in the following winter. Although considerable day-to-day fluctuations in snow effluxes were recorded, no conclusive and generally valid relationship could be found between CO2 losses from the snow pack and snow depth, rate of snow melt, wind speed or air pressure. This suggests that time lags and hysteresis effects may be more important for understanding winter respiration than concurrent environmental conditions in most ecosystems of comparable type.  相似文献   

Climate change is disproportionately impacting mountain ecosystems, leading to large reductions in winter snow cover, earlier spring snowmelt and widespread shrub expansion into alpine grasslands. Yet, the combined effects of shrub expansion and changing snow conditions on abiotic and biotic soil properties remains poorly understood. We used complementary field experiments to show that reduced snow cover and earlier snowmelt have effects on soil microbial communities and functioning that persist into summer. However, ericaceous shrub expansion modulates a number of these impacts and has stronger belowground effects than changing snow conditions. Ericaceous shrub expansion did not alter snow depth or snowmelt timing but did increase the abundance of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and oligotrophic bacteria, which was linked to decreased soil respiration and nitrogen availability. Our findings suggest that changing winter snow conditions have cross-seasonal impacts on soil properties, but shifts in vegetation can modulate belowground effects of future alpine climate change.  相似文献   

We used snow fences and small (1 m2) open‐topped fiberglass chambers (OTCs) to study the effects of changes in winter snow cover and summer air temperatures on arctic tundra. In 1994, two 60 m long, 2.8 m high snow fences, one in moist and the other in dry tundra, were erected at Toolik Lake, Alaska. OTCs paired with unwarmed plots, were placed along each experimental snow gradient and in control areas adjacent to the snowdrifts. After 8 years, the vegetation of the two sites, including that in control plots, had changed significantly. At both sites, the cover of shrubs, live vegetation, and litter, together with canopy height, had all increased, while lichen cover and diversity had decreased. At the moist site, bryophytes decreased in cover, while an increase in graminoids was almost entirely because of the response of the sedge Eriophorum vaginatum. These community changes were consistent with results found in studies of responses to warming and increased nutrient availability in the Arctic. However, during the time period of the experiment, summer temperature did not increase, but summer precipitation increased by 28%. The snow addition treatment affected species abundance, canopy height, and diversity, whereas the summer warming treatment had few measurable effects on vegetation. The interannual temperature fluctuation was considerably larger than the temperature increases within OTCs (<2°C), however. Snow addition also had a greater effect on microclimate by insulating vegetation from winter wind and temperature extremes, modifying winter soil temperatures, and increasing spring run‐off. Most increases in shrub cover and canopy height occurred in the medium snow‐depth zone (0.5–2 m) of the moist site, and the medium to deep snow‐depth zone (2–3 m) of the dry site. At the moist tundra site, deciduous shrubs, particularly Betula nana, increased in cover, while evergreen shrubs decreased. These differential responses were likely because of the larger production to biomass ratio in deciduous shrubs, combined with their more flexible growth response under changing environmental conditions. At the dry site, where deciduous shrubs were a minor part of the vegetation, evergreen shrubs increased in both cover and canopy height. These changes in abundance of functional groups are expected to affect most ecological processes, particularly the rate of litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and both soil carbon and nitrogen pools. Also, changes in canopy structure, associated with increases in shrub abundance, are expected to alter the summer energy balance by increasing net radiation and evapotranspiration, thus altering soil moisture regimes.  相似文献   

Climate change will likelyresult in warmer winter temperatures leading toless snowfall in temperate forests. Thesechanges may lead to increases in soil freezingbecause of lack of an insulating snow cover andchanges in soil water dynamics during theimportant snowmelt period. In this study, wemanipulated snow depth by removing snow for twowinters, simulating the late development of thesnowpack as may occur with global warming, toexplore the relationships between snow depth,soil freezing, soil moisture, and infiltration.We established four sites, each with two pairedplots, at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest(HBEF) in New Hampshire, U.S.A. and instrumentedall eight plots with soil and snow thermistors,frost tubes, soil moisture probes, and soillysimeters. For two winters, we removed snowfrom the designated treatment plots untilFebruary. Snow in the reference plots wasundisturbed. The treatment winters (1997/1998 and1998/1999) were relatively mild, withtemperatures above the seasonal norm and snowdepths below average. Results show the treatedplots accumulated significantly less snow andhad more extensive soil frost than referenceplots. Snow depth was a strong regulator ofsoil temperature and frost depth at all sites.Soil moisture measured by time domainreflectometry probes and leaching volumescollected in lysimeters were lower in thetreatment plots in March and April compared tothe rest of the year. The ratio of leachatevolumes collected in the treatment plots tothat in the reference plots decreased as thesnow ablation seasons progressed. Our data showthat even mild winters with low snowfall,simulated by snow removal, will result inincreased soil freezing in the forests at theHBEF. Our results suggest that a climate shifttoward less snowfall or a shorter duration ofsnow on the ground will produce increases insoil freezing in northern hardwood forests.Increases in soil freezing will haveimplications for changes in soil biogeochemicalprocesses.  相似文献   

Snow is one of the most important factors in the ecology of alpine ecosystems. In Australia, both the depth and duration of snow cover have declined significantly in recent decades and this trend is projected to continue with global warming. Many small arthropods remain active throughout the winter, within a space beneath the snowpack (subnivean) where the snow's insulation creates a thermally stable environment. Using field surveys and experimental manipulation of snow depth at two locations in the Australian alpine region, we explored the diversity of winter‐active arthropods and their response to reduced snow. Individuals from 18 arthropod Orders were detected beneath the snow during winter, with Collembola, Araneae, Acari and Coleoptera accounting for 95–98% of the individuals collected. The subnivean taxa represented a distinct subset of those active outside the winter months. Removal of the snow layer increased daily temperature fluctuations, increased the number of days below freezing and raised the mean surface temperatures. Community composition was altered by snow removal, driven by changes in the numbers of two abundant springtail taxa at each location. We found a strong reduction in the abundances of both taxa at one study site, and contrasting responses (one strong positive and one strong negative) to snow removal at the second study site. Subnivean arthropod communities in Australia thus appear sensitive to snow conditions at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Climate change might alter annual snowfall patterns and modify the duration and magnitude of snow cover in temperate regions with resultant impacts on soil microclimate and soil CO2 efflux (Fsoil). We used a 5‐year time series of Fsoil measurements from a mid‐elevation forest to assess the effects of naturally changing snow cover. Snow cover varied considerably in duration (105–154 days) and depth (mean snow depth 19–59 cm). Periodically shallow snow cover (<10 cm) caused soil freezing or increased variation in soil temperature. This was mostly not reflected in Fsoil which tended to decrease gradually throughout winter. Progressively decreasing C substrate availability (identified by substrate induced respiration) likely over‐rid the effects of slowly changing soil temperatures and determined the overall course of Fsoil. Cumulative CO2 efflux from beneath snow cover varied between 0.46 and 0.95 t C ha?1 yr?1 and amounted to between 6 and 12% of the annual efflux. When compared over a fixed interval (the longest period of snow cover during the 5 years), the cumulative CO2 efflux ranged between 0.77 and 1.18 t C ha?1 or between 11 and 15% of the annual soil CO2 efflux. The relative contribution (15%) was highest during the year with the shortest winter. Variations in snow cover were not reflected in the annual CO2 efflux (7.44–8.41 t C ha?1) which did not differ significantly between years and did not correlate with any snow parameter. Regional climate at our site was characterized by relatively high amounts of precipitation. Therefore, snow did not play a role in terms of water supply during the warm season and primarily affected cold season processes. The role of changing snow cover therefore seems rather marginal when compared to potential climate change effects on Fsoil during the warm season.  相似文献   

We assessed direct and indirect effects of snow cover on litter decomposition and litter nitrogen release in alpine tundra. Direct effects are driven by the direct influence of snow cover on edaphoclimatic conditions, whereas indirect effects result from the filtering effect of snow cover on species’ abundance and traits. We compared the in situ decomposition of leaf litter from four dominant plant species (two graminoids, two shrubs) at early and late snowmelt locations using a two-year litter-bag experiment. A seasonal experiment was also performed to estimate the relative importance of winter and summer decomposition. We found that growth form (graminoids vs. shrubs) are the main determinants of decomposition rate. Direct effect of snow cover exerted only a secondary influence. Whatever the species, early snowmelt locations showed consistently reduced decomposition rates and delayed final stages of N mineralization. This lower decomposition rate was associated with freezing soil temperatures during winter. The results suggest that a reduced snow cover may have a weak and immediate direct effect on litter decomposition rates and N availability in alpine tundra. A much larger impact on nutrient cycling is likely to be mediated by longer term changes in the relative abundance of lignin-rich dwarf shrubs.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, climate warming alters temperature and precipitation regimes. During winter, a decline in insulating snow cover changes the soil environment, where especially frost exposure can have severe implications for soil microorganisms and subsequently for soil nutrient dynamics. Here, we investigated winter climate change responses in European beech forests soil microbiome. Nine study sites with each three treatments (snow exclusion, insolation, and ambient) were investigated. Long-term adaptation to average climate was explored by comparing across sites. Triplicated treatment plots were used to evaluate short-term (one single winter) responses. Community profiles of bacteria, archaea and fungi were created using amplicon sequencing. Correlations between the microbiome, vegetation and soil physicochemical properties were found. We identify core members of the forest-microbiome and link them to key processes, for example, mycorrhizal symbiont and specialized beech wood degraders (fungi) and nitrogen cycling (bacteria, archaea). For bacteria, the shift of the microbiome composition due to short-term soil temperature manipulations in winter was similar to the community differences observed between long-term relatively cold to warm conditions. The results suggest a strong link between the changes in the microbiomes and changes in environmental processes, for example, nitrogen dynamics, driven by variations in winter climate.  相似文献   

Complex non-linear relationships exist between air and soil temperature responses to climate change. Despite its influence on hydrological and biogeochemical processes, soil temperature has received less attention in climate impact studies. Here we present and apply an empirical soil temperature model to four forest sites along a climatic gradient of Sweden. Future air and soil temperature were projected using an ensemble of regional climate models. Annual average air and soil temperatures were projected to increase, but complex dynamics were projected on a seasonal scale. Future changes in winter soil temperature were strongly dependent on projected snow cover. At the northernmost site, winter soil temperatures changed very little due to insulating effects of snow cover but southern sites with little or no snow cover showed the largest projected winter soil warming. Projected soil warming was greatest in the spring (up to 4°C) in the north, suggesting earlier snowmelt, extension of growing season length and possible northward shifts in the boreal biome. This showed that the projected effects of climate change on soil temperature in snow dominated regions are complex and general assumptions of future soil temperature responses to climate change based on air temperature alone are inadequate and should be avoided in boreal regions.  相似文献   

Plant stress resulting from soil freezing is expected to increase in northern temperate regions over the next century due to reductions in snow cover caused by climate change. Within plant communities, soil spatial heterogeneity can potentially buffer the effects of plant freezing stress by increasing the availability of soil microsites that function as microrefugia. Moreover, increased species richness resulting from soil heterogeneity can increase the likelihood of stress‐tolerant species being present in a community. We used a field experiment to examine interactions between soil heterogeneity and increased freezing intensity (achieved via snow removal) on plant abundance and diversity in a grassland. Patches of topsoil were mixed with either sand or woodchips to create heterogeneous and homogeneous treatments, and plant community responses to snow removal were assessed over three growing seasons. Soil heterogeneity interacted significantly with snow removal, but it either buffered or exacerbated the snow removal response depending on the specific substrate (sand vs. woodchips) and plant functional group. In turn, snow removal influenced plant responses to soil heterogeneity; for example, adventive forb cover responded to increased heterogeneity under ambient snow cover, but this effect diminished with snow removal. Our results reveal that soil heterogeneity can play an important role in determining plant responses to changes in soil freezing stress resulting from global climate change. While the deliberate creation of soil microsites in ecological restoration projects as a land management practice could increase the frequency of microrefugia that mitigate plant community responses to increased freezing stress, the design of these microsites must be optimized, given that soil heterogeneity also has the potential to exacerbate freezing stress responses.  相似文献   

Reduced precipitation treatments often are used in field experiments to explore the effects of drought on plant productivity and species composition. However, in seasonally snow-covered regions reduced precipitation also reduces snow cover, which can increase soil frost depth, decrease minimum soil temperatures and increase soil freeze–thaw cycles. Therefore, in addition to the effects of reduced precipitation on plants via drought, freezing damage to overwintering plant tissues at or below the soil surface could further affect plant productivity and relative species abundances during the growing season. We examined the effects of both reduced rainfall (via rain-out shelters) and reduced snow cover (via snow removal) at 13 sites globally (primarily grasslands) within the framework of the International Drought Experiment, a coordinated distributed experiment. Plant cover was estimated at the species level, and aboveground biomass was quantified at the functional group level. Among sites, we observed a negative correlation between the snow removal effect on minimum soil temperature and plant biomass production the next growing season. Three sites exhibited significant rain-out shelter effects on plant productivity, but there was no correlation among sites between the rain-out shelter effect on minimum soil moisture and plant biomass. There was no interaction between snow removal and rain-out shelters for plant biomass, although these two factors only exhibited significant effects simultaneously for a single site. Overall, our results reveal that reduced snowfall, when it decreases minimum soil temperatures, can be an important component of the total effect of reduced precipitation on plant productivity.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Climate warming has the potential to increase both the exposure and vulnerability of grass roots to frost in temperate regions by reducing snow cover and altering the timing of cold acclimation. Despite a strong research focus on the direct effects of freezing on grass mortality, the direct sub-lethal effects of freezing on grass performance have not been well-characterized. We examined sub-lethal responses of the grass Poa pratensis to variation in the timing, severity, rate and length of freezing.


We assessed short term root functional responses (15N uptake) and longer term plant growth responses to freezing administered both under controlled conditions in a refrigerated incubator, and in the field by manipulating snow and litter cover.


In fall and spring, 15N uptake declined in response to 1?day of freezing down to ?10?°C or to 3?days of freezing at ?5?°C, whereas in winter, 15N uptake was insensitive to freezing. Long term growth responses were similar, with reduced growth only occurring for grasses frozen for 3?days at ?5?°C in spring, but not for grasses frozen in fall or winter. Snow and litter removal intensified soil freezing over winter, but did not significantly affect plant growth.


Our results demonstrate that while P. pratensis is relatively tolerant to frost damage over winter, it may be vulnerable to sub-lethal frost effects in fall, and particularly in spring. These sub-lethal effects occur at temperatures approximately 15–20?°C warmer than the published LT50 values for this species.  相似文献   

Climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels could increase the vulnerability of plants to freezing. We analyzed tissue damage resulting from naturally occurring freezing events in plants from a long–term in situ CO2 enrichment (+ 200 ppm, 2001–2009) and soil warming (+ 4°C since 2007) experiment at treeline in the Swiss Alps (Stillberg, Davos). Summer freezing events caused damage in several abundant subalpine and alpine plant species in four out of six years between 2005 and 2010. Most freezing damage occurred when temperatures dropped below –1.5°C two to three weeks after snow melt. The tree Larix decidua and the dwarf shrubs Vaccinium myrtillus and Empetrum hermaphroditum showed more freezing damage under experimentally elevated CO2 and/or temperatures than under control conditions. Soil warming induced a 50% die‐back of E. hermaphroditum during a single freezing event due to melting of the protective snow cover. Although we could not identify a clear mechanism, we relate greater freezing susceptibility to a combination of advanced plant phenology in spring and changes in plant physiology. The climate record since 1975 at the treeline site indicated a summer warming by 0.58°C/decade and a 3.5 days/decade earlier snow melt, but no significant decrease in freezing events during the vegetation period. Therefore, in a warmer climate with higher CO2 levels but constant likelihood of extreme weather events, subalpine and alpine plants may be more susceptible to freezing events, which may partially offset expected enhanced growth with global change. Hence, freezing damage should be considered when predicting changes in growth of alpine plants or changes in community composition under future atmospheric and climate conditions.  相似文献   

A reduction in the length of the snow‐covered season in response to a warming of high‐latitude and high‐elevation ecosystems may increase soil carbon availability both through increased litter fall following longer growing seasons and by allowing early winter soil frosts that lyse plant and microbial cells. To evaluate how an increase in labile carbon during winter may affect ecosystem carbon balance we investigated the relationship between carbon availability and winter CO2 fluxes at several locations in the Colorado Rockies. Landscape‐scale surveys of winter CO2 fluxes from sites with different soil carbon content indicated that winter CO2 fluxes were positively related to carbon availability and experimental additions of glucose to soil confirmed that CO2 fluxes from snow‐covered soil at temperatures between 0 and ?3°C were carbon limited. Glucose added to snow‐covered soil increased CO2 fluxes by 52–160% relative to control sites within 24 h and remained 62–70% higher after 30 days. Concurrently a shift in the δ13C values of emitted CO2 toward the glucose value indicated preferential utilization of the added carbon confirming the presence of active heterotrophic respiration in soils at temperatures below 0°C. The sensitivity of these winter fluxes to substrate availability, coupled with predicted changes in winter snow cover, suggests that feedbacks between growing season carbon uptake and winter heterotrophic activity may have unforeseen consequences for carbon and nutrient cycling in northern forests. For example, published winter CO2 fluxes indicate that on average 50% of growing season carbon uptake currently is respired during the winter; changes in winter CO2 flux in response to climate change have the potential to reduce substantially the net carbon sink in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

The extreme polar environment creates challenges for its resident invertebrate communities and the stress tolerance of some of these animals has been examined over many years. However, although it is well appreciated that standard air temperature records often fail to describe accurately conditions experienced at microhabitat level, few studies have explicitly set out to link field conditions experienced by natural multispecies communities with the more detailed laboratory ecophysiological studies of a small number of ‘representative’ species. This is particularly the case during winter, when snow cover may insulate terrestrial habitats from extreme air temperature fluctuations. Further, climate projections suggest large changes in precipitation will occur in the polar regions, with the greatest changes expected during the winter period and, hence, implications for the insulation of overwintering microhabitats. To assess survival of natural High Arctic soil invertebrate communities contained in soil and vegetation cores to natural winter temperature variations, the overwintering temperatures they experienced were manipulated by deploying cores in locations with varying snow accumulation: No Snow, Shallow Snow (30 cm) and Deep Snow (120 cm). Air temperatures during the winter period fluctuated frequently between +3 and −24 °C, and the No Snow soil temperatures reflected this variation closely, with the extreme minimum being slightly lower. Under 30 cm of snow, soil temperatures varied less and did not decrease below −12 °C. Those under deep snow were even more stable and did not decline below −2 °C. Despite these striking differences in winter thermal regimes, there were no clear differences in survival of the invertebrate fauna between treatments, including oribatid, prostigmatid and mesostigmatid mites, Araneae, Collembola, Nematocera larvae or Coleoptera. This indicates widespread tolerance, previously undocumented for the Araneae, Nematocera or Coleoptera, of both direct exposure to at least −24 °C and the rapid and large temperature fluctuations. These results suggest that the studied polar soil invertebrate community may be robust to at least one important predicted consequence of projected climate change.  相似文献   

Snow on land is an important component of the global climate system, but our knowledge about the effects of its changes on vegetation are limited, particularly in temperate regions. In this study, we use daily snow depth data from 279 meteorological stations across China to investigate the distribution of winter snow depth (December–February) from 1980 to 2005 and its impact on vegetation growth, here approximated by satellite‐derived vegetation greenness index observations [Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)]. The snow depth trends show strong geographical heterogeneities. An increasing trend (>0.01 cm yr?1) in maximum and mean winter snow depth is found north of 40°N (e.g. Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, and Northwest China). A declining trend (?1) is observed south of 40°N, particularly over Central and East China. The effect of changes in snow depth on vegetation growth was examined for several ecosystem types. In deserts, mean winter snow depth is significantly and positively correlated with NDVI during both early (May and June) and mid‐growing seasons (July and August), suggesting that winter snow plays a critical role in regulating desert vegetation growth, most likely through persistent effects on soil moisture. In grasslands, there is also a significant positive correlation between winter snow depth and NDVI in the period May–June. However, in forests, shrublands, and alpine meadow and tundra, no such correlation is found. These ecosystem‐specific responses of vegetation growth to winter snow depth may be due to differences in growing environmental conditions such as temperature and rainfall.  相似文献   

Vegetation, active-layer soils, and snow cover regulate energy exchange between the atmosphere and permafrost. Therefore, interactions between changes to tundra vegetation and soil thermal regime will fundamentally affect permafrost in a warmer world. We recorded soil temperatures for approximately 1 year in a Siberian Low Arctic landscape with a known history of alder (Alnus) shrub expansion on disturbed microsites in patterned ground. We recorded near-surface soil temperatures and measured physical properties of soils and vegetation on sorted-circle microsites in four stages of shrubland development: (1) tundra lacking tall shrubs; (2) shrub colonization zones; (3) mature shrublands; and (4) paludified, long-established shrublands with thick soil organic layers. Summer soil temperatures declined with increasing shrub cover and soil organic thickness; shrub colonization suppressed cryoturbation, facilitating the development of continuous vegetation and a surface organic mat on circles. Compared to open tundra, mature shrubs cooled soils by up to 9 °C during summer, but warmed soils by greater than 10 °C in winter presumably because they developed highly insulative snowpacks. Paludified shrublands had the coldest summer active layers, but winter soil temperatures were much colder than mature shrublands and were similar to earlier stages. Our results indicate that although tall shrub establishment dramatically warms winter soils within decades, much of this warming is transient at paludification-prone sites because the buildup of wet peat favors cooling in winter and the stature and snow-trapping capacity of shrubs diminish over time. In the ecosystem we studied, shrub expansion has contrasting effects on active-layer temperatures both seasonally and over longer timescales due to successional processes.  相似文献   

土壤冻融期间的温室气体排放量会显著增加,并在全年总排放量中占有重要的份额。但目前开展的土壤冻融循环模拟实验大多是在土壤冻结之前调节土壤水分含量,而忽视了雪被在整个土壤冻融过程中的作用,因此导致室内模拟研究的结果与野外原位观测的结果差异较大。为探索开展室内模拟土壤冻融实验的优化方案,采用人工浇水和覆雪两种方式调节土壤水分含量,研究了雪被和土壤水分对内蒙古典型半干旱草原土壤冻融过程中CO2和N2O排放的影响。结果表明,浇水和覆雪两种处理对冻融循环过程中土壤CO2排放影响的差异不显著,CO2排放量在消融期都会明显增加并随着冻融循环次数的增加而逐渐减小。当土壤孔隙含水率达50%左右时,浇水处理中的N2O排放量在第1次土壤冻融循环中最高并随冻融循环次数增加而降低,但在覆雪处理中,N2O在第1次冻融循环中的排放较小,而在后两次冻融循环中的排放量更为显著。造成两种处理N2O排放规律出现显著不同的原因可能是土壤剖面水分动态变化过程和微生物性状等方面的差异。土壤冻融过程中CO2和N2O排放量随土壤含水量升高而增加,但N2O在土壤含水量较低时排放不明显,这表明可能只有当土壤含水量达到一定阈值时,冻融作用才会对N2O的排放产生显著影响。这些结果显示,雪被和土壤水分显著影响土壤冻融过程中的CO2和N2O排放,室内模拟土壤冻融实验应进一步优化。  相似文献   

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